π’™π’π’Šπ’Š. The Final Supper


LYDIA WAS IN THE MIDST OF FIXING Aenora's hair when the chamber doors opened.

"May I speak to my mother alone, Lydia?" Daemian asked.

Lydia looked at Aenora then back to Daemian, "Of course, my Prince."

Aenora turned to her son and gave him a warm smile. Daemian did not return the smile, but instead he looked to the ground.

"What is it, my love?" Aenora questioned.

She was hesitant to go to him. She was unsure if he was still upset with her, and didn't want to anger him. Out of all of her children, Daemian was the one with the shortest temper.

Even as a babe he was easily aggravated. But, he was also very protective, and territorial.

"Are you angry with me?" The boy asked.

Aenora furrowed her eyebrows, "Of course not. Why would I be angry with you?"

"Because I did not forgive you," Daemian said.

Aenora sat on the edge of her bed, "Come here."

Daemian did as he was told and went to sit next to his mother.

"You are entitled to your feelings, Daemian. You were angry because I left you, and it is understandable if you cannot forgive me." Aenora put her hand on his back. "But I could never be angry with you for it. I love you too much to feel any disdain towards you."

Daemian looked at her, searching her face for any indication of insincerity.

He found none.

"If I'm being honest, I don't think I was ever really angry with you. I just missed my mother," Daemian pressed his lips together.

"There was never a day that I didn't love you or miss you, my son." Aenora smiled softly at him. "You and your siblings are the best parts of me. Somehow you all got your fathers temper, though."

Daemian laughed, "when you disappeared we had to put up with his temper, I suppose it rubbed off on us. Gods, mother, he was a complete mess without you. Especially while Aedith was young."

"So I've heard," Aenora chuckled.

"You won't disappear again, right?" Daemian asked.

Aenora shook her head, "No. I'll soon have to fight for the kingdom. Even if I wanted to, I can't."

Daemian nodded.

Aenora abruptly turned to fully face her son, slightly startling him.

"Do you want to know a secret?" She beamed.

"Hm?" He hummed.

"You can tell no one. Do you promise?" Aenora held her little finger up.

Her son wrapped his around hers and promised he wouldn't say anything to anyone, not even his twin.

Aenora whispered her secret to Daemian, then smiled excitedly. Daemian could only laugh at the secret. He was surprised, to say the least.

"Now, go and gather your siblings. Your grandsire has arranged a dinner, and the entire family has to be in attendance." Aenora shooed her son.

Daemian laughed once more, before leaving her to go find his siblings.

When Aenora, Daemon, and her family walked into the dinning hall, Rhaenyra, her sons, Rhaenys, her granddaughters, Alicent, and her children were already there waiting.

Everyone talked amongst themselves.

"Nora," Helaena smiled as she went to greet her.

Aenora brought her young sister into an embrace, "Little sister."

Aegon and Aemond were quick to join the two. They too had missed their eldest sister.

"Little brothers," Aenora touched their faces.

"We are not so little anymore," Aemond said as he towered over her.

Aegon laughed at the remark, he was also a lot taller than Aenora.

"So it seems," Aenora chuckled. "How have you three been?"

"Good. Aegon and I have three children now. One set of twins and a son. Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, and Maelor." Helaena told her.

Aenora was surprised. She hasn't been told of Aegon and Helaenas marriage. The again, why would anyone tell her? It was a silent move, like a game of chess. Her brothers and sister were Otto and Alicents pawns.

Surely, neither Hightower would want her to know.

"What beautiful names," Aenora took Helaenas hand into her own. "How do you like being a father, Aegon?"

Aegon didn't know how to respond. He was barely there for his children. Hell, the boy didn't even want any.

Aenora took his look of uncertainty as an answer, then looked to Aemond.

"And you, Aemond? I hear you are in the makings to become a great knight," Aenora said.

"Fightings the only thing he's good for," Aegon joked.

Though, Aemond did not find the joke funny. No, he did not laugh, instead the boy sent him a glare.

"Being talented with a sword isn't a terrible thing. Most wish to be," Aenora told the boy.

"Your sons also wield a sword well," Aemond complimented.

Aenora smiled, "Their father taught them."

The thought of her three sons and Daemon always made Aenora happy. Especially when people complimented on them.

Everyone went to stand next to their seats when the door opened. Viserys's entire family watched as he was carried in on a chair. Aenora, along with the others sat once the King was at his place.

Nothing was said for a moment, they waited for Viserys to be the first to speak.

"How good it is... to see you all tonight... together." Viserys said as he looked at each member of his family.

"Prayer before we begin?" Alicent asked him.

He replied, "Yes."

Aenora was slightly confused at the new custom. She has never prayed, especially before a meal. She never had faith in something so uncertain to speak to it. Even as a child, when the septons would make her, she only did it to satisfy them.

There was a time when one of the septons caught her rolling her eyes and called her Godless.

Nonetheless, Aenora simply bowed her head and listened.

"May the Mother smile down on this gathering with love. May the Smith mend the bonds that have been broke for far too long. And to Vaemond Velaryon, may the gods give him rest." Alicent spoke with her head bowed and eyes closed.

Aenora shifted her gaze from her silverware to Daemon who shook his head and rolled his eyes.

She couldn't help but to give an amused smile.

"This is an occasion for celebration, it seems. My grandsons, Max and Luke, will marry their cousins, Baela and Rhaena, further strengthening the bond between our houses. A toast to the young Princes... and their betrothed." Viserys said, raising his cup to the boys.

Everyone followed suit and raised their cups as well.

"Hear, hear!" Daemon smiled at his wife.

Aenora watched her brother, Aegon, lean and whisper something to Jacaerys. Obviously, it wasn't something too nice because Jace didn't even bother to say anything back.

"Let us toast as well Prince Jacaerys... the future Lord of the Tides." Viserys added.

Aegon everyone raised and sipped from their cups.

Aenora twirled the the ends of her hair in her fingers. For an whatever reason, she felt anxious.

When Daemon noticed her restlessness, he intertwined their hands, calming her.

The two watched as Viserys stood up. Curious as to what else he had to say.

"It both gladdens my heart and fills me with sorrow to see these faces around the table," he began. "The faces most dear to me in all the world... yet grown so distant from each other... in the years past."

Viserys reached for the gold mask that covered half his face, and took it off. He looked around the table, revealing his missing eye and the hole in his cheek.

Aeva and Daena tried to hide the disgust that crept onto their faces, but eventually just had to look away.

Daemian thought it was... sort of... impressive. Mostly because he didn't know a person could live with holes in one's head.

Jaelyx, Rhaemax, and Rhaenys were the only ones out of Aenoras children who could hold a straight face while looking at their grandsire.

Aenora bit her tongue and squeezed Daemons hand at the sight of her father. At that moment she hated herself for the way she felt. To her, it was terrifying.

"My own face... is no longer a handsome one... if indeed it ever was. But tonight... I wish you to see me, as I am. Not just a king... but your father. You brother. Your husband... and your grandsire. Who may not, it seems... walk for much longer among you." Viserys said, in a sorrowful tone.

Aenoras heart broke hearing him say what she already knew. She did not let any tears fall, but she couldn't hide the sadness on her face.

"Let us no longer hold ill feelings in our hearts," he continued. "The crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided. But set aside your grievances, if not for the sake of the crown... the for the sake of this old man, who loves you all so dearly."

Viserys slowly fell back into his chair.

Rhaenyra quickly stood up with her cup in her hand.

"I wish to raise my cup to Her Grace, the Queen. I love my father. But I must admit that no one has stood... more loyally by his side than his hood wife. She has tended to him with... unfailing devotion, love, and honor. And for that she has my gratitude, as Im also sure has Aenoras. And our apologies," Rhaenyra said.Β 

Aenora looked at Rhaenyra, then to Alicent. She rose her cup slightly, as if saying she agreed. But of course, she did not. She only did it to seem polite.

Never has Rhaenyra spoken for Aenora, and Aenora did not like that she did. To be quite frank, it annoyed her.

But her father wished for them to all get along, so she let it go.

"Your graciousness moves me deeply, Princess." Alicent spoke genuinely. "We three are mothers, and we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes allow."

Alicent looked at Aenora. To Aenoras surprise, she seemed sincere.

Aenora would not make any toasts or verbally apologize, but she did give her a small, almost invisible, smile.

"I raise my cup to you both and to your house. You will make a fine queen," Alicent told Aenora.

Once again, everyone drank from their cups.

"That almost seemed real," Daemon whispered to Aenora.

She chuckled then whispered back, "Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't."

"Only time will tell," Daemon said.

Aenora was picking at her food when Jacaerys slammed his hands against the table, gaining everyone's attention.

Jacaerys stared at Aemond for a moment, causing him to also stand up. Aenora could see the boy thinking... debating. The brunette Prince backed down, and gave a friendly hit to Aegons shoulder.

"Seven hells," Aenora said to herself.Β 

Aenora looked to her son, Daemian, who was sitting a chair away from Jacaerys. But Daemian did not look back, he was instead staring at Aemond.

Daemian was almost waiting for Aemond to make any sort of threatening movement. He and Jacaerys were close, best friends Rhaenyra would say. He, and his passion for violence, wouldn't let anything happen.

Especially, because Daemian knew Jace wasn't the best fighter.

"To Prince Aegon and Prince Aemond. We have not seen each other in years, but I have fond memories of our shared youth. And as men, I hope we may yet be friends and allies. To you and your family's good health, dear uncles." Jacaerys toasted.

"To you as well," Aegon said reluctantly.

Helaena was the next to stand.

"I would like to toast to Baela and Rhaena. They'll be married soon..." She paused, "it isn't so bad. Mostly he just ignores you... except sometimes when he's drunk."

Daemon laughed at Helaenas words.

"Let us have some music," Viserys ordered.

The dinner went on, and again everyone talked to each other.

Aenora moved her food from one end of the plate to another, she was a bit nauseous. The food didn't look too appealing, and the sight of her fathers face had yet to leave her mind.

"Daemian was almost ready to throw one of his knives into Aemonds only eye," Daena whispered to her father and giggled.

Daemon simply smiled and shook his head.

Daemian was good at throwing knives. Most of the time he didn't even have to look to hit his target.

"Are you happy Aenora?" Viserys turned to his daughter.

She looked at him and smiled, "Of course I am. I am eating dinner with the people I love and I am here with you."

"Good. That makes me very happy." Viserys held her hand, "I love you, Aenora. All I've ever wanted was for you to be happy. I can go peacefully now, knowing that you have that, my daughter. All I ask is that you be a good queen."

"For you, father. I will do my absolute best," Aenora promised.

Viserys wanted to tell Aenora so much more, but he didn't have the strength. He wanted to tell her how much she looked like her mother, how beautiful her children had become, and how proud he was of her.

He hoped that she already knew that.

Aenora sat back in her chair, reminiscing on her childhood. All the good and bad memories she had with her father. There were times when he hurt her, but he loved her unconditionally.

It took everything in her body to stop her from breaking down and begging him not to die. To just stay for awhile long. But she knew that no matter how hard she begged, it wouldn't work. Even a king can't stop the inevitable.

It wasn't long before the guards were called to take Viserys back to his chamber due to his painful groans.

Aenora stood with everyone else and watched them carry her father out. She knew that would be the last she ever saw of him.

Everyone quickly went back to their conversations and dancing, but Aenora stared at the door, trying to make peace with death.

Her daze was soon broken by Aemond hitting his hands against the table.

Everyone's focus was on the one eyed Prince.

"Final tribute." Aemond stood, "To the health of my nephews: Jace... Luke... and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise... strong."

"Aemond," Alicent quickly said.

Aenora looked between her nephews, both held very different expressions.

"Come... let us drain our cups to theses three... Strong boys." Aemond taunted.

"I dare you to say that again," Jacaerys challenged.

Daemons gaze quickly shifted to Daemian, who was watching intensely.

"Why? Twas only a compliment," Aemond began walking towards Jace.

Both, Daemian and Rhaenys were quick to step in.

Rhaenys had been watching Aegon, who was doing the same as his brother. Only he was silently taunting her two cousins.

Daemian allowed Jacaerys to punch Aemond, before pushing him behind him.

Everyone stood up and all three mothers went to collect their children.

Rhaenys grabbed Aegons hand and whispered to him, "I will make you a twin to your brother, only I will take your right eye."

Aegon backed down rather quickly once he saw the small knife the girl hid in her hand.

Daemian grinned at Aemond. "Try it," he said in a bone chilling tone.

"Enough," was all Aenora had to say to make her children fall behind her.

Aenora watched Aemond rip his arm from Alicents.

"Mm, though it seems my nephews aren't quite as proud of theirs." Aemond said.

Jacaerys attempted to lunge at Aemond again, but this time he was stopped by Rhaemax stepping in front of him.

"Go to your chambers, now." Aenora spoke to her children in Valyrian.

They did as they were told, also pushing Jacaerys, Luke, Baela and Rhaena out with them.

Daemon stood in front of Aenora, staring at Aemond.

Aemond tried to hold the stare, but eventually he broke it and walked out.

Both Daemon and Aenora followed all of the children out.

As Aenora and her husband walked, she let out a small laugh.

"What?" Daemon looked at her.

"Did you hear Rhaenys?" Aenora grinned

"She should've. I didn't get to see it the first time," he said, referring to when Luke cut out Aemonds left eye.

"I was just telling Daemian this earlier, they all got your temper." Aenora stated.

"Are you sure it's not yours? Aeva told me you threatened to feed Ali-cunt to Vyr," Daemon smiled at her.

"I did not threaten her. I told her I could, there's a difference." She explained.

"Right," he rolled his eyes.

Aenoras smile faltered, "Anyways. I don't want to be here tonight. Have a ship readied. I will take Max, Alex, and Aeva to our dragons."

"Why don't you want to be here?" Daemon question, genuinely curious.

"I just don't," Aenora said.


i'm not having ANY mercy for the next chapter. nope nope. hope y'all are ready.

love you <3

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