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MOONLIGHT WAS BEGINNING to spill into the den as Dovepaw finished restocking the coltsfoot supply and turned to look at Frozenfang, who let out a pained groan. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"It hurts all over. I can't tell what it is, though," Frozenfang explained through gritted teeth. "Can you check it before you leave?"

"Of course." With a glance at Badgertooth she strode over to Frozenfang. "Where does it hurt the most?"

Frozenfang winced as Dovepaw ran a careful paw along where the cobwebs were swathed. "My hindquarters and my hind legs," she answered.

"Would it be okay if I took off the cobwebs to take a look?" Dovepaw asked.

"Yes." Frozenfang's voice sounded tense as if she was bracing herself for the sting of air on an open wound.

When Dovepaw removed the cobwebs and gasped. Frozenfang turned to look and her eyes widened. "It'sโ€”it's gone! And it doesn't hurt anymore."

"Y-yeah," Dovepaw breathed. "I didn't think it would work because it didn't work on you before. . . ."

"But it does now," Frozenfang pointed out. "Maybe you can get more answers at the half-moon meeting?"

"I can try, but I doubt I'll get anything that's straight-forward," Dovepaw muttered. "StarClan is always vague."

"And that's why you're a medicine cat. To interpret those signs," Frozenfang told her assuringly. "I'm sure, if you get anything vague, you can interpret the signs."

Dovepaw sighed. "Sure, and I'm a mouse," she mewed sarcastically.

Badgertooth perked up and stepped forward. "If you're a mouse, why would I be performing your ceremony tonight?"

Dovepaw whirled around to look at him in shock. "What? Really? You really think I'm ready?"

Badgertooth nodded. "After all, it has been a while. And I think you're growing to be a fine medicine cat."

Dovepaw glanced at Frozenfang, whose eyes sparkled with joy for Dovepaw. She looked back at Badgertooth. "Wow! I can't thank you enough. We should get going soon, then, I suppose?" she asked gleefully. I can't believe it. I'll finally be a full medicine cat! I wonder what my new name will be. She felt giddy at the thought, and she fought to stay calm on the outside.

A purr of amusement rumbled in Badgertooth's throat. "Of course. Frozenfang, will you be alright until we get back?"

"More than alright," Frozenfang responded. "Good luck."


Dovepaw followed Badgertooth down the path toward the Moonpool. She saw Fawnspots and Swallowpaw up ahead, and, glancing at Badgertooth, she hurried ahead. The two WindClan medicine cats seemed to be waiting for the others. "Hey, Swallowpaw!"

Swallowpaw turned around, her amber eyes alight with joy when she saw Dovepaw. "Hi! It's been a while. Why weren't you at the Gathering?" She looked concerned as she examined Dovepaw's small, still-healing wound on her eye. "Are you okay?"

"Ohโ€”yeah, I'm fine. Just a few scrapes, that's all," Dovepaw assured her, not wanting to tell her the real truth: Spottedsong had attempted to kill her.

"Are you sure?" Swallowpaw asked. "It looks like a cat did it. Did someone attack you?" Her eyes widened as she said it.

Fox dung, Dovepaw cursed. I always forget she's just as knowledgeable as the others. Of course she can tell if it's a cat's claw or not. "No, it was just an accident." And it was. In a way. Spottedsong never meant to attack her; Moonclaw made her, as she said herself.

Swallowpaw looked slightly unconvinced, but she nodded. "Okay. I'm glad you're alright. So, any news from the past half-moon?"

Immediately Dovepaw nodded vigorously, eager to share the news. "Badgertooth told me that he would give me my medicine cat name tonight!"

Swallowpaw's eyes widened. "Whoa, really?"

"Yep! He said it himself. I'm so excited! It's been so long since I was apprenticed to him," Dovepaw explained.

"It has. Almost three seasons now, right?" Swallowpaw asked. "Congratulations!"

"I think so. And thank you! I wonder what my new name will be," Dovepaw added a little mischievously.

Swallowpaw put on her best thinking face, furrowing her brow and focusing on Dovepaw intensely as she thought about it. "Perhaps it'll be Dovecloud, after Softcloud," she suggested hopefully.

"Perhaps," Dovepaw murmured somberly. "Or maybe Doveflight. But I guess we'll see."

"Ooh! Doveflight is a good one! After Tawnyflight, right?" Swallowpaw asked, her amber eyes stretched wide.

"I wasn't thinking of that . . . but I guess. I don't really like being reminded of them. It hurts a lot," Dovepaw told her. "Oh, and also, my sister, Mousetail, is expecting kits!" She changed the subject to a happier note.

"Wow! You're full of surprises. That's great! Your Clan really needs it at a time like this. How does she feel about it?" Swallowpaw asked.

"I think she feels like the happiest she-cat in the world. And she really loves Skystorm, her mate. So I'm glad that they finally got what they always dreamed of. And what they deserve," Dovepaw explained, her heart feeling like it would burst with joy for her sister all over again.

"That's amazing. Tell her I said that I'm happy for her," Swallowpaw purred.

"I will." Dovepaw nodded.

"Oh, Mapleleaf and Fogsight are here!" Swallowpaw exclaimed, nodding to where the two medicine cats made their way to the others. "Hey . . . but where's Moonclaw? She's usually right behind them."

Dovepaw shuddered at the mention of the black-and-white she-cat. Now, after she knew what happened to Spottedsong, she had no idea how to define Moonclaw: good or bad? "I'm not sure. She's probably just running late."

"Unlikely," Mapleleaf meowed when she came over the other side of the river. "She's not usually late. It's not like her."

"Yeah, but she's also unpredictable," Fogsight grunted.

"We should just wait here for a few moments until she gets back," Badgertooth put in. "She could just be running late, like Dovepaw said. It would be unfair to leave her behind."

The other three medicine cats glanced at each other with an uncertain look on their faces. "Fine," Mapleleaf concluded. "We'll wait."

Moment after moment dragged passed, and at last Fawnspots mewed, "She's not coming. We shouldโ€”"

"Wait!" A small tabby gray she-cat, presumably an apprentice, ran across the stepping stones on the river toward the medicine cats. She skidded to a halt in front of them, panting. "Sorry for running late. I'm Fernpaw, Moonclaw's apprentice."

"So Moonclaw has an apprentice now, does she? Did she teach you about the half-moon meetings? You're causing us to waste moonlight," Fawnspots hissed.

"Calm down," Badgertooth soothed. Nodding to Fernpaw, he added, "Let's get going. You can talk then."

They began to move toward the Moonpool hollow. Fernpaw walked next to Swallowpaw and Dovepaw, hurrying to keep up with her short legs. "I came here alone because Moonclaw went missing two days ago. No one knows where she went, let alone found a trace of her scent or blood or . . . anything."

"A couple days ago?" Dovepaw echoed. Fernpaw looked around toward her and nodded hastily. Dovepaw looked at Badgertooth, who seemed to be thinking the same thing. "That was the same day that we found Spottedsong and Foxclaw! Her disappearance must be related to the attack we saw."

"I suppose you're right," Badgertooth meowed with a thoughtful expression.

"Are you saying Moonclaw was in the attack?" Fernpaw asked worriedly. "Do you think she's dead?"

"Unlikely," Dovepaw answered instantly, making Fernpaw look at her with confusion, as if she was wondering how she knew so well. "I don't think anyone would want to kill her. She probably ran away, orโ€”" Could she have gone back to MoonClan? No, she's bitter toward them. Why would she do that? Then she realized with a jolt: Unless they kidnapped her.

She remembered what Foxclaw had told her and Blizzardpelt: A group of MoonClan cats were here with Moonclaw. I don't know where they went. Dovepaw wondered if Moonclaw had come with them, but then there wasn't a reasonable explanation for her disappearance. So what if she had been kidnapped? What if MoonClan found out that she wasn't actually loyal toward them and kidnapped her to force her to do what they wanted?

"Why is it unlikely?" Fernpaw asked cautiously, freeing Dovepaw of the whirlwind of thoughts.

"Oh . . ." Things that would be better left unsaid. "Nothing. Just a guess. Let's go."

"But I need to find Moonclaw now. She's my mentor. You can tell me the truth. I just want to know," Fernpaw insisted, hurrying to Dovepaw's side.

Dovepaw cast a nervous glance at the other medicine cats, particularly Badgertooth, and knew immediately that it was better not to be said. "It's not important. Not yet."

"Not yet? What in the name of StarClan does that mean?" Fernpaw asked, daring not to stop asking questions, Dovepaw noticed with a sinking heart.

"It means that the answers will come in time," Dovepaw told her, slightly annoyed at the small cat's persistence. "I'm hiding them from you because I think you're too young."

"That's what all the older cats say! But I know that it's the exact opposite," Fernpaw mewed proudly. "I'm not a kit anymore. You can tell me anything."

Dovepaw looked at the other medicine cats as if to say Help me.

Mapleleaf stepped forward and touched the restless gray tabby's shoulder lightly with her tail. "Let's wait until we get there. Does that sound good?"

Fernpaw looked hesitant, but she mewed, "Okay." She followed the others down the spiral path to the beautiful starlit Moonpool. "Moonclaw was going to perform my apprentice ceremony tonight. Should we . . . should we delay it?" Her voice shook.

"Oh . . ." Mapleleaf glanced at the others. "One of us can do it. Moonclaw will understand."

"I was going to perform Dovepaw's naming ceremony tonight," Badgertooth put in. "Does that change anything?"

Mapleleaf gave him a thoughtful look, then looked up at the sky. Dovepaw followed her gaze. "We have enough time. I can perform it, if you like. Fernpaw's ceremony."

"Whose should we do first?" Badgertooth asked.

"Fernpaw can be first," Dovepaw told them. "I don't mind."

"Aw, that's kind of you," Mapleleaf murmured. "Alright." She stepped toward the edge of the Moonpool and turned to Fernpaw. "Fernpaw, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?"

Dovepaw was surprised when Fernpaw answered calmly, unlike most apprentices when they were apprentices. "It is."

Mapleleaf dipped her head and beckoned Fernpaw forward with a flick of her tail. "Then come forward."

Fernpaw stepped forward, her green eyes shining in the moonlight of the hollow.

Mapleleaf turned to the Moonpool, gazing up at the star-filled sky. "Warriors of StarClan, I present to you this apprentice. She has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant her your wisdom and insight so that she may understand your ways and heal her Clan in accordance with your will." She turned to Fernpaw, her amber eyes shining with pride. "You'll do great."

Fernpaw dipped her head respectfully. "Thank you."

Turning to Badgertooth, she murmured, "You may begin." With a glance at Dovepaw, she stepped back with the other medicine cats,

Badgertooth dipped her head briefly and stood in front of the Moonpool next to Dovepaw. "I, Badgertooth, medicine cat of FrostClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help she will serve her Clan for many moons. Dovepaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from Clan rivalry and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?"

It took no hesitation to respond. "I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Dovepaw, from this moment you will be known as Dovesong. StarClan honors your loving and caring nature," Badgertooth finished with a proud look at his apprentice.

Dovesong's chest swelled with pride as her new name echoed around the hollow. "Dovesong! Dovesong!" She looked at Swallowpaw, who was chanting her name the loudest. Her WindClan friend's eyes were gleaming with pride. She rushed forward to touch Dovesong's nose happily.

"You have no idea how happy I am for you!" she exclaimed. "And that name is better than Doveflight and Dovecloud," she added. "I mean, it fits you better."

"I think so," Dovesong agreed.

"Congratulations, Dovesong," Mapleleaf meowed proudly. "Let us share with StarClan," she told all of the medicine cats, taking her place beside the glittering pool.

Dovesong and Swallowpaw glanced at each other excitedly as they settled themselves beside the pool and touched the surface of the water with their noses.

Dovesong curled up at the edge of the water and closed her eyes, letting StarClan send her into dreams.

She opened her eyes again in a snowy expanse of land. Snowflakes fluttered down from the sky and landed on her white fur, sending chills through her. She looked around at the land, looking for someone to appear. She silently hoped that Moonclaw wasn't there. But then, only Fernpaw would know because only she was in RiverClan with her.

But she turned around when she heard the gentle rise and fall of paw steps. Softcloud was behind her. Dovesong's heart swelled with joy. She hadn't seen her deceased foster mother in what seemed forever. "Softcloud! It's so good to see you."

Softcloud's green eyes glittered with love for her foster daughter. "Yes. But now is not the time for catching up, I'm afraid. Great threats are rising, and it is just the right time to stop them."

"What do you mean, 'great dangers'?" Dovesong asked. "We're already in a dangerous time."

"Yes, and I will not deny that," Softcloud mewed. "You must listen closely, for I have an important message to share with you. In the rubble of what is lost, answers will be found among the ashes."

Dovesong took a moment to process what Softcloud told her. In the rubble of what is lost? What have we lost that can contain answers? "What does it mean?"

"In time you will understand. You always do. Just have faith in yourself," Softcloud told her, touching her ear with her nose in reassurance.

Maybe. But what if it's too late when I do figure it all out? What will happen then? But Dovesong had no time to ask any questions. The dream faded away into nothing and she opened her eyes in the Moonpool hollow. The rest of the medicine cats were still asleep. She took the time to think about the message. In the rubble of what is lost? What in StarClan does that mean? Does it mean the old camp? I doubt that would give me any answers. But I guess I could try. I can't think of anything else that could work.

The rest of the medicine cats were waking up now. Swallowpaw stirred beside Dovesong. "Did they visit you?" she asked quietly.

"Yes. And I'm still very confused about what they told me," Dovesong responded. "But before I tell you, I have to talk to Badgertooth about it."

They both stood up. "Okay. I get that."

Dovesong smiled at her gratefully, and turned to Badgertooth. "I was given a message. I'm not sure what it means, but I have a guess."

Badgertooth looked curious. "Would you tell it to all of us, please?"

Dovesong glanced around at the rest of the medicine cats nervously. They were all looking at her expectantly. Oh, well . . . "Softcloud told me this message: 'In the rubble of what is lost, answers will be found among the ashes."

The medicine cats glanced at each other curiously. "I wonder if that means the old territory," Badgertooth meowed thoughtfully.

"That's what I thought. But what would be there that could give us answers?" Dovesong questioned.

"Have faith. If StarClan wants you to go there, you go. No questions asked," Mapleleaf told them in her usual wise tone.

Badgertooth looked at her gratefully. "She's right. StarClan is never wrong, even if you don't see what they meant immediately. We must stay strong in our belief, even if it seems like it's not worth it."


As Dovesong followed Badgertooth into the den, Foxclaw raised his head. "Why, hello there, Dovepaw."

"I'm Dovesong now. You have no need to treat me like an apprentice," she told him, pride swelling in her chest once again.

"Well, then. Congratulations. Beautiful name, by the way. It suits you well," Foxclaw purred with a twinkle in his eye.

Dovesong shot him an annoyed look. "Excuse me? Are you flirting right now?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be with such a pretty cat like you?" Foxclaw asked with a smug look on his face, proceeding to make Dovesong angry with him.

"Would you cut that out?" Dovesong snapped. "I don't like you like that anymore."

An offended look came to Foxclaw's eyes, but Dovesong knew he was playing around. "Then why would you agree to come see me again when I'm all better again?"

Dovesong hissed quietly and glanced at Badgertooth. He was settling down in his nest. He didn't seem to hear. At that time it sounded like a fine thing to agree to, but now . . . not so much. "I did. But I didn't promise. And now I've changed my mind. Now you are just a mere patient of mine that I need to heal and send away."

Foxclaw made a tsk noise. "Pity. I thought that maybe I still had a chance with you." He paused before adding, "And why don't you use your all-powerful healing abilities for me so that you can get rid of me faster?"

"Because I don't want to satisfy you like that."

"Mhm. I am getting the feeling that you're just lying to shut me up?" Foxclaw suggested. "Because that would be a very likely answer, considering how much you growl at me to cover up your own feelings for me."

Dovesong took a deep breath to keep herself from bristling in annoyance. "That's not true. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to sleep. In my own nest." Without another word, she turned to settle down in her nest, ignoring whatever protest Foxclaw made. She couldn't help but suppress a shudder. He's just being creepy, she reminded himself. But I just have to stay strong. I have a vague message to worry about.

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