
18 | Z A C K

I wasn't surprised when I saw Daisy sitting on the driver's seat in my car, as if waiting for my arrival. She was lazily lying on the chair with her head leaned back and her eyes closed. Her long, naked legs were crossed on the dashboard adjacently. The windows of the car were rolled down but nothing about the car had changed.

Her costume was... dispensable. She wore a dark brown long wig with bangs that had me raising a questioning eyebrow. The only costume on her body is an oversized white dress shirt. Her feet were bare and she had no pants or skirt on.

"What again?" I asked in a slightly harsh voice.

I regretted talking in that tone because she jumped and almost hit her head in shock. She actually wasn't aware of my presence. When her eyes landed on mine, I realised how sick she looked. Her eyes were red and swollen and the bad makeup was done to conceal it.

"Get in the car, you ill-mannered boy unless you want me to drive away."

The car keys are with me but I'm not about to argue with an insane girl. Do not underestimate the power of a psycho girl. I hopped in and sat on the passenger's seat. It was then I realised Daisy is still eyeing me. Something on me seems to hold her attention as her eyes seizes me from head to toe. Suddenly, she threw back her head and erupted into a hefty laughter with her eyes closed and humorously clapping her hand.

In confusion, I looked down at my outfit to check is everything is in place but nothing was wrong. I tried to think of a better reason why she was laughing like a psycho serial killer who just escaped the lunatic asylum. I looked around us but there was nothing funny to laugh about. The only conclusion was her pregnancy hormones taking over her body.

Pregnancy isn't a new topic to me. I don't know much but the little I have is enough for me to learn what's going on. Hormonal changes during pregnancy may also trigger regular mood swings, ultra-sensitivity, strong and intense feelings. The fluctuating hormone levels can have a major impact on the mood of the mother. It can change from joy to anxiety to depression within minutes. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant changes to help with the development of the baby.

When she wouldn't shut up, I snapped. It's common in women in their first trimester but the way she's laughing like a maniac pissed me off. "I have a presentation in a few minutes. Why don't you shut up and tell me what's wrong."

She banged her head on the steering wheel and remained rooted. Silence filled the car and I rolled my eyes in annoyance. She's wasting my time when I'm supposed to be with my friends at the party and enjoying myself.

"I'm out of here. You can take the car with you and do whatever the fuck you want." I wanted to test her to see what she'd do. When she refused to acknowledge my decision, I made a move to get out of the car.

"Please don't go!" Her trembling voice called and her hand gripped my arm.

There was a sad, edgy tone in her voice. There was a touch of yearning like that of a person who had been stabbed multiple times in the chest. It had a raw quality, the certainty of a person consumed by a pain that knew no limit. Something ached inside me and forcefully made me let of the door handle. The words splinter inside me with a stinging sensation.

Her eyes shifted to the side again and became glazed with a glassy layer of tears. As she blinked, they slipped from her eyelids and slid down her cheeks. My heart sank when she bit her lip tightly in effort to hide any sound that wanted to escape from her mouth.

Her fingers grasped the wig she was wearing and it almost came off. "Don't leave me for her. She doesn't..." Her lips quaked as she began, yet what followed was enveloped in quavers.

I shifted a little bit in closer in pity to console her. I'm starting to think she's having a meltdown. "Are you okay?"

"No." She immediately fired back before releasing her hair and fixing her glassy eyes on the windshield.

I hate it when people have a breakdown and I can't do anything about it. Though this is my first time experiencing it. I'm trying my best to give her the solace she needs. "What are you feeling? Do you want something? Are you hung..."

"I fucking hate Mrs Miller!" She blurted out, her cries turned into sobbing.

I had no idea what to do but to gently stroke her back. "What did she do to you?" Maybe if she has a shoulder to lean on it will take the edge off the situation.

"She kicked me out of the party." She sniffles and continued to sob like a kid whose parents to give them candy.


"Because I dressed like this. That bitch of a woman said we should choose our favourite movie and act the part. I chose to play Anastasia from Fifty shades of Grey because it was my favorite. But she refused to allow me in, declaring the party as kid-fucking-friendly."

I had no idea what the movie is about but I understand what Mrs Miller is trying to pin point. There are so many kids at the party and none of them were old enough to watch the movie talk less of watching a the adult scene unfold.

"She freaking hates me. But all I wanted was to be me."

I handed her the handkerchief I had in my pocket to wipe her face. She sniffles into it and continued her talkshow.

"I want to change for my baby. I want to be the perfect mother that I never had. I want to be an independent Luna that could lead a pack, just like an alpha. All my life, I acted strong and brave but no one ever bother to praise my inner strength. People judge others according to what they see. Do you even know how stressful it is to be underage, pregnant, independent and regarded as the bimbo who knew nothing about the alphabets? The world is too proud to let me have a piece of it; to be part of it."

I could hear the agony in her voice as tears flowed uncheck down her cheeks. No one would believe this is the same bad girl at school who has nothing to do but fulfill her satisfaction. I felt bad for her. I don't know what she's going to through but I know it's hardship. With the pregnancy hormones on the surface, It made matters worse.

"Hey, I can help you change that. You don't need their appreciation, you need yourself to prove them wrong about you. What should matters to you is your self worth. In a world of indifference and corruption, nothing else should define you. It's your choice to define who you are."

Her eyes skimmed to me. "I want to make a difference. I want to be serious about this private tutorship. I want to be better than Jenna. Would you love to support me? I promise I'll try to give you the adventure of your lifetime in exchange. It's like a form of support for support. You support me by helping me with my studies and I support you by getting you out of your boring life."

"Hey! My life's not boring." I joked.

With dried tears, she beamed at me. It suddenly rushed down in me that this was the first time I net the other side of Daisy. And I think it's the side with an angel and a pure soul. Her eyes looked determined to succeed against her sweet sister. Could it be the outcome of Jenna's positive influence?

"You're pretty messed up. Do you want me to take you home?"

"Yes please." She replied with no hesitation.

"Maybe we should swap positions." She nodded in agreement.

After we swapped our seats, I roared the engine back to live and started driving. It will only take a few minutes before we arrive. Daisy sat aimlessly on the seat. I could feel her heated gaze on me but I did nothing to stop her from looking.

"You know why I laughed?"

I shook my head. "I didn't."

"You look ridiculous in this costume. Halloween is mostly for scary costume but I don't know what came into Mrs Miller's mind. The only thing I do on Halloweens is to go party in a zombie themed party or go ghost hunting, especially to rumored hunted houses."

I almost snap at our similarity but then, I stopped myself. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. It's cool but with Mrs Miller's sudden boring party, Jupiter's relationship with Eric and the baby, nothing seems lively."

We conversed a little during the long ride. She told me all about her passion for Halloween and I listened attentively. Her inner soul had finally being unlocked after being caged for a very long time. If this is going to be the side she will be when she's around me, then everything would turn out to be fine.

When I finally parked in front of the house, Daisy was more than ready to go home. She got out of the car and surprisingly smiled at me. There were a few cars parked in the driveway, as if indicating the start of an event. Daisy strolled to the back of the house and disappeared. I put the car into gear and drove off.

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