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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 π’πˆπ—π“π„π„π . . . !
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Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β  WHEN BONNIE, VIOLET and Damon walked up to the school, Violet pulled out her phone. "We just got this- this connects us to Caroline and Elena through our phones", Violet explained to Damon while she showed him the map on her phone.

The pins of Elena and Caroline immediately popped up, "They're in Alarics classroom. We should go in from the south entrance."

"Mhm - digital locator spell. Why the hell do we need you then?", Damon questioned Bonnie while he smirked.

They then continued to approach Jeremy. "Hand it over!", Damon immediately demanded while he approached the boy.

"I'm not giving you my ring. Let me do this!" Jeremy argued back at the man.

"By my math you've already but it once, possibly twice, wearing that thing. And if for some reason Bonnie can't restart your heart and you do indeed die, then before you kow it we have another psycho alter-ego case on our hands. Which is bad. So give me your ring."

Jeremy gave Damon a glare before he shook his head, "This is my ring, Elena's my sister. No one's gonna fight harder for her than me."

Damon scoffed at him, "Fine- be stubborn." He then turned towards the witch that was standing besides him, "Try not to kill him, will you?"

"Look at this, one big happy family", Klaus's voice reached their ear, making them all turn towards him and Stefan.

Bonnie rolled her eyes at the original before she held up a vial filled with blood, "Drink this- it's my blood. It bridges us all together, so when I stop Jeremy's heart, you'll gave the power to stoo Alaric's. You'll need to make a physical connection to his bloodstream. A vein, atery, something connected to his heart.

Stefan nodded at her before he took a sip from the blood, "If one of us gets a clean shot, take it. The other two hold him down."

Klaus took the vial from Stefan's hand before he spoke, "Before we all walk through these doors, let's get on the same page, shall we? I was the one who created your vampire bloodline, therefore I am responsible for your lives and Tyler's life, Caroline's life and of course, Abby's life, should anything go wrong." He exchanged a look with Bonnie.

"Or you're just lying to save your ass", Damon commented while he smirked at Klaus.

"I'm not lying. But go ahead, call my bluff. Let the teacher kill me, you'll all be dead soon there after", Klaus smirked back at Damon before he downed the rest of Bonnie's blood.

Stefan gave them all an exhausted look, "Let's just get this over with. Shall we?"

The three vampires then headed into the school building while Bonnie, Violet and Jeremy headed into the woods behind the school.

Jeremy laid down on the ground, which was covered in leaves while Bonnie positioned herself above him.

A few moments passed by before the witch suddenly spoke, "They made contact- it's happening." Bonnie shoved the sleeves of her shirt up and started chanting some Latin incantation while she placed her hands over Jeremy's heart.

Violet wtached how the wind picked up but moment passed and the wind disappeared.

"Something happened- the connection broke", Bonnie suddenly stated confused.

"Shit, do you think he killed them!", Violet immediately questioned her, fear in her voice while she felt her heart speeding up.

Bonnie shook her head, "I don't know."

The three remained sitting in the woods for quiet some time until Violet's phone started buzzing.

The dark haired girl glanced at her phone and saw the text message that Damon had sent her only moments before.

"Klaus has Elena- they want you to stop his heart", Violet immediately told the witch and Bonnie frowned at her. "What's with Alaric?"

Violet shrugged at her, "I have no idea. Obviously a problem for later."

The two waited until Bonnie felt them making a connection and she immediately started chanting her incantation once more and Jeremy's eyes widened while the wind picked up once more.

Jeremy's breath started hitching in his throat before he lost consciousness.

Violet flinched back when she saw how Bonnie's veins over her body turned black and the witch seemed to be experiencing some kind of a power surge.

The veins then slowly stared disappearing and she immediately met Violet's eyes. "They did it."

She then turned her attention to Jeremy before she placed her hands over his heart once more and stared her incantation.

But nothing happened and Jeremy remained unconscious. Bonnie and Violet immediately starts shaking his body and calling out his name.

"Oh my God! Jeremy? Jeremy!"

The two were about to start crying when Jeremy suddenly sat up and inhaled a deep breath of air.
Bonnie then immediately pulled the boy into a tight hug and exhaled in relief.

"So, it's actually worked? Klaus is gone?" Violet questioned Bonnie, who nodded with a smile on her face.

"That screams for a party!", Violet exclaimed and that was exactly what they did that day.

When Elena entered her house, the friends were all in her kitchen, waiting for her to arrive.

"What are you guys doing here?", Elena questioned them, a confused expression on her face when she spotted tjem in her kitchen.

"Welcome to our victory party!", Caroline exclaimed happily. The brunette girl frowned at her, "What victory? We failed, Alaric is still out there."

Bonnie shrugged before she answered her, "We know- But we've been trying to get rid of Klaus forever. And Caroline convinced us to enjoy it, for a night."

"I'm gonna be honest, I'm pissed none of you let me help take down original brother number two", Matt stated while he wrapped an arm around Tyler's shoulders.

"Yeah, he would've taken you right to the hospital", Tyler stated and everyone chuckled.

"Please, I'm more stealth than that. I'm like a ninja", Matt joked while he showed his biceps. Adrian chuckled while he eyes the blond boy with a smile on his face, "You wish."

"Here you need this", Caroline stated while she handed Elena the shot glass. Elena took it from her hands and Tyler came over to them. "Hey, give me your hand-"

He placed a little bit of salt on the back of her hand and Elena smiled at him. "Thank you for standing up to Klaus like that."

Tyler nodded his head at her, "Let's just say it's been a long time coming."

"Way too long!", Caroline exclaimed while she hugged Tyler, a wide smile on her face.

The blond then looked at everyone in the kitchen, a wide smile on her face, "All right, let's drink!"

"I do not condone this, by the way", Elena suddenly stated while she shot Jeremy, who also had a shor glass in his hand, a pointed look.

"You survived Klaus- make an exception. You can go back to being responsible tomorrow", Jeremy told her, a small smile on his face.

Elena sighed deeply before she nodded her head,

"Hang on- do you guys hear that?", Ethan suddenly made them all stop. Their eyes widened while they all tried to hear what he was talking about.

Suddenly Ethan broke out in a wide smile, "That is the sound of a Klaus-free life."

They all laughed on union before Elena spoke, "To a Klaus-free life." She held her shot glass up into the air and everyone did the same. "And to all of you. My family."

They all smiled widely while they let their shot glasses collide with each other, "Cheers!"

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  AFTER THE GROUP of friends had left Jeremy had to bring Elena into the hospital. Apparently it had come to an altercation between Klaus, Tyler and Elena, where Elena got pretty banged up, which made her lose conclusions after they had all left her house.

The group of friends were informed by Jeremy, who asked them to come to the hospital and help him bring Elena home.

Caroline, Violet, Matt, Adrian, Ethan, Tyler and Matt were all immediately in their way and accompanied Elena back home while Jeremy went to the grill to pick up something to eat.

"Couch!", Caroline immediately stated when they entered the house with Elena.

The brunette let out a groan while she made her way over to the couch, "I'm fine. I just want something to eat."

"We're on it. As soon as we make sure no one's lurking in the closets", Tyler stayed and the boys spread out to search the house.

"All right- Couch. Now!", Caroline commanded Elena and lead her over to the couch immediately.

"I told you, I'm fine!", Elena sighed deeply before she sat down on the couch, followed by Violet.

"The Doctor says rest, you rest. Now what can I get you? Do you want l some tea? Maybe some Vodka?-", Caroline suggest while he smiled and raised her eyebrows at the brunette.

"Both will help you sleep", she then stated while Elena chuckled and gave her a pointed look. Caroline sighed before she sat down on the couch next to Elena, "I know. Being smothering. It's what I do."

Elena still smiled at her, before she placed her hand over Caroline's, "No, it's fine. It's nice."

The blond the narrowed her eyes at them, "I'm thinking maybe tea with vodka."

The three girls chuckled in union before Caroline and Violet made Elena something to eat and a tea.

Tyler, Ethan and Matt joined them not too long after and when Elena has finished her food and tea she slipped into a light sleep.

Tyler, Caroline and Ethan got a call from Carol and Liz, pleading them to come to the Lookwood mansion as soon as they could.

So the three immediately left the Gilbert house, leaving Matt and Violet to watch over Elena.

Violet was in the kitchen, making herself something to drink when she heard Matt and Elena speaking about Sophomore year.

Elena seemed like she felt guilty about what she had done to Matt in sophomore year. "I'm sorry that I strung you along. I should've figured out what I wanted and just been honest about it. And now I'm making the same mistake with Stefan and Adrian. It's not right what I'm doing to them either I have to let one of them go."

"Which one?", Matt questioned her but Elena couldn't answer him because in exact that moment the front door opened and Stefan entered the house, a worried expression on his face.

Elena immediately got onto her feet and hugged the man, "Stefan."

The man immediately hugged her back, "You okay?" She nodded, "Yeah."

He thenwt go of her and Elena sighed, "I'm being over-coddled. I feel completely fine."

Stefan smiled at her, "You're on house-arrest. You're supposed to be coddled."

"Wouldn't it be smarter if we just got you the hell out of town?", Matt suddenly questioned Stefan.

"And do what? Go on the run for the rest of my life? No, thank you.", Elena immediately shot at him before she took the blanket she was covered with and stood up. "And I'm not an invalid. I'm done with the couch."

The brunette pushed her way past Matt and made her way into the hallway.

"So you're just gonna let her call the shots?", Matt questioned Stefan, which made Violet shoot him a questioning look.

Stefan gave him a nodd, "I let her make her own decisions." Matt frowned at him in disagreement, "Even if they're wrong?"

"Nothing wrong with free will, Matt. Trust me, you don't realize that until you lose it", Stefan told him honestly ans calmly while he sat a couple of plates down on the table.

"Stefan-", Elena's voice suddenly reached their ear.

They all turned towards Elena and Violet felt her heart speed up when she saw no other than Elijah standing infront of Elena in the hallway.


The man slowly nodded his head at them, "Hello, again."

Violet couldn't read his demeanor very well while he sat down on one end of the table, waiting for them to join him.

"All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed and the weapon is in my possession, my family will scatter and Alaric will follow us"Elijah then calmly explained to them.

"An you'll just run?", Stefan questioned him while he sat down next to Elena.

"We've done it before. Klaus and Rebekah spent the better part of 1000 years evading my father. What's another half-century when Elena's able to live out her natural life?", Elijah stated while he nodded his head.

Elena shook her head at the original vampire, "We finally stopped him, Elijah. After everything that he's done to us- I can't just let you bring him back."

"I give you my word, Elena. I will not revive Klaus within yours, nor even within your children's lifetimes", Elijah promised her while he only looked at Elena. "Perhaps it'll finally teach him some manners."

"Why should she trust you?", Matt suddenly engaged into the conversation, his blue eyes narrowed at the vampire. "All you've done is screw her over."

Elijah nodded his head at him, "And for that, I'm deeply ashamed. But know this. She could've been dead the instant I walked through that door tonight. So, Elena, I leave it to your to make the decision- wether to trust me or not." His eyes wandered from Matt over to Elena.

"Not! Hello?- did that concussion give you brain damage? His lunatic siblings will kill you the first chance they get!", Damon's voice suddenly came from the phone that sat in the middle of the table.

"Rebekah and Kol will honor the terms. If you return Klaus's body to us- Elena will come to no harm", Elijah immediately assured them.

His eyes then met Elena's again, his eyebrows raised in question, "Do we have a deal?"

"No!- No, no, no, no! Did I mention no?", Damons'a voice reached their ears once again.

Violet could see that Stefan was struggling with himself before he glanced at the brunette besides him,"Elena, it's up to you."

Damon scoffed from the other end of the line, "Oh, come on!"

"Why do you want Klaus' body?", Elena questioned the brunette man on her opposite. The man answered her simply, "He's my brother. We remain together."

There was a long moment of silence before Elena leaned back in her seat and nodded her head, "We have a deal."

Violet exhaled deeply because she was pretty convinced that if Elena had said no, Elijayhad ripped them to shreds.

Only moments after, Jeremy finally came back home and immediately told them that Alaric had cornered him in the Grill. And wanted him to tell him where Klaus's body was.

The group then thought that they could use that to their advantage and made Jeremy call Alaric to set a trap for the vampire.

It didn't took long for Alaric to lick up when Jeremy called him, "I know here Klaus' body is. Damons on his way to bury him in the woods off Route 12. I'll text you the specifics."

There was a small pause before Jeremy spoke once more, "I know." The boy then ended the call and gave them a small nodd, "He bought it."

Elijah, Stefan and Jeremy went on their way while Elena, Violet and Maty stayed behind.

Elena and Violet were in Elena's bed room when Matt came in, a two cups in his hand.

Elena took the cup from Matt's hand and smiled, "Thank you." The brunette then took a small sip before she frowned.

Matt gave her a apologetic look and a small smile, "Sorry- I over-honeyed. I suck at tea." Matt then continued, his eyebrows raised, "So Stefan?-"

Elena sighed deeply before she answered him, "He saved my life, you know? I never told you that. The night that my parents car went over the bridge he was the one that saved me."

Matt frowned at her, "So, you feel like you owe him something?"

Elena immediately shook her head, "No, it's not that it's- after the accident - I kind felt like I didn't know how to live anymore. Like I didn't want to. But then, being with Stefan, I just- somehow I figured it out. And that's what love should be. You should love the person that makes you glad that you're alive."

Violet smiled in silence while she listened to Elena speaking about love.

"So then, what's the problem?", Matt questioned her curiously.

Elena exchanged a quick glance with Violet before she continued, "The problem is Adrian. When I'm with him it just consumes me. And I know that I can't love them both, I know that it's wrong, but when I chose one I'll lose the other."

Violet could hear how Elena's voice broke slowly, her lips trembling, "And I don't want to lose anyone else. I just wish that I had my mom here to give me some advice."

Violet then immediate changed her position and sat down besides Elena, immediately pulling her into a tight hug.

She felt the brunette hug her back, but after a small moment she felt Elena's body go limp in her arms.

Violet frowned before she pulled back and gave her a questioning look, "Elena? - Lena?"

The dark haired girl then looked at Matt, "Matt, what's going on?"

Matt had a look filled with guilt on his face before he answered her, "I'm gonna take her out of town- make sure she's safe."

Violet gave him a disbelieving look, her eyes widely opened, "Matt- you drugged her? Are you insane?"

The blond boy stared at her, "I'm just trying to protect her, V!"

The boy the slowly took Elena out of Violet's arms and started walking downstairs, the brunette in his arms.

Violet immediately followed after him and cut him off by standing in the frame of the front door.

Matt gave Violet a serious look, "V, you have two choices, come with us or get out of my way. "

Violet held eye contact with matt before she sighed deeply and stepped out for his way. "I'm coming with you. I think you're gonna need someone to hold her off from killing you when she wakes up."

Matt remained silent while he placed Elana down on the passenger seat and then got into the car himself while Violet climbed into the backseat.

The ride was silent until Elena finally regained consciousness.

The brunette was completely unaware of her surroundings, "What's going on?"

Her gaze slowly wandered towards Matt and the blond gave her an apologetic look, "It's the only way I was gonna get you in this truck."

"The tea- you drugged me?", Elena exclaimed at him before her gaze snapped towards Violet.

"I didn't have anything to do with this-", Violet immediately assured her.

"I'm sorry, but you're right. Okay, you don't have any parents to tell you what's right or wrong. You've got me and Jeremy and a bunch of vampires fighting a war you shouldn't be in the middle of", Matt stated while he continued driving the truck.

Elena shook her head at him, her voice louder than before, "What the hell are you doing, Matt?"

Matt didn't seem to mind that she was screaming at him, "I'm getting you out of town, Elena. It's the only way to keep you safe."

The brunette then remained silent, the anger fuming of off her body.

But the silence was broken when Matt's phone rang. He picked it up immediately and after he was finished he told them that Alaric had succeeded to kill Klaus.

Violet immediately felt her stomach dropped and her stomach twist. This meant that Ethan and Tyler were going to die.

"We have to go back!", Elena exclaimed loudly.

Violet leaned forward on her seat before she looked at the blond man. "Listen to me Matt, if Klaus is the one who turned their bloodline, they're all gonna die! We have to go back Matt!", Violet immediately screamed at Matt.

The boy raised his voice as well, "Violet!"

"What?", the girls shot back at him.
"Damons'a not with them! He's a hundred miles out of town. I can keep driving to him or I can turn around and go back to Ethan snd the other's. It's your choice" Matt told the dark haired girl while he continued driving.

The dark haired girl knew that all her friends and Ethan were back in Mystic falls, only Damon was further out the city, which kind of answered the question for her on it's own.

The girl sighed deeply before she dialed Damons' number and her heart dropped when he picked up after one ring, "Let me guess. Calling to see if the grim reaper's paid a visit?"

The girl was so happy to hear his voice. She sighed deeply before she questioned, "How are you feeling? Any symptoms?"

"Not yet. But I'm sure we'll have a laugh when we find out that Klaus is a big fat liar", the man joked, making her smile slightly. Violet nodded her head, "Yeah I'm sure we will."

"Hey, where are you?", Damons voice seemed softer than before. Violet held in for a second before she answered him slowly, "Matt's taking me home."

There was a moment of silence before Damon stated, "To Ethan-"

Violet immediately interrupted him, "Not just Ethan- To Caroline, to Tyler-"

Damon was now the one to interrupt, "No, I know, I get it- so- since I'm possibly a dead man can I ask you a question?"

The girl shook her head even though he couldn't see her, "Yeah, of course."

"If it was just down to him and me, and you had to make a choice, who got the goodbye? Who would it be?", Damon questioned her and Violet could feel her heart break.

She gluped hardly while the tears where making their ways down her cheeks, "I love him, Damon. He came into my life at a time where I needed someone and I fell for him instantly. No matter what I feel for you- I never unfell for him."

Violet knew that Damon was pretending to be fine with it when he spoke, "Hey, I get it! It's always gonna be Ethan."

Violet shook her head while she answered him, "I can't think about always. All I can think about is right now. And I really care about you, Damon! Which is why I have to let you go."

There was silence on the other end of the phone, so she continued to speak, "I mean, maybe if you and I had met first-"

"Yeah maybe-", Damon almost whispered, making Violet cry even more.

Violet tried to contain her tears before she tried to assure him that everything would be fine, "You're gonna be fine. You hear me? You're gonna be okay and I'm gonna see you soon.

"Real soon- Goodbye, Violet", Damon answered her before he hung up the phone.

Violet then remained sitting on the backseat, quietly crying to herself until Elena's phone started ringing.

The two were speaking with each other and Violet took notice of the way Elena's posture was changing.

"You too, Care" Elena stated before she hung up the phone. "What now?", Matt immediately questioned the brunette on the passenger seat.

"It's Tyler. He un- he's-", Elena stumbled over her words, tears building in her eyes. Violet had that terrible feeling that she would be too late to say goodbye to Ethan.

"Damn it!", Matt whispered out while his eyes filled with tears. "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" The boy started punching his steering wheel.

"Matt, Matt! Stop it!", Elena begged him.

"This isn't how our lives were supposed to be, Elena", the boy stated while he glanced at them, the tears still in his eyes.

Violet immediately started calling Ethan's phone and her heart was a lot lighter when Ethan picked up. "Hey- are you alright?"

"I'm alright, no symptoms yet- where are you?", Ethan questioned her, worry in his voice.

"We're right about to enter Mystic Falls", Violet told him when she saw the sign that said Mystic Falls.

"Great- hurry up!", Ethan told her and Violet promised him that they would see each other in about ten minutes.

There was silence filling the truck for quiet some time, but at some point after they had entered mystic falls Elena broke the silence.

"I need to call Stefan but my phone is dying", Elena stated and Violet wanted to give her phone to Elena but it fell down and slipped under Matt's seat.

The dark haired girl tried to reach it, but couldn't, so she had to unbuckle her belt. She has finally grabbed the phone from the floor when she spoke, "Here use mine."

The girl handed the device over to Elena, who suddenly flinched in surprise. "Matt, watch out!"

The boy immediately stood on the brakes and swerved. Violet, who still wasn't buckelt back in, immediately flew forward and crashed through the front shield.

The girl felt her body collide with the concrete while the truck drove off the bride and into the water.

Violet felt herself trying to breath in, but her body was pretty damaged. The blood was running down her face and she felt like she was laying their for a couple of minutes until she could hear voices approaching her.

Violet heard Ethan's voice and she then felt how she was being picked up and the next second she was in the hospital hallway.

Violet driften in and out of consciousness over and over again while Meredith Fell examined her.

The woman was convinced that Violat's injuries were too severe and that she wouldn't make it through the night. So she decided that her only chance would be Damon's blood.

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