chapter nine, act one
After discovering that Calum had lied about placing explosives around the house to get Maddie and Peter out of their hiding place, the nerves in Maddie and the two Winchester brothers calmed down a bit.
Yet the three were still worried about the condition of Freya and Peter, who after an hour since the burst of light still hadn't woken up.
"Any idea where Freya got that knife?" Dean asked as he entered the kitchen, where his brother had settled after grabbing several of Henry's books to check out the weapon.
"No. Nothing." Sam replied, examining the knife. "The only thing we've seen that can kill a demon so far is the Colt and Ruby's knife. But this one doesn't look like hers."
"Do you know where Laurel Holloway got this knife?" Dean turned to Maddie as she entered the kitchen to throw the shards of broken glass from the living room window.
"It wasn't until five years ago, when my mother died that I learned of the supernatural. That night, before those two demons, Ophelia and Calum showed up at our house to kill her, she told me that she had that book and knife in her safe and quickly explained to me who they belonged to. The rest of the things I know, like what works against a demon, Henry explained to me." Maddie explained.
"Then we have nothing until he comes back." Sam sighed, looking at his brother.
"Yeah. And he's not answering his calls." Dean said.
"We should burn that guy's remains."
Dean nodded.
"Do you have to burn him?" Maddie looked at them with confusion.
"Henry didn't tell you about ghosts?" Dean raised his eyebrows. Maddie stayed silence. "Salt and burn, so the spirits don't get trapped and can rest. Plus, less evidence."
"Okay." She sighed. "Do what you have to do. You guys are the experts. I'll go check on Peter and Freya."
"If they wake up or Henry shows up or calls, you send us a message immediately." Dean ordered. "We'll be back in an hour at the most."
"Okay." Maddie nodded, trying to stay calm. But Sam couldn't help but notice her uneasiness and the hesitant tone in her voice, so he turned to his brother.
"Get the house ready so no more demons come back in." Sam spoke.
"Okay." Dean sighed before leaving the kitchen.
Maddie watched him in relief, turning towards Sam as she noticed his gaze on her.
"We'll get some food." He said then. "Any requests?"
"Alcohol?" Her answer sounded more like a question, but the request was completely serious. Sam smiled amused.
"Beer or something stronger?"
"I don't care." Maddie admitted with a shrug.
"All right."
"Oh, and... You don't need to buy food. The fridge is full, I can cook something."
"Oh, we don't want to bother..."
"It's no bother." She assured, interrupting him. "Cooking would do some good to me right now for distraction."
"Okay." Sam accepted then, giving her a slight reassuring smile that Maddie didn't hesitate to return.
"The house is secure." Dean announced, walking back into the kitchen, gaining their attention.
"Good, let's go." Sam declared, grabbing his jacket. "Oh, if by any chance any demons come, use the knife." He informed Maddie before leaving the kitchen. The girl sighed, resting her gaze on the weapon resting on the counter, nodding slightly at his words.
When the Winchester brothers got back to the Holloway house, the place seemed much more welcoming. The smell of freshly cooked food was the first thing they noticed, as well as the radical change in temperature compared to the cold air of that particular evening.
Still the house was particularly quiet and the lack of life in it was noticeable. The fact that Peter wasn't running through the halls with his toy guns or reading a comic book on the stairs was very strange. Trying to forget that uncomfortable feeling Dean and Sam headed for the kitchen, where they found Maddie sitting, reading a lore book with the knife next to her.
"Hey, smells good." Dean admitted, depositing a bag on the island counter. Maddie looked up at him, giving him a slight smile.
"Thanks. I made lasagna. I hope you like it."
"We brought ice cream and pie." Sam announced, taking off his jacket.
"The pie is mine." Dean warned them, earning an amused smile from Maddie. "And the ice cream is Freya's favorite flavor."
"Oh, that's okay. I'm not really that hungry." Maddie shrugged.
"First time seeing a body and fighting a demon?" Dean raised his eyebrows, pulling a bottle of beer from the pack he and Sam had just bought.
"The latter, yes, the former... It's complicated." She answered, looking back at the book in front of her.
The two brothers shared a look, but decided to drop the subject when they noticed that it didn't seem to be a very pleasant one for Maddie.
"Any news?" Dean decided to change the subject, taking a swig of the beer in his hand.
Maddie shook her head. "No. They're still asleep. And no word from Henry."
Dean sighed in disappointment.
"What's the plan now?" Maddie looked at them with expectation.
"To wait." Sam answered. "Maybe call Bobby tomorrow."
"Yeah." Dean nodded as he served a plate of food for his brother and another for himself.
"You should get some sleep." Sam turned back to Maddie. "Dean and I will take shifts watching in case Henry shows up or that demon comes back."
Maddie's gaze traveled from Sam to Dean and back to Sam. "Are you sure?" She asked. "I mean... I can take a shift even if I'm not a hunter."
"Don't worry. We'll take care of it." He assured her.
"Okay." She sighed, getting to her feet. "I don't think I'll get much sleep, though. Enjoy the dinner."
"Thanks." Sam gave her a slight smile while Dean just nodded with his mouth full of food.
Maddie smiled back at them, hesitantly leaving the kitchen. Part of her wasn't convinced she could trust them, because she didn't really know them. But she had to remember that those two boys were Freya's friends, skilled hunters and certainly far more capable than she was of protecting the house that night. But letting others protect her had never been Maddie's style. As an only child, she was used to protecting herself. Though that was against human people, not monsters and demons.
Sitting in the living room, the Winchester brothers ate a portion of Maddie's homemade lasagna while watching the news on TV. Outside, the rain had finally started to ease after three hours where it hadn't stopped pouring.
"I'm going upstairs to eat the pie." Dean announced after finishing his plate, getting up from the couch and grabbing his and his brother's plate. "I'll check on Peter and Freya. You should sleep. I'll take the first shift."
"You sure?" Sam looked up at him with hesitation.
"Yeah. I'm not really that tired anyway." Dean answered, walking to the kitchen.
"All right." Sam accepted, turning off the TV and standing up of the couch. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight." Dean answered him from the kitchen, turning on the tap to start cleaning the dishes.
After a few minutes, Dean was so deep in thought as he cleared the kitchen that he barely noticed the presence of another person in the room until one of the floorboards creaked.
He then turned his head quickly toward the sound, meeting Freya's figure, dressed still in her wet clothes, with two dark circles under her eyes and wet hair falling out of her bun. Her eyes had a confused look in them as she saw him there, but before she could speak, Dean stood in front of her, holding her by the arms.
"Freya. Are you all right?" He looked her up and down with concern.
"Dean? What... what are you doing here?" She asked, raising her gaze to meet his. "What happened?"
Dean was about to explain everything to her, but Freya quickly interrupted him.
"Oh, my God. Peter." She exclaimed, ready to go back upstairs, but Dean held her tightly, keeping her in place.
"It's okay, it's okay. Take it easy." He spoke, looking into her eyes. "Peter's okay. He's in his room."
"And Maddie?"
"Sleeping in the guest room with Sammy."
Freya sighed with relief, her breathing slowly calming as she learned that everyone was okay.
"She... Ophelia was here."
"Yeah. She was." He nodded. "And she left when you destroyed that book and killed her friend. Pretty badass, by the way." Dean smiled with amusement, but this smile disappeared as soon as he noticed that Freya was still disoriented and didn't smile back at him.
"The book?" She asked.
"Turned to ashes." He replied, receiving a sigh of relief from her.
As the silence settled between them Freya felt the grip of Dean's hands on her arms getting looser and more delicate with every second. His thumbs stroked her over the fabric of the black t-shirt she was wearing sending a shiver down her spine. As if he could feel that same shiver himself, dean seemed to react then, taking a step back.
"Uh... are you hungry?" He asked, clearing his throat nervously. "Maddie prepared lasagna. And Sammy and I got ice cream. There's pie too." His eyes traveled to the kitchen island, avoiding the girl's gaze.
"Pie?" Freya tilted her head and raised her eyebrows with amusement. "You're going to share your pie with me?"
"Well, I didn't fight a demon today." He shrugged, connecting their gazes once again. "But don't take too long to decide or I'll take back my offer."
With a smile playing across her lips, Freya wrapped her arms around herself as she felt a blast of cold wind hit her wet clothes.
"I think I should take a shower." She admitted.
"Yeah, you're probably right." Dean sighed.
"Maybe when I come back you could have a plate of warm lasagna prepared for me." She walked closer to him with a smile painted on her lips.
Looking down at her, Dean nodded slightly, fighting the urge to hold her cheeks and kiss her right then and there.
Watching her fight that demon to protect her little brother, wearing those tight jeans and that black t-shirt with her damp hair and the fierce look in her eyes was perhaps the hottest he'd ever seen her.
"You bet." He whispered, smiling back at her.
What Dean didn't know was that Freya was also fighting her own urge to kiss him. Maybe if either of them weren't so dumb and used the courage they usually had to kill and face monsters they'd already be kissing. But instead, Freya went back up to her room to take a hot shower while Dean prepared dinner for her and Peter. The boy was still asleep when Dean went upstairs to check on him, but considering Freya had already woken up, he hoped Peter would soon follow.
"You didn't answer my question by the way."
Freya leaned against her doorway as she untangled her hair. Dean turned to her, noticing how she had changed out of her wet clothes into gray sweatpants and a t-shirt of her favorite band. She still looked almost as good as before, if not better.
"Why are you here?"
"Peter called me." Dean answered. "He didn't say much, but I could tell something was wrong. Plus, you weren't answering."
Freya nodded slightly, taking in his words.
"Thank you. For coming to his aid."
"Always." He assured. "I know how important Peter is to you. Like Sam is to me."
Freya's eyes traveled to the floor at his response, feeling frustrated and saddened by the situation they were in.
"I shouldn't have destroyed the book." She complained. "Maybe I could have made a deal to save you, I don't know, maybe...
"Hey, hey. Freya." Dean walked over to her, holding her cheeks to make sure she looked him in the eyes and listened to him. "You saved Peter and Maddie's life. You took away something the demon wanted. Don't worry about me."
"That's impossible, Dean." Freya assured. "I'll always worry about you. I worry about everyone. It's my fatal flaw."
"Wrong, your fatal flaw is your unbearable stubbornness." He smiled with amusement, caressing her cheeks.
"Look who's talking." She smiled back at him as her eyes sparkled with a feeling Dean had never seen in them and didn't know how to name it either.
It seemed like forever since they had been this close to each other. And yet it seemed as if they had never been. Since they had reconnected, their relationship seemed to have started completely anew. As if they were two strangers.
Their courage seemed to grow at that intimate moment, as they both began to lean toward each other, hoping to listen to their urge to press their lips together in a kiss. But, just like in the movies, something had to interrupt them.
"Freya?" Peter's voice made them pull away from each other and turn their gazes towards the door of the boy's room. There he stood, looking at them in confusion.
"Hey, buddy, are you okay?" Freya ran to kneel in front of him, holding both sides of his face to look at him more closely. Peter nodded, lifting his gaze to Dean.
"You actually came." He observed, almost not believing that the hunter had come to his aid.
"Of course." Dean answered. "You're a pain in the ass, kid, but I don't want you dead."
"The feeling's not mutual." Peter replied.
"Peter." Freya scolded him.
"I was just joking." He defended himself. Freya looked back at him with disbelief. "I was."
"It's fine." Dean assured as he noticed Freya's apologetic look. "Dinner's on the table, by the way. I've seen you have quite a movie collection, why don't you pick one and have dinner with your sister? There's ice cream." He smiled towards Peter, who looked at him hesitantly for a few seconds before nodding.
"Sounds good."
"Great. I'll wait for you downstairs." Dean said, clapping his hands before walking off down the hallway, leaving them alone.
Freya sighed as she watched him disappear down the stairs, feeling an aching hole in her chest at the absence of his presence. Peter narrowed his eyes, noticing the change in his sister.
"You can go with him. I'm gonna go take a shower." Her little brother's voice snapped Freya out of her thoughts, bringing her back to reality.
"Oh, no. No. I'll wait for you."
"You can do that downstairs. I'm fine." He assured.
"You sure you are?" Freya looked at him with concern. "Peter, I know what it's like to face a demon for the first time. Or any monster for that matter. You can talk to me."
"I know I can. But seriously, I'm fine. I knew what I had to do."
"It doesn't matter. Knowing the theory doesn't compare to the real thing. I just..."
"Freya." He interrupted her. "I'm fine."
Although his statement seemed firm and sincere, Freya could see right through him. Peter was trying to convince himself and her that everything was fine when it simply wasn't. And they both knew it, for since they had opened their eyes something in them felt completely different. Yet neither of them could put their finger on what.
─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
After having dinner while watching Jurassic Park, one of Peter's comfort movies, he and Freya ended up falling asleep on the couch. Trying to make as little noise as possible, Dean put a blanket over them and busied himself picking up and washing their dishes. When he finished he decided to sit on the couch next to them to watch the end of the movie while he ate the pie.
And that's how Sam found them when he went downstairs in the middle of the night to do his watching shift. Rubbing his sleepy eyes, the young Winchester could make out the sleeping figure of his brother, Freya and Peter. Not wanting to wake them, he turned off the television, took a look around the lower floor and went back upstairs to the guest room, where Maddie was sleeping peacefully.
He stayed awake for a couple more hours, doing research on his computer before returning to his bed to get a little more sleep before sunrise.
The following morning, Peter was the first one up and soon followed by Sam and Maddie. The boy was reading a comic book while drinking a juice when they both entered the kitchen.
"Hey, kiddo, how did you sleep?" Maddie asked, ruffling his hair.
"Pretty good, actually." He admitted, looking up at her. "We're out of coffee and cookies, by the way."
"Well, we'll have to go shopping, then, right?" She said, receiving an enthusiastic nod from him. Peter wouldn't say it out loud, but he was anxious to get out of his house. Being there inevitably reminded him of the previous night's events and he felt somewhat trapped.
"We can take Dean's car." Sam suggested, grabbing the car keys from the counter. "I'll drive."
"Yeah, we should let them sleep." Admitted Maddie, glancing over at the living room, where Freya and Dean still lay on the two comfy couches. Sam nodded in agreement with her, it was rare for his brother to sleep that much and he certainly needed it.
Still, it was only a few minutes after they left that Dean awoke to find a note on the coffee table beside him. A grunt left his lips as he read that there was no coffee left and that he would have to wait for his brother, Maddie and Peter to return before he could have what was the most important drink of the day for him.
"They left five minutes ago, it'll take them a while to get back." Freya spoke from the other couch. Dean turned to her, surprised to find her awake. Her gaze was fixed on the ceiling while one of her hands fiddled with the necklace around her neck.
"How long have you been awake?" He asked.
Freya sighed, rising to a sitting position.
"Since Peter got up. I was comfortable so I pretended to be asleep." She shrugged.
A small smile tugged at Dean's lips at her response.
"Did you sleep well?" She asked.
"Yeah." He nodded. "This couch is very comfortable."
"I know. I've lost count of how many times Peter and I fell asleep here while watching movies." Freya smiled, getting to her feet.
"Did you sleep well?" Dean asked, following her steps towards the stairs.
"Yes, I've already told you that the couch is very comfortable-"
"I'm not talking about that." Dean interrupted her, shaking his head.
Freya sighed, stopping in her tracks in the middle of the stairs before turning on her heels to look at him.
"Nightmares aren't new to me, and I actually didn't have that many tonight. Having Peter by my side helped a lot." She explained.
Dean nodded silently.
The two continued on their way upstairs, splitting up in the hallway as Freya went into her room and Dean into the guest room so he could take a shower. Freya intended to change her clothes, but as she went into her room the feelings overwhelmed her, paralyzing her for what seemed like hours but had only been minutes.
"Hey, Freya." Dean watched her from the doorway, confused and concerned to see her still in her pajamas while he had already showered and changed clothes. His voice seemed to bring her back to reality, as slowly Freya turned toward him, catching the loving gleam in his green eyes. "Are you all right?"
Blinking several times, Freya nodded.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She assured him, turning back to her closet.
Dean sighed, watching carefully as she reached for a fresh set of clothes.
"You know, no. I'm actually not fine." She snapped, turning back to him. "I'm tired. A demon killed my mother and a demon was going to kill my brother last night. It's like they have something against me, you know? And I didn't do anything. I was just a kid when she died. And if that wasn't enough, they're going to take you too." Her eyes filled with tears, her voice broke and her breathing became rapid. "Just when I was starting to feel like you and I... They're going to take you away from me again. And I don't know what to do."
Dean didn't know what to say to her. He wanted to comfort her, to tell her that everything was going to be all right, that her brother would be safe, that he would be safe. But he couldn't. He could tell her that she would get over him leaving, she would get on with her life. Dean really thought so. But for Freya these last few months had been if possible even more important to her than the time they had dated years ago. It was as if a different connection had appeared between them. Dean felt it too. As if something supernatural drew him to her.
Something supernatural that made him walk straight to her, hold her cheeks and place his lips against hers in a breathtaking kiss. Passionate and delicate at the same time. Full of feelings that none could name or describe. Magical even.
His lips felt so familiar to Freya that it hurt. She let herself sink into his embrace as her heartbeat accelerated like never before. But in that instant Dean seemed to realize what he was doing so he stopped the kiss immediately, taking a step back.
"I'm sorry, are you sure you-" Dean whispered. But before he could finish the sentence Freya kissed him again, this time in a more heated way.
Their breaths mingled passionately in their mouths. Her hands grabbed his clothes and pulled him to her as she began to step backwards, taking him with her. Dean let himself go until Freya's legs hit the edge of the bed.
Moving his hands down to her waist, Dean began to lay her down on the mattress, hovering over her without breaking the kiss, making her feel a rush of heat surge through her body. His tongue slid over her bottom lip, gently asking her to open her mouth for him. Freya didn't hesitate to do it, letting their tongues meet as her hands caressed the muscles of his arms all the way up to his well-shaped shoulders and back.
His hands moved lower and lower, eventually slipping under the hem of her shirt and gliding along the smooth skin of her side, making her moan softly as she surrendered further to the intoxicating feeling of being touched by him. She arched her back against him, her body seeking out more of his touch as their lips and tongues moved in perfect unison. He quickly responded by leaving a trail of hot kisses down her neck with a tender possessiveness that made her breath catch in her throat. She tangled her fingers into his hair as she pulled him closer.
As he continued to explore every inch of her, his left hand slowly moved up to cup her cheek, his thumb brushing lovingly over her bottom lip. The combination of tenderness and heat was a heady mix, causing her to melt into him even more.
Freya was the first to feel the eagerness to make the layers of clothing separating them disappear, her hands tugging at Dean's shirt. He couldn't help but smile against her lips at this, pulling away slightly to get rid of the piece of clothing himself. Freya couldn't resist the temptation of his exposed skin. With trembling hands, she slowly traced her fingers along his muscular chest. She could feel his heartbeat, strong and steady, echoing her own.
At the same time his hands began to roam over her body, tracing intricate patterns on her skin as he worshipped every inch of her. He lifted her shirt, his fingers teasing the hem of her bra, sending a jolt of electricity through her. She gasped at his touch, her breath coming in shallow pants as she longed for more. As his lips found hers once more, she met him eagerly, her arms encircling his neck and pulling him closer. Dean's hands moved to her back, unhooking her bra with a skillful flick, their lips never breaking contact. He gently caressed her, his touch both soothing and arousing.
She returned his kisses with fervor, clinging to him as if he was the very air she needed to breathe. It was a moment of pure bliss and passion that she never wanted to end.
Overwhelmed by the sensations, they parted slightly, their breaths quickening as their eyes opened to meet each other's. A faint smile tugged at both their lips before meeting once again. Freya felt a wave of heat wash over her skin as Dean's mouth crashed against her own, making the world around them fade away. His lips were soft, yet urgent and eager, moving against hers almost as if he was searching for something deeper within her.
He caressed her face with a tender touch, savoring every moment. Freya felt as if time stopped. Dean had a way of making her feel safe and loved, and she couldn't help but melt into him, her lips dancing with his in perfect harmony. Their bodies pressed even closer together, making Freya felt a little overwhelmed by the intensity of their connection, her body responding to his in every way.
Dean's hands found their way down to her sweatpants, his fingertips teasing the waistband. She eagerly helped him remove her remaining clothing, wanting nothing more than to feel him everywhere.
They were a tangle of limbs and kisses, exploring each other's bodies with a sense of urgency and need. The room was filled with the sounds of their breathing and the soft rustling of their clothes as they tossed them aside, their bodies now fully exposed to each other. Dean's lips traced a path along her collarbone, his tongue teasing the sensitive skin. Freya's fingers threaded through his hair, holding him close, as she surrendered herself entirely to the overwhelming sensations he was awakening within her. Every touch, every breath, was a step closer to that edge she so desperately craved.
Freya's hands moved to Dean's abdomen, her fingertips tracing of his muscles. She could feel his anticipation, the way he quivered under her fingers. She arched herself towards him, her body craving more of his touch, the overwhelming desire pooling between her legs, leaving her aching for him to claim her completely.
Dean's hand brushed against the most intimate part of her, a gasp escaping her lips at the sudden contact. The heat from his fingers seemed to burn through her, igniting a fire that spread throughout her entire body. Her entire being was consumed by desire, her mind cloudy with pleasure as he continued to explore her.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, their bodies met, becoming one. Freya felt the world spin at the overwhelming sensation of feeling him inside her. Her eyes rolled up into her head with each thrust. Dean watched her with care and appreciation as he felt the same desire consume him.
Their bodies moved against each other effortlessly, as if they fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Freya gripped his shoulders, trying to ground herself amidst the flood of sensations overwhelming her. As he took control, she gave in to him completely, her body responding to every touch with a shiver of anticipation. It was a moment of complete and all-encompassing surrender, where nothing else mattered except for them and the way they moved together.
Dean's hands moved down her waist to her hips, where he firmly held her against him as he captured her lower lip between his teeth. A low moan escape her lips, his tongue grazing hers as he devoured her with a hunger that matched her own. She couldn't remember a time when she had felt more alive and sad at the same time, because she new this wasn't going to last. Dean would soon be gone. But she wanted to forget that fact for a moment, and for every moment they'll share together after this.
His touch was like a drug, one she had grown utterly addicted to. Dean's mouth moved to her ear, whispering sweet nothings in a low, husky voice that sent shivers down her spine. It was as if he knew exactly how to play her body, and he kinda did.
She couldn't get enough of him, her hands roaming over his body, trying to memorize every dip and curve. Dean's fingers traced lightly over her skin as if seeking to memorize every inch of her. She felt as if she were floating on a cloud, her body reacting to his touch with an almost primal hunger. Each touch sent fire racing through her veins, and she could feel the heat pooling in her core, aching for release. She longed to pull him even closer, to feel every part of him pressed against hers.
Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, their hearts beating as one, as they lost themselves in the all-consuming fire between them. She arched her back, a soft moan escaping her lips, as he expertly guided her towards that peak, his touch sending her reeling. Her breath came in short gasps, as he led her closer and closer to the release.
In a final thrust, the waves of pleasure crashed over her in a overwhelming force. Her body shuddered, her hands gripping the sheets as she cried out his name, surrendering to the intense sensation that had taken over her entire being. He held her through their shared release, his lips finding hers in a tender yet passionate kiss.
Their bodies shuddered together in the aftermath, their breaths mingling as they lay entwined. In that moment, they existed in a world completely separate from everything else, wrapped up in each other, consumed by the intensity of what they had experienced together.
The room fell silent, the only sounds being the gentle rustling of the sheets and their synchronized breaths. The air was heavy with a mix of passion and contentment, the remnants of their lovemaking lingering like a sweet perfume. Freya traced her fingers along Dean's back, the sensation grounding her and reminding them both that this wasn't just a fleeting moment of passion, but a connection that ran deep and genuine.
In the quiet stillness that followed their intimate encounter, Dean brushed a few sweaty locks of hair away from her face, his touch soft and soothing as a gentle, lovesick smile played at his lips as he looked deep into her eyes.
"That was incredible." He whispered softly, his voice filled with awe. He caressed her cheek gently, his touch sending sparks of electricity through her.
Freya couldn't find the words to express the intensity of what she was feeling, so she simply nodded, a wide smile spreading across her face.
"It was." She whispered back, her voice filled with awe and contentment. She felt as if she could stay there forever. Just being in his arms, she knew she was exactly where she belonged.
They lay there for a while, with their bodies entwined together, basking in the afterglow of their shared passion. Freya rested her head against his chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart. He played with her hair gently, his touch both calming and thrilling at the same time. It was a moment of perfect peace and happiness, a connection that seemed timeless and unbreakable. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated love that made Freya feel as if anything was possible, as long as they were together. Even though she new that wasn't the truth. It was a deep, soulful connection that transcended anything they had experienced before.
As they lingered in the embrace, Dean gently stroked her hair and pressed tender kisses against her temple. He held her tightly yet tenderly, his touch conveying comfort, stability, and security. Freya felt a sense of tranquillity wash over her, knowing that she was cherished and beloved in a way she had never experienced before. Even if Dean never said it out loud.
─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
When Sam, Maddie and Peter came back, Freya and Dean tried to act as if nothing had happened or changed between them. After their passionate encounter and spending a silent, quiet time entwined between the sheets of her bed, words seemed useless in the wake of what had been such a deep connection. In a slightly stupid way, they were both scared to talk about the feelings it had brought up in them and the consequences that came with them.
Still, it was inevitable for Sam to notice something different after spending months by their side. The longing glances across the room, the comfort in feeling each other's touch, the magnetism their bodies seemed to have to always end up next to one another despite starting the conversations on opposite sides of a room. But even so, Sam decided not to say anything. Especially since everyone's heads were now on more important topics.
Topics that they decided to avoid until Henry showed up at the house that evening. That was their sign to share the information they all had, about the knife, the book and the demons that had attacked them last night.
After hearing everything that had happened, Henry decided to be honest with Maddie and the Winchester brothers about who Ophelia was. A witch, now demon, who had helped Laurel's ancestor to have children at the time of the Salem trials and who had been burned at those same trials. He also explain that Laurel's bloodline was full of witches, due to the potion with which Ophelia had gotten her ancestor to have a daughter. And that the search for that same magic and book was what had led to Laurel and Christine's summer camp attack when they were teens, Laurel's deal to get her friend back and the death of both of them.
But now that the book was destroyed, they had all come to the conclusion that this power in their blood no longer existed and that Freya and Peter had no magic in them, they were just human.
Also, thanks to Henry's information, they now knew that the knife with which Freya had killed Calum had been a weapon that her mother had created with her own powers, unique and special for killing demons.
"So you took him back to the mental institution?" Freya asked once her father and her enter his office.
"The demon left his body after screaming in pain and Carter fell to the ground unconscious." He explained.
"He has already broken out of there once."
"I had nowhere else to take him so I could come home. It was my only option. And if he's smart and doesn't want the demons to use his body again, he'll stay there."
Freya nodded slightly, watching her father closely as she sensed there were still things he was keeping from her.
"So... everything is over?" She asked after a few moments. "They only wanted that book and us so Ophelia could regain her power and become the queen of hell?"
"Basically." Henry nodded.
"And by destroying it, the power went with the book?"
"That's right. So, now I don't think it's necessary for you to go after them."
"What do you mean?" Freya frowned.
"Well, Ophelia wanted to overthrow the current leader of Hell, surely the demons working for him are now after her and Dorian and that's why they've run away." Henry pointed out.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." Freya nodded slightly. "Uh... Dean and Sam are going to go on a hunt by themselves. I'll stay here for those days and then rejoin them."
"Okay. It's good to have you home, Freya."
"Yeah, you too, I guess." She sighed with a hint of irritation. Henry could sense his daughter's anger at him. After the events of the past month he couldn't blame her, so he let her leave his office without another word.
The fact that everything that had started at that summer camp with her mother and Christine had apparently ended the night before didn't make Freya's desire to avenge her mother's death go away. And her determination to save Dean from the fate that awaited him had only intensified after their intimate encounter of that morning. The depth of their connection and the way had shared themselves with each other filled her with an even deeper resolve. She knew that she could never go back to the way things were before.
( Looking forward to reading your reactions to this chapter )
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