[51] - Scream Machine

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Audrianna's POV

Charlotte was working on some project in the Man Cave while me and Henry just sat by the monitors, waiting for her to finish.

"Okay, we're here; What's up?" my dad, Schwoz, and Kelly all walked in

"Oh, Charlotte wants to show us a new project she made for the Gizmo Show." Henry pointed out

"Gizmo Show?" Kelly tilted her head

"What's a Gizmosho?" Schwoz asked

"Oh, it's this huge competition they have every year where kids bring all kinds of cool machines and inventions they--" I got interrupted by Schwoz yawning

"I'm sorry was I boring you?" I stared at him

"Yeah, a little bit." he admitted

"Okay." I crossed my arms, looking away

"No, he's just tired because he hasn't slept in two days." my dad explained

"Yeah, but Dria was also being boring." Schwoz added

He dad glanced up from his phone "True."

Schwoz yawned again as he walked past Henry and I.

"Okay, why hasn't Schwoz slept in two days?" Kelly chimed in

"Ah, cause he was binge watching that mini series about OJ." my dad said

"Mmm. The one about the big trial in the 90s." Henry remarked

Schwoz shook his head "No."

"The one about orange juice." my dad specified

"Yah. It's called OJ:From Farm to Glass."

"Hey, have you seen the episode yet about how they remove the pulp--" My dad got cut off by Schwoz

"Shhhhh! No spoilers!" Schwoz covered his ears

Screaming could be heard as the elevator crashed down the Man Cave and Jasper walked out the door.

"Is it time to see Charlotte's thing?" Jasper asked

"Jasper--" Henry looked at him in disbelief

"You're supposed to be upstairs at Junk N' Stuff; working." my dad said

"Yeah, what if a customer walks in?" I ask

"Oh, it's okay. I left a sign saying 'be right back'."

Charlotte got out of the tarp "And hello! As some of you know; for the past three years at the Gizmo Show, my projects have won the second place prize." we all listened to her talk as Henry wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close.


"So interesting."





"But this is the year where Charlotte goes number one." She stated

My dad tried to hold in his laughter and we all turned to him.

"So you're going to pee?" he joked which made all the boys laugh while Kelly, Charlotte, and I stayed silent.

"She's going to pee!" the boys' laughs ended with a sigh

Charlotte rolled her eyes "I call ny project-" she pulled off the tarp "The scream machine!" she revealed a machine with a hula dancer figurine and a disco ball.


"Please clap." Charlotte demanded

We all clapped for her.

"Now. As we all know, the future of our planet depends on finding new ways to create clean, renewable energy. But! Where will our energy come from?"

Henry raised his hand "France."


"Energy balls."


"Orange Juice."



"What- no!"



"Double A batteries!"

"Shut up!" Charlotte yelled as Jasper slowly put his arms down

"As you're about to see, my scream machine creates energy from sound." she explained

"Oh, sound, energy-"

"Makes sense."




"I like batteries."

"Jasper, over here please." Charlotte called Jasper over

"Oohhhhh. Busted!" We all teased

"Put that mask over your mouth." the girl instructed

"Ooh. a mask!" Jasper picked up the mask and put it over his face and I gave him a reassuring thumbs up.

"Now, watch as I take this shock rod that Schwoz made and do this." Charlotte pointed the rod at Jasper which made him scream WHICH made the hula dancer spin.

Jasper doubled up in pain after Charlotte finished shocking him.

"Woah. What made it work like that?" Kelly walked up to the machine

"Sound!" Charlotte answered with a wide grin "See, when Jasper screamed; these magnetic modules converted the sound vibrations into energy which this kinetic transformer turned into electricity which made the hula girl dance!"

".. I have no idea what that means." Kelly smiled sarcastically


"That's fantastic."

"It's great."

"But why did you have to rod-shock me?" Jasper chimed in

"For science." Charlotte reassured

"Woah, woah, woah wait. So when someone makes sound into this thing, how much electricity can it create?" Henry wondered

"It depends on how loud the sound is and how long the sound lasts." Charlotte answered

Schwoz perked up "Ooh, I want to try something."

"Oh, n-n-no, no- you don't need to-" Charlotte tried to stop him.

"Schwoz that's probably not a good idea-"

He grabbed an airhorn.

"Schwoz what are you gonna do with that airhorn!?"

"Schwoz put that down-"

It was too late. Schwoz blared the airhorn into the mask which made yhe hula girl dance as we all covered our ears.

"Oh, yeah! Hula! Hula!" my dad danced along with the hula girl

"Schwoz stop it!" I heard Kelly yell

"Schwoz put the airhorn down!" I demanded

"Schwoz!!" Charlotte yelled

"Schwoz stop!" Henry commanded

"But why!? Look how the hula girl--" Before Schwoz could finish, the machine exploded; knocking us all back. 

We looked up from the ground and saw the machine sparking.

Henry, my dad, and I all glanced at each other before quickly getting up and running to grab an extinguisher as we tried to extinguish the fire and all the sparks.

Once the fire was extinguished, we all stopped to look at the machine before it collapsed, breaking the table.

We extinguished the machine one more time before glancing up at Charlotte who looked like she was about to commit a murder.

"Don't blame yourself." Schwoz put a hand on Charlotte's shoulder

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

We all watched Charlotte as she tried to break Schwoz's leg.

"four months! I worked on that project for four moths!!!"

"Alright, alright, that's enough." My dad, Henry, and I tried to pry Charlotte off of Schwoz

Schwoz got up and Charlotte tried to lunge at him again.

"Woah, woah, woah. C'mon." I separated them

"I was finally gonna win first place at the Gizmo Show! FINALLY! But Schwoz had to go wreck my scream machine and ruin my chances!"

"Look. Just calm down-" Henry chimed in.

"Hey!" Charlotte turned to him and we all gave Henry an apologetic look "Never tell a woman to calm down."

"Uh. I'm sorry- I was just-"

"Never tell a woman to calm down."


"Say it with me!"

"Never tell a woman to calm down!" Charlotte and Henry said at the same time

"You get it!?" Charlotte asked

"Yes, I promise!" Henry looked at her in fear while I just smirked proudly at her

Charlotte rolled her eyes "I thought Dria would've taught you that by now.."

"Uh, Charlotte.. this really isn't the disaster that you think it is." my dad chimed in

"But the Gizmo Show is on Monday and look what Schwoz did to my project!" Charlotte gestured to her broken machine

"Okay, but uh- Schwoz is a scientific genius and he has all weekend to rebuild your scream machine which he will." My dad said, staring at Schwoz

"No, this weekend I'm supposed to get a colonoscopy!" Schwoz whined

"Reschedule it!" I demanded

Schwoz sighed "I'll just reschedule it."

"But- the rules say that every kid has to create their own Gizmo without help from a parent or any other adult. And it has to be my work."

"It is your work." my dad said

"Uh- yeah, yeah, see look- Schwoz is just gonna recreate the project you built, okay?" Henry added

"Okay?" We all repeated

Charlotte sighed "I guess so."

"Alright! Then we're all good." I beamed

"Schwoz, now it's up to you to get everything yo- Oh my God this guy." my dad stared at Schwoz who was asleep

"Are you serious?" Henry rolled his eyes

I rolled my eyes "Alright, I got this." I grabbed the airhorn and blasted it into Schwoz's ear which immediately woke him up as fell to the floor.

He quickly got up "Who did that!?"

"None of your business!" Charlotte scolded

"Okay! Cool, good for you." he looked at her in fear "Don't calm down."

Charlotte smiled at Schwoz in approval before turning to Henry which made him flinch.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

We were in my dad's car. Henry and I were in the back while Schwoz and my dad were upfront.

"Hey. Can we stop and get ice creams?" Schwoz begged

"No, no ice creams till later; right now we gotta get to the hardware store." Henry said

"Awww.." I whined

"Dri, I'll get you ice cream later. Right now we need Schwoz to get parts for Charlotte's machine which HE broke."

"I hate going to hardware stores." my dad huffed

The only thing my dad and I actually have in common aside from being stubborn, is that we both HATE going to hardware stores.

My dad took me to the hardware store when I was fuvey and I accidentally almost cut off three fingers with a hedge shear. To top it off, a ladder fell on me when I was nine.

"Well, I need extra parts if you want me to recreate Charlotte's stupid scream machine." Schwoz spat out

"Well, you wouldn't have to recreate Charlotte's scream machine if you hadn't airhorned that hula dancer." Henry scolded

"Stop making me feel bad."

"You should feel bad!" I yelled "Now just keep studying Charlotte's drawings, make sure you know how many we need to get!"

"I'm looking at Charlotte's plans right now!"

"Go on! Look at Charlotte's plans right now!" Henry held me back before I could commit 2nd degree murder

My dad sighed frustratingly "I'm hot. Is it hot in here?" he tried to take off his jacket but he had to take his hand off the wheel

The car started swerving and Henry leapt out of his seat to grab the wheel as my dad took off his jacket.


"A little hot I guess." he agreed

"You know what? It's my car I'm going to put the top down." my dad renoved the top and the I felt the wind blow through my hair.

"The plans! The plans!" I heard Schwoz yell

We all looked at Schwoz and saw that he wasn't holding the plans anymore.

"Schwoz!" Henry scolded

"Where'd the plans go!?" I asked

"Uh." Schwoz smiled apologetically

Henry held onto me tightly before I could even do anything "Schwoz, where'd the plans go!? Tell us before my girlfriend commits second degree murder!"

"It uh. It might've gotten blown away."

"WHAT!?" We all yelled

Charlotte's definitely not calming down after this.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

We barged in the school pushing Charlotte's project.

"Excuse us!"

"Comin' through!"

"Out of the way!"

"Where have you guys been?" Charlotte asked

"We got here as fast as we could." Henry said in between pants

"Well we wanted to stop and get ice creams." Schwoz said

"But Henry won't let us." I glared at him

"Okay, we'll get ice creams later." Henry stared at us "Geez."

"You said that to me yesterday but you never did!" I scolded

"Man, here come the judges- Quick, move that table out of the way so we could put my scream machine here." Charlotte instructed

We did what Charlotte instructed us to do as my dad removed the tarp, revealing a completely different machine.

"Woah- Where is my project!? What is that?" Charlotte stared at the project

"Hey, uh. Listen- listen." I whispered to Charlotte

"We lost the plans to your scream mahcine." I blurted out


"Shhh!" We shushed her

"Okay, don't tell a woman to shhh- Dria teach your boyfriend some manners!"


"We're sorry

"So many rules."

"Look- Schwoz tried to recreate your scream machine." Henry said

"But without the plans we couldn't get it to work in time, so-" my dad added

"Well what the jack is that thing!?" Charlotte pointed to the machine

"It's a little project that I've been working on so I finished it for you." Schwoz explained

"Well- I can't pretend I made this!" Charlotte yelled

"Sure you can- see it's got your little disco ball from the other one." I pointed to the little disco ball "Remember this one?" I asked while my dad danced in the background

Charlotte snatched the disco ball and threw it at someone, making my dad gasp "This isn't my work! I don't even know what it does!"

Henry tried to explain to her "Okay, look- what this machine does; I don't really know what it does-"

"Okay, next!" the judges walked up to Charlotte's machine and we all pushed her up front

"Ah yes, here we have a young lady who's no stranger to second place ribbons." The female judge said as she turned to her "How are you Charlotte?"

"Oh you know.. Good. Little nauseous." Charlotte spoke into the mic

"Great. You wanna tell us about your project?"

"I'd rather not."

"Okay.. Would you like to demonstrate your Gizmo?"

"Yeah okay."

My dad spoke through the mic "Yeah, cause like what else would she do? Not demonstrate it?" he chuckled

The judges just stared at him.

"Good one." I heard Kelly say, her voice dripping with sarcasm

"Alright Charlotte, what does your Gizmo do?" The female judge asked

"Uhhh," Charlotte glanced at us "Well I should probably start by uhh-"

We all slightly pointed to a controller next to the machine.

"-turning it on!" Charlotte took the controller "And to do that.. I just- I uh.. I.. Push this.."

We all shook our heads in between coughs.

"I mean- I pull this-" Charlotte held on a lever

We shook our heads, coughing.

"Actually! Actually, I just turn this knob-"

We all nodded our heads in between coughs.

Charlotte turned the knob and the machine lit up "And next I uh.."

"Touch the screen." my dad, Schwoz, Henry, and I said in between coughs

"And I touch the screen!"

The machine started glowing and it blasted Jasper, making him disappear.

"Where'd my boyfriend go!?" Kelly stared at us wide-eyed

"Boyfriend!?!?" I turned to her

The machine pointed at some random spot and Jasper re-appeared there.

The crowd gasped in shock.

Jasper turned around "Wasn't I just over there?" he pointed to his previous spot

"Good Lord, did your device just transport that boy from there to there..?" The judge looked at her with wide eyes

"Y-ye-yeah, seems so.." Charlotte agreed

"Should we just stop this competition now? Because Charlotte's device is just the best Gizmo at this show." The female judge walked over to the machine "This is man-kind's most impressive invention of all time!"

I gave Schwoz a proud look as we all applauded for Charlotte.

"N-n-no, no- it's not so great!" Char chuckled nervously "Look at that pancake flipper!" She pointed to someone else's project "I wish I had thought of that."

"Are you kidding? You've created instant teleportation. This technology could end the need for cars, airplanes, shipping; It could help preserve the Earth's entire ecosystem. Charlotte, you're going to be the most famous person on this planet." The judge smiled

"Someone call the government!" A random man chimed in

"Call Fox News!" some random woman yelled

"She's going to win a Nobel Prize!" a random man exclaimed

"Yeah! Take that China!" my dad yelled

"Well Charlotte, you must be very proud that-" The female judge turned around and Charlotte was gone.

"Where'd she go?" the female judge asked

We all looked around.

"Oh, there she is! Hiding under the table!" Jasper pointed out

"Oh, there she is!"

A random man dragged her out the table and carried her on his shoulder.

"Charlotte! Charlotte! Charlotte! Charlotte! Charlotte! Charlotte!" everyone cheered

"Okay! Thank you, thank you! I need to get down now!" The man put Charlotte down

"Yeah- okay!" she called us over as we followed her

"Hey, kid. What's this thing you built?" Charlotte asked some random kid

"It's a soundproof booth."

"Cool, in here." Charlotte went inside and we all followed her in

"Uh- hey, w-w-w-wait- you're not allowed in my booth!" the kid yelled

"Get out!" he banged on the door

I rolled my eyes before opening the door and zapping the kid "Yeah, that's my Gizmo." I smirked before going back inside the booth

"Alright, I need you guys to listen." Charlotte demanded

"I know what's you're going to say, so you're welcome." Schwoz interrupted her

"I'm not welcome!" Charlotte yelled "Everyone out there thinks I'm some kind of scientific genius who just created the most important invention in the history of the world!"

"Once again, you're welcome." Schwoz chimed in

Charlotte slapped Schwoz's nose.

"Owie!" Schwoz exclaimed

"People are calling the government, and Fox News!"


"They're fair."

"And balanced."

"Oh, and what happens when they wanna know everything about me? People are gonna find out that I work at Junk N' Stuff, and then reporters are gonna come poking around wanting to talk to me and then how long before they figure out that's where Captain Man, Kid Danger, and Danger Girl work!?"

We all groane.

"She's right. That is a problem we need to make it go away.." my dad sighed

"How? Everyone out there just saw her device work." Kelly chimed in

"We need to get rid of it.." I looked outside

"My mashein?" Schwoz asked

"Yes, your mashein." I mocked him

"Kay, There's like a billion people out there, how are we gonna get rid of it?" Henry asked

"Easy. All we need is a plan." my dad chimed in

We all stared at my dad, waiting for an answer.


"Which is?" I turned to him

My dad inhaled "I don't know, Audrianna. Isn't it enough that I pointed out a plan is what we need?"

"No, not really." I smiled sarcastically

"I have an idea!" Charlotte beamed

"Is it a plan?"


"Haha." my dad taunted me

"All we need is Captain Man." She pointed to my dad "Kid Danger." Charlotte pointed to Henry "And Danger Girl." she pointed to me "And a criminal." She said, pointing to Jasper

Jasper pointed to himself "You want me to be a criminal?"

"Yeah, will you?" Charlotte pleaded

"Do I have to whack someone?"


"I'll do it anyway!" He beamed

"Okay, good. C'mon."

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Captain Man, Kid Danger, and I were hiding behind a table.

I saw my dad combing his hair in front of a mirror. I looked into the mirror and gasped "Oh my God my mascara is uneven."

"How's my hair?" Captain Man turned to me

"Perfect." I said while putting on more mascara

"Hah. I know."

"Is my mascara even?" I asked him

"You look gorgeous honey."

"Totally." I smirked

"Jasper, where are you?" I heard Kid Danger ask

"I'm right outside. I found a great disguise in the dumpster."

"Okay, just- get in here and follow the plan." Kid Danger instructed

"Can I whack someone?"

"No, you can't whack anyone." Kid Danger shut off his phone

I saw Kelly and Schwoz creep around the corner.

Schwoz flicked his nose and Captain Man flicked his nose as well in return

Jasper barged in the door, catching everybody's attention "Quick, they're after me! I need a place to hide!!"

"Ahh! It's that bad guy!" Kelly yelled

"Somebody do something!" Schwoz shouted

We ran out the table "I'll do something." Captain Man chimed in and pointed at.. Something.

"And I'll do something." Kid Danger pointed out "Also." he added

"Oh my God." I groaned silently

"Dad, look! It's Captain Man, Kid Danger, and Danger Girl!" Piper yelled out

The crowd applauded for us.

"Rahh! This young girl and man can't stop me!" Jasper yelled out before punching Schwoz in the face, knocking him down

"Uh- hold it right there!" Captain Man yelled

"U- no! I'm not holding it anywhere!" Jasper ran around the machine and we followed him around

"Sir! I urge you to give up!" I demanded

"Eat feet!" Jasper yelled

I gasped, pretending to be offended "Okay, that does it."

"Let's get him!" We yelled before purposely lunging onto the machine, destroying it

"Charlotte's gizmo!" the female judge stared at Charlotte's destroyed machine in horror

I groaned "I landed on something pointy."

We got up and started dragging Jasper around, pretending to beat him up while destroying the machine.

"It's such an odd fight." The female judge said

"Isn't it?" a man chimed in

We continued pretending to fight Jasper while stomping and ripping the machine apart.

"Alright, punk! Next stop for you-" Captain Man began

"Jail." I added

"No! I hate jail!" Jasper exclaimed as we dragged him outside

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

"Over, your shoulder you know that I told ya I'll always be pickin' you up when you're downnn! So just turn around!" We all sang as we ate our ice creams in the car

"Ooooohhhhh!" Schwoz sang

"Hey, muffin. Will you hold this for a second?" my dad handed me his ice cream

"Oh, yeah." I took his ice cream

He took off his seatbelt and jumped out the car.

"Wait- what are you-"

"What are you doing!?!?"



"What the hell!?" Henry grabbed onto the steering wheel

"Oh my God!"

"I don't know how to drive this thing!"

"Schwoz can't even see in the dark without his glasses!"

"What the fuck!?!?" we all yelled

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

I found a theory somewhere and it's kinda sad

"Well, Ray's always been kind of a loner. But between the ending of 'Love Muffin' and 'Scream Machine', he's probably realizing that Schwoz and three teenagers are his family now, and is probably realizing he can't take that kind heartwarming scenario like going for ice cream and singing in the car."


What do yall think? Y did Ray jump out the car?

Also Jasper and Kelly are dating now 😭❤️

I'm sorry i didn't go into detail about their date i was so unmotivated but Jasper asked Kelly if she wanted to go out with him more

Memes (finally lmfao)

Thoughts? Comments? Questions?

If you've made it this far, comment with your fav emoji ❓❓❓

3742 words
Edited: 01 - 21 - 24

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