[38] - Indestructible Henry and Audrianna Pt. I

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Audrianna's POV

Me, Kid Danger, and Captain Man ran into this antique clock store to try and defuse a bomb.

"Hi." Kid Danger greeted "We're here."

"Especially me." Captain Man added

A lady ran up to us "Oh, Captain Man, Kid Danger, and Danger Girl i'm so glad to see you, we're so scared!"

"I'm Jafoon!" The man blurted out

"Well hi, Jafoon. I'm Captain Man and these are my sidekicks Kid Da--"

"Can we please meet Jafoon later!?" I spat out


Kid Danger walked up to the lady "Maam, what's the emergency?"

"Yeah, tell us what's going on." I added

"O-okay, uh, I was over here working with Jafoon--"

"I'm Jafoon!" The man exclaimed

"And I got a phone call from some weirdo who said there was uh- a C5 disrupter somewhere in my store!" The lady frantically explained

"A C5 disrupter?" Captain Man asked

"Is that bad!?" The lady asked

"Well, on a scale of C1 to C10 it's about a 5." Kid Danger explained

"Oh my God." I sighed

"Oh no, what does that mean!?" The lady questioned

"That it could destroy this entire store." Captain Man explained as the two people started screaming

"Kid Danger, call the police." Captain Man demanded

"On it."

"Maam, you and Jafoon have got to get out of here." I instructed

"I'm Jafoon!"

"We know." Me and Kid Danger said in unison

"C'mon!" The lady and Jafoon frantically ran outside

"Did you get the police?" Captain Man asked Kid Danger

"Nah, it went to voicemail."

"Ah, just hang up!" Captain Man demanded

There was a loud blaring noise.

"Ah, it's so loud!" Kid Danger exclaimed

"Yeah, that's the C5 disrupter!" I covered my ears

"Well we gotta find it before it blows!"

We frantically ran around, trying to look for the disrupter. Almost destroying the store ourselves.

"We gotta get out of here!" Captain Man yelled

"Wait!" Kid Danger picked up a clock

"What are you doing!?" I yell

Kid Danger opened up the clock and the C5 disrupter was in there.

"That's it! That's the C5 disrupter!" Captain Man exclaimed

"Well how do we turn it off!?" I ask

Captain Man started trying to turn off the disrupter.

"W-we're running out of time!" Kid Danger said

"In case we all die, I just wanna say that I have so many regrets!" I blurted out

"Ah! There, open the window! Throw it in the alley!" Captain Man demanded

I quickly ran to the window and tried to open it "It's stuck!"

"Get out! Move kids!" Captain Man said

He tried to smash the window open with a chair but instead the chair broke.

"Man, that's a quality window!" I exclaimed

"I can't turn it off!" Kid Danger said

Captain Man placed the clock down "Let's get out of here!"

We all ran outside.

"Wait!" Kid Danger exclaimed

"What!?" I ask

"I left my phone in there!"

"Aw, man!" Captain Man said

"I gotta go get it!"

"No! Just buy a new phone!"

"But I have to back up my contacts!"

"Henry, don't you dare go back inside!" I demanded

"I'm sorry!" he ran back inside

"You really should hurry!" Captain Man yelled

"I got it!"

"Great, now get--"

The whole store exploded. With Henry inside.

"Henry!!" I cried out

Captain Man helped me up "Kid!?"

Kid Danger stumbled outside, covered in ashes.

I immediately brought him in a hug "Oh my God you're okay! You idiot!" I smiled in a bittersweet way

"My phone's okay!" Kid Danger exclaimed, smiling

His phone screen shattered as his face dropped "No!"

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

"Ah, this is all my fault. I mean if it wasn't for me, this wouldn't have happened to Henry." my dad ranted "I'm to blame."

"Yeah." Charlotte spat out

"Charlotte." I sigh

"Okay, does that hurt?" Schwoz scanned Kid Danger's body

Kid Danger chuckled "Nah, it tickles."

Schwoz giggled "I know, I do it to myself sometimes."

"C'mon Schwoz, you've been examining Henry for 20 minutes will you say something?" Charlotte stares at him

"Will you order me a corned beef sandwich?" Schwoz asked

"Schwoz!" My dad scolded


"Is Henry going to be okay!?"

"I think so."

Me and my dad sighed in relief.

"Oh my God." I put my hand over my chest

"I'll take a whole wheat tuna sandwich." my dad pointed out to Charlotte

"Hey." Charlotte called out


"I'm not gonna get anybody any sandwiches!"

"Okay, I don't mean to interrupt but my butt still hurts." Kid Danger said

My dad sniggered.

"What's funny?" I stared at him

"He said 'but my butt.'." He chuckled

We all stare at him as his expression changed into a serious one.

Seriously, how are we related?

"Now, Henry, pull your knees forward to me." Schwoz ordered

"Okay." Kid Danger pulled his knees towards Schwoz

"Now try to wiggle your hips."

He wiggled his hips.

"More wiggle." Schwoz demanded

"More?" Kid Danger asked

"Yeah, wiggle them like you're a hula-dancer trying really hard to get a hula-job."

He wiggled his hips more "Ow! ow, ow!"

Schwoz handed me the scanner thing and put on his glasses

"Well?" I ask

Schwoz took off his glasses "Henry has a dislocated buttock."


"How do we fix him? It. You know, the buttock!" my dad asked

"You and Dria grab his ankles, Charlotte and I grab his wrists."

"Okay." I grabbed one of Henry's ankles while my dad grabbed the other

"Wait- what's gonna happen here?" Kid Danger asked

"On two everybody yank and shake." Schwoz instructed

"Yank and shake- that doesn't sound--"

"One, two." We all yanked Kid Danger and shook his body around

We continued to shake and yank Kid Danger's body.

"This is fun." I teased

"Almost got it!" Schwoz said

Then, I heard something snap.

"Oh!" Kid Danger sat upright "Ooh. I think it worked." he wiggled his hips

"Do you feel any pain?" I ask

"No." he stood up and wiggled his hips "Thanks guys, you relocated my buttock."

"Hey, I'm sorry you got hurt kid." my dad put a hand on his shoulder

"C'mon, it wasn't your fault." I reassured

"I'm the one who ran back in the store."

"I know but." my dad sighed "You're just a kid. You and Audrianna are both kids.. what right do I have to take you guys around with me and put you both in all kinds of dangerous situations?"

"Hey. Me and Henry wanted this job and you need sidekicks." I said

"I know but- maybe it's too risky."

"You take the risks." Kid Danger pointed out

"I'm indestructible."

"I wish we could make Henry and Dria indestructible." Charlotte said

My dad looked up "Yeah, too bad the machine that made me indestructible was destroyed."

"What are you talking about?" Schwoz asked "The densitizer was never destroyed."

My face lit up.

"Yes it was. Remember the accident that destroyed the machine?"

"Why are you talking to me like this?" Schwoz mocked my dad "The machine is downstairs."

"Geez, what don't you understand about this look!? Lie! I wanted you to lie!"

"You lied to us!?" I furrow my eyebrows

He turned to us "No!" He turned to Schwoz "Right, Schwoz!?"

"I could show you the machine right now." Schwoz offered

My groaned and almost strangled Schwoz.

"Ray! The densitizer's been here the whole time I've known you!?" Kid Danger asked

"Yes. It has."

"Then why can't Henry and Audrianna be densitized?" Charlotte asked

"Yeah. Why can't we be indestructible like you?" I chimed in

My dad sighed "You wanna know why?"



"You really wanna know why?"

"We do."


"Because I'll show ya. I'll take you guys to the densitizer right now. Show you the machine that changed everything if that's what you want."

"That'd be great."

"Kay, let's go." My dad nudged me and Kid Danger

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

He opened the lights to reveal a big room filled with random items.

"This, is the room of storage."

"So- where's the machine that made you indestructible?" Henry asked

"Right over there." My dad gestured to a huge machine covered with a tarp "Schwoz pull off the tarp."

"Aye." Schwoz walked over to the machine and tried to pull off the tarp but struggled doing so.

"This, is the Transmolecular Densitizer." my dad pointed to the machine

"Can someone please help me!?" Schwoz yelled from under the tarp

"So, this is really thhe thing that made you indestructible?" I ask

"Yeah." he crossed his arms "Way back when. I remember it like a well-edited video.." my dad stared off into the distance

"What is he looking at?"

"Is he okay?"

"God, I was a handsome kid." my dad blurted out

"Okay, let's fire this thing up and make me and Dri indestructible." Henry said

"No." My dad demanded

"Hey, I can't see out of this tarp!"

"Why can't we make Henry and Dria indestructible?" Charlotte asked

"Because it won't work." my dad explained

"Why not?" I ask "If it works on you it should work on me and Henry."

"Yeah, that's what my dad thought. But it didn't. After that thing made me indestructible, my dad and his team of scientists tried it on other people."

"And, what happened?" Charlotte asked

"You wanna know what happened?" My dad asked

"Uh, yeah."

"Do you really wanna know?"

"I do."

"Cause I'll show ya. I'll take you over there and I'll show yo--"

"Just show us, just show us!" I interrupted him

"Kay let's go." my dad nudged us to follow him

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

"What is that?" Charlotte asked

"This, is a VHS tape. It's how humans used to store videos." my dad explained "You need to watch this." my dad said

"Okay." Henry snd Charlotte tried to turn on the VHS tape

"What are they doing?" I look at them weirdly

"What do I tap?" Henry asked

"I don't even see a screen." Charlotte said

"How do you guys not know how to use a VHS tape?" I look at them in disbelief

"Ohh, I know." Henry put the VHS tape over his eyes and looked around

"Give me that." My dad snatched the tape and insert it in the TV "Now, after I was made indestructible as a kid, my father tried the same process on three men."

"So, what happened to those guys?" Charlotte asked

"Did they become indestructible?" Henry asked

"Oh, no. but the machine did change them."

"How?" I ask

"You wanna know?" my dad asked


"You really wanna know because I'll show ya--"

"Oh my God!"


"Stop that!"

"Here's what happened to Dave Macallan." my dad played the VHS tape and a video of a man appeared with some weird noise in the background

"Who's making that weird noise?" I ask

"Watch." my dad said

The man lifted his shirt up which revealed a face of a man screaming.

"Oh, jeez!"



"Here's what happened to John Walker." my dad played another video

This time, the man had feet for hands.

"Ahhh! Why are they feet!? Ahh!!"

"Aw, no!"

"That is wrong."

"I hate that."

"And here's what the machine did to Glenn Livet." my dad played another video

"He looks okay." I shrug

"Sure. Until a little arms comes out of his ear and pokes him in the eye." my dad said

"Oh come on!"

"That is messed up."

"That can't happen."

A little arm came out of Glenn's ear and poked him in the eye.


"I hate that!"

Another hand came out his ear and poked him.

"Oh! Make it stop! Ow! Please, God make it-- ow! Stop!!"

"Dad, stop!"

"Alright alright alright." my dad turned the TV off "Now do you see why the densitizer can never be used again?"

"But, if it worked on you then why did it do such awful things to those other guys?" I ask

"No one knows. Welp. I got tickets to see Loggins and Messina, lock the door when you leave." my dad left

"Well, too bad." I sigh

"Yeah, do you know how cool it would be if we were indestructible?"

"You know what? I said you guys can be made indestructible." Schwoz chimed in

"How?" Henry asked

"I have a theory. C'mon, I tell you guys up there."

"Cool." Henry followed Schwoz

I turned to Charlotte "Hey Char, let's go."



"I do not want to see you grow a face in your belly button!"

"Just listen to what I have to say--" Schwoz tried to say something

"I can't hear you! Bloobity bloobity bloobity" she sat on a wagon "Bloobity bloobity bloobity-"

I roll my eyes and started pulling the wagon

"Bloobity bloobity bloobity bloobity bloobity bloobity--"

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

"You seen when Ray went into the densitizer, he was a young kid, just like Henry and Audrianna are young kids." Schwoz explained

"Right, right. And the other three guys they tried it on, when it failed..were grown ups." I added and Schwoz nodded

"They were grown ups, now they're mutant freaks." Charlotte added

"Charlotte, c'mon--" I tried to talk to her

"I'm not gonna sit beside you in Science class if you have arms coming out of your ears trying to poke you."

"Listen, I've seen the security tapes. Not only was Ray a young kid when he was densitized, but he was also on a skatboard."

"Skatboard?" I ask

"Yeah, you know, a board with 4 wheels on the bottom-"

"He means skateboard." Charlotte chimed in

"Yeah, a skaytboard."

"Right, right. He was moving." Henry said

"Yeah, so I think, if we recreate that same motion, with young kids who are not yet grown ups like Henry and Dria, the machine will work on them the same way it worked on Ray when he was a kid, what you think?"

"I say we go for it." I glanced at Henry

"Yes, yes yes! I go prep the machine!" Schwoz high-fived me and Henry

"Alright." I turned to Charlotte "Char, let's go."


"Come on. If this works, we'll be the best sidekicks any superhero ever had." Henry said

"And if it doesn't work, you guys might end up with eyeballs on your butts. Have fun in the bathroom."

I scoff "Nah, Schwoz is a genius. He thinks it'll work."

"Then go play with Schwoz. I'm not moving from this chair." Charlotte turned away

I rolled my eyes and drag Charlotte's chair.

"Wha- Man, I gotta start sitting on things that don't roll."

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Schwoz prepped the machine before turning to us "Okay, Henry and Dria, are you ready?"

Henry squeezed my hand tightly "Yeah."


"Is there any way I can talk you guys out of this?" Charlotte chimed in



"Okay, Henry and Dria, don't forget to say 'hey, daddy daddy woah!'."

"Hey, daddy daddy woah. Got it." I repeated

"Okay, background and..action!"

Me and Henry started riding our skateboards "Hey daddy, daddy woah!"

The densitizer zapped us.

Our bodies were glowing green and purple and it felt like my insides were burning.

The machine stopped as Henry and I almost fell to the ground.

"Henry, Dria! You guys okay?" Charlotte asked "How do you feel?"

I stood up "I don't know- it feels like the inside of my body was on fire but like in a good way, you know?"

"Do you think you're indestructible?"

"I don't know- maybe we should test these o--" Schwoz whacked a bat on me and Henry's head

"Ow!" We yelled

"Did that hurt?" Schwoz asked

"Well yeah, you cracked us over the head with a bat!" Henry exclaimed

"Hey, it stopped hurting.." I said

"Really!?" Charlotte check our heads "No scratches, no bumps, no throbbing!?"

"No." Henry grins

"No side effects?" Schwoz asked

I checked my ears and lifted Henry's shirt "Nope. We're okay!"

Charlotte and Schwoz cheered

"Oh my God you guys are indestructible!" Charlotte exclaimed

"Yeah we are!" Henry pulled me into a tight hug

"Ooh, we gotta go tell my dad!"

"Oh, no, no he's at the music show" Schwoz said

"Oh, I know. We come to work tomorrow and Schwoz breaks another bat over our heads in front of Ray." Henry suggested


"Yeah, okay."

"Hey, hey." Charlotte lifted up a vase "Can I? Just for fun?"

"Whack me." Henry said

She whacked the vase over Henry's head

"Eh?" Henry turned to us "Eh?" he grinned

Schwoz chuckled "I'm a genius!"

We all just stared at him.

He stopped laughing "What?"

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

I woke up at 7:00am and decided to check my phone until I got a message from Kelly

I giggled a bit but once I did, a huge fire came out of my mouth


«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»


idk anymore

Pt. 2 wont be in a while 😭

If you've made it this far, comment with purple hearts 💜💜💜

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2832 words
Edited: 01 - 16 - 24

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