Chapter 22: My back door gets furiously invaded
(Y/n) (L/n) ~
Myย day took an unexpected turn when I had to run for my life.
After saying goodbye to Daigo โ who went to join the Beyclub at school โ I headed for the city market, my most favourite place to find peace. It was about one in the afternoon and the heat was definitely lesser as compared to yesterday. The summer was moving towards an end, and it'llย only take a few days before the rainy season comes upon us.
But that didn't stop the Lord of Cuteness, or for that matter, anyone else at the Beyclub from lowering my chances at life. I had no idea why Valt, Rantaro, Daigo, Shu and Wakiya had collectively decided that my days on earth had been enough; but they've been chasing me for almost ten minutes now.
I don't even remember owing money to any of these.
Maybe they came to an agreement that I was too evil to exist so they should be responsible for saving the world by murdering me.
Though, why was Wakiya with them? And even Shu? Shu was also involved, even if he didn't seem as aggressive as the rest.
"STOP RUNNING," Valt screamed from behind.
"THEN STOP CHASING," I yelled back and fastened my pace. My whole life started flashing before my eyes. I silently wished to be anywhere but there, although my prayers weren't heard.
What the hell they even want from me?
We had far left the market behind, and were running through the city's residential areas now. Houses flashed by as I made my way towards god knows where. One man was watering plants outside and he got so startled seeing half a dozen people racing like this โ he accidentally sprayed water all over himself.
"TRUCE!" I looked back and pleaded. "TRUCE. TRUCE."
"WHAT?" Rantaro frowned, but kept running. "NO, WE DON'T MEAN โ "
"(Y/n), you better stop right now or I'll tell you later!" Daigo yelled, waving his fist in the air.
Shu had this shocked expression on his face, probably wondering why he was running along with them in the first place.
I had the same question.
Wakiya just occasionally told me to "Stop already!" which didn't exactly help the fact that they were chasing me to extinction.
I looked back again and planned on making a sharp left or right turn. Pretty sure they wouldn't be able to turn that fast, considering they had four people more than me.
Just as I was deciding if it should be left or right, I didn't look ahead and literally ran into a street dog, falling hard on my face. The dog yelped and almost jumped out of his skin. Then he scrambled away hastily, probably cursing me for not knowing about the fundamental rights of dogs written in their constitution.
I groaned and sat up, clutching my head tight. The Beyclub catched up quickly and stood in a rough circle around me. Shu was looking at me suspiciously. Wakiya was covered in sweat, catching his breath. Daigo, Valt and Rantaro panted but they seemed more normal about it.
"Poor dog," Rantaro breathed.
Daigo was nice enough to give me a hand and ask me if I'm seriously hurt. Once he was sure I'm fine, he rolled his eyes and muttered something about my skull being too thick to get hurt or whatsoever.
I glared at him.
"Okay," Wakiya exhaled, still out of breath. "Let's make this quick and get back to the club."
"What club?" I demanded.
"The club," Rantaro made a face, like I'm supposed to know that much.
"What the club?" I asked again.
"Our club!" Valt offered.
That cleared things up, but I wasn't sure I was suspecting correct. I looked back at Wakiya, completely stunned. "You joined the Beigoma Beyclub?"
Shu spoke for the first time. "I'm in with everyone else as well."
Wakiya nodded sarcastically. "We both are now."
I didn't know what to say. Shu had joined the Beyclub. Even Wakiya had volunteered about it. Rantaro seemed to agree with the recruit. If something was about letting Wakiya join, it would be pretty serious.
Oh... wait, why didn't I see that coming?
The team battles are the deal here. How could I have missed this detail earlier?
I wasn't sure what to tell Wakiya about it, so I said the natural thing. "Yeah, and I hate you."
"Wow, breaking news," Wakiya rolled his eyes sarcastically, then looked around at his teammates. "And you guys still wanna ask her?"
Okay, now I'm not supposed to understand these weird people or that'll mean I've started to become weird myself. But something at the back of my mind told me that they were five and participation requires six.
"Of course we want her around!" Valt insisted.
Rantaro rubbed his forehead. "As much as I'd love to have other options โ "
"Honcho," Daigo warned and Rantaro shut himself up.
I watched them curiously, kinda wanting to know who'll ask me first. All of them were exchanging nervous glances with each other, but no one felt excited to approach me.
Finally, Shu cleared his throat. "(Y/n), we were thinking... if you could join the club and participate with us in the team battles."
I stopped for two good seconds (for special effects) before raising an eyebrow. "And what makes you think I'll say yes?"
After that, Shu didn't speak again.
It was Valt who came up next. "(Y/n), pleeeaase? You know we need six members to participate. You're the only one who could help us reach there."
He made these puppy eyes, but I sighed. "Valt, I can't."
Rantaro could've done this peacefully, but he looked like he'd fight me if he got the chance. "You always have to make people beg you for everything, don't you? You're refusing because you know we need you! You're just too proud to help."
"Now, Honcho," Daigo warned again. "Don't mess this up."
"That supposed to insult me or convince me?" I tilted my head. "I have my reasons, Honcho. You better respect my choice."
Rantaro hesitated. Maybe because it was the first time ever I called him Honcho. Or maybe because my statement made sense. Or both.
Wakiya growled so loud I feared he might turn into a werewolf in the middle of the day.
I gritted my teeth and glared at him from the corner of my eye. These people were really starting to bother me now. "Have something to say, Murasaki?"
"You know I do," he stepped dangerously close to me, but I didn't back away. "You have no idea how hard it is for us. We're all entirely dependent on you! If you say no, none of us will get the chance. You'll take down all of us."
I didn't stop glaring. He made sense, but I wasn't going to give him the benefit. I had complicated reasons for never participating in team battles. I just didn't mix well with people. I had a solo place in the world and I knew teaming isn't supposed to relate with me. It would never work out.
I'm doing amazing all by myself.
"No," I said.
Wakiya's face was emotionless except for a little hint of disappointment, but he was clearly expecting that answer. I stepped away from him but before I could say anything else, Shu spoke up. He was not yelling like Rantaro or Wakiya. In fact, his calm tone made me wince.
"You're the only one, you know. Even if you wouldn't gain anything from this, you'd still be helping five of us in the process. It'll be a kind act, and all of us would be consequently grateful to you."
"Kind," I laughed. "Isn't tempting enough."
Valt gathered his courage again. "You know you keep saying you have complications! But what are they? You've gotta hand out a proper enough reason."
"You heard me when I said no!" I snapped.
"Then let me hear you say it again!"
There was silence. A long, loud silence. The summer breeze kept flowing, rustling tree leaves and touching our faces with heat. The sunlight was barely hot, yet barely warm. Standing there for so long had started to burn my skin. Or it could also be the heat of my blood boiling with anger; I didn't know which one.
All along, Daigo had been quietly watching the exchange take place. If he didn't knew to back up his teammates, he didn't knew to back me up either. I figured he was happy with both sides. He respected my decision as much as he wanted me to join. He kept silent that way.
"Valt, for how long have you been a professional blader?" I raised my chin out of arrogance. For some reason, I had this sudden urge to prove my point.
The question surprised Valt as much as it did everyone else. Shu uncrossed his hands. Wakiya's eyes widened. Rantaro's lollipop fell from his mouth. And Daigo frowned, confused why I said that.
Valt hesitated, but muttered slowly, "Er, I've been blading since I was four."
"I meant your professional career as a blader," I clarified. "How long have you been battling for the wbba?"
Valt started to say something, but stopped himself. "Just... this year?"
"You know, you're not even a full year in your path," I said. "Shu Kurenai over here is in his second year as a blader."
I paused and looked over at Shu. A silent warning flashed in his eyes, but before he could get any chance, I looked away. "I'm twelve years old and I have more than four years of experience in this. Four, long years of professionally blading on stage."
The reactions I received left me wondering about myself. Daigo hadn't spoken in a long time, but even he was too shocked to register the detail. "Four... are you kidding?"
Valt gasped. "I don't believe it."
"Sometimes," I admitted. "Neither do I."
"That's almost double of..." Rantaro stopped himself,ย as if finishing that statement would take him out of the world's boundaries.
"Double of my career?" Shu offered calmly. "Sounds about it."
"Valt, you know," I blinked and continued. "I've played two hundred and fifty eight battles for the wbba till now. And I've won two hundred and fifty six of them."
Rantaro opened his mouth to say something but I held up my hand, gesturing him to wait. I did not want interruptions. "The thing is: not a single one of those battles was in a team. Now if you'd be sensible enough to let me, but I've never played for a team in my whole career. Never."
Rantaro resumed what he was going to say earlier and pointed at me with bewilderment. "I-I knew you were strong. I knew you... you had an inhuman record but this โ this is insane."
"Four years," Daigo said again. "How did I not realize..?"
"She speaks the truth," Shu regarded me as if suddenly I was a worthy target he could shoot down. "Two hundred and fifty six battles played... no kidding."
"Two lost," I reminded him. "One of them was against you, Shu Kurenai."
"I suppose you're suggesting a rematch sometime?"
"Revenge is the word."
Valt had a sad expression on his face when he spoke again. He wouldn't even meet my eyes. "You're not joining us, afterall."
"That's right."
"Okay, I get it," he said in a small voice. In that moment, he looked so lost, I figured he'd start crying. "I'll find someone else to join... probably."
I nodded with understanding. "You know I can't play this with you. I've never accepted any offer relating to team battles, much less risk my chances now."
"Offers?" Rantaro asked. "You've been offered before?"
"Many times," I agreed. "Where I live in America, I'm a member of a beyblade organization. Often, the owner requests me to participate in the team tournaments. Half my time passed away refusing."
Before today, I'd never thought about it in such depth but it was true either way. I never played for Raging Bulls' team in national or international tournaments. I still remember Ashtem pestering me all the time, saying, 'Stop showing attitude, (Y/n). You're the world's absolute best blader. With you on, the Raging Bulls team will win every tournament.'
And I had to remind him again and again that I wasn't compatible with it.
As the great saying goes: I may climb, perhaps, to no great heights. But I will climb alone.
"There's no point now, I guess?" Wakiya muttered to himself.
When I returned from training that evening, I was feeling more strained than I should. I had no idea why, but after having to stick with a twenty-four hour schedule during my time in the Snake Pit, I had gotten used to pushing myself beyond. It was a weird kind of an addiction, but it was one of the first rules of surviving there. It shaped me into who I am. Why should I feel uncomfortable about it now?
Today, I didn't feel normal about the same pain that was normal just yesterday. The usual bearable had suddenly turned incredibly unbearable. What was even wrong with me? Was staying away from America had finally started having its effects on me?
I hoped not.
It was true that I often missed being back in New York. Any time around, I would love to go back to the Snake Pit, even if it was just for a moment. Even if it meant seeing Norman's stupid old face again. Suddenly, Theodore didn't seem so bad either. Everything that made me me, was woven around him.
Abruptly, I rubbed my neck to distract myself.
Okay, why am I thinking like that? Something really was wrong with me. I had this eerie bad feeling something's gonna happen and it wouldn't be in my favour.
Out of the blue, I bolted towards my table at the end of the room and hastily grabbed my phone. For some reason, I did this so fast that even light would check itself for fever.
I scrolled through the contacts till the letter 'T' but couldn't find Theodore's phone number. Then I cursed myself and came back to 'A', remembering I had saved it by Ashtem. I was just trying to decide whether to hit dial or just leave my strange thoughts to themselves without telling him about it, when my phone suddenly started ringing all by itself.
Now, I'm not usually dazed by jumpscares, but I bet if you had been thinking of calling someone and suddenly your phone started ringing instead, you'd be shocked as well.
Naturally, I dropped the phone and screeched something that was either 'What!' or 'Help!' or somewhere between them.
The caller was Theodore himself.
Oh, speak of the devil! He always knows how to make the right phone call just at the right time.
Quickly, I picked the phone back up and received before it could disconnect. "Uh, Theo?"
"(Y/N)!" The little too cheerful tone of his voice made me cringe away from my own phone. Scratch what I said earlier. I did not miss this man.
"What do you want?" I grumbled.
"I'm wanted enough. No thanks," he said sarcastically. "Miss me?"
I scrunched up my face. "You look like a kangaroo, have the personality of a lizard and the fashion sense of a racoon. Why would I miss you?"
"Fashion sense of a what?"
"A racoon," I repeated. "Surely you got ideas for the Snake Pit's masks after seeing a racoon."
"No, the masks โ "
"Just say what you called me for and go die somewhere while you're at it."
"To congratulate you!" he exclaimed, completely ignoring my statement about his death. "For making it to the Nationals, of course."
"Yeah, well," I muttered. "Last time you wanted to congratulate me was because you required a favour."
"So get on with it and stop wasting time in saying things you don't mean."
"I was the one who let you go Japan," there was a dangerous edge to his voice, like he was trying to make me realize my place. "I'm genuinely happy it wasn't a total waste. You're actually doing a nice job out there. I think you understand why I feel good about it."
"Happy it wasn't a total waste," I mocked his tone. "Just say it. I'm your best blader, and you favour me knowingly."
Ashtem paused for full three seconds, enough for me to regret saying that line. "Sounds like trash."
"After all I've done for you!"
"And I'm grateful for your efforts," he admitted smoothly. "But... being my favourite would give you too much credit."
I rolled my eyes. "Keep denying my importance. Deep down, we both know the truth is something else."
"I agree."
The was mutual silence for a second, and all I could hear was a bunch of background sounds from his side. There was the sharp noise of traffic, mixed with muffled conversations from the other direction and the small tapping pattern of probably Ashtem tapping his fingers on his desk.
Desk? "You're in New York?"
"Yeah, well, you see โ "
"You're supposed to be in Mexico!" I exclaimed. I couldn't believe this man. He left the Snake Pit at someone else's management? After the problems going on recently, he shouldn't be away for even one second. "You're not serious!"
"It's getting difficult," he explained quickly. "I can't be in two places at the same time."
"But you can be where you're needed more," I tried to make my point. "Go there already. We can't trust Gold Eye with everything!"
"Correction: You can't trust Gold Eye with anything," he said simply. "I don't see any problem with Norman. Besides, I'm needed here as much."
"How do you want me to kill you?" I asked seriously.
"I don't wish to be killed, child," he sighed. My death threats never seemed to work on him well. "I just wanted a little favour."
"So, now you're on business."
"I told you I genuinely wanted to congratulate!"
"Yeah, sure, I totally believe you," I replied sarcastically. One thing I was sure with Theodore, he always seeks his own interest. And congratulating me didn't come high on his interests list. "What is it you want of me?"
"Come back to America for a while."
I paused for exactly five seconds, trying to comprehend what the heck Theodore just said. And yet, I wasn't sure if I heard him correct. "Maybe you'd wanna repeat that."
"Just a week," he said slowly. "I'll need just a week."
"I don't... think I follow you here," I muttered incredulously. "What are you implying...?"
"I know I ask much โ "
"Much?" If I could, I'd kick him all the way from here. "Much is a huge understatement, Theodore. I thought you gave me eight months of uninterrupted leave from Raging Bulls and the Snake Pit combined."
"To go to Japan," he added, just to prove that he remembers. "I remember."
"Then how can you ask me to come back now?"
"Things are pretty rough here, if you haven't realized yet," he threatened without using any threatening words: a trick I learned from him. "According to what I believe, you're free for the next two months, wherein the National team battles will take place. Surely, you have no interest there. Your solo tournament will be held much after that. Till then, you can take out at least a week of time to come here. What's the big deal?"
I was stunned. He'd done his homework. I didn't even look at it that way. He was correct and I didn't like the sound of it. I'm free for the next two months. I could go back to America for a week. Heck, I could go back for a month and it would make no difference. Under any circumstance, I'll be easily back before my tournament. Plus, training in America would also be way more beneficial than training here.
It was perfect.
"The deal is..." I found myself saying. "I can't come. I'm taking part in the team battles. I'm not free."
In that moment, so much happened and I had no idea why I said it. I could go back and relive myself, but I didn't choose that. Never in my life would I be able to explain what I was thinking. Probably because I wasn't thinking at all.
Theodore was as stunned as I was. "Team battles? You?"
"I fear so."
"I... The โ You and โ Battle... Wha โ " Theodore was at a loss for words. He kept stumbling on his syllables until I raised my voice.
"Ashtem, I'm doing it. The biggest reason I came here was to make a difference," I said, not believing I was saying it. "This could be one of them."
"You're โ I hate you!" He blurted out, making me wince. I never imagined this moment would come in my life, and it simply felt more terrible than any of my nightmares. "Years, I begged you to play for the Raging Bulls team. You kept showing me down, saying you didn't match with the idea. I forced myself to understand everything you told me. I favoured you since the first day with me! And you didn't help the team in a single tournament. All because of the principles you laid down. I respected every choice you made, and now you're breaking it for some random offer in Japan!"
I kept quiet. I knew better than to say otherwise. My choice really, really was messed up and I knew it. His anger was understandable in the least.
"You're bending your own history for all of it," he told me like I didn't know that already. "How could you?"
And even when his situation was so understandable, did it stop me from being insensitive about it? I hadn't changed and it was a hidden secret. Hidden even from me. This one decision would never be able to make a difference in me and I'd love to keep it that way.
"It is my choice and I don't want to hear your insignificant tantrums about it," I said. "Neither am I coming to help you, nor am I going to care about how you feel. Do what you have to."
Without waiting for a response, I disconnected the call. If it were possible, I'd feel responsible enough to make amends with Ashtem. But most times, the indifference within me wins and my emotions turn to 'Oops, seems like I'm not needed here.'
It was probably an inhuman approach, but peace comes with a price.
And... yeah, I'll have to tell Valt about it later.
I didn't know how long I kept sitting there, frowning at the wall, thinking hard to make sense of everything. I was turning unpredictable to my own self and I didn't know how or why. Slowly but steadily, day by day, my decisions came out as more and more unexpected.
I turned down my chance going to America when I clearly miss everything back home. I hated Theodore, but didn't I hate team tournaments more? I was so far, yet I was willing to change my principles and do something completely opposite of what I wanted to do. What was this shift in the wind?
If I'd kept that frown upon my face for one more second, I would've turned into the Ultimate Lord of Frowning and my face would've gotten fixed just like that. Then everytime I'd tried smiling, it would've looked even worse.
Fortunately, I was saved from the horrible possibility. And my saviour was a loud banging on my front door.
I perked up, snapped my head to the left, then to the right, then barged out of my bedroom and bolted down the stairs. The banging meant either Valt had come to pay me a visit, or it was Rantaro. No third personality would ever do this.
Quickly, I ran to the back door, wanting to escape now but come back later when the front door visitors would've gone away thinking I wasn't home.
The plan usually worked.
But today, luck wasn't with me.
Daigo and Rantaro were already waiting for me outside the back door. They looked at me, I looked at them, Daigo raised an eyebrow and my jaw dropped to the ground. "Daigo, I trusted you about this!"
Rantaro pointed at me accusingly. "SO THAT'S WHY WE USUALLY DON'T FIND YOU HOME."
"ENOUGH!" Daigo interrupted. "How difficult it is to not to fight everytime you see each other?!"
"More difficult than keeping your shoes dry when it's raining," Rantaro shot back.
"I agree," I added unhelpfully.
The banging on the front door started with its second round. Daigo looked at me questioningly. "Well?"
I muttered an inaudible 'But this is being forced upon me!' before going back in and opening the front door for Valt.
Valt and Wakiya walked in.
"Great," I crossed my arms. "Wakiya the great Murasaki idiot is with you as well."
"I feel so welcomed," Wakiya admitted, then looked around my living room and made a face. "Your place is so tiny."
I didn't waste a single second about it. I grabbed him by the collar and started dragging his ungrateful existence out. "Go back to your whatever two hundred countries large mansion you have. You are not needed here."
Daigo had already made himself comfortable on the couch while Rantaro was interestingly looking at a picture of little me hanging on the wall, but they both took a moment to look in our direction and laugh a little.
Shu was nowhere to be seen, which meant he hadn't come with them. Though why Wakiya was involved, I still didn't know.
"Stop throwing me out. I hadn't even asked to come along!" Wakiya protested.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Valt insisted. "Shh, Wakiya. Shh."
"What does shh even mean?" Wakiya grumbled. "You practically dragged me all the way!"
"Did not!" Valt insisted again. "Shh."
"How am I supposed to comprehend shh?"
"Shh means you shush up!" Valt explained. "Like, shh up."
It was so cute on him, I couldn't help but smile to Valt. It was a quick reflex, and I didn't realize until my grip on Wakiya loosened and he stepped away from my reach.
"Wow," I whispered.
"Yeah!" Valt agreed. "You should smile more often. It looks good!"
"Uh, you too," I said, blinking.
Daigo sighed. Rantaro stopped analysing my picture and sat down on a chair. Wakiya followed the example, straightened his clothes and carefully made his way towards the couch. Valt hopped and galloped until the sofa told him he's supposed to sit.
Just kidding.
When all were feeling warm and home, I gathered everyone's attention and awkwardly pressed my palms together. "Er, welcome? Anything you'd like to eat or drink?" Just so I could busy myself in the kitchen and won't have to indulge in any kind of conversation with them.
Valt cleared his throat. "Milkshake."
Daigo rolled his eyes. "(Y/n), you're stupid."
Rantaro bit his lollipop. "No thanks."
Wakiya stroked his hair. "Planning on mixing poison with the food?"
"But I said milkshakes," Valt squeaked in a small voice. "I respect your hospitality."
Rantaro and Wakiya nodded in agreement, though I wasn't sure if they were agreeing with Daigo or Valt or something else.
After tons of bickering and throwing flowers at each other (my poor flower pot turned into a pot without flowers), we decided to not to eat or drink anything since it was the safest bet against just-in-case-she-decides-to-put-poison since Wakiya thought I was evil and not to be trusted blah blah blah.
"We wanted to ask if you'd like to participate in the team battles with us," Valt confessed at last.
"Not we," Rantaro clarified.
"It was you," Wakiya added.
Looking at them, even if Wakiya and Rantaro seemed to disagree with Valt giving it another try, I could place a small trace of hope in their curious expressions. They were probably silently praying that I say yes.
Daigo gave me a nervous smile. "It's most likely a losing gamble. We know you already refused earlier but... hey, would you mind giving it another thought? We won't disappoint you, promise," he held out his hand. "A friend's promise."
I'd already made up my mind after talking to Theodore, and I knew what I had to do. The shift in the wind was feeling much more real by now.
"A true promise," I took his hand in mine. "I'm ready to join."
In 4865 words.
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