𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮-𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚
"Call if you want me to come bust some noses in." Hawk said as Alaska got out of her old car quickly, glad to finally be out of the backseat she felt like she was suffocating in, "I'm serious."
"I think I can handle it." Alaska said a she shut the door, the passengers window rolling down as she bent down to look, "Where are the two of you heading?"
"Back to my house, I didn't realize we living so close." Moon said with a grin, taking notice of Alaska only living a few neighbors over then where she lived, "Tell Sam I said hi."
"Will do." Alaska said as she began fumbling with her rings and clearing her throat, "So you guys are just going to hang out at your house for a bit?"
"Moons parents are out." Hawk said as he leaned past her to look at Alaska with a grin, watching to see her expression.
"I don't think I asked." Alaska said in a fake voice, laughing as if she was joking while Moon did as well, thinking Alaska was only making a joke, "So have you guys hung out at your house before?"
"No, just usually at the park, Canyon, or Golf N' Stuff." Moon said casually as Alaska tightened her fist, her rings and nails digging into her palm. Her eyes flickered to Hawk, finding him staring at her with a half smirk.
"How exciting." Alaska said, her jaw un-clinched as she sighed. Her fist were let free as she hid the annoyance and anger across her eyes, knowing there was nothing she could do about it now, "You two have fun."
"We will." Hawk said, staring at her as Alaska backed away from the car, "See you."
"Bye, Alaska." Moon smiled as the window rolled up, the car speeding off, leaving Alaska on the side walk. A sigh left her lips as she turned, huffing loudly as her feet made it up her drive way.
"Who cares if our whole grade is having sex? Sixteen is just usually when people start that kinda stuff." Alaska said with a shrug as she cut the strawberries into little stars, Eli doing the same with the watermelon.
"Don't you feel kinda left out? I mean, are we that big of losers?" he asked, voicing his worry that neither of them have done anything while most of their grade has. He took it personal, feeling like a freak enough.
"I guess so, but who cares? We can just lie." Alaska said with a knowing look his way, throwing one of the strawberries as it bounced off his forehead, "Besides, who would we have sex with anyone? Demetri?"
"I'm not saying we need to be, it's just kinda annoying everyone else is. We're complete losers." he continued to go on, earning a laugh from Alaska, "Why aren't you seeing what i'm saying? We're even more of freaks then what we were before."
"Not everyone's doing it, just most." Alaska said as he shrugged. Alaska tried to see why he was feeling the way he did, already feeling out of place and left out of things in school, this just making it worse, "Lets make a deal."
"Last time we made a deal I ended up naked in the street and your neighbors called the cops." he said as Alaska laughed at the memory and set the rest of the star strawberries on the tray.
"Not that kind of deal." she rolled her eyes as he leaned on his elbow to listen to her, "If we're both still virgins by the summer we should just do it together and get it over with."
Eli chocked on air as she passed him her own glass of lemonade, "Together?"
"Yeah, lots of friends do it." Alaska said with a causal shrug as she turned to grab the cantaloupe, "It wouldn't even be weird, we've done basically everything else together."
Eli nodded, knowing she was right, "I guess that's smart, since we'll probably be bad at it the first time."
"Extremely bad at it." Alaska said with a nod of her head, watching his red face grin slightly, "Get it over with together when summer comes so we can be better for whoever comes next."
"Smart." Eli nodded his head, taking the half of the cantaloupe she cut and began cutting the stars.
Alaska kept that conversation in her mind ever since that day just seven months ago. They were in the second week of summer and Alaska assumed he had Moon now. She couldn't complain, that's what relationship usually do and Moon was one hundred percent his girlfriend now. Alaska wouldn't admit it, but maybe she wanted to be his first time, wanted to ease any form of worry or panic he'd most definitely have.
Alaskas mind raced so much that she hadn't realized the LaRussos car was in her drive way already, slamming the front door as her bare feet hit the bare floor, "Mom! I really need a refill on my lavender es-"
Alaska stopped as she came around the corner, finding her family and the LaRussos sat at the table already. Alaska scanned their faces with wide eyes, focusing on Robby as he stared at her.
"Alaska, your phone must have been off." Gina, Alaska mother, said as she pushed her braids out of her face to smile at Alaksa in a manor that told her she was in big trouble but wouldn't make a scene in front of guest, "Say hello."
"Hello." Alaska said as she gave a tight lipped smiled, "Sorry, I figured they'd be here later."
"My fault, I never told you a time." Zane said as he held his wife's hand knowingly, hoping to take the blame.
"Hey, Alaska." Sam said with a smile as Alaska smiled back.
"What happened, Darling?" Zane asked as he looked to the bandage on Alaska's stomach, the one that was covering her stitches to avoid sand from infection them.
"Crab!" Alaska said quickly, making Amanda jump as her sudden yell, "At the beach. I was sleeping, dreaming about stuff, you know, usual stuff. And a crab climbed up and bit me, really hard, with his pinchers, you know. Demetri brought his first aid kit, the star wars one he got when he fell and scraped his knee on his bike, fixed me up."
She took notice of how in detail she was going, knowing that's how Hawk knew when she was lying. Alaska only hoped no one else was able to know that.
"Ouch." Amanda said as Alaska nodded with a forced laugh.
"Well, honey, why don't you go get cleaned up before you get any more sand on my floor." Gina said with a grin, Alaska looked down and realized she was dripping of sand, "Then maybe you'll join us."
"Sure, completely." Alaska said as she ran up the stairs quickly with a flushed face of embarrassment. Robby freaking Keene was in her house and she'd have to act cool with it.
Alaska snuck into the dining room while her mother told a story. Her wet hair from the shower was tied up in a bun, dripping slightly down on the black sundress she wore. Her cheeks and shoulders were sunburn in the slightly, hoping no one would notice. Her eyes went to Robby immediately, seeing as though he was already looking at her.
"Alaska, your mom was just telling me about your birthday next week." Amanda said with a grin, sipping the wine as she looked over at Alaska who sat next to her dad, "Any plans?"
"Oh, not much." Alaska said with a small smile, thanking her father with a smile as he scooped the noodles into her bowl for her, "Maybe just something with a friend or two."
"Your friends with the mohawk?" Daniel asked, trying to make it seem casual but Alaska could sense the petty in his voice, mainly because she often times did the same thing.
"Mohawk? You have a friend with a mohawk?" Gina asked in almost an alarming manor, looking past Zane to stare at Alaska.
"And tattoos." Daniel went on as Alaska looked at him in disbelief. Alaska saw Robby hide his laugh with his napkin.
"Eli had a bit of a change." Alaska said to her parents with a small smile, "He couldn't make it tonight."
"Eli, he got tattoos?" Zane asked with a look of disbelief.
"Yup." Alaska said as she looked to Daniel, "But if you wanted to be invited so bad, all you had to do was ask, Mr.LaRusso."
He laughed suddenly at her words, clear sarcasm within his humor as he hummed and shook his head.
"Robby, do you go to school in West Valley?" Zane asked the boy, who he'd warmed up to, after their talk in the garage regarding skating.
"Oh, no sir, I only recently moved closer. I'm from North Hills."Robbys said, not being able to hide his smirk when he noticed Alaska mocking his words, "Maybe next year if I play my cards right."
Alaska let out a sudden scoff, earning the attention at the table as she quickly hide it with a cough.
"Alaska, did you sign up for any extracurriculars for next year?" Sam asked, take notice of the tension that was seconds away from breaking between the pair.
"I was thinking about joining that new club, what was it for?" Alaska asked as Sam gave a confused look, "Specials around body piercings."
"That a school club?" Gina asked as her and Amanda shared a similar look. Alaska could tell by the look on Sams face that she knew what she was talking about.
Alaska's eyes turned to Robby as her jaw cliched, "Robby, maybe it'll help you make some friends, you clearly have a liking for piercings."
"Did you have your ears pierced?" Daniel asked Robby, eyeing Alaska and the boy who both stared at each other intensely, not breaking eye contact to even blink.
"Yes." Robby said, finally being the one to break and blink, "I took them out when we started our training."
"Oh, I wasn't aware you two knew each other before." Zane said as he looked to Alaska, being able to read his daughter well.
"He came to the car wash once, nothing too out of the ordinary." Alaska said as she pretended to think, "Believe it was around halloween, guess he needed a good scare."
Daniel looked to Sam for some form of answers, she only avoided eye contact with a guilty look in her eye.
"Robby, where are you from again?" Gina asked him.
"Yeah, Robby, tell us all about your past." Alaska said as her fist balled, Daniel eyeing it slightly, "What type of friends do you have?"
"Alaska." Zane said, taking notice of how awkward and tense she was making the table.
"Or about your shoulder? How's it feel, by the way?" Alaska continued on.
"Maybe we should start on-" Daniel began before he was cut off quickly.
"I'm sure you can tell us all about what school you dropped out of." the girl said as Robby stared as her in a begging manor.
"Alaska." Gina said sternly, "Knock it off, now."
"Why? Am I scaring you, Robby? Am I making you uncomfortable? Maybe I should get my friends to hurt you while I just stand around and watch." Alaska said loudly as she pushed her bowl harshly, making Sam jump. The table fell silent as Alaska rose to her feet and stormed out of the back door.
"I'm so sorry, shes been acting out." Gina said with a embarrassed look.
"We sh-" Amanda began before Robby spoke up.
"She's going through a lot." he defended Alaska from the other end of the table, "Its normal for her to be acting out, you don't have to apologize."
"Going through a lot?" Zane asked with confused eyes.
"With school being over, I mean, the last week is always stressful." Robby said quickly, keeping Alaska's secrets kept, "With all do respect, try to understand that."
Daniel had to hide his small smile of pride as Gina stared at the boy.
"I like you." Zane said to the Keene boy who smiled, "I should go check on her."
"I'll do it." Robby said quickly as he rose, "Maybe a new voice could do her some good."
"Should I come?" Sam asked worried, basically being able to see Alaska throwing Robbys body through the dining room window.
"We'll be fine." he said with a forced smile, meeting eyes with Daniel who gave him a single nod.
Alaska sat on the edge of her pool, legs in the water. She knew what she said was completely immature and absolutely ridiculous, she realized she wouldn't have said it if she wasn't already in such a bad moon. Robby himself made her mad, make her upset even. But on top of all that, she knew Eli was most likely getting laid just a few neighbors away.
She hadn't bothered to turn around when she heard footsteps behind her, assuming it had been Sam. Alaska wasn't even that big of a fan of Sam, but sometimes, just sometimes, she wished they would have gotten closer with just living a street away. When Robby sat next to her Alaska looked at him in disbelief as a scoff left her mouth, "You have some nerve coming to my house, eating my food, sitting at my table, and now with your nasty feet in my pool."
"Okay, I clean my feet." he defended himself as Alaska rolled her eyes, "I just wanted to come talk to you."
"You're brave to sit next to me when i've thought about seriously harming you, I could drown you if I wanted." Alaska said as she stared into his eyes and then to the pool, "Is your hogwarts house Gryffindor?"
"How'd you know?" he asked her as Alaska huffed and ignored him, "Ravenclaw?"
"Hufflepuff, though i'm questions why now." Alaska said as he cracked a grin, making her look at him in disbelief, "Why do you keep smiling at me like that? Do you not realize I absolutely hate you with a burning passion?"
"I know that." he nodded his head, "I just like your attitude."
"You won't when I kick your ass." Alaska said as she gripped the sides of her pool, "The only reason I haven't drowned you yet is because I wanna be able to go back to Cobra Kai, where my friends are. Or did you forget i've been out? Would you care for me to remind you why?"
"That what I wanted to talk to you about." he spoke gently, calm and sensitive to her with sad eyes, "Alaska, i'm really sorry."
She ignored him, rolling her eyes as he began talking again, "You don't have to forgive me, and it's not a excuse. But, at the time I was going through a lot, I was a different person then. Those guys, the ones I was with, they were all I had. We needed money, we knew your family was loaded so we agreed to take your wallet. I didn't know Trey would do that."
"Trey." Alaska said, pain in her voice, "Thats his name, then? Trey?"
Robby nodded as Alaska looked away quickly before he could see the pain swirling in her eyes.
"I know what that evening did to you, I know it caused a lot of pain and if I could go back and do something about it I would." Alaska could sense the sincere in his words but wasn't ready to look him in the eye and forgive him just that easily, "You're a good person, you care about people a lot and this is the last thing you deserve."
He went silent as Alaska spoke, "I appreciate you saying that, but you have to understand what happened after that night. It wasn't just stitches, it was worse then that."
"I heard you got into some heavy stuff." he said as Alaska stared at him, her eyes glossy for a second before she blinked them away, "Was that because of me?"
"It was my fault for getting into them in the first place, I was just in so much pain from the stitches and forcing myself to do karate because I didn't want anything like that to happen again." Alaska said, noticing the amount of pain and guilt he held within his green eyes, "But it wasn't just the drugs. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before, i've never been attacked like that. I was terrified, you have no clue what it's like to be a girl, walking home alone at night when three guys corner you. Do you have any idea the fear I was feeling?"
Robbys nose twitched, her shaky voice putting more then enough pain on him, "I'm so sorry, I should have said something, I should have protected you."
"Yeah, maybe so." Alaska said as she looked down at the water, whipping the single tear that fell from her check, "I can't forgive you, nor will I ever forget that night. But, thank you for saying it to me. I'm sorry for everything I did back there."
"You don't have to be sorry, I deserved that." he said before a small grin formed on his face, "You did flip the thing of guac over though."
Alaska laughed, "Thats a nightmare."
Robby grinned as he looked at her pool alongside her, "So, do we still have to be enemies after this?"
Alaska sighed as she looked over at him with a half grin, "Maybe not enemies, more so just two people with a shitty past together."
"Sounds like it would make a good movie." he spoke as Alaska nodded in agreement, "So was all that you said back there to get Mr. LaRussos attention? I'm gonna tell him when we get back, I can't let him keep wondering why we're like this."
Alaska nodded her head, "You truly want to know why I acted like that?"
He nodded as Alaska sighed, "My best friend is most definitely hooking up with the hottest girl in school right now and I fucking hate it."
"The mohawk guy?" Robby asked as Alaska nodded her head, watching confusion flash in his eyes, "I always thought he was your boyfriend."
"You and everyone else apparently." Alaska said as she leaned her elbow on her knee, resting the side of her head in her palm, "We're just friends."
"If you're just friends why do you hate him with anyone else?" Robby asked her, pulling one of his legs out of the pool to lean on, staring at her as Alaska shook her head.
"Thats were i'm stuck too." Alaska said, looking down at the water as she rubbed her thumb against the hawk tattoo on her finger, "I just hate it."
kylie speaks
much needed
long chapter.
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