Shu Kurenai ~
I had questions. Many.
I know, I know, I shouldn't try to take interest in somebody else's matter when they're clearly against it. And I'm not even curious to find out how painfully (Y/n) could murder me if I got myself on her bad side, but still.
I wanted to know so many things about this whole situation. So many secrets never unveiled, it made my back crawl with a strange type of fearful excitement.
I didn't know what was making me feel this way. It isn't like me to take interest in people's lives. It seems as if I'm looking at a version of myself I didn't know existed and (Y/n) is the one who triggered it. It was slowly dawning on me what Principal Shinoda meant that day on the school rooftop when he suggested us to take (Y/n) for the team battles.
He said that she's got an unexplainable aura to her personality that somehow invites everyone towards her for various reasons. Now that I'm experiencing it myself, I understand what he meant. Everything seemed like it was revolving around her. And personally, I was quite envious.
Since the first day, she's been proving herself better than me in every aspect possible. Having to see myself struggle before her makes me want to get even better, if nothing, it pushes me forward. But even after trying so hard, when I constantly fail to read her as easily as I can see through everyone else, it frustrates me a bit.
She's a rival to me. I don't know if she feels the same way, but it's the truth. The others have their own different reasons but the thing that pulls me most towards her, is how I haven't been able to interpret her at any point of our time together. Our first day, our latest day, her past before that, her future to come. Everything is out of my league and I hate this inferiority.
Yes, I don't need to know everything about everyone. In fact, if it were about someone ordinary, I wouldn't try so hard. But in this case, it's about someone better than me. And in order to surpass her, I first need to have information about her โ something that's proven to be almost impossible so far.
When she first appeared, I had a strange feeling I've heard her name somewhere. When I found out she's as strong as the Supreme Four, I was caught off guard and started to feel nervous about being ignorant. It's still a mystery why I didn't know about her before if she was so famous. I definitely don't live under a rock, do I?
How was her blading career related to Japan? What was she doing here for such a specific period of time? Why had she gone to America in the first place? Most importantly, what kind of ruthless blader would... I don't know what to feel about that battle. For some reason, I didn't find it again.
"(Y/n), that's so awesome!" Valt punched her arm in excitement. (Y/n) glanced at him with a plain expression, leaving absolutely no way of figuring out what was going through her mind. That same old blankness like the first day, nothing out of the ordinary.
"What โ " she raised an eyebrow. " โ is so awesome?"
"Duh, why didn't you tell about this sooner?" Rantaro asked seriously, then blushed after a while. "So that Wakiya wouldn't have been able to show off his money in front of us. You're richer!"
"Hey, I don't do that!" Wakiya protested. I shook my head in disagreement.
"Even I can tell that's a lie, Wakiya," Toko gave him a side eye, judging him intensely. Wakiya's ego looked hurt, having his reality checked by a child like that.
"No, but, seriously," Hoji spoke for the first time. "You guys are sure you didn't knew? Aren't you, like, friends?"
"I know you'd think she'd tell us important stuff, but that's not how it works, buddy," Valt shrugged and threw a suggestive expression towards (Y/n), which, I was sure he didn't do on purpose because he's too innocent for that. (Y/n), on the other hand, gulped and looked away nervously, definitely very much affected by it.
I sighed.
These two are too casual with each other to be in the same room as Rantaro. I swear, last time when my shoulder got injured and my interactions with (Y/n) increased, Rantaro... well, he got weird ideas about it.
"(Y/n)," Daigo made a smug face and and pulled his hands out of his pockets.
Uh-oh. When he says her name like that, it's never a good sign. Chaos incoming...
"You know, we wouldn't have eaten you alive if you told us earlier," he smirked and made a mocking face. "Dumb, as always."
(Y/n) looked taken aback at first. But I was quickly proven wrong when she growled loudly and tackled him in a chokehold before I could even blink. "What did you just call me?!"
"That's such a Ninja move! Woah!" Nika clapped with admiration.
"No, it's called samurai instincts!" Toko argued cutely.
"A ninja!"
"What's the difference anyway?" Valt question stupidly. The rest of us just sighed.
Well, I've definitely witnessed the same conversation before. That seems like so long ago now...
Daigo struggled in her hold, but wasn't able to move an inch. "(Y/n), you better leave me alone right now or else โ "
"Oh, don't worry, Daigo, you won't be alive long enough to be able to โ "
"Guys, stop!" Wakiya scolded. "We can't waste our time in pointless bickering. Let's not forget why we're here in the first place. Let me show you to your rooms already."
Now, this grabbed everyone's attention nicely and after murmuring to each other in agreement, we decided to follow Wakiya to the stairs. (Y/n) made a very disappointed face, as if to say: 'Training camp can't be a better use of time than beating Daigo up!'
Then she sighed and effortlessly threw Daigo on the floor before joining us. Tsujihara had already retired to the kitchen for making preparations regarding our lunch. Valt and the twins were busy marveling at the chandelier and occasionally made comments about how amazingly incredible Wakiya's mansion was. It was adorable to watch.
We were halfway up the steps when Daigo's annoyed voice came from behind once again. "HEY, (Y/N)! YOU BETTER PICK ME UP RIGHT WHERE YOU DROPPED ME JUST NOW."
He was sitting on the ground, cross-legged, a stubborn expression on his face as he slammed his fist down on the floor.
(Y/n) groaned and threw her hands in annoyance. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?! STOP THROWING A TANTRUM OVER HERE. They'll see us!"
It all happened within a single second. Rantaro, who was one step above (Y/n), had already pushed her down before anyone could figure out what was about to take place. "Go, pick him if he says so."
Daigo, on the other hand, hadn't thought of this possibility and thinking (Y/n) had rejected his request about picking him up, had already gotten up by himself and taken a step forward. Both things happened simultaneously and Rantaro had no time to rethink his quick decision. (Y/n) fell face-first right in front of Daigo's feet.
Each one of us flinched back.
Rantaro gulped with fear and hesitantly moved one step up, a drop of sweat slowly moving down his chin. Wakiya and Valt had their eyes wide and an expression of absolute terror embracing their features. Even the twins and Hoji had their jaws dropped to the floor, even though they'd probably be the last people that would be required to face the consequences.
I just stood there, frozen, mouth open, hating my existence in general. Why couldn't I be anywhere else but here? I wish I didn't have to witness this take place.
Diego acted the most reasonable. His first instinct made him step back at first, but then he probably remembered there's nowhere to run off to. He threw a quick glance towards Rantaro and helped (Y/n) up in a sitting position.
"Ahh... Kiyama, you..." she groaned, clutching her head in pain. All of us were still frozen in our places. The room was so silent that I actually heard Rantaro whimper a bit.
"Feeling good?" Daigo asked her, cautiously, keeping himself close but not touching her, just in case she chooses to reveal her demon form right now (I'm convinced she is one and nobody can tell me otherwise).
None of us had ever dared to mess with (Y/n), and, well, why? I have a feeling we're about to find out pretty soon.
Top reasons why you shouldn't be at the front of the line when (Y/n) is angry, here it comes...
"RANTARO, YOU BASTARD," were the three magical words we heard before all hell broke loose.
I looked to my left, then right, then jumped back downstairs and ran straight for the front door. Daigo came up behind me and grabbed my arm to stop me from escaping. Valt went in the opposite direction and vanished upstairs. The twins huddled with each other at the side and refused to look up. Wakiya only screamed and, well, pretty much just kept screaming. (Y/n) dragged Rantaro by the collar and effortlessly pinned him on the floor. Hoji watched everything take place and slowly moved up, step by step.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, SHU?!" Daigo yelled in my ear. Both of us were still struggling with the door. For some reason, he didn't want to have me open it.
"IF SHE DECIDES TO TARGET ONE OF US NEXT โ " I started to tell him, but Tsujihara's loud screech echoed throughout the room, freezing all of us.
"OH MY โ AHHH! WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!" He questioned with astonishment and proceeded to have a full-on breakdown right there on the spot.
I stopped struggling with the door and looked back with wide eyes. Daigo took this chance to slap my hand away and gave me a judgmental stare. Valt reappeared behind the banisters and carefully peeped down with big eyes. The twins considered not hiding behind Toko's tablet and hesitantly looked up. (Y/n) stopped her punch mid-air, and a very scared Rantaro was still pinned beneath, trying to protect his head best he could. Wakiya and Hoji were nowhere to be seen (perhaps (Y/n) was keeping them at her secret demon lair just because?).
There were a few seconds of silence, all eight of us frozen in our places, confusingly staring at Tsujihara lying on the floor having a total heart attack.
Just when I thought things couldn't get more chaotic, Wakiya and Hoji bursted from a door on the right and fell down, almost as if they were leaning against the frame and it suddenly opened. All eight heads turned away from Tsujihara to Wakiya's direction and we squinted our eyes suspiciously.
"Can't keep..." Wakiya groaned. "A door closed?"
Hoji groaned in response. "As if you did..."
"What are you children up to?!" Tsujihara asked first. I noticed he had recovered from his affected state and had finally realized he was the grown-up here.
"Get her... off... me," Honcho said with difficulty, clearly unable to breathe.
"You know, I'm still waiting for you to run out of air and die, Rantaro," (Y/n) said plainly, refusing to move.
"That is not very nice, Miss (L/n)," Tsujihara grabbed her arm and calmly moved her away from Honcho, as if 'not being nice' was the most considerable thing about almost killing someone!
"Your forehead sure needs a bandage," he remarked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at (Y/n). The impact from the fall had left a red mark at the side of her head, not serious, but clearly noticable.
(Y/n) threw a last warning look towards Honcho before following Tsujihara through the door he had come from. Honcho scooted away in fear, letting out an unexplainable small sound that clearly signified how traumatized he was.
Another few moments of silence passed and nobody moved from their positions, probably still processing everything that happened here. Then, Honcho got up from the floor and turned around to look at us. "How the hell is everyone okay with such violence?! She totally beat me up and no one said anything, not even a SINGLE word against it!"
Wakiya scoffed. "As if you spoke a full length speech โ "
"You were pinned beyond movement and very much immobile the whole time. How is that defending yourself?"
"Actually, Honcho," Daigo put his hands in his pockets and sighed. "It was your fault in the first place. If you hadn't pushed (Y/n), she wouldn't have โ "
"Daigo's right, actually," Valt spoke up, still behind the banisters on the upper floor, but standing properly, not hiding anymore. His elbows were on the railing, one hand supported under his chin, the other folded. "She never hits any of us like that. In fact, I don't recall her actually being violent, just several random death threats here and there. You provoked her, obviously."
We fell in silence again. I swear, this is the fourth or fifth time today all of us collectively decided to stop speaking, which is a very weird happening. Peace and the Beyclub don't get along at all.
A few more minutes passed and this time, Nika's abrupt shriek was the first sound. "And what were you two doing behind that door?!" She pointed at Wakiya and Hoji, who were last seen above the stairs, then had mysteriously fallen from the door on the right.
"How they went from here to there is the better question," I interfered. Some serious sorcery going on, I bet. So much happened and we've barely stepped into the mansion.
"You can't blame me!" Wakiya protested for no particular reason. Nobody was blaming him in the first place. "Complete chaos broke out! I did the most reasonable thing โ I took Hoji with me and escaped from the scene."
Hoji was quiet the whole time, but perked up at the mention of his name. "Yes. That left side gallery on the upper floor leads to another staircase at the back side. There's a meeting hall inside which is connected to this room by that door," he pointed at the door they'd fallen out from earlier.
Wakiya looked at Hoji with a 'you were not supposed to tell that' expression, and then returned his gaze towards us. "We were... sort of listening to everything going on until the door suddenly unlocked and we lost balance โ "
Wakiya abruptly stopped speaking as (Y/n) and Tsujihara walked back in. There was a small bandage at the side of her forehead and her mood noticeably looked better than before. Her hands weren't locked into permanent fists and her usual emotionless expression had replaced the demonic look she was giving Honcho earlier. I bet Tsujihara shared some fond memories with her that made her relax.
Nobody else dared move, but Daring Daigo started to casually make his way towards (Y/n). I figured it had nothing to do with bravery, but the fact that he was on good terms with her which made it possible for him to be carefree. "Better?"
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, a teasingly amused expression making its way on her face. Everyone else visibly looked relieved. "It wasn't that serious. You know it."
Daigo smiled and playfully punched her arm. "Let's move, then," he looked at Wakiya and said. "Continue."
"Right!" confidence returned in Wakiya's voice. "Everyone, follow me once again. I'll show you guys to your rooms."
Once again, all of us tailed him up the stairs and Tsujihara returned to the kitchen to continue preparing for our lunch. Wakiya led us to a gallery on the right that had many rooms on both sides of a decorated corridor.
"Go on, choose any one! There's plenty for everybody," he spread his hands happily. "My room is in the front area, so don't worry about me."
None of us needed to be told twice. Daigo went up to the room closest to him and walked inside. Honcho reached for the room next to Daigo's, so I decided to go for the one just after Honcho's. Everything seemed fine at first, but then (Y/n)'s impatient voice cut through the air and I curiously turned around to find out what Rantaro did this time.
"I'm going for that room, Kiyama," she threatened and gave him a glare so intense that I was glad I wasn't the one receiving it. "You better move."
Valt had went for the room opposite to mine and Hoji had chosen the room next to Valt. The twins giggled and followed Valt cutely.
"But whyyyy?" Honcho whined in protest. "There's so many left, why do you want the one I chose? That's not fair!"
Before the bickering could go on, Daigo popped his small head out of his room. "Why the hell are you guys being annoying right outside my door?!"
"He wouldn't move away from here!" (Y/n) complained โ something I've seen her do for the first time. Daigo looked from Rantaro to (Y/n) and quickly understood the matter.
Just when I thought he would say something very diplomatic to solve the argument between them, he proved me wrong. "I'm sorry, Honcho, but you'll have to move," Daigo told him seriously.
"Yes!" (Y/n) suddenly seemed very excited. "I get the room next to Daigo. That's final!"
Without having anyone left to support him, Honcho sighed sadly and moved away to get the room after mine. Not gonna lie, I do feel a little bad for him.
(Y/n) and Daigo winked at each other and happily went inside their rooms. I just silently watched everything that happened. The corridor was empty now and I was the only one who wasn't hasty about exploring my room.
My earlier complex about (Y/n) was working up again and without even thinking, I started to make up random battle scenarios with her and figuring out strategies to counter them. It was too soon to become careless about the upcoming Nationals. The closer shine of the team battles may have blinded the others but I haven't forgotten my actual goal. Yes, my sole target was Lui. But now that (Y/n) is in the picture, I'll need to figure out how to get through her first. For all I know, she could prove to be quite a trouble on my path of taking revenge from Lui.
I wasn't sure if that was the only reason or it was because of the fact that she was seemingly better than me and I didn't like to feel so inferior all the time. But the anticipation of being face to face in the stadium with (Y/n) sometimes comes so randomly to me, in such random places, like this empty corridor... it's almost funny. Am I slowly getting obsessed? I hope not.
Nevertheless, I pushed the door and went inside to relax a bit because I really needed that right now. The room had a double bed on one side, a bunker in the wall front of it and a wardrobe in the farther corner. Other than that, comfortable sheets, golden walls, expensive flooring, fancy lights, soft rugs and other such rich accessories adorned the whole area. That table lamp alone looked like it costed thousands. And there were two of them, on either side of the bed.
My attention was oddly snatched by the only thing that was out of place in that perfect room. It was a small paper kept at the side table, almost like... a note or letter, maybe? Curiously, I picked it up, expecting something to be written upon it, but the card was empty. Just plain red colour, nothing more.
I figured a plain paper was the least of my concerns here, so I moved back and continued exploring the rest of the room. The most beautiful detail I noticed, was the balcony attached to the wall opposite to the entrance door. I bet it overlooked the endless gardens of Wakiya's mansion.
I went up to it, hoping to get some fresh air and to have a sense of what it actually means to be in such a big place.
But what I didn't realise, that (of course) all the rooms would have a similar balcony, and if the rooms are all side to side, then (obviously) all the balconies would also be next to each other.
Sure enough, I looked to my left and (Y/n) and Daigo were standing in their respective balconies, happily chatting away without a care in the world. There was barely one foot space between any two balconies and I was surprised (Y/n) and Daigo hadn't jumped into each other's rooms by now.
I swear I'd deem it to be totally normal if that were to happen. They're friends so close they'd live in each other's skin if they could; room is a very small thing.
"Oh, Shu?" Daigo's eyes fell upon me, since he was facing in my direction. (Y/n) turned around to look at me, and instead of saying something, she just blinked. I didn't know what to say to all that, so I nodded back.
"You! Nobody can save you from me here!" she suddenly pointed in my direction, confusing me beyond comprehension.
Uh, what now? Did my nodding offend her?
Daigo said a small 'oh no' and before I could process what was going on, (Y/n) had stepped into my balcony, startling me so much that I fell on my back.
Realization hit me when a shaky voice came from my right. "God, please, I already said I'm sorry for pushing you!"
But (Y/n) didn't stop. She made a move for Rantaro's balcony next, but stumbled upon my foot and fell down next to me. Exactly at this moment, Hoji decided to walk in.
Can these coincidences stop coincidenting?
I can bet my life on it, Hoji was expecting anything but this to be the scene here. His expression was astonishment at first, then suspicion, then that of pure confusion. He looked between the both of us, raised his eyebrows, then asked very seriously, "Am I interrupting another fight?"
"Um... no, she's not hitting me, actually," I explained with slight (a lot of) embarrassment.
"Then what are you guys... actually, I don't even wanna know โ "
"No, it's all casual, I swear!" I unsuccessfully tried to explain. The fact that (Y/n) looked completely unbothered with our conversation and she was more interested in handing death glares towards Rantaro, didn't help much.
"We're about to start practice," he said suspiciously, dropping the topic but still giving us weird looks. "Upper floor, south hall. We'll โ "
(Y/n) chose that exact moment to twist dramatically and jump back to her balcony.
Hoji stared with wide eyes as she poked her head back to this side and said a loud "I'll be there, Hoji!" then disappeared in her room.
Hoji and I stood in awkward silence for a while after that, until he hesitantly asked, "Is she... always like this?"
"Just today," I honestly answered. "It's my first time too."
"What do you think?" Wakiya asked. "Pretty intense, right?"
The stadium in front of us, no doubt, wasn't an ordinary one. The last time I saw an abnormal stadium like that, was at the Shakadera's Dojo. This one had spikes at the rim as well, but they seemed a bit different... almost in the shape of a claw? What's that gonna do? Close up on the bey?
I hope not.
"It's called the Biting Stadium," Wakiya explained. "I had it brought here overseas, just for this training camp."
"What's up with the fangs on the side?" Toko asked curiously.
"Fangs and claws!" Nika exclaimed.
"Does it growl when you touch it?" Rantaro wondered.
"I don't know, Kiyama. Try putting your hand in there, maybe," (Y/n) grabbed Rantaro's hand and pulled it dangerously close to the spikey trap. Rantaro immediately panicked and ran away from her, mumbling something about cruelty and cannibalism, which suspiciously sounded like he was talking about (Y/n).
"Don't know much about it, except that its trap is called the Biting Fang," Hoji admitted, completely ignoring (Y/n)'s attempt at injuring Honcho's hand. "I read up on it, but we haven't had the chance to test it just yet."
"What do you say?" Wakiya smirked at Hoji. "We break this bad boy in?"
"Sure," Hoji stared back at Wakiya.
"Good. I'll offer to be your first opponent," Daigo said before anyone could. "It's been a while since I battled Horusood, afterall."
"Dark Doomscizor versus Hyper Horusood!" Rantaro announced without wasting time.
Toko cheered enthusiastically. "Come on, Daigo! You can โ "
"Now, hold on, just a minute," the least likely person, (Y/n), interrupted Toko. "Don't be so hasty."
She walked up to where Hoji was standing, simultaneously taking out her launcher with each step and lightly pushing his shoulder. "Don't mind, Hoji. But you'll have to move away from this one. I get to battle Doomscizor today."
Daigo's reaction wasn't what I was expecting it to be. I'd honestly noticed (Y/n) acting extra possessive about Daigo today, but that was nothing out of the ordinary. Daigo, on the other hand, actually flinched back and sighed with disappointment. "Why, (Y/n)?"
"You really think you can escape that easily?" (Y/n) asked him.
"Yeah, well. I did, of course!"
"I'm just gonna win again."
Daigo rolled his eyes. "To be honest, Sparyon has started to bore me lately."
Damn, I think that statement was too risky, even for Daigo. And (Y/n) quickly proved me right when she threw her head back and laughed. An irresistible nightmare-causing evil laugh that could have my knees go weak in the middle of any battle. Especially after I'd witnessed what happened to Orochi when โ
"The last time you'll ever call my bey boring," she raised Sparyon in Daigo's direction. "Take a good look at this. It could become the reason you'll hate me the most some day, Daigo Kurogami." She let her tongue announce his full name with such chilling intensity, every following syllable felt like the darker layer of some unseen evil.
Even Daigo looked like he regretted his earlier decision... about calling Sparyon boring or about befriending her in general, I couldn't tell. I just figured they both sometimes forget the fact that besides having a bond of friendship between them, (Y/n)'s true twisted character can't be changed. I could be wrong but she probably enjoys making her opponents afraid of her.
"You're getting worse with each day," Daigo took out his launcher as well. "Maybe I'll need to teach you how to behave."
"Guys..." Valt muttered with wide eyes. "This is just a stadium test, you know..."
"We do," (Y/n) and Daigo said together, taking their respective stances for battle.
"Stone Sparyon versus Dark Doomscizor!" Rantaro casually took out his fan and waved it, as if (Y/n) wasn't standing right there waiting for a chance to kill him.
"Come on, Daigo! You can do it!" Toko said.
"Go for it, (Y/n)!" Nika beamed.
"The first battle," Honcho said, and all of us focused our full attention at the stadium. Don't know about anyone else, but I personally don't want to miss the first test run of the 'Biting Stadium'.
(Y/n) visibly took a deep breath (probably to stop herself from jumping at Honcho) and wound her bey upon the launcher. Her left hand was holding the ripcord and she was much closer to the stadium than I've ever seen her be. Daigo took his position as well, all the while not breaking eye contact with her.
What's with these two turning hostile all of a sudden? If I remember correctly, a few minutes ago they were happy just having their rooms next to each other.
"Ready? Set!" Honcho said loudly.
"Three... Two... One... LET IT RIP!"
Purple and golden sparks flew as both beys were launched in the stadium. Doomscizor went straight for offence and circled around the centre in its usual trajectory. Sparyon went with clockwise spin and... it was unusually slow and moving at a steady pace.
"Whaaaat?!" Nika cried out in so much worry, it appeared as if she would actually shed tears if (Y/n) were to mess up. "Nooo!"
"I'VE SEEN THAT BEFORE," Valt accusingly pointed his finger at (Y/n). "I've been โ I've even been defeated with that trick! I haven't forgotten."
Is that so?
I squinted my eyes and forced myself to focus on more details. The first thing that clicked back to me, was the battle Valt was talking about. It was (Y/n)'s first day in school and he'd invited her to the club. They battled and โ yes, this is the same kind of spin.
But as far as I remember, she went right-handed that day uh... Sometimes all of this is so confusing with her different styles of launches, several special moves, clockwise/counter-clockwise spin, right/left handed launching โ which altogether makes so many different combinations, it's hard to keep track of the outcomes.
Okay, so, this time it's left hand, clockwise spin, launcher straight but close, speed is slow and... I'm about to pass out from my ignorance and not being able to come to any conclusions!
This is the exact feeling I despise. I hate being incapable of seeing through her.
"Old trick, (Y/n)," Daigo taunted, even though he looked like he was terrified out of his wits. "Doomscizor, go wild!"
Doomscizor leaped and slashed but it was of no use against Sparyon's slow movements. Several times it hit with full speed, but Sparyon didn't budge a millimetre from its path and continued spinning in a steady pace. It was as if it absorbed every one of Doomscizor's fast attacks while keeping itself stable and on-path somehow.
That red bey never, never fails to have my brain not trusting my eyes.
"H-Hang in there, Doomscizor," Daigo stuttered in panic as his bey's stamina and attack power showed no useful effect. "We'll get them this time."
"Partner," (Y/n) said painly. "Push your opponent towards the trap. Show Doomscizor its place!"
Daigo made a sound that seemed like a mix of a groan and a whimper. "Doomscizor โ "
"Sparyon, now."
As expected, Sparyon obeyed effectively and started to impossibly speed up until it reached the point where pushing Doomscizor would be no big task. Doomscizor moved and attacked wilder than before, but its trajectory was being interfered by Sparyon's. It started pushing Doomscizor to the upper slope, farther and farther until they both reached the biting trap.
"Sparyon's not gonna escape that, there's no way!" Nika shrieked in anticipation.
"Both of them will hit the fangs," Honcho said the obvious.
"NO," (Y/n)'s voice suddenly became louder. "SPARYON, TURN AWAY."
That happened so fast, I almost missed it. Doomscizor was pushed into the claws and instantly they closed up on it, making my previous imagination come true. When the trap opened, all that was left of Doomscizor were its three bursted pieces. Afterall, Sparyon successfully forced Doomscizor into the fangs. But the fact that it saved itself from going with Doomscizor even when they both were touching each other; was undoubtedly amazing. Sparyon really managed to make such a sharp, fast turn at the last split second.
I was impressed to the heart, or yet, absolutely terrified of such power and will. And to think that I managed to defeat this blader when my shoulder was injured... either I got really lucky, or, I'm somehow in the same league as her.
Both possibilities were equally crazy.
"Stone Sparyon with a burst finish!" Honcho announced hesitantly, keeping a side eye on her the whole time he spoke. "(Y/n) wins."
There was silence.
I wasn't sure if it was about the merciless biting stadium or Sparyon being absolutely awesome, but at least for me, the latter was more worthwhile.
"W-Woah," Toko's voice trembled. "See that?"
"Eaten it whole like a venus flytrap," Nika replied, clearly talking about the fangs.
"That thing is brutal," Daigo gasped nervously.
"What happened?" (Y/n) mockingly aimed at Daigo. "You were saying something about teaching me how to behave?"
"You dare โ "
"A big mouth for someone who can't keep their word for long," she continued, cutting Daigo off. There was no mistaking it, the glow in her red eyes was one of true evil hatred. "Thought you would've gotten used to it by now."
"I would never get used to it!" Daigo snapped suddenly. Uh, I think I speak for everybody else when I say: What the hell are they even talking about?
Before something chaotic could happen again, I looked around and quickly changed the topic by returning our attention to the original subject. "It snaps shut on any bey that hits it. And there's no chance to recover."
"That's the most insane trap ever!" Honcho replied after a moment.
"SO! COOL!" Valt suddenly screamed. "MAN, I LOVE THIS PLACE MORE AND MORE. Me, next! I wanna have a turn! Step up everyone, don't be shy. All of you will get a chance!"
"I wanna first," Honcho offered.
"Don't be stupid," Wakiya interrupted, smirking sassily. "Why do you think I brought the six of us here?"
Everyone else stared at him confusingly, just as I figured out what he meant.
In 5720 words.
I hadn't written Shu's POV in so long, I kinda enjoyed this change. Personally, I feel writing as Shu is most convenient for me because it gives me a lot of room for detailing and analysis of other characters in the story. His personality is one of someone that sees and observes everything without speaking or doing much. It's always perfect for supporting the plot!
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