Chapter 2: Ash Gets His First Job
𝙰𝚜𝚑'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅:
I woke up to the sound of Goh shouting at me to wake up at the top of his voice. It wasn't the most pleasant thing, but at least the first thing I saw that day was his face.
"Finally, I was so worried when you didn't wake up straight away," Goh breathed a sigh of relief, his voice now hoarse and raspy from all the shouting.
"I oversleep all the time, you'll get used to it eventually!" I replied, grinning widely, which ended up smittening him.
"Yeah, I guess so," He stared at me dreamily.
I unpacked some of my boxes to get dressed into some new clothes until I remembered something.
"Oh shoot!" I screamed.
Goh and Dawn burst through the door.
"What is it?" Dawn asked.
"I'm starting work at McDonald's today, and I completely forgot!" I explained.
The two gasped so loudly that Chloe ended up poking her head through curiously as well, who previously had not been interested.
I had to take off all of the clothes I had put on for the day so I could put my McDonald's uniform on instead. At that moment, I was so stressed out with Goh and Dawn being my comfort.
"So what are you two doing for the rest of the day?" I heard Goh ask.
"Not much, me and Dawn have just planned to have a chill out day today, we'll probably be watching movies or something!" Chloe replied.
"Cool, while you're at it, could you unpack some of my boxes for me?" I asked as I rushed to the door.
"We aren't your maids, Ash!" Dawn shouted.
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"Uhhh, Ash is so annoying!" Chloe groaned.
The fact that Chloe would say such a thing about Ash infuriated Goh. His face turned bight red and gritted his teeth at her.
"So then, what are you doing today, Goh?" Dawn asked, leaning in curiously.
"Well, ummm..." Goh was too embarrassed to say, but he knew he had to anyway, "Do you two want to get McDonald's with me?"
"What?" Chloe replied, her face full of confusion and boredom.
"Ohhhhh, I see, yeah sure! We'll come along too!" Dawn replied with a cheeky smile.
She grabbed hold of her girlfriend's hand and pulled her off of the couch. They all began putting on their shoes, but Chloe still didn't understand anything.
"Please, could one of you tell me what's going on? Why are we getting McDonald's?" She asked.
"Oh, come on, sweetheart, you're smart enough to figure it out!" Dawn replied and booped her nose with her finger...
𝙰𝚜𝚑'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅:
I was running as fast as I could to try and get to work on time. I don't think I've ever ran this fast in my entire life!
So many thoughts were zooming in and out of my brain, and I couldn't process what was going on around me, just that I couldn't let myself be late.
I had to be so forgetful and forget to set an alarm on my phone, didn't I? Uhhh, what's the point in arguing with my thoughts...
Once McDonald's was finally in sight, I ran even faster, and I made it through the door so quickly that it had just looked like I had passed through it like a ghost.
As I was panting, another worker nearby had realised I was wearing a uniform and didn't recognise me, so they walked over to me.
"Hello, are you new?" They asked.
I looked up to see a girl with purple hair tied into two ponytails with a McDonald's uniform on.
"Yeah, I am!" I replied.
She put out her hand, and I took it so I could stand up.
Then, another worker in a McDonald's uniform noticed me and walked over.
"Casey, who's the new person?" A guy with mid-length brown hair asked.
"I don't really know. What's your name, new guy?" Casey asked.
"I'm Ash Ketchum!" I replied, looking around to see if the manager was going to magically arrive and tell me what to do.
"Nice, I'm Ritchie!" The guy said, putting out his hand for me to shake.
"Yeah, and as you already know, I'm Casey!" Casey added.
I'm surprised I was already somehow making friends, but then again, I'm not surprised. I was always a popular kid back in every school I went to but as I got older, I didn't see the need to walk up to someone and start a conversation anymore because everyone did all the work for me.
I don't see what about me makes guys want to befriend me or what drives all the girls crazy about me, but I'm pretty cool about it because at least I'm never on my own.
Finally, after some waiting, I saw a man walk towards me who looked a lot older than me, Ritchie or Casey, so I immediately assumed he was the manager.
"Hello there, are you Ash Ketchum?" He asked, putting a hand on his hip.
"Yes!" I replied, "So, are you the manager?"
"Yes, and my name is Mr. Elm!" Mr. Elm responded, "Come with me to my office!"
As I walked off next to him, Casey and Ritchie silently wished me good luck. I also saw two workers making out and one staring at me with her face as red as a tomato as I walked, but the manager told me not to get too distracted.
Then we arrived in his office, and my heart started beating faster than normal. I really wanted to get this job so I could get money to do stuff with my friends and hopefully fulfill my real dream to become a billionaire with a mansion. But I was worried that if I did get the job, I'd start goofing off and get fired.
"Now then Ash, tell me a little about yourself!" He said as he sat in his chair.
"Oh, umm... my name is Ash Ketchum, and I only recently graduated from college with my dream being to be a famous billionaire! I now live with my..." I had to quickly stop myself because I wasn't too sure if this man was homophobic or not, so I continued, "My girlfriend, my best friend and his girlfriend!"
"Don't you think you're being a little unrealistic with the billionaire part?" He asked.
"No, not really," I replied.
"Well, okay then, you're hired!" He announced.
I was really confused that he was already letting me give the job if he barely knew anything about me and how my explanation has traces of lies in it.
"Are you sure you haven't even seen my qualifications or how well I did in-" I tried to continue, but he put a finger to my lips.
"That doesn't matter, I hire pretty much anyone at this McDonald's, and it doesn't matter to me what they've done in the past!" Mr. Elm explanation, putting a hand on his head to straighten his brown hair.
This felt really unprofessional, but I might as well agree, because if I do become famous, I can speak out about this place and get it closed down.
"Okay, thanks!" I replied.
He gestured for me to leave the room, so that's what I did. When I got out, I saw that Casey and Ritchie were waiting for me, their eyes full of hope.
"So, did you get the job?" Ritchie asked.
"Yeah!" I replied.
The two began jumping up and down on the spot excitedly, and then Casey ran over to the other workers.
"Guys, we got a new person!" The purple haired girl exclaimed.
The couple stopped making out and then turned to me with a confused expression on their faces.
"This is Ash Ketchum!" Ritchie introduced me.
"Whatever, my name is Jimmy, and if you mess with my girlfriend, you're dead meat!" Jimmy said.
I immediately felt very intimated by him, but then I turned to see his girlfriend, who had blue hair tied into two ponytails.
"And my name is Maria!" Maria added.
Then, Casey pointed over to that girl with brown hair who had been blushing at me previously.
"Introduce yourself then! You aren't normally that shy when someone new joins!" The purple haired girl teased.
"Oh, I'm Lyra!" She said, waving at me with a grin on her face to try and hide the fact she was blushing.
Ritchie had been watching us the whole time, but then he looked out of the window, and his face turned pale.
"Guys, customers are coming!" He exclaimed as he pointed to the window where you could see hundreds of hungry customers running towards the McDonald's.
"Oh yeah, get into positions!" Casey screeched, and everyone did as she said.
Jimmy, Marina, and Lyra headed to the kitchens while Casey dragged me to the counter and told me that I would be taking orders like her and Ritchie.
I breathed a sigh of relief at that because if they put me with making the food, I would end up giving a lot of people food poisoning.
Ritchie was about to open the door for the customers, but they were so hungry, and there were so many of them that they pushed the door open themselves. They all began running to the counter, and I felt an overwhelming rush of fear but had to quickly push it to the side and do my job.
"Welcome to McDonald's! What would you like to order?" I asked.
I immediately felt a sense of pride that I had managed to get it right the first time.
"I would like the six McPlant Nuggets with ketchup sauce, please!" The guy ordering said.
"Okay, is that everything?" I asked and then made eye contact with him.
As I did, I realised that I knew him from somewhere but couldn't fully remember.
"No, that's everything!" He replied, blowing away a strand of silver hair that was messing up his fringe.
"Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?" I asked.
"Yes, don't you remember? I'm Horace, Goh's childhood friend!" Horace replied.
That's when I remembered! He even went to college with me, but I still couldn't quite remember. My memory had just started to slip away, I guess...
I waved goodbye to him and then the next couple of people came up to order. I did that for a while until I saw Kiawe strut into the building.
He was wearing the iconic Supreme jacket with black, baggy pants and a gold necklace with a cross on it. His jet black hair with red streaks that stood on his head was flowing from left to right each time he took a step forward.
Kiawe recognised me instantly and pushed out of the way of lined up customers to see me.
"Yo Ash, how have you been?" He asked, resting his arm on the counter.
"Hey Kiawe, I'm pretty good!" I replied, "So, how is your relationship with Acerola?"
"Great! She finally introduced me to her adopted father, and he likes me a lot!" Kiawe replied.
I had known Kiawe since middle school, but back then, he was a bully to me because I was more popular than him. Luckily, one day I stood up to him and we became really good friends.
Then, in high school, he immediately fell head over heals when he first met a shorter, kawaii goth girl named Acerola. I didn't get to know her that well, but Kiawe had texted me back in college that they had gotten together.
"So, have you got any girlfriends?" He had asked.
I felt myself freeze once again. Even though I had a much closer friendship with Kiawe than Brock, even though I've known him longer, I don't feel confident enough to say.
Kiawe realised this and then turned behind him to see angry customers waiting to order already.
"You know what, we'll catch up when you aren't busy! Anyway, I would like a McSpicy with ketchup, six McNuggets with barbecue sauce, a Fanta orange, a Sprite zero, and an Oreo McFlurry" He ordered quickly.
"Okay!" I replied with a grin on my face and a sense of relief.
After he got his food, I saw him walk over to the entrance of the building where his girlfriend was. Acerola ran to give him a tight hug, and then he gave her the McNuggets. It made me smile to watch because it's nice to see functioning relationships, as nowadays these are quite rare to see.
After a few hours, it was finally 12:00, which is rush hour because tired parents need to feed their hangry children. I'm actually quite good at doing stuff quickly, so it was really easy for me.
Now that everyone was peacefully eating food, Casey picked up a remote and switched on the mini TVs to the current baseball game.
"Hey, you do know the Superbowl is happening right now! Nobody wants to see baseball!" I shouted at her.
"Ewwwww, football is lame! Baseball is the best, look at all those kids watching it!" Casey replied and then pointed across the room.
There were kids who had been previously playing with their Happy Meal toys now looking at the screens and watching the baseball game. I rolled my eyes, and Casey took it offensively and stomped away.
Suddenly after, I felt a hand tap my shoulder. Full of shock, I turned around but had to stop my punching reflexes when I saw Lyra.
She was shorter than me, so it was weird that I had to look down on her considering that all of my friends my age were either the same height or taller than me.
"Hi Ash, umm..." She mumbled, pouting because she was so nervous.
One thing I knew was that she had a crush on me, and I really didn't want to be a heartbreaker on the first day of the job.
Luckily, I could see three people enter the building. We both turned to see who they were, and it turned out it was Goh, Chloe, and Dawn. Perfect timing because things were about to get really awkward.
The three walked up to the counter and pretended like they didn't know me as they were about to order.
"Hi, could I have a McCrispy with fries and ketchup sauce with a bottle of Coca-Cola, please?" Goh said.
"Is there anything else?" I asked as I put the orders in on the computer.
"I would like a ten piece McNuggets box to share with Chloe please with barbecue sauce with a Diet Coke and Dr. Pepper, please!" Dawn added.
"Okay, please wait in the queue, and you will get your food shortly!" I replied.
As Goh, Dawn, and Chloe walked way so they could wait, Lyra hopped onto the counter and then slid over to the other side. I was left in complete shock until I saw her run over Dawn and realised they probably knew each other.
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"Is that you, Dawn?" Lyra asked.
Dawn, who had previously been looking off into space with her arm around her girlfriend, looked down to see the brown haired girl.
"Lyra!" She cried.
The blue haired girl let go of Chloe and gave Lyra a big hug.
"How are you?" Lyra asked, beaming at her with her big, hazel eyes.
"I'm doing great! I recently got 100 more followers on TikTok, so now I have 10K!" Dawn announced, putting her hands on her hips with pride.
"That's amazing! I'm sadly stuck on 5K, but my singing videos are getting millions of views!" The brown haired girl.
Goh and Chloe stood in silence and watched the two girls chat until they heard something that made both of them full of anger.
"So, do you know Ash?" Lyra asked.
"Yeah, I do, I've known him for quite a while, actually!" Dawn replied, grinning.
"So, is he your boyfriend?" The shorter girl asked, giving a smug smile.
Dawn, Chloe, and Goh all went red in the face, each of them for different reasons. Chloe had to hold onto Goh so he wouldn't charge at her, and her girlfriend had to think of the best way to come out...
"No, actually, I'm dating Chloe!" Dawn explained, gesturing to her girlfriend who was wearing a magenta dungeree dress and had her maroon hair tied in a majestic plait with a cute cherry blosson scrunchie
Chloe let go of Goh and looked lovingly into her girlfriend's eyes. Dawn looked back the same way and then gave her a kiss on the cheek, making both of them blush.
"Oh, so you're gay?" She asked, raising her eyebrow in suprise.
"I'm bi actually, but yeah!" Dawn replied.
There was an awkward silence until Ash began calling,
"Your order is ready!"
The four turned around and smiled. Goh ran and picked up the food, and Lyra followed behind him.
"Hey Ash, could we join them in a booth, please?" She begged.
The raven-haired boy was taken aback by such a random request, but he nodded.
"Yeah, sure!" He replied.
They all headed to a booth and sat down. Ash was chatting with Goh and Chloe, and Dawn was chatting with Lyra until the very same brown haired girl suddenly asked,
"Ash, are you single?"
Everyone else on the booth went silent, and there was a silent pause. Goh looked at Ash worriedly because he knew how much his boyfriend was scared of coming out, but Ash gave a warm smile and then opened his mouth.
"No, I'm with someone," He replied firmly.
"Oh," Lyra sighed, "Well, if it's not Dawn, who's the lucky girl?"
The raven-haired boy cleared his throat and then mumbled, "Goh,"
"Oh wow, so you're gay too?" She asked.
This is what Ash hated the most, having to explain that just because someone is dating the same gender doesn't mean they automatically identify with the word "gay"
"Well, I don't know, but probably not..." Ash mumbled.
"Okay, it's fine, I'll just go back to my ex-boyfriend Khoury then!" She replied.
Because Goh, Chloe, and Dawn were finished with their food, Lyra got up and out of the booth.
"I'm going to head out now and find Khoury. See y'all sometime!" She said and waved.
"We're still working, though!" Ash responded.
The girl had already ran off by then. Ash sighed and slumped down in his seat.
"I can't seem to make friends with anyone here," He mumbled.
Goh looked at him sympathetically, but then he realised something and smiled.
"That doesn't matter, you always have us!" Goh replied and bent down to give his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.
Ash felt a lot better now and smiled back at him.
"Thanks, Goh!" The raven-haired boy replied.
He sat back up straight, and then a questin came to Dawn's mind.
"How long are you working for?" She asked.
Ash then came back to full realisation that he was still at work.
"I've got another few hours, but I should be home so we can have another movie night, but I gotta get back to work now since my break is over!" He replied and then slid off of the seat.
Goh and the two girls stood up after, and they all waved goodbye to their friend. The jet black haired boy gave a parting kiss, and then they all left.
Ash sighed with a smile and then turned back towards the counter and continued with his work...
I have no idea what working at McDonald's actually like because I'm not old enough, and I don't think I would want to work there anyway, so this is just what I think it would be like
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