Day Seven: Withdrawal From Reality

It was like looking into a pool of watery colors and shapes. Unreal and extremely difficult to look at for more than a moment. With astonishing abruptness the scene began to solidify like pieces of colored glass siding into place. He watched closely, eyes widened but focused. The situation took form and he felt a crawling feeling of dread work it's way up to his throat.

He was outside Latherna's house.

But it wasn't him. At least it didn't feel like him. He appeared the same on the outside but Damien knew this was Toby, that grin couldn't be mistaken. It spread over his face like an infection.

What was this? What was Toby doing here? He tried to speak but the words never left his thoughts.

Suddenly Toby was at the door and knocking loudly at it. Finally, today was the day that brat dies, her and that spawn.

Damien blinked, that wasn't his thought. That confirmed this was Toby but what was going on?

"What's it like, Tobias?" Toby asked, a sneering joy in his voice."To be the voice in my head?"

What!? No, this couldn't be-

The door opened, Latherna smiled at him. That same trusting but mischievous smile she used to use all the time when she saw him."Good evening, what brought you here?" She asked curiously with just the hint of surprise.

"Can't a father check up on his favorite daughter?" Toby spoke, trying not to be too oblivious about his dark intentions.
I just have to get through the door then-

Damien could only watch as Latte chuckled and gestured for Toby to enter, she had no suspicions about him at all and Damien wanted nothing more than to yell at her to shut the door."Alright, come on in, I'll prepare us some tea." She opened the door even wider and Damien's yelling increased, a pointless response but he could nothing else.

Toby stepped in, his hand tighten around the cursed blade under his robes. "What a nice house you have my dear," Toby commented before flashing out the blade,"All the better to kill you in!" He shouted before making a stab at her side.

Damien gave a shout of his own but it went unsaid like all the others. He tried everything he could to take control but it didn't work. It was like trying to pick a block of solid steel. This was like some sort of curse, to be aware of everything your monster did.

Latherna was unable to react quickly, barely able to dodge the blade, she cried in pain as it grazed her skin and sent her to the floor. She looked up at him, her eyes gleaming with confusion and fear when she saw the blade in his hand.

"Damien? What in hell's grace is wrong with you?!"

"A lot of things but this isn't me! Run Latte!" Damien couldn't believe it. He would do anything to get her look of betrayal and fear out of his head. It was a look he hoped never to see on her face, he definitely didn't want it aimed at him.

Toby grinned down at her. His smile sickening sweet," But my dear? What happened? It appears you hurt yourself, don't worry. Daddy will make it all better." He drove at her, trying to bite her wrist.

Damien shuddered at the thought of a two headed Latherna as she was eaten alive. He began shouting again.

Latherna screamed, "Sintigo!" She cast the spell, causing him to go backwards and hit the wall, giving her the chance to stand up and back away.
"Bloody hell." She exclaimed, holding her injured side.

Toby hit the wall with a resounding smack. He felt dizzy for moment before setting his gaze back on Latherna. "Now you'll definitely pay!" He snarled, hate burned in his voice as he made to grab her again.

Latherna made a break for it, she rushed up the stairs, she went to the bedroom and Damien heard the door slamming shut.

He almost wished she would have just killed him with her most powerful spell because he knew that Toby wouldn't give up so easily.

Toby rushed after her, skipping steps and slamming himself against door."Come on honey, I got you a new phone, Open the door, It has free unlimited Wi-Fi!" Toby laughed Insanely.

"Wifi!? I am not twelve anymore!" He heard Latte retorted and would have smiled if the space were his heart should be didn't feel like it just cracked.

This couldn't be good for the child.

Toby continued throwing himself against the door as it began to crack. "You sure like act it! Come out love, this isn't hide and seek!" He used the knife to break the wooden.

The door flew open and Toby looked around the room eagerly. He spotted her on the balcony, perfect he grinned again and raced at it."LATTEEEEEE, COME ONNNN. I JUST WANT TO SHOW YOU MY NEW SHINY KNIFE."He cried as he saw a door stopper and picked it up and threw it at the glass door shuttering it.

It wasn't the only thing shuttering as Damien heard Latherna speak in a broken tone as she pleaded,"Leave me alone," she said to the monster which he had became. "Please."

It broke. Stuttered pieces falling and fading into oblivion with a painful tearing and violent movement.Damien felt himself slowly slipping into absolute abyss. Chilling colors filled his vision as he crushed down into a empty force.

Then he saw her face.

But it wasn't just her, there was Darwin, Joseph, Sister Gwyneth and finally Latherna.

It sparked.

The church normally hushed was filled with whispers as a little girl sat by her lonesome away from the congregation. A perched raven sat protectively on her shoulder as she stared blankly alter in front her and tried to ignore the confrontation caused by her appearance.

From where he was standing in back he kept a close eye on her. The most noticeable thing giving away her heritage was her golden eyes. Though the thing he began to notice more was her hair color. At first he thought it a simple but plain brown but in the church lightning it seemed, more, lighter? He spotted the cup in Pastor Jonathan Joseph's hand.

A Latte.

Hmm, Latherna, Latte. There was something special there.

He watched as Sister Gwyneth set down a tray of tea and scones by Latherna's side and saw her visibly warm up to the nun.

Ah, great, another tea fanatic.

"Any sign of her mother?" He heard Sister Bertha whisper to Brother James.

The man shook his head.

"Thank goodness, the lord forbid there be another of her kind in town."

Damien clenched his jaw. He couldn't believe his congregation was being so crude. He remembered how Maryse suffered when her family died. Suddenly he felt a great resolve come over him. No, this girl would have everything. She wouldn't be lost in solace of her mind till the only a myth kept her sane like Maryse. She would have everything Maryse didn't, but most importantly, she would have a family-Damien glanced around, noticing how everyone seem to already be wrapped around the girl's finger- no, she would have something better, she would have a church.

"You know, just when I thought you couldn't get creeper. You found a way to stare intensely at a little girl from across the room." Joseph commented, taking a sip of his latte.

. . .

"Shut up Joseph."

That was the first time Damien unknowingly fully opened that black pit in his chest he called a heart since his childhood. He never regretted it, with each smile that came with a prank worthy of Hogwarts he felt himself became a just an inch less dark. That didn't however, mean it was all joy and laughs, because of course as the Lord gives he takes away. Or it this case he sends irrelevant lowlifes to try and court your daughter.

"He, WHAT?" Sister Gwyneth never looked so deadly as when she was told what Dan had done. She immediately glanced around and spotted the ancient blade of Lucifer, she swiftly bought down the sword from where it hanged." He shall receive no mercy!" The sword glistened in the light as she aimed it at Damien's throat."Tell me where I can find this lowly piece of dirt."

Damien sent Joseph a pleading look.

Joseph stepped back," Whoa, relax, Damien and I already took care of him. Remember that cute timber wolf puppy that Damien planned to give Lat for her birthday? Well let's just say Daniel met it's mother." Joseph couldn't help but let a dark grin form on his lips.

Sister Gwyneth stood for a moment, then gave a satisfied nod of approval before swinging the sword to cut Damien's robe an inch on his chest who jumped and gasped at her." I still don't approve of that gift, Damien." She stated before placing the sword carefully back on the wall.

Inwardly Toby shuddered.

Damien cleared his throat." This was a learning experience, I think we should do just that, learn from it." He said darkly, unusual serious looks were on all three of their faces."Is Brother Matthew finished with, The Form?" He turned to Joseph who nodded.

"What do you mean, Father?" Sister Gwyneth asked, she would be lying if she said she didn't occasionally wonder the mental state of Tobias Damien Veins mind. She immediately knew by the tone of his voice that this form whatever it was would give many boys nightmares for years to come.

"Yes, The Boyfriend Application is being printed as we speak." Joseph replied solemnly and Gwyneth groaned.

"Application? Erin isn't some produce, Damien!" She exclaimed, though she was hiding her giggles at how serious both men were about protecting Latherna from the dangers of dating. Somehow Damien had turned from dark Satanic Priest to Overprotective Daddy and she was loving it.

"Exactly! Which is why from now on these matters will be debt with swiftly." Damien vowed, and so started the murder spree of Latherna's ex lovers, something that only ended when she started dating Dresden and because Sister Gwyneth made some very threatening remarks while polishing her sword.

Of course before that he had to have The Talk with numerous boys. One of which was Jacob ( Jake) Williams. Who made the terrible mistake of bragging to his friends how far he went with Lat then coming to the church to pick her up for a date.

The halls were empty and darkened that day, Damien made sure of this beforehand and when Jake entered he stood in slience. The door slowly closing behind him as he jumped and Damien showed his face from the shadows.

"You must be Mr Williams." He spoke, doing his best Batman and Professor Snape voice."I see you didn't full out the application."

Jake swallowed but spoke with confidence."Latherna and I are practically adults, we don't need your permission."

Instead of reminding him how fifteen wasn't practically adults, Damien bought out a box from behind him."Do you know what this is?" He asked but didn't wait for an answer." Nevermind, I can tell by that moronic face that you don't even know what a box is," He said and Jake clutched his fists. But Damien tossed him the box which Jake caught in surprise, it felt odd in his hands like the fabric was leather but at the same time silk but before he could expect it more Damien swiftly took it back.

"Wha-what was that?" Jake eyed the odd box."it felt like Leather but-"

"Its made of the skin and bones of those foolish enough to dare try and court Latherna." This was true, though it was mostly Daniel's remains from what the timber wolf deemed too yucky for even her to eat.

"Yeah right- that's the lamest trick I ever heard, I'm not scared of you." Jake declared then spotted the upside down cross and bloody alter that Damien made sure not to clean before his arrival. What the f-

Damien stared at him.

Jake glanced at stairs, hoping Latherna would appear soon. But she wouldn't, she wasn't even there and definitely didn't know she had a date planned with him.

Damien slowly began to unlocked the box. Each click of a lock being unlocked matched Jake's increasing heartbeats. The box opened to reveal a set of knives and daggers.

Jake raised a bushy brow. That wasn't so bad.

Damien picked up the frist knife which was curved,"This is the one I will use to crawl your eyes out." He said matter of factly as he picked up the next one, flat and large. " This one I'll use to slowly skin you alive." He stated, almost seeming gleeful at the thought."and this was I'll use to make sure you'll remember me, it's covered with a intense venom that'll make hell look like heaven to you." He wiggled the dagger in his hand at Jake who scowled.

"Look, and I know what your trying to do and I want you to know, I don't need your damn permission old man." He stated, a smirk on his stupid little face.


old man old man old man old man old man old man old man old man old man old man old man old old man old man old man old old old old old old-

Jake had a wonderful funeral, though his body was disfigured beyond belief, many people came to grieve including his classmates. That's when Damien spotted Dresden as he talked with Latherna.

Damien almost lost his breath. Though he had seen Dresden many times he never really noticed how much he looked Dionysus. It was remarkable, like looking in the past back to when he and Dionysus were more then friends- when they were brothers and trusted no one but each other. He remembered all the pranks they would pull on their teachers and wondered how it all went so damn wrong.

But perhaps this was another chance, perhaps he could bond with Dresden and be the father figure the boy needed. They could grow close and Damien might get the chance to be with the last good piece of Dionysus. They could the father and son relationship he never got from his own father. They could-

Dresden gave Latherna a kiss on the cheek before he turned to leave.


Or Damien could introduce him to The Box.

Damien saw his mother,the woman who raised him and Dionysus, Denise Florence Veins pull Dresden to her side, and he realized that as long as she had a hand in raising him, Dresden needed no more torture.

All this flashed before Damien eyes as he came to a realization.

He would always protect Latte.


Even from himself.

The flame caught.

Abyss burnt away.

Toby screamed. No no NOO-

Toby tried to gein control again but Damien wasn't letting up."Lat-latherna." He choked out, at last his words were set free. He stumbled, clutching his chest. Then he spotted Latherna, her face paled and blood dripping down her dress as glass surrounded her. She fell to her knees as she hot tears escaped her eyes.

"Latte!" He shouted, tears already falling."Dearest, what's wrong?" He asked when he reached her side and tried to help her stand. No, no, what had he done? No no-

Latherna looked up and accepted his help, but only managed to stagger again when the pain assaulted her again. She was bleeding...the child was dying.


"Damien", she managed to croak out before the pain all but choked out her voice.

Damien, thinking fast, helped her gently on to the bed."Latherna, it's the child! You have to heal the baby now!" He cried as he was already calling 911."They should be here in five minutes," he stated worriedly after he ended the call.

Latherna had this hopeless lost look on her face as she replied," Forget it, it's a lost cause." She was frightening pale, her eyes stared blankly at him.

Damien keeled and grasped her hands in his."Latte, it's going to okay, everything will be fine." He tried to pretend, it was no use. He done the worst sin could. He stared at her numbingly,"No. I- I'm so sorry latte. I promised to protect you and now-" he broke off.

She began to cough out blood and that's when he saw the stab at her gut. It was a miracle she was still conscious and speaking with him.

"I'll promise you anything, I know this all my fault and I can never make this right but, just stay, you can survive this, we can survive this and the child will be fine." He said in denial and hugged her to his chest.

"It's not your fault." She whispered quietly, already too cold for Damien's liking. She said nothing more, leaning on his shoulder. He held her tighter, trying to remind himself that she was still there.

"Remember when I was a child, you would read books to me?" She asked him, voice soft and fading.

Damien almost smiled but it was a dying man's expression,"Yes, what was your favorite again? Ah, Lord of the rings right? Those are some of my fondest memories."

"Yeah, I really like those books", she smiled weakly. "I'm-i'm sorry for everything, I've been ungrateful."

Damien choked back a sob."You never ungrateful. Latherna.. you give my life meaning. Without you, I would have probably have died years ago."

"I made your life hell, I did everything against your name", she said regretfully. "I'm so sorry, I disappointed you so much. I committed too many mistakes to count."

"No, No! Latte you could never disappoint me. Whatever you did in sin I did ten times worse. Don't even think I could stopped loving you my daughter." How could she even think that? He was the reason she and her child was dying. He remembered when he sent away to University only for to return and start working three jobs in Carsden just so she could study here. How angered he was, how proud he felt.

She could only smile, she could feel her spirit leaving her as she gradually grew weaker. Soon, Latherna Demetria was nothing, faded into the spirit realms, gone, vanished, erased.....

The scene dissolved. Melting images and retreating shades beholden him as he still held her in his arms till she too dismissed her existence.

A sleeping priest tossed in his dreams as he silently broke. Suddenly a loud ringing cracked through the quiet and his eyes snapped open.

Gasping, he reached for his phone and answered the call without checking who it was.

"Hello, is this Tobias Veins?" A professional voice asked on the another end.

"Ye-yes?" He answered with a shaking voice."It is."

"I'm sorry to inform you that your Mother, Denise Veins has been found dead."


Well, I wasn't going to be include this but Lyssa thought it was funny so, might as well.

OMAKE: The Dangers Of Office Meetings.

"I'm telling you, she's possessed!" The woman who spoke these unusual words was none other than Mrs. Bridget Hall. She was a gusty eyed and long nosed woman with frighteningly bright white teeth and whenever a single forty year old person spotted her they realized there was always a chance, after all if she could be wed so could they. She also known in Carsden for her odd cooking preference and rather spooky active appearance in the community.

Damien sighed, it was the same sigh he used on nights he discovered Latherna's bed empty when she started rebelling even more against him. It was sigh he used when he saw Dresden's bike outside the church as he waited for Latte like an overgrown puppy.

He placed his arms on his desk. Sunday church had just finished ten minutes ago but now he was stuck in his office dealing with this cow when he could be do something useful. Like requesting Mayor Jason to include Sunday school to the schools around Carsden. The younger the mind, the easier the game. Something he read once and believed its meaning as the younger minds were easier to infect with beliefs.

"Just because your daughter listens to BTS does not mean she is possessed."

Damien found his mind wandering to Latte. She would be a mother soon. Ah, where did the time go? Would she too turn into a Mrs. Hall?

"Mrs Hall? What unfortunate man married her!?" Toby's jaw dropped.

Damien ignored him as Mrs. Hall began speaking again in a louder tone."But-but she is obsessed!" Protested she with look of gloom. The woman placed her hand over Damien's."You have to help her."

He glanced down their hands then slowly looked up at her.

The room temperature dropped.

Mrs. Hall didn't remove her hand but instead placed her other one on top.

Toby shivered.

For a moment they just stared at each other, wondering who break first."Mrs. Hall." Damien said, his eyes narrowing.

"Father Damien." She replied with ease.

Damien let out a breath.

Bridget sighed.

Damine glared.

Bridget smiled.

Damien leaned forward to stand then tripped and fall across the desk and on to Mrs. Hall. His face falling right on her br-


The door opened.

"Holy Satanic mother of country pop. What the fudge is happening here!?" Joseph stepped back in shock, a hand on his heart. Then he realized the gold in front of him and started taking out pictures.

Mrs. Hall fell back and her chair tipped, legs and hands kicking at the air to grab something to hold to and only end up crushing to the floor anyway.

Damien panted after he got hit in the face by a heel and a pointy pencil stabbed him the stomach. He pushed himself up.

"Thanks for the help, Pastor." Damien groaned, he rubbed his nose where Bridget heel hit him head on.

Joseph was too busy laughing to replie.

"Is anyone going to help me up?" Asked Bridget from the floor.

Her words were met by silence.

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