Chapter 3: Endless Possibilities
𝙽𝚘 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜' 𝙿𝙾𝚅
Chloe woke up before sitting up straight and stretching her arms. She looked as if she had barely slept at all somehow.
She looked to her left to see Dawn still sleeping and making snoring noises. Her blue hair was all curly because of how much rolling she had done in bed.
The maroon haired girl had to cover her mouth to stop her from bursting out laughing, but she was blushing as red as a tomato too because it was too overwhelmingly cute for her.
She and Dawn had known each other since they were nine and met in the forest of a campsite. Despite how nervous Chloe was because she had gotten lost and was a mess at communication, with Dawn's energy, they became fast friends.
Once they left, they became pen pals and wrote to each other all the time until they both ended up in the same high school. Quite quickly, Chloe grew a crush on her while Dawn remained oblivious, but it wasn't until the final year that they confessed and became girlfriends.
The two love each other very much and both of them are a lot more open about their relationship then Ash and Goh, but maybe that's because there is a double-standard in which a lesbian couple is more accepted in a slowly becoming progressive society than a gay couple.
After she had finished daydreaming, Chloe got out of bed quiet enough for her girlfriend not to hear and then entered the living room. She was left in shock when she found that both Ash and Goh were already awake, the raven-haired boy watching a MrBeast video on his phone while his jet black haired boyfriend was lead on top of him listening to music with his pokéball headphones.
"What ere you two doing up so early?" She asked in a whieper since she was so close to her bedroom door.
"I have work in an hour, so I woke up early so I could spend some quality time with my boyfriend before heading to work for like... almost 24 hours!" Ash explained.
"And I'm up because Ash does not do a very good job at creeping out of bed!" Goh added, sitting up straight.
Ash scratched the back of his head, and his face went red with embrassment. Just as he was about to apologise, Goh put a finger to his mouth and kissed him on the cheek, making his face go even redder.
She giggled in response and then walked into the kitchen to get herself a cherry favoured Coca-Cola from the refrigerator. Chloe then sat beside Goh on the couch.
"Ahhhh!" Chloe exclaimed in satisfaction of how cold and refreshing the drink was.
"So, how come your hair is down like that?" Goh asked.
Chloe put down her drink on a table nearby and then realised that her hair was down and curly. She felt so embarrassed but tried to think of witty comeback as she normally would.
"Because Dawn isn't up yet, and she normally does it for me!" Chloe admitted and then pouted because she did not mean to share one of her most embrassing secrets.
"I don't know why you hate it being down so much, I think it looks cute!" Ash said.
Chloe was a little started but turned her head away and crossed her arms. She took the comment a little too seriously and was uncomfortable because she wasn't into guys.
Luckily, soon after, the door opened, and Dawn came through. She looked really tired too, and her hair had somehow straightened itself out already.
Chloe was really happy to see her and charged towards her to give her a hug.
"Good morning, Dawn!" She said, squeezing tightly against her.
"Good morning, Chloe!" Dawn replied, wrapping arms around her too.
When Dawn let go, she realised that Chloe was somehow smiling even though her hair was down.
"Are you okay? You normally aren't this calm when you have your hair all curly like that!" Dawn asked.
"Please could you brush it!" Chloe bent down and begged on her knees.
"Of course!" Her blue haired girlfriend replied.
Chloe sat on the carpet while Dawn went back into the bedroom to fetch her girlfriend's brown hairbrush with an Eevee face on it. When she came back, she sat where Chloe had previously been and then began brushing her maroon hair.
"So, how come you do Chloe's hair for her?" Goh asked.
Chloe was getting annoyed about all the questions, and her blue haired girlfriend could tell, so she answered as blunt as possible.
"She doesn't like it messy, so I do it for her!" Dawn replied with a smile.
Once she was done, Chloe got up and joined her on the couch.
"What are you two doing today?" Goh asked.
The two girls thought for a second until Dawn had a lightbulb moment and jumped up.
"Why don't we go to your house and pick up your pet cat, Eevee?" She asked.
Chloe put a finger to her chin in thought for a second, but then she shrugged her head.
"I don't think that's a great idea, we aren't even allowed animals here!" Her marroon haired girlfriend replied, as much as she longed to see her pet cat again.
"Pfffft-" Dawn held a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing, "Almost everyone sneaks their pets into their apartments! Look at me and Ash!"
Goh, who had previously been slumped into the back cushion on the couch, leaned forward in shock.
"You brought your pet as well?" He asked.
"Yeah!" Dawn replied and ran into her room.
There was a bit of rustling until she came running back in with a golden cage. And inside was her blue budgie, that she had named Piplup.
Chloe was very confused that she had never noticed despite the fact that she had been sleeping in the very same room the bird had been in, but was more focused on what to do.
"You know what, let's do this!" The marron haired girl agreed with the plan.
Dawn took the brush out of her hair and grinned.
"Yes!" She responded.
The two went back into their bedroom while Dawn held onto Piplup's cage. She placed it down on a bedside table, and the two began getting changed.
The day before, they had started unpacking a lot of their stuff, and their bedroom looked "fancy and posh," as Goh had said. Their two roommates still couldn't be bothered to actually do any unpacking themselves, which was just hilarious to them.
But as Chloe was putting on a pink, flowy dress, she had been too deep in thought to hear what her girlfriend had been chatting about, she was thinking about her family.
She had always had a good relationship with her mother despite all the teasing she did when Chloe was younger, but she had a much more strained relationship with her father and brother.
He father was a famous scientist, and because of that, a lot of children and teachers had just assumed she would also be the same and therefore put a lot of pressure on her. That and he would be really hard on her in terms of education and never let her have free time to relax, just more piled on homework.
But he did it all to get the very best qualification when it was time for her to apply for a job, which was understandable.
Her younger brother called Parker has always been very annoying as siblings are. But Chloe found out that he was actually quite homophobic when she came out, and he spent all his time with his vain and selfish girlfriend called Jinny.
But just then, Dawn came and sat beside her.
"There's no need to worry Chloe, I'll be there with you!" She said, nudging her girlfriend playfully.
The maroon haired girl smiled and pulled her into a hug. They stayed in that position for a few minutes before getting up and out of the room.
"Byyeeeee!" Goh waved as he watched the two girls leave.
𝙲𝚑𝚕𝚘𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅:
We ran hand in hand down the stairs of the flay together and then walked out of the building. Waiting outside was Dawn's Renault Clio that she had just recently bought after passing her driving test and drove me to this very flat to begin with.
My blue haired girlfriend got into the driver's seat and I got into the one beside her. We clipped on our seat belts and then she reversed off of the drive.
I've always felt safe whenever Dawn drives even though it was only a few months ago she passed. She doesn't get road rage and she is just really steady and not too quick, unlike Ash who is still trying hard to pass.
As we were driving, to drown out my worries, I decided to have a look at all of the radio stations. Music is one of my favourite things, but I'm quite picky with what I like and couldn't find anything.
So I plugged my phone into the charger of the car and put on my favourite playlist on Spotify. Me and Dawn both have similar taste and luckily our favourite song called Dance The Night was the very first thing that it shuffled too.
We sang along since we both know all the lyrics and a bunch of others songs we like also came on next so we sang until our voices went dry.
It is always so nice whenever we spend time together.
But then a few minutes later, we arrived at my house. It took a few minutes after because Dawn's one struggle is parallel parking but after that I took out my phone, we unclipped out seat belts before getting out of the car.
As I walked onto the pavement, I felt my heart sink and felt like throwing up. My girlfriend leaned in and gave me a peck on this kiss and one more reassurance before taking hold of my hand and running, dragging me along.
"You don't have to run that fast!" I yelled, barely being able to catch up.
"Sure I can!" She replied.
We let go and she made it first so she rang the doorbell. Despite the fact I've only been living at the flat for three days now, it felt so nostalgic to here that bell once again.
The door opened and I was immediately greeted to my mom's smiling face.
"Chloe!" She called, tears forming in her teal blue eyes and she held out her hands.
"Mom!" I cried, happy to see her again.
I ran past Dawn and gave her a big hug. I could tell the blue haired girl behind me was feeling a little lonely as she wasn't as close with her mum so I let her join the hug too.
"Hello Dawn! So why are you two here?" Mom asked.
"Well, I just wanted to pick up Eevee but I was thinking maybe we could possibly stay for lunch?" I replied, shrugging my shoulders.
"Yes that's a wonderful idea, come on in then!" She clasped her hands together before standing aside.
We both walked through the doorway and then took off our shoes. Dawn decided to take off her white beanie and I watched lovingly and she pushed her beautiful blue hair back.
She's just so kind and so pretty, I'm glad we're together!
Yamper, my dog, could tell I was back and came running towards me. He began jumping around so I stroked him so he would calm down as Dawn wasn't much of a dog person.
Once he had decided to be a good boy, we walked into the living room to find my dad slumped on the couch, watching some boring science show.
When he looked over to see me, he was very alarmed and especially when he saw the blue haired girl stood beside me but after a few seconds his face eased into a warm smile.
"Well hello there my princesses, what brings you two here?" He asked, putting down the remote onto the arm of the couch.
"We're here to pick up Eevee, but Chloe's mom said it's fine if we can stay here for lunch too!" Dawn explained.
"Remember it's okay to call me Talia!" Mom reassured her.
"Oh, right!" My girlfriend replied, scratching the back of her neck and grinning with embarrassment.
"That's great! Make yourselves feel at home then!" He replied.
With that, my mom went into the kitchen and me and Dawn decided to sit with my dad. It was obvious that since Parker is just a grumpy teenager, he was up in his bedroom...
But I had no idea where my cat was?
"Hey, do you know where Eevee is?" I leaned over to ask Dad since my partner was sat beside him.
"Who's Eevee? Another girlfriend?" He asked, turning to look at me with a puzzled expression.
"My cat!" I specified, narrowing my eyebrows.
"Oh right!" He gasped, then turning back to watch the TV, "Probably outside."
I sighed after how awkward he had to make that my stood up and walked over towards the kitchen. Dawn caught up with me once I had opened the backdoor and gasped when she saw my cat.
"Hello Eevee!" I called.
Eevee looked happy to see me and jumped up and into my hands.
"Awwwww! So this is Eevee?" Dawn asked, her face looking overwhelmed by the cuteness of my Havana brown cat.
"Yes!" I replied with a smile.
"She's so cute!" Dawn exclaimed, "Could I pet her?"
I nodded in response and then lifted her into my girlfriend's arms. The blue haired girl was so delighted and began spinning her around but then soon after came to a hault to smooth her.
"Awww! Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl?" Dawn said, making it very clear she was great at pet talk, something I thought was weird but cute when she did it.
Eevee wasn't used to it though and ended up scratching the habd my girlfriend was smoothing her with. Dawn cried out in pain and gently put her down.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry!" I apologised, wrapping my arms around her, "Mom, where do we keep the bandages?"
"In the bathroom upstairs!" She called as she put some food in the oven.
I told Dawn to sit down at the table while I crept upstairs to go and get the bandages. I tried not to make myself heard because I wasn't in the mood to be talking with my younger brother at the moment.
But as I was searching through the first aid box, I did have a peak through his partly open door. He was on his Xbox, swearing and shouting as he was playing Fortnite with some of his friends.
Once I was done, I crept back down and back into the kitchen. I bent down on one knee before Dawn and put the plaster on her hand before kissing it shortly after, she was a blushing mess about it.
Mom was now finished with making the food and called,
"Dinner's ready!"
I sat down beside Dawn and squeezed he hand tightly. Mom put the roast on the table and my dad slumped over, but then I heard running down the stairs.
Bursting through the door was Parker, wearing a green t-shirt and orange trousers, both having steins all over them. He was still wearing his gamer headphones though, probably because straight after this he would end up going back to his room.
It wasn't until he sat onto his chair and Yamper jumped into his lap that he realised me and my girlfriend were here too.
"Oh, what are you doing here?" He asked in a sinister tone, shoving a potato in his mouth.
"Just here to pick up Eevee..." I mumbled.
We continued eating in a comfortable silence into he brought up more questions.
"So what's she doing here?" Parker asked, pointing at Dawn with his fork.
"She came up with the idea to pick up my cat in the first place, plus, me and Dawn go everywhere together! We're insperable!" I explained.
"A little cling wouldn't you say..." He said under his breath.
"WHAT?!" I shouted, banging my hands on the table and glared at him.
"Maybe that's because she doesn't want to see you..." I muttered under my breath.
His face went crimson red with fury and threw his fork towards Dawn. I luckily managed to grab it before it could scratch her cheek and then threw it into his plate of food, causing gravy to splash and create a new stain on his shirt.
We began growling at each other until Dad banged his hands on the table.
"STOP IT YOU TWO!" He yelled.
We quickly fell silent and sat back in our seats. Mom was quick to try and turn the conversation around,
"So Chloe, how are you doing at trying to find a job?" She asked.
"I haven't really started looking yet," I admitted.
"Lazy..." Parker mumbled.
I was about to get really angry with his but I then saw he looked shocked. I then realised Dawn was glaring at him for me, which was so cute.
"Well, why don't you become a scientist like me? Me, Ren and Chrysa could happily have another to help us!" Dad suggested.
"No thanks," I replied.
"What about an illustrator like me? I'm working on a project for a book about a lesbian couple and I think you would be really good!" Mom suggested.
"I would, but I'm nowhere as good as an artist as you!" I replied.
She tutted at me before saying,
"It takes practice to be a great artist!"
"Well then, why don't you just do nothing, like me?" My younger brother suggested.
"Well, I'm not lazy like you!" I retorted, "Besides, I don't want to just sit around and do absolutely nothing!"
His face went red again as he thought of a good comebacks.
"Why don't you just leave? You and your confused girlfriend are causing enough trouble here!" He yelled.
Dawn looked at the floor and sighed.
"Whatever," He mumbled.
I knew he was just doing this all to taunt me, and that I was just falling for trap he set up.
"Ohhhhh, it looks like we have an angry lesbian in the house! I thought you told me those were just a stereotype, huh?" Parker teased.
I stood up and picked up Eevee with one hand and Dawn's hand with the other.
"Okay, we are leaving!" I yelled.
I stormed out of the house without saying goodbye and into the car. I put Eevee in a cage I had brought with us and then I sighed.
"I'm so sorry you had to witness that Dawn, being around Parker just makes me so mad," I apologised.
"Oh no need to worry, it's similar to when I'm with my mom so I'm used to it..." She replied.
I plugged in my seatbelt but then I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"I was thinking... about what job you want," Dawn said, "And you said how you didn't want to just stay in one place... how about a travel writer!"
"Why me though?" I asked.
"I've seen the beautiful poetry you write for me on every special occasion, and maybe travelling around while writing could be a good idea!" She explained.
I hummed to myself as I thought about it. It sounded nice and she came up with a great argument, but-
"Just remember you have all of the time in the world though! And there are endless possibilities!" My blue haired girlfriend reassured me.
"Endless possibilities... I like that!" I said.
"Thanks, me too!" She replied with a smile spread across her face.
She plugged in her seatbelt and then began driving us home. As we were though, I did start thinking of the future, but in a good light.
As Dawn said, I do have a lot of time!
We finally arrived back and we unclipped our seatbelts and got out. I carried Eevee's cage up a few set of stairs until we got back.
When we did, we opened the door to see both Ash and Goh lounging on the couch, despite the fact Ash should still be in work.
"What are you doing here early?" I asked.
"Lyra let me go home early after she walked out yesterday," Ash explained.
I nodded and then realised Goh had spotted the cage in my hand.
"How did it go?" He asked.
"Uhhhhhh... not that great," I mumbled.
"At least you have Eevee now though, we now have all of our pets here!" Ash exclaimed.
"Wait really?" Dawn gasped.
Goh got up and went into his room and then came out with a red cage with his rabbit called Scorbunny inside.
"Was it really worth it going all that way and having to deal with my bratty brother?" I turned towards my girlfriend and asked.
She squeezed my hand and smiled.
"I think it did!" She replied.
I stared into her eyes loving and then bent in to give her a kiss. Ash stared at us smugly and Goh had a witty remark,
"Hey, stop being gay out in public!" He teased
"Oh shut up!" I exclaimed jokingly...
Finally, the first chapter focused Chloe and Dawn is here! And the next one will be too do get ready for more from this cute, underrated couple!
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