Chapter - 2 - the "Befriending"

Muichiro's pov

I knew I smelt something. It smelled really sweet I looked around the room only to find that smell coming from...Tanjiro?!

I was surprised but I kept a low profile. Tanjiro is an omega? I thought he was a beta or something. Or an alpha because of us popularity. But he's an omega. Does anyone else know that he is? Does his friends know? Do I tell someone? Or should I keep it to myself..?

All of these thoughts were racing through my mind until I sorted it all out by making up my mind. I'll just keep it to myself I'll ask his friend later..maybe..


When the bell rang Tanjiro was still no where to be seen until suddenly his friend the blonde one got a phone call after class. I'm not the type to be noisy or anything but I wanted to get to the bottom of this. If I'm lucky maybe he might be a on a phone call with Tanjiro.

I began to ear's drop on the blonde's conversation on the phone some words were muffled while other were clear as day.

"Hey what's up?" I heard the blonde say.

"Tanjiro got....early because his....intense and his suppressant's weren''s job." A female voice said.

I tried my hardest to put the words together but I couldn't really get it all but I got most of it. So my guess is Tanjiro got sent home early because...his...heats? We're intense and his suppressant's weren't working or doing it's job. I don't know.

"Oh I see...well what do you want me to do?" Zenitsu said.

"Try to find out who or what caused Tanjiro to go into heat. Bye!" The female voice said some odd reason what she said was clear to understand.

"Alright bye." The blonde said then hung up.

I sighed and then suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. I jumped and whipped my head around only to find Yuichiro glaring at me.

"What?" I whispered to him

"Why the hell are you whispering?" He said.

I put my finger on his lips to shush him down.

"I'm whispering which means I'm clearly-" I said before I was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Where you here the entire time?" Once again I whipped my head around to find the blonde crossing his arms and staring right at me.

"" I said while grabbing Yuichiro hand and bolting out of there.

"Hey, wait come back!" The blonde yelled but I ignored him to the best of my ability and kept on running.

Zenitsu's pov

I tried to stop him from running away but it was to late he was already out of sight. Damnit..what am I supposed to do now? What if he tells people about Tanjiro being an omega?! I'm definitely screwed..

Yuichiro's pov

I stopped Muichiro from running and dragging me across the entire damn school.

"Ok Muichiro, what the hell is going on?" I asked him.

He sighed and sat against the wall catching his breath.

"So? What's going on?" I asked again waiting for my answer.

"Ok..I'll tell you but promise you won't get mad." He said while putting his hands together and staring deep into my eyes.

"It depends on what you did. Buy go on." I said.

" at school you know how we bumped into that red head kid named Tanjiro, right?" He said.

"Right..." I replied while crossing my arms.

"Well..we have the same class so he led me my class and half an hour went by and I sensed something strong but sweet. Me thinking that it was perfume I asked who was spraying that much perfume in the class. Mind you the teacher left to go to the principal office for some papers. Once she left that's when everything started to happen. That sweet sent disappeared once Tanjiro left. I felt really lightheaded at that time come to think of it." He said all of that practically in one whole sentence.

"Oh, so he's an Omega than?" I asked.

"I think so." Muichiro replied.

" guess is that the school doesn't know because if they did somebody or a teacher would've warned and placed us in a different classroom where he isn't." I said think long and hard when suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I whipped my head around only to find the girl who was in the same class as me plus she led me there. She looked like she ran a marathon before she got here Muichiro was about to sneak away but I grabbed him but the collar part of his shirt so he wouldn't go anywhere.

" your conversation..I..just...give me a second.." she said in between pants and breathes. Me and Muichiro looked at each other he just shrugged and turned his gaze to the ground.

"Sorry..ok! Hi, I'm Nezuko Kamado! Tanjiro Kamado's little sister. And to clarify things yes he is an omega..but besides that. Please don't tell anyone! We've kept his a secret for years! The last time we told a school about him being an omega he was bullied and...bad stuff happened to him that we don't talk about. So if he's acting kinda weird I'm class please excuse him." The girl who is apparently named Nezuko said.

"I see...we didn't tell anyone and we weren't planning to either." Muichiro said.

Nezuko bowed slightly before getting back up.

"Thank you so much. The reason in was out of breaths was because I had to get to you guys and then I have to make it to Ms. Shinobu's science class to ask her a question. Thank you once again for understanding. Bye!" And just like that she left speeding through the hallways.

"Um..that was...something." Muichiro said as she watched as Nezuko zoomed down the hall.

"Tell me about it. Let's go home I'm tired this much happened on our first day of school too." I said as I started to walked away Muichiro following behind me.

"What do you think the rest of the year will be like?" Muichiro asked me. I shrugged because I clearly didn't know and clearly didn't care

Nezuko's pov

I zoomed through the halls trying my best not to get in trouble when I finally reached Ms. Shinobu's science classroom. I took a deep breathe and out as I walked in reverently.

"Ms. Shinobu? Are you in here?" I asked the classroom looked empty so I guessed she left as I was about it take my leave she was right at the door carting a few boxes.

"Somebody called?" She asked as she placed the boxes on her desk. "Good afternoon Ms. Nezuko. What brings you here today? Schools over you know." She said as she started unpacking things from the box things like books markers and tools for science things.

"Well I just wanted to know if you know anything about...Omegas?" I asked hesitantly.

"Why? You know one?" She asked me.

"Huh? Oh um...ya! I do." I said letting out a soft sigh of relief.

"Well, it depends on what you want to know." She said.

I just shrugged and asked, "do you know anything about omega's and their heats?" I asked

"I do but I don't know much." She said placing the science tools on the shelves.

"Tell me everything you know!" I asked sounding slightly desperate.

She chuckled and turned to face me. "It sounds like your in a hurry. But alright. I think you might want to sit down for this."

I took a seat in one of the desk as Ms. Shinobu sat in her desk.

"Alright, so omega's are the lowest of the ranks and if you want to learn about there heats. Omegas only go into heat around the fall or the spring but if their around there mates than that's a different story. That's unless their their the right age of course. Some omega's first heats happened between the ages 15-16. But sometimes that isn't always the case. What usually triggers and omega into heat is if the omega is in a safe situation. Warm heats typically last 2-4 days. When: Warm heats frequently occur in omegas ages 14-16/17, pregnant omegas, the first couple heats after having a child, and in omegas age 40 and older. Usually omegas have a specific age to go into heat but when they are ready to mate they go into heats when an alpha is near by to attract them with this sweet scent so they can mate and of course form a child. It doesn't matter what gender you are as long as your an omega you can bear a child."

"Oh interesting..thank you so much Ms. Shinobu!" I thank her as I headed for the door.

"No problem Ms.Nezuko, stop by any time you want!" She called out as I left on my way home wishing I had written that all down.

(Ok for the omega heat thing I literally had to go on google for that cause I'm the original version some people were confused so I clarified it for you to the best of my ability. Ask questions if your still confused I'll try to answer then the best I can. On to the story (•̀•́)و)


As I was walking home I noticed a huge move-in truck infront of the next to mine. New neighbors I guess? I wonder who they are. I thought to myself as I kept walking home.

As soon as I got home all of my siblings came running towards me and jumping at me just to give me a hug.

"Welcome home Onee-San!" All my siblings said at the same time all of my siblings except for Tanjiro of course.

"Hey where is Tanjiro anyway?" I asked my mom after gently pulling away from the group hug my siblings put me in.

"Oh, he left for a walk. He told me what happens at school so I gave him stronger suppressants and he left. He'll be back in time for dinner. Wanna help me make it?" Mom said

"I would love to. But I'm kinda in a situation right now." I said still trying to pull away from the hug.

"Alright. Kids I think Nezuko had enough for one day." Mom said with a warming smile as the rest of my siblings went back to playing monopoly.

"After we finish dinner we should make cupcakes to welcome our new neighbors into the neighborhood." My mom said as she started on the rice.

I nodded and started on the cupcakes to help save time so we wouldn't stay in the kitchen all afternoon.

Tanjiros pov

I was minding my business walking but I didn't know where I was walking to. So I decided to walk to my favorite cafe.

Once I got there I was greeted by the wonderful smell of fresh made goods and coffee. And I was greeted by the squeals of a familiar pink haired women.

"Hi Tanjiro! It's been a while since you've last visited!" Mitsuri said from the register.

"Hi Mitsuri! It has been quite a while hasn't it." I said

"The usual?" She asked. I nodded and she smiled brightly. "Coming right up! Rengoku, Tanjiro's here and he'd like the usual please!" She yelled into the kitchen.

"Coming right up! And tell Tanjiro said hi!" Rengoku yelled back from the kitchen.

Me and Mitsuri talked for a while until I got my smoothie and left after saying goodbye of course.

I was on my way home until I walked passed a familiar someone. Who had long black hair faded into some teal mint green color. Then I realized.

"Hey Muichiro!" I called out.

Muichiro turned to face me with his blank facial expression but I didn't mind.

"Oh, it's you." He said turning his entire body to face me.

"Hi! You know I didn't get to know you properly. So wanna hang out?" I asked him.

He looked up my guess was that he was thinking on what to say. After what felt like and hour he shrugged and nodded.

"Great! Let's head to the park!" I suggested.

"There's a park here?" He said on his usual soft and quiet voice. It sounds soothing. Hearing him speak sounds so peaceful. I could listen to him all day.

"Of course there's a park here. Your acting as if you've never lived here before." I said unknowingly.

"I actually just moved here...three days ago with my uncle's.." he said. I instantly stopped talking and immediately apologized. "No no it's fine. I should've told you before. Anyway, so about the park?" He asked.

"Oh right! Follow me!" I said leading him to the park.

On our way there, there was an awkward silence between us until I decided to break it.

" said you were moving in with your uncle's! Are your uncle' know." I asked curiously.

"No, there twin brothers. They just decided to live together." Muichiro answered.

"Oh, so what about your parents?" I asked.

Muichiro instantly stopped talking and looked away to think once again. "Their always at work..they never really have time for me and Yuichiro. The went away on a vacation business trip so that's why me and Yui live with our uncle's. Temporarily though." He answered.

"Oh, I see." I said we kept on walking and I tried different ways to start up a new conversation each time but every time I try to there's always this awkward silence between us. So eventually I gave up.

"Sorry I'm so bland...I'm not really social." Muichiro said suddenly.

"No it's fine! I really don't mind really!" I said happily.

"Why are you so happy nothing really happened..." he said quietly.

"I'm just happy I got to hear your voice." I said unknowingly with a warm smile.

"Your..what..?" He said as he stopped walking.

"Huh? I didn't say anything!" I said while scratching the back of my neck laughing nervously.

"Hm...ok.." he said as he continued walking.

We made it to the park and we hung out there for pretty long time that I lost track of time. Moms gonna kill me!

"Sorry I gotta go! I'll see you tomorrow right?" I said in a rush.

"Uh..yeah tomorrow." He said.

I smiled and left rushing to get home.

Muichiros pov

Wait how do I get home?
Word count: 2437 

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