The time in Qurac, meeting the Logans, seeing Bald Megan, having Thanksgiving, and Robin's birthday have passed. It's a Sunday morning, and the inhabitants of the cave are eating breakfast.
"I think after breakfast, we should get a little more training in you, Greta," Spook concludes.
"I think that's a good idea," Greta says, floating above everyone's heads and playing on an Nintendo.
"You have improved well," Zatanna says.
"Do you think I'm ready for an actual mission?" Greta asks, eyeing her two mentors.
"No," the twins flatline.
"Aww! Why not?!"
"Because you're not ready," they reply.
"You still need to be able to control your ectobeams," Phantom says.
"Force field too," Spook adds.
"Better stealth skills," Conner asks. "For a ghost, you sure are loud."
"But you have super hearing!" Greta huffs.
"Ghosts aren't supposed to make any sounds," Spook says.
Greta huffs. The twins finish their cereal and telekinetically place the bowls in the sink, washing them out.
"Alright, let's go train you up," Phantom says.
Megan, Zatanna, and Conner finish and follow behind them towards the mission room. The white floor appears beneath them as they activate the training floor. The twins converse before they turn to the waiting ghost to train.
"Alright, we're going to start you off by hitting targets," Spook says, shooting four purple disc-like ectoenergy and telekinetically holding them in place.
Greta fires up her green ectoblasts with a look of determination across her features. She blasts off four shots, missing every single disc. "This is impossible!"
"If you try harder, you might hit the discs," Phantom says.
"You guys are some harsh mentors," Zatanna comments.
"You should've seen when Spook trained me," Phantom chuckles. "It was like living in Hell."
"I wasn't that bad," Spook scoffs.
"Eh," Greta shrugs.
"Hey!" Spook huffs and sighs. "You don't have any right until you can hit your targets."
Greta huffs and returns to shooting targets. Phantom adds in eight more discs. "Could I actually practice against someone?"
"Not until you can aim correctly and hit every target without fail," Phantom replies. "Don't want any casualties."
Greta groans and begins to take her frustration out on the discs, still missing almost everyone of them.
After a few hours, the ghosts stop their training to go eat lunch. Kaldur and Wally arrive sometime later.
"What have you been up to?" Wally asks everyone.
"Training Greta with her powers," Spook says.
After some time of hanging out, it begins to get late and a few visitors arrive. Red Arrow and Green Arrow.
They all gather in the mission room. Megan, Conner, and the ghost twins immediately give a disapproving look toward Roy. He's accused all of them of possibly being the mole on the team.
"Roy has finally decided to join the team," GA says.
"Recognized: Artemis, B09."
"Artemis! Just in time. Look who's agreed to join the Team," Green Arrow says.
"Finally!" Wally cheers.
"Sure! Team's needed a real archer," Artemis says in disdain, earning a confused look from Wally.
"Okay, people! Listen up," GA says, gathering their attentions. "The Dynamic Duo's on a case in Gotham, but Batman gave me a heads up. Sportsmaster was spotted coming through Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport."
"In full costume? Nervy." Zatanna says.
"In street clothes," GA says, typing to put up some more images. "He wasn't the only one either. He was with a man named Remi Zeno, who's the son of Armando and Victoria Zeno. His parents are both crime lords of the French and Italian mafia. Though he hasn't been affiliated with them for many years." The twins' eyes widen as they look at each other without a word. "Facial recognition software picked up their IDs. Find out what they're up to."
"All of us? Seems like overkill for a shadow job," Conner huffs.
"Perhaps a small squad? Miss Martian's camouflage abilities and the twins invisibility seem ideal," Red Tornado suggests.
"Thought the sidekicks—sorry, 'ex-sidekicks' could suit up on this. Aqualad, Kid Flash, Red Arrow," GA explains.
"Good. Stakeouts make me crazy," Conner huffs.
"We could use the night off," Megan suggests.
"I want in," Artemis and Spook say then look at each other.
"With M'gann and Robin out, no one's logged more hours piloting the bioship," Artemis says.
"Artemis, are you sure?" GA asks.
"What about you Spook?" GA asks.
"Because I want to?" Spook scoffs as if obvious.
"Alright, can't argue with that, Spook and Artemis, go ahead," GA says.
They all head to the hangar to load up the bioship. Phantom follows behind.
"Are you sure about this? I can go with you," Phantom reassures his sister in private.
"I can handle our measly older brother," Spook reassures. "I'm just going to find out what he's up to. Just help Greta learn to aim better." She gives him a reassuring smile before she turns to get on the bioship to sit at the front with Wally and Artemis. The bioship closes it's doors before diving into the water to the outside. As they rise out of the water, Wally turns to Artemis.
Wally groans. "This could wind up being one of those things that sounds better in my head than out loud, but... you are a real archer," Wally says with a smile. "No, I mean I'm jazzed about Red Arrow. We go way back, you know? But you, you've made your own place on the Team. You have nothing to prove. Well, not to me. Okay?"
"Okay," Artemis sighs with a grateful smile. "And Wally? It sounded fine out loud."
"Totally ship it..." Spook whispers with a grin.
They eventually arrive at their destination, quickly finding Sportsmaster and Remi. Artemis drops Aqualad in the water, RA is nearby watching from the trees, and KF is on the motorcycle to follow along Sportsmaster and Remi's path on land. Spook and Artemis remain in the bioship.
"Targets are heading North," RA says. "Pursue, but maintain a discreet distance. And that goes double for you, Artemis, Spook. Sportsmaster's proven adept at spotting Martian camouflage, when in motion." They wait while the chase ensues. "They've stopped. Hold your positions. I'm moving in, for a closer look."
"I'm just gonna go check if we have everything we might need in the back," Spook lies. "Call me if anything happens."
Artemis nods as Spook heads to the back then phases through the ship once out of sight. She flies down to get closer to her older brother. After a few minutes, Spook hears a swish of an arrow nearby. She heads to the direction to see Artemis and Red Arrow initiated in a fight with Cheshire.
"After all, Arrow, you're here," Cheshire grins while spider webbed netted to a tree. She chuckles and cuts the rope easily. "Really, I'm so fond of you both."
"I don't think you'll be so fond of me!" Spook shouts, blasting Cheshire with an ectobeam.
She groans as she gets subdued by RA and Artemis.
A chuckle is heard from behind Spook and she whirls around to face her older brother, Remi.
"Long time no see, sorellina," Remi grins.
"They told you," Spook growls.
"Of course they did," Remi smiles. "Ever since you left to play hero with your team of sidekicks, our parents have given me my status back. I have returned as prince of the Italian and French mafias."
"After what you did, I can't believe they brought you back," Spook scoffs.
"No matter, I'm still gonna take you down, halfa," he grins and lunges himself at the half ghost girl.
She turns intangible. "You might have a great amount of skill, Remi, but you're no match for someone who has ghost powers."
Remi smirks while pulling out a gun. "I had these bullets specifically designed to take down ghosts. A little gift from Flarius."
"But Flarius is permanently dead though," Spook growls with widened eyes. "Timezone obliterated him."
"I raided his lair from in the Ghost Dimension," Remi says. "I gathered leftover bullets, scanned them, and replicated many more just to take you down."
"Shit," Spook mutters. "How'd you even get to the Ghost Dimension? What are you even doing here?"
"Flarius' old portal, fixed it up a bit and it was good as new. As for what I'm doing here, I'm here for the ghost twins." He loads a gun full of green glowing ammo. "Now, enough talking." He smirks. "Hold still."
He begins to fire off rounds and Spook dodges the silent green glowing bullets.
She knows that if these bullets hit her, she's done for. These bullets specifically render her ghost powers useless. If she blasts it or tries to put up a shield, the bullets will go right through it. The bullets are laced with ectoranium, a rock that has similar qualities of kryptonite. Ghosts can handle being near it, but if it touches them ghosts will get a painful surge of electricity like pain, dancing throughout their body. Now if it cuts into the skin, an unbearable pain washes over whatever ghost that it touches. It has no effect over humans though, so Spook could just transform into Vanessa and the only pain she'll have to deal with is being shot with a bullet, but she's not gonna have it come to that. It's not a good time to reveal a secret like that.
She dodges the bullets as best she can before the last bullet grazes her shoulder, embedding it under a layer of skin. "Aah!" she cries out in pain, falling to the ground.
"Sportsmaster!" RA shouts.
"Spook!" KF shouts, rushing over to pick her up and speeding over to knock over Remi then to Cheshire.
"A kiss is still a kiss," Cheshire says before she grunts in pain from being thrown back by Wally.
"And a sai is just a sai. And quite the souvenir, by the way," KF says, twirling it in his free hand.
"Artemis, tracing arrow on Sportsmaster, now!" RA shouts.
She immediately readies an arrow, but grunts in frustration. "He's out of range."
"Move!" RA shouts, doing it for her and running over to get on his jet ski to follow after.
"You're abandoning?" Artemis huffs.
"I'm prioritizing!" he calls back.
"Oh, that's gotta sting. He makes the shot you're afraid to even try!" Cheshire taunts, engaging in another battle with Artemis.
"Don't think you can get rid of me that easily," Remi grunts, heading toward KF with a smirk.
"Aqualad, target's made me, so I'll take a dive! He'll think he's in the clear and you can track him from below. We'll be right behind using the tracer," RA's voice speaks through the comms.
"Artemis, Kid, Spook, listen," Aqualad's voice comes through after a few minutes. "Throw the fight."
"Spook's hurt!" KF shouts. Artemis gets knocked back and he runs up to her. "Artemis!"
"Forget me! What about Cheshire and Remi–" she shouts, looking up to discover the two gone.
"Did you..." Wally begins.
"Tracer's on her sword."
"Brilliant! I knew you could—Oh, hey, there's the guys!" Wally says, rushing over to them. "We need to get Spook some help!"
"How can she be hurt? She's a ghost," RA huffs.
"R-Remi... has– erhh... he had specialized b-bullets for..." Spook stutters, trying to get the words out but the pain from her shoulder is causing problems. She takes a deep breath. "...g-ghosts."
"How are we supposed to get you better?" Aqualad asks. "It looks as if you're bleeding."
"I am bleeding!" Spook barks at him, holding her shoulder with obvious green and red fluid coming from it.
"How?" RA asks. "Ghosts are already dead, you shouldn't be able to bleed."
"You're not very intelligent... when i-it comes... to g-ghosts..." Spook pants.
"How can I even hold you?" KF asks.
"Cause... I'm letting y-you..." She throws his help off of her and she sits on the ground, concentrating on the wound at hand. The mixture of green-red blood begins spurting out the small wound and the bullet is forced out of her skin. They watch as the wound slowly closes and heals itself. "An... old arch nemesis of mine created these bullets to hurt me. He was another... ghost like me who had his powers for much longer than I have. I practiced much of what I know now by watching him whenever we battled."
"Had? Does he no longer have these powers?" RA asks.
"No, because he's gone for good to the after life. He is no longer a problem for my brother and I."
"Are you okay, Spooky?" the Kid of Speed asks.
She lets out an irritated sigh. "Good enough."
"Are you all healed now because we need to know if you are still in the battle?" Aqualad asks with concern. "If not you should return to the cave. We need to get back to the mission at hand."
"Agreed," KF says.
"It'll take a lot more than a bullet to take me out," Spook says, sassily putting her hands on her hips.
KF smirks before he turns to speak. "So, we threw the fight, as ordered. After Artemis planted the tracer."
"Cheshire's heading North," Artemis says, holding up her tracker locater device.
"Sportsmaster was headed South. Kinda like this mission," RA scoffs.
"Maybe he'll double back. Maybe she will," Artemis counters.
"Either way, they'll rendezvous. And we'll find them!" KF reassures.
"We had better. Sportsmaster acquired an attaché case. We need to learn what it contained. If you had stayed aboard the bioship–"
"I saw Cheshire sneaking up on him," Artemis complains, pointing to RA.
"Then you radio a warning," Red huffs.
"And if she found you by hacking our frequency?" Spook counters, getting a surprised look from Artemis.
"It is true. We have come to rely on M'gann's telepathy over our radios," Aqualad says.
"So let's stop looking to place blame and start looking for Cheshire," Wally complains.
"Here. Since, clearly, I can't be trusted," Artemis says, tossing the device over to Red. "You track her."
KF gives Artemis a look then snatches the device from Red's hands, holding it out to Artemis. "Artemis..."
She sighs. "It's fine. I'll follow in the bioship." She walks off with Spook following far behind.
Spook pulls out the tracking device for the tracker she placed on Remi. Spook turns invisible and duplicates herself. Spook 2 goes with Wally and Spook 1 teleports after the tracker, arriving to a warehouse. The ghost girl phases into the warehouse and her tracker is thrown at her feet.
"I detect a ghost in here," Remi's voice comes from the shadows. "Come out, come out wherever you are." Spook decides to use this to her ability and blasts an ectobeam at him which he somehow was expecting and dodges. "There you are, my sorellina." He aims his guns in her direction and shoots.
She dodges and hears an explosion nearby, knowing that the team was already here. She leads him further away from them as much as possible. Using her invisibility as an advantage she maneuvers around the room, blasting her brother. The halfa manages to snag his guns and destroys them. She fires up both hands of her purple energy.
"Don't move," Spook growls.
Remi holds his hands up with a smirk across his face. "Heh, I'm completely defenseless. I guess, now you arrest me and take me in to your new powered friends to interrogate me. I wonder if they'll keep you after they learn everything I know."
Spook lowers her head and powers down her beams. "Dammit..."
"Smart choice. I will see you again soon," he whispers, a red light engulfs him and is replaced by an ice statue. It shatters a second after. A communicator is left in his place.
"Damn!" Spook shouts angrily, grabbing the communicator to check for bugs after not finding any she pockets it then stomps toward where her team is located. "They got away!"
"Wait a minute," Wally says confused, looking from one Spook to the other. "Why are there two of you?!"
Spook 1 smirks. "I'm the real Spook!"
"No, I am!" Spook 2 shouts.
"Okay, okay, only the real Spook would be able to tell me my real name," Wally says.
"Wallace Rudolph West," both Spook's say.
Wally looks bewildered. "What..."
"How?" Kaldur asks.
Roy just looks annoyed in his defensive stance. "Gee, one was enough and now we have two?"
"I'm confused..." Artemis admits.
The two Spook's begin to snicker then they both duplicate, causing four Spook's to appear before them. They continue to laugh as they all return to one single Spook.
"Sorry, I was messing with you," Spook admits. "I can duplicate to distribute more power, even though it takes a lot out of me."
"That is... so cool!" Wally cheers, running up next to her.
The trip back to the cave is completely silent. A very uncomfortable harsh silence, obvious that everyone is peeved about the failed mission. It was so bad that Spook phased out of the ship to fly beside it just to get away. Once they arrive, everyone meets in the mission room. Phantom gives Spook a worried look and she sends one back that says 'talk later.'
"Let me be clear. We failed," Kaldur explains. "Though the Injustice League is in custody, their allies still scheme. And we have learned nothing of their plans."
"Gee, I wonder why," Roy huffs, crossing his arms and turning towards Artemis.
"Hey! Who found out Sportsmaster was working for Brain, Klarion, and Ivo?" Artemis shouts.
"Yeah, great intel! Except Ivo has been in Belle Reve the whole time! And the guards just checked. It's the real Ivo, not a robot," Roy retorts.
"You know, I'm getting pretty tired of you dumping on her," Wally shouts, getting in Roy's face. Roy holds up a tracker. "Her tracer, so? Cheshire ditched it."
"No. Artemis ditched that," Roy says, pointing to the tracer in Kaldur's hand. "To send us on a wild-goose chase. She put this one on Cheshire."
"Artemis?" Wally calls out, turning to her with a shocked expression which turns to anger soon after. "Are you that freaked out about Arrow joining the Team, you had to prove yourself by bringing down the bad guys solo? Please, tell me I'm wrong!" Artemis takes a sharp intake of breath before releasing it with no words, looking at the floor. "Well. Nice going. What you proved is that you're insecure and selfish." He throws the sai to the ground at Artemis' feet. "Keep the sai." He takes the tracer from Roy's hands, showing it to Artemis. "This is the right souvenir for the mission." He turns in a huff and strides away.
"So, how will you betray us next time?" Roy accuses.
"Enough! If making a mistake was a betrayal, we would all be traitors. I must report to Batman. The rest of you... get some sleep," Kaldur commands. At that, everyone turns and heads their separate ways. "Spook, do you still feel any pain?"
"Pain?" Phantom questions, looking to his sister.
"Just a little stinging but it should be fine by tomorrow," Spook reassures.
"That is good," Kaldur says. "Please take it easy. Goodnight."
"Goodnight," the twins reply, turning to the bedroom hall.
They immediately float off to Spook's room to talk. They transform into their humans selves once safely inside with the door locked.
"What happened?" Rai immediately asks.
"He has ectoranium laced bullets," Vanessa says. "Nicked me in the arm."
"H-how? A-are you okay?!"
"Fine. He found a few from Flarius' old lab in the Ghost Dimension. He recreated them, so he was a major problem."
"What did he want?"
"Us," Vanessa answers.
"He said he'd see us real soon," Vanessa says, pulling out the communicator. "He left this."
"What's it for?" Rai asks. His question is answered as it rings. "Should we answer?"
Vanessa nods and presses the answer button. "Hello?"
"You can't fight us forever, bambini."
"Papa..." the twins gasp.
"You can fight Remi, me, or your mother, but you can't fight who you really are. It's time to come back to us, our prince and princess. You'll never be one of them. You know your rightful place is with us."
"No!" Spook shouts. "We make our own choices."
"Ah, but you don't have a choice. You either join us or we reveal your family ties you've worked so hard to hide."
The twins give each other a look and hang their heads. "What do you want?"
"I'll contact you when we need you," he says then hangs up.
Vanessa places the device on the nearby table with a scared sigh. "Let's go for a fly. I need to clear my head."
"That sounds good," Rai says, transforming back.
Vanessa follows and they both phase through the mountain to Happy Harbor.
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