"Hey, the name's Gyulmi. Woo Gyulmi," non-hesitantly the giddy voice could be heard accompanied by a mutter of something along the line of 'classic'. The girl sighed, although doing it as more of a statement to focus the attention on her instead of showcasing some form of exasperation, "You know, this already feels really freeing, being able to talk without being screeched out to shut up. Guys if there's anything you need to know about me, it's that I am funny, don't let anyone tell you differently, it's important to stay true to your values."
"Well, here I am, missed me? Shucks, what's the point in asking, the question's obviously rhetorical because who wouldn't miss this?" she flexed her arms as she finished her question, surprisingly showing a decent amount of muscle. "If you're watching this then you surely must have some sort of idea of my past, or maybe you guys are fresh meat or whatever. I'd say watch Seeia's video before this, she'll get down into all the educational things you have to know. I'm starting to think of making two my new lucky number, guys," she stated, quickly adapting to a sense of familiarity with the camera as she flicked from topic to topic, "I mean, I'm always second for release-related things since I'm the second oldest and my birthdays on the twelfth so I must just be destined with the number two. Don't worry though, you guys will always be my number one."
Gyulmi basked in the silence for a few moments, her right eyebrow raised in some variation of anticipation mixed with arrogance, "I'm just too good. Moving on, maybe I should talk more about myself instead of assuming. So basically, you guys might recognize me from Produce 48, or you stalked me and only found out recently but whatever floats your boat, I guess. I'm here right now so it's sort of implied I didn't make it to the final line up and we don't have to get into what my final ranking was," she huffed loudly, shaking her head to further emphasize the story she was telling, "but, you know what people say, there's always a rainbow at the end of a storm, and KQ was the rainbow which leads me to the pot of gold which is you guys, plus my members!"
Her facial expression flashed into one of mortification as her eyes looked deeper into the camera, staring it down as she lifted her finger as if scolding herself, 'No! No more flirting, I'll lead that to the lovebirds of the group. Tweet," her face fell into her hands in embarrassment, "Not my best one, I'll admit."
"Back onto my life story, after I went MIA once Produce 48 ended, I took a small break from training to soul search," she breathed in deeply, quickly standing up to perform a variation of some yoga move she picked up on during her said 'soul-searching' "Well, after that, I moved back onto searching for a company so I could debut and, to put it shortly, I think I may be black listed from a few companies, I guess my humor doesn't agree with some people. That doesn't matter now though since KQ found me and here I am. Good things really do happen to good people."
"So anyways, the rest of my story is a bit obvious, I trained and now I'm here. I got so happy when our concept changed, I mean I'm a huge fan of Halloween, or what I call gyulween, and all things horror related so debuting in the spooky season just touched my heart," she quite literally placed a hand on her heart as she spoke, "On the note of Halloween," she winked quickly, "What's everybody dressing up as, and don't start with the whole 'you're too old to dress up', boo to you, literally, it will never get old. I feel like we need to do a group costume as Acedia, but what things have seven? Maybe the seven dwarfs, King Henry, and his six wives, or is that insensitive? There really aren't that many options for us, maybe Winx club?"
"Guys, choosing a costume is stressful so I'll move on. Oh! I forgot to say, but I represent the sin of Gluttony which I accept with pride since I'm a huge foodie. I'm allergic to most seafood so my goal in life is to overcome those so I can say I've eaten every single food in the world, well t for some, I'm not gross. I should have some variety show called 'Gyulmi vs food'," She looked up and spread her hands apart to show her vision.
She interlocked her hands together, trying to appear professional as she proceeded onto another topic, "Now, about my solo, you guys can call me some reincarnation or modern-day form of Shakespeare since I wrote it all by myself. I'll give you some time to applaud," as she said, she waited several moments where in she stared at the camera before continuing, "My song has the sort of vibe from like an early 2000s movie which fits my concept since I was born in the year 2000! The song's called 'Beauty Full' and it's about unapologetically living your life as you are without looking at yourself through some jaded lens, instead just accepting and finding fun within that. It isn't that rap heavy which I decided to do since I'll be rapping in the majority of Acedia's songs."
"Speaking about Acedia's songs," she does a mini drum roll as she speaks, "We're debuting with a full album which we all can't wait for! We wrote and composed most of the songs which played a part in why we're debuting with a full album. Most of the songs have a pretty dark vibe to them, but there are a few more upbeat songs sprinkled throughout! As for my favorite song, I'm not sure about the order of the tracks but it has two words, and its initials, I guess, are H.M. That's all you can know, for now, guys," she loudly shushed the viewers as she finished, looking the camera up and down in mock warning."
"This is getting awkward now, I don't even know what to say so let's move on to some more interesting topics, why don't we? I can play two instruments, piano and guitar. I've played piano for more years than I can count on both my hands and I'm not even going to start the conversation about toes, I know there are creeps out there. I'd like to involve piano in one of our songs one day, in our album there are a few songs with subtle piano elements but I mean a full-on piano solo like Mozart. I feel like I resemble so much 'celebrities'," she sighed before preparing to list them off, "First there's Shakespeare, then Mozart and I like Ailee so I'll just slip her in there, don't get mad at me guys, you know you'd do the same thing if you were me. So, I guess my new name is Gyulmi-Shakespeare-Mozart-Ailee Woo. I'll only be addressed by my proper mame now guys."
"So, I'm glad we've established that so we can move on to whatever I feel like talking about next! Let's just switch back to the topic of Halloween, I have a personal mission for myself where much like how there's a big countdown to Christmas where you have advent calendars and get chocolate or something, during the countdown for Halloween, I watch a horror movie, or just a 'scary', movie during every day of October. Will I get jumped or sued if I mention movie names? Hmm, guys, I'm a rebel now so I'll just go for it. I watched 'The Shining' the other day which wasn't that scary, just a lot of screaming, but it was good. Oh, I watched 'Halloween' too but I was just waiting for the mask to come off the whole time so I ended up getting bored. Then there are the classics like the 'Scream' movies, I personally think the first one can't be beaten but still good."
"I really need to make a career out of my opinions, guys, let me give you some advice, never do anything for free. No matter the situation I'm sure you can make some sort of profit from it. Let me just add philosopher onto my list of careers."
After a few seconds of silence, in which Gyulmi silently reconsidered her career path, she spoke up once more, "How long does this even have to be? I feel like there has to be some sort of word count. I mean, they just left me in this room, told me to talk to the camera, and then left. Tough love, I guess. So I think I need to end this here, I can't give too much up about myself, being mysterious sounds fun. Well, bye guys, love you and see you later," with another frantic wave, the video ended.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
a / n : i'm sleep deprived so ignore mistakes once again ๐งโโ๏ธ
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