THE WORD HAD SPREAD ABOUT OPHELIA BEATING BELLATRIX AT DUELLING CLASS HAD GOT OUT. She was praised and greeted a lot more in the corridors on her way to classes, the Slytherin's especially had been trying to rope her back in and try and include her into things. She had been harassed by all the purebloods, they'd been trying to get her to join their secret little meetings. But none of their intentions had worked, the Gryffindor's had kept her in their circle away from them.
After avoiding them for a couple of days, they always seemed to find her, it was mostly her brother, Malfoy and his cronies or Bellatrix threatening her that she'd destroy her if she were to ever embarrassed her again. They were always chased away by James and the boys who always seemed to know where she was.
But unfortunately, she had to meet Slughorn about why they were not getting as many points as they were getting months ago from the girl. She had simply lied and said this year was a little harder for her, of course the Professor had let her go, but as she was leaving she'd bumped into her brother, Rosier and Avery.
"Afternoon, sister." Severus tersely said, "no Gryffindor's today? I see that they've let you out of their sights. What? Did you have to ask like the loyal pet you are." He sneers.
"I don't have to ask to do anything, unlike you." She said making her eyes look innocent like.
Severus had not taken kindly to her words and had unleashed his wand upon her. His two buddies behind him had also towered over her, their eyes were cold, emotionless and so full of hate. "How dare you talk to me like that, I am your brother, you're supposed to be obedient."
Ophelia laughs coldly, "oh dear brother, I love how you try and pretend as if you are a Pureblood. I don't know what rubbish they've filled your brain with, but I will never be obedient for you or show any kindness. You don't deserve my respect towards you, I don't even know who you are anymore." She said getting in his face, "you are not the Severus I used to call brother anymore."
"Yeah! Well, he doesn't need you anyway!" Rosier sneered only to be pushed back by her brother. The two boys stare at her brother in shock.
"Go back to the common room, this is between my sister and I." He said curtly. "Tell Malfoy I'll be up in a moment."
The two Pureblood's stalked off leaving the two siblings in a dark – abandoned hallway. They stood staring at each other for what felt like forever, his expression had softened at her vulnerability, her walls were down in front of him.
He reached out and grabbed her cheek, gently brushing his thumb over it. "Oh, look what they've done to you, they've made you look weak and vulnerable." He states.
Ophelia recoiled away from him, his touch didn't feel like James', she hated that. "What they've done?" She says in shock, "what they've done is heal me! They've made me feel nothing but love! Something that you couldn't even show me!"
"You're my sister, of course I love you!" He says his eyes were wide. His matched her own, his lips all of a sudden felt dry, he licked them slightly and stared down at her sternly. " I just can't ruin the reputation I've built for myself."
"The reputation you've built for yourself?" She shouts enraged. "You built that off of me! The reputation you have is because of me! You constantly put me down – made me feel like shit when all I've done was be there for you! I took care of you when our mother took her own life! I took care of that bastard that hurt you! I always stuck up for you and loved you! Something those Purebloods would never do, but you can't even repay me back!" She said feeling her tears drip down her face. "That one thing I've wanted from you was your love! For you to be proud of me! But all you care about is your reputation!"
Severus stares at his sister, he looks down at the ground, he felt as if he was choosing his sister over his dream. "I thank you, Ophelia, I really do. But sometimes we just have to move on, we've grown older now and we have bigger things ahead of us, we should be looking forward not back! I don't want to look back! I was weak, you made me look weak! With them I feel welcomed! Maybe love is what you want, but not for me! The only person I want to love me is Lily!"
Ophelia took a step back, her heart thumped, it was as if it just shattered into a million pieces. She squeezed her eyes shut as they began to moist, her tears ran down her face like a waterfall, she glared at him with so much hate. "Mother wanted us to stick together."
"Mother is dead." His face was emotionless, "as soon as you realise that the better." He began to grow angry at her, she was supposed to agree with him, but he watched her shake her head. "There is plenty of things you need to realise, those Gryffindor's don't love you, they're playing tricks on you just to get back at me. They'd get there revenge through you to get to me, open your eyes, Ophelia. You are nothing but a broken record, they were right, you need to go somewhere and get help."
He began to walk away from her leaving her in a state of shock; his words cut into her deep, she suddenly yells, "you need to realise that Lily doesn't love you!" That's what got Severus to turn around and stare at her, "she hates you! You don't stand a chance against James, in fact I don't know if you know already, but they're dating." She watches as his wand was drawn upon her again.
"I will do everything I can for her to love me!"
"She loves me..." Both twins stood there in silence, Ophelia looks down at her hands. "Lily, she loves does James." It took her ages to realise, took her ages to understand, and now that she was admitting it; it felt good. She didn't feel like she was in denial anymore, or even trying to hide that fact anymore.
She watches Severus' face fill with emotions, he marches off cursing under his breath. Leaving Ophelia in her thoughts, leaving her with the pain and sadness he put her in. She needed comfort.
She ran through the halls, she felt as though she'd left half of herself back there to her own brother. She was so upset, and her thoughts had clouded the real world away from her. She stumbled and tripped a few times as she tried to make her way to them. She had finally made it to the portrait and whispered the password to the painting that was very concerned for her, she made her way inside. She found James looking down at a piece parchment in his hands, but there was no Lily.
He suddenly looked up and noticed her standing there, her face all red and blotchy, her eyes looked heavy and puffy; her mascara was smeared all over her cheeks. He muttered something to the paper and threw it to the couch and stood up quickly, shocked that Ophelia was the one making her way over to him. She'd collapsed into his arms, sobbing her heard out in his chest. He sat her in his lap as he fell back down to the couch and started to make soothing sounds – rocking her back and forth to calm her down. The small girl was a babbling mess, clutching onto the boy as if he were her life support.
Several minutes passed, Ophelia had managed to calm down, she felt slightly embarrassed at loosing control of her emotions like that, but she felt comfortable and relaxed in his arms that were wrapped securely around her waist. "Oh, poppet. What happened, m'love." James asks gently brushing her hair away from her face, he bounced his knee a little and rubs her back in slow soothing circles.
"I-I don't wanna talk about it right now." She mumbles rubbing her eyes that were now drooping, she kept ahold of him, she didn't want to let go of him at the moment. "C-Can it wait? Want Lily too."
James whispers sweet nothings to her as he takes her to the bedroom. Instead of placing her on her own bed, he placed her on the one he shared with Lily. He sits next to her and keeps her close to his chest as he re-wrapped his arm around her, his left hand playing with strands of her hair as she lay there silently looking off into space.
In those empty black eyes were sadness, regret and hatred. Three things she's felt before, but never for the same person, the sadness for loosing her twin bond – regret for not seeing it before, and the hatred for all the shit he's put her through. Her blood boiled, her fists had now clenched onto James' shirt, her jaw locked as she was dazed in her own thoughts.
His hand had not stopped the soothing circles he trailed on her thigh nor did the head pats. Ophelia shut her eyes just for a moment, she needed to calm down, she didn't want to do something she'd regret. She focused on James' heartbeats that now thumped loudly against her ear, she bites down on the inside of her cheek and relaxes against him – falling limp.
"What happened?" Ophelia woke up to hushed voices whispering loudly to each other. She hadn't realised, she'd fell asleep, it was only supposed to be a shut eye for five minutes.
"Dunno, she said she wanted to wait for you?" James' voice vibrated against her. She opens her eyes and held Lily's emeralds for a second.
"You alright, Ophie? What happened, Poppet?" She asks, helping the girl sit up and stretch her legs, there were tear marks that ran down her now pale cheeks.
Ophelia took a deep breath, "I bumped into Severus." She paused for a moment after seeing the concern leave James' eyes and quickly turn into anger, Lily's however did not change, she just clenched her jaw. "We exchanged a few words, but then it turned personal and it made me realise that, the Severus I knew is long gone – and I just need to open my eyes and realise people change – that I need to move on and find people of my own, people that took me in and took care of me when nobody else did." She swallows the lump in her throat and glances up at Lily; "he's changed, I can no longer stand by him, I – I don't want to believe it, but I think he's a deatheater."
Lily looks down and stares at the red-velvet rug that surrounded the beds with disappointment and anger. James stares warily at Lily before turning to Ophelia with disbelief, he knew her brother would, but hearing that Ophelia could no longer side with him nor give him the time of day made him feel some sort of sympathy. Sympathy for both parties, he wasn't a complete prick, he had changed over the years, but he felt bad for the twins. They grew up together and is in the same house, but then one decides to leave the nest and flies off to be with people who are bad news, leaving the other for the predators to get. He shakes his head for the second time and realises that Snape had fully lost his sister, that bond had been hanging by a thread that had suddenly been cut by Ophelia – who wanted nothing to do with him anymore.
Again, James turned back to Lily who had a smile on her face; a fake one at that. But she knew that she needed to show Ophelia support, she grabbed the smaller girl and squeezed her tightly. "You are too good for him, you deserve all the wonderful opportunities and friends, don't let him bring you down."
"I tried," she explains, "the only thing he was concerned about was that you all made me vulnerable and weak. He didn't even care about my well-being, it made me realise who my true family was at that point. He only cares for himself, he's started to become more selfish each day, he wasn't always like that.....I – I — he's changed for the worst."
Ophelia felt like she was going to throw up after admitting it, though the weight was now off her shoulders. She was again taken into a tight hug by Lily and James who were gushing and whispering soothing things. The girl could now see how she was being treated – Sirius and Remus had treated her like a sister, while Severus her own blood; a boy who she was always there for whenever he needed something, acted as if they weren't even related. She could see, finally. People who've just recently came into her life, a group who practically adopted her – have treated her like treasure – like family.
"You're alright, Ophie." Lily strokes the back of the said girls head, "we've got you, you're not alone, baby."
Ophelia relaxes into their hold and let's them baby her, she bites the bottom of her lip and gives a contented sigh and James shifted her onto the mattress, Lily had kicked off her shoes and laid next to her, trapping her in between both of them. The three of them felt their magic swish around them as they had gotten closer to each other. Ophelia had held onto the couple as if they were her life support, and she wasn't letting go anytime soon.
all chapters have been edited!
ok, so. i just saw a tiktok edit of this book! lol! thank you for whoever made it I love it!
let's kill severus! but let's cheer for big brother sirius and remus!
This was very hard to make during all my studying! My exam is 12 May and until then, you guys need to wait for another chapter! But afterwards I'll try and update this book daily! Thank you so much for all the support and kindness!
thank you for everything! i couldn't imagine this book going anywhere if it weren't for you guys! i love you all so much! thank you again, I appreciate it! 💕
thanks for reading!
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