━━ ❛ 𝒑𝒖𝒛𝒛𝒍𝒆 𝒑𝒊𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒔 ❜

chapter no. 003!

❝ LIMBO. ❞

     THERE WERE PAPERS AND FILES STREWN ALL OVER THE TABLE IN THE CENTER OF THE CONFERENCE ROOM OF THE VANCOUVER POLICE DEPARTMENT. Two glass boards were set up in the back of the room with photographs, maps, and notes taped and scribbled on them. To the normal eye, the room would simply look messy and unorganized, but to the FBI, this room was organized chaos.

     "Reid, what is it? I can see the wheels spinning in your head." Morgan said, nodding at Spencer, who was shuffling various papers on the table.

     "So spake the' Apostate Angel, though in pain," Spencer announced, and Rossi raised a brow. "In 1667, John Milton wrote the poem Paradise Lost, which is widely regarded as the greatest epic poem in the history of English writing. The poem was released in ten volumes and tells the story of how Satan tempted Adam and Eve, and ultimately got them expelled from the Garden of Eden. However, some people believe that the poem was actually a timetable of rebellious stories about Satan and how he was punished by God. This also leads some to believe that the subject of the poem is about the downfall of man himself; how God justifies his actions to men."

     JJ shook her head, crossing her arms. "Where are you going with this, Spence?" she asked slowly.

     "How did the Red Scorpions originally get their name into the headlines? How did the world find out about them?" Spencer followed up, quirking a brow at the rest of the team.

     "After the Surrey Six killings," Blake said, her eyes lighting up.

     "Yes," Spencer smiled, pointing at Blake as he walked over to the two glass boards, a photograph in hand. "The Surrey Six murders were carried out in Balmoral Tower in 2007. Corey Lal was the main target while the other five were considered to be collateral damage. After Lal was murdered, execution-style, the other five victims were killed to eliminate the chance of there being any potential witnesses to the murder. Cody Haevischer was accused of being the one behind the killings, but it wasn't until May of 2008 that the Vancouver Sun revealed that the murders were tied to the Red Scorpions gang." He placed a photograph of Balmoral Tower on one of the boards, looking back at everyone. "The Red Scorpions are known for their well-organized drug trafficking system and their value of respect and loyalty. The leaders of the gang were attempting to extort $100,000 from Corey Lal and when he didn't pay, they ordered him killed. When Lal was ultimately murdered, he was killed execution-style with one of his knees bent forward as if he were kneeling down to his assailant.

     "Kneeling is considered by Christians to be a respectful way of honoring their creator and many do it while praying. I believe that the Surrey Six was a representation of how Milton used the theme of God justifying his actions to men in Paradise Lost." Spencer paused, feeling somewhat out of breath from speaking so quickly as he met the eyes of his co-workers.

     Hotch furrowed his brows. "But the gang doesn't have any religious affiliations," he pointed out, and the brown-haired man nodded in agreement.

     "They don't, but Paradise Lost could be what influenced them to kill Corey Lal and the others execution-style. It would explain the kneeling and what Cara said in the interrogation room to Morgan and Rossi," he explained before looking back over at the boards. "Cara said "So spake the' Apostate Angel, though in pain,"—it's a line from the poem. In book one, the reader is reminded that Satan is not happy about his fall from Heaven and states that his only goal from that point on is to be evil. Satan conspires with one of the other fallen angels from Heaven, Beelzebub, and they talk about how they will war against God. The line is talking about how God already knows this and what's going to happen with this war.

     "Cara never moved her eyes once throughout the interrogation yet she finally moved them to check the time. It was two o'clock when she checked the time. In the poem, it's revealed that Hell is divided into two circles: there's Limbo and then there's Hell. The word limbo means an uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution or an intermediate state or condition. So, if Paradise Lost is influencing the Red Scorpions in any sort of way, I believe that we are in limbo. The line that Cara said comes a few lines after the reveal of the two circles. She checked the time right before she recited that line. We are here, right now, because we are waiting for her to give us information, and waiting for the Red Scorpions to make a move. We are in an uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution. Thus, limbo.

     "Additionally, the members of the Red Scorpions view themselves as God—all-knowing. Right now, they know how this war is going to end." Spencer concluded, and everyone took a moment to digest what he had said.

     It made perfect sense. Every word.

     "So... say that Paradise Lost is influencing them and we are in Limbo right now, that means Hell is the next circle to come," JJ stated somewhat confidently, hoping that she had understood everything correctly.

     "Yes, it does mean that," Spencer said quietly as his mind trailed off to the mysterious blonde down the hall.

     "We need to get her to talk to us," Hotch stated firmly after a few moments of silence between the team.

     Morgan sighed. "How, Hotch? She won't answer any of our questions. All she's doing is playing games with us. She knows how this is going to end too. She knows what she needs to do in order to pull off whatever it is that they're planning. Nothing we say will get her to confide in us." He said exasperatedly.

     The Unit Chief didn't bother responding; he knew Morgan was right. Nothing they said would get her to open up. Nothing they said would be something she hadn't heard before.

     "I think I can get her to talk to us," Spencer said suddenly, and everyone looked over at him.

     Rossi shook his head, "Reid, it's not going to—" 

     "Just let me try."

     Raising a brow, Morgan tilted his head to the side slightly. "What are you going to say that she hasn't already heard?" he asked, noticing that there was a slight glow in Boy Wonder's eyes that he had only ever seen once before.

     "Just let me try," Spencer repeated again.

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