The last few days have been hard on the team, all depressed about the training simulation and nobody has really shaken it away. Everyone is still feeling the effects.
It's Monday, meaning the twins, Conner, and Megan have to go to school. The twins have awoken in a dilemma. Spook dresses in as many layers as she can. Phantom is in shorts and a tanktop. They meet Megan and Conner in the kitchen.
"W-w-why is it so c-c-cold?" Vanessa asks, teeth chattering.
"Cold? It's so hoooot!" Rai complains.
"Are you two okay?" Megan asks. "It feels normal."
"Your lips are blue, Spook," Conner inquires.
"Th-they are?" she asks. "Jeez, I'm just so c-cold."
"I think I can see your breath when you speak," Rai says.
The four agreed to try and act normal during the school day as they didn't want any questions to arise as to why they look depressed. The training simulation hit everyone hard in all sorts of different ways. The past few days, Black Canary has had each member try to open up about it in therapy sessions, so far she's gotten no such luck.
Megan puts a hand to both their heads and quickly recoils her hands. "You're incredibly cold and hot to the touch!"
"In that case, you should stay home from school today," Conner says.
"I-I'd rather not m-miss class," Vanessa says.
"Yeah, Miss Perfect Attendance and Straight A's over here," Rai scoffs.
"It's not l-like you do the same thing," Vanessa huffs, shivering.
"If you... say so," Conner says.
Vanessa moves over to Rai and wraps her arms around him in an attempt to get warm. They even each other out and feel slightly better but not much.
"Let's get to the bus stop," Megan says.
They follow her out the cave, unbeknownst to the frozen and melted fruits on the counter. They walk to the bus stop to wait for the bus.
"Jeez, it's c-cold!" Vanessa says, wrapping her arms around herself.
"Are you sure you want to head to school?" Conner asks, concerned. "It's not too late to go back."
"I'm fine," Vanessa says, wrapping an arm around her brother's.
The bus arrives and they file onto it, getting dropped off at the school shortly after. They head to their lockers and drop off their stuff along with grabbing what they need then heading to homeroom.
"Whoa, Nyssa, you look... uh, warm?" Marvin comments.
"I-I'm f-freezing cold..." she replies.
"How? I'm burning up!" Rai says.
"It feels completely normal," Wendy says. "It's not too cold and not too hot."
"You must be freezing, your lips are blue," Marvin says. "I think I can even see your breath!"
"Maybe you should've stayed home from school today," Wendy says. "It looks like you might be coming down with something."
"I'm fine," Vanessa says.
"Dom, you look really sweaty," Karen, Mal's girl, says.
"I feel really... hot," Rai sighs.
"You are really hot..." Megan sighs dreamily. "I-I mean when I felt your forehead. You a-are burning up!"
"I can feel the heat radiating from you from here!" Marvin exclaims.
"You two must be coming down with something," Wendy says.
"What if it's some sort of twin disease!" Marvin shouts. "One gets hot and one gets cold!"
"Don't be-" Vanessa says, stopping to shiver and continues. "-ridiculous. I-I can handle a l-little chill."
"Good morning, class," Mr. Carr greets. "Let's take attendance before we get into it."
After a few classes it's time for gym.
"Mal and Conner, choose who you want on your teams," the coach says. "We're playing dodgeball."
"Awesome," Mal grunts.
Conner and Mal stand out in front of their classmates and play rock, paper, scissors to determine who gets to pick first. Conner wins, much to Mal's annoyance.
"Nyssa," Conner immediately says.
"Karen," Mal says.
Mal calls someone from his football team. Then Conner chooses Rai. They continue to choose until everyone is on a team. Mal's team quickly narrows down to just Mal, Karen, and a few of his fellow football players. Conner's team consists of Megan, the twins, Wendy, and Conner.
Conner gives Vanessa a smirk. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Take down Mal?" Vanessa responds.
He smirks in response as they both pick up a ball. Wendy gets out by one of the football players. Conner and Vanessa dodge the balls heading straight for them as they run up and lock eyes with Mal with grins spread across their faces. Conner pegs the ball at a speed that was a little too hard, throwing Mal back a few feet and getting out. Mal looks at Conner with shock written all over his face, who obviously underestimated Conner's strength. Vanessa shutters and stops to wrap her arms around herself causing her to get a ball in the stomach. She groans as she stomps over and sits out. Megan and Rai get the last few players, earning the win for Conner's team.
"Are you okay?" Conner asks, rushing over to Vanessa.
"I'm just c-cold," she stutters. "It's hard to play when I need to keep m-myself warm."
The class ends after a few more wins for Conner's team. The girls and boys split to the separate locker rooms and change back into their normal clothes. Megan and Vanessa head into the connecting bathrooms to transform out of their gym clothes. Vanessa didn't notice the frozen toilet behind her as she exits.
"That was fun," Megan says. "I like dodgeball."
"I love dodgeball!" Vanessa says.
"I'm good at it but I don't prefer to get hit with balls," Wendy says.
"That's what she said!" Vanessa giggles.
Wendy scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Real mature."
The three of them laugh as they're the last ones out the locker room, unknown to the completely frozen locker room behind them. The same goes for the boy's locker room, but the lockers have turned into a puddle of mush.
"How you holding up?" Megan asks Rai.
"Holding," Rai says, managing a smile. "I do feel a... little less hot."
"What about you?" Conner asks Vanessa.
"I feel a little less cold," she admits. "Not much though." She sighs. 'What about you two?'
'It's getting easier to fake it,' Megan telepathically responds.
'I'm managing,' Conner sighs.
Vanessa moves over to Rai to hold his hand. They slowly sorta even each other out.
"Ughh! I don't wanna go to math!" Marvin huffs. "We'll see you guys at lunch then." Wendy, Marvin, Mal, and Karen head off in a different direction.
"What do you think t-this is?" Vanessa asks her brother.
"I don't know, sorella," Rai responds, sweating profusely. "I hope this... isn't permanent."
"Nor do I, fratello," Vanessa sighs.
They head off to their next class, science. After science, it's time for lunch. Vanessa and Rai's conditions have grown worse. Vanessa's face has a blue tint and Rai's is turning red.
"Do you think this could've been caused because of the simulation?" Megan asks, head down. "This is all my fault."
"This isn't... your fault, M'gann," Rai says, panting slightly.
"It would make sense though," Megan sighs. "The way Spook looked... I just feel it has some kind of connection."
"You guys should head home," Conner says. "Your condition has gotten worse. Spook, your face has turned blue and Phantom, yours has turned red."
"The school d-day is halfway over," Vanessa says. "We c-can m-m-manage."
"If you say so," the Boy of Steel says.
It's lunch time and it's time to discover what delicious food Megan packed for the team today. They sit down at the 8-seated table. Mal, Karen, Wendy, Marvin, Conner, Megan, Rai, and Vanessa all sit down. The team opens up their lunches to see the food Megan packed.
"Wow!" Rai exclaims. "My favorite! You... know me so well, Megan."
She blushes in response as Conner and Vanessa thank her as well.
"You make all their lunches?" Marvin asks.
"Uh, yeah..." Megan admits shyly.
"That's so cool!" Marvin exclaims. "Do you like all live together or something?"
"Yeah, we're all f-foster kids," Vanessa quickly lies. "We l-live at the foster h-h-house."
"I didn't know that," Wendy says.
"We should totally come over sometime and hang out," Marvin says.
"No!" Conner shouts. "I mean, uh, how about we hang over at your place instead."
"Even better!" Marvin exclaims.
Vanessa picks up her sandwich and it freezes over. "What the?"
The same thing happens to Rai, but it turns to a crisp and disintegrates instead. "Aww, man!"
"Whoa," Karen says, eyeing the twins sandwiches. "You two weren't kidding."
"This is a serious... problem," Rai says, sweat dripping down his face. "If it's affecting... my eating, someone's going... to get hurt."
'Maybe we should contact the league,' Megan telepathically tells the team.
'It does seem to be becoming a problem,' Vanessa sighs, frost begins forming on her skin. "It's really c-c-c-cold..."
Suddenly the wall explodes and everyone gets blasted away. In comes a large robot crashing in with Green Lantern in turn. All the students scream and run out of the cafeteria, leaving the team. They make sure everyone is gone before they help Hal out with the robot. Megan turns green and into her uniform. The twins turn invisible then hide behind a table and transform without anyone noticing.
"What's happening?" Conner asks.
"Robot, attacking," Hal replies.
"We can... see that," Phantom says.
"What's wrong with you two?" Hal asks.
"D-don't know..." Spook chatters.
Miss Martian, Superboy, and Green Lantern destroy the robot before it causes anymore damage.
"Why do you two look like this?" GL asks.
"We think it's some kind of side effect from the training simulation," Megan says.
"No, we don't," Superboy corrects. "We believe it's some type of ghost sickness."
"We're f-fine," Spook pleads.
"I'm... just... really... hot..." Phantom says, falling to one knee and panting heavily.
Frost builds up around Spook's face as she becomes ice blue. "R-r-really c-c-cold..." She falls over into a fetal position, trying to keep herself as warm as possible.
"They need help!" Conner shouts.
"We don't know how to treat ghosts," GL says, looking at their appearances. He walks over, taking off a white glove to feel their foreheads. He quickly pulls it back. "I think I might know who could help though." He forms a platform underneath the twins and Superboy tags along. Miss Martian flies beside Green Lantern as they head toward the cave. They enter and head straight to the mission room. Hal sets them gently to the ground as he contacts the Watchtower. Batman appears on the screen.
"Hal? Why are you at the cave?" Batman asks.
"Robot destroyed Happy Harbor High School's cafeteria. Needs cleanup," Hal explains. "Anyway, the ghost twins have some kind of sickness. Spook is colder than absolute zero and Phantom is as hot as the sun."
"We can't run tests on them because they don't have any DNA to extract," Batman says.
"I believe they are gaining a new power," Hal says. "Could you contact Fire and Ice and tell them to come here."
"Understood," Batman says, disappearing off the screen.
"You think they are getting a new power?" Megan asks, looking at GL then to the twins curling up on the floor.
"Recognized: Fire, 25. Ice, 26."
Two women appear from the zeta-tube.
"You called?" the green-haired one says.
"Care to help someone with their powers?" Hal asks, walking up to greet them and pointing behind them at the ghosts on the floor. "I have to get back to what I do best, so see ya! Hope you two get better." He leaves through the zeta-tube.
"My what power," Ice says with a thick Norwegian accent, walking up to Spook and pressing a hand to her head. "She possesses much coldness. She has a core of ice."
"This one has a core of fire," Fire comments about Phantom.
"But, they're twins," Megan says. "They have all the same powers."
"Apparently not," Ice says. "We will take them somewhere to train them to control these powers."
"I want to go with," Conner says.
"Me too," Megan joins.
"Very well," Ice says.
"Do you have a ship?" Fire asks, lifting Phantom effortlessly even though he is much bigger than her. He's a ghost though, so he doesn't really weigh anything. "Weightless..."
"Yes, I have my bioship," Megan says, heading in the direction of the hangar. "We can use her."
"Take us there," Fire says, following after Megan. "You should get dressed in warm clothes."
"Thermal wear is on the ship," Megan says.
Ice picks up Spook and they head to the hangar. They place the twins on beds in the medical bay of the ship. Everyone leaves to the front except Superboy, who stays behind to make sure the twins are okay though he can't really do anything if they get worse.
Spook turns toward Conner. "Don't w-worry, I-I'll—w-we'll b-be o-kay."
"I believe you, but that doesn't make me any less worried," Conner says, sitting beside her bed which is slowly beginning to get covered by ice.
Spook gives a small smile. "Does th-the Krypt-tonian f-finally c-care for s-someo-one?"
"Don't joke at a time like this," Conner scoffs. "This might not even be a new power. Maybe you're actually passing on or something?"
Spook gives a weak chuckle. "I'm n-not going a-anywhere a-anytime s-s-soo-on."
With a sigh, Superboy gets up to head to change into something a little warmer.
"F-Fratello?" Spook calls out. "You d-don't think w-we're t-turning f-f-full g-ghost d-do you?"
"I... hope not..."
Superboy returns in a long sleeve version of his black shirt. "I believe we're heading to the arctic."
"Great!" Phantom cheers. "Uh, sorry... sorella..."
Spook groans in response. After a while they arrive in the arctic and land. Everyone comes into the medical bay.
"You need to release your powers," Fire says. "You've had these powers for a very long time, but you never released any of it so it's building up inside of you. Once you release it, you won't feel hot or cold anymore."
"At least that's what we believe," Ice says. "Can you stand?"
"I'm surprised... I'm still awake..." Phantom pants.
"That m-means n-no," Spook says.
Fire and Ice pickup their power type and carry them out the ship into the icy abyss. Megan and Conner worriedly follow behind.
"You need to bring your ice out," Ice says. "Let the energy build until it has nowhere else to go but out."
Fire says the same thing to Phantom but fire instead. "We might want to back up," Fire says.
Ice puts a shield of ice around them Conner, Megan, Fire, and herself.
"Here goes nothing," Phantom sighs, sitting on the ground with his sister.
They let the power build and release it, melting Ice's barrier in a few seconds.
"Ugh, they have more power than I thought!" Ice shouts, struggling to keep the barrier up.
The flames and ice die down to reveal the twins looking back to their ghostly selves.
Spook sighs in relief. "I feel so much better..."
"Same here," Phantom says, looking around at the damage they've caused. "Oh wow..."
"Wow, indeed," Fire says.
"That's so cool!" Megan cheers. "You guys got a new power!"
"Now you must learn how to control it," Ice says. "We will come teach you after school everyday until we believe you are capable of handling it on your own."
"I have cheerleading practice after school," Spook admits.
"Then after cheer practice," Fire says.
"Sounds like a plan," Spook says, turning to Phantom. "We got new powers! How cool is that?"
"But they're different," Phantom says sadly. "We aren't exactly twins anymore."
"It's the only thing that's different between us besides our genders," Spook says. "Don't be sad about it."
"I find it strange how we have opposite powers. Fire and ice," he says. "It doesn't make much sense."
"I guess we'll find out in the long run," Spook says. "Thank you, Fire and Ice."
"Anything to help out a fellow hero," Fire says. "How about we return to the ship and head home?"
They nod as they fly back to the cave.
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