2.) Extra: Beast Boy

A few months have gone by and Conner and Vanessa decided to go visit his older brother, Match, a month back to discover that he was taken. The security cameras were cut and nobody remembers anything about what happened, but it was obvious that there was a break in as many things were broken and destroyed. Conner hasn't told anyone about Match, but he and Vanessa are secretly searching for him.

Today the team gets an alert, and everyone who is at the cave reports to the mission room. Robin, Vanessa, Raimundo, Megan, Conner, and Wally enter to see Batman on a screen across the room.

"What is it, Batman?" Robin asks.

"The assassination attempt on Harjavti was a cover for Queen Bee's true goal," Batman exhales. "Her real goal was to murder Marie Logan."

Megan gasps, bringing her hands to her mouth to hold back a sob. "No..."

"She succeeded into convincing Marie to drive off a cliff," Batman continues. "As a few of you know, she has a son named Garfield Logan. He has no other family, so he will be coming here. After the transfer of M'gann's blood and the shock from losing his mother, he has undergone a change in appearance and will be joining the team to learn how to control his new abilities."

Rai moves over to hold Megan, rubbing her back and hoping to comfort her some.

"We are going to retrieve him?" Robin asks sullenly.

"Yes, I'd like a small team to go," Batman answers. "Phantom, Spook, no initiation this time."

"Didn't even think about it," Vanessa replies, transforming. "He just lost his mother."

"Batman out." The screen shuts off and the area gets somewhat darker.

"I-I'm going," Megan sobs out.

Rai turns ghost. "As will I," he says.

"I'll stay at the cave," Robin says.

"You two can go with them," Wally says. "I'll stay as well."

"Then it's decided," Spook says. "Let's head out."

The four leave to the hangar.

"Poor kid," Wally sighs. "Rob, you're going to help him through it, right?"

"I'll try to the best of my ability."

The two couples board the bioship, Spook getting in the driver's seat, knowing Megan won't.

"C-coordinates e-entered," Megan sobs. "She should take you r-right to the house..."

Many hours pass before they arrive at an animal sanctuary, Spook slowly gets the ship lowered to the ground, landing with ease.

"What's going to happen to this sanctuary?" Phantom asks.

"I guess we'll find out," Conner says.

They exit the bioship and head up to the house, knocking once they get to the door. A police officer answers the door, nodding for them to come inside.

"The boy's packing up the last of his things," he says. "You must be the team Batman sent?"

"That would be us," Spook speaks up. "I'm Spook. This is Phantom, Miss Martian, and Superboy."

"I'm Officer Jonah," the officer says.

"Nice to meet you, sir," Spook replies, shaking his hand.

Conner and Phantom begin taking the packed boxes and suitcases to the bioship. The creaking of a door is picked up by Spook's ears and Garfield comes walking out with a suitcase, eyes locked to the floor. He appears from around the corner, making Megan gasp at his new appearance. Dark green fur coats his entire body, the places that show skin are green as well but a brighter shade than the fur complete with a monkey tail.

"Garfield..." Megan chokes out.

Garfield looks up, dropping his suitcase behind him and running into Megan's arms. "Big sis!" He begins sobbing. "I-I couldn't stop her! It's all my faul–"

"It's alright, Gar," Megan whispers, holding him close and running a hand through his hair. "There was nothing you could do. It wasn't your fault."

"Poor kid..." Spook murmurs. "What's going to happen to this farm?"

"It was sold," Jonah tells. "All the money was put into a special account that's available to Garfield once he gets out of high school."

"That's good," Spook sighs, watching him break down in his old living room. "Thank you for taking care of him while we were on the way."

"The pleasure is mine," he says. "Well, I'll get outta your hair. Take good care of him."

"We will," Phantom says, coming back in the room.

The officer smiles before he gets in his police car and drives off.

They get everything loaded up that Garfield wanted onto the bioship and off they go back to the cave. After a few hours, both Megan and Garfield calm down enough to talk.

"So, um..." Garfield mutters out, giving glances between the two ghosts. "I-I'm Garfield, b-but I'm guessing you two already knew that... You can call me Gar!"

The ghost girl smiles down at him from the bioship's controls. Megan comes up to her. "I can take over now, I need something to distract me."

Spook nods and takes Megan's seat by Garfield. "Hi, Garfield. My name is Spook and this is my brother Phantom."

"But our real names are Vanessa and Raimundo," Phantom says. "Call us whichever."

"What are your powers?" he asks the two.

"The two of us are ghosts," Spook says. "Well, half ghost and half demigod."

"So, you're half dead?" Garfield asks. "That's so cool! Can you fly? Possess someone? Turn invisible? Go through walls?!"

Phantom chuckles. "Yes to all the above."

"So cool!" he squeaks, squirming in his seat from excitement, eyes shining.

"We can also create force fields, shoot beams from our hands, survive underwater and in space, teleport, duplicate, ectobolts, and so much more," Spook says, grinning proudly. "I also have ice based powers as my twin here has fire powers."

"Whoa! You must be really strong!" Garfield fawns, turning into a dog who's tail is wagging excitedly but quickly reverts to normal before anyone sees.

"Yeah, no kidding," Conner mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck and giving a light wince. "We've all been on the receiving end of that power..."

"Heh... I suddenly got a major boost in power, evil power. We're still trying to control that area..." Spook mutters.

"At least you have control of most of your powers..." Garfield mumbles.

"We heard that you've acquired new abilities," Spook says. "Care to share?"

"I can shapeshift into any animal," he explains. "But I'm having trouble controlling it and turning into what I want..."

"Uncle J'onn and I will help you with your shapeshifting," Megan speaks up. "You're not alone, Gar."

"Thanks, big sis," Gar replies, head hanging. "I just wish it wasn't under these circumstances..."

It's silent for a moment before the ghost girl perks up. "Well, Gar, you're going to have to come up with a hero name now," Spook smiles, trying to take his mind off his mom.

"A hero name?" Gar questions.

"Yeah, we can't call you by your name on a mission," Spook says. "My hero name is Spook and my brother's is Phantom. Conner's is Superboy. Megan's is Miss Martian. Have you thought of one?"

"Uh, no..."

"Understandable," Phantom says. "Oo, how about Animal?"

"Lame," Conner coughs.

"Zoo Boy," Phantom suggests, rolling his eyes. "No, Zookeeper. Oo, Creature."

"Beastly," Conner voices.

"Animo," Spook says.

"Beast Boy," Gar gasps.

"Oo, that's perfect!" Megan squeals.

"BB, I like it," Spook smiles.

"A perfect fit," Phantom admits.

"From now on I declare you as Beast Boy!" Spook proclaims, making Gar laugh. "Ah, finally got you to laugh."

Gar sighs, smile remaining on his face. "I've been thinking that maybe this is a good thing... My path was set to become a part of a new family. Other people like me."

"Yeah," Spook smiles, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You're a part of a new family now. One full of love, many people, and many goofballs."

"Me being one of those goofballs," Gar smiles.

"We've arrived," Megan announces.

"Wally and Robin are waiting for us inside," Phantom says. "Maybe some of the others arrived too."

Megan lands the ship in the hangar and the twins each grab one of Gar's arms and carries him to the mission room to meet the others.

"You've returned," Robin says, turning away from the holocomputer to the twins, surprised to see Gar. "Garfield, I'm sorry."

"It's... It's fine. I'm fine. On the trip over I realized that I'm going to be apart of a new family," Gar says, looking to the twins who smile in return.

Robin smiles. "That you are. The others are in the living room, waiting to meet you."

"Before that though," Spook says. "Gar here has his designation name all set."

"You already figured out your code name?" Robin asks.

"They helped me come up with it on the way here."

"Well, what's the name you want me to enter," Robin asks, pulling up a screen to input the info.

"Beast Boy."

"I like it," Robin says. "How does Beast Boy B13 sound?"

"Could I be B22?"

"Any reason?" Robin asks confused.

"None, I just like the number 22," Gar grins.

Robin chuckles. "Alright, Beast Boy B22 then. Welcome to the team, Beast Boy."

Gar forms a big grin on his features.

"Alright, BB, let's go meet the rest of the team," Phantom says. "Fair warning, you'll feel a bit tingly."

"Huh?" he questions before Phantom teleports them to the living room.

"Once you manage to get him alone, you should talk to him Dick," Spook whispers, moving up near him.

"I will," Robin responds. "Nobody knows how to cope as well as I do."

"I'll see you later then, I assume?"

"Yeah, I'll be there after a little more research."

She nods and teleports to the living room.

"Holy crap, you three need to stop teleporting into rooms," Raquel shouts. "It freaks me out."

"Heh heh... Sorry," Spook apologizes.

"H-Hi, I-I'm Beast Boy, but my real n-name is Garfield Logan. You c-can also call me Gar," Gar introduces himself nervously.

"Aww, you're so cute!" Raquel squeals, giving him a hug. "I'm Rocket, but my real name is Raquel. Nice to meet you."

"I am known as Aqualad," Kaldur greets. "My birth name is Kaldur'ahm, but my friends call me Kaldur. I am the leader of this team."

"Really? I thought Robin was?" Gar questions.

"I am holding the place until he is ready to take over the position," Kaldur responds.

"Nice to meet you, Garfield. I'm Artemis both on and off the field."

"I thought you said it wasn't smart to use your real name for missions?" Gar asks.

"In her case it works," Spook says. "She's an archer and the Greek Goddess Artemis is also an archer."

"That's pretty cool."

"I also use my name on and off the field. My name is Zatanna."

"Is there a reason behind her?" Gar asks.

"Don't think so," Spook whispers back.

"You've already met me. Hey, Gar. Call me Wally."

"I'm Greta, full ghost. Brought back to 'life' by my mentors," Greta says, gesturing to the twins.

"And that's everybody!" Phantom cheers.

"Anyway, love the hero name, Beast Boy!" Wally cheers. "What's the reasoning?"

"He can shapeshift into different animals," Megan says, entering the room with Conner behind her.

"Really?" Wally asks. "That's awesome!"

Gar blushes. "You really think so?"


Garfield changes forms right in front of them into a gorilla, earning a few oo's and ah's.

"Wow, awesome," Wally proclaims.

"This wasn't on purpose..." Garfield grumbles.

"Can you turn back?"

"No, he ripped his clothes," Spook points out.

"Oh, I can help with that!" Megan exclaims, disappearing back to the bioship. She returns with a red and white collar, clipping it around Gar's neck. "This is a preprogrammed biosuit. It has two settings. Collar mode for when you turn into an animal and clothes when you're human. We can change the colors later if you don't like them."

Gar shifts into another animal, a falcon, and the collar shrinks to its size. "Wow, thanks!"

She helps return him to his normal monkey looking form.

"Now, BB, we have a little thing we call an initiation ritual, except we have to create a different one for you than the one we did on Raquel," Spook says. "For obvious reasons."

"How did you do her initiation?" Gar asks.

"By scaring me half to death!" Raquel huffs. "The three ghosts decided to not introduce themselves to me and make me think I was crazy."

"So, next members we get will be going through that ritual, so you can't say anything to them and play along," Phantom says.

Garfield grins. "That I can do. I love a good old scare prank."

"Then welcome to our family, BB," Spook smiles. "To new beginnings."

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