Chapter 1: Moving In

𝙰𝚜𝚑'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅:

It was just another, regular Monday. I woke up and had a big stretch because my arms felt tense because I was probably rolling around in bed last night as always. I looked around my bedroom to see all the boxes surrounding me, this would be the last time I would have slept here.
I got up and got a bag of food to feed to my pet mouse named Pikachu (named after my favourite Pokémon, obviously). After that, I got dressed into my favourite white t-shirt with a red stripe across it, a blue jacket and some grey shorts. Then I laced up my black sneakers and placed my iconic red hat on my head.
When I was done, I put my pyjamas that I had just been wearing in one of the boxes and tightly took hold of Pikachu's cage before motioning out of the room. I ran down the staircase as fast as I could and into the kitchen.
There waiting for me was Mom, she had already gotten my breakfast ready but her eyes looked bloodshot as if she hadn't slept a single second last night.
I put Pikachu's cage on top of a cabinet nearby and then rushed to comfort her.
"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked, now standing in front of her and ready to hug if necessary.
"It's just... I'm just not going to be able cope without seeing you everyday... y-you've grown up too fast and I can't bare it," Mom cried, tears spilling down her cheeks.
I pulled her into a tight hug and then said,
"It's going to be okay, I need to be able to do things for myself and have independence. I'll still visit you at weekends, okay?" I suggested.
"I-I'd like that!" She replied and wiped her nose.
I went to the bathroom to get a tissue to wipe her tears with and then sat at the table to eat my breakfast. She made sausages, bacon, and eggs for me, my favourite as a kid!
When I was done, I wiped my mouth with my wrist and got up from my chair.
"So, have you got everything? Clothes? Toothbrush? Snacks?" Mom asked, picking up a box labled 'Ash's Pokémon Plushies'.
"Of course I do, you helped me pack the boxes after all!" I replied, picking up the cage with my pet mouse in it.
"Is there anything extra you need? Did I pack enough clothes?" She then asked, picking up a smaller box labled 'Ash's Photos w/ Friends'.
"No, I'm sure I'll be fine!" I responded, grabbing a box labled 'Ash's Trophies From Pokémon TCG Tournaments' and then walked towards the door.
I had to put down Pikachu's cage for a second so I could open the door but shortly after picked it back up. Waiting on our drive was the van that would be taking my things to my new flat.
I opened the back of the van so both me and my mom could put my boxes in. She rushed back to get the rest from my bedroom while I opened the door at the front to get in.
Waiting in the driver's seat was Brock, who had happily offered to drop my stuff to my new place after he heard I was moving out. He's one of my oldest friends, we met back in elementary school.
He was wearing his favourite orange t-shirt with a green vest coat on top. He also had beige trousers and had navy sneakers.
"Hey Ash, how have you been?" Brock waved and gestured me to get in.
I stepped into the van and sat down.
"Not doing too bad, how about you?" I asked, placing Pikachu's cage onto my lap.
"I'm doing great, I got a new girlfriend recently!" Brock announced.
"Another girlfriend? What's her name this time?" I said and looked out of the corner of my eye to see if my mom was coming with the rest of the boxes.
"Her name is Olivia, and she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!" Brock said and then began daydreaming of her.
"You've said the exact same about every girl you've dated!" I laughed.
Brock pushed me jokingly and then looked at my window. I looked too and saw Mom struggling with all the other boxes.
"Do you mind helping to grab some of the boxes?" I asked as I unclipped my seat belt.
"Of course!" Brock replied and did the same.
We both got out of our individual doors and raced to help my mom. Because I'm more athletic then he is, I got there first and took the biggest box labled "Ash's clothes (I've put in extra because you grow too quickly xxx)" from her hands.
Brock got there a few seconds after and took another box labelled "Ash's favourite snacks" and began carrying it back to the van.
"Thank you boys, you're so helpful!" Delia said, panting from how heavy all those boxes piled in her hands had been.
"No problem Mrs. Ketchum, anything to help out my old pal!" Brock replied, now throwing the box into the back of his van.
As me and my mom were walking down the drive and up to the van, I couldn't help but wonder,
"Mom, why do you always pack so much stuff whenever I go anywhere?"
Before she answered, she giggled a little at that question and then pushed back her brunette hair tied in a ponytail because it was starting to droop past her shoulders.
"What's so funny?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound offended after seeing her response.
"I don't know, it's just I always pack a little extra because you're so likely to forget stuff and back when you went to all those summer camps and sleepovers, you would always bring back very little of what I had packed in the first place!" She explained.
I nodded because that honestly made a lot of sense.
After that, we put the final lot of boxes in the back of the van. My mom wrapped me in a tight hug and started kissing me a lot. I felt so embarrassed and my face went red, especially when I could hear Brock laughing at me hysterically.
"I'm going miss you so much, please take care and make sure your friends take care of you!" Mom begged, a single strand if hair falling over her face.
I put the strand back in to place and then replied, "Don't worry Mom, they will!"
I let go of her and then Brock opened the door for me to get in. He got back in the driver's seat and I put Pikachu's cage back onto my lap.
He began to drive off of of the premises and I coulde see my mom waving at me with a warm smile and single tears forming in her eyes, she had to do this now, when I couldn't comfort her? Trying to hold back tears myself, I just gave a big grin and waved frantically.
Once she was no longer in sight, I was ready to talk to Brock.
"So then, who are you moving in with?" He asked.
"Goh, Dawn and Chloe. You should remember those three, we all went to high school together!" I responded.
"Oh yeah!" He remembered.
"Who are you living with now?" I asked.
"Well, Olivia just recently moved in but I've been living with Misty, Cilan and Cilan's really annoying girlfriend, Burgundy. She and him get into fights constantly, and it drives me mad!" Brock gritted his teeth thinking of her.
He was starting to drive faster, and it was starting to scare Pikachu as he began to squeak uncontrollably.
"Bro! Don't get road rage!" I shouted, clinging onto my mouse's cage to try and reassure him everything would be alright.
Brock hadn't realised that he was scaring us, so he drove up to the side of the road. He took a deep breath and then exhaled.
"Sorry about that, you two!" Brock apologised.
"Don't worry about that girl, she must be annoying as hell if she's able to cause you road rage!" I joked.
"Yeah, she really is!" Brock groaned.
After that, he continued to drive.
"So tell me a little more about your new girlfriend?" I suggested.
"Well, she's very beautiful, very stylish, she has a beautiful collection of crystals that goes well with my rock collection, she's just the best!" He explained.
"Nice," I replied.
As I looked out of the window to see how close we were getting to our destination, Brock asked a question that I really hoped he wouldn't.
"So, are you dating anyone at the moment?" He asked.
I froze and didn't know what to say. My heart was pounding so fast at the thought of the question...
The thing is, I am dating someone. His name is Goh, and he is the smartest and most beautiful person I have ever met, but I'm scared to tell anyone.
Most people these days tend to be really homophobic and I would hate to lose my friends just because I happen to be dating a boy.
I still haven't figured out a label for myself yet, but that doesn't make me any less scared.
"Uhhhh, no one!" I replied.
"Oh okay, I really need to take you to a speed dating place sometime, that's where all the pretty ladies are!" He suggested.
He's only saying that because, like him, I've dated a lot of the girls in the past. But unlike him, I didn't just fall for them over beauty, and I don't have as many exes as him.
After that, I finally saw the flat and started waving my hands around frantically to stop the awkward conversation.
"Oh look, it's my flat! Anyway, it was nice talking to you, and I really appreciate you dropping me off here, but I gotta go!" I shouted and unclipped my seat belt as fast as possible.
"Don't you need me to help carry the boxes in?" He asked, his face full of concern.
"Nah, I'm good!" I said with a fake grin plastered of my face and picked up Pikachu's cage.
I got out of the van and then walked to the back to open the doors. There were so many boxes but I had told myself that I could do it all myself, so that's what I'll do!
It took me a few minutes, but I was able to get all of the boxes onto the pavement and closed the doors of the van. I waved Brock off and then watched as he drove off into the newly risen sun.
"Now then, how am I supposed to get all these boxes in?!" I asked myself.
I looked up at the flat and luckily for me, I saw Dawn peak out of the window and saw me. She waved with a welcoming smile on her face, and then she disappeared.
The next thing I know, the flat door opens and I see Dawn, Chloe and Goh! The two girls let my boyfriend go in front, so he charged towards me and gave me a big hug.
"Ash! I missed you so much!" Goh exclaimed, looking at me lovingly with his beautiful, ocean blue eyes.
"So did I!" I replied.
He reached in and gave me a kiss on the lips, and I reciprocated. We kissed for a few seconds until we realised Dawn and Chloe were watching us with smug smiles on their faces.
Goh's face flushed red, and so did mine.
"What are you two staring at?!" Goh shouted.
"Nothing really, just you two being gay out in public!" Chloe replied.
"Oh come on, you two would do the exact same thing if you hadn't seen each other for weeks!" I yelled.
Dawn and Chloe knew it was true as they were a couple themselves, but they didn't have any more comebacks, so they just walked back into the flat, leaving me and my boyfriend out of the streets alone.
"Could you um... help me with my boxes?" I asked with a lop-sided smile.
"Of course!" Goh replied.
We both began picking up all the boxes filled with my belongings, and when we had everything, we made our way to the door.
I opened the door, and we both walked in.
"So, what floor are we on?" I asked.
"Our room is on floor eight!" Goh replied.
I sighed because it was going to be such a hard time carrying everything up to that room, but it'll be fine, as long as we are together.
After we had done and both of us were panting, Goh used his key, and we finally made it inside. Both of us let the boxes topple onto the floor and jumped onto the free spaces on the couch.
"Whst are you two, old men or something?" Chloe asked jokingly, moving closer to the corner of the couch so we would have more space.
"No, we just had to carry what felt like a million boxes up to floor EIGHT!" Goh sat up to yell the last part and then went back to slumping on the couch.
"Well, that just means you're too tired out to show your boyfriend around our new flat," Dawn said, starting to make a hot chocolate in a magenta glass with an Eevee on it, meaning it was for Chloe.
"I AM NOT! Come on Ash, I'll show you around!" Goh glared at Dawn before taking hold of his boyfriend's hand and dragging him.
"What? No, I can't be bothered to do this right now!" I said as he dragged me across the floor.
Chloe chuckled, and then Dawn walked over and handed her the mug before cuddling up to her on the couch.
"Nice one, my angel!" Chloe said and then leaned in to kiss her girlfriend on the cheek.
Dawn blushed as red as tomato in response to that but then turned back to watch me being dragged away by Goh.
"Alright then!" Goh said as he managed to pull Ash back into standing position, "This is the kitchen!"
"Really? I thought it would be bigger than that," i replied sarcastically because of how tired I was.
"We live in a flat, what are you expecting?" Goh asked rhetorically.
Now that I wasn't on the leash that was his boyfriend's grasp, I curiously looked around the kitchen. Because we had all only just moved in, there wasn't a lot, but there was something that really bugged me...
"Love, where's the snacks?" I asked.
"There aren't any, yet..." My jet black haired boyfriend replied.
"Uhhhhh, I'll go get some myself!" I groaned, walking out of the kitchen.
"But what about the rest of the tour?" Goh asked.
"Later!" I replied, putting my shoes back on.
Goh sighed and tried to think of something to say to make me stay.
"You know if you eat too many snacks, you'll end up really unhealthy! I do have some apple slices that you have instead!" Goh suggested...

𝙽𝚘 𝚘𝚗𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

By that point, he was already gone. Goh sighed and then slumped onto the empty seat on the couch.
"Well, that was entertaining!" Dawn said to break the tension.
"Not for me, it wasn't," Goh mumbled, his arms crossed, and he had a pouty expression on his face.
"You do know, as much as he loves you, there is no way you can get in the way of his love for snacks, don't you?" Chloe asked.
"Yeah, I guess so," Goh sighed...

𝙰𝚜𝚑'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

Right now, I was wandering around the neighbourhood, not knowing where the shops were or even what to do. I should have asked for Goh to come with me...
Never mind, I eventually found a road where all the shops were and had a look around. There, I found a not so sketchy corner shop and walked inside.
In there, I picked up ten bags of Lays chips, four bottles of Coca-Cola and and some Hershey's chocolate bars. While I was paying for them, I looked around and happened to spot a familiar face.
"Mallow!" I called, waving frantically in the air.
She turned around and spotted me.
"Ash!" She called back.
She ran over to me and put down the things she was buying to give me a big hug.
As always, Mallow had her green hair tied into two ponytails with magenta sunglasses on top of her head. She was wearing a yellow t-shirt with navy dungarees and green satin Nike dunks.
"Awww, how are you?" She asked after letting go of the hug.
"I'm doing great! I just moved into a flat with my friends and I'm picking up some snacks for them!" I replied.
"Sweet! I'm also picking up some snacks because I recently moved in with my two besties!" Mallow said.
"You mean girlfriends, right?" I asked.
"Oh right, girlfriends!" She managed to correct herself.
I feel like out of all the many ex-girlfriends I have, Mallow is definitely one of the ones I still like to chat to the most. We didn't have any beef when we broke up and during high school, I even helped her figure out she is actually into girls instead and was her wingman when she confessed her feelings to two of my other exes, Lana and Lillie.
After I finished paying, I waved goodbye to her and walked out with a bag full of all the snacks I had bought. It wasn't too hard finding my way back, and I had luckily remembered which floor I was on.
When I opened the door and walked through, Goh immediately jumped off of the couch and stood before me, his face full of guilt.
"I'm so sorry Ash, I shouldn't have tried to push you away like that!" He apologised.
"What? There's no need to apologise, I just wanted to get snacks for everyone so we can have a movie night tonight!" I replied.
"Really?" He asked, his ocean blue eyes welling up with tears.
"Really," I replied, trying to wipe them away with my finger.
I let him sit back down, and I began to pass everyone what I had bought for them.
"Ewwww, why did you buy me coke? You know I prefer Pepsi!" Dawn complained, making her face look as repulsed as possible.
"Quit complaining and just drink it like your girlfriend is!" I replied.
She turned to her side to see Chloe contently sipping out of her Coca-Cola bottle with a green and white striped plastic straw she had gotten from the kitchen. The scene was too overwhelming cute for her, so she cuddled into her girlfriend and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
We each picked out a movie and watched them until it was finally really late. All of us had a sugar crash at that point, and we're way too tired to stay up all night.
"So, where am I sleeping?" I asked, still not knowing the sleeping arrangements.
"You're sleeping on the mattress with Goh since we only have two, and there is no way I'm sleeping with a boy," Chloe explained.
We all then blushed at thought of sleeping next to our partner, but I quickly pushed it to the side because I was way too tired to be having a gay panic.
Goh got a blue and red duvet from one of his many boxes and lied it over the mattress that was kind of deflating on the floor. I got in, and Goh did shortly after.
He turned towards me and whispered, "Goodnight, Ash," before turning back to his side and fell asleep.
I found it really hard to because the fact that I was in the same bed as Goh was making it hard to, but I luckily managed to drift off, hoping that tomorrow would be just as great as today was...

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