The dream is a blue mirage in the desert
A priori from deep inside of me
Zendaya pov
You and Jimmy's friendship grew stronger after you celebrated your 21st birthday with family and close friends. The requirement for your official dating is that he creates his Tarnished status, and you must avoid triggering the intimacy ritual, which will alert the system's moral code workers.
Jimmy was reluctant to acknowledge that you had received a soul mark rather than a tarnished branding. He hoped and prayed for it. A tarnished brand that would have freed you to love and date anyone. He can't understand that the girl he loves legally belongs to someone else out there, and she could meet him at any time, anywhere. It could be anyone who takes her away from him.
He just hopes she doesn't run into him for another few years. He only needs his Tarnished reputation for her to be free to date him, but any reactivation of the intimacy bond could land them both in hot water. In the system database, she is now marked as new.
No one will be able to love her as deeply as he does. After she harassed Zendaya, he and his true soulmate are only on friendly terms. He didn't want to be around her. He will be present at the birth of his first child, but he will not abandon Zendaya, even if she meets her soulmate. He will always be in love with her.
Some of your friends have roles in films that will be shown at the Venice Film Festival.
You haven't been to Italy since last year, but this year it will be for pleasure and not for modeling assignments.
Your model friends are overjoyed with the progress of your new relationship, and they all expect Jimmy to pop the cherry or propose marriage to you, but it's still forbidden. To get your strings and settle the bond, you must first meet your soulmate, activate the bond, and then complete the bond. Then, if you're yellow or blue, string it.
You can still apply for tarnished status if you want, but only if you passed the system's test in living without your soulmate for a month or more without experiencing any long-term consequences.
You were just secretly laughing, knowing you'd already lost your innocence with the famous BTS Maknae. You couldn't be happier that you didn't fall pregnant as a result of your passionate night with Jungkook. It would have been the scandal of the year. You'd never be able, to tell the truth about the baby's father. Your overprotective parents will be so disappointed. Jimmy would be devastated, but he would be the last to speak up because he slept with his soulmate while you were supposed to date.
You were alone in your penthouse, sitting at a small table with your mother's diary to go over your schedules for the next day. You have the day off today and want to unwind and reflect. She left the diary for you to copy the dates into your electronic diary. You sigh deeply, a little fatigued. You need a vacation. desperately
Your agency scheduled you for a fashion shoot and an interview with Fashion Magazine for their winter 'cover star' on Thursday morning. You have an interview with Elle Magazine at noon. You need to ask your mom about that. The whole fashion world is buzzing with the new soul-marked model.
You have a lunch date with your mom-it's your turn to choose a coffee shop.
*Venice visa collection; fortunately, Jimmy has already booked you into the Capriane Hotel. He knows you both, so he booked you both an executive suite next to each other.
Tommy wants to work with you again on design collaboration. You are all for it.
*Complete all of your assignments as soon as possible so that you can graduate.
*Appointment with your agent. You hope it's not Tom Holland's director who wants you to audition for the lead role in a new superhero film. Tom seems overly smitten with you, and Jimmy hates him. You grin and shake your head.
With all of the strange men in your life, you've come a long way.
You may have heard that Jacob and his soulmate got engaged in Rome. Good for him... You are a stronger woman now as a result of the pain he has caused you. You're more mature, but not necessarily wiser because you're dating another soul-marked guy. You're not sure what's wrong with you. Maybe you're just lonely or insecure because all of your friends are dating and settled.
To top it off, you're dating Jimmy but secretly actually love Jungkook. How did your life become such a clown show?
You close the dairy and take a deep breath before closing your eyes for a moment and reflecting on your hectic life. You need a vacation, preferably for a week or so at an island resort where no one knows your name, or go to Cape Town to visit your grandparents on the game reserve. Maybe one with nature will help you recoup.
Standing up, you decide to get a cold cider and walk slowly to your open balcony, looking down on the busy streets of New York. In this city, life is hectic. It's a rat race.
Your mother is visiting your father and his new wife. Strangely, your mother had such a great relationship with your father and his new wife. They even planned a vacation with their families together. She and your father are best friends. His wife isn't upset about their friendship.
Just then, you heard your phone ring in the living room, where you had left it to charge. You sigh and turn around grudgingly to go answer it. It might be important. You love your ringtone. It's an instrumental version of "Euphoria" by Kookie. You softly smiled as you remembered their concert and how he flirted with you subtly. The army went insane.
You're crazy in love with this stunning male specimen. You know, you need to start letting go of your feelings for Jungkook. It's taking up too much mental space. You dream about him all the time, mostly about your night under the stars. Just thinking about it sends shivers up and down your spine.
Jimmy would be peeved if you were thinking about another man so vividly. So you'd better come to a quick stop. But how can you if he was your first and only love? You're crazy about him. He does, however, belong to someone else.
You only spoke once, and you'll text each other now and then. But you've been too afraid to talk to him lately. You only spoke to him once. Your heart was pounding and you had butterflies in your stomach. You couldn't figure out why you were feeling so odd. So you just text him whenever you can.
You discuss your work and schedules. You should be so proud of him. He wanted you to attend the concerts in London or Paris next year. You'll show up, as you promised, and if you're in Seoul, you can join him on Yoongis yacht. He wants you to get to know all of the Hyungs personally.
You were astounded that he still wanted to meet with you. He was curious if you'd met your soulmate. He also failed to meet his.
But it wasn't that you hadn't expected it that took you by surprise. Lisa had made a comeback in his life. But he was secretly having a relationship with her. Nobody had any idea about their rekindled romance.
You felt a sharp pain in your chest. You couldn't figure out why the news had such an effect on you. But you tried as hard as he did to accept Jimmy into your life.
You both realized you loved each other, but you had to move on with your chosen partners before meeting your soulmate.
You've felt a tingling sensation on the side of your neck since then, but you're not worried, However, you dismissed it as the recently applied invirso binding, which still felt sensitive. Your mother was concerned that the chemicals used would cause an allergic reaction to your skin.
This occurs only two days after you spoke with Jungkook. But now that it has settled into the invirso, there is no longer any pain.
The long melody on your phone interrupted your thoughts once more.
You've been daydreaming yet again. You snatched your mobile from the cord and pressed the answer button.
It was Gigi.
"Daya...geez! What's up with always taking forever to pick up the phone? Were you in the bathroom or what? Girl, you're getting old!" She sighed in frustration.
You chuckle softly, "Hey, what's up...and nah, not on the toilet. I was out on the balcony. You know I love my ringtone." You share a laugh with her.
"Yeah, yeah...we all know Mr. Jungkook is your top pick," she teased.
"Alright, what's the plan for today?" You ask, changing the subject. Your heart still feels fragile from the Lizkook drama.
"Oh yeah, the girls decided to grab lunch in Greenwich Village. Bella's covering the tab at BAR PITTI. So we're all heading there. Kendell's partner has a practice game, and Kylie left little Stormie with her mom. The Hadids are all free, you down?" She inquires, hoping. Her voice has a cheerful tone to it. Gigi has had a long week of commercial shooting and is ready to relax.
You sigh deeply, wishing for a lazy day today. Packing for Friday. You have a busy day ahead of you tomorrow.
"Alright, count me in. What's on the menu?" you ask, feeling worn out.
"We're doing Italian...I hope Jimmy didn't go crazy with the pasta. I've been craving some creamy pasta, in serious need of carbs," she chuckled.
"Okay then. Just shoot me the location coordinates."
"Nah, we're picking you up. Kendell prefers having their bodyguards around during our lunch outings. This place is a hotspot for celeb sightings. But it's supposed to be really good, with a nice vibe. Jay-Z and Queen B were there three days ago," she grinned brightly.
That's great. Not! People with cameras in their faces are not enjoyable.
You and your girlfriends will eat lunch at one of New York's most fashionable restaurants, and Bella even join you and will pay. The Kendell sisters and the two Hadid sisters were there. When you see their love, you almost wish you had your sisters.
Jimmy was in Kansas, participating in a game. You had dinner the night before and talked about your weekend plans.
You dashed to your bedroom to find something casual to wear for an outing.
You choose a skinny denim dungaree outfit and light blue stilettos. You know you'll look fly. You style your hair into soft waves and choose deep orange-red lips. You are optimistic and cheerful. It's time to unwind with good friends.
Just then, you received a notification on your phone from Gigi, informing you that they are waiting for you outside. When you walked out of your apartment building, one of Kendell's bodyguards was waiting to take you to the van. The paparazzi were as relentless as ever, stealing photos of you daily. They were calling out to you!
Is it true that you and Jimmy are dating?
Where are you going, girl?
Thank you for posing Zendaya!
You are stunning! Are you and Tom together?
... BTS, how do you know them?
You simply smile, nod, and ignore them until you come to the van, where the girls are squealing at your cool fashion statement.
Kylie grins, "You'll be making the next appearance on E! Hollywood... you're looking fab, girl!"
You just smile back, "Hey, thanks! I almost ditched today, you know? It's my day off, and I was all about that nap life."
Kendell laughs, "Only babies snooze! We also need some hang time with our girls."
You just shake your head, "Alright, Ken...hey, Gigi...Bella."
Bella grins, "Hey there! Ready to dig into some carbs today? I'm starving!"
Gigi playfully nudges her sister's shoulder, "I swear your trainer's a drill sergeant! My knees felt shaky for a whole week after his workout. He's a beast!"
"Well, I'm more of a jogger!" you mention.
The drive to the restaurant was enjoyable. You discussed your relationships and your careers.
Outside, the restaurant was packed, and the paparazzi were already clearly visible. You can't see how they get their intel so quickly. You all simply smile and walk into the establishment. One of the managers came over and escorted you to a pleasant, secluded corner, out of the way of the overzealous fans.
You were all seated, surrounded by bodyguards. You sigh contentedly as you gaze around the room. It's tasteful, but the food is delicious, and most celebrities regularly visit it. It's always fully booked. The color scheme is a warm orange, almost Tuscany, with wall lamps that resemble candles. The walls were decorated with enormous mirrors and a massive landscape painting.
The furniture was made of wood. You all took your seats, and the incredibly happy waiter delivered your menus. You look over the menu and decide on something simple but filling.
"Er, we'll start with appetizers and a bottle of your signature wine," Bella said charmingly to the smiley waiter. "Could we please have the wine list?"
The guy nods, and you can see him looking you over. You simply flush and lower your gaze. Why are people so focused on you? Everyone knows you're newly marked, and everyone wants to stand two meters away from you to see if they're lucky enough to bond with you.
It's nerve-wracking, but thankfully you haven't had any soulmark reactions or act-outs lately. It gives you a sense of relief. Your mother is eager for you to meet your soulmate. Even if she likes Jimmy, she wants you to be with the one who is meant to be with you.
You just sigh deeply as you all give your starter preferences. You chose their Cozze Arla Marinara mussels. You and Kendell decided to share it on a platter. The other girls ordered Italian and garlic bread.
"I'll take the Penne Straccate with meat sauce and a side of Penne All Arrabbiata with garlic, olives, and red pepper," Kendell tells the waiter.
"And for you, ma'am?" he asks again.
"I'll try the Pappardelle Alla... um, Fiesolama with smoked bacon, cream, and cherry tomatoes...thanks," you reply, scanning the menu. "Make it a medium portion, please."
"Going on a diet, huh?" Gigi jokes.
"When aren't we?" you chuckle.
The girls simply giggle softly.
Kendell shakes her head, "I'll cut carbs tomorrow, but for now, I'm indulging. I'll go for the Rigatoni Pitti with turkey sausage, cream, tomatoes, and Parmigiano, plus a glass of dry white wine. Thanks a bunch."
Gigi winks and smiles, "I'll take what Kendell's having, just hold the tomatoes. Can I get extra olives, please?"
Kylie also ordered pasta with meatballs and Bella Pasta with lemon veal meatballs.
After you've decided on your drinks, you choose a kola tonic and lemonade. while the rest of the girls will be drinking wine Bellas selected both red and white wine.
You had a great time as friends. You compare schedules and simply talk about life.
" and Jimmy, official now?" Gigi smirks.
"Yeah, until I find my soulmate, then it's a wrap...but only if they're cool with me," you nod.
"Who wouldn't accept a successful, stunning, all-around good girl like you?" Kendell and Gigi prod.
"You'd be surprised," you shrug. "We're not everyone's cup of tea, you know. I envy you guys who've already found yours."
Gigi, sitting beside you, gives you a side hug. "You're everyone's type. Remember when we saw BTS perform? Your favorite was keeping a close eye on you. Bella and I were cracking up the whole time seeing you blush when he glanced at you."
You raise your eyebrows, "Oh my God! They were just happy we were there."
Kylie grins, flipping her hair back. "Absolutely...we're America's sweethearts, after all."
You give her a deadpan look. "You think?"
"Of course. We're both stunning and known. What's not to like?" Kylie quips. You scoff a bit.
"Confident much?" You retort with a smirk. "And the guys were just friendly. You and Kendell were fan-girling. Thought security would have to escort you out. Kendell was clinging to Seokjin's hand like her life depended on it."
Kendell blushes and waves it off, "Oh, what about Bella? She looked like she wanted to devour Namjoon. She was dying to poke her fingers into those deep dimples."
"Hey, if you're hot, you're hot, and Joon was a whole snack...meow..." The girls burst into laughter. No wonder Bella's boyfriend just let her be.
The next day,
You had a busy day planned for Thursday. You met with Tommy and talked about another design collaboration. It will be next year. So you both had time to plan. You like it. Your mother made certain that all of the dates were properly distributed to the agents and assistant managers. She does not want you to overwork yourself.
You shot for the winter cover of a fashion magazine. For the photoshoot, you wore a variety of metallic and sequined outfits from the designers of; Off-white, Mugler, and Venus Versace.
After only half a day on set, you and your mother could go on your lunch date. Your agent has prepared all of your visa requirements for Italy. It also falls in Italy, so you come prepared. Jimmy was overjoyed to take you on your birthday getaway and accompany you to the Venice Film Festival as a gift. Timothy, one of your friends, invited you as his guest.
Jimmy wanted you to meet his family for the first time as well. You were a little concerned about it. because your future with him is uncertain. So, you just declined for now.
You arrived in Venice on Friday afternoon. You enjoy the weather and visiting historical sites. You and Jimmy had reservations at the BELMOND HOTEL CIPRIANI.
The hotel staff was overjoyed to host a famous footballer and model. You and Jimmy were greeted with welcome cocktails and agreed to meet on the terrace for lunch.
You both went to relax in your executive suites. Before the event, your stylist will meet you to style your hair and clothing. The event will be accessed by boat. You can't wait to party with your movie star pals at the festival. You may have heard that Tom and his director will be present. Make sure not to tell Jimmy about it. If you told him about Tom's presence, he'll be displeased. His director will make certain that he distracts you from the crowd to pitch the movie role opposite Tom. Your mom will deal with that.
You adore your room. You lie back on the bed after a refreshing shower, taking in the view of the river. You quickly ordered a cup of tea to reflect on your week. You have no idea why you are so distracted.
It was as if something was about to happen, but you couldn't express your anticipation. It wasn't a good or bad feeling. Your intuition was not always false. It was as if fate wanted to push you in a direction you weren't sure you wanted to go.
You call your mother to inform her of your safe arrival, and she informs you that your stylist will arrive tonight. They will communicate with you regarding your styling session.
You and Jimmy had a nice lunch on the Belmond hotel's terrace. observing tourists and beautiful sights.
You just ordered something light. You both enjoyed each other's company. You like Jimmy, but you're not sure if it will last. You've had a feeling since yesterday that you'll be meeting your soulmate very soon.
The next day, you stepped out in a sleeveless leather tan Balmain dress with a daring high slit. You wore the beautiful emerald and diamond necklace jewelry from Bulgari that Jungkook gave you. You complete the look with naked Louboutin heels.
Your make-up was flawless, with a sleek, smokey style, and your hair was slicked back with a wet texture. Pink shadows and rosy lips were applied to your face and eyes. Jimmy was enthralled. He couldn't believe you were his girl. You just smirked as you took his hand in yours and entered the boat.
On the red carpet, The Italian press was all over you. They dubbed you a fashion icon. You purely smile and pose for the paparazzi and other media outlets. You and Jimmy posed for a photo, and you know it will be published in various American fashion and entertainment magazines.
You also posed for a photo with Timothy Chalamet. He was overjoyed to see you again.
The film festival was a resounding success. It was a wonderful weekend. You and Jimmy visited all the sites in Venice.
When you returned on Monday morning, your agent, Mark gave you a very exciting phone call. Your mother gave you the phone so you could talk to him. You and your mom were relaxing on the balcony, drinking some cold iced tea.
His exciting voice took you by surprise.
""Zendaya, babe...hope you're feeling well-rested 'cause you caught the eye of the Bulgari CEO. That leather slit dress is fire, and your bling's stealing the show. They wanna copy your style-you just landed the hottest modeling gig as the face of Bulgari USA."
You were speechless, staring wide-eyed at your thrilled mom.
Taking a deep breath, you exclaim, "Holy moly, Mark! That's huge. Wow!"
"Yeah...girl. You and that famous kpop star Lisa from Blackpink are both gonna be part of a Bulgari shoot in Italy. Handpicked by Jean-Christophe Babin, the big boss himself-you're blowing up, girl." He was ranting about the booking, dates, appearance fees, and so on. Nothing registered only one name...Lisa
Your eyes widen as you are visibly pale. Oh, my goodness! You and Jungkooks' girlfriend will collaborate on a shoot...
A/n: I hope you like this chapter.
Thank you again for being so committed to Euphoria. Thank you for the votes, reads, and the addition of the book to your readers' list.
Shout out to DanielleBushman mechx4fan Epicstorys1 hi-high-NadiaLucero882 Ladybunniee hiy JulieLebrecht Lizbeth_b2704 sarvilashini Elm_Wood_13 midnight_ros3
1. Will Jimmy let Zen go if she meets her soulmate?
2. Do you think Lisa and Zen might turn out as friends?
3. Do you think it is wise for Zen to meet Jungkook on his tour or on the yacht?
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