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"We need to block the walls." Mike nodded as they all searched for wood, nails, anything that they could use to baracate themselves in Hoppers cabin.

"Rocky, help me." Max spoke quickly as they shoved the couch near the right side of the window.

"Okay, get away from the windows." Nancy called quickly, grabbing the shot gun as the duo, along with Mike from the other side, backed away quickly. The group all huddled together, Rocky put an arm infront of Will as he stayed pressed into Max's side, making eye contact with Jonathan. The lamp squeaked, each of them breathing deeply, dishes began to shake, the electricity flickered.

"It's close." Will confirmed for them.

They all looked up. A cup broke from the kitchen, Max latched onto Rockys hand for half a second the cup fell, letting go. "Where'd it go?"

The rumbling was gone, nothing was moving.

They all let out a yell when a claw shot through the window. Rocky gripped the curtain rod harder. The claw was coming straight toward them before Jonathan lunged forward, hitting the axe into the claw a few times before it threw him back into the wall. Rocky shoved Will into Max's arm and pushed them back.Nancy shot it, or shrieking at her but she continued to shoot at it.

Running out of bullets, the oldest Wheeler backed against the wall as the claw went straight for her. Rocky ran forward to save her, hitting the claw so hard that his body nearly spun. He hit it over and over, the shrieking getting louder and louder as it started to retreat.

"Rocky!" Max yelled in a panic as anther claw flew through the window and in her direction, latching onto his wrist as he was yanked. Nancy and Jonathan grabbed his legs first as the rest of the party ran to the yelling boys rescues. El hurried forward, using her power to grab it, making Rocky fall to the ground with a yelp.

"You okay?" Max fell onto her knees next to him, her hand on his right shoulder blade.

"I'm good." he winced, sitting up.

It slowly began to retreat backwards under Els hold. The Hopper girl swung her hand down, yanking the head of the claw off. The rest of the body shrieked, flying out of the window and past Lucas.

Before they got complete over the shock, another claw shot out. The pair ducked quickly, El using her power on this one as well. Another shot from the other wall, both her hands occupied. El gave a yell, yanking her arms on sync to rip the heads off.

Max stood close to Rocky. "Do you-"

She cut off by The Mind Flayer breaking the cabin ceiling and had hold of El's leg, pulling her. Rocky grabbed her tightly.

"Nancy, shoot it!" Jonathan yelled as El gave a scream of pain, the party all holding onto her with all they had. They started to slide against the carpet, falling forward. Rocky yanked his hand up, punching the Mind Flayer as one of El's legs dropped. Nancy shot upwards at the creature, not doing much at all but weakening it to drop to the floor with El.

"Lucas, hit it!" Rocky encouraged him quickly, being the closest. El's hold tightened on Rockys wrist.

Lucas grabbed the axe, running forward and chopping at the claw, that seemed to be its tongue, pulling El up. He hit it a good few times, Nancy shooting at it as well. The teens feet began to slip on the rug as The Mind Flayer was nearly taking them all with El. Lucas gave a final chop, breaking El free as she collapsed onto them.

"Nice." Rocky held his fist up to Lucas from the ground, getting a bump in return.

"El! Are you okay?" Mike called as he sat up, getting a nod from the barley moving girl. He grabbing the claw part that was still attached to El's leg, yanking it as she cried out in pure pain. Rocky smacked him upside the head.

The creature roaring from the hole in the ceiling. Rocky glared. "I'm gonna light you on fire, you loser ass!"

El pulls herself up by Mikes shoulders, Max helped Rocky stand up. They backed up, watching El throw both her arms out with a loud yell, ripping The Mind Flayer to shreds above them.

"Go, go, go!" Nancy yelled as they all took off, Rocky lifted El up as Mike and Max ran before the pair to open the car door.

"Okay, get her down." Nancy spoke as she got ahold of all the medical supplies she'd need. Rocky set El down as he rubbed his tired arms after. "Okay. Lemme see."

They all cringed when Nancy rolled up El's pant leg, the large hole in El's leg leaking terrible.

"Jesus, you know what that reminds me of?" Rocky squinted his nose toward Jonathan.

"Who you slammed your hand in the car door?" Jonathan pulled the same look he had.

"What- hey, hey, what are you doing?" Max cut Nancy off when she went to open the wipes.

"I'm cleaning the wound." Nancy said back honestly as she looked back down at El's leg.

"No, first, we need to stop the bleeding, then clean, then disinfect, then bandage." Max listed on seriously, nodding her head each time. "I skateboard. Trust me."

Max pressed a gauze pad to El's leg, grabbing Mikes hand to press on the wound. "Keep the pressure on it, nice and firm, okay?"

"Do you need me to do it?" Rocky asked him at his cringing look.

"I think I got it." he shook his head

"We're gonna need water, soap." Max looked at Nancy and Jonathan as they nodded and headed off. The clatter of stuff falling made them look over, seeing Lucas had emptied his backpack with unnecessary supplies across the floor.

"Does any of this help?" he asked, looking down at the three with Will by his side. Rocky rose his eyebrows, blinking.

Max gave a look of disbelief. "No. Go get me a washcloth and a bowl."

"A bowl?" he asked in disbelief.

"Lucas." the redhead huffed in response. Will smacked his arm, heading off quickly and leaving the remaining four.

"Dr.Mayfield, how may I be in assistance?" Rocky looked down at her in questioning. "Need me to run up some scans? Take a few X-Rays?"

She gave him an annoyed look. "We need to wrap your wrist anyways so it doesn't get infected. Don't go far."


kylie speaks

angry but soft bf with a
soft but but angry gf>

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