chapter two

Bucky Barnes stood in the middle of a market, a basket of plums in Bucky's hands as he approaches the vendor in Romanian.

"How are they? Are they good? Give me four please, thank you." Bucky said to the guy.

In a black cap and casual jacket Bucky walk song, scanning around. Across the street he spots a twenty-something vendor at a news-stand watching the duo. Bucky glances away, he then look back at the vendor who's still watching him.

The vendor runs back from his kiosk. Bucky goes over and picks up a paper. On the front page, there are surveillance-photos of a man and the head line: Winter Soldier căutat pentru Bombardamentul din Viena.' Bucky glances over tensely like someone is watching him and wanting to get him.

Meanwhile in his dark blue armored suit with his shield on his arm Steve is in a small apartment. He looks around there's a mattress with disheveled covers and various bits of cheap looking furniture. The kitchen and one of the bedrooms are in the same room together. Steve finds a notebook on top of the fridge to which he peers into. There are tabs of varying colors sticking out from amongst the pages. Steve studies it with furred brows, his imagination running wild.

A crackle from Steve's earpiece interrupted his thoughts. Sam spoke clearly, "Heads up Cap, German Special Forces, approaching from the south."

"Understood." Suddenly Steve felt the shift in the air. A presence that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He knew who it was at the moment he heard the heavy footsteps and clanging of his leather jacket as he slowly approached him. Steve cautiously turns around to be faced with Bucky. "Do you know me?"

Bucky stares at him for a long second, his cold dark eyes remaining trained on Steve. "You're Steve. I read about you in a museum."

"They've seen the perimeter." Sam's voice rang through Steve's ears.

"I know you are nervous. And you have plenty of reasons to be. But you are lying." The blonde speaks calmly.

"I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore. I didn't hurt the red-head." Bucky replies in a rather bland tone, his eyes remaining void of emotion.

"They're entering the building." Sam says through the comm in Steve's ear.

"Well the people who think you did it are coming after you. And they're not planning on taking you alive either." Steve said and his voice was firm.

"They're smart. Good strategy." Bucky finally replies.

"They're on the roof, It's compromised." Sam says again through the comm.

The heavy footsteps of the cops could be heard from upstairs, each pounding boot a reminder that they were here to kill Bucky. Steve didn't know what to do. The raven man didn't seem to care that these men were on a murderous rampage and he were their target.

"This doesn't have to end in a fight." Steve says but Bucky thought different than the man.

"It always ends in a fight." Bucky says to the man.

"Five seconds."

"You pulled me from the river-" Cap starts. "Why?"

"I don't know." Bucky answers timidly.

"Three seconds." Sam says warning Steve to get out of the apartment as it's going to blow up any second.

"Yes you do."

"Breach! Breach! Breach!" Sam cried just as a grenade crashed through the window. The Winter Soldier, acting quickly, kicks it to his long-term friend who smothers it with his shield, preventing the two from being blown to pieces.

The cop slams the battering ram against the door. Bucky shields himself with the mattress against an attack from the window. He blocks the door with a table as cops swing in on cables. Steve pulls the rug from under a policeman, sending him flying. Bucky slams another policeman into the wall. It was a bloody scene, the raven haired man seeking to go insane; and hurting everyone in his sight.

"Buck stop! You're going to hurt someone!" Yells Steve at his friend.

Bucky slams his acquaintance down and punches a hole in the floor. "I'm not gonna kill anyone!"

Bucky grabs a backpack from under the floorboards and throws it out the window, Bucky and Steve get behind his shield to avoid gunfire. The dark eyed man shoves Steve knocking him, then the cop over in the process. Bucky holds up his metal hand, to repel bullets, then slams a cop into shelves. The dark haired man picks up a large cement brick and slams it into a cop, immediately knocking him out. A cop shoots around the door outside. Bucky punches through the wall beside the door. He lies to the cops. A cop descends through a sky-light on a zip wire. Bucky grabs the cop's gun and slams him into a wall. He bashes a couple of cops with the battering ram. More of the police team hurry up the stairwell. Bucky jumps on the zip-line-guy and swings down a level.

"Der Verdächtige ist ausgebrochen. Er ist am östlichen Treppenschacht!" Cried a GSG-9 soldier who was still above to see Bucky's great escape.

Steve grabs the radio from the soldier and crushes it. He jumps down a level as Bucky keeps punching the cops. The man tosses one of them over the railing and Steve catches him, stopping the cop from falling.

He looks at Bucky wearily, knowing this isn't what he does. This isn't the Bucky he knew and loved before by far not his best friend, that's for sure.

"Come on man." He calls up his narrowed eyes.

Steve throws the cop up onto the landing. Bucky breaks a banister and swings down on it. The Winter Soldier lays into three more cops and takes them out. A cop aims at Bucky, ready to blow his brains out, but Steve knocks the gun from his hands with his shield which sticks in the wall. Bucky leaps down the stairwell and catches onto the railing. Captain America pulls his shield out of the wall, with a huff. Bucky climbs up then runs along the corridor and leaps off a balcony. He tumbles onto the lower roff of the neighboring building, grabbing his backpack and running.

Then as if it had gone in slow motion, a muscular man clad entirely in all black, slams into Bucky knocking the Bucky down for a brief second. Steve cursed, knowing the explosion in Vienna had cost T'Challa his father and Bucky as the scapegoat, he knew the Wakandan would stop at nothing to get his revenge. He would avenge his father's death by killing Bucky.

T'Challa extended his fingers and sharp claws popped out. He attacks Bucky with sweeping kicks and slashes, his hatred towards the man, evident in his emotions.

Bucky tried to fight back but to no avail, he was thrown into a wall. Black Panther swipes his claws and spins gracefully as Bucky narrowly avoids being made into ground beef. The Winter Soldier tried to defend himself, with a metal bar, doing his best to keep T'Challa's claws away from his flesh.

"Sam southwest rooftop." Steve says to Sam.

"Who the hell's the other guy?" Asks Falcon in an incredulous tone.

"About to find out." Steve says.

Steve leaps from the balcony down onto the neighboring building as a chopper flies up. Black Panther lunges at Bucky with his claws but Bucky grabs his wrists. A soldier flies a machine gun from the chopper. The ammo bounces off Black Panther's armored suit, sending bullets flying in all directions.


"Got him." Sam flies down and shoves the chopper off course. Then swoops towards street level.

Bucky breaks free from his attacker, slings his bag on his back, then he runs and jumps down a level with ease. Black Panther slides down the wall using his claws for traction, following closely behind. Gunfire from the chopper tears up the sidewalk for friction from the harsh rain making it as if they were in a war zone; which they technically were. Bucky jumps down through an opening and land in an underpass, he runs through the traffic. Black Panther and Captain America drop down and chase after the duo. A Special Forces Vehicle pursues them.

"Stand down! Stand down!" The driver screams as he takes Bucky away but Buckyhasn't noticed yet. He continues the chase with ease as he tries not to get killed by these people who are after him.

The vehicle closes in, blue lights flashing. Steve takes action, leaping into the vehicle and splintering the windshield in the process. The blonde haired man yanks him from his stop, kicking out the windshield before joining Bucky pursuits the trio were currently in.

Bucky runs over the top of a speeding car, outpacing it. Black Panther is a few cars behind keeping pace with the man. He leaps on the back of the 4x4 that Steve's driving. Steve swerves from side to side, trying to throw the girl off but it isn't working like he planned.

"Sam, I can't shake Buck off." Steve stresses with a sigh.

"Right behind you." Falcon reassures.

Uphead Buck reaches a fork in the road and faces oncoming traffic. He leaps over a barrier to which Steve drives straight through. A motorbike speeds towards Bucky, forcing him to grab the handlebar and spin the bike around in mid air, throwing the rider off. Bucky gets on the bike and rides away sending cars careering out of the way as he continues this little goose chase. Steve keeps on Bucky's tail with Black Panther holding onto the back of the 4x4 onto Bucky's motorbike. Bucky kicks his assailant away, straightens up and rides on as if T'Challa hasn't just tried to rip his throat out then and there.

Black Panther catches a ride on Falcon's leg. Sam grunts, trying to kick T'Challa off the best he could. But with his sharp claws that were currently digging into his calf, Sam didn't do much more than to continue to sore towards Bucky.

Bucky throws sticky bombs and blows up the roof at the end of the underpass, bringing down tons of rubble. Black Panther then leaps from Falcon, skillfully landing on the raven haired man, resulting in the two to stumble off of the bike.

With Steve close behind, he swerves the 4x4 through the rubble, leaps out and pulls Black Panther away from Bucky. Steve stands facing a sleek and muscular Black Panther. Armed police arrive and surround them, guns aimed. War Machine leaps down from above and rises both hands. He has his daughter right beside him as she lands in a pose. She has her guns in both of her hands.

"Stand down now." Commands James Rhodes.

"Congratulations Cap. You're a criminal." Rylee says to the man as her hair blows in the wind as she doesn't have a facial covering like her father and Uncle

The police move in and force Bucky to his knees. To Steve's dismay the man didn't seem to protest much. As Black Panther keeps his arms raised, a cop moves Steve and the blonde man to let out a pained grunt, his eyes narrowing down at the man-handler.

That's when T'Challa finally reveals himself, retracting his claws and taking off his mask, his face one of a mixture of anger and distress. Steve, Rylee and Rhodes look up at him curiously, taking in his features.

"Your highness." Rhodes replies sarcastically with a sadistic smirk on his face as the cops drag Bucky away. Rylee felt herself smirking but she didn't instead gave Steve a look that he knew all too well. She's disappointed.


hope you like this chapter!


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