warning: there's a mature bit at the end of the chapter
I ate my dinner in complete silence, while my two dedicated butlers, Taehyung and Emilio, stood motionlessly at my sides.
They watched me like scary puppets, speaking only if I asked them anything, and moving as though they were held up by strings.
Their well-ironed uniforms were black and white just like my father's penguin friends, and their hair was neatly combed as though they were respectable, clean-cut gentleman.
I hated everything about it.
It had been a full month of this now. A full month of being treated like a slave-master, worshipped like some Messias, and followed like the pied piper.
'yes, sir', 'no, sir', 'I apologize, sir."
The two most beautiful men I had ever seen were acting like brainwashed lunatics, and I had absolutely enough of it.
"Fuck this," I said, ignoring my soup and throwing my silver spoon to the other side of the room in a fit of frustration. "Don't-- pick that up," I ordered before Taehyung could go and fetch my cutlery like an obedient dog. "I want... I want you both to sit down at the table," I said sharply, rolling my shoulders to shake the tenseness of the situation away. "You've both been standing up straight like that for more than an hour, and it's ridiculous."
Taehyung took a seat faster than his chair wanted to move, but Emilio only reluctantly did as told.
It remained quiet as ever in the dining-room, but I was determined to change that.
"I... recently discovered that I'm fairly good at the turkey trot," I started hesitantly. "I will be heading to the club more often, so that's... exciting, I suppose. D-do you two like to dance?"
Taehyung looked at me with large eyes, and then shot Emilio a panicked glance. The boy could barely string together a sentence in English, so he was pretty much lost nine times out of ten when I said anything at all that required brain-function. He understood simple commands, sure, but having a full-on conversation was far beyond his capabilities. I didn't mind the man's lack of speech much though, because I found him beyond irritating.
It was mostly Emilio I wanted to talk to, anyway...
"I don't enjoy dancing, sir," Emilio said, sitting slumped in his chair. "I find it ridiculous."
I sighed and snatched my can of beer off the table, gulping it down like water.
"Day?" Taehyung asked, desperately trying to understand what I had asked. "Day? Morning?"
"There has to be something you like," I said, refusing to let my talk with Emilio end just like that. "Cars? Art? Sports? Don't you have any interests at all?"
"I don't like anything," Emilio said plainly. "The part of me that liked things died a little over a month ago."
"N-Ne razumijem što se događa..."
I side-eyed Taehyung and turned my body away from him to face only Emilio. "But you are still alive. You are living and breathing. Tell me what you enjoy doing and I will get you the things you need to do them. I can make this house more fun for everyone, you know?"
"There is only one thing I want to do, sir," Emilio said, the skin around his eyes tightening as he looked at me. "There is only one thing I would still enjoy doing."
I dove into myself a little, Emilio's intense glare making the hairs on my arms rise. "I... I see..." I whispered. "Then... I apologize for not being able to grant you that one thing."
"Art!" Taehyung suddenly blurted out, smiling as he mimicked holding a paintbrush. "The painting... I like the painting. The eyes. The faces... I very much like!"
Emilio rolled his eyes, and I sighed as my appetite left me before it had even arrived. Why wouldn't Emilio soften on me? Why did he still treat me like his enemy when I've been nothing but kind to him?
I got up from my chair and wrapped my arms around my waist, the cold atmosphere chilling me to the bone. "Good evening to you both," I murmured, dragging my feet as I left the room. "I will be turning in early tonight."
"Two new footmen?" I asked, looking up at the two incredibly tall men Gonzales had brought into the house.
One was apparently named Kim Namjoon, and the other Kim Seokjin, but I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out who was who.
"We are extremely grateful to be given this job opportunity, sir," the man with glasses and sharp eyes said.
"If you need anything at all, we will be at service to you twenty-four-seven," the one with the face of a movie-star said.
I hummed, but my interest about the two giraffes wasn't peeked. They probably had gambling debts with my father, and had been turned into another set of mindless puppets for me to play with. "Well... I don't need anything right now, so--"
"Oh, do forgive me, but you are so incredibly adorable!"
My lips broke apart when the man who looked like a movie-star grabbed my cheeks and pinched them quite harshly. "Honey, he looks like a little baby!"
"D-Darling, he is the son of mister Park who is an incredibly influential banker, we should treat him with respect," the spectacled man whispered as though he was too tall for me to hear him.
"But he's such a darn cutiepie!" The man squeezing my cheeks whined. "How old are you? Do you like cake? I can't cook to save my life, but I can bake amazing cakes!"
"I... I am not-- hey, l-listen here!"
The tall man with the personality of a fairy godmother dragged me with him all the way to the kitchens downstairs, and I could do nothing but follow him.
"When I was a wee lad, my favorite thing was watching my mother bake. I love chocolate cake myself but I've only tasted it once before since it it's too expensive to have regularly. What do you like? Lemon cake? I know the recipe for that by heart. Apple pie is also amazing, but that of course is a pie and not a cake which is a distinction often forgotten by most folk. Pies are not as great as cakes. I believe everyone will stand with me on that. Pies can be greater than cakes, but it has to be really well-made pie against a very badly-made cake. Luckily for you, I can do both. So, what will it be?"
During the footman's rant, Emilio and Taehyung had followed us into the kitchen, both of them seeming equally curious about the chipper young man who'd infiltrated the usually quiet servant's quarters.
Why was this fellow so... cheerful? Did he hit his head as a child? I wondered. Did he not understand that I had the power to end his life whenever I desired it so?
"Chocotte! Chocotte!" Taehyung cheered, joining in on the new footmen's excitement.
"Chocolate cake it is my friend!" The footman declared, marching through the kitchen in his search for ingredients.
"I help, I help," Taehyung announced, hopping right after the footman like a toddler.
I was left stunned. I hadn't ordered the footman to bake me a cake, and I hadn't asked him to bring me to the kitchen, yet here I was, watching him prepare me a desert I didn't even like.
"I... do apologize," the spectacled footman next to me said. "He is very eager about this job and he wants to do his best in order for us to stay here. We have never heard of a house where homosexuals are allowed to exist, you see, so we might be a little... overly excited."
My eyelids fluttered as I could finally start to make sense of the odd situation. These men didn't know who my father really was, did they? "You... you are--"
"We've been going through life together for the past six years, Jin and I," the footman explained. "And this place... I mean, it is honestly a dream. Thank you so much for letting us live here. We will work very hard to earn our stay."
I nodded slowly, watching Jin create a cloud of cocoa powder as he poured it into a glass bowl. "Don't... mention it."
The arrival of the two new footman had worked wonders on the mood inside the house.
They managed to fill every room with a fresh breath of air, and I could always count on Jin to chat about anything or anyone for hours on end whether I wanted him to or not.
The two new footman had even taken it upon themselves to teach Taehyung English, though I wasn't all too pleased with that.
If Taehyung ended up fluent, it meant he could have conversations with me. It meant that he would talk to me about things... and that was the last thing I wanted.
"Emilio, thank you for coming to my room. I need your help getting dressed for a party."
Emilio's eyes were half-lidded when he showed up to my bedroom door. It was almost as though the man was becoming more lifeless with each passing day, but I still enjoyed having him around me. He was muscular and handsome, and whenever he touched me in any way, it felt like I was set on fire. I didn't know what I had to call my feelings for him, but I knew that they transcended beyond a platonic interest.
"It's at a nearby club, the Swinging Flamingo," I clarified, though the man hadn't asked me a thing. "I'll be dancing there..."
"Alright, I will dress you, sir," Emilio said, and I licked my lips with a downright desperate nod when he approached me.
He began to unbutton my blouse with a blank expression as though he were dissociating, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I was transfixed as though he was the moon in my night sky, and I couldn't be bothered with the stars. "Do you feel different as an adult?" I asked, needing the man to talk to me as he stripped my upper body.
"Could you clarify, sir?"
I blushed as I was slowly exposed in front of the man I so deeply admired, a cold shiver taking me by surprise. "As opposed to when you were a bit younger. Like-- a teenager."
Emilio let my shirt puddle onto the floor, and unbuttoned my trousers a bit more roughly, nearly ripping it open. "I was a child and became a man. There is nothing more to say."
I felt my heart throb against my chest, suddenly so very conscious about every breath leaving and entering my lungs. Did he care at all that I was nude? Did any part of him want to kiss me? "You think... someone my age is a child?"
Emilio grabbed my shoulders and roughly turned me around, moving me as though I was powerless against him, which I was. "Yes. I think teenagers are children without their innocence," he grumbled. "Without everything that makes them lovely."
I pouted. "Well, but--"
"They are stupid, and reckless, and blind," Emilio spat, tugging at my pants until it fell to the floor and I was left in nothing but my underwear. "They think they know everything when they know nothing, and they think they are invincible when they are weak."
"Y-your wrong," I stuttered, though my voice only sounded pathetic and weak.
"Oh, am I?"
I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could utter a single word, Emilio dove his large hand into my boxers, and wrapped his fingers around my small, half-hard cock. He squeezed me with all his might, and I mewled as my body's most private part was suddenly fondled with so aggressively.
"You're taunting me... aren't you?" The man growled into my ear, his other hand climbing it's way up to my neck.
My body went rigid against the butler as I became filled with both intense fear and a thrilling sense of excitement. I had never been touched down there before. "I- n-no- I don't- I-"
"Oh God... oh God, you can't even imagine how badly I want to kill you," Emilio whispered, resting his face against my shoulder. "You can't even imagine... how much I long to wrap my hands around your neck and choke the life out of you."
I felt myself grow harder in Emilio's hand, his hot breath falling against my bare skin and driving me near insane. The stubble on his chin tickled my neck, and as his fingers tightened around my trachea, I became more and more lightheaded. He could make me cum like this. My cock was swollen and it leaked a clear substance onto my toes. Emilio saw me as nothing but a child, but my desires felt anything but childish.
"P-please..." I squeaked, attempting to kiss Emilio's cheek. "Please, more..."
A low chuckle left Emilio's lips, and it sounded mean and evil and bittered. "No," he snarled, violently throwing me onto my bed as he refused me for the very first time. "Have me punished if it suits you, but I will not let any demon child turn me into a damn maricon."
I curled up on my bed as the butler stormed out of my room, naked and alone on a bed that stretched for miles.
Emilio had been the first man to ever touch me...
A smile made it to my lips as I hugged myself and shuddered at the memory of his hands on my body.
Wether Emilio wanted me or not. Wether he hated me or not...
He had been the first man to ever touch me.
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