๊ง๐Ÿฅ€โœปโ˜˜โœปโ˜˜๐ŸŒท๊ง‚Chapter 38

Always out of breath
for daydreaming...
Who knows?

Akira pov

On the second floor, you exited the elevator. In an attempt to calm your flustered face, you ran to the restroom. Luckily, no one was in the restrooms so that you could breathe freely.

It was amazing how you and Jhope were kissing each other as though you were both oases in the desert. Neither of you could get enough of the other. There was so much thirst between you two in that elevator. What did the hell happen?

Your cheeks were red from embarrassment. My gosh. The hands of yours were everywhere on his abs under his shirt. How in the world did you get the courage to touch him like that? Oh my gosh! If Sarah and Byron heard about your recent exploits, they would tease you to death.

The sight of little reddish hickies near your jawline made your eyes widen.

Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! You hyperventilated. What will you do if your family and brothers find out? Kenichi will have a field day if he sees this. Hanbin is the only friend you have, so he'll think you were busy with him.

You quickly take out your make-up bag and start applying a thick foundation to the affected area. You were like putty in your soulmate's arms. Your face turned red when you thought about how you both forgot where you were. Oh my goodness! You wanted him so much.

The heartbeat in your chest was erratic. It's not a good sign. You breathed normally, your make-up was redone, the cherry flavoured gloss on your lips was glowing, and your hair covered your neck.

There will be no one to notice. Hopefully, Jhope's shirt will cover the evidence you left under his neck and chest area. Oh gosh, he got an interview. Hopefully, he will recover and be able to do the radio interview with the youth station.

From your phone, you hear a ping. Hanbin wants to know if you're going to go to lunch and a movie. A bright smile spreads across your face as you respond to his text. He should look for you in the cafeteria.

You send Yoongi a message and tell him you'll be out for lunch with Hanbin, and you'll start the session after you get back. It's not a good idea to be at the listening party with Dove in one room. She will see right through you, and you will feel guilty for making out with the "love of her life".

She should never find out. There's a good chance that she will kill you. In the cafeteria, you sit down. Staff members are treated to a special buffet lunch, usually prepared every day. It looks delicious, but Hanbin will take you out, so you only took a bottle of water to cool yourself off. You quickly make small talk with the ladies behind the counter. It's nice that you just talk to them without making them feel inferior.

The scenery and skyscrapers caught your attention as you sat near the window. Seoul is such a bustling city. You and your parents are going to Busan to move into your apartment tomorrow. While you are away, they can enjoy the beach. Kenichi and I will go to Japan together.

You need to find out where your orphanage is in Tokyo. Your parents told you they got the information, and you hope this will shed some light on your past and allow you to move on from those disturbing dreams you've had since you were 4-5 years old.

You were even too scared to tell your parents that your night terrors had returned. They'll force you to attend therapy this time. You can't talk about something you don't understand.

A presence behind you made you smile widely as you saw Hanbin's happy face.

He patted your shoulders as he said, "Hiya, you look great. I assume your meeting with Mr Bang went well." His eyes lit up when you looked at him. Hanbin is such a wonderful friend. If FATE weren't so cruel, he would be the perfect boyfriend. Even as a husband, he would have been caring.

But now it is useless. You already feel love for your soulmate, but he can never deny it. He can never kiss you so passionately and feel nothing for you. It is evident from the marks he left on you. The more you wanted him, the more he wanted you.

"Hi, Hanbin. Yeah, it was fine. You look happy; why is that?" you raise your eyebrows. Perhaps he met a girl.

"The excitement here at the agency is always tangible for management. We'll be heading to Tokyo on Sunday evening. The boys will be performing at two Japanese shows. The backup crew is busy rehearsing." he said, sitting across from you. You sipped your water again.

"Wow, that's awesome. I have to send my documents to Ms Cheong. Luckily, I have my passport with me right now." You took it out of your expensive Chanel bag.

"I'm so glad you'll be coming with us. The medic crew is very nice, and you'll meet the in-house nurse. She is 30 years old, very mature for her age, and hails from Busan. Eric is our paramedic. He is American, but he went to school and studied in Korea. He is from Itaewon. The resident agency doctor comes in three times a week to check on the health of our boys. Dr Ji-hoon. He has a great sense of humour, but he knows his job. He lost his soulmate five years ago to cancer. He is 45 years old, and he has a thing for Ms Cheong." Hanbin smiled as he glanced down at you.

You snicker a little. Yoongi said that older men want to date the beautiful 30-something woman who is soul marked but has yet to meet her soulmate. She makes you feel sorry for her, and you don't know what is worse -- meeting the man and being rejected by him or never meeting him. If you had to choose, you'd rather be a Tarnish.

"Please give me your passport. I already have the medical teams'. I will finalise the visa requirements today. Tickets will be finalised tomorrow. The boys, senior management and a few stylists/makeup crew, will fly by charter on Sunday evening, and the dance crew, video production personnel, medics, managers, and noonas will fly on Sunday morning, first and business class," he informed as you went down the elevator to the ground level. Kenichi has a lot of opportunities ahead of him. You hope Hanbin will join you and Kenichi on the flight, but it's not likely. Hanbin is Sejin's and Hobeom's right hand. You can't wait to meet the medics.

"Will BangPd come with?" You had nervous butterflies, knowing you wouldn't be able to fulfil the bond. You won't be here on Saturday, and it will be too late on Sunday. Those are all Jhope's responsibilities. The thought of him makes you long to be in his arms.

You enjoyed every moment in his arms. In your mind, you almost wondered of uncharted territories, wondering what it might feel like for him to love you passionately. You shook your head in disbelief. It's better not to go there. This is a set-up for lifelong pain. Therefore, no!

Hanbin smiled happily as you followed behind him. You were so happy because of your friendship. Yoongi, Naledi, and Hanbin are genuinely great friends.

You and Hanbin went to a very upscale Korean BBQ restaurant in Gangnam-Gu called the Maple Tree House. It was very classy, and you felt right at home there. Your parents always took you to upscale restaurants at home, which were quite expensive.

In front of the restaurants, Hanbin has a nice parking spot. Staff members are friendly and helpful. You and Hanbin sat near a wall filled with green bottles. Then you took some selcas for Sarah and Byron.

Enjoy some black pork and pork belly pieces. You enjoy grilling your own marinated meat on the little grills that are provided for the tables. Hanbin bought some Soju, and you tasted some berry wine. In Tokyo, you promised Hanbin you would take him out to lunch when you were both free. You both had a great lunch and talked about everything.

Seeing Hanbin's worried expression, you turn your attention to him.

"What's up, Hanbin? Is something bothering you?" you furrow your brows.

In return, Hanbin coughs a little and glances at you affectionately," Y/n ...you must already realise how much I love you. Could you please tell me...how complicated is your soulmate status?"

Sadness fills your eyes. You have no idea how to tell Hanbin. He likes you. If it weren't for Jhope, you would have dated him quickly.

"I think someone at the top knows...but it's classified." You took his hand and stroked over his knuckles. Wryly smiling at him.

"Is he a high-ranking citizen?" he asked with furrowed brows.

Sadly, you nod your head and say, "We didn't complete the activation due to my soulmates' reluctance. Honestly, Hanbin, I'm tired of waiting for him. He's so terrified of loving me that he will try anything to delay or deny it." You shook your head as your eyes began to water.

"Who the heck is this dumbass, Y/N? "A peeved look was on his face. Y/N is a beautiful girl. He will date her and never let her leave his sight.

"Oh, Hanbin...you'll find out one of these days. "Even if you wanted to, you couldn't. There is no way Ms Cheong and Sejin wouldn't know about this. You don't even want to think about BTS's other members.You too scared to reveal his identity.

He asks inquiringly in your bright eyes, "Y/n are you happy?". A small smile appears on your face. There was never a time when you were indeed and madly happy. Your constant bad dreams, your birth parents, your Japanese foster parents who unexpectedly died. The orphanage you were left when you were five years old until the Wilsons adopted you and the twins when they came to Tokyo.

"I could be happier, but I'm trying to be happy. Give me time, Hanbin. After the bond is completed, I might be set free by my soulmate. Then I'll apply to be tarnished. We can talk then." you smile in his eyes. You made up your mind after the completion. Hanbin deserves a chance. The path you choose for yourself will be beautiful.

His face broke into a beaming smile as he took your hands, "I'm going to be a pleased man.". Y/n, but if your soulmate string is red gold, remember that I will always be your friend and that you can count on me. I will be there for you. "As you nod, he looks at you and says, "If you and your soulmate start to love each other...I'll step aside and let you be."

Both of you take a sip of your last drink. Hanbin wanted to know if you would be attending Jhope's exclusive listening party.

"I'm a bit tired, and I'd like to spend some time with my parents before I move into my new apartment." You told him.

He clapped his hands in glee. "Oh, my word Akira... you are going places now. Working for the Bighit medic team, working close to our boys...having your own apartment...wow!" Loud chuckles erupt from your lips.

"Sure! With you as practically my only friend here, to hang out," You giggle.

"I'm going to visit a lot of places with you, Akira" Hanbin smiled. "We are going to have some real fun."

"I don't plan to be a lonely soul in Busan. I am thankful for your friendship, Hanbin." you grin.

Both of you smile. After taking a rain check on the movie, you decide that perhaps if the two of you are free, you can go on another date in Tokyo.

Hanbin took your hand and led you to the car after paying the bill. Both of you were teasing and laughing on your way back to the agency.

As you entered the foyer, you saw Sol. I and Dove. They were on their way home to change for the party later that afternoon. When they saw you and Hanbin, their eyes were wide. He was the one whose arm was around your shoulders. Dove's eyes narrowed on both of you. Despite your rumoured relationship with Hanbin, she still feels that you and Jhope have something going on.

Dove doesn't like you, and you now realise that she still believes you are after Jhope.

Sol. I smile wide, and her dimples are so adorable. It is hard to understand how such a cute girl can be best friends with a girl so vindictive as Dove. Due to the soda event, you have realised that Dove is not a true friend, and you will stay away from her.

Dove stood with her arms folded across her chest as Hanbin grinned at the two girls.

"It looks like you guys came from lunch, so did you enjoy your "date?" Dove asked with a sneer. You snicker, and you won't ever let her make you feel bad.

"Hi little Dove, I see your "black wings" are still intact, and yes, we had a wonderful date. I'm sure you'd be dying to know. Akira and I, unfortunately, can't stand to delay, we'll be leaving with the band on Sunday for Tokyo, so I'm sorry. Toodles," Your eyes widen at the shocked faces of the two girls. Dove couldn't be paler than she was before. Her thoughts of you being away with Jhope made her catch snakes.

"W...what!" Dove stuttered.

'Oops, not sure you knew, but BangPd hired her as their therapist permanently. And we all know what Yoongi wants,he gets and what all of the boys want too." Your eyes widen at Hanbin's words. My word, my word! There was a sick look on Dove's face.He revels in Doves' shocked face,

"She...she works for Bighit... she's no longer going to Busan!" Dove looked like she wants to vomit. Dove talks as if you are not even there. Jhope and Akira are going to be together for a week. No, no, no! The reason Jhope ended their friendship was that he liked Akira. Why do the boys want her around, especially Yoongi? Is she supposed to be near Jhope so that he can pursue a secret relationship with her? Nobody knows what secrets are kept on the fourth floor. Media reports mention three boys who found their soulmates, but no one was able to identify the girls. They are a closely guarded secret of Bighit.

Akira is not mated with anyone, and she knows this for sure. While she would've sensed Jhope's affection around her, the last time she checked, he didn't like Akira. When she found out that he,Jungwoon was chosen over her, she was so jealous. She needs a snitch with her. She needs someone who will be her eyes. Jungwoon will go with the TV crew.

It was only he who was selected, not even the new stylist. She watched him a couple of weeks ago when he looked at her with desire. She knows Jungwoon has a thing for her.

She needs to know about Seoki and Akira, and she knows how to make him agree to spy on them. During the party, she'll set things in motion. Jungwoon will be her eyes in Tokyo. Seoki will not escape her grasp. Nothing will be left to chance. He just needs to cool off for a few weeks before she can work on him again.

"I thought only the nurse and doctor were going. Why is Akira included in the staff?" Sol. I inquire unfeignedly. As you smirked, Doves lips pursed. Her expression was worried.

Hanbin smiled smugly. "Oh, Yoongis' orders". It was his favourite to get Dove in a tizzy. He is aware that she has concerns that herย favourite will be attracted to Akira. "She'll make sure his shoulder is okay as well as any discomfort from the rest of the band."

"Jhope doesn't even like her. How can she even get near him? Being around her will always bring back memories of that stalker sasaeng fan," Dove scrunched up her nose. You narrowed your eyes at her. Okay. Jhope isn't interested in being near you. The joke of the day! She'll catch cobras if she hears about your hot encounter in the elevator.

You smile gently, "I'm sorry to end this very stimulating conversation, but I have to attend to Min Yoongi, so goodbye, girls. Sol.I always a pleasure to talk to you." Not. Hanbin laughs and takes your hand, leading you to the private elevator. All the codes have been chance. Dove and the rest of the new employees don't have access to the fourth floor upwards, only you and Hanbin. As you follow Hanbin, you smirk at the two.

There was loathing in the eyes of Doves. She is growing more and more hateful of you.

"Don't let them derail you, Dove.Why are you allowing them so much power over you? Do you like Hanbin?" Sol.I ask with renewed interest. The Dove always behaves out of character when Akira is nearby.

Doves gaze at Sol. I with flashing eyes. Her face was filled with annoyance."ARE YOU CRAZY!! He has nothing to offer. He is such an annoying fool. He and Akira deserve each other." She grunted. She hates Hanbin for not falling for her charms and even more for knowing her past.

The two girls left the building. Tonight Dove made up her mind to look extra sexy so that Jhopes eyes will constantly be on her. She can't get around the fact that Akira will be in the same hotel as the boys.

With a determined look on her beautiful face, she and Sol.I entered the Uber. She and Sol.I are planning to get an apartment together. Sol. I come from a perfect middle-class background, and her father already got them a very upmarket apartment near Seoul.


As Akira waited for Yoongi to arrive, she took off her checkered blazer and began to work on a file. Yoongi came a few minutes later for his session. Despite looking tired, he appears to be in good spirits.

"Hello, Mr Min?" you smile at him.

"Hi, Akira...I am a little tired. Can you do half a session? I want to take an hour or so nap in the Genuis Lab." His eyes are tired.

You gesture towards the exercise chair. "No problem Yoongi. Did you work past midnight again?" you ask. You'll give him some massages. It shouldn't be too heavy.

"You know me...when I have a song in my mind, I can't fall right to sleep. Luckily, three new songs made it to our new album. We always make sure to pack two days before we leave. Maknae usually forgets a lot of their stuff. However, Hobi manages to get everything packed without forgetting a thing.." You turn your face so that he mustn't notice your flustered cheeks at the sound of your soulmates name. His name made you hot and bothered.

"It is so amazing what you can write, Yoongi. You deserve all of the blessings. You guys do a lot for the army. They appreciate you. " You smiled and started to give him a massage. Yoongi enjoyed every moment of his therapy sessions.

He looks up at you," I'm sorry for getting involved in your and Jhope's soulmate business so much, but BangPD was worried about Jhope's stress. I had to tell them. I hope you and Jhope will be able to settle your bond away from Seoul. He will be so happy to have you in his life. Don't worry about anything, ok. Enjoy Tokyo. We will visit Disneyland there too. It will be fun, you'll see. We may be a chaotic group, but we're a delight to be around."

"As long as Hobi is cool with me hanging out with you guys, I'll try to enjoy myself. I don't want to cause any problems between you guys again. I felt too guilty when he gave you the silent treatment." You pursed your lips.

"Hobi is a person of character. You will love him when he starts laughing a lot. He is very possessive, so I might not have the opportunity to speak to you much after the bond is established." Yoongi chuckled.

"Oh my...really." your eyes widen fully.

He pressed your hand and comforted you, "Oh yes...Akira. We are the maknaes of our families...got spoiled a lot. So hang in there. Tokyo will be a very happy place for you."

Your heart longs for it to be true. For now, you'll just have to go with the flow.

Inwardly, Yoongi smiles. Neither you nor Jhope knows what he and Sejin have planned so far. For his plans to work, he had to involve Sejin. Jhope should never question why the elevator suddenly stopped working. It was known that the maintenance crews were working on the third elevator, and they said it would be unavailable for an hour. Seeing the notice on the floor, he realised you and Jhope still had to use the elevators and place them on the middle one. His luck was on his side, so he hoped you wouldn't use the first one.

He smirked as he wondered what happened to the two of you in that confined space. It's a mystery to him. At least the soulmates were together.

a/n. Please accept my deepest apologies for the late update, Hobi -stans. I've been sick for almost two weeks, but I'm feeling much better now. I hope you enjoyed this update.

I appreciate you still loving the soulbound series. I am greatly encouraged by your support, readings, and votes. Kindly comment with your thoughts.

Question 1: Will Hobi make it possible for you to date Hanbin?

Question 2: How do you think Dove plans to deal with Jungwoon?

Question 3: Will Hobi fall in love with Dove again?

Question 4: What do you think Sejin and Yoongi have planned for the two soulmates?

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