[ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀɪᴏʀ: ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ 1]: (Chapter 1: The Shining Beacon)

The airships soon landed outside Beacon Academy as all the new potential students came flooding out. We see "Vomit Boy" get out as fast as possible and puked into a nearby trash can while everyone walks past him, either grossed out, ignoring him, or feeling sympathetic.

"Vomit Boy": (Lifts his head up) This is not starting as great as I thought it would...

Meanwhile, with Ruby and Yang, the L/N Sisters are seen currently looking at the huge structure that is Beacon Academy in awe from the ground floor.

Ruby & Yang: (In awe) Wow...

Yang: Can't believe this where our parents studied...

Ruby: Yeah... but now it's our turn to leave our mark and show everyone that we're also - (cuts herself off when she sees something cool). Ohmygosh, sis! That guy's got a collapsible staff! And she's got a fire sword!

After saying this, she tried getting closer, only to be pulled back by her shirt by Yang.

Ruby: Hey! Hey! What gives?!

Yang: Easy there, little sister. They're just weapons

Ruby: First of all, you're older than me by a year, we're practically the same age! And second of all, they're more than "just weapons"! They're an extension of ourselves! A part of us! They make us -

Yang: Yeah, yeah. I got the same long speech about the importance of our weapons from Mama Summer, too, Rubes. I love my Ember Celica, don't get me wrong... I'm just more interested in getting my Viltrumite powers, and then we can do some serious damage

Ruby: I guess that's true, but still... (shakes her head) Anyway, let's head to the main hall for the opening speech. Do you know where to go?

Yang: I do, yeah. Don't worry, follow me

The two sisters began walking through the courtyard together.

Yang: It was cool that we were given a tour earlier than everyone else when we were little

Ruby: Heck, yeah, it was! Daddy did say it was because the Headmaster owed him a bunch of favours

Yang: Doesn't surprise me, given Daddy's track record. After all, he is

Ruby: That he is, oh yeah! Did you hear about the fact that he took down a Levathian?!

Yang: Oh, of course I did, sis! I saw it when I was visiting my good friend Junior. He beat that Grimm with a single punch!

Ruby: Yeah! It was amaz-. Wait... (squints eyes at her) You went to Juniors again? Sis, you know how our parents feel about you going there...

Yang: (Waves her off) Relax, sis. It wasn't anything too bad, I just went for a drink is all...

She then thought back to when she paid a visit to Junior's Bar.





___________[Flashback: Start]___________

Yang is now shown riding her motorcycle through the streets of Vale. She eventually stops in front of a club that is blasting music.

As she walks through the club, she sees Roman Torchwick ending a conversation with Junior.

She makes her way to the bar where Junior stands, sitting down on one of the swivel chairs.

Yang: Hey, Junior. Strawberry Sunrise. No ice. Oh, and one of those little umbrellas

Junior: Yang... what are you doing here this time? The only reason I don't throw you out is because of your father

Yang: *Giggles* And I'm gonna keep abusing that power. Now (snaps fingers) drink, please

Junior rolled his eyes before getting Yang the drink she ordered.

Junior: (Slides the drink towards her) You gonna pay this time? Or are you gonna abuse that power, too?

Yang: (Takes her drink and sips it with a smirk) What do you think?

Junior: (Frowns) Listen here, blondie. I'm starting to get sick of this. Even if you're L/N's daughter, it still doesn't give you the right to -

Yang cuts him off by grabbing his groin and squeezeing it painfully, causing Junior to cry out in pain comically.

Yang: Hey, hey. Just remember that I'm the reason Daddy doesn't come through those doors and puts everyone who works in here behind bars...

She brings her scroll up to his face, showing him a picture.

Yang: ... Or should I show Daddy these nice little pictures of you?

Junior: *Straining* I-I get it...! I get it...!

Yang: (Pretending not to hear him) Excuse me? What was that? Speak a lil' more clearly, please

Junior: *Straining* I get it! I'm sorry for what I said!

Junior's henchmen begin to gather around. Yang noticed this.

Yang: Hmm, it looks like we have an audience. This must be kind of embarrassing for you, huh? Awkward....

Junior: *Straining* Listen, blondie. If you want to make it out of this club alive, I suggest you let me go. Now!

She lets go, and Junior sighs in relief.

Junior: You'll pay for that!

He puts on his sunglasses and walks away from her. Yang follows closely behind.

Yang: Oh junior, I was just playing with you! Don't be so sensitive! Come on, let's kiss and make up, okay?

Junior stops and turns around.

Junior: Huh? Uh, okay. Guess I can't pass this up...

Yang: Exactly, so pucker up, buttercup. This is once in a lifetime opportunity. Better not let it go to waste ~

Junior: Hmph...

As he leans in, she punches him in the face, sending him flying across the room.

Yang: Whoops! Sorry, I should've specified what it was you were gonna kiss ~

The henchmen run towards her.

Activating Ember Celica, she jumps into the air and punches down, sending them flying back.

She takes out all the henchmen and even the DJ when the two malachite twins step into the room.

Miltia: Causing a ruckus as always, Yang?

Melanie: You know we can't let you keep playing with us if you keep beating up our father

Miltia: It's bad for business

Yang smirked towards the twins, a smirk on her face.

Yang: We both know you couldn't care less about your old man. You only stay with him because he's loaded

Melanie: That is true...

Yang: And I know you brag to your customers that you sleep with one of the Number One Huntsman's daughters and said Number One Huntsman himself. Don't tell me you're gonna give that up, right?

Miltia: That is also true...

Melanie: We do like bragging about that

Yang: (Smirks) Exactly

The holograms in the club suddenly turn off, and a spotlight shines on Junior as he brings out his Bazooka.

Junior: You're gonna pay for this!

He begins to attack but, in the end, is taken out in a fierce punch by Yang, who grew angry at having some of her hair pulled out in the fight.

Yang: One of my major rules that everyone needs to follow. Do. Not. Touch. My. Hair... unless I let you!

Once Yang had calmed down, the trio walked up to the unconscious form of Junior.

Miltia: (Lightly kicks him) You still alive?

Junior: *Groans*

Melanie: He'll be fine, but now that he's on his break, how about us three continue this party up in our room?

Miltia: I have no objection to this

Yang: Me neither. Let's go have some fun, girls ~

With the three girls smirking lustfully at each other, they left for the twins' bedroom so they could have some quality girl time together.

____________[Flashback: End]____________





Yang: ... Yup! Just a few drinks

Ruby: (Staring at her with doubt) Hm...

Yang: *Chuckles* Anyways, it should be right around - (In a flash, a group of other students surround Yang, and they all dash down the road) Actually, my friends are here. Gotta go catch up. 'Kay, see ya, bye!

Ruby: (Spinning and dizzy-eyed from Yang's sudden leaving) Wait, where are you going?! You're the one who memorised the way! (stopping for a moment, still reeling) I don't know what I'm doing...

Ruby falls backwards into a luggage cart, sending cases flying. Someone is standing over her.

??? (Voice-only): What are you doing?!

Ruby: (Getting up on her hands) Uh, sorry!

Looking up, Ruby saw a girl a year older than her glaring down at her. Fists clenched on her hip while her white hair fluttered in the wind. This was Weiss Schnee.

Weiss: Sorry?! Do you have any idea of the damage you could have caused?

Ruby: (Holding a case) Uuhhh...

Weiss: Give me that! (she snatches the luggage from Ruby and opens it to reveal its twinkling-sounding contents) This is Dust - mined and purified from the Schnee quarry!

Ruby: Uuuhhhh...

Weiss: What are you, brain-dead? (holding out a vial of red dust and shutting the case) Dust! Fire, water, lightning, energy!

Ruby: I... I know... (starts coughing from the Dust pouring into her face)

Weiss: Are you even listening to me? Is any of this sinking in? What do you have to say for yourself?!

Ruby, who had been receiving more and more Dust to her face, finally sneezes, which erupts into a full-blown explosion of flame, snowflakes, and electricity right onto Weiss.

The bottle she had been holding flies over the courtyard and at the feet of Blake Belladonna, who picks it up and notices the Schnee Dust Company logo on the side as she reads from a book and looks over at the scene.

Weiss: (Now covered in soot, though it quickly disappears) Unbelievable! This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!

Ruby: (Apologetic and embarrassed) I'm really, really sorry!

Weiss: Ugh, you complete dolt! What are you even doing here? You do know you have to be 19 to attend, right?

Ruby: Well, I-I...

Weiss: This isn't your ordinary combat school. It's not just sparring and practice, you know! We're here to fight monsters, so... watch where you're going!

Ruby: (Finally fed up) Hey, I said I was sorry, princess!

Blake: (Off screen, entering the conversation) It's heiress, actually

Ruby and Weiss look over as Blake approaches with the bottle.

Blake: Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world

Weiss: (Smiling smugly) Finally! Some recognition!

Blake: The same company that is infamous for its controversial labour forces and questionable business partners

Weiss: (Getting angry again as Ruby chuckles) Wha- How dare- The nerve of... Ugh!

She got up in Blake's face and took the bottle from her. Blake was unfazed by this and simply turned around and walked away silently, continuing to read her book.

Weiss: (Crossing her arms in an angry huff) The nerve of that girl! Just who does she think she is, insulting a Schnee like that!

Ruby: Uhm... are you okay?

Weiss: (Snaps at her) I'm perfectly fine, thank you!

Ruby: (Startled) E-Eep! Sorry...

Weiss: (Points at her) And don't go believe what that girl just said, got it?! I will not have random dolts like her insulting my family's name!

Ruby: (Nodding quickly) Yup! Yup! Ya got it!

Seeing that she was going overboard, Weiss signed and soon calmed down. Regaining her composure and standing with elegance.

Weiss: *Clears throat* My apologies. I'm just a bit tensed right now, and I just snapped at you without warning, even after you apologised

Ruby: (Waving her arms) No, no! It's okay! I get it! Really! The first days are always the worst...!

Weiss: Are you sure...?

Ruby: Mhm! How about we just start over from the beginning? (Reaches her hand out for a handshake) it's nice to meet you, I'm Ruby L/N, and you are?

Seeing this, Weiss smiled great fully and took Ruby's hand into hers, gently shaking it.

Weiss: Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, I'm Weiss Schnee, heiress of the Schnee Dust Compa - (realises something as she freezes in place) w-wait... did you just say L/N? As in... F/N L/N? The Number One Huntsman: Superior?!

Ruby: That's right, I'm his daughter. It's nice to meet you, Weiss!

Weiss: ...

Ruby: ... Weiss?




Ruby: It's okay, Weiss. You don't have to keep apologising

Weiss: How could I not! I insulted the daughter of the Number One Huntsman! My idol! I just can't let that slide!

Beacon inside the walls are filled with scenic trees, arching architecture, and a winding road alongside a river, down which Ruby and Weiss are now walking along it together.

Weiss: I mean, can you imagine how that will look on my family's image?! My father has been trying to get superior to sponsor our dust products for years, and I might've just ruined our chan -

Ruby: (Puts a hand over her mouth to shut her up) Weiss! Please stop, it's okay. Okay? I've already forgiven you, so please stop apologising, okay?

Weiss could only nod her head as Ruby slowly removed her hand from the heiress' mouth.

Ruby: Good... now, I don't know about you, but I have no idea where we're going

Weiss: (Composes herself) Not a problem. I know where we need to go. Follow me

Ruby smiled and followed after the heiress to where they needed to go.




Ruby and Weiss entered Beacon Academy's giant auditorium, filled to the brim with people. Ruby looks over when she hears Yang's voice.

Yang: (Waving) Ruby! Over here! I saved you a spot!

Weiss: Hm? Who is she, Ruby? A friend of yours?

Ruby: (To Weiss) O-Oh! No, that's just my sister, but I'll see you after the ceremony! (leaves, calling out to her) Bye Weiss!

Weiss: (Gives her a slight wave) Oh, okay. I'll see you later th- wait... sister?!

She moves on to reveal Pyrrha Nikos standing behind her, hand on her hips as she watches Ruby walk away towards her sister.

Pyrrha: Hm...

Yang: (Once Ruby joins her, arms crossed under her large bust) How's your first day going, little sister?

Ruby: You mean since you ditched me and I exploded?

Yang: Yikes! Meltdown already?

Ruby: No, I literally exploded a hole in front of the school! And there was some fire, and I think some ice...?

Yang: (Smiling broadly) Are you being sarcastic?

Ruby: (Just deadpans at her) ...

Yang: You're not being sarcastic, got it...

Ruby: No, I'm not. Luckily, we made up in the end. We're both cool

Yang: Glad to hear it. Don't want to be making enemies on your first day

Ruby: Yup!

The girls' attention is drawn to the stage, where Professor Glynda Goodwitch is seen on the stage.

Glynda: Good evening, everyone. On behalf of the headmaster and staff of Beacon Academy, we thank you for choosing this prestigious academy to learn under as we look forward to guiding you on the road to become great Huntsmen and Huntresses

The students muttered among themselves.

Glynda: Before we begin, we would like to address the rumours going around online that Superior himself will be joining the Beacon staff as a teacher. And I am here to tell you... that those rumours are true, Superior himself will be teaching at the academy he once attended

Hearing this, the students began to roar in celebration once hearing this. Ruby and Yang simply smiled at each other, already knowing this before anyone else.

Glynda: And as such, Superior has flown his all the way here to give you a few inspiring words

Glynda moved out of the way and everyone watched as Superior, the Number One Huntsman himself descended down to the stage as the students cheered his name.

Superior: Thank you all, thank you. I'm so happy to be amongst the next generation of Huntsmen and Huntresses that continue on this great legacy

Random Student: I love you, Superior!

Superior: And I love you, random student! Now, I'll keep this brief for you all so you can get settled in and rested for tomorrow's entrance exam. You have travelled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see... is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction

Hearing this, the students whisper among themselves upon hearing this.

Superior: You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step. Thank you for listening, and I hope to see you all in my classes

With that, Superior took off into the sky.

Glynda: (As Superior leaves, she steps up to talk) You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed

With that, the students began to take their leave. All of them still hyped about seeing so up close and person.

Yang: Daddy sure does know how to rile up a crowd, doesn't he?

Ruby: *Giggles* Yeah, but can't blame him though. He's just that cool

Yang: So cool






The first night at Beacon, students are splayed out in sleeping bags. Ruby, in her pajamas and with a sleeping mask around her head, is writing in a journal when Yang crashes next to her, similarly dressed.

Yang: It's like a big slumber party!

Ruby: (Not looking up) I don't think Daddy would approve of all the boys, though...

Yang: Daddy is the only man I'll ever need in my life

She then watches several muscular, shirtless guys... and Jaune, dressed in feetie pajamas, waving to her, which makes her groan before she returns her attention to Ruby.

Yang: What's that?

Ruby: I'm writing a letter home to Mom and Mama Raven

Yang: (Nods) Smart call, don't want to feel the wrath of Mama Summer for not keeping that promise

She shivered in fear at the thought of facing her wrath.

The two sisters notice a candle being lit nearby, and Blake Belladonna is seen leaning against a wall, reading her book.

Ruby: That girl...

Yang: You know her?

Ruby: Not really. She saw what happened this morning, but left before I could say anything

Yang: (Stares at Blake for a moment) Well, let's go talk to her (grabs Ruby's arm and lifts her up)

Ruby: Wait, what?! Why?!

Yang: Why not?

Ruby: That's not a proper answer, Yang!

Yang: Yes it was

Blake looks over her book to see Ruby unsuccessfully struggling against Yang's grip as she leads her sister over to Blake's spot before letting go.

Yang: (Singing) Hel-looooo! I believe you two may know each other?

Blake: Aren't you... that girl that exploded?

Ruby: Uh, yeah! My name's Ruby! It's nice to meet you!

Blake: (Back in her book) Okay...

Yang: (Whispering to Ruby) What are you doing? You're losing her!

Ruby: (Whispering back) I don't know - help me! (goes back to smiling)

Yang: So... what's your name?

Blake: (Sighing as she's distracted yet again) Blake

Yang: Well, Blake, I'm Yang, Ruby's older sister! I like your bow!

Blake: (Irritated) Thanks!

Yang: It goes great with your... pajamas!

Blake: Right...

Yang: (As Ruby laughs uncomfortably) Nice night, don't you think?

Blake: Yes - it's lovely! Almost as lovely as this book! (Ruby and Yang stand there) That I will continue to read. (Ruby and Yang continue standing) As soon as you leave!

Yang: (To Ruby) Yeah, this girl's a lost cause...

Ruby: (To Blake) What's it about?

Blake: (Surprised) Huh?

Ruby: Your book. Does it have a name?

Blake: Well... i-it's about a man with two souls, each fighting for control over his body...

Yang: (Sarcastically) Oh, yeah... That's real lovely!

Ruby: I love reading, well, mostly comics. I have a massive collection back at home. Stories of heroes and monsters... They're one of the reasons I want to be a Huntress!

Blake: (Laughing a little) And why is that? Hoping you'll live happily ever after?

Ruby: Well, I'm hoping we all will. As a girl, I wanted to be just like those heroes in the comics... someone who fought for what was right, and protected people who couldn't protect themselves! Like Superior!

Blake: That's... very ambitious for you. Sounds like you're a pretty big Superior fan, huh?

Ruby: *Giggles* You have no idea...

Blake: (Her smile turns into a frown) Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a comic book...

Ruby: Well, that's why we're here, aren't we? To make it better for people so they can live in peace. To see everyone smile and be happy, that's what I want for everyone

Blake could only stare at Ruby as she smiled down at her. Blake couldn't help but smile back when hearing this, finding it cute.

Blake: Yeah...

Yang: Oh, I am so proud of my sister!

Grabbing Ruby's head, Yang shoves it between her large mammies. Immediately making it hard for Ruby to breathe.

Ruby: (Flailing her arms around, muffled) Cut it out! I can't breath!

Blake: (Laughing slightly) Well, Ruby, Yang, it's a pleasure to have met you, but I think we should head to sleep now, don't you?

Yang: (Pulls Ruby's head away so she could breath) Oh! Right, the initiation. Almost forgot about that. Better get to sleep then, c'mon, Rubes!

Yang now began dragging Ruby back towards their sleeping bags as she waved to Blake.

Ruby: S-See ya around, Blake! It was nice meeting you!

Blake, simply waved back to Ruby before she closes her book, reaches over to grab her candle, and blows it out, enveloping the scene in black.




It was now the middle of the night as the whole ballroom was silent. Everyone was fast asleep... everyone except the L/N Sisters, Ruby and Yang. The two sisters began whispering to each other.

Yang: Ruby, you still awake?

Ruby: Yeah... I can't sleep

Yang: Me neither, I'm too full of energy for tomorrow

Ruby: Same here

They laid there in silence for a while until an idea pops into Yang's head and she gains a slight smirk.

Yang: Rubes, I have an idea. Follow me

Ruby got up without question as Yang lead them to the female bathroom that connects to the ballroom.

What they didn't notice however that this woke up a certain ice queen as she quietly trailed behind them as to not be seen.

Weiss: What are they up to this late at night...?

Weiss secretly watched as Ruby and Yang now stood in the bathroom together.

Ruby: Yang, what are we doing in here? Are we here to have a wash?

Yang: Well, we need to burn off some energy, right? And I know just how to do so ~

Yang looked at her sister with a lustful smirk, Ruby blushed, immediately knew what she was getting at.

Ruby: A-Are you sure? There's a lot of people out there...

Yang: As long as we're quiet, we'll be fine

Before Weiss could say anything to herself, her eyes widened in shock when she watched Yang immediately bring Ruby in for a big kiss, with Ruby kissing her back without missing a beat.

Weiss: (Face explodes bright red) WHA-WHA-WHA- !?

Back with Ruby and Yang, as the two passionately kissed, they slowly began to remove each other's pajamas. Starting off with their tops.

After Ruby had removed Yang's top, her massive milkers that were being restricted are now freed, Ruby didn't waste any time and immediately attacked Yang's breasts, wrapping her lips around Yang's right nipple while pinching and squeezing the other.

Yang: A-Aaaah~... Ruby...~ you know how - mmm...~ sensitive my chest is...~

Ruby didn't respond with words, however, as she removed Yang's nipple from her mouth, spit covering it, before going to suck on the other one.

While she's doing this, Yang slides her hands down Ruby's panties and started to rub her fellow partner's wet pussy and firm ass.

Yang: You like that, Rubes ~?

Ruby: Mm-hm~

Yang then removed Ruby's mouth off her chest, much to their mutual disappointment, but then drops to her knees while slipping down Ruby's panties with her.

She takes a nice long look at Ruby's dripping snatch, a tuff of red pubes above her mature pussy, before opening her mouth and covered the red-head's love hole with her mouth.

Ruby: Oh~. Yang, your mouth feels so- aaah~... aaahmazing~!

Ruby is in absolute bliss as she watched Yang eat her out. Beginning to knead her own breasts to increase the pleasure.

All the while this was happening, Weiss was secretly watching the two girls go at each other... and enjoying the show.

Weiss had one hand covering her mouth to not make any noise and get caught, while the other is thrusting it's middle and ring finger in and out of her own mature snatch at a fast pace.

Weiss: I shouldn't be watching this~... I shouldn't be enjoying this so much~... but I just can't stop ~

Back with Yang and Ruby, the roles had been reversed as Ruby is sucking Yang's swollen bud while pumping two fingers up into her.

Yang was currently having the time of her life as Ruby ate out her pussy. Yang added to her own pleasure by sucking on one of her own breasts while kneading the other.

Yang: Rub- aaah~ Ruby, I'm gonna... I'm gonna...~

Knowing what Yang was getting at, Ruby stopped everything before bringing Yang onto the bathroom floor with her. Effectively pinning her down while trying to catch her breath.

Ruby: Not yet...~ I wanna... do it together~

Yang nodded as the two girls removed the little clothing they had left. Both women completely naked together.

Having Yang lay on her side, Ruby raises one of her legs up and rested it on her shoulder before pushing their silky wet pussies up against each other.

Both girls let out lewd moans at the feeling of this before Yang wasted no time as she began to rub their pussies together, evidently, scissoring each other.

Ruby had a natural speed advantage due to her Semblance and she was using it to her full advantage, moving at superhuman speeds.

Yang was having the time of her life as Ruby worked her pussy. Adding onto this by sucking on her own breast while twisting and pinching at her other nipple.

Both women then felt their ends coming. Along with the peeping Weiss.

Ruby: Y-Yang, I'm gonna...~!

Yang: Me too, Rubes. Together...~ together~!

Weiss: M-Me too~...!

All three girls then screamed into their hands they released their juices and came at the same time.

Weiss then watched as Yang collapsed on top of Ruby.

Weiss: I-I need to get back before I'm caught...

Seeing that they were done, she took this as her cue to leave. Making her way back to her sleeping bag with a slight wobble in her step.

Meanwhile Yang and Ruby basked in the afterglow of their intimate moment together. They soon looked at each other before leaving in to engage in another kiss.

Yang: See? Told you we would be fine

Ruby: You're right... I think we should head back, I like I'm gonna pass out at any moment

Yang: Good idea

Yang had agreed as the two got off the bed and put their pajamas back on. Exchanging one last kiss, the two then made their way back to their sleeping bags to rest.

It didn't take long for all three women to pass out as they felt exhausted after that good time. Yang and Ruby snuggling up to each other and holding each other close.

Good thing too, as tomorrow marks the start of an unforgettable adventure they surely don't want to miss.






Glynda: Yes~! Yes~! Yes~!

It was now the next day, the sun had risen and Glynda Goodwitch's voice came out in moans as she gripped the top of her bed frame with her finger while her legs were wrapped around F/N's hips, taking his sexual aggression in with ease. The two starting their day by having sex in the teacher's dormitory.

Glynda: Ruin this pussy, F/N~! It's all yours~!

F/N paid no mind to what his lover was saying and continued ramming his hard cock into her pussy like a well oiled machine, his thick rod stretching her walls to the absolute limit while her fat tits bounced from each impact the Viltrumite made against her body.

Leaning down, F/N took her tits in his palms and started massaging them while taking in his mouth, beginning to suck on them. This made Glynda moan even louder as he cunt tightened from his actions, which made F/N pleased, continuing to fuck the busty combat teacher with his bitch breaking cock.

Sweat poured down Glynda's body as F/N continued to fuck the combat teacher first thing in the morning as she gasped and moaned with every thrust he made, her pussy dripping wet from all the excitement. She looked at F/N with seductive eyes and licked her lips.

Glynda: Do it. Do it inside, F/N. Let me feel your essence!

She then kissed the top of her forehead. Unable to hold it anymore, F/N bit down on her nipples as he sheathed his cock in her and came. Glynda reared her back, crying out in ecstasy from being creampied. Gushes of semen flooded into her snatch and painted her vaginal walls white as she shook from the pleasure of being filled.

F/N then detached his mouth from Glynda's swollen nipples and witnessed the combat teacher gasping for air, exhausted from the orgasm. Looking up, Glynda let out a smile and began tracing a finger around his chest.

Glynda: Amazing as always F/N. You really know how to please a girl~

F/N: *Chuckles* Most women can't resist the cock of a male Viltrumite once they get a taste

Before Glynda could respond, F/N picked her up and switched position so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed with Glynda on top of him.

F/N: How about a quick ride before initiation starts?

Glynda smirked at this and straddled his hips properly before bouncing up and down on his cock.

She reached back and spread her ass cheeks apart to make it easier for F/N to thrust up into her stuffed cunt while she rode him like a wild horse. F/N sat upright to once again attach his lips to her nipple while simultaneously massaging her other breast with his hand.

Glynda: This cock, I can't get enough of it~!

She arched her back while continuing to ride him as F/N thrust his cock up into her pussy while manhandling her massive milkers.

The bed F/N say on made creaking noises, the combination of weight and impact made noises as Glynda bounced on his cock while he thrusted up into her womanhood and feasted on her fat tits like a lollipop as the two made passionate sex.

After a few minutes of intense fucking, both F/N and Glynda moaned as the climax overwhelmed the duo. Glynda's pussy clamping down and squirting love juices as F/N's cock spurts huge gallons of cum into her.

Old semen is pushed out and gushed around her pussy as it dripped down his balls, then unto the bed. F/N's cock twitched several more times before it went limp inside Glynda and slipped out, causing both old and new cum to leak out.

Glynda fell forward and smothered F/N's face with her large breasts as she panted from the exhaustion and climax while F/N held her close to his body.

Glynda: I think it's time we get ready for the initiation...

F/N nodded before he picked Glynda up and took her to the bathroom so they could get washed and ready for the students initiation.






A character's eyes wearily opening and closing before waking up fully and seeing Nora Valkyrie fill their view.

Nora: Wake up, lazy butt! (dashes to the side)

Lie Ren gets up with a groan as Nora hounds him.

Nora: (Singing) It's morning! It's morning! It's morning! It's morning!

Lie Ren sighs again and the scene changes to him brushing his teeth in the restroom while Nora continues to talk.

Nora: I can't believe we've been at Beacon for a full twenty-four hours! Not that I thought we'd get kicked out or anything, I mean, you're the perfect student and I'm... well, I'm me! But it's just crazy, you know?

The scene changes to the ballroom, where the two are readying themselves. Nora is brushing her hair and still chattering while Ren is tightening the strings on his sleeping bag.

Nora: We've been friends for soooooooo long! What are the odds we'd still be together? Well, not "together-together..." Not that I'm not saying that you're not handsome; you are handsome, but that'd just be weird, right?

The scene changes again as the two are in the middle of eating their breakfast, Nora having a pancake hanging from her mouth as she is still talking.

Nora: (Muffled through her food) Right! What was I thinking? But still, I hope we end up on the same team together! (slurps up the rest of her pancake) Oohhhh! We should come up with some sort of plan, to make sure we end up on the same team together! What if we bribe the headmaster? No, that won't work. He has the school.

The scene changes again as the two are readying themselves in the locker room, Ren loading StormFlower and Nora still talking.

Nora: I know! We'll have some sort of signal! Like a distress signal! *gasps* A secret signal so we can find each other in the forest! Can you imitate a sloth?

Ren: (Finally replying) Nora?

Nora: Yes, Ren?

Ren: (Sheathing his weapons in his sleeves) I don't think sloths make a lot of noise

Nora: (Thinks about this for a moment) That's why it's perfect! No one will suspect we're working together!

Ren: (Smiling and shutting his locker) Come on Nora, let's go.

Nora: (Salutes) You got it!

Ren heads out while a skipping Nora follows, passing Ruby and Yang L/N as they are busy readying themselves.

Ruby: Wonder what those two are so worked up about?

Yang: Oh, who knows? So, you seem awfully chipper this morning!

Ruby: Yep! No more awkward small talk or "getting-to-know-you" stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking (strokes Crescent Rose as she sighs happily)

Yang: Well, remember, Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you wanna show everyone that you belong here, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together

Ruby: (Sighs in frustration) You sound like Daddy! (shoves her weapon into the locker) What does meeting new people have to do with fighting?

Yang: But what about when we form teams?

Ruby: (Suddenly nervous) Um, I don't know, I... I'll just be on your team or something...

Yang: (Bringing her hair around her shoulder and stroking it) Maybe you should try being on someone else's team?

Ruby: My dear sister Yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me?

Yang: What? No! Of course I do! I just thought... I don't know, maybe it would help you... break out of your shell!

Ruby: What the-?! I don't need to 'break out of my shell'! That's absolutely-

Jaune: Ridiculous! (suddenly walking in between the sisters, holding a map and looking lost) There's no way I put my gear in locker 636 yesterday! I would've remembered having to count that high! Why does this have to happen today?

Jaune passes Weiss Schnee and Pyrrha Nikos as they ready themselves at their lockers.

Weiss: So, Pyrrha, have you given any thought to whose team you'd like to be on? I'm sure everyone must be eager to unite with such a strong, well-known individual such as yourself!

Pyrrha: Hmm... I'm not quite sure. I was planning on letting the chips fall where they may

Weiss: Well... I was thinking maybe we could be on a team together?

Pyrrha: Well, that sounds grand!

Weiss: Great!

The background disappears into a thundercloud as Weiss adopts a scheming pose and manic smile in her head.

Weiss: This will be perfect! The smartest girl in class combined with the strongest girl in class! I just need to convince Ruby and her sister next, and I'll have the daughters of Superior himself om my team. Together we will be unstoppable! I can see it now! We'll be popular! We'll be celebrities! We'll get perfect grades! Nothing can come between us now!

Jaune: (Coming between them and interrupting Weiss' evil train of thought) You know what else is great? Me. Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you

Weiss: (Looks at him in confusion) I'm sorry, who're you?

Jaune: (A little less confident) D-Didn't you just hear me say my name? I'm Jaune Arc

Weiss: Okay...?

Pyrrha: (Smiles politely) Nice to meet you, Jaune

Jaune: Yeah, yeah (pushes Pyrrha aside and talks to Weiss, posing slightly) So, Weiss, been hearing rumors about teams! I was thinking you and me would make a good one! What do you say?

Pyrrha: (Getting Jaune's attention) Actually, I think the teams are comprised of four students each, so

Jaune: You don't say (advances on his new target) well, hot stuff, play your cards right, and maybe you could join up with the winning team?

Pyrrha: Hot stuff?

Weiss: (Separating the two) Jaune, is it? Do you have any idea who you're talking to?

Jaune: Not in the slightest, snow angel

Weiss: This is Pyrrha

Pyrrha: Hello again

Weiss: Pyrrha graduated top of her class at Sanctum!

Jaune: Never heard of it

Weiss: *Scoffs* She's won the Mistral Region Tournaments four years in a row! A new record!

Jaune: The what?

Weiss: (Waving her arms rapidly in anger) She's on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes box!

Jaune: (Gasping suddenly) That's you?! (as the design of the cereal box in question is seen with Pyrrha's smiling face on it) But they only do that for star athletes and cartoon characters!

Pyrrha: Yeah, it was pretty cool. Sadly, the cereal isn't very good for you

Weiss: (Appearing as the box design crumbles behind them) So, after hearing all of this, do you really think you're in a position to ask her to be on your team?

Jaune: I guess not... sorry... (hanging his head)

Pyrrha: Well Jaune, I think if you change your approach on people, you'd make a great leader

Jaune: (Immediately brightening back up) D'oh, stop it!

Weiss: Seriously, please stop it. This kind of behaviour should not be encouraged!

Jaune: Sounds like Pyrrha's on board for Team Jaune. Spots are filling up quickly! Now, I'm not supposed to do this, but maybe I could pull some strings and find a place for you. What do you say?

Weiss: All right, that's a bit too close! Pyrrha, a little help, please?!

Jaune looks back just in time to see Miló strike him, sending the would-be leader flying off the screen.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry!

An announcement plays on the intercom system.

Glynda (Intercom): Would all first-year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation? Again, all first-year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately.

Weiss passes Jaune as he hangs from the wall of a locker on her way out. Pyrrha follows her, grabbing her spear and dropping Jaune to the ground.

Pyrrha: It was nice meeting you!

Jaune: (Slumping against the locker) Likewise...

Yang: (As she and Ruby approach) Oof. That looked like it didn't go well. Having some trouble there, lady-killer?

Jaune: I don't understand. My dad said all women look for is confidence! Where did I go wrong? (accepts Ruby's offered hand and uses her to lift himself back up)

Yang: "Snow Angel" probably wasn't the best start

Ruby: Come on, you two, let's go

Yang: Don't gotta tell me twice

Jaune: Right...

Ruby leads Jaune out of the locker room by supporting him and his damaged self-esteem.






The scene opens to the Beacon Cliff, overlooking a forest, where several students, some old, some new, and some unseen, are standing on silver tiles in front of Superior and Glynda with her tablet.

Superior For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest

Glynda: Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumours about the assignment of "teams." Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... today

Ruby: What? Ohhh...

Superior: These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well

Ruby: *Groans*

Superior: That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years

Ruby: (The shocked expression mirrors her world cracking like glass and falling apart) Whaaaat?!

Nora: (To Ren) See? I told you!

Superior: After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet the opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path... or you will die

Jaune laughs nervously and then gulps loudly.

Superior: You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?

Jaune: (Raising his hand) Yeah, um, Mr. Superior, sir?

Superior: Good! Now, take your positions

Everyone strikes a pose on their tile. Nora crouches low, Ren wields his weapons, Yang raises her fists, Ruby readies her body, and Jaune is still raising his hand.

Jaune: Uh, sir? I've got, um... a question

He misses the tile under Weiss rising up into a springboard, rocketing into the air and over the forest, as the platforms activate down the line.

Jaune: So, this landing... strategy thing... Uh, wha-what is it? You're, like, dropping us off or something?

Superior: No. You will be falling

Jaune: (Missing more students being thrown) Oh, uh, I see... So, like, did you hand out parachutes for us?

Superior: No. You will be using your own "landing strategy."

Jaune: (Still not seeing an excited Nora and Ren getting launched) Uh-huh... yeah

At her turn, Yang winks at her younger sister, puts on a pair of aviators, and flies off with a "Woo-hoooooooo!" A second before Ruby joins her.

Jaune: So, what exactly is a landing strategYYY!...

He asks this part just when he finally has to get hurled with the cloud of students now making their way down into the forest below under the eyes of the teachers. Superior, for his part, simply watched on, a smirk forming on his face.

F/N: Okay. That was entertaining to watch

Glynda: I can imagine so, I did see that Ruby didn't appear to be a fan of teaming up

F/N: She did always prefer going on in alone

Glynda: I wonder where she gets that from?

F/N: (Playing dumb) I have no idea what you're trying to insinuate, Glynda

Glynda: *Giggles*

F/N simply smiled before looking back towards where the students and been thrown off to.

F/N: Time to show me what you're all made of...

___________[To Be Continued]___________

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