7|the right thing
I do NOT own Teen Wolf
Chapter 7, yay!!
Question of the Chapter - What's your fav season so far?
Mine are 3B, 5, and 6!
Also, do you guys like the longer chapters, or should I make them shorter???
Please comment, share and vote!
With a whistle, the players ran onto the field, taking their positions. And of course, Stiles and Isaac sat on the bench, probably hoping that someone got injured so that they could play.
Not that they would purposely wish harm on anyone, but yeah.
The game began, and everyone completely ignored Scott. Even when he went to get the ball, Jackson barrelled into him, taking it for himself, and scoring the first point of the match.
"You're on the same team, you idiot!" I jumped up and yelled at Jackson.
Melissa grabbed my arm lightly and pulled me back down onto the seat.
I looked at Scott, to see him almost glaring at something in the crowd. Swivelling in my seat, I saw that Lydia and Allison were holding up a sign, which read: 'We Luv u Jackson'.
If they loved him that much, they wouldn't have made all those grammatical errors.
I looked to Mrs McCall, who nodded at me, getting me to stand with her and cheer for Beacon Hills. I didn't mind cheering for my school, but at that point, it also meant cheering for Jackson.
The game was at a minute and a half to go, and the score was five to three, and not in Beacon Hill's favour either. Stiles and Isaac remained on the bench, and Scott still hadn't caught the ball at all. I had seen Jackson pull in most of the team for a little huddle, which I could only conclude, that Scott's misfortune in that game, was due to Jackson.
No surprise that that jack-arse was behind this.
Scott was looking up in the bleachers once more, so I also decided to take a peek. This time, we were greeted by a sign, which claimed that: 'Jackson is #1!!'
Allison didn't look pleased at all.
I can also guarantee, that that is completely untrue.
The next play began, and the ball was thrown high into the air. Without a moment's notice, Scott was running and then jumping over a guy's head, to catch it.
The whole crowd and both teams were shocked to say the least. Scott manoeuvred and weaved his way down the field, Melissa jumping up and down and cheering beside me, before scoring a goal for his team.
The crowd went ballistic as everyone jumped up screaming, myself included. I looked back, to see an unhappy Lydia, which made me smile even more.
Coach walked down the side of the field, shouting to his team, "To McCall! Pass to McCall! To McCall!"
I decided I wanted to go and sit with Stiles for the remainder of the game, saying a quick 'bye' to Mrs. McCall.
"Scott's finally playing really well," I said.
Stiles nodded, chewing on his glove, too transfixed by the game.
Suddenly, Coach Finstock sat next to Stiles. "Did the opposing team just deliberately pass us the ball?"
He pulled the glove out from between his teeth. "Yes, I believe so, Coach."
"Interesting." He leant forward to see me on the other side of Stiles. "And what do you think you're doing on the player's bench, Winters?"
I took a moment to think of an excuse, before I realised that Coach probably wouldn't care anyway. "I wanted to get a better view of the game?" It turned out sounding like more of a question, but Coach just shrugged and walked off.
After he got to the other end of the field, Scott literally threw the ball through the goalie's net and into the goal. It was amazing. The crowd was on their feet once more, and the atmosphere lifted my mood noticeably.
Stiles and I were up on our feet, cheering very loudly for our friend.
Coach fought for the point, and the ref ended up giving it to him, so the scores were now five all.
With just less then forty seconds left on the clock, and the two schools tied, everyone was expecting Scott to get us that winning goal.
And that he did.
When the play began, the ball went straight to Scott. He ran at a steady pace towards the goal, the other team's players seemingly avoiding him.
Why are they avoiding him? They're supposed to be stopping him.
As he closed in on the goal, he stopped, looking paralyzed. He was shifting on the field.
"No, Scott. Come on, not now," I muttered to myself, barely being heard over the cheers of the crowd.
Finally, with, like, three seconds left on the clock, Scott threw the ball. Time felt like it slowed down, the air around me felt almost tense. Then, it hit the goal.
The whole crowd was cheering and clapping as they all poured onto the field. Beacon Hills had won.
I remained beside Stiles down at the bottom of the bleachers while everyone began to calm down. It took about twenty minutes of waiting, before mostly everyone had left.
"Have you seen Isaac or Scott?"
Stiles looked up from packing his gym bag. "Uh, Isaac's dad took him home as soon as the game had ended. Scott, I'm not sure. Give me a second to finish, and we can go and look for him."
I agreed, sitting down on the bench as I waited.
When Stiles finished packing up, we headed into the school, and Stiles went to walk into the boy's locker room. "Are you coming?"
I didn't even think before I responded, "No way, I am not going in there."
Stiles shrugged, and went in anyway.
A few minutes later, Allison came out of the door. "Allison?"
"Riley? Hey, what- uh, what are you doing here?"
My eyes narrowed, "Waiting for Stiles and Scott. What are you doing? Better question, what are you doing walking out of the boy's locker room?"
Allison's cheeks bloomed red as she desperately attempted not to make eye contact.
"Tomorrow I'm getting details. Promise?"
She nodded, smiling sweetly, before walking down the hallway.
I sucked in a deep breath, before pushing open the door to the lockers. "What is taking you guys so long?"
"Well, you may as well hear now as well," Stiles exhaled. "The medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found."
I waved my hand, gesturing for Stiles to continue.
"Well, I'll keep it simple. Medical examiner determines killer of girl to be animal, not human. Derek is human, not animal. Derek not killer. Derek let out of jail."
"Are you kidding?" Scott exclaimed, shock evident on his face.
"No, and here's a bigger kick in the ass. My dad ID'd the dead girl, both halves. Her name was Laura Hale."
"Derek's sister," I said quietly.
The next morning, I had gotten up early, so that I could go and see Isaac before school. I got ready quickly and drove my car to Isaac's home.
I had my hair pulled back into a bun, keeping it out of my face, and I was wearing some denim pants, with a black shirt, and black Converses. Whenever I got up for school, I always just grabbed the first outfit I could put together.
After about five minutes, I finally reached Isaac's house. The neighbour-hood was in an early morning glow as I pulled into his driveway, and every house remained silent. I walked up to the door, knocked lightly, and waited for an answer.
Eventually, Isaac was opening the door, his eyes growing wide as he realized that it was me. He quickly slipped through the opening of the door, closing it quietly behind himself.
"What are you doing here?"
"You didn't show up at the party," I reminded him. "I came to see if you were okay. Even though you were at the lacrosse game."
"Right, okay. Um, look, you can't be here right now," he risked a look back at the house. "I'll see you at school."
As he went to walk away, I grabbed his hand, pulling him back towards me.
"Isaac, you can't keep doing this to me."
His eyes slightly glazed in fear, as he looked between me, my hand on his arm, and his house.
"Do-doing what?"
"Don't play games, Isaac. You've got this massive secret you're keeping from me, and it's shutting you away from the world."
"Riley" he said quietly. "If I could tell you, I would, but I-"
I cut him off before he could say anymore, "But you can't. Isaac, I get that we don't have to share everything, but when it's affecting our relationship, that's when I worry. And I've been worrying for a while now."
"I hear you, I do, but what do you want me to do?"
"I want you to trust me," I pleaded. I took a deep breath, running my free hand through my hair, "I can't keep doing this, Isaac."
His light blue eyes glistened, as he realized what I meant, "No. No, you can't just leave, Riley. We all have secrets, -"
"Yeah, but not all of them are tearing this relationship apart!" I spat.
I was entirely willing to tell him about Scott and the being a werewolf thing, but I knew that was not an option if he didn't trust me.
I let his hand go, realizing that it had still been wrapped around his.
"Look, Isaac, I love you - God knows how much I love you - but we can't keep pretending that this is going to work out."
Isaac's eyes searched my face, before he leant in and kissed me. His lips were soft, but tense, his nervousness evident.
I didn't push him away, but I didn't reciprocate it either.
"If you love me, you won't leave me. Please."
My eyes lifted to his, before landing on a purple blotch which lay upon his cheek bone.
"Okay, I won't; if you tell me where you got that bruise." I lifted my hand and touched a finger to the bruise.
Isaac's breath seemed to catch in his throat, before he quickly told me that he got it from playing lacrosse.
I shook my head, laughing humourlessly. "No, no you didn't. Because, I have been to every one of your lacrosse games, and you haven't you been hit in the face recently. Not once. Tell me the truth, Isaac. Please."
He stood at a loss for words, as I smiled shakily, trying to keep myself from crying. "Riley, I'm sorry, I can't."
Pursing my lips, I looked him in the eyes, "I didn't lie, Isaac, I do love you. That's why I have to go."
"No. No, you obviously need time to think this through" the boy with the curls stuttered. "I'll call you later, okay?"
"Isaac, I have thought about this. I've been thinking about it for a while, and I can promise you, this isn't what I wanted."
"Well what do you want?" He shouted, getting frustrated with me. He took a step back, shocked that he had yelled. "Riley, -"
"I wanted you to trust me enough to tell me about whatever's going on, instead of letting it come to this," I shouted back.
"Please don't do this," he whispered.
I attempted to sigh, but it ended up as a choke, considering I was holding back a flood of tears. "I have to go, I'm already running late for school."
"I'm sorry," I whispered, wiping away a tear.
I placed a small kiss goodbye on his cheek, before turning and walking away, so that no more could be said.
As I reached my car in his driveway, Isaac finally fell out of his stupor. "Riley, this isn't funny," he called to me. "I-I'll call you later, okay?"
I didn't answer, just opened the door of my car and climbed in, clamping my mouth shut so that I wouldn't go running back to him. I needed to stay strong, this relationship was becoming too much for us both.
I began to back out of the driveway, Isaac still shouting at me and walking towards my car. I finally exited the driveway and drove away. That's when his voice finally cut off.
I gunned it until I reached my destination; I was lucky that I wasn't picked up for speeding.
I was planning on ending up at school, but my mind had had different plans.
Running to my front door, I pulled out my keys and unlocked it, bolting to my room, and collapsing on the bed, letting my tears fall.
My mum was at work, so I had the place to myself.
What have I done?
The right thing for both of us.
Then why didn't it feel like it?
I didn't bother to go to school at all that day, I just watched more Supernatural.
An episode with a werewolf had come on, and I couldn't help but laugh slightly at the irony.
"When did everything become so screwed up?" I muttered as the Winchesters prepared to investigate the mysterious killing committed by the werewolf.
"I wonder if silver would hurt Scott."
I groaned, shutting the TV off as I heard the front door open.
I had just assumed that my mom had gotten home early that day.
"Riley, you here?"
Stiles? Why was he in my house?
"We're going out, and you're coming." I looked over to see Stiles standing in my doorway,
I looked to his hand, to see something silver between his fingers. "Stiles, do you have a key to my house?"
He had then slipped the key into his pocket rather quickly. "I can't get one for Scott's house and not yours as well. That's not what I'm here for though. Come on, I'll fill you in on the way. And if you want, you can fill me in on why you've been crying, okay?"
I wanted to talk about the key, but just nodded instead, not wanting to bother with whatever logic he had behind that decision. Then, my eyebrows creased.
"How did you know I'd been crying?"
When he didn't answer, I quickly ran into my bathroom, only to see my eye makeup smudged around my eyes.
I gasped lightly, "Oh my god, I look like a panda!"
Stiles peeked his head in the door, "Yes, yes you do. Now get a move on!"
I decided just to wipe all my make up off as fast as I could, then ran out of the house and got into the back seat of Stiles' jeep.
"So, what'd I miss?"
In the five minute drive it took to get to the school, the two boys informed me of basically the whole day's events.
Firstly, Scott had thought that he had killed Allison because of a dream he had had, which lead them to one of the school's buses, which was covered in blood and scratch marks.
I didn't like where that was headed.
Scott had found Allison in the school, which left them with one question. Who was in the bus? They told me it was a man named Garrison Meyers, who had been Scott's bus driver when he was younger.
When Scott was at the hospital to see Melissa, he had also seen Mr Meyers, who freaked the hell out when he saw the boy. Scott also thought it would be a good idea to go and ask Derek.
Once again, not a good idea. I definitely do not trust that all black, leather wearing, wolf-man.
He told Scott that he will most likely end up killing someone, and that he can teach him all the werewolfy stuff. He also told Scott to go to the bus and use his senses, so now, that's what we're doing.
That at least explained why we were at the school at night-time.
"I'm gone for one day and you kill a man?" I asked with a bit too much enthusiasm.
"No!" Scott said resentfully.
"Alright," I nodded. "You left a guy with critically fatal wounds."
In reply, Scott glared at me harshly, "This isn't funny, Riley."
We pulled up at the wire fence which surrounded the school, and we all made our way towards it. Just as we were almost next to it, Scott decided to tell Stiles and I that he was going alone, and we needed to keep watch.
"How come I'm always the guy keeping watch?" Stiles whined.
"And me," I added.
"Because there's only two of us," Scott replied blandly, pulling Stiles off of the fence lightly.
With a sigh, I corrected, "Three."
"Okay," Stiles started, seeming grumpy. This sounded like the beginning of a rant. "Why is it starting to feel like you're Batman and I'm Robin?"
Before Scott could reply, I took a step to be between them, "You know what? You got me out of bed for this, so I swear, you leave me out one more time, and I'll be the Joker to your Dynamic Duo," I hissed.
Both their eyes went wide, and Scott looked between us both, "Nobody's Batman, Robin, or Catwoman any of the time," Scott emphasized.
I smiled in thanks towards Scott.
Stiles seemed shocked by this revelation, "Not even some of the time?"
"Just stay here."
"Oh, my God! Fine," Stiles walked away, and with a shrug towards Scott, I followed close behind.
We got into the car in silence, Stiles in the driver's seat and me in the passenger's.
"So, Batman, how's it going?"
Stiles looked back at me and grinned, "Sorry for the whole 'only two of us' thing back there."
"All good. Just, don't ever think that you're the sidekick Stiles. You're both heroes."
"So are you," he smiled softly.
I tried to smile back, but after how I had ended things with Isaac, I could only feel like I was a villain.
Was it the right thing to do? To break up with him because he was keeping some big secret from me?
Yes. If I didn't, he would've kept blowing me off, and I'd still be unhappy. It was toxic.
"Thanks, Stiles," I replied, faking gratitude.
Neither of us said a word as we waited for Scott, although, every now and then Stiles did look at me, studying my face. The rain pattered down against the jeep, making little sounds as it connected. The rain mixed with the soft sound of the wind calmed me down, but not by much.
It was so quiet.
Until someone showed up in the school parking lot, lights gleaming across the rain soaked asphalt. Stiles began to blare the horn, attempting to get Scott's attention. For all our sakes, I prayed that it worked, as I climbed into the back seat.
Scott finally came running out of the bus, and Stiles stopped with the horn. In one quick movement, Scott was bounding over a car in the car park and flipping over the fence.
Stiles tapped the wheel in frustration, "Come on, come on, come on."
Slamming the door behind him, Scott joined us in the car, "Go! Go! Go! Go!" The urgency in his voice was palpable.
Stiles pulled away from the fence, definitely driving over the speed limit. "Did it work? Did you remember?"
"Yeah, I was there last night. And the blood, a lot of it was mine," just by looking at him, I could tell he was still on edge, as a result of our latest scheme.
"So you did attack him?" I asked, careful of my wording this time.
"No. I saw glowing eyes in the bus, but they weren't mine. It was Derek."
"But, what about the driver?"
"I think I was actually trying to protect him."
Stiles' eyes narrowed in confusion, "Wait, why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?"
"That's what I don't get," Scott groaned.
I took a moment to think, "Okay, but what if it's a pack thing, you know? Like, what if you have to kill together, or something like that?"
The boy with the mop of dark hair answered back with scepticism lining each word, "Because ripping someone's throat out is a real bonding experience?"
"Yeah, but you didn't do it, which means you're not a killer," Stiles added on. "And it also means that . . ."
"I can go out with Allison," Scott said in a weird voice, which made him sound like he was half asleep.
"I was gonna say it means you won't kill us."
I leant forward so that I could look Scott in the eyes, giving him a questioning look.
"Oh, yeah," he was fast to add. "That too."
"Mhmm," I smirked, before leaning back into my seat.
Since I no longer had a boyfriend, which my two best friends were still unaware of, I stayed far away from Scott's little bowling date. Stiles offered a movie, or just to hang out, but I decided that I wanted some time to be alone.
Flicking on the television in my bedroom, I lay back in my bed watching my show. Against my will, I fell asleep in the middle of an episode.
God, I hate it when that happens.
I was fast asleep, when suddenly, I heard my phone buzzing.
"Hey, what's up?" I answered groggily.
"I just thought I'd keep you up to date. The bus driver, he uh- he died earlier."
I sat up in my bed. "Seriously? What happened?"
Stiles sighed, "All they said, was that he succumbed to his wounds."
"Great. That's just what we need. Another person dying."
We remained silent for a while before Stiles stuttered. "Do you want to talk about why you were crying earlier?"
"That isn't exactly something a person would want to discuss over the phone," I laughed awkwardly.
"Do you want me to come over then?"
I smiled at how nice a person he was. "No. It's fine. I'm not ready to talk yet anyway."
"Okay," he said. "Just remember, Scott and I will always be here for you."
"Thanks, Stiles. I really appreciate that."
We spoke for a while longer about random stuff, before realizing how late it was and saying good night, not wanting to be tired for school the next day.
How did I get so lucky to have friends like Stiles and Scott?
I lay in bed, unable to get back to sleep, and had no idea why.
I rolled over, thinking that I may have been lying in an awkward position.
A moment later, my phone buzzed, and it was in my hand within seconds.
I sighed quietly, "It's just a notification."
Putting my phone down, I then realized why I couldn't sleep. I was waiting for something.
Someone, I corrected myself.
He hadn't called.
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