꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 50

Wishing on a sky
Wishing on a scar
If It'll there's the moonlight
I wouldn't want to wake up

Akira Pov part 2

"What exactly is it, Obasan?" Shivers ran up your spine.

She took a deep breath, her eyes wet with unshed tears, and said, "...I...I know your parents, and I know what happened to them almost fifteen years ago?"

You gasp...


"What!!! Y...you know my parents Obasan Ichika?" you look at her with visible shock. Why...?How?

You jump up in disbelief.

Obasan Ichika looks deflated,and a deep sadness cross over her face," Yes Kira ..my child..just sit down and...I will tell you what I know?"

You feel paralyzed by the sudden revelation,, but slowly, your eyes are widely fixed on Ichika.

"Why didn't you tell me...where are they...why did they abandon me?' you look flabbergasted and puzzled at the same time. Tears well up in your eyes. Didn't they want you?

"They throw me away...they..they didn't want me?" you look at the sad face of Obasan.

She quickly shifts next to you and gives you a tight side hug." No my Watashi no on'nanoko (my girl). You got it all wrong. Your parents loved you so much...they didn't have a choice. My daughter Ren and your mom Akari* were best friends."

You look at her with wide eyes," Really?'

She sighed deeply and stood up, standing sadly at the window, she turned to you, and she could understand your puzzled expression with lots of unanswered questions.

" It all started when you were four years old. Your father was a smart, soft-spoken, and somewhat reserved scientist. He was a chemical engineer, and your mother worked as an undercover investigator alongside Ren." She shook her head as she remembered the painful memories.

You exhale a sigh."My father was a scientist, and my mother was a cop."

She took a long breath and looked at you. "Yes... your father was abducted in his lab by a very deadly underground gang." These gangs traffic in drugs such as heroin, opium, and cocaine. There was also a new drug that they were working on that required the expertise of a chemical scientist. The police department hired your mother to go undercover and rescue your father, who had been held for about five months. Ren and her husband, a cop, gain all the information from your mom, who became their informant...but something happened before the scheduled drug bust into this gang's operation. There was a mole in the police force.---"

You look very shocked," Someone sold them out to the gang." Oh my gosh.

"Yes...your mom and dad got all the information, your dad put all this new drug processing into a file, and he hid it away..or he gave to someone they trust. The bust was scheduled for after two days. But---two days before the bust, your parents got safely out and decided to fly back to Osaka where they planned to start a new life...but that fateful night.Ren was looking after you at their house while your parents are at work. They're all planning to escape that night on a private charter arranged by the police. They'd be in a safe house with witness protection."

"Oh my gosh, Blimey!!!"Didn't they get away?" You appeared astounded beyond belief. It sounds like a scene from a Hollywood mafia film.

"Unfortunately...but Ren grabbed you and hid you in a secret room with a lattice window at your parents' request. She was quick because the house was being invaded at the same moment. That night, your parents were tortured and murdered. Ren was never able to recover from the horror she witnessed. You were there when your parents were killed by a sword." Her eyes welled up with sorrow.

You sobbed uncontrollably. No wonder you'd dreamed for years of people being murdered, a dark room, blood splatters on the lattice window, and a hand covering your lips so you wouldn't scream. You were having night terrors after night terrors. Your foster parents took you to various therapists, but none of them could explain your dreams. You now understand what those dreams were about.

" Ren and her husband took care of you...but what you didn't know is that you have an older brother and sister--" she grinned at your surprised expression.

"I have a family? Siblings? Are they still alive?" your heart is pounding faster. You've got a family. Wow!

"They did, my dear, live with your grandparents in Osaka.They were between the ages of twelve and thirteen. Your parents were concerned for their safety and sent them to your mothers' parents. Ren and Haru took care of you for a year. Nobody knew about their involvement, but their deaths were discovered one unlucky day in a forest near a crash. --A light aircraft had a faulty engine, and according to reports, they were killed in that crash...but I knew it was foul play," she said, her face sad." I discovered a letter from Ren in my mailbox, dated a week before their death, begging me to hide you away. I had to take you to your grandparents or, if that was too risky. Hide you in plain sight in an orphanage and keep all your files under your mother's surname, Sagami. She went undercover as Sukura Tanaka...the leader of the gang was looking for you and your siblings. Your grandparents were also warned to the potential threat and abruptly left Japan, settling in Denmark for years. I was the only one who knew you'd been placed in the Crystal Creek Home's care."

"So my family never looked for me...they just forgot about me?' You appear glum since you know your family doesn't care about you.

"They did, but the police had a report that you were killed in the crash with your foster parents. The case is closed. I was the only one who knew where you were and was always on the watch for you. I promised myself that when you're old enough and out of harm's way, I'll tell you all the secrets. But you were too young...and then you were adopted by an English couple. I was overjoyed because you are no longer in danger. No, evil eyes are on you...but the gang believes your father has hidden the information in one of your belongings. Because of Ren, they are continuously harassing me for information regarding your parents' things." Ichika sighs as she looks into your worried eyes.

"Why do they want me?" You've got a terrified expression.

"To be honest, I have no idea what they're searching for...Ren's house, as well as your family's home, was ransacked from top to bottom." She appeared calculating at first.

"What kind of belongings did your new foster parents bring with them?" she inquired.

Your brow furrows, "Clothing, necklaces, all my stuffed animals, and posters of J-POP stars...all. that's When my new parents and I moved to London, they got me new stuff. I don't have anything out of the usual in my possession. And I donated most of my old belongings to the orphanage and to my friend Umine, who was adopted two years before me."

"Maybe it is still somewhere hidden in your old house. Your mom was very clever, and your dad was a scientist."

"Where are my siblings now?" You asked with interest.

Ichika smiled," They are here in Tokyo. They are still in search of you...but we all prayed that you would come back and who would've known after 9years you'd be back on your birth soil. I'm so glad you grew up well, and you look so happy." She tightly embraced you again.

"Thank you for watching over me all those years, Ichika and Ren and Haru included. They risk their lives for me. Do you have the addresses of my sibling...I would love to meet them.? "You asked with a hopeful tone.

"Your sister Aimi* and your brother Toma can't wait to meet you. They will be so delighted to know you are well. Unfortunately, the orphanage didn't want to disclose your adoption, and we had to hope you'd return after your 18 years." She stood up and opened a drawer to retrieve a small booklet. She wrote some numbers down. The excitement started to bubble in your stomach. You are so nervous. Will they like you? Accept you? You are were so tired of being rejected that you hope they will eagerly embrace you as their sister.

It had been almost an hour. Ichika escorted you down to the basement to eat. Kenichi appeared concerned, but when he saw you, you gave him a thumbs up. When he saw your delighted expression, he smiled.

"You chuffed (happy). Are you glad you met your obasan "He gave you a gentle hug? You give a nod.

"I am,...On the way to Crystal Creek, I'll tell you ", you said quietly. It was time for you and Kenichi to say your goodbyes. You're hoping to discover more about your past. Perhaps in a file including all of the things you brought with you to London. You're curious as to what the gang wants from you.

"Please be cautious... I'm not sure if the Orphanage is also keeping an eye out for your return. So, please be cautious." Ichika hugged you both and kissed you on the cheek. "Be cautious and don't tell anyone why you're there. Just tell anyone is still there that you came to say "hi." As Kenichi winked at the girl behind the desk, she murmured in your ear.

"I will...thank you very much. Now that I know who my parents are, I'm content "You said in hushed tones.

"Your siblings will be able to have more information. They really missed you. Exercise caution and alertness." She smiled and offered you her phone numbers so you could call her whenever you wanted and come back to Tokyo.

You greeted her and all the others.

Kenichi grinned," The Japanese chicks are so cute. I hope my soulmate will be a Jap." he waggled his eyes at you. You just snicker at him. You walked down the street and quickly got in an Uber taxi.

You and Kenichi looked with interest around town as you drove to the block where your Crystal Creek Home is situated. The redbrick building was massive. It seems so strange and weird after so many years. This place was your home for almost nine years. You wonder if your caregiver was still there.

You paid the driver and walked into the premises. Kenichi grinned when he showed you the trees where he and Keitaro always hide from the children they bullied.

You look at each other and hope for the best as you ring the doorbell.

The door opens, and a beautiful woman stands before you with raised eyebrows.

"Kon'nichiwa (Hello), how can I help you?" she smile at you and look at you with interest.

"Er hey...we just wanted to say "hi "to our old caregiver Ms Sato...is she available" Kenichi charmingly states while you look around the quiet hallway.

"Oh, welcome...were you, former home kids, Ah sorry.My name is Minato'* Takahashi, and I'm the new administrative assistant." She looks at you both with calculating eyes. You grin but wonder when a beautiful young woman would work in a drab institution that this, which is ready to close down.

"And what are the names of today's adorable visitors", smiled, She smiled, but it didn't resch her eyes, and, completely, leaving you wondering what was going on.

"Oh, I'm Kira, and this is Ken. We were adopted almost nine years ago, and we just visited Tokyo on a little vacation and came to say "hi" to Ms Sato." you smile your most charming smile.

"Oh, please accept my apologies. Ms Sato has the flu and is feeling ill. However, please come in and sit in the office. Five of the children were transferred to homes in Hiroshima and Yokohama yesterday, the area is somewhat abandoned. You are aware that the property has been sold to a businessman and will be converted into a technical college." She wiped her hair behind her ears with a smile. As you discover a tattoo sleeve on her arm, you furrow your brows.

Is that some kind of soulmark? Why is it so big? You follow her through several hallways until you reach the administration office. The office is also empty.

"So you've been adopted. Wow. You were quite privileged. you must be Akira Sagami and Kenichi Agawa. I believe you have a twin named Keitaro." You both exchanged shocked looks. She knows everything about you, including the twins' real surnames. You asked your foster parent about keeping your surname. Suppose your true family was looking for you one day. They owe it to you to make you feel joyful and at ease in your own skin. You didn't want to lose your entire identity.

Ms Takahashi smiled and encouraged you to relax so she could fetch you something to drink. She appeared a touch too happy for your liking. She dashed out the door, turning back to grab her cellphone.

You and Kenichi took a seat and had a look around the workplace. The floors were packed with boxes containing files. They seemed to be busy preparing for the big move and the impending closing of the home.

"Don't you feel a little weird about Ms Minato?" You ask of Kenichi, who has had a look around the office.

"I know, I know. Have you noticed her tattoos? That looks like a gang tattoo. Some of the symbols are familiar to me...this woman isn't who she claims to be." Kenichi had a skeptical expression on his face.

"We should go as soon as possible. But, Ken, I need the information. I'm going to look through the filing cabinet. Keep an eye out." You leapt to your feet and dashed to the cabinet.You jumped up and ran to the cabinet, looking for S-O labelling.

Kenichi looked wide eyes," Are you crazy!...we can get into serious trouble Kira.." he whisper-yelled.

"Ken...just keep watching, ok. I told you I'd let you know what I found out. But I need that info right now..." You open the cabinet, and your fingers scan through multiple files...Saiko, Sagawa, Saegusa..."Oh my blimey! Here is mine...Sagami. " You quickly took the file and removed all the information and placed it back again. Sorry God, for stealing. But you'll repent later. You need the file. Kenichi looks nervously out the door to see if Minato is on her way down to the office. She took the stairs.

"Kenichi ...here quickly put it in your backpack. " You hand it over to Ken, and he hurriedly places it in his bag. You went back to the cabinet and put all the file folders back. You quickly remove some loose papers from Sagawa's file and place them in your empty folder. Then you move to the other drawers and find the name Agawa. The twin's info. You do the same and quickly put it into Kenichi back. You sat down almost out of breath for the adrenaline you used.

"Oh, thank you Lord, you're done...what were you thinking, Kira?" As he sat down next to you. You text your parents and tell them you found the information and have a suspicion about Minato.

"Shut up...we didn't receive a free trip to waste. Be quiet. I can hear footsteps." You both look up as Ms Minato enters the office with a smirk. She was carrying a tray with two glasses it. You smiled as she handed you the drinks. You were a little reluctant, but you nodded and took it.

" Do you guys want to see your old rooms before you leave? I think your room is still the same Akira. The girl who uses your room was also transferred. Come. You do have time to visit a little. I hope you are not in a rush. Ws there anything you wanted to know about your past at home?"

You smile and shake your head." No, we just wanted to come and greet Ms Sato. But I would like to see my room." you grin and follow her out. But you discreetly throw your drink in one of the flower pots at the door. You signal Kenichi to do the same. When Ms Minato' turn she smiled when she saw you drink up the last droplet in your glasses. You look at Kenichi, who furrowed his brows confused at your strange behaviour.

You ascended a flight of stairs to the upper floor, which held the most of the bedrooms. When you opened your old bedroom door and saw all the soft toys you had left behind for the other girl, you were overcome with nostalgia. You're left wondering why she didn't take most of her own belongings. You saw some old story books and a teddy bear that you liked, but you already had too much stuff. You told the girl to take it.

"How come the rooms are still intact...didn't she take all her clothes?" Ms Minato', who was looking about the room, noticed you looking puzzled.

'So, we're going to pack all of the boxes, and she'll have it by next week.Is there anything here you'd like to take with you...something sentimental that you...maybe your parents gave you...like jewelry?" she asked, her face hopeful. You shook your head.

"No, I left her all of my soft toys. I don't remember anything about my parents. Ms Sato stated that I arrived with only a tiny backpack. But then I grew up and realized I didn't want it anymore, she gave it to another small child who was adopted a week later. "As if you're going to disclose any more information. You don't trust her. Your bag has came to England with you. You took it because it was too sentimental for you.

Kenichi wanted to see his dorms as you walked around. You took a closer look, and Ms Minato' received a phone call. She seemed to be agitated about something. You urge Kenichi to rush to the stairs. You need to get out of here as soon as possible. You have a bad feeling about something.

She was still on the phone with someone. You hurriedly looked at her and exclaimed, "Sorry, Ms Minato,we need to leave...we are late for our work!!"

You dash down the stairs. Ms Minato's eyes widen as she rushes behind you she was wearing high heels But, you did not wait. You rushed down the stairs, through the dark corridors, and out the door, the woman shrieking profanities behind you.

'Wait!! Akira, Kenichi, please wait...you can't leave...hell!!!" As she observed the two figures run down the parking lot to the front gate, she bent down short of breath.

She hastily dialed a number and, gasping, exclaimed, "Hiroto...they're on their way to the front gate...go get them. Don't let them go. The scientist's daughter is Akira Sagami. I believe she came seeking information but was unable to obtain it...get them or Mr Aikawa would have our heads served on a silver platter!!!"

When you and Kenichi arrived at the gate, you were out of breath. Two suspicious men were following you when two more came across the road in your direction.

"Oh Blimey Kira, these crooks are pursuing us...let ran like never before...you need to use your 100m athletic ability right now," Kenichi exclaimed. He grabbed your hands, and you ran down the street.

Something was being yelled in Japanese by the guys. But you and Kenichi didn't want to wait long to find out. You took the lead and led Ken and you through the alleys around various stores. You're familiar with all the minor hiding spots. You dashed inside a crowded clothes store, hiding behind rails with stacks of clothing.

You were panting for air,

"Blimey !!! Kira, what was it?" Trying to catch his breath, he inquired. " Those guys were expecting us. What's the huge deal?"

"I'm not sure Ken ...but I suppose it has something to do with what Ichika told me--" You told Kenichi what you discovered when you sat behind heaps of clothing.

"Oh my gosh!!! That's terrible... but at least you know your lineage... deadly one!!! Wow, incredible..., I'm really sorry Akira, but at least you have siblings." As he sat next to you, he hugged you and sensed your sadness.

"Yeah...something doesn't add up. But first, I need to find my siblings Also to look at those papers. I think the coast is clear." You swiftly rose to your feet and assisted Kenichi in getting to his feet. For this strange day, he just shook his head.

You warily peer through the open glass doors, order an Uber, and wait barely a few minutes outside, shielded by the clothing racks. You jumped in your uber as soon as you saw it.You relieved to know that you are safe for the time being. You didn't say anything in the taxi, instead of reflecting on the events of the day.

You sit back in your seat and close your eyes, exhausted. Kenichi still had rehearsals to go to. You were fortunate to have arrived on time. While Afonso and several of the dancers were in the foyer, you swiftly asked Kenichi to hand over the documents so that you could go read them


When you walked into your room, you were relieved. To settle your nerves, you decided to take a long, hot bath. You hadn't even pondered your grief, let alone Jhope and Hanbin. Your emotions were haywire and you wondered if Jhope tapped into your emotions and how did he take it.

You undress and wrap a towel around your body before tying your hair up in a messy bun. Your phone started ringing on the bed. You were about to ignore it when you decided to pick up the phone.

"Oh my gosh, Akira...are you okay?" Yoongi was frantic.

You frown, "What is it that you're talking about? everything is OK with me.'

"Oh! Thank you ..where are you?"He he sounds rushed.

"I'm about to take a nap in my bedroom. Why?" you asked, puzzled.

You heard him inhaled deeply,"Oh! great... Namjoon informed me that your soulmate was anxious. When he tapped into your emotions when we were lounging by the pool, he seemed terrified. Are you sure you're okay?"

You took a deep breath. You knew Jhope would feel strange because you'd been experiencing a variety of emotions since this morning. You can't, however, tell Yoongi where you've been.

You scoff a little, "Tell Namjoon to reassure Jhope...that I'm OK and there's no need to be concerned. He told me not to approach him...so he has no reason to be concerned. I'm not his concern." You uttered that with a bitter tone.

"Oh, Kira...you know he was in a lot of pain. We pushed him to the limit, Kira. Even if he puts us all on the silent treatment list. I'm still concerned about his well-being... Kira. He loves you and was worried...even scared." Yoongi sounded apprehensive. "Jhope was nearly sick of worrying about his soulmate, especially after hearing that you and Ken had gone out for the day. He didn't know if anything had happened to you guys...he was quite anxious Kira...are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm OK. Just tell him I'm fine and won't be joining the group for dinner. I'm exhausted and want to sleep. This trip adds to my stress...please notify Twinkie and Funsize...take care Yoongi...bye." As you switched off your phone, you signed deeply. You don't want to be disturbed tonight.

If Jhope confesses in front of you, you would believe he loves you. But for the time being, you just want to avoid him and focus on your own life, which is complicated enough. He told you not to speak to him and staying away from him, and you intend to do just that.

You're not even hungry, so you take a warm bath and put on your cosy PJs. There was a chill in the air. You even put on your fuzzy socks and went out to the living area to turn off some lights before retiring to bed. You decided to read over the papers tomorrow after arranging them. You have a lot of unanswered questions in your head, so you try to relax by watching a few Japanese animes. When I looked at the time, it was about 8 p.m.

You will never have to be concerned about your family anymore. You are now ready to rest. But you are unsure because there are many issues with your birth parents. You must contact your sibling as soon as possible before leaving for Seoul.

That night was the first time you experienced a nightmare. When you dreamed of a dark place where you and Ren could hide from the gang, your heart raced. You watched how the two people were killed with a sharp sword. A man in a nice suit was leaning over the couple whose faces were covered in blood.

Because of your worry and inner stress, you were unable to breathe. Unbeknownst to you... Your soulmate couldn't get any sleep. He sensed your agony and anxiety. He couldn't handle the emotions. It was 9 p.m. when he felt all of those conflicting emotions.

Namjoon went to bed early because both of them slept late the night before. Jhope had an awkward therapy session, but he felt relieved and was put to rest; he knows his soulmate needs him, but he doesn't know why.

He sighed and went to check on her with his keycard. He hadn't seen her all day, which gave him a great deal of anxiety and stress, even though he asked her to leave him alone. Something terrible happened to her. He was overwhelmed by her feelings and couldn't deal with them. He just now that he needs to be there for her.


Unbeknownst to you, a tall figure snuck up next to your trembling body and tenderly smoothed your damp hair, comforting you softly till your body was still and your breathing was regular. He wrapped his arms around you securely so you might sleep easily in his arms, and you instinctively slid your arms around the figure's waist. Basking in its warmth and security.

A/n I hope you like the surprise update. A big shout out to the third winner @GebreGziabeher for the name Akari Sagami- she was Akira's (Y/n 's mom)

a Shout out to @Dirsteele fifth-place winner for the name Minato- the evil admin worker

a shout out to @user00036952second place winner for the name Aimi - Y/n 's real sister

Thank you so much for your support throughout 2021.

@theya44 @Myasawesome56 @aaliyahmasen @liyalydua @mc_dream01 @EllieMay940 @HoseokWifE_7 @AlienG2121 @mochiisminebish @redhairTAEisdope

Question 1: What do you think about Akira backstory of the past ?

Question 2: Do you believe she will be happier as a result of this?

Question 3: Where do you believe the information is hidden?

Question 4: Do you believe Jhope will surrender and activate the bond now?

Question 5: Will Akira be able to avoid Jhope from now on?

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