[ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀɪᴏʀ: ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ 3]: (Chapter 5: The Beginning of The End: Part 1)

Inside the Headmaster's office of Professor Ozpin, who is seated behind his desk across from Pyrrha, as the last rays of twilight come through the clock-decorated windows.

Ozpin: (Chuckling as he gestures to her, The Long Memory resting at his side) Well, it comes as no surprise that they've chosen you to move on to the final round of the tournament. Your performance was exemplary. You truly are -

Pyrrha: (Humbly) Thank you, Professor Ozpin, but I would never have made it this far without my teammates and the one who trained me to this point

Qrow: (From his spot leaning against a column in the back of the room, arms crossed) Personally, I think it's the other way around

Pyrrha: (Turns around and gets up from her chair, trying to be formal) I'm sorry, but I don't believe we've been introduced

Qrow: (Still rather hostile) Name's Qrow

Ozpin: Qrow is a trusted colleague of mine. He's also the brother-in-law of F/N

Pyrrha: (Looks at Qrow for another moment before addressing her teacher again) Professor, if you don't mind me asking, why have you called me here?

Ozpin: (Still smiling) Please, take a seat. (when she does so, he puts his fingers up to his lips, leaning back casually) What is your favorite fairy tale?

Pyrrha: (Confused) I'm... sorry?

Ozpin: Fairy tales, stories from your childhood. Surely you must remember some of them?

Pyrrha: (Put off by the question, but answers with nostalgia:) Well, there's The Tale of The Two Brothers, The Shallow Sea, The Girl in the Tower...

Ozpin: (Leaning back forward) What about The Story of the Seasons?

Pyrrha: Well, of course!

She looks away in remembrance, narrating the story as the art style changes to show the colored silhouettes of four young women coming across a house on a hill with a single figure in the doorway.

Pyrrha (Narrating): A callous old man, who refuses to leave his home, is visited by four traveling sisters

Each of the four performs a different action, with the white one sitting down, the green bringing a basket of fruits, the orange calling their host out of the building, and the purple gesturing to what's around them.

Pyrrha (Narrating): The first understands his reclusive nature and urges him to use his time in solitude to reflect and meditate. The second brings him fruits and flowers, tending to his crops and revitalizing his garden. The third warms the man's heart, convincing him to step outside and embrace the world around him. And the fourth and final sister begs him to look at all that he has, and be thankful

A golden light emanates from the old man until it surrounds the four girls, who go on their way with the glow still around them.

Pyrrha (Narrating): In return for their kindness, the man grants the maidens incredible powers, so that they may continue to help others all over the world. They graciously accept, and promise to share their gifts with the people of Remnant 'til the end of days

Comes back to the office as she lists the four off.

Pyrrha: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall; the four maidens. My mother loves that story

Ozpin: Would you believe me if I told you that one's been around since I was a boy?

Pyrrha: *Laughs* You're not that old, Professor

Ozpin: (Turning from playful to deadly serious in a millisecond) Well, would you believe me if I told you it was true?

Pyrrha: (Silent for a moment, then gives an uneasy chuckle) I beg your pardon?

Ozpin: What if I were to tell you that there were four maidens existing in this world, that could wield such tremendous power, without Dust?

Pyrrha: (Trying to make sense of this development) You mean... like a Semblance?

Ozpin: (Giving a small smile as he delivers his secret) Like Magic

Pyrrha: (Looks down) I...

Qrow: Yeah. First time hearing it's pretty crazy. And here I thought only aliens existed out there, huh?

Pyrrha: (Turns her gaze from Qrow back to Ozpin again, amazed) You're serious?

Ozpin: (Straight-faced) Do I look like I'm joking?

Pyrrha: ... No. (struggles for the right words) Why... why are you telling me this?

Ozpin: (Glances at Qrow, who nods his approval, before looking into Pyrrha's eyes) We are telling you this, Pyrrha Nikos, because we believe that you are next in line to receive the Fall Maiden's powers

Pyrrha: (Eyes grow wider and wider until she realizes) "We"?

At that moment, the elevator doors open, and she sees Glynda and General Ironwood step out.

Ironwood: Sorry we're late

Pyrrha: (Overwhelmed, narrowing her eyes at Ozpin) Wait, what is this? Who are you? Does F/N know about any of this?

Glynda: (Coming forward with Ironwood and Qrow, spreading her hands and trying to sound reassuring) You know who we are. We're still the same teachers and Headmasters you met when you arrived at Beacon. And yes, F/N does know about this. He is just busy with something else at the moment

Qrow: 'Cept we've got a little part-time job

Ironwood: We are the protectors of this world

Ozpin: And we need your help. F/N needs your help

Pyrrha is shocked into silence as everyone in the room looks to her.




Cut to Pyrrha, looking nervous, in the elevator with the group of "protectors". She looks at Ozpin and Glynda as if seeing them for the first time while a steady beeping signals each floor passed.

Pyrrha: (Apprehensive) Where are we going?

Ozpin: The vault. Under the school

The elevator continues downward through the vertical tunnel of dark green lights until it opens its doors and their passengers step out, with Pyrrha being the last to leave as she absorbs the sight of the large, sparsely-lit hallway she is now being lead through. Glynda waits up for her behind the others.

Glynda: I'm sure you must have questions

Pyrrha: (Still taking it all in) Maybe one, or two... (they continue on as she asks them) I still don't understand. You said I was next in line to receive the Maiden's power. What do you mean by that?

Glynda: The Maidens have existed for thousands of years. But much like in nature, the seasons change. No two summers are alike. When a Maiden dies, her power leaves her body and seeks out a new host, ensuring that the seasons are never lost, and that no individual can hold on to that power forever

Pyrrha: So, how does the power choose?

Qrow: (Over his shoulder) Through a series of stupid and convoluted rules

Glynda: Qrow...

Qrow: Hey, don't get mad 'cause I'm right

Glynda: (Back to Pyrrha, explaining it all carefully) At first, the only thing that was certain was that the powers were specifically passed on to young women. But as time went on, it was discovered that the selection process was much more... intimate

Pyrrha: (Concerned) ... Intimate?

Glynda: As we understand it now, when a Maiden dies, the one who is in her final thoughts is the first candidate to inherit her power

Qrow: Unless it's a dude or some old hag. Then the power goes to someone random, and our job gets a lot harder

Pyrrha: Why tell me all of this now? Why not wait until I've graduated?

Qrow: Honestly, we've run out of time. I don't know if you've noticed, but things are getting a lot scarier out in the world. Tensions are high. Grimm are growing stronger, more prevalent. And it's not going to be much longer before the peace we've been enjoying so much goes out the window. Not even F/N can handle all of this alone

Pyrrha: You're not... talking about a war?

Ironwood: Not a war between nations

Qrow: We can fill you in on the details once we know that you're with us. For now, all you need to know is that one of the Maidens has been attacked. And for the first time in history, part of her power was stolen

A humming of electricity is heard as the group comes to their destination at the end of the hallway: A large machine with lit screens hooked up to two rectangular pods, one of which is upright to show through the glass window a young girl dressed in minimal clothing with a burn scar over her left eye and across her face.

Pyrrha: (Stepping forward hesitantly) Is that...

Ozpin: *Sighs heavily* The current Fall Maiden, Amber

Pyrrha: (Holding herself) She's... still alive

Ironwood: For now. We're using state of the art Atlas technology to keep her stable. But there is a lot about this situation that is... unprecedented

Pyrrha: What do you mean?

Ironwood: (Sighs, eyes closed) Well, we don't know what will happen if- when she passes

Pyrrha: Won't... her power... just transfer to the next host?

Qrow: Look who's been listening! (whispering to Ozpin) She is smart

Ironwood: Under normal circumstances, yes. But this is a delicate situation. It's not uncommon for the last thoughts of the slain to be of their attacker. (glances at Amber) And to make matters worse, no one's ever seen the power split like this before. For all we know, it will seek out its other half

Pyrrha: (Connecting the pieces together) ... Her assailant

Ozpin: (Turning to Pyrrha) And that would not bode well for any of us

Pyrrha lowers her head in thought, then suddenly comes forward and places a hand on the glass of Amber's pod.

Pyrrha: (Suddenly sounding angry, turning to the teachers and gesturing wildly) If all of this is true, why keep it secret!? If this girl is so important... if we're truly on the brink of war, why not tell everyone?

Glynda:(Coming forward to explain) From what we understand, it used to be common knowledge

Pyrrha: (Not expecting that answer) Excuse me?

Qrow: (Now his turn to elaborate as he pulls out the familiar flask) How do you think legends and fairy tales get started? Even the craziest ones come from somewhere. (he gets the lid off and takes a swig)

Glynda: Our group was founded in order to protect both mankind and the Maidens. Those hungry for power hunted them with the hope of inheriting their strength

Qrow: (Finishing his drink) And as you can imagine, the ones that succeeded weren't exactly the kind of people you'd want to have unimaginable power

Ironwood: And so this brotherhood chose to remove the Maidens from the public eye, allowing their existence to fade away into legend

Glynda: The things we're telling you go against hundreds of years of human history, religion.

Ironwood: No one would want to believe us. It would cause an uproar

Ozpin: It would cause panic. And we all know what that would bring to clawing to our Kingdom's walls. (turns his gaze away from the others) Which is why we would like to...

Pyrrha: I'll do it. (Ozpin looks up, surprised, as she stares at the ground, continuing) If you believe that this will help humanity, that this is the reason why F/N chose to train me... (gives them all a resolute look) ... then I will become your Fall Maiden. (as the others silently turn to each other with wary faces) That's what you wanted, isn't it?

Ozpin: (Stepping towards her) It is, but I'm afraid it's not that simple. Given Amber's condition, you won't be able to inherit her power naturally. However, General Ironwood believes he has a solution

Ironwood: For the past few years, Atlas has been studying Aura from a more scientific standpoint; how it works, what's it made of, how it can be used. We've made... significant strides. And we believe we've found a way to capture it

Qrow: Capture it and cram it into something else. (gestures to Pyrrha as she takes a second to realize what that means) Or in your case ...

Pyrrha: (To Ironwood) That's...

Ironwood: Classified

Pyrrha: ... wrong! There's no way F/N would agree with this!

Glynda: (Glaring at Ironwood) The feeling is mutual. F/N didn't like the idea also, trust me (switches her gaze back to Pyrrha) But desperate times call for desperate measures

Ironwood: And these are indeed desperate times. We can't transfer Amber's power to you, but we can give you what those powers are bound to

Pyrrha: ... Her Aura

Ozpin: Her life... would become intertwined with yours. The question is...

Qrow: What's that going to do to you?

Ozpin: (As Pyrrha fully understands the dangers she might face) You have an important decision before you, Miss Nikos. There's no guarantee this transfer will work. And there's no telling if you will be the same person if it does. I advise you to take time on this matter. But understand that before the Vytal Festival is over, we will need your answer

Pyrrha doesn't respond, instead placing her hand on the glass separating the maiden from her potential replacement, seeing her scared expression reflected on the scarred face of the dying girl, before turning away from this expected destiny as Ozpin gives one final warning.

Ozpin: The assailant that attacked the Fall Maiden has made their first move. And there's no telling when their next move will be






With the sound of a rapid heartbeat, the scene cuts to a smirking Cinder as she sits in one of the Amity Colosseum's seats along with the rest of the cheering crowd, their screams being drowned out by the announcements.

Port: (Over the broadcasting system) Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! The one-on-one finals!

In the center of the battlefield's stage, smirks confidently as the camera pans down the line of final fighters, a few new faces mixed in with Sun Wukong, Penny Polendina, Mercury Black, and the troubled Pyrrha at the other end of the line.

Port: (Back in the announcer's box with his co-host) Barty, why don't you explain the rules?

Oobleck: Ah, it's quite simple, Peter. Instead of a bracket system, each round of the finals will be randomly determined immediately before the match takes place!

Port: Much like any good hunt, there will be zero time to prepare!

Oobleck: Ah, yes, yes! Now, let's see who our first match will be!

The energetic doctor points out to the screens above the stadium as the roulette starts spinning, this time for competitors instead of biomes.

The "random selection" is watched by the owner of the Crow Bar, a group of Human and Faunus kids, the visitors and workers at the Cross Continental Transmit System, before it gets back from the worldwide audience glimpses to reveal the first showdown.

Port: Yang L/N and Mercury Black!

Ruby: (Cupping her hands to make sure her encouragement is heard from her spot alongside RWBY, JNPR, and SSSN) Break a leg, sis!

Cinder, still smiling, gets up from her place and begins walking out, eyes on the battlefield.

Port: Would all other combatants please leave the stage!

The rest of the lineup does so, and Yang starts walking up to Mercury in the middle as the floor around them opens once more, with a ring of spotlights rising up to automatically fix their lights on the remaining two.

Yang: (Smiling) You better not go easy on me

Mercury: *Laughs darkly* You wish

Both brawlers face the crowds one last time, then slowly start advancing on each other, arms raised defensively until their hands can almost touch, as the final countdown commences.

Port: Three! Two! One! Fight!

Immediately, Yang throws a punch, and Mercury spins his foot to meet it, creating a shockwave between the weapons that launches him back. He closes the distance quickly and aims at her feet with Talaria, but she leaps over it and fires off a shot of her Ember Celica that he rotates to avoid.

They fight fist-to-fist for a moment, Yang getting in a fiery blast on her opponent at the cost of him also landing a blow on her. She falls back on her feet when Mercury shoots himself into the air to get farther away from her, looking up and smiling.

Yang doesn't relent for a second, launching shot after shot only for Mercury to dodge each of them, sliding around the stage on clouds of air until he attempts to come down on her with his leg. She blocks and pushes away the attack, but he goes under her shotgun burst and manages to land a kick on her, though she still lands in a crouch, now grimacing.

She launches forward with a double blast and continues landing blow after blazing blow on him, right up to when he roundhouse kicks her in the back and attempts to hit her with his heel. She gets out just in time and punches he ground trying to get him, but he leaps out and twirls to get a hit on her.

One of his kicks seems to pass over her, but then he brings it down hard enough to shatter the steel underneath, which Yang narrowly rolls backward to avoid.

They exchange kicks after this attack until Mercury hits her backwards, and he rushes forward only to receive a fist to his chin, then his torso, knocking him on his stomach.

He gets up right as Yang starts raining down fire again, causing him to somersault back until one explosion causes him to get knocked off of the stage. He saves himself by firing his boots downward and flying back in front of his enemy, unleashing a series of kicks that put Yang on the defensive.

She ducks under one attack only to receive another as Mercury jumps into the air to knock her back, and he follows it up with a shot from his boots. Yang avoids it effortlessly, not noticing it still hanging around behind her.

Switching tactics, Mercury starts shooting his foot out in every direction, each kick into the air accompanied by a silvery blast that are barely even aimed at Yang.

She dodges each one coming her way and gets in close through the circling barrage of shots, fighting with their fists again until Mercury kicks her into the air and knocks her right back to the ground, followed by the dozens of swirling shots that now converge right on to Yang.

When the blasts stop coming down on his opponent, Mercury gets up from his crouch and grins to himself, dusting off his outfit and seeming as happy as can be until the smoke from behind him erupts into flames.

His momentary shock turns into another smile as he turns around to see the red-eyed Yang slam her knuckles together and come at him. Screaming, she lands a punch that sends him back, and she rushes up avoiding each kick and even taking one with no effect to pound at him with an unrelenting bombardment of left-right blows.

He has enough time to let out a pained groan before she hits him in the stomach, his Aura sparkling up to try and defend him from the last hit to the face by the upset blonde. He lands on his back as the buzzer sounds over the roars of the audience.

Port: (As Yang lowers her fists and closes her eyes, breathing a sigh of relief before opening them back up to her usual lilac and raising her arm in victory) What a way to kick off the finals!

Oobleck: (While the stage is enclosed by the stadium floor again) Yang L/N wins!

Ruby: (Splaying her arms in excitement) Yeah! You did it, sis!

Blake: (Giving a standing ovation as Weiss pumps her fists) Way to go, Yang!

Yang: (Wiping her brow with an arm as she addresses the hunched-over Mercury) Better luck next time

She starts walking to the exit, getting pretty far away before Mercury seems to get up outside her peripheral vision.

Mercury: (Murderously angry) There's not going to be a next time, Blondie!

A sharp sound is heard in the sudden silence as Yang turns around just in time to see Mercury leap forward with a kick to his unsuspecting victim.

Yang scowls as she just manages to both bring her gauntlet down on and shoot his leg before he hits her. The second she does so, there is a sound of something breaking. The audience gasps in shock, and Mercury reels back from the pain.

Oobleck: (Getting up from his chair) My word!

Port: (To someone unseen) Cut the cameras!

The looks of surprise, horror, and hatred at Yang cut to a view of Mountain Glenn, where two Goliaths near a ruined hamburger joint and a pack of Beowolves up in the construction beams of an unfinished building all look towards the Colosseum floating near Beacon.

Mercury: (Still grasping his injured body part, rocking back and forth) My leg, MY LEG!

Yang: (Trash talking) That's what you get, you little- Huh?

She stops just as she notices the Atlesian Knight-200 droids and two Soldiers circling the Huntress-in-training and raising their guns to her.

Soldier: Yang L/N, stand down!

Yang: (Not having a clue what's going on) What!? Why!?

Emerald: Mercury!

She rushes over to her partner's side, comforting him.

Mercury: (Crying hysterically) Why'd she do that!? WHY'D SHE ATTACK ME!?

Yang receives a disgusted scowl from Emerald, only now looking up at the screens above her to see the footage of what just transpired: Yang circling the crouched-down Mercury until the footage cuts to him just standing there and her suddenly shooting him in the leg. The sound of something breaking rings out, and Mercury screams and falls over in pain.

It takes a moment of staring at the images until Yang finally understands what she did, and her gaze turns up to the wide-eyed, terrified faces of Blake, Weiss, and Ruby.

She looks around at the guns aimed at her and the people cursing her name, still not knowing what just happened or what will come next.

Meanwhile, F/N stood alone out of sight as he had watched everything unfold. His arms crossed with a stoic expression.

F/N: ...

His gaze then turned to Cinder in the crowd, she looked back at him and smirked seductively. Everything was going according to his plan, just like Cinder wanted.

After all, if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be the woman who she is today.






Cinder (Voice-only): I want to be strong...

Salesman: (Right after a sharp sound goes off) A beautiful ring... for a beautiful woman.

Woman: I'm sorry?

Cinder (Voice-only): I want to be feared...

Salesman: (Suddenly surprised) What!? (the sound of running footsteps are heard) Impossible! What did...!?

Man: She went that way!

Cinder: I want to be powerful...

Woman: Someone, call the police!

Salesman: How'd she do that!?

Cinder (Voice-only): I want to be exactly like my saviour who took me in and moulded me to the woman I am now. I want to be superior

Suddenly, the darkness cuts to the smirking face of Cinder, seen with shorter hair and a metal version of Midnight with arrows on her back.

Cinder: How did you do that?

The person she is talking to in the abandoned alleyway, cornered against a wall, is revealed to be Emerald.

Emerald has a ponytail instead of her usual locks and is wearing a different outfit, missing her usual white top and arm accessories.

Some of the clothes' colors - gloves, pants, even Thief's Respite - are switched for different hues.

She glares at this stranger while glancing around, backing away slowly and not answering. Without warning, she attempts to get her revolvers from their holsters.

Cinder: Don't. (Emerald grimaces before Cinder continues) Unless, of course, you want them to hear you

There is a sound of footsteps running past while she speaks.

Emerald: (Letting go of the grips as a nearby voice asks "Where did she go?") What do you want?

Cinder: (Stepping forward slowly, glass anklet shifting with her footsteps) I've already told you. And I don't like repeating myself

Emerald: I didn't do anything! Just leave me alone!

Cinder: I know my fair share of liars and thieves. Stealing is an art of patience, coordination, and in a pinch, sleight of hand. But you didn't steal the ring in your pocket

Emerald looks shocked and checks the pocket where her prize is as Cinder crosses her arms, continuing.

Cinder: You took it right before the jeweller's eyes. And he smiled

Emerald: (Surprise turns to suspicion once more) Who are you?

Cinder keeps on smiling as the scene fades to black, and the voices return.

Cinder: (As monstrous growling is heard in the background) You will question everything you know

Emerald: This is impossible...

There is a sound similar to something vanishing in a puff of smoke, and the growling instantly stops.

Cinder: I wish to take on an apprentice. You will mostly certainly be useful for my beloveds plan

Large Man: He lives in the mountains with his son

Cinder: Follow me, and you'll never be hungry again

Emerald: Thank you...

Cinder: Don't thank me, I'm merely a tool in my beloved's hands. If he sees the use in like I do, he will certainly give you everything that you've wanted... and more ~




The darkness opens up once more on the panting, bruised and bloodied face of another familiar youth, Mercury.

He is missing his armor and sash, and his knees are bandaged and stained with blood. There is light from a burning house dancing to his back as he stands before a confident Cinder and wary Emerald.

Mercury: What are you looking at!?

Cinder: I'm looking for Marcus Black

Mercury: (Spits blood on the ground as he gestures back at the burning house and the white-haired man lying face down behind him) There you go

Emerald: (Getting up from her stance) That's... the assassin?

Cinder: (Calmly looking up at Mercury) And you're his son

Mercury doesn't acknowledge this, merely wiping his lips of blood, but she grins now.

Cinder: We saw your fight from the treeline. He's taught you well

Mercury: Guess so

Cinder: What's your name?

Mercury: (A moment passes before he tells her) Mercury

Cinder: (Nodding in approval) Mercury... Tell me, are you anything like your father?

The scene fades to black on her smile again.




Mercury: So what's in it for me?

Emerald: We don't need him! Everything was going fine!

A slap is heard, and she cries out in pain.

Cinder: Do not mistake your place

Mercury: My dad always said... "if you need to know a city, ask the rats."

Roman: Well, hello, gorgeous (chuckling darkly)




Adam: (Voice heard clearer than the others) So, let me get this straight...

The darkness cuts away to the image of Cinder standing respectfully in the center of a tent, Emerald and Mercury sitting on their knees behind her.

Two members of the White Fang armed with a rifle and sword are to one side, and the Lieutenant leaning up against the other, as a man steps into view before a map of Remnant.

Adam: You could've gone to anyone for help. You could've made a deal with a gang leader, paid off some Huntsmen that have strayed from their... righteous path... but instead, you choose to seek an audience with me

Cinder: You're the one we need. Your skill, your ability to lead those beneath you. You're an exceptionally valuable man, Adam. And we've put a lot of thought into-

Adam: (Interrupts her, stepping forward with his finger raised) Then you're clearly not thinking straight! If you truly understood me, you would know coming here was a mistake. The White Fang is not an organization for hire. We're a force of revolution!

He makes a fist with his last word, and Emerald shares a look with Mercury, eyebrows raised.

Cinder: (Unintimidated) I believe our plan will be beneficial for all parties involved. (as Adam continues pacing around the tent) I have... an associate in Vale. He and I are working on a revolution of our own. But we can't do it without your forces. We need-

Adam: (Forcibly) What you need... is to leave. (hoists up his weapon, Wilt and Blush) You're asking my men to die for your cause - a human cause. (puts a hand to the hilt of his sword) That is not an idea I am willing to entertain

Cinder: (Scowls in obvious displeasure, but makes herself bow to the White Fang leader) Very well

The three leave the tent and go off into the nearby woods, with Adam stepping out to look at them from behind his mask.

Blake: (Stepping up behind him, hand on her side) What was that about?

Adam: Nothing. (walking away) We need to finish preparing. The train will be here at dawn

Blake follows her mentor as the scene fades to black.




Mercury: So now what?

Emerald: F/N certainly isn't going to like this if we come back to him with empty results

Cinder: There's another task we must attend to. I will handle F/N when the time comes. I am his favourite after all




Emerald: Excuse me, but I'm looking for a friend of mine

Inn Keeper: Ah, yes. She was just here yesterday




Cinder: Remember the plan. Exactly as discussed. Not a foot out of place

The darkness cuts to the overcast view of a forest, a single path with a wooden fence to either side cutting through the green.

From the trees comes a lone white horse trotting along slowly, a green-cloaked rider with golden armor and her hood up on its back. The animal comes forward as the sharp sound is heard once more, and the two stop when they come across the scene of a young green-haired girl curled up and crying next to a felled bicycle.

Emerald is standing there, the rider dismounts from her steed and slowly approaches the child, who looks up as the mysterious stranger kneels down to her level and smirks.

The girl flinches in fright when the woman reaches into her clothes and pulls out an apple, not realizing she's only offering it to empty air.

Emerald stands only a few feet away from the oblivious heroine, scrunching her face up in determination and readying to attack by grabbing her weapons and sliding a foot back.

The kicked-up dust manages to be seen behind the girl even when the one who kicked it doesn't, and the woman gasps as the image of the child happily reaching for the apple suddenly disappears.

Dropping the fruit and leaping back quickly as the horse turns to run away, Amber ditches the cloak and pulls out her weapon, expanding the double crystal-headed staff to full length.

She sees Emerald running towards her, guns blazing green shots, each of which are deflected against the Maiden's hand. Amber twirls the spear around her body, kicking up the winds and blasting it towards her opponent, forcing Emerald to slide back.

Just as she does this, Mercury comes up from the side and jumps over the fence, landing on her staff as she forces him and a returning Emerald back with another gale.

Mercury simply leaps on a post and launches himself at her, forcing Amber to unleash a stream of fire from the red crystal on him, but her attacker merely curls up and lets his legs take the brunt of the damage, flames burning away the orange pants as the complex machinery and lit-up metal making up the robotic prosthetics underneath is revealed.

With his artificial limbs, he continues to come forward through the fire and kick Amber on her back, only for Emerald to land on her from above, cracking the very ground underneath.

She and Mercury jump back and get ready to fight again when Amber gets up, head bowed until she looks up with orange energy pouring from her eyes.

The winds erupt from the Maiden, swirling around and making her enemies cover their faces from the force, when she lifts off the ground and spreads her arms to the sky, lightning now rumbling in the clouds for her to aim at the two, who barely get out of the way in time.

Calling upon more of the storm, Mercury and Emerald continue to dodge each bolt as Cinder steps into view a ways back from the fight.

The two ambushers fire on Amber, but the invisible shield now covers her whole body, taking each shot as she reaches to her side and clenches a fist, making the leaves rise into the air and come to her. With a raised arm, the leaves turn from green to frozen ice, and she rains the newly-sharpened projectiles down on her foes, who are unable to avoid the attack.

Amber continues this assault until she senses Cinder running towards her from behind, face set in determination, and summons a fireball to launch at her third adversary, who manages to leap over the attack.

Cinder slides across the ground, kicking up dirt. Cinder faces her palm to the dirt, the yellow fabric on her sleeve glowing, and coalesces the dirt into several glass shards, which she aims at the floating Maiden.

Amber is knocked back from the damage, face down in the dirt, until she looks up with normal eyes just when the sharp sound is heard again.

She first sees the area empty, but Emerald flickers into view for a moment, and Amber slowly realizes what's happening as Mercury also shifts into her frame of vision, with Cinder coming forward in spurts, swords raised.

She attempts to slice Amber with the two blades, only for the Maiden to deflect each hit and kick the assailant away just as Mercury and Emerald come forward in her stead.

The two miss their initial attacks and get kicked for their efforts, but Mercury lands a blow on her only for Amber to rush at him, not noticing Cinder connect her swords together into their bow shape and notching three arrows.

Amber manages to punch Emerald and kick Mercury away right before turning around and seeing Cinder launch the arrows at the ground around her, which erupt in a high whistling noise and a burning explosion from each projectile. She feels the full force of it all, her Aura disappearing entirely from the damage.

Everything is white for a moment before Cinder appears with her partners behind her, slowly approaching their target as she gets up from her hands and knees.

She swipes at the three with a gust of wind that blows them all away, but Mercury races back towards her until he's blasted back by a bolt of lightning from the now burning-eyed Maiden. She suddenly turns back and sends a fireball at Emerald, only for it to disappear and the real thief to be revealed on the other side, also getting a blast of flame.

With all three of her opponents down, Amber grabs her staff from the ground and uses it as support to walk over to Emerald, wincing and clutching her side all the while.

Emerald only has time to look up in fear before Amber glowers and raises her weapon to finish the fight... just when a quick whooshing noise ends with a sudden thump right as she gasps in pain.

Eyes wide, Amber collapses forward, an arrow sticking out from her back while Cinder lowers the bow and smiles once more. She drops her weapon and calmly comes forward, taking out a white glove as Mercury and Emerald force their defeated foe to her knees.

Amber and Cinder meet eye-to-eye before the villainess lifts up her now gloved hand, the back of it marked with the red symbol of an open eye in a compass shape, broken on one side by five diamond shapes.

Cinder reaches down, palm towards Amber when the white suddenly opens a small red portal, out from which a Grimm bug comes out.

Amber: (Pupils contracted, begging in a whisper) Please don't...

The creature spits out a web of black, attaching to Amber's face in a familiar pattern.

When she looks up, screaming, her one free eye is blazing, a final blast of wind erupting from her as the glow fades into the inky strands, up through the glove, and into Cinder's body.

Her own victorious eyes light up with power, a shower of sparks surrounding her and black-and-red circle appearing under their feet. Amber closes her eye...

Then without warning, footsteps are seen racing towards the ritual, and Cinder only has a moment to look up and see Qrow swinging Harbinger down on them, severing the web and making the three leap back.

The Huntsman grabs the unconscious Maiden before she hits the ground, and Cinder watches to her hand as the glove burns away into nothingness, leaving only a tattoo of high heels between her exposed shoulder blades.

Cinder looks up with a grin, right eye now brimming with golden energy, as she gets up from her position and raises her arms, embers circling around her.

Qrow can only see her shimmering face for a second before the ground under him starts to glow, and he gets himself and

Amber out of the way just as it explodes. He looks back and finds that the three are gone, then turns his worried gaze to the marked and comatose face of Amber when the scene fades to black.




Now fully nude, Cinder was in between F/N's legs as she had her breasts wrapped his cock, stroking her tits up and down his hard shaft as he sat on the edge of a bed.

Cinder: Your brother-in-law severed the connection before it was complete

A also naked was sat by his side, pushing her nude body up against him while she dragged her tounge up and down his neck. One of his hands kneading one of her dark skinned breasts.

F/N: It's okay, I had a feeling this outcome would've happened. Ozpin can be just as crafty as I am. How do you feel with only half the Maiden's power?

Cinder: It's... an emptiness. It burns. Like hunger. I like it

F/N: *Chuckles* I can imagine so, but don't worry. You will get tye power you seek like I have promised you

Cinder: Yes. I will claim what is ours. Thank you, my beloved ~

She then went back to worshipping his cock and balls, taking the hard meat pole into her mouth while continue to give him a tit-job. F/N smirked before engaging in a french kiss with Emerald who eagerly kissed him back.




The darkness cuts back to the White Fang camp, Adam and the Lieutenant in a different tent around a table with maps, masks, and vials of Dust all around.

Lieutenant: We'll find her, sir. (holds a hand up to his chest) I swear on my life

Adam: (Sharply) Forget it. It's time I returned to Mistral and...

His sentence is cut short with the sounds of groans, explosions, and crashing are heard outside the tent flaps. The two come out of the tent, blade and chainsaw raised.

Adam: What is this!?

Cinder: (Swords drawn amid the still-smoking battlefield, with White Fang soldiers laying all around and her subordinates kneeling on the ground with cases in front of them) We could've gone to anyone for help...

She discards her weapons and strides towards the two.

Cinder: But he chose you, Adam Taurus...

A wall of flames abruptly starts at their feet as she raises her hand.

Cinder: His plan will be beneficial for both of us. (The designs on her sleeve are glowing) Or one of us

Emerald opens her case to reveal Dust crystals and collector canisters inside, while Mercury shows the neatly-arranged stacks of Lien in his.

Cinder: So, which will it be?

Adam slowly straightens up while Cinder lowers her arm, clothes going back to their regular colors as she smiles.

Adam: Who is this 'he' you keep mentioning? You're not the one in charge of your group?

Cinder smirked and looked up, everyone did also and the White Fang were shocked at who floated down towards them, his crimson cape flowing in the wind.

F/N: Hello, Adam...

Adam: Superior...






Oobleck: Yang L/N wins!

The cheering of the crowd brings the scene back to where the story left off, in the Amity Colosseum, with Mercury's picture on the board crossed out with Yang's beside it. The final events of the previous episode play out in flashes of scenes.

Ruby: (From off in the crowds) Yeah, you did it, sis!

Mercury: (As Yang prepares to leave) There's not going to be a next time, Blondie!

He aims a sudden kick, and Yang punches him down with a shotgun shot from her Ember Celica. The applauding crowds turn to booing, and Yang is suddenly surrounded by Atlesian Knight-200 and Atlas Soldiers.

Atlas Soldier: Yang L/N, stand down!

Mercury: My leg, MY LEG!!!!!

Cutting back fully to the present, Mercury is still cradling his injured limb, Emerald kneeling beside him and Yang in the center of a ring of security, all with rifles aimed at her.

Emerald: (Distressed, calling out) Please, somebody help him! (paramedics come over with a stretcher, lowering it to Mercury) Can you do something!?

There is a rip in the leg of Mercury's pants, and skin and blood are visible through the rip.

Paramedic: (Exchanges a glance with his coworker) We need to get this boy to a hospital. Grab a blanket

They get Mercury on the stretcher and rush him off, Emerald following right behind. Yang looks on with a horrified expression, her lilac eyes now almost colorless.

Yang: (To the guards) You don't understand! (points at him) He attacked me, I swear!

Atlas Security Guard: (Lifting their guns higher in response) Stow it! You've already caused enough of a scene!

Meanwhile, Emerald runs alongside the two paramedics as they come across an open door with a woman in the same outfit inside.

Woman: (Gesturing them to stop) Here! We've got an ambulance ready to go!






Later, the back door closes on the emergency airship they loaded Mercury in.

Paramedic: (Sighing, then talking with the "other paramedic") Hope they'll be okay. That girl won't leave his side

Cinder: (Nodding under the white cap with a red cross she's wearing) We'll take good care of both of them

The transport flies away from the Colloseum, and Mercury is lying on a cargo box in the back, still moaning and crying beside Emerald sitting next to him.

Mercury: Oh doc, tell me, will I ever walk again?

He receives a punch in the arm from Emerald, looking at her as he rubs the sore spot he actually got hurt from.

Mercury: Ow! What's your deal!?

Emerald: (Groaning suddenly as she puts a hand up to her forehead) Ugh, headache. One mind I can handle, but two is a stretch

Cinder: (Calling back to them from the co-pilot's seat) Well, you all performed marvelously, driver included

The "driver", wearing a similar uniform as Cinder, blinks her magenta eyes back to their usual brown and pink shades and nods in silent gratitude.

Mercury: (As the airship continues to fly away) So, you think it worked?

Lisa: (TV static cutting to the Vale News Network with the combined kingdoms' symbol and a caption reading "Tournament Tragedy") A terrible tragedy took place this afternoon in the one-on-one rounds of the Vytal Festival Tournament-

TV static switches the channels to...

Haven Tourist: (Out in the streets of Vale to the camera) I don't know what Beacon's Headmaster is teaching his students, but that was disgraceful! Completely uncalled for! Why would Superior let his daughter act like this?!

TV static switches the channel to...

News Reporter: (With the video of several Grimm - Goliaths, Ursai, Nevermores, Boarbatusks, and Beowolves - running across Mountain Glenn towards the city) Despite Atlas reinforcements, local authorities are still calling on any available Huntsmen to aid in suppressing the spike in Grimm activity

The projected screen in the warehouse switches off entirely.

Mercury: (At a table with his mechanical leg on a table, a screwdriver in hand as he works on it) Hey, I was watching that!

Emerald: Shut up!

Mercury: Is this how you treat a patient?

Emerald reaches over and twists the screwdriver in his leg, causing him to wince.

Mercury: Ah, too tight!

Cinder: Enough. Our Mercury put on a wonderful show. He was quite brave

Mercury: (To Emerald as he resumes fixing his parts) These things aren't exactly cheap, you know

Emerald: (To Cinder) So, what's next?

Cinder: (They turn to her, grinning with arms crossed) You and I will ensure that our next matchup goes just as smoothly

Mercury: (As Cinder turns to leave and Emerald follows) What about me?

Cinder: You get to lay low until the end. We wouldn't want people to see you on your feet and have this all be for nought, now would we?

Mercury: Can do

He goes back to screwing his limbs back to perfection, smiling, and the blue area under his artificial knee lights up.

Cinder: The grand finale my beloved is creating is almost upon us. Finally, he'll be able to stop holding back. I can't wait to see it ~

___________[To Be Continued]___________

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