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๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ four weeks since Victoria's attack and a lot has happened in between those weeks that Liz felt drained just trying to keep up with it all.
It had taken approximately two weeks for the bruising around her throat to completely heal, which was around the time she had felt comfortable enough to speak again. During those two weeks, Liz has had to endure a lot of coddling, mainly from the pack and her friends. Just like Ester said would happen, Liz had been forced to talk to Chief Swan about her 'random' attacker. Well, more like Danny had to tell his side of the story and Liz had to give him very vague details on a white board they had given her at the police station.
She basically just stuck to the story Danny and Ester told her to tell him. She was randomly attacked by some man in a black ski mask, who held a knife to her back and told her to follow him quietly. She told Charlie that she didn't know why he targeted her, just took what little money she had in her pockets and when she tried fighting back, she only managed to hit him over the head with a branch, but he caught her before she could fully get away and strangled, demanding she get him more money. That is when Danny supposedly came and stopped this said man from doing any further harm, but he got away because Danny was more concerned about Liz's well being.
Liz hated that she had to lie like this, she wished the police had never been involved in the first place, but Ester did the smart thing. The hospital would have called the police no matter what, seeing as she was clear this was not an accident and someone harmed her badly. But now the Forks Police Department were now on the lookout for some random assailant.
Not being able to speak was a blessing in disguise for many reasons. After finally revealing the truth about Victoria and everything that had happened in Phoenix last year, the pack has not left her alone. She was put on a twenty-four hour watch, as was Bella, though the Swan girl did not know Sam had someone watching her house until recently. Liz had been bombarded with endless questions from the boys, but Liz had been very vague in her responses.
She only told them the bare minimum about James, mainly because she did not like reliving what had happened that night. How she had to use the cash in the favor Ester owed her in order to get her to let her leave, that she did it to protect them and it led the tracker away. She even mentioned how Esme and Rosalie had been the ones to stay behind in Forks to protect Ester and Danny as well as Bella's dad, though they did not seem to matter about that at all.
She didn't bother telling them about Victoria's psychotic obsessive goal to brutally murder her for fun, only just that Victoria wants justice for her mate's death and thinks getting to her and Bella were the only way to achieve it because of their previous involvement with the Cullens, which is unknown to the redhead who clearly hasn't been lurking around close enough to realize the Cullens were no longer in town.
Of course they had more questions but Liz refused to tell them anything she did not feel like telling them. A part of her was still protecting the Cullens, which she is starting to figure out isn't something she can really control anymore, it's just instinct. No matter how much they've hurt her, she will always want to protect them and defend them.
To add to the neverending pile of crap Liz was forced to deal with, Ester is now angry with her and is no longer speaking to her. She had given Liz an earful for not telling Danny or the pack about Victoria sooner, especially because Liz was well aware of the vampire they were hunting.
Liz, honestly, does not care that Ester was angry with her. It was actually kind of nice, because it meant Ester was no longer badgering her anymore or doing anything to piss her off. How the hell Ester always manages to take something and twist it to make it about herself is unbelievable. Liz gets attacked and nearly killed by a crazy vampire and it somehow offends Ester.
Liz was over it. She was over Ester's bullshit. She was over everything.
So Liz found solitude in not being able to speak. It was easier. No one expected anything from her. At school, the news about her attack has managed to remain pretty hush, the only ones who truly knew were her friends and teachers who were informed. All were very sympathetic. Liz hated the sympathy, because it was just another lie she was forced to tell her friends about, especially Angela. A part of her wanted to tell Angela the truth, the whole truth and damn it all. But she knew she couldn't. It was selfish, she couldn't do that to her. She asked Paul to keep Angela out of their world for as long as he possibly can, so she'd be a hypocrite if she went against her own words.
Oh, and to add to this ever growing news chain, Bella is now aware of shapeshifting werewolves. How can this be possible, you may ask? Oh, well, it turns out her former friend has had a few interesting weeks of her own. She even almost managed to get herself killed, and it wasn't on purpose this time. Shocker. Also... she has Jacob Black wrapped around her finger.
From what Paul and Danny told her- since she was not on speaking terms with the Swan girl- Jacob phased for the first time, actually the day after Liz was attacked. He apparently got really sick at the movies, which is what starts the first shift. He was bedridden for a couple days before he phased completely, Danny and Sam were both there to make sure he was calm and to explain everything to him. And according to Paul, Bella had not taken well to Jacob ditching her and was relentless with the calls, even showing up at his house multiple times.
To make things even more wonderful, Laurent came back to town and tried to kill Bella, which really came as a surprise to Liz because she had completely forgotten all about the third member of James' coven. He has been so helpful to them in the past, going against his coven mates to warn the Cullens about James and Victoria's motives and techniques. Liz still remembers his words when he told her about Victoria's special interest in her.
The last she heard, he was in Denali, Alaska with the Cullens cousins, living their vegetarian lifestyle.
Guess he just could no longer resist his primal urges.
Bella found out about the wolves a couple days after that. In fact, she apparently confronted Sam and the pack where she slapped Paul in the face. Paul, proving that he was clearly hot tempered, shifted in front of her, which caused Jacob to jump to her rescue and shift as well. Liz had been very sad that she missed all the entertainment.
That pretty much sums everything up. An eventful four weeks, indeed.
Liz rolls onto her back, staring up at the ceiling, sleep once again failing to consume her. In these past four weeks, Liz has barely managed to sleep a full eight hours without nightmares. The first night after the attack, she had a night terror. It was pretty bad and despite Ester's attitude and anger, she had been there to comfort and coax her out of it. The two went back to giving each other the cold shoulder immediately afterwards.
Liz was sort of glad she was just experiencing small nightmares now, but everytime she closes her eyes, she can see the cold-dead stare of crimson red eyes that look so much like pools of blood. The nightmares were becoming unbearable, so much so that she dreaded sleep and pushed it off for as long as possible. She has been getting three hours, maybe four if she was lucky at night and it was starting to show in her eyes.
It was barely two minutes Victoria had her in her grasp. Barely a full two minutes, Liz was held in the air by the neck, clawing at the cold fingers of the vampire who looked more wicked and crazed than the last time she had seen her on that baseball field. Less than two minutes, Victoria had just that short time to strike so much fear in her core before the wolves came and chased her off.
"Oh, Liz. I thought you'd be more excited to see me. You are hurting my feelings." The red-headed vampire taunted, the corner of his lips pulled upwards in a sickening sweet grin. Liz kicked repeatedly in the air, trying so hard to breathe in oxygen that was slowly being snipped from her.
"You know, I have been keeping my distance, only popping back into town a few times to check in, you know, shapeshifting werewolves on riding my ass and that vision seeing pixie freak, I've had to be smart about my moves and decisions. But this is the second time I have managed to catch you without your precious Jasper by your side. So, so strange." Victoria tsked, cocking her head to the side. "Why is that?"
Liz was starting to lose her vision, gripping Victoria's wrist tightly and squirming to get free. Victoria looked her over and hummed, thinking hard. Suddenly, Liz was brought down slowly and was now in her face. The blonde was seeing white dots and struggling to keep conscious. If she was to die, at least she'd get to see her parents again. It was the only thing she could think about. Well, that and she was thinking about someone else... the one person she shouldn't be thinking about. The one person she knows she still loves more than anything in this world, even though she knows she shouldn't.
Liz saw him from the corner of her eye. He was standing there, just as perfect and beautiful as she remembers him, a fearful look on his face. He didn't say anything, but he stared at Liz with a look she knew too well. A look that told her not to lose hope. A couple tears escaped her eyes, as she just looked at Jasper, not caring he wasn't real. If she was going to die, she would die staring into the eyes of the only man she will ever love.
Suddenly, Victoria lifted her other hand and was playing with strains of her hair, chuckling wickedly. "Straight hair looks cute on you. It will be even more cute when I rip it from your scalp." Victoria tugged, not hard enough to tear her hair out, but enough to make the blonde cry out more. Liz still refused to look at the redhead, missing as her cruel smile was quickly wiped off of her face as her head shot to the side, sighing in annoyance before turning to the blonde. "It seems our fun will just have to wait just a little bit longer. Tell Bella and the Cullens I said hello."
Without any warning, Liz was thrown to the ground and was pretty much unconscious, the only sounds she could hear were the vicious growls and Danny calling her name before Jasper disappeared and everything went black.
Liz was out of bed in an instant, pushing that horrible memory to the back of her mind before throwing on her random red sweatshirt that was hanging on her chair, she threw it on and then climbed back into bed. Sleep was clearly inevitable and definitely not happening tonight. She grabbed her phone and dialed the only person she could think of who she knew would be up while reaching over and switching on the lamp on her nightstand.
The phone only rang twice before a raspy, deep voice picked up on the other end. "Can't sleep again, Chambers?"
"What are you talking about? I'm asleep right now."
A chuckle sounded on the other end as well as some shuffling. "Uh huh. So, you are sleep-calling me, then?"
"Hey, if sleep-walking, sleep-talking and sleep-eating is real, then so is randomly picking up the phone and calling a friend is one as well."
Nolan Reed chuckled once again. "Fair point."
Liz giggled and brought her knees to her chest, wrapping one of her arms around them tightly. "So, have you told your mom about Harvard yet?"
For the past two weeks since Liz was finally able to speak again, during one of the nights Liz was too scared to go to sleep because she didn't even want to risk another nightmare, she has been calling Nolan Reed and the two will normally talk all night long or until the other falls asleep. Nolan had mentioned to her once that he was an insomniac and hardly ever sleeps on a normal schedule, so he never minded her calls. In fact, he actually enjoyed their night chats.
Each call was always different. Most of the time they would talk about sports, more like argue since the only sports team they share are the Miami Heat. Football, baseball, and hockey were polar opposites of the other and would normally just make fun of each other's teams.
When they weren't talking about sports, they would be talking about movies. Since Liz was a movie buff, she pretty much gave Nolan a list of her favorite movies that he hasn't seen and they would discuss the movie in length when he has finished one. He was pretty much uncultured, he has never seen 'Halloween' or even 'The Breakfast Club' for crying out loud. He made some excuse that he was too focused on football and school to care about movies, but Liz still felt insulted.
Nolan, thankfully, knew nothing about the attack. Her last appointment with Antonio hadn't lined up at the same time as Nolan's, so they've missed each other twice. She was happy he didn't know, it was nice talking to him without his endless questions about what happened or if the police have any leads. It was bad enough that Mitch knew about it. What made it worse was that he blamed himself, which she had smacked him for even saying when he visited her, telling him it was not his fault and he couldn't have done anything to help. Which was the truth.
A couple weeks ago, Nolan's estranged father had reached out to him and has been persuading him to consider law school now that football was no longer an option. Nolan was clearly smart and fully capable of it, plus his father offered to help pay for his tuition to Harvard, which is where he wanted him to go. His father even told him he can stay with him and his new wife during the time since they lived about forty-five minutes away from the school. Then once Nolan passed his bars, he could go work with him at his firm.
Now, before the accident, Nolan had no interest in becoming a lawyer nor did he want anything to do with his father. That was the man who walked out on him and his mom when he was eight years old. His father always tried to stay in touch, but Nolan felt abandoned by him and hated him for hurting his mother, so he pushed him out of his life. Now, Nolan's promising football career was flushed down the drain and he did not know what he was going to do with his life. After finally hearing his father out, he realized that maybe going to law school wasn't such a terrible fall back plan.
Nolan sighed from the other end of the phone. "No. I tried bringing it up at dinner again tonight, but she had such a terrible day at work and I didn't want to upset her more than she already was."
Liz understood completely. "I get it. But I still think this is something you should discuss with her. It's not like you've made up your mind yet or anything. Just tell her it's something you are considering, and besides, you have a couple years before you can even go, at least until you are up and walking again."
"I know, you're right." He grumbles. "I'm gonna talk to her soon. She is always a planner. She likes when people have plans so she will like that I am thinking about my future. I might not even go to Harvard for law, I might choose a different major. I want to know I have options."
Liz placed a hand over her heart dramatically, even though she knows he can't see her. "Oh, they grow up so fast. Just a few months ago I was ready to clock you for your nasty attitude, now listen to you. Making plans for your future. I'm so proud."
"Ha ha, you're hilarious, Chambers."
"I know."
"What about you, huh?"
"What about me?"
"What are your plans after graduation?"
Liz stared down at her comforter, making small circles over her left knee as she thought about his answer. One that she actually hadn't allowed herself to think about, because it was just too painful to think about. After another couple seconds went by, Liz still hasn't given him an answer.
"Aye yo, Chambers. You still there?"
Clearing her throat, Liz finally spoke. "Um, yeah. Uh... honestly, dude, I'm more focused on graduating high school at the moment. I can't even think about what I'll be doing afterwards."
"Are you still failing three classes?"
"No. I actually brought my English grade up pretty quickly. And I think I'll be able to pass the Econ final. It's math that's still kicking my ass."
"What does your teacher say?"
Liz sighed and leaned back into the headboard, kicking her feet out in front of her, one crossed over the other. "I need 92 on the final in order to pass the whole class."
"That's not so bad." Nolan states confidently, causing the blonde to scoff at his words.
"Not so bad? Reed, the highest grade I've ever gotten in this damn subject 80, and that was when I had a tutor. I need to ace this final or I'm not graduating."
It was honestly so frustrating. Math will always be her greatest enemy. Math is the cause of her life being blown up in her face, quite literally. No matter how hard she works, it is never good enough.
"Not with that attitude you won't." Nolan told her sternly. "You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to dig through my old school shit, my mom is a huge pack rat, she keeps everything so I'm going to see what I can find from when I took Algebra and you can use them as study sheets. I'll even help you over Skype. We can do this."
"I might be a lost cause, Reed." Liz muttered, discouraged.
"I'm sorry, but that sounds like quitter talk to me. Is Liz Chambers a quitter?"
Liz winced, knowing he had her there and how much she hated that word, but a small smile slowly formed on her lips. "No."
"Are you sure? I'd hate for word to get around that Liz Chambers backed away from a challenge."
Rolling her eyes, she couldn't help but chuckle in amusement. "I am not a quitter. In fact, if I somehow manage to pass this damn test, I will somehow get them to play the anthem song from the Rocky movie as I walk onto that stage at graduation, grab my diploma and then do the worm off the stage."
"Hell yeah you are! Yes! That is what I like to hear!" Nolan cheered loudly on the other end. Liz's laughter got louder just as Nolan's voice turned serious. "Oh, you are totally doing that, by the way. And you will get it on video so I can watch it."
"Reed, if you can somehow pull off some magic and help me pass the final, you will be at the graduation to personally witness it."
Nolan's laughter was dying down on the other end. "Deal."
Suddenly, Liz's phone beeped and she looked down at the screen, frowning at it before bringing the phone back to her ear. "Hey, can I call you back? I have another call coming in."
"At three-thirty in the morning? Who the hell is it?"
Liz shrugged despite knowing he couldn't see. "Don't know. Says unknown caller. Probably just a misdial. I'll call you back."
"I'll be here." Is all Nolan says before the two hung up and Liz answered the incoming call.
"Hello?" Silence on the other end. Liz frowned before speaking again. "Hello, is anyone there?"
Again she was met with silence. She doesn't even know if anyone was there, but Liz started to remember a couple months ago she had gotten a strange call similar to this after Ester and Danny's wedding. She highly doubted it was the same person, seeing as it was three months since then. Misdials happen all the time.
After another moment, Liz finally spoke again. "Okay, well, if someone's there, you have the wrong number. So please get rid of this one."
Hanging up, Liz stared down at her comforter, a weird feeling she couldn't describe in her stomach. She took a moment to shake herself out of it before calling Nolan back, the two talking for another hour before Nolan fell asleep, Liz soon after him, the latter grateful for Spring Break.
๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ bike down the road, on her way to the park to meet up with Angela and Hallie. The former had called the blonde to see if she would join them, both needing to get out of the house per her father's request. Their mom isn't doing so great and apparently had snapped at Hallie in frustration when the young girl was talking her ear off, the pain in her head was pretty extreme as was the nausea from all the medication she was on. Mrs. Weber did not mean it, Angela knew this, but Hallie was so young and she thinks she upset her mom. It was really heartbreaking.
However, on her way there, her phone hasn't stopped ringing. Knowing better not to risk pulling it out while driving, she pulls over and pulls out her phone. Much to her surprise, there were three missed calls from Bella and one voicemail. Pulling off her helmet, she set it down on her lap and adjusted her glasses on her face before listening to the voicemail, wondering what Bella could possibly want. The two haven't spoken to each other since their fight in Port Angeles. They were both very clear that they wanted nothing to do with each other anymore.
"Uh, hey. Um... I'm sorry I keep calling. I-I don't even know why I am, I know I have no right. I just- I haven't been great again. Jacob is out hunting Victoria with the pack and now I'm alone again and when I'm alone, it's like really, really difficult to breathe." Liz could hear the shakiness in her voice and the heavy breathing. Worry started to overcome her. "I guess I just wanted to tell you that you were right, at the Port Angeles and I'm still not okay. I need him, Liz. I need him to breathe. I'm not like you. I can't just pretend like he never existed. Trust me, I wish I was that strong. But you've always been the strongest between the two of us... Look, I'm sorry I called, I'm going to stop now. Please ignore everything I said."
The voicemail ended and Liz was left sitting on the side of the road, her mind racing at what she just listened to. She didn't know how to respond to it all, but she got a very bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. Bella wasn't just hysterical, she sounded desperate. So desperate to see Edward again, just like she was in Port Angeles with those sketchy biker dudes.
Liz just knew Bella was about to do something stupid in order to see Edward again. She knew it deep in her gut. And she knew she shouldn't care, she should just let Bella do whatever dumbass thing she is thinking and hopes she lives through it, but she can't do that. Just because they were no longer friends does not mean Liz stopped caring about the girl. Did she think Bella was suicidal? No. No, Liz doesn't believe Bella truly wants to die. But she does believe Bella is clearly desperate and desperate people make stupid decisions.
Immediately calling her back, Liz begged for Bella to answer. When she didn't, Liz cursed to herself before shoving her phone back into her pocket and putting her helmet back on, kick starting the bike and turning around, heading towards the Swan residence. She was almost there when she saw the familiar rusty old red truck driving past her. Liz immediately skidded to a stop before turning around and started following closely behind the Swan girl, unaware of her destination now.
When they entered the reservation, Liz started to think maybe Bella was just going to Jacob's, but when they passed the turn to his house, Liz continued to become even more confused. She had a feeling Bella knew she was following her but did not stop until she reached their destination, which was at a dead end where she turned off her truck and climbed out.
Liz followed, turning off her bike and kicking out the stand before removing her helmet, the wind brushing back her straightened blonde hair before calling out to the brunette. "Bella!"
Said girl looked back, not at all surprised to see her, and moved to meet her half way. "I'm fine, Liz. I'm sorry I called you. You didn't have to follow me."
"Well, then next time don't leave such a disturbing voicemail." Liz sassed, putting her hand on her hips. "What are you doing here?"
"Just wanted to go for a walk," Bella bluntly states with a shrug, before suddenly making her way into the woods, not bothering to wait for the blonde's response.
Knowing she was going to regret this, Liz put her helmet on the seat and followed quickly behind Bella. Her brace was secure around her knee but after months of PT, it has been easier for her to get around. The limp was still there, but not as visible as it used to be. She can definitely get around much easier and quicker though.
"Are you forgetting that the last time the two of us stupidly wandered into the woods, you were nearly killed by Laurent and I was strangled and nearly killed by the crazy redhead who is still out there and still wants the both of us dead?" Liz recountered, stepping over a couple branches. "Is walking through the woods really a smart decision?"
"Victoria will have to keep a low profile now that Laurent is dead. She knows the wolves are hunting her." Bella points out.
"Something tells me nothing is going to stop that bitch from coming back."
Bella used a tree to keep herself steady, trying not to stumble over the trunk. Liz managed to keep up with the girl, the two silent for a couple seconds before Bella looked back at the blonde cautiously. "You're talking again."
Liz gave her a strange look, which the Swan girl just stumbled over her next words. "It-It's just... Jake told me you couldn't talk because of Victoria's attack."
Liz nodded in realization. "Uh, yeah. It was pretty bad but it's pretty much healed up now."
Bella nodded awkwardly, the two just making their way through the woods. Liz has no idea where they were going, was just following Bella blindly, which she thinks was stupid and she hated herself for doing it, but turning back now seemed pointless. Instead, she just pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Angela, apologizing that she couldn't make it and will explain later.
"So... Jake told me you've known about the wolves since some time before Ester and Danny's wedding." Bella mentions, still trying to make small talk.
"Wow, Jacob sure is a chatterbox, isn't he?" Liz mutters sarcastically. "Yes, I found out just a few days before the wedding. Danny had phased for the first time and I basically forced them to tell me the truth. More like threatened."
"Does Ester know too?"
"Of course. Imprints always know the truth."
Bella stopped and looked back at the blonde, puzzled. "What's an imprint?"
Liz just gave her a sly smirk. "So... Jacob doesn't tell you everything. Interesting."
Bella sent her a small glare. "Go home, Liz. You don't need to follow me."
"Well, seeing as I've come this far," she paused, climbing over another branch and groaning when her boots stepped into a pile of mud. "And since I've already ruined my nice boots, I might as well see what bullshit idea you came up with."
"You are so frustrating, Liz."
"Right back at you, Swan."
The two girls remained silent for the rest of this ridiculous hike. The more uphill they went, the more irritation her knee started to feel. It was bearable, just uncomfortable. At this point, Liz was starting to think Bella did not have a destination in mind, she just wanted to wander aimlessly through the woods. Maybe her big reckless plan was just to go for a hike, which is unlike Bella since she doesn't like hiking of any kind.
Liz was just about to demand Bella tell her what the hell they were doing, until the brunette pushed through a bunch of leaves, Liz following her close behind and immediately coming to a halt at the sight before her, her entire body freezing in shock.
Now Liz has seen cliff jumping plenty of times, but normal people usually jump from the lower cliffs. This cliff... this was very high and extremely dangerous. It is the same one the pack jumps from, but it was nothing to them because of their heightened abilities. She always thought they were insane, even before she learned what they were. When she saw Paul doing it with Sam and Jared, she nearly had a heart attack, worried about the friend who cut her off. But he was always perfectly fine.
Liz always thought they were immature idiots. Which they were, but still, this cliff was way too high and it was super dangerous to jump from, especially a fragile human girl like Bella Swan who can't even open a freaking envelope without getting a damn paper cut. Liz's stomach twisted just from being up here and she remained as far back as she could, while Bella inched closer and closer towards the edge, looking down into the ocean as loud waves crashed against the cliff.
"Bella," Liz called out to the brunette nervously. "Please, please tell me you are not about to do what I think you are about to do."
Bella did not answer, just looked down over the edge, her hands squeezing in a tight fist as the harsh wind smacked them in the face. Realizing the girl was not listening, Liz forced herself to move closer and grabbed Bella's arm. "Bella, this is insane! You are not jumping from this cliff."
"It's called cliff jumping, Liz. Everyone does it." Bella finally says, still not bothering to look at the girl.
"From lower down!" Liz hissed, her heart racing from panic. "This is dangerous. It's too high and those waves look brutal. Are you trying to kill yourself?"
Bella shook her head, looking back at the blonde. "I don't want to kill myself. I just want to see him again."
Bella snatched her arm back and got closer to the edge. She closed her eyes before she spoke again. "You wanted me to be human. Watch me."
Liz frowned, staring at the brunette in confusion to what she was talking about as she unzipped her jacket and dropped it to the ground. She then began to remove her bracelets, before inches towards the edges, still talking, but she was no longer talking to her. "You won't stay with me any other way."
With those words, Liz finally understood and shook her head frantically. "Bella, I know you miss Edward, okay? I know. I know the pain you are in. I know that you feel like it will never go away. I feel it too."
Bella was silent, not looking at the blonde but she was listening. Liz had to talk her out of this. Sure, there is a good chance nothing will happen, but there's a small chance something could and if the past year and a half have taught her anything, she and Bella were the unluckiest girls in the world.
"I can pretend all I want, I can push away my feelings, but nothing can change the fact that I'm still in love with Jasper. I can't change the fact that when Victoria had me in her grasp, how when I thought I was going to die, all I could think about was him. He was there, Bella. Just like you think Edward is here now. I don't know if I'll ever get over him. I don't think I can. But holding onto an illusion of him is not better than him actually being here. It's actually so much worse and so much more painful, because once the reckless shit is over, it just makes you hate yourself because that illusion wasn't real. He wasn't real. This will not make you feel better."
Bella finally looked back at Liz, pain all over her face hearing her confession. "You might be right, Liz. But I have to do this. I have to do one last thing, then I promise you I'm done. I promise."
Liz wasn't given the chance to argue further, not as Bella jumped off the cliff. "Shit." Liz cursed loudly, rushing towards the edge of the cliff just in time to see Bella breakthrough the water. Her heart was hammering and she was kicking herself for not grabbing Bella and dragging her away from the edge by her damn hair.
After what felt like minutes but was only seconds, Bella finally resurfaced. Liz couldn't help but sigh in relief, dropping her head. Her blood pressure definitely calmed down as she shook her head in disbelief. "Oh, she has officially lost her damn mind, crazy ass."
Just when she thought it was over, Liz noticed an extremely large wave coming right towards Bella, taking the girl back under before the blonde could even warn her. "Shit, Bella!" But it was pointless. Bella came back up only for a brief second before another wave knocked her back down. Liz was panicking, not knowing what to do or how to help. She searched frantically, but she couldn't see the Swan girl anymore. "Bella! Bella!"
Another few seconds went by, Bella still hadn't come back up even as the waves slowly calmed for a second. Not knowing what else to do, Liz kicked off her boots and her tan wool coat, before frantically tossing her glasses onto the items of clothing before doing probably the stupidest thing she will ever do.
She jumps.
Wow, this chapter was so impactful. Gosh I loved it so much! Another one of my favorites. I'm actually pretty proud of this one. Especially the whole cliff scene.
Next chapter guys!!! Next chapter, I think you know what happens!!! Ahhhhh so excited!!!
What did everyone think? Please let me know! Love all your feedback!
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