Kittens (Part 1 of 2)

(Incredibly long chapter ahead! 10,000 word chapter! FYI!)

After the long fun day of Christmas, it was time for the team to do some fun of their own.

"So, why aren't Artemis and Zatanna joining us?" Wally asks Robin.

"Artemis is on a case tonight with Green Arrow," Robin replies. "Zatanna is at a Christmas sleepover birthday party."

"Why couldn't Batman patrol his own city tonight?" Phantom asks then yawns. "I'm tired."

"Batman has a conference meeting to go to for work," Robin replies, trying to not give away too much.

"This late at night?" Phantom yawns again. "And on Christmas?"

The ghost twins, KF, and Robin are sitting on a rooftop of a tall building, looking across Gotham City.

"How much longer do we have to wait for the rest of the team?" Wally complains.

"None," Spook sighs, continuing what she's been doing for the past 10 minutes, floating up in the air lazily with one arm behind her head, as if she's laying down on a couch, and the other tossing a purple ectoball up in the air then catching it.

"None?" Wally asks confused.

"None," Robin repeats. "They're here."

"What?" Wally asks surprised, looking around.

"How do you always manage to do it?" Conner asks, appearing on the top of the building from the fire escape with Kaldur following behind.

"About time," Spook grunts, diminishing the ball once it relands in her hand. "You gonna show yourself, Megan?"

She appears out of her camouflage behind Spook. "It's hard to sneak up on you," she comments.

"Well, I am a ghost," Spook admits. "I'm usually the one that is doing the sneaking."

"Truth," Phantom agrees.

"Alright, now that we're all here, let's get started," Robin says, cackling as he leaps off the rooftop onto another.

Spook rolls her eyes with a laugh as the twins float after him. Megan follows behind them, her floating next to Phantom. Conner and Kaldur head next and Wally speeds his way up to Robin. Spook makes sure to maintain her distance from Conner, still upset with him from the other night.


After a long uneventful night, the team is beginning to wrap the night up when suddenly Robin's wrist computer beeps, signaling a problem. The team immediately stops and gathers around Robin.

"Problem?" Kaldur asks.

"Break in at Gotham Museum of Artifacts," Robin answers. "About 10 minutes away, 5 if we hurry."

"Lead the way," Kaldur says.

They leap across many buildings before reaching their destination, quietly phasing into the museum with help from the ghost twins.

'Link established,' Megan says.

'Separate and spread out,' Kaldur commands. 'Find out what triggered the alarm.'

They fan out along the floor in different directions, cautious of what could be ahead. A cackle is heard from the room Spook is heading into.

'I think I found our guy,' Spook thinks to the team.

'Which way?' Kaldur asks. 'Who is it?'

'The mystical artifact hall and not quite sure yet, sounds male,' Spook responds.

Phantom appears next to her and they continue forward into the room, spotting a certain raven haired witch boy who's grabbing a crystal.

'It's Klarion!' Phantom shouts.

'Do not engage,' Kaldur responds. 'Wait until the rest of us are there.'

'No can do,' Spook says, seeing him open a portal. 'He just opened a portal. It's now or never.'

The twins power up an ectobeam and shoot through the portal, dispersing it. Klarion turns around, anger written all over his face.

"Aw, it's the kiddies," Klarion groans, noticing the twins. Teekl mews beside him. "How should I know?!" The rest of the team appear behind them and Teekl meows again, Klarion clutches the crystal in his hand. "Don't rub it in!"

KF shakes his head. "Just like a crazy cat lady. I'm sure you and Catwoman would get along great. Both of you talk to your weird cats."

Klarion glares at him, summoning up his dark power above his head.

Robin scoffs. "You just had to make the crazy cat lady comment, didn't you?"

Klarion releases his power at the team surrounding him. The team scatters, barely avoiding the witch boy's blasts.

'You idiot,' Phantom scoffs through the mind link.

'Sorry, but I hate cats!' Wally scoffs back from behind a pillar of the building.

'Any ideas, anyone?' Robin asks.

'Target the cat, as usual,' Spook says, peeking from around the pillar she's behind with KF just floating above him. 'I have a clear shot, should I take it?'

'Yes,' Kaldur says. 'I shall provide a distraction for you.' He whips out his water bearers and creates a whip toward Klarion only for Klarion to blast it.

Spook aims her hand at Teekl. 'I'm sorry, kitty!' She blasts her beam at the cat, skidding him backwards. Teekl lets out a hurt yowl, hissing in Spook's direction. 'He's not gone. Must've not blasted hard enough. Sorry, guys.'

Klarion's presence flickers a few times before it settles and he returns completely. Klarion whirls around, eyes glaring when he notices his familiar had been harmed. His eyes widen and his features transform into his more demonic look. "You wanna pick on a poor, unguarded pussy cat?" He summons up more power, a dark red aura surrounding him, floating up high into the air. "Let's see how you like it?!" He throws his arms up in the air, chanting words and making the crystal glow bright. With the final word, the crystal glowed with an amazing feeling of power. The blue glow shot out from the crystal, engulfing each team member in the room with its power.

"No!" Spook screeches.

Each teen screams in pain, the ghosts trying to phase with some success but still continue to get hit. Each member falls to their hands and knees, one by one. Eventually, they fall into the fetal position, continuing to scream in pain. What seemed like forever only lasted but a few seconds as the pain finally stops. Even after it stops, the team continues to wither as they gasp too overwhelmed to move.

Klarion smiles at his handiwork. He lowers his arms, placing the crystal in his pocket and facial features returning to normal. He heads over and picks up his familiar. "My poor baby..." He turns toward the withering team. "I'd finish you off, but leaving you permanently the way you will become is good enough for now. I need to go take care of Teekl. I won't hold back next time we meet. See you later, kiddies or should I say kitties and Merry Christmas!" He laughs as he forms a portal and disappears through it. The team begins to regain consciousness after a few minutes.

'I can't move,' Spook speaks but realizes the mind link is down. She groans trying to move, but to no avail. She tries to focus on one place like a finger, but all she can feel is pain.

The rest of the team was in the same dilemma.

Conner groans, gritting his teeth and making himself rise, one of the benefits of having super strength. He forces his eyes open and looks around the room to not be able to see anyone, just black. Struggling, he sits up to feel cloth draped across him. His expression becomes one of confusion as to why he was under a sheet, so he crawls out to the light, as little as there is in Gotham at night in a closed museum. Once free of the sheet he stands up only to fall back down to all fours. "What the?"

Not far from him, Wally was in much the same predicament. "Why am I under a sheet?!" he huffs, squirming out quickly.

Kaldur and Robin go through the same process, except Robin doesn't get out. They all look over at the 'sheet' to discover very large clothes, their clothes. The twins and Megan eventually push themselves up to realize they can't fly, but they aren't under clothes since their clothes are a part of them basically.

"Will somebody please tell me why our clothes are huge?!" Wally asks. "Wait, does that mean we're naked?!" He quickly looks down at himself. "What the..."

"It seems that we've all been transformed into kittens," Kaldur sighs.

"Totally not traught right now..." Robin sighs.

"Robin?" Megan mews. "Where are you?"

"Where I began..."

The kittens head over to Robin, getting used to walking on four legs and finding it more troublesome than it should.

"Are you okay?" Phantom asks, crouching down to see Robin under his suit.

The others follow to peek in, vision automatically adjusting to the dark with their newly gained night vision.

"Whoa, I love the night vision," Wally admits, looking around.

The ears on Robin's head flick back as he's turned away from everyone. "I'm stuck..."

"Stuck?" Spook asks. "How?"

"This suit is made out of kevlar," Robin says, still looking away from them.

"Ah," Spook nods. "It's too heavy for a kitten to lift."

Wally begins to break out in laughter, or what would be a kitten giggle. "You've got to be kitten me!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(This is how I imagine they sound when they laugh just constant.)

"Really, puns?" Robin sighs. "Nevermind just leave me here."

"Superboy?" Kaldur asks. "Do you have your strength?"

"I can definitely tell that it's depleted," Conner comments. "It might be human standard now." He moves over to Robin's suit, crawling under and pushing up. This gives Robin enough room to wiggle out.

He sighs once he's out, turning to the team. He slowly opens his eyes to reveal a mesmerizing shade of blue, causing the team to gasp. KF and Spook, feigning theirs. Everyone figured the eyes they saw from a few days ago with the circus were just contacts.

"So those actually are your real eyes?" Conner asks surprised, pupils dilating.

"Your eyes are so pretty!" Megan squeals.

"Blue, wasn't expecting that," Phantom admits.

"We should get out of here before the police or security arrive," Robin admits. "They'll most likely call animal control to come get us."

As if the cops heard him, the door to the room blasts open and in come a handful of police officers, guns out and ready for shooting. They spot the broken display case, discarded costumes, burn marks everywhere, and the small kittens.

The lead officer's expression became one of annoyance as he holstered his gun. "Damn cats, always ruining things and messing things up."

Another gasped after seeing the damage on the floor, pillars, walls, and even the ceiling where Klarion let off his blasts. "I don't think kittens could make marks like that. Looks like the sidekicks intervened. Why did they leave their costumes discarded?"

"We can figure that out later for now someone call animal control," the first officer speaks again. "Tell 'em we got seven kittens they can have."

A few officers decide to edge closer to the kittens, speaking softly to try to call them to them. Spook immediately finds out the way to hiss and does so, standing in front of the others protectively and actively making the officers back away some.

"Fiesty," a cop comments.

"More like protective," another says. "Those must be her kittens."

They continue to back away as they converse.

"Excuse me?!" Spook yowls.

"We need to find a way out," Kaldur mews loudly.

"Does anyone have any powers?" Spook asks with a grunt, still peeved by being called their mother. "I can only turn invisible or intangible, but that's about it."

"Same, sorella," Phantom answers.

"Electricity," Kaldur says. "Enough to shock a person but not stop them completely."

"Enough strength and camo," Megan mews.

"I got my speed," Wally comments. "I'll look for an exit." He disappears in a blur.

"Way more flexible than a normal cat," Robin grins, moving beside Kaldur.

Spook moves over to her brother while the others converse to which way to run. "I can't change back."

"Neither can I," Phantom sighs, turning to run up to Conner. "Do we still have no heartbeats?"

"Can't really tell," Conner says. "My super hearing is gone, just the super hearing of a cat, but from what I can tell yes, you don't have heartbeats."

Wally returns. "Found an exit!" he shouts. "Follow me!" He disappears in a blur but reappears a few seconds later. "Sorry." He leaves again, but this time somewhat slower, enough so that the others can follow.

"Get those cats!" a cop yells.

Multiple hands crash down, trying to catch the kittens.

"Can't we just talk to them?!" Wally yowls.

"These little stinkers are fast!" a cop complains, reaching down to grab Spook but she dodges, giving him a scratch to recoil.

"We're kittens! All they're going to hear is meowing!" Spook shouts, turning back around to run. "Move it!"

Wally leads them to a cracked window, blasted away from Klarion's attacks. "There!"

"Do you realize how high up that is?" Phantom asks. "There's no way to make it up there!"

"Kid, do you think you can take a running jump to get up there?" Kaldur asks, thinking quickly.

"I can try," Wally responds, getting a running start and jumping, barely landing on the edge. He scrambles the rest of the way up. "Made it!"

"Superboy, throw us up," Robin shouts, seeing the police closing in.

Spook and Phantom stand guard as Superboy crouches down on all fours, Robin leaps onto his back, and Superboy springs up. Robin makes it to the ledge of the window and KF helps him the rest of the way. Megan goes next then Kaldur. Phantom, using his mouth, picks up Superboy by the scruff of his neck and phases through the wall along with Spook. They all gather together in the alleyway; Phantom releases Superboy. The twins give out small puffs of breath.

"That took a lot to phase through that wall," Phantom huffs. "I was tired before, but now... I don't feel so great..."

Conner crouches down in front of Phantom. "Get on." Phantom doesn't waste time and leans onto Conner's back.

"Yeah... I'm starting to slow down," Wally says.

"Then we need to limit ourselves to how much power we use," Kaldur says. "We need to only use our powers in case of an emergency."

"So, what now?" Wally asks.

"This way," Robin says. "We need to get away from the museum." He leads them to a small nearby park, illuminated with a few lights. He takes them straight to a lamp post surrounded by bushes. "We should be safe here. Outta sight outta mind."

They take this time to recollect themselves and take in each other's new appearances.

Kaldur is definitely described best as a Siamese, just lacking the brown face. Pale blonde fur with soft gray eyes and dark brown eel-shaped designs running along his shoulders down his feet. Brown on muzzle, tip of tail, and on the backs of his ears.

Megan is a white chested dark orange tabby with a white jaw and white paws along with her normal amber eyes.

Conner is a full black kitten with his deep blue eyes. The only standing out aspect are his deep blue eyes, pink nose, and inner pink ears.

Wally is a full blown bright orange tabby with his famous kelly green eyes. Not much else to say.

Robin was the smallest, fully black but with white around his eyes like he still had his mask on, but obviously able to see the gorgeous cornflower blue eyes the team had yet to see. He has white mittens, a small patch of white on his chest, and white at the tip of his tail.

The twins look exactly the same, both fully white but black mittens and at the tip of their tail. Both are bigger than the others, must have been because they phased through the strike and didn't get the full blow.

Basically, everyone is their hair color with added details from their suits to some.

"Why are the twins so much bigger than us?" Megan asks.

"My guess is because we phased through some of the blast," Spook says, looking down at them.

Wally begins to giggle. "Alright, momma, what do we do now?"

Spook's eye twitches in annoyance, an irk mark appearing on her head. She smacks his head with a loud hiss.

"What would be most obvious is to seek out help," Kaldur begins, turning to Robin. "Batman is most obvious, being in his city. We need to find a way to contact him. How far is he?"

Robin groans. "The time it would take to get to where he is if we were normal would be 15 minutes. Imagine how long it will take like this."

"Ugh!" Wally complains, stomping his little paws.

"Wally, you could superspeed there," Robin says, sitting on his rump.

Spook tucks her paws underneath her chest and lies on the ground. "You kidding, I highly doubt he has any sort of direction to find where your mentor is," Spook mews, flicking her tail. "Maybe in Central City, but definitely not here."

"You have a point," Robin admits.

"Wait, how would he know where to find your mentor?" Phantom asks, sliding off Conner with some regained strength but chooses to nestle on the ground with his sister. He lets out a big yawn.

They all turn towards Robin and KF expectantly.

"I, uh..." Wally stutters, ears flattening to the sides.

"He knows me without the mask," Robin admits. "We've known each other for years."

"That's why you weren't shocked to see those eyes," Spook admits while the others continue to converse.

"You didn't seem that shocked either," Wally whispers so the others won't hear.

"Because I've seen his eyes from Batman's memories," Spook whispers back. "An after effect of overshadowing bodies that fight back."

"That's kind of scary..." Wally admits.

"Took some getting used to, never had anyone fight back quite like him before," Spook sighs. "Anyway, what's another option?"

"Catwoman," Robin gasps.

"No, Catwoman was taken in for stealing that cat statue at the museum in Central City a week ago," Wally admits.

"Crap, that's right..."

"I thought Catwoman was a villain?" Megan asks.

"She'll help out every once in a while," Robin sighs. "Especially if it involves cats."

"What about the zeta-tubes?" Megan suggests.

"It uses facial recognition," Robin replies. "We won't be getting zeta'd anywhere looking like this."

"Great, so what are we supposed to do now?!" Wally yowls.

"We need to remain calm and think of this rationally," Kaldur says, unusually calm.

"Robin, what about Agent A?" Wally asks.

"Who's that?" Megan asks.

"He's even further than Batman," Robin says. "He lives on the outskirts of town."

"Right..." Wally sighs. "So, we're just going to have to wait till someone realizes we're missing?! We're going to die out here!"

Robin nudges Wally with his head reassuringly. "Actually..." Robin sighs. "I do know one place we can go... but she's not going to like it. She's only a few blocks from here. She should be home by now."

"It seems we have no other choice," Kaldur says. "Robin, please lead the way."

They move out from behind the bushes and make their way into an alleyway. After quite a few twists and turns, they run into a problem. They round a corner and come face to face with a Doberman. The dog snarls his teeth as if he has a wicked grin on his face.

"Oh, looks like I'm going to have an early breakfast," the dog speaks.

"Did you hear that?" Wally squeaks. "He can talk!"

"And he's going to eat us!" Robin fusses.

Spook and her brother head to the front of the team, puffing themselves up to look bigger. They both pin their ears back and let out a terrifying yowl. "We have places to go and people to see, mutt. Leave us alone and we'll spare you your life."

The Doberman pauses for a second before letting out a growl. "Kittens like you, killing me? Ha! I don't think so."

The twins hiss and give a few warning swipes. "Don't tempt us. We're in a very stressful situation and you are making it worse."

"And I really don't care," the large dog responds, licking his lips. "I'm hungry."

Spook's eyes darken and glare at the Doberman, causing the Doberman to pause then inconspicuously take a step back. Spook has learned from her time growing up in the mafia, that animals and people can tell when you're being sincere or not. This is one of those moments she needs to mean it. She arches her back and yowls threateningly. "Try me."

The dog takes back a stance and growls, teeth snarling. "I'm not going to back down to a kitten. This is my turf and you shouldn't have come down here."

"Move," Phantom hisses.

Megan moves up with the twins, taking a similar stance. "Please?"

The dog just laughs in reply. The three disappear and slash their claws at his feet repeatedly.

"Where did they g—OW!" the dog growls, moving around to hopefully stop getting attacked. "What kind of kittens are you?! Ow!" They continue but eventually power out and return to hissing at him. "OWW!" the dog yelps. "You'll pay for that!"

Robin moves up next to Spook with a snicker. "I'd listen to them. We're kittens you never want to mess with."

"It would be wise to let us pass," Kaldur says, standing next to Phantom.

"Yeah, we aren't your average kittens!" Wally yowls.

Megan moves to stand beside Robin and Superboy next to Wally. They all copy the twins' pose, puffing up and hissing.

"Back down or we take you down," Conner growls.

"Bunch of kittens doesn't scare me."

"We should," Kaldur responds, moving up to the front and summoning up his electricity. Blue runs along his shoulders down to his paws and he spreads out his claws, electricity dancing across them. Kaldur's ears are pinned back and his tail swishes from one side to the other as he slowly walks toward the dog. The Doberman takes a step back at seeing this only for Kaldur to take a step forward and swiping his paw across the dog's muzzle, effectively scratching and electrocuting the dog enough for it to run away.

"Whoa!" Wally shouts. "Nice job, Kaldur!"

"I hope it was worth it," Kaldur responds, turning back to his team. "I no longer have the ability to use my electricity. I will have to have a long rest before I can use it once again."

"Same here," the twins say.

"Me too," Megan sighs.

"Hopefully, we won't have to," Robin says. "The place we're heading to is right around the corner."

"Finally!" Wally cheers.

The team travels down the next corner to finally arrive at their destination.

"Now comes the hard part," Robin sighs. "She lives on the third floor."

Wally lets out a loud and long groan. They all manage to climb onto a dumpster to get closer to the ladder of the fire escape.

"Alright, we can do this," Spook says, concentrating hard. "I have little spurts of flight, but I can't for long." She floats in the air, back feet turning into a long wisp with a faint purple aura surrounding her. Her whiskers turn purple along with two stripes go up her ears.

She grabs Robin and takes him to the first landing of the fire escape. Phantom follows behind with Kaldur. They return for Megan and Wally. Conner finishes by jumping up to the landing with his strength. The twins fall to the floor next to the others in fatigue.

"Are you two okay?" Megan asks, ears perked.

"That took a lot out of me," Spook sighs.

"Superboy, carry Phantom. I'll take Spook," Kaldur says, lifting Spook onto his back. "You two have used a lot more energy than you should've."

"Sorry..." the twins sigh.

"Thank you for doing it at all. Please do not overexert yourselves," Kaldur says.

The twins give him a weak smile as Superboy moves over to lift up Phantom.

They all look up the steep staircase that lies before them.

Wally gulps followed by an agitated sigh. "This sucks."

"Get over yourself and start moving," Robin huffs from the fourth step.

They slowly but surely make their way up the stairs to where Robin directs them.

"Is this her window?" Megan asks.

"Yeah, and luckily she left it open a little," Robin says.

"What idiot leaves their window open in Gotham?" Wally huffs. "She must be a close friend to Bats or really stupid."

"She's more my friend than Batman will ever be. Even if someone breaks in, I think she could handle herself. From what I know, I believe Batman has only been here once," Robin says.

"And how many times have you been?" Spook asks.

"Just once, but that's all I needed after I found out her address," Robin says, sliding through the opening of the window, between the rails of her bed, and onto the pillow by the girl's head.

Spook rolls off Kaldur's back to go through next. "You found out? You didn't know?"

Phantom slides off Conner's back, finding enough strength to move on his own now.

"Creeper," Wally coughs, sliding in next and taking a look around the room. He spots the mop of blonde hair next to him.

Superboy moves through the window behind him then Megan and Phantom.

"We should hurry along then," Kaldur says, being the last to enter. "We would not want to wake her daughter."

"Actually," Robin chuckles, moving down the bed. "It's the daughter we want. Never met the mom, but Batman has talked with her before. Come on, I'm gonna need all the help I can get to wake her up. She's had a long night."

Spook grins. "Sounds fun."

The rest of the team line up next to Robin and take a leaping stance. Leaning down like a cat, giving their rump a few waggles.

"On three," Robin announces. "One. Two. Three!"

On three, all seven cats pounce on the girl's stomach. She bolts upright, smacking away whatever landed on her. All kittens managed to jump out of the way, but Wally as he gets smacked to the floor. Wally yowls in pain as he hits the floor, causing the girl to pause. Everyone freezes, hoping not to suffer the same fate as the sprawled out speedster on the floor did. After having her eyes adjust to the darkness, she reaches out to pet the nearest cat which happened to be Spook. Spook happily purrs as the girl scratches the spot near her ears.

"Owww..." Wally groans. "That hurt..."

"Should've moved faster," Spook purrs. "So, how are we going to tell her it's us?"

The girl groans, rubbing her other hand down her face with a yawn. "Kittens?"

Wally freezes from picking himself off the floor, looking up to the girl. "No way... Artemis?"

"Artemis?" Megan mews.

"Artemis lives here?!" Wally hisses, looking to Robin. "All this time! You knew!"

"Well, yeah," Robin snickers. "She's the best bet."

"Smarta–" Wally begins but is cut off as the light is turned on and Artemis snatches him up off the ground. "Let go!"

"Jeez, you're a noisy kitten. If you don't be quiet you're going to wake my mom up!" she harshly whispers.

Robin and Phantom chuckle.

"It'd be the day when Kid Mouth ever shut up!" Phantom laughs.

"I can be quiet when I want to!" Wally yowls.

"Shut up!" Artemis whispers. She sighs and turns to look at the rest of the team. "Jeez, why are you all in my room?"

"Scatter, find a way to make her understand," Kaldur commands.

They don't hesitate to listen and scatter all around the room.

"Shit!" Artemis freaks. "Not so fast!"

Wally manages to wiggle from her grasp and hides along with the others. Artemis manages to snag Megan and Phantom, realizing that she doesn't have a lot of hands to grab them all as she picks up Conner. Thus letting all three escape from her grasp.

"How?" Wally shouts, searching for anything he could use to tell Artemis.

"Leave my phone alone," Artemis huffs, grabbing Robin away before he could finish typing out Artemis, only managing to get in the Art. She pulls out her laundry basket and places Robin in it. She looks at her unlocked phone. "How did you manage to unlock it?" She ignores it and continues her hunt.

Megan was on the desk trying to write with a pencil, using her mouth. Only to get scribbles and shoved in the laundry basket too. She gets a hold of Phantom and Wally next, gently setting them in the basket also.

"This is getting us nowhere!" Wally mewls from the basket.

Conner grabs a pillow in his mouth and flings it at Artemis' face. Spook begins to give out little kitten giggles.

"Why you little..." Artemis growls, not even taking notice to how a cat just threw something at her. She sweeps Conner into the basket not as gently as the others. She turns to the final two, Spook and Kaldur.

She reaches down for Spook. Spook arches her back and puffs up her fur with ears pinned back, swiping at her with a hiss. "Don't touch me!"

Artemis pulls her hands back, startled by the surprising amount of venom spitting from the small kitten. "What's wrong with you?" She ignores the hissing and leans down to grab her again.

"I said don't touch me!" Spook hisses. "I'm not getting in that small hamper!"

Artemis backs off and instead moves to grab Kaldur, who is hiding behind a photograph of the Team. Wally, Kaldur, human Megan, Artemis, Robin, Spook, Phantom, Conner, Wolf, Zatanna, Greta, and Sphere all posing on the beach.

Kaldur copies exactly what Spook did. Arches his back, puffs up his fur, pins his ears back, and hisses. "I do not want to hurt you. Please understand."

She pulls her hands back and Kaldur returns to normal until she brings her hands back does he hiss. "So you two are going to be the most difficult..."

Kaldur meows and points to the picture, straight at himself. "Artemis, please."

Artemis doesn't take the message and quickly nabs him while he's distracted then quickly shoves him in the basket. "Gotcha." She turns to Spook. "One left."

Spook puffs up her tail and lets out a loud yowl. "Artemis. I am not going to be held. I don't care if you are my friend. I will scratch you and I won't feel sorry."

Artemis sets the basket on her bed, readying herself for the chase down. "Alright, kitty. We can do this the easy way or the hard." She pulls out her bow and readies a net arrow.

"You are not aiming that arrow at me!" Spook growls, edging backwards to get a running start. She dashes off underneath Artemis' feet up to the bed. She bounces out of the reach of Artemis, causing the basket to lightly bounce with the bed. Spook smacks against it, managing to knock it off the bed to release the others.

"Crap!" Artemis groans, aiming an arrow at each kitten. She releases an arrow and manages to snag Wally. "Sorry, kitty." She tosses him into the basket.

"Why am I the one in the net?!" Wally yowls.

She manages to recapture everyone, without her bow, but Kaldur and Spook. "Don't try to let everyone escape again." She points a finger at Spook who sticks her tongue out, earning a confused look from Artemis. She grabs Kaldur.

"Please, Artemis," Kaldur mews, sticking out an arm to show her his markings.

While she's distracted, Spook moves over to push the basket over again, having more trouble since it's now on the floor.

"If you all jump on one side of the basket, it should flip over," Spook whispers.

They do as told then tumble from the basket, Wally getting rolled across the floor still trapped in the net.

"Artemis..." Kaldur pleads. "Look."

"Crap, again!" Artemis fusses, seeing the basket tipped over again. "Do I have to trap you all in... nets..." She gives Kaldur's arm markings a double take. She finally eyes the strange markings on Kaldur's arm and drags her finger across the markings, eyes widening as she does. "These markings remind me of... Kaldur?"

"Yes, Artemis," Kaldur nods.

"Wait, you're Kaldur!" she screeches. Kaldur nods with a meow. The others cheer and slowly begin to crowd around her. "Holy crap... Kaldur..."

"Weird, right?" Phantom mews.

Artemis turns to Phantom, drawn by his meow. "If this is Kaldur... then that means..." She looks around at the kittens surrounding her. "Whoa..."

"Like our mew look?" Robin jokes.

"Dude, really?" Wally groans. "Now you're doing it."

"Couldn't help it."

"So you're Kaldur," she continues, turning to look at Megan. "Then you're M'gann."

"Yep!" Megan mews in reply, happily nodding her head.

Artemis sets Kaldur down and looks to Conner. "Robin?" Conner shakes his head and points a paw in Robin's direction. "That's Robin, so you're Conner?"

"Obviously," Conner grunts and nods.

She looks toward Spook and Phantom. "Twins?" They meow in reply. "I'm guessing Spook was hissing at me?"

Spook nods in reply with a grin. "You bet I did!"

"Then that means..." she turns to the trapped bright orange tabby in the net and lets out a giggle.

Wally is on his side with his ears pinned back and tail swishing back and forth. "Let me-owt!"

"Shut it, Kid Mouth, you're going to wake my mom," Artemis huffs, untangling him from the net that was meant for Spook. "To be fair, I was aiming for Spook."

"Hey!" Spook yowls.

"You were the one that was hissing at me," Artemis complains, looking to Spook. She sighs, standing up and going to grab her phone. "So, anyone going to explain to me why you're cats and decide to wake me up at 4 in the morning?"

"It's four in the morning?!" Phantom squeaks. "No wonder I'm so tired."

"Pussy," Spook jokes.

"Literally," Robin cackles.

Artemis plops down on her bed with a long sigh. The kittens all follow after her, Spook moving over to nudge Artemis' hand to get her to pet her. Arty complies and begins to give her the same as she did before. "Is this your way of apologizing?"

"No, I just like people playing with my hair or fur in this case," Spook replies while purring.

"It seems that you can't talk anymore, can you?" Artemis asks, turning to look at the kittens beside her. They shake their heads. "M'gann? Link?" Again they shake their heads. "Great."

"Great isn't the word I would use," a new voice says, causing everyone to turn to the now open doorway to see a dark haired woman in a wheelchair. The lady pauses at seeing the cats resting on Artemis' bed, slowly putting away a crossbow that she held in her hand.

"Mom, it isn't what it looks like," Artemis says.

"That's her mom?" Wally asks. "Whoa... Would never have thought..."

"It looks like you're trying to bring another animal, or more than one, into the apartment," her mother sighs. "You can't bring a family of kittens here. Sounded like their parents weren't too happy with you touching their kittens." She gestures to the twins. Spook lets out a low growl, annoyed at being called their mom again. Wally and Robin fail to hold in their giggles, earning them both a tail smack to the face by Spook and Phantom. "Do you know how early in the morning it is?" She moves the wheelchair down the hall while complaining. Artemis looks over to the kittens and they willingly go in the basket this time. She picks it up and follows her mom out to the kitchen. "How many times have I told you this?"

"This is so awkward," Wally mumbles. "This is so not how I wanted to meet her mom..."

"Heard that," Spook giggles.

"Ugh! When do you not?!" Wally yowls.

"Honestly, we all heard that," Robin chuckles. "Hearing of a cat."

"Ugh!" Wally huffs.

Artemis glares down at him as she sets the basket on the counter to let the kittens out. "If you'd just let me talk I can explain."

The kittens spread across the counter, sitting or lying down quietly watching the exchange between Artemis and her mother.

Her mother crosses her arms and raises her right eyebrow. "Explain." She eyes the kittens unpleased that they're getting their 'dirty' paws on the counter.

"I know you won't believe me but these are my teammates," Artemis explains. "They somehow got turned into cats and found their way into my room for help."

"This is ridiculous," her mother says and rolls her eyes. "These kittens, I do admit, act very well behaved but I have no reason to believe they are your teammates you talk so much about. Maybe you should take a break from the crime fighting for a little while to get your head clear again."

"Mom! I know it's them," Artemis complains, absentmindedly stroking Spook's fur. "Kaldur, come here." The Atlantian kitten stood up from his sitting position and walks over to Artemis. "Kaldur's tattoos are sorcerer tattoos." She traces the markings down the kitten's shoulders. "Whatever hit them, his tattoos resisted it."

"I do admit the markings are strange, but that still doesn't–"

"Then have them prove that they're my team!" Artemis erupts, gesturing to the kittens. "Test them yourself!"


"I don't know! Something a normal cat wouldn't do or something," Artemis sighs.

"Oh, great," Wally complains. "I hate tests."

"It's not going to be school tests, idiot," Robin meows.

Her mom thinks for a moment before wheeling off into a room, coming back with a Jenga set box. She pours out the log pieces. "My test is to make a Jenga tower."

"She does realize we can't make it very big," Robin voices. "We're small."

"We will make it as tall as we can," Kaldur says, moving over to one of the blocks. "I am guessing that we make a tower like the one on the box?"

"Forgot you're Atlantean," Spook sighs, looking to Megan and Conner. "You guys have no idea what Jenga is either, do you?"

"No clue," Megan admits.

"G-gnomes didn't really tell me about any games," Conner says.

Robin, Wally, and the twins move over to the blocks. They push three together for the base.

"We're definitely going to play this once we're back to normal," Spook says, picking up a block with her mouth.

"Why aren't those three helping?" Paula, Artemis' mom, asks.

"Because they don't know this game," Artemis facepalms. "Those two are aliens and he lives under the sea, mom. They wouldn't know Jenga."

"It does not mean we cannot help," Kaldur says, moving next to Robin to help pick up a block like Spook.

Megan and Conner follow behind him. Together they manage to layer up the blocks until they couldn't reach any higher.

"Finished!" Wally calls out. "Those blocks were heavier than I thought..."

"Baby," Robin taunts.

Paula stared at the cats with a look of disbelief. She sighs, leaning back in her wheelchair. "Alright. Artemis, I believe you." She reaches out to pet the white and black kitten. "So, which twin are you?"

"I think that's... Phantom?" Artemis questions.

Phantom mews in response with a purr, confirming who he is. "That makes the other Spook?"

"You bet!" Spook cheers.

She points to the all black cat with white accents. "Robin?" He nods. "Aqualad, Miss Martian, Superboy, and you must be the famous Kid Flash I hear so much about."

Wally perks up at hearing that and curiously looks to Artemis. "You talk about me?"

"Mom!" Artemis fusses, cheeks flushed.

"Sorry, so what do you suppose we do?" Paula asks. "We can't let them stay here."

"I don't know..."

"I would call one of the mentors," Paula suggests.

Artemis stands up and moves to head back to her room to grab her phone. "I'll try. GA is most likely passed out and won't hear the phone unless Canary's with him and hears it." She heads into her room to grab her phone and call, leaving the kittens with Paula. Phantom curls up in a ball and passes out.

"This is hard to believe," Paula sighs, petting Robin now, who seems to enjoy it as much as Spook does. Paula pulls back and wheels off to a section of the small apartment.

"She talks about me?!" Wally shouts after Paula. "What is it that she talks about?!"

"Whoa," Spook says, nudging her brother with her head. "He's asleep." She curls up next to him, using him as a pillow.

Robin looks at the time on the stove. "Well, it is almost 4:30 in the morning."

Artemis walks back in the room with her phone to her ear. "Thank God you're up I–" She cuts herself off and suddenly she blows up. "Dammit! Arrow! The entire team just showed up at my house! They're all screwed up and can't talk! They can't tell me what happened or how it happened or who did it! Another thing is how did they know where I lived! You better call back once you get this! Change your damn answering machine!" She ends the call with an annoyed huff. "Asshole..."

"Totally changing my answering machine to something annoying," Spook calls out.

"You have a phone?" Robin asks.

"Not yet," Spook says. "Last one kind of broke in the explosion. I'm working on it."

Wally snickers. "I'll do it too."

"Same," Robin adds.

"I don't know what you three are talking about but I know it's nothing good," Artemis says, glaring at the three devious kittens.

"How does she always manage to do that?" Spook asks.

Wally gives a shrug, or at least what looked like one. "Still trying to figure out what about me she talks about."

"Probably about how annoying you are," Robin comments.


"I guess the best bet would be to head to the cave," Artemis says. "I can get in contact with the other league members from there."

Paula wheels back into the room carrying a cardboard box with a blue blanket inside. She gently places it on the counter. "I figured you'd rather not take your laundry basket."

"Thanks, mom," Artemis says. "I'll go change." Artemis leaves and comes back in simple clothes.

Kaldur turns and gives Paula a thankful 'mew' before Artemis places him in the box. Conner leaps in by himself and Wally jumps behind him. Artemis lifts Megan in the box next and Phantom next to her, still asleep. Spook and Robin lean into Paula's touch, enjoying themselves.

"I think this is actually kind of fun," Spook purrs. "This feels good."

"Well, now that we're in good hands I have to agree," Robin purrs back.

Paula gives a chuckle before pulling her hands away and giving them a light shove toward the box. They both turn to her, meowing a 'thanks' before heading to the box. Spook runs ahead with Robin behind her. He jumps on her back and pushes himself off her like a springboard, landing on the edge of the box and turning to help Spook the rest of the way in.

"You two are ridiculous," Artemis chuckles, rolling her eyes.

"What?" the two meow.

"Bye, mom. I'll see you later. Get some rest," Artemis says, lifting the box with care.

"That I will and good luck," Paula says before heading back to her room.

Artemis decides to take the streets to get to the zeta-tube, knowing that jumping across rooftops carrying a box would be more trouble.


"Recognized: Artemis, B09."

"You all still in there?" she asks, looking down in the box.

The replies of six kittens ring out the seventh being asleep.

"Well, we made it to the cave," Robin says, curled in a ball like everyone else. The swaying of the box made it hard to remain standing. "Another bump in the road crossed."

On the way over, Artemis was conversing them with yes or no questions. Two meows for yes and one for no. All she managed to get was that Klarion did it and said it was permanent. Artemis moves to the kitchen to set the basket down on the counter.

"Where's Zatanna?" Artemis asks, now noticing she wasn't transformed into a cat either.

"Sleepover," Megan mews.

"Is she in her room?"

The kittens give her one meow. "No."

"I'll give her a call first, see if she can help at all with a reverting spell or whatever," Artemis says, taking out her phone. She moves to sit beside the basket, causing her to be out of view from the team.

"Where'd she go?!" Wally freaks out. "Did she just leave us here in this box?!"

"Dude, calm down," Robin says, nudging Wally with his head.

"I don't hear you calling Zatanna!" Wally yowls.

"Do not worry, team. Artemis will get us out of this," Kaldur speaks, like the leader he is.

"At least we weren't turned into monkeys..." Conner comments.

"I think this is fun!" Megan mews, giving a content smile. Wally turns to stare at her with disbelief.

"You guys need to chill out," Spook says, snuggling down into the basket.

"Oh my God, Wally. Shut up! I swear I'm going to find a way to kill that Klarion guy!" Artemis groans, finding Zatanna's contact and pressing the call button.

"Helloo...?" a tired voice comes through.

"Zatanna, I'm sorry to call you at this hour, but I need your help," Artemis sighs.

"What is it?"

"Well... the team got in some big trouble tonight..."

"What?!" Zatanna shouts quietly. "Are they okay?! What happened?"

"Yeah, everyone's okay, but..." Artemis trails off. "I know it's hard to believe and you might think I'm crazy but... the team all turned into kittens..."

"What?!" she yells. "No way. Did you just say they were turned into kittens? I must be dreaming still."

"I'm telling the truth. From what I can tell it's permanent and Klarion cast the spell. That's all I've managed to find out since we can't really communicate. They found their way to my house in cat form."

"Is it so hard to believe?!" Wally yowls.

"Was that one of them?" Zatanna asks.

"Yeah, it was Wally. He can never keep his mouth shut."


Zatanna snickers from the other end.

"Anyway, I called to ask if you knew any way to turn them back," Artemis continues.

"I have no clue," Zatanna admits. "Dad didn't get to teach me the magic to transform someone... much less seven of them. And... Fate is on some off world or other dimension or something mission. I don't think he'll be back anytime soon. Maybe the league can bring him back? Have you contacted anyone yet?"

"I tried Green Arrow, but he either ignored it or didn't hear it," Artemis sighs frustratedly. "Thanks for helping, Zee. Get some rest."

"Wish there was more I could do," she sighs. "See you later today. I can't wait to meet the kittens." She laughs before she hangs up.

Greta floats into the room. "Artemis?"

Artemis lets out a small yip. "Greta! Jeez, you scared me."

"Yes, I have fulfilled my true purpose as a ghost," Greta jokes, peeking into the box of kittens. "Why do you have a box of kittens?"

"This is the team."

"WHAaT?" Greta screeches, looking at Artemis bewildered.

"Hey, Greta," Spook meows.

Greta looks down into the box at Spook's meow. "Spook?" Greta blinks. "OMG! You guys are so CUTE! Is Phantom sleeping? Aww... So cute..."

Artemis sighs before picking up the box and gently taking each one of them out, leaving her to cradle Phantom in her arms and softly petting him. She heads back to the mission room with the kittens tailing at her feet. Greta follows behind.

"I believe since we are now safely back in the cave, we should get some rest," Kaldur says. "Including Artemis."

Artemis turns to Kaldur, questioningly. "What is it?"

"We can figure this all out later today," Kaldur says. "We are all exhausted and need sleep. That way we can all think clearly."

"I don't understand what you're saying, Kal," Artemis says.

Spook walks up to her and climbs up to her brother and points at him with her little black paw. "Sleep."


Spook shakes her head and curls up next to Phantom, acting asleep. "Sleep..."

"Go to sleep?" Artemis asks.

"Yes yes!" Wally meows twice.

"We can't sleep at a time like this," she counters. Spook gets out of her arms and moves down with the others to give her a hard glare along with the other kittens. Artemis sighs. "Fine. I'll contact the league tomorrow." She heads back to the living room. "Where are you going to sleep?"

"Obviously on the couch," Spook says, climbing onto said couch and waiting for Artemis to set her brother down.

Artemis sets Phantom beside his sister and moves to the other end to lay down on. Everyone crawls up and snuggles with Artemis.

"Good night," Greta says, disappearing to whatever she does at night.


7 hours later the zeta-tube whirls and comes to life.

"Recognized: Zatanna Zatara, B10."

"Artemis?" Zatanna calls out. She walks around the base and finds her on the couch, snuggled with the kittens. "Aww!" Curled up on Artemis' chest is Wally. In her lap are the twins. Megan is on her stomach. Kaldur and Conner are snuggled in her side. Robin is curled above her head. Zatanna immediately pulls out her phone to take pictures. She giggles as she finishes and moves over to wake Artemis up. "Artemis, wakey wakey." She shakes her shoulder. "Arty!"

Artemis groans and slowly opens her eyes. "Zee?"

"Hey, Arty. Looks like someone is protective of their girl," she comments, motioning to Wally.

Artemis rolls her eyes, moving her arms to take him off her chest along with Megan. She sits up to realize the twins are on her lap and sighs, slowly pulling them off her to not wake them. She sets the twins with Kaldur, Megan, Wally, and Conner then gets off the couch to stand next to Zatanna.

"I can't believe this is the team," Zatanna whispers.

"I'm still trying to absorb it myself," Artemis whispers back.

"Have you called the league yet?" Zatanna asks.

"They managed to prevent me from calling them last night and convinced me that we all should sleep," Artemis says. "We should probably go and call them."

The two girls leave the kittens to the mission room to contact everyone's mentors.

Spook sensing the change in position stirs and sits up. "Artemis?" She looks around to find Artemis gone, but all the kittens surround her. "She must've left to get the leaguers." She decides to hop down from the long green couch and finds her way to the mission room to find Artemis. She lets out a meow once she finds Artemis, Greta, and Zatanna in the mission room, finding them trying to find out how to get in contact with the league. "Arty? Greta? Zee?"

The three girls whirl around to look at the small ghost kitten heading into the room. "Which one is that?" Zatanna asks.

"One of the twins," Artemis says. "Phantom?"

"No," Spook mews.

"It's Spook," Artemis says.

"How do you know?" Zatanna asks.

"Two meows for yes and one for no," Artemis explains.

"Ah." Spook heads over to Zatanna and she bends down to pet Spook then cradles her hands for Spook to climb into. "So cute!" Once she returns to standing up, Spook moves to sit on her shoulder.

"I have no idea how to work this thing," Artemis says. "What about you?"


"I can!" Spook says. "I can do it!"

"Spook?" Zatanna questions. "What's up?"

Spook huffs and points a paw towards the computer screen. "Let me do it." Spook walks down Zatanna's arm to her hands and paws at the keyboard.

"I think she's telling us to let her do it," Artemis says.

"Oui oui!" Spook cheers in French.

"Alright," Zatanna says.

Zatanna moves Spook closer to the keyboard and she immediately begins to pull up everyone to contact them in one call. Batman, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, Fire, Ice, and Aquaman are pulled up in one call.

After a few rings, each member begins to pick up with confused expressions on their faces.

"Hi!" Spook meows.

"Flash, if this is you messing with us again–" Ice starts.

"It wasn't me!" Flash fusses. "I swear!"

"Then why are we getting called by a cat?" Fire asks.

Spook begins to snicker as she adjusts the camera to Artemis, Greta, and Zatanna.

"Zatanna? Artemis? Greta?" Flash questions.

"We have a little problem..." Artemis trails off.

"Little?" Greta sighs. "If you're talking about size maybe..."

"Does this have to do with the fact that Robin never came home last night and that I was given the suits of Superboy, Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Robin?" Batman asks.

"I guess so," Artemis says. "You won't believe it if I told you what happened to them. You need to come see them for yourselves..."

"IsWallyhurt?!" Flash asks with a shout.

"The twins aren't hurt, are they?" Fire asks.

"No, everyone's fine but... you need to come to the cave," Artemis says.

Spook moves the camera back to her before she smiles and ends the call.

"Recognized: Batman, 02. Flash, 04."

"Well that was fast," Zatanna admits.

"Well, it's Batman and he's worried for his baby bird and well, Flash is obvious, the fastest man alive and all," Spook says.

"WhereisWally?!" Flash shouts.

"Where's Robin?" Batman asks, crossing his arms with his glare. Over his shoulder is a black duffel bag really diminishing his appearance of being menacing.

"Recognized: Aquaman, 06. Ice, 26. Fire, 25."

"Is Kaldur alright?" Aquaman asks.

"What about the twins?" Fire and Ice ask.

"Yes, the team is in the living room," Greta says. "Everyone's asleep."

"I'm not!" Spook meows.

"Recognized: Martian Manhunter, 07."

"And why is there a cat in the cave?" Batman asks.

"It'll make sense once you see the others," Zatanna says with a chuckle.

"We'll take you to the others now," Artemis says, Spook now on her shoulder as they all turn to head to the living room to see all of the team.

"Recognized: Superman, 01."

Everyone turns around, surprised at the arrival of the entering Kryptonian.

Superman sighs after appearing, sheepishly scratching the back of his head awkwardly not making eye contact with anyone. "Is... is Superboy alright?"

Spook gives a smile, obviously showing her content by purring. Even though she's still angry at Superboy, she still cares for him and is happy that Superman came for him. He'll be surprised and happy all at once. She climbs her way off of Artemis' shoulder and heads over to paw at Superman's cape. Superman gives the small kitten a confused look before bending down to pick her up. He looks over to the leaguers with confusion.

"Come on, everyone is in the living room," Zatanna says.

They all walk to the living room.

"Well, where are they?" Flash asks. "All I see are a bunch of sleeping kittens."

"Those kittens are the team," Artemis says.

"That explains why this cat didn't have a heartbeat..." Superman gasps, looking down at Spook.

"What?!" Flash shouts.

"Great job, now you woke them up," Artemis says, seeing the kittens stirring. "I can see the family resemblance..."

Wally is the first one to wake, eyes slowly opening. "Jeez, who's yelling?!" He sees Artemis and gives an irritated yowl. "I'm trying to sleep!"

"You're the only one yelling," Spook says.

"Wally?" Flash asks, looking at Artemis for confirmation.

"Yep," Artemis responds.

Flash scoops him into his arms. "Never a doubt, he's always the loud one."

"Hey!" Wally huffs, earning a chuckle in response from Flash. "So are you!"

Spook jumps over to Ice's shoulder, purring and rubbing against her face. "Spook?"

"Yep!" Spook mews.

Phantom groans but opens his eyes, spotting Fire immediately. "Fire? You came?"

"Is this my little Phantom?" Fire asks, bending down to pick him up.

"Fire?" Phantom tiredly groans, slightly purring in her warm embrace. He falls back asleep soon after.

Batman turns toward Artemis with a questioning glare. "What happened to them?"

"From what I could gather, Klarion attacked them and changed them into kittens," she answers.

Each kitten, except Superboy, wanders over to their mentor.

Robin swipes a few times at Batman's cape before Batman decides to pick him up. Robin purrs as loud as he can as he rubs against the Dark Knight's face and what you can imagine as a smirk across his features. Megan curls in Martian Manhunter's grasp, purring happily. Kaldur decides to sit on his King's shoulder, as Orin doesn't know how to hold a kitten properly.

Superman hesitantly moves toward Superboy and stands in front of him, unsure of what to do. Superman gives Conner's head a quick pat before placing his large hand out in front of Conner. Conner looks up at the Man of Steel with hope. Everyone watches their exchange, truly happy that Superman's actually here and is interacting with his son. Superman sighs, deciding to scoop the kitten into his arms. "Let's get you back to normal."

"Manhunter, can you link up with them to find out what happened?" Batman asks.

"I can try," Manhunter says, eyes glowing green and connecting to the kittens.

After a few minutes, Manhunter's eyes return to their normal red color.

"So, what happened?" Flash asks, impatiently.

"It seems that Robin set up to have everyone hang out together to patrol Gotham until about 1 or 2 in the morning. Earlier if anyone wanted to leave but no one seemed to want to. They were about to call it a night and go home before Robin got an alert on his watch. The alert told them there was a break in at the museum. They encountered Klarion who was stealing a crystal from one of the magical artifacts exhibits. They engaged in a fight and had the upper hand until Klarion used the crystal to transform them all into kittens for hurting Teekl."

"How about how they found me?" Artemis asks nervously.

"Robin found out your identity a few days after you arrived on the team," Manhunter answers. "He learned that you lived in Gotham and decided to know where you lived if a problem ever arose and if you or he needed help."

"Should've known as much from the protégé of Batman..." Artemis sighs, hugging herself.

"Your identity is safe," Robin says. "I haven't told anyone."

"We didn't even know who he was taking us to!" Wally yowls, aggravatedly.

"Only Robin knows your secret," Manhunter says, reading the kittens. "The team didn't know who Robin was taking them to, figuring it was a friend of Batman. Your secret identity is still yours and yours to tell when you are ready."

Artemis nods with a sigh of relief.

"So... what? Do we go and chase down Klarion?" Flash asks.

"It sounds that this has mystic powers involved, meaning we will need Fate," Batman says.

"But he's on an off-world mission," Manhunter says. "And we have no way to contact him."

"We will have to wait till he's returned," Batman says. "He should be returning soon. It doesn't seem the team is in any pain in the form of kittens, but it will arise as a problem if they aren't back to normal soon."

"Still not happy about this!" Wally yowls.

"Dude, chill," Robin says.

"Yeah, they're doing everything they can to get us back to normal. Just relax and enjoy being small," Spook says.

"I don't enjoy being small!" Wally hisses.

Spook rolls her eyes. "At least we aren't babies, then we would have no sense of mind."

"I enjoy this," Megan purrs, content.

"You and me both!" Spook purrs.

"What are they going on about?" Flash asks.

"Something about being small and babies," Manhunter answers.

"Okay?" Superman responds.

"Our best bet is to find Klarion," Batman says. "I'll contact the rest of the league to keep a look out for him."

"Greta, Artemis, Zatanna, I know it's a lot to ask, but... can you watch them while we head out to find Klarion?" Aquaman asks.

"Not like we have a choice," Zatanna groans.

"Thanks!" Flash smiles, dropping Wally into Artemis' arms.

Each mentor gently places their protégés on the couch before leaving out the zeta-tube.

"How hard could it be?" Greta shrugs.

About an hour later...

Two loud screeches are heard throughout the cave...


Find out next chapter!

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