π: lmaooooooo this just gets gayer and gayer ππ
β: any personal headcanons for Cosmic? Or things that might remind you of the series and its dynamics?
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"Do you copy? This is a code red."
The rising sun makes its way through the blinds in Max's bedroom, its gentle yellow rays split into several thin beams and casting out over the three sleeping bodies splayed over one another on the floor. El's body still curled into Y/n's arm, her hair a mess. Y/n was splayed out on her stomach, crooked, as her head had edged its way onto Max's pillow and her legs fell over El's. All the while, a sleeping Max had resorted to using the back of Y/n's shoulder as a pillow.
And they were snug as can be, tucked away in sleep, drool threatening to drip from their parted mouths as Lucas's desperate voice rings out from Max's super com.
"I repeat, this is a code red."
The device seems to grow louder with every word, slowly but surely pulling the girls from sleep.
"Max. Do you copy?" Max lifts her head from Y/n's shoulder, scooching back onto her pillow, and begins palming the ground under her bed. "This is a code red."
Her hand finally finds the comms and she senses El lazily rise up onto her elbow. She presses the button and seethes into the microphone.
"Shut. Up."
She slams the antenna down and shuts off the device, throwing it back under the bed. Y/n hums into the pillow, eyes still closed.
"Mm... what's red?" She asks through clenched teeth, still much too tired to even move her jaw.
"Nothing," Max yawns.
She turns over in bed, nestling back into the rainbow sheets and finding herself nearly nose to nose with Y/n as El rubs the sleep from her eyes, finally joined them. El just settles her head back into her pillow, her tangled hair still falling over her face and blocking out the sun. She let out a soft yawn, letting sleep return to her as she snuggled back into Y/n's arm happy and warm.
βΉ βΉ βΉ
Lucas stares at his super com in light shock as he looked between his friends perched on either side of him on the basement couch.
"She turned it off."
Simultaneously, Will, Lucas, and Mike's eyes all jump to the phone hanging on the wall.
βΉ βΉ βΉ
The blaring ring of Max's telephone is the next thing to wake them, and Y/n groans. Max shoots up in anger, her long red hair falling over her glaring face.
"Oh, you have got to be kidding me." She seethes, pulling herself up to her feet.
"Tell him we're not home," Y/n mumbles, still fighting a losing battle with sleep and a foggy mind.
Max stomps across the floor, strategically maneuvering around her friends, and rips the phone off its receiver.
"I'm sleeping. Go away,"
"Max, this is Will-" her hand caught mid-air, the boy's words barely registering to her in time. Reluctantly, she brings the phone back up to her ear. "I need you to stay on the line, and please just listen."
When Will doesn't hear the click of the dial tone, he breathes a sigh of relief. His eyes dart over his shoulder at his waiting friends trying to feed him the words but he ignores them, turning away.
Max frowns into the phone at what he says next, his voice going pleading.
"Is Y/n there?" There's a pause, and Max frowns down at the phone when she thinks she hears light shushing. "And El? Are you guys all together?"
Okay, now she was bugging out a little.
"Why?" She asks, an edge gradually returning to her voice out of concern.
She glances over her shoulder at her two best friends; Y/n had finally opened her eyes and was trying to make sense of her surroundings as she squinted through the sunlight and El was flowing up at her, worried.
"Just, stay together, okay? Something bad happened, is happening, whatever. We don't really know, but we can't take any chances."
"Okay, what are you talking about? What's going on?" She presses.
"Just meet us at Mike's house, and I'll explain. We all will. Just get over here, quickly."
And then the line went dead.
Max held the phone in her hand, her stare drifting off as Will's words echoed in her mind.
"What'd he say?" El asked.
"Yeah," Y/n yawned, finally pulling herself into a sitting position, her face puffy from sleep. "is everything okay?"
βΉ βΉ βΉ
"Try Dustin again," Mike says, turning to Lucas.
"He's not answering," Lucas says.
"So, try him again,"
Lucas bites back a sigh and returns to his comms with a sigh. Will picks the phone back up, shooting Mike a knowing look.
"I'll try their house,"
Lucas shoots him a thankful look before returning to his mindless search.
"Dustin, do you copy? I repeat... this. is. a. code red."
βΉ βΉ βΉ
Dustin watches from the very same ledge as Lynx Transportation hauls a cart full of shipments from Kauffman Shoes and Imperial Panda. But his mind was still spinning, trying to formulate possible answers as to just what he was dealing with as he scouts for their routine.
His eyes had caught on the third armed officer who approached the keypad holding a small plastic card, and Dustin made a mental note.
"That keycard opens the door, but unfortunately the Russian with this keycard has a massive gun,"
Sure enough, the metal doors swung open and the cart is pushed inside. Apart from his cautious glare on the armed guard standing watch, his eyes try to catch whatever lays beyond the threshold.
It looked to Dustin to be a storage room no bigger than his living room, stacked with similar boxes.
"Whatever's in this room, whatever's in those boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it," Dustin concludes as he paces the back room of Scoops Ahoy.
Robin and Steve sit opposite one another in thought.
"But there's gotta be a way in," Robin mutters.
"Well, you know..." Steve stops twirling his hat, quickly reshaping the top with a quick puff of air before dropping it on the table and leaning in with a serious tone. "I could just take him out,"
"Take. Who. Out?" Robin blinked.
"The Russian guard," he answers obviously.
Robin leans back in her seat, nodding sarcastically at him through wide eyes and Steve scoffs.
"What? I sneak up behind him, I knock him out, and I take his keycard. It's easy,"
"Did you not... hear the part about the massive gun?" Dustin asks with crossed arms.
"Yes," Steve snarks, surprised. "Dustin, I did. And that's why I would be... sneaking."
"Ahh," Dustin nods. "Well, please, tell me this, and be honest, have you ever actually..." Dustin gives an all too casual shrug, knowing exactly what button he was pushing. "won a fight?"
"OH-kay, that was one time-"
"-Twice. Jonathan. Year prior?"
"Uh, listen. That doesn't count,"
"Why wouldn't it? Because it looks like he beat the shit out of you."
Robin finds herself laughing, lazily rolling her eyes across the shop as the two continue to bicker.
"It was-"
Her grin slowly falls when her eyes catch something in the corner.
"-You got a fat lip, crooked nose, swollen eye, a lot of blood,"
"...things all added up, yeah they sound bad but..."
As the thought grew into an idea, the grin returned to Robin. "That just might work,"
She was out of the backroom, hand diving into the tip jar faster than they could blink. They scrambled to the window in a baffled frenzy.
She didn't answer, and when she made a break for the exit, Steve and Dustin tumbled out from the back room.
"Hey, Robin! Hey, what- what are you doing?"
"I need cash," she explains, backing out of the store.
"Well, half of that's mine," he pouts. "Where're you going?"
"To find a way into that room, a safe way. And, in the meantime, sling ice cream, behave, and don't get beat up," she says with an excited smirk. "I'll be back in a jiff!"
With a quick two-finger salute, she had disappeared into the crowd leaving her privately self-proclaimed Dingus Duo at home base.
Steve sighs, looking to Dustin only to find him licking the scooper.
"Oh, dude," he scolds, yanking it out of his hands and returning it to his sling with a twirl. "Come on, man, not my scooper,"
βΉ βΉ βΉ
The trip to Mike's house had indeed been a quick one. When Max had relayed the message, a grave face became all of them. El and Y/n looked at each other and knew; their fears were being realized. And Max knew there was no more denying it, no matter how much she wanted to. No matter how much she needed to.
"I didn't think it was anything at first," Will says.
He was before his friends - most of them anyway - all of them seated around the coffee table in Mike's basement. He hadn't realized how much he had missed Y/n until he had seen her, nor her him. And neither had left each other's side since they gathered. She was sat beside him on a low footstool, El to her right on the upholstered chair, and him on her left; perched on the arm of the couch to the far right of Mike and Lucas.
Concern was etched on her features, as it was on all of them as they listened intently.
"I mean, I think I just didn't want to believe it." He sighs, locking eyes with Y/n knowingly. "The day I first felt it was at Day of the Dead,"
And not unlike only months short of a year prior, when he felt himself ensnared in the terror and icy grip of the monster that lurked in shadows only he could see, Will Byers could feel his skin tightening painfully as goosebumps gripped his neck. It was a chill he hoped he'd never feel again, a chill that had nearly destroyed him and his family and friends. And Y/n. The passionate, fiery, hatred for the girl was the only thing about this icy monster that burned brighter than the horrifying memories it left with him.
Startled, his head is ripped to her direction, arm already slipping away from his neck as she stares at him in worry. She recognized the look in his eyes all too well, and immediately she knew something was amiss.
"Will, what is it?"
"The power went out that night, too," Mike says in realization, and Will nods.
"And then I felt it again at the field near the Nelson farm the next day."
Will stopped suddenly when the world plunged away from underneath his feet and the dark feeling returned. All the while, Y/n's voice faded into the distance as he gripped his goosebump-covered neck, looking fearfully out onto the horizon.
"Think they'll carry me if I fake a leg injury?" She chuckles, her voice far away and fleeting from him.
Despite the steady burst of hot air carried through the breeze and the sun beating down on his skin, he felt a total absence of warmth. And like almost like a phantom limb, all he can feel is panic and something dark, and desperate... Something angry.
"Then again, yesterday outside Castle Byers,"
As Will mingled with the dirt beneath him, the storm pounding against his back soaking him to the bone, he feels it again.
The same feeling he had felt the night before Dustin's return, the day of, and now...
Well, there was no denying it. No more running. This was real, and it wasn't something so easily shaken.
A great change was upon him and his friends, a change none of them were prepared for.
Shakily, he pulls himself to his feet, not entirely sure if the voice calling his name was real.
With a faraway look in his eyes, Will turns to his awaiting friends as his stomach plummets beneath the earth.
"What does it feel like?" Max asks from her spot across the coffee table.
"It's almost like..." everyone watches patiently as Will draws on a thoughtful face, for once it seems, struggling for the right words. "You know when you drop on a rollercoaster?"
Y/n, Max, and Mike all nod.
"No," El says, still listening intently.
"It's like... everything inside your body is just sinking all at once, but this is worse," Will says, a faraway look in his eyes that Y/n knows all too well. "Your body... it goes cold. And you can't... breath."
Will's eyes jump down his wringing hands when he feels Y/n entwining her left with his right, interlacing their fingers and giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. He feels his shoulders slack at her warm touch and he sends her a thankful look before continuing, feeling just a little braver.
"I've felt it before," he says through a wavering voice. "whenever he was close."
He fearfully crept towards the front door. He came to a stop when he heard the dreadful sound of wood creaking and he watched in horror as the front door slowly swung open to reveal a reddish-purple sky, and the violent winds were carrying leaves and other debris with it. Something strange was growing around the outside of the house and he felt the familiar sensation returning.
He felt his blood run cold and his skin shriveled up, goosebumps breaking out all over. His breathing picked up and he could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up as he watched frozen in terror.
"Whenever who was close?" Max asked, fearing the answer she already knew.
Will tried to remind himself he was in the presence of his love and his friends but fear still gripped his lungs and threatened to steal his voice. Finally, with a trembling breath, he spoke the truth none of them wanted to hear, changing the rest of their summer - and possibly the rest of their lives - forever.
"The Mind Flayer."
"Go away!"
It got closer. It was swooping in like a vulture but Will didn't give in.
"Go away! Go away!" Tears were streaming down his face, and the monster got closer.
Y/n's eyelids fall closed at the mention of the monster that brought so much harm and grief to her and the lives of her loved ones as the truth hits her completely. Just the sight of his convulsing body and his weeping mother that day out on the field when the Mind Flayer got him was traumatic enough. Her eyes flicker back open, back onto the equally horrified looks of her friends and her grip on her boyfriend's hand tightens.
"I closed the gate," El reasons.
"I know, but," for a moment, Will loses his voice again and he clings to Y/n's touch like a lifeline bringing him back. He fears the words he is about to speak, not only for his sake but for everyones. For Y/n's. But the fear was too great to keep quiet. If it was even a real possibility, it had to be stopped. As soon as possible. "What if he never left?"
Shakily, he looks around the room with horror hidden within his hazel irises until they land on Y/n, full of grief. His voice was soaked with apology, unable to contain his worry.
"What if we locked him out here with us?"
Y/n's head turns to meet El's eyes, the two share an equally concerned and knowing gaze from beside one another. Her stomach was twisting into knots, the horrible, sickly feeling of dread that had been building for the past two nights was finally realized.
||ππππ'π πππ||
"This is him," I say, throwing a spare piece of paper on the D&D table before us all. The six of us all stood together, finally surrounding the D&D table for all the wrong reasons but there's no time to think about that now. I grab the charcoal in hand and began frantically scribbling an all too familiar shape in charcoal. "All of him,"
"But that day on the field," I explain. "part of him attached itself to me,"
I fight the intrusive memory trying to overwhelm me, bringing back the phantom chill that has always lingered since that day.
He stood frozen, now trapped in the swirling fog. Several black tendrils spawned from the mass and invaded Will and he could feel the evil presence as it possessed his body and settled in his very soul.
I yank my hand across the page, pulling up my dirtied palm to show my friends before nodding to my left.
"Y/n got him out of me,"
"I think it's an earthquake!" Mike cries.
A light breeze picks up in the tunnel from where they're headed, carrying with it a warm toasty wave of heat that answered their question.
"No, not an earthquake!" Dustin's eyes went wide from behind his goggles as he looked to the others excitedly. "It's Y/n!"
The Henderson child had managed to pull herself from unconsciousness, and she now stood across the bed. Her arms were stretched out before her and a blazing fire resided in her eyes, a grunt pulled from deep within her throat. Three bloody lines where his nails had caught her ran diagonally down her vein-covered face. Each vein protruded from her skin as blood poured from her nose and ears.
Like a broken dam, all that raw power trapped inside her burst free. Y/n was a supernova, a sight to behold as everything inside her exploded all around her.
Will's mouth opens in another scream and a billowing cloud of inky black smoke escapes. It twists and unravels out from between his lips like a pitch-black tornado.
"and El closes the gate,"
I flip the page back over and my eyes trail across my friends' faces thoughtfully, the last of the pieces falling into place as I explain.
"The part that was still in me, what if it's still in our world?"
It grows larger and larger, circling over the boy and looms over the entire room as it had the last few days. Will's body goes limp, falling back onto the mattress as the dark mass zips across the room and through the front door breaking it open.
Nancy quickly recovers her footing and chases it out of the door to assure it's leaving for good. Sure enough, when she reaches the porch she spots the black dust circle the trees before disappearing into the sky.
I plant my charcoal-dusted hand on the paper, leaving behind a faint trace of black.
"In Hawkins," I conclude.
"I don't understand," Max began. "The Demodogs died when El closed the gate. If the brain dies, the body dies,"
Y/n shook her head gravely from beside me, standing up a little straighter after leaning against the table.
"But the brain didn't die," she sighed heavily in realization. "Not all of it. So the part that was in control, lost. And so did the army, but, enough must have survived... And now after all this time..." She trailed off.
Mike nodded from beside me.
"Exactly," he said. "We can't take any chances. We need to assume the worst... The Mind Flayer is back."
I feel Y/n shift uncomfortably from beside me, her eyes drilling holes into the paper as she chews on her lip and I feel a tug in my chest. But the others were still looking towards me, waiting, and so was she so I continued.
"And if he is," I begin, hesitant to tear my eyes away from her. "He'll want to attach himself to someone again. A new me,"
Once again my eyes meet with all my friends as the very air around grows thicker, and Lucas finally concludes what we all fear.
"A new host,"
I nod and the room falls quiet again at the challenge laid before us.
It was difficult enough facing an enemy as powerful and ruthless as the Mind Flayer, but I think it helped our chances considerably he attached himself to me; someone who already had some insight on his territory, the Upside Down. Not only that, but I was indescribably lucky enough to have the people I have in my life who fought for me. The chief, Bob, my friends. Jonathan and my mom, and of course Y/n.
But his next victim could be anybody, and that's what makes him even more dangerous.
Finally, Y/n broke the silence - the second time she had spoke since the news had been broken. If I thought she was terrified before, I was dead wrong. I saw pure dread growing in her eyes as they trailed from El's and up to mine, widened and shining. It was with a plunging stomach I knew she had our first clue.
"Oh, no,"
Β· Β· βββββββ Β·π₯ΈΒ· βββββββ Β· Β·
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