20. stick with those who love you unconditionally
[ a/n; what the frick these chapters are so long, i spend so long on them TT ]
If you were to call Park a lazy space case, she wouldn't deny it. She liked to sleep in late, or as long as her sleeping meds would let her. Today she woke up early, and ended up meeting Endou on the way to school - that's when they found Kazemaru at the riverbank.
Now, classes were almost over for the day. Park was half asleep at her desk, so lost in the clouds that she didn't even hear the last bell ring.
"Sleeping in class again." Kazemaru sighed as he packed his things. He sat right behind the girl, so if anyone were to know she was half asleep - it'd be him. In order to keep her from getting into trouble, he'd poke her with his pencil sometimes when the teacher wasn't looking. She seemed to always know who poked her and why they did, so she'd jolt back into a sitting position and pay attention. . . Well, until her eyelids became heavy again. It was strange, she never fully fell asleep, no matter how tired she was, but only Park knew that. To anyone else, she'd look knocked out.
"Park, wake up. We need to get to practice." Kazemaru reached a hand out and gently shook the girl's shoulder.
"Huh?" Park slowly raised her head, looking at Kazemaru with tired eyes. "Right, practice. Thank you for reminding me." She mustered a smile equally as tired as her eyes, and stood up from her seat. She grabbed her things and followed Kazemaru out of the classroom.
During practice, Kazemaru and Gouenji continued working on Hoono no Kazamidori. Meanwhile, Park worked on her currently nameless hissatsu that just wouldn't come together.
Park made a clean corkscrew kick against the ball, sending it careening towards Endou - who managed to catch it just fine. With each kick, Park was becoming more and more discouraged despite Endou's praise and support. It was just then that Natsumi received a call from her butler Batora, who let her know her father was caught in an accident, and sent to the hospital. Park wanted to go to support her, but Endou encouraged her to stay behind to help Kazemaru and Gouenji.
"But- How am I supposed to help?" Park furrowed her brows as she asked the team captain.
"Strengthen up your Daybreak-"
"It's Daebak."
"Right, Daebak!" Endou corrected himself. "Keep trying to protect the goal. We'll be okay!"
". . . Natsumi, I wish you the best of luck." Park quickly took Natsumi's hands into her own for a moment. The brown haired girl nodded, eyes glassy with tears.
"Thank you." Natsumi nodded her head only once. Afterwards, she, Kino and Endou ran the entire way to the hospital.
"Park! Ready?" Kazemaru raised a hand, calling out to the girl. She swiftly scampered to a spot in front of the goal, and took a deep breath to try and calm her nerves. She didn't like standing in front of the goal without Endou behind her. Daebak was meant to be an assist, and not a full on block. Although, training it a little harder would make it even stronger, so she didn't refuse Endou's idea.
It seems like Kazemaru was in a better mental state, because each time he and Gouenji would use Hoono no Kazamidori - it would fly straight on towards the goal. Park was glad.
The white haired girl didn't seem scared of any shot that came flying towards her, nonethless this one. Each time they made the shoot, she used her Daebak and tried to stop it with all her strength. More often than not, the ball would still make it into the goal, although she did manage to stop it a very small amount of times. It took a lot out of her, she was much more exhausted than Kazemaru and Gouenji.
During the team introductions for the Nationals, Raimon gathered up together to hear Endou's little pep talk.
"This is it guys! We've come this far, so let's give it all we got!" The captain slammed a fist into his palm. "Kabeyama! You have to go the bathroom!?"
"I already went!" Kabeyama chimed in.
"Park-chan! You gotta chug a Pepsi!?"
"Already had one this morning!"
"We're ready to go, then!" Endou cheered.
The first match for the Nationals was only half an hour away. Natsumi sent a heartfelt message to Kino, who read it out for the entire team. It was enough encouragement to get Park to put on her game face. She wasn't fully confident in her abilities, but she would do her absolute best today.
Everyone was kicking the ball about for a warmup before the match started. Handa passed the ball to Park, who made an back pass to Someoka without batting a lash. the pass connected perfectly. The boy continued on further until he came face to face with Kabeyama - who seemed to be growing in size. Startled, Someoka booted the ball over to Park. She was confused, but managed to receive the pass anyway. The whitette shot the ball towards the goal, and Endou caught it.
"Good work you guys! That pass was perfect, Park-chan! And Kabeyama, that defense had a lot of spirit behind it!" Endou called out to the two. Both Kabeyama and Park blushed a little. Just as Endou tossed the ball out, a silhouette suddenly appeared and stole it with ease.
"Who the heck are you!?" Endou shouted.
It was a boy with orange-brown eyes, and small eyebrows. He was wearing a purple kit, so clearly he was from the opposing team - but unlike Park, Endou didn't seem to notice that.
"I have no reason to tell you." The boy glanced at Endou from over his shoulder.
"What?" Endou furrowed his brows.
"So rude!" Park huffed. She didn't like seeing her friends be disrespected.
The boy kicked the ball that he just stole over to Gouenji, who caught it while frowning.
"Gouenji Shuuya." The brown-eyed boy pointed at the blonde. "Fight me."
"What. . . ?" Gouenji was not impressed in the slightest.
The mystery boy introduced himself only when Gouenji asked. His name was Kirigakure Saiji, and he was from Sengoku Igajima, the team Raimon was facing today. He proceeded to ask Gouenji to join in his little test of who was better, but Gouenji refused, saying it was bothersome. At this, Park burst out laughing.
"Park!" Kazemaru swat the back of the girl's head.
"Aiya!" Park brought her hands to where he hit her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh!" She whined.
"Running away? Scardey cat!?" Kirigakure was easily irritated by Gouenji's refusal.
"Scardey cat!?" Endou piped up from his place at the goal.
"I'm not talking to you!" Kirigakure shot back.
"You think I'll just sit back and allow you to insult my teammates? We'll accept your stupid challenge!"
Park felt her heart sink a little. She didn't want to sit back either, but she wasn't as bold as Endou was. She wished she could stand up and fight for her friends, just like how he did. . . Although, Endou seemed to be making someone else do the challenge rather than doing it himself.
"Calm down Endou. We shouldn't bother with them." Kazemaru wasn't interested in the little showdown, but that was until he saw Miyasaka in the crowd. He changed his mind instantly. ". . . I'm the fastest one here. I'll do it."
"Kazemaru. . ." Endou paused for a second before pouting. "You just said not to bother with them."
The challenge was simple. Dribble the ball down half the field, turn, and dribble it back. The person to reach the finish line first, was the winner. Kazemaru put up a good fight, but it was still possible to see he was lagging behind Kirigakure. In the end, there was no winner, because two more player from Sengoku Igajima appeared and stole each ball. They convinced Kirigakure to cut it out, and the boy didn't seem to have any protests.
"I'll remember your name." Kirigakure glanced at Kazemaru. ". . . Fujimaru." At that, he left. We all know he said the wrong name on purpose.
"It's Kazemaru!" The teal haired boy retorted.
At that, the little showdown was over, and the real match was beginning. The whistle was blown, and Raimon was given the kickoff.
Right at the start of the game, Kirigakure intercepted a pass, and stole the ball. He made a shot towards the goal, but Endou managed to catch it just fine.
"Park-chan, carry it up!" Endou passed the ball to the white haired girl, who gave him a determined nod. She received the ball with ease, and began dribbling it forward. Sengoku Igajima players fast, much faster than her, so she had to find another way to get around them. She racked her brain for an answer, and finally came to the conclusion that passes needed to connect as quickly as possible.
Kirigakure was approaching her swiftly, so she kicked the ball into the air, jumped and made a clean yet powerful kick at the ball. The ninja player jumped to try and stop it with a header, but the kick was too high and fast for him to make it in time.
"Handa!" Park called out to the ball. The pass made it to him with no problem. Although the opposing team used a Hissatsu Tactic, and managed to steal the ball again.
The match wasn't one sided, but Raimon's every advance was shut down almost instantly. Park always managed to carry the ball up and connect a pass, but the ball was always stolen or stopped. The defenders used Shikofumi to stop Gouenji and Handa from getting any further. The goalkeeper used Tsumiji - a whirlwind - to stop Dragon Tornado. A middlefielder used Bunshin Feint to pass Domon. Kum no Ito - a spiders web - was used to stop Kabeyama and Gouenji from using the Inazuma Otoshi.
Frustrated, Kazemaru left his spot at the defense line to use Hoono no Kazamidori with Gouenji, but an opposing player used Kagenui - a shadow technique - to make Kazemaru fall over.
The defense line was one person short, so Kirigakure used this moment to make a shoot. he used Tsuchidaruma, a hissatsu that send the ball towards the goal, rolling into a larger ball of dirt with every passing second. The ball then burst out of the dirt at Kirigakure's signal.
"Captain, let me help!" Park slid herself in front of the goal. She used her signature Daebak, and managed to weaken the shot. Afterwards, Endou caught the ball just fine - or at least that's what it looked like. In reality, Endou caught the ball at an awkward angle and ended up injuring his wrist.
The match went on for a little while longer, until halftime was called.
It was then that Kazemaru noticed Endou's injury. Kino treated it instantly and wrapped it up nice and tight. Hopefully it wouldn't get any worse.
"I want everyone to help support Gouenji, Kazemaru, and Park-chan." Endou spoke up, catching the girl off guard.
"Huh? Why me?" Park pointed at herself in confusion.
"You've been working hard on that hissatsu of yours. I know you can do it! Score us a goal this match! Your first goal!" Endou piped up, a bright smile on his face. Park didn't believe that she could do it, but she had to do it anyways.
"I'll do my best." Park nodded, an uneasy look on her face.
"We can do this." Kazemaru placed a hand on her shoulder. "Endou has been protecting us for all this time. Now it's out turn to protect him. Right?"
"Right!" Everyone chimed.
"Everyone. . . Thank you!" Endou tried not to cry a river of happy tears, that'd be to embarrassing.
The second half started off again. Kazemaru paused for a moment, looking at his team. Something about soccer was different from just running races, or doing relay. In soccer, he had so many people he could depend on, and so many people who trusted him. He had so many people to look to in his time of need. He loved this team with all his heart, even though it hadn't been such a long time that he was with them. Although, he knew they felt the same. They all treated him as an equal.
"From one ball. . . My feelings are conveyed to everyone. And I know everyone's feelings too. . . Their pain. Their joy."
Kazemaru's amber eyes trailed off to where Park was. The white haired girl smiled, giving him a nod of approval. This made him smile just the slightest bit.
"That's why I love soccer."
"Igajima soccer style formation: Full Moon Formation!" As this was said by a player from the opposing team, Sengoku Igajima's player began running forward in the formation of an arrow head pointing straight ahead. As they ran, a drill of earth formed around them, and they broke past the defenses of all the middle fielders, leaving Kirigakure with the ball.
Kazemaru wouldn't let Kirigakure get any further without a fight, so he ran straight towards the boy and tried to steal the ball. Kirigakure practically toyed with him. They two shuffled around for a while, as Kirigakure kept the ball out of Kazemaru's reach, before an afterimage of him was created - and Kirigakure slipped past with the ball.
Park felt her blood boil. They were messing around with her dear friends and she hated to sit back and see it all happen. She hated it.
"I'm not done yet!" Kirigakure made a strong shoot, heading straight towards Kabeyama.
"Kabeyama! You can stop it!" Park called out to the boy, who panicked, but soon found his courage.
Kabeyama formed a wall from behind himself, stopping the ball from getting any further. Although the ball bounced back, right towards Kirigakure again. He used his Tsuchidaruma once more, sending the ball towards the goal. Kazemaru stood in front of it, but it went right past him. Endou used his god hand, in a desperate attempt to stop it from making a goal. Although with his injury, it proved to be harder than he thought. The ball broke past, but just in the nick of time, Kazemaru jumped into the way and stopped it with the side of his foot.
"Park, help me bring it up!" Kazemaru called out to the girl, who perked up, and nodded. The two of them ran forward with the ball, running the entire field together.
Each time someone would try to steal the ball, Kazemaru would either slip past them, or pass the ball to Park - who would do the same, and pass it back to Kazemaru.
A defender attempted to use his spider web hissatsu, but Kazemaru completely outran it, with sheer speed. In the end, Kazemaru and Gouenji finally got to use Hoono no Kazamidori, and it blasted into the goal. The score was now one to zero.
"Damn it! I can't let these losers beat me!" Kirigakure clenched his teeth, balling his hands into fists until his knuckles became white. "I have to do better."
Sengoku Igajima's counter attack consisted of the Full Moon Formation, but instead of stopping at the defense line, they went even further. They knocked back everyone in their way, before finally stopping. At this point, Park and Kazemaru were on the ground and couldn't get up in time to try and help.
Kirigakure used his Tsuchidaruma yet again, which was met with Endou's God Hand, but to no avail. The ball broke past the golden hand and flung into the goal. Just like that, the score was tied.
"Sorry guys. . ." Endou looked at the ball he just let in, and felt a pang of guilt in his chest. "If only I didn't hurt my stupid wrist."
"It's okay, we'll win that point back." Kazemaru mustered an encouraging smile for the boy. "Right, Park?" He looked at the white haired girl.
Park was in the midst of helping Endou up. She hesitantly looked at the boy.
". . . Right." She smiled gently. "Let's win that point back."
Raimon started off with the ball, and Gouenji kicked off to Someoka. Park and Kazemaru exchanged a look before both running ahead.
"I'll be right back, Captain!" Park called out to the boy as she left.
"Sure!" Endou didn't seem to realize what just happened - and then it hit him. "Wait- where are you going!?"
Once everyone was far enough, Gouenji passed the ball back to Kazemaru. Kirigakure tried to back him into a corner, but the boy chipped the ball into the air - which was easily received by Park.
The white haired girl heaved a deep breath. She had to make this one in. For Kazemaru. For her team. For her family back home, watching her on the television so intently. She was sick of being weak and sticking back, watching everyone do the work. She was sick of waiting for her chance, so this time, she was going to take it.
Park stood a good distance from in front of the goal. She stomped on the ball to give it some height, which in turn, turned the entire field into a vast white void. Everything was white. The sky, the grass, the players, and the audience. It was almost as if time itself had slowed down to a stop. The goalkeeper was surrounded by mirrors, all of them holding a reflection of his own, terrified expression.
Once the ball was at a good height, Park made a clean, strong corkscrew kick against it. As she kicked it, there was a blinding light. The ball was sent careening at high speeds towards the goal. The ball shattered every mirror image, and flew right past the keeper before he even had a chance to react. . .
". . . D-did I do it?" Park landed gracefully in the grass, as everything turned back to normal. She blinked her eyes.
The whistle blew.
Raimon was victorious.
At the end of the match, when the sun was setting, Kazemaru and Miyasaka had a little talk. Miyasaka seemed to understand why Kazemaru was so conflicted about leaving the team. It wasn't until Miyasaka left, that Park appeared from behind one of the walls.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop." The white haired girl let out a small laugh.
"It's okay." Kazemaru chuckled as well. "What are you doing here? Isn't it about time for us all to get home? You're not running away from your parents, are you?" He jested. Although that joke of his hurt a lot more than it should have. Even still, Park still had that sweet smile on her face.
"Um. . . No, I'm not running away." The girl muttered. "I just wanted to see if you were alright."
"Me?" Kazemaru felt touched. "Of course I'm alright."
"You did really amazing today. . ." Park's gaze lifted from the ground, to the boy in front of her. "I'm proud of you."
The teal haired boy paused for a moment. He hadn't hard those words in so long, so it really meant a lot to him. Especially hearing them from her.
"I'm proud of you too." Kazemaru returned her words, with a gentle smile on his face. "Come on. Let's get home. I'll walk you."
"Walk me? Like a dog?" Park piped up.
"I didn't mean it like that, silly." Kazemaru laughed. He reached a hand out to pat the girl on the head, but quickly came to a stop. "Uh- may I?"
"Huh? Oh, sure." Park didn't seem to mind, despite how awkward this was. Kazemaru ended up petting the girl on the head. This put a tiny smile on his face, he was satisfied with that alone.
"Okay, let's go before it gets dark." He pulled his hand back and began walking.
Like a dog, she followed behind him.
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