IT HAD BEEN A FEW days since having found Bucky. And to say Celeste was around him most of the time was an understatement. The two were constantly with one another, and when they weren't, they were talking on the phone. Celeste would give him time to spend with Steve and Evelyn, not wanting to intrude on that relationship until she was welcome. Peggy had non-stop been asking questions, and it wasn't until Celeste had managed the understanding of how to get her own place did the two women not talk as often, especially with the war that was looming over their heads.

The angel had decided that she would stroll around the town, having walked it several times with Bucky that she knew her way around. Well, mostly. There were still a lot of parts of Brooklyn that she had yet to discover, and quite frankly she didn't want to discover them without Bucky. It wasn't like the girl couldn't protect herself. Because she could. Very well actually. Training of becoming a higher graded angel involved knowing how to protect yourself against all different kinds of beings.

Her hair was moving with every step that she took, bouncing gracefully off her shoulders in the slight wind that blew. Her hands were tucked in the pockets of her coat, occasionally removing one hand from it's warm place inside her pocket in order to remove the golden hair that had fell in her face. The heels the angel was wearing clicked against the sidewalk, loudly almost. Her attention was turned away from her feet to the sound of a woman snapping at a man to let her go. Celeste narrowed her eyes as she slowly started to approach the man and woman.

"Mind loosing your grip there?" The blonde asked, looking down at the man's hold that he had around her wrist. He was wanting to give the woman a ride, but she simply just wanted to walk home.

"Don't you trust me, doll?" The man asked her with a smirk on his lips.

"Not a damn bit. Now let go of me, before I make you."

"What are you going to do about it?" HIs grip seemed to tighten, and Celeste seemed to quicken her pace towards the duo.

"Let go of me and you won't have to find out." The blonde snarled through gritted teeth.

The man seemed to get angrier at this. "My, you don't know what respect is, do you?"

This was when Celeste decided to join in on the conversation. "It's you that doesn't know what respect is." Her sudden intrusion in the conversation immediately grabbed the duo's attention. Celeste walked closer until she was merely a few inches from the duo. She glanced towards the woman before looking up towards the man, plastering a sweet smile on her face that seemed to immediately catch his attention. She cocked her head slightly before saying, "Hey sweetheart. Do me a favor and let go of her, won't you?" Celeste watched as the man just smirked, looking her up and down. Her smile fell and her eyes turned harsh. "Are you deaf? I said let go of her."

But he didn't. He stood there, silently taunting for her to do something. So, she did. She walked forward a step before kicking the man in the groin, making his knees buckle. She was quick to rip his grip from the woman's grasp, twisting it behind his back. He grunted in pain and Celeste took a moment to listen to his pain for bringing her mouth up to his ear and saying, "Learn some respect." She roughly shoved the man away from her, watching in amusement as he scrambled away from her and jumped into his car, quick to drive off. When he was gone, she looked back towards the other blonde and offered a kind smile.

"Thanks for that, but you didn't have to do that." The blonde told her. She looked upset, like she was going through something, and Celeste had a feeling she had arrived at the scene just in time to rescue her. She walked up to the stranger, hooking her arm with hers and continuing her walk down the sidewalk.

"Nonsense." Celeste shook her head, a smile still playing on her lips. "I help those in need. And that poor man was in need from being saved from that murderous look that could kill anyone with just one glance." Celeste smiled in success when the girl chuckled. "What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Evelyn Rogers." Celeste was almost surprised by this. She almost smiled as she looked at the girl. This was the woman Bucky always talked so fondly about. And to say it was nice to put a face to the name was an understatement. She almost let out a squeal of excitement when Evelyn told her who she was.

"Rogers?" Celeste questioned. "I know that name. You're. . . you're Bucky's friend are you not?"

Evelyn seemed to beam at the mention of him, nodding her head. "I am. How do you know Bucky?"

"He and I met a few days ago. We've been talking here and there." Celeste almost scoffed at her own words. Here and there? More like every second of the day that the two had the chance to talk or even hang out. Celeste never realized how serious their friendship had grown in the matter of a week until that very moment. It almost made her frown.

Evelyn smiled at Celeste's words. "I heard he had a new dame, but I didn't know that dork managed to grab someone as gorgeous as you." Celeste chuckled, almost blushing at the words that came from Evelyn's mouth. Immediately the angel could tell the two were going to get along well.

"He is such a gentleman." Celeste smiled. "And I must admit that that I enjoy his company. Maybe too much." Celeste mumbled the last part to herself, thankful that the human didn't hear what she had said.

"He is." Evelyn nodded her head. "He's friends with my brother, so it makes sense. I'd like to say I act like a lady, but, I truly don't. So, he doesn't get that from me." Celeste laughed at this, remembering that Bucky had said the two were twins. Twins were always something that fascinated her. "Hey, I never got your name."

"Celeste." She was quick to answer. "My name is Celeste."

"Well, Celeste, it was lovely to meet you. Hopefully, I'll get to see you around more often." Evelyn told her as the duo suddenly stopped in front of a home. "This is my stop."

"It was nice meeting you, Evelyn." Celeste smiled. "Maybe we can all hang out sometime soon."

Evelyn nodded her head. "We'll definitely have to make plans. I'll see you around."

"Yeah." Celeste offered the woman one last smile before watching her entering her home, turning her heel and heading towards her home with the smile lingering on her face. She had officially met one of Bucky's friends, and it had been the most interesting first interaction with a human she's had.

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