S1 E24: Dreary Nights Lead to Brighter Mornings


When Rem indicated her plan to transform, was certified. We couldn't turn back now, since facing the pack of Mabeasts is the only option. But, this is not what she wanted for us to do. The girl we've known for these "past" couple of days acted differently around us. She was more considerate to save our very skin, than help herself...Rem is truly a good person. But, that doesn't mean we're willing to leave her yet. I am going to fight, for what I believe in. Hope. It's kinda funny...I am remembering a wise quote now, since we're trapped in this damn forest. He spoke of the verse in his song...but unlike others, I usually forget quickly...but I can still remember him saying "If you can make it through the night, there's a brighter day." Taking that quote into heart and using it today, at this very moment. I truly believe we can overcome this as a team. But, nothing comes without...Sacrifice!

Rem: Get her out of here.... <transforming> NOW!

-Both of us heard her shouting at us in desperation to run...but refusing to...we leave no one behind. Especially a friend-

Jiro: (Nods in disagreement) Not going to happen! <smirks> we're in this together...

Subaru: Yeah, what he said?! Wait...we are staying, correct?

-Facepalming in distress, I pretend that my bestie said nothing...-

Jiro: Ugh...never mind...Subaru... <reaching for the sheath> 

-I took out Mokkinbãdo and left Meili in the center...our objective was to protect her no matter what...even if it costs me my life...she isn't going to die while I still draw breath...-

Subaru: Ready to kick some serious ass, Jiro?!

Jiro: Born ready! Nat! <smug>

-Hearing the sound of Rem's roar, who wouldn't be scared of such a fearsome girl...so I clutched my ears to prevent the disturbance-

Subaru: Seems like Rem doesn't need our help after all... <watching the fight> 

Jiro: I know Rem is a badass, Nat...but she can't take them all by herself...

-Twirling my sword around. I kept slicing vital spots of the dogs...sadly none of them were able to kill them...but the good part is it's working...Seeing as Subaru continued punching the animals each time, I came closer to back him up. Being separated by the pack...my friend was too busy fighting them off alone. Whilst cutting the demonic hounds, I was overwhelmed with stress and dropped my guard...-

Subaru: JIRO! WATCH OUT--- <bang>

-The incoming Mabeast came from behind and leapt at me...knocking me away from my blade...the big dog places one of its paws onto my left wrist...and forces me to scream-

Jiro: AHH!!! 

Subaru: Dammit...Rem...Please...Jiro...needs...you...<waves his hands>

-He attempted to catch the girl's attention since she was battling all the creatures...finally able to recognize the shrieks of my voice, Rem became even more angry than before...-

Rem: GET OFF HIM, YOU FUCKING BASTARD! <swinging the spike ball to the Mabeast on top of me> 

-The dog was split in two by her, saving me in the process...getting back up, there was a single opening for us to run...-


-Assuring that he'll listen, Subaru finished striking the last of the hounds close to us before picking the little girl up...-

Subaru: I'm on it! We gotta go!

-Running off, I look back for a moment to see Rem killing off the pack-

Jiro: Rem....let's get outta here! <desperate>

-Her transformation seems to turn her berserker mode, meaning words won't matter anymore- 


-Hesitant to leave her behind, I felt like a damn coward...-

Jiro: I'll be back, Rem...I promise...

-Chasing after Subaru, we followed along the route to Irlam...-

Subaru: Hey, I can see light at the end after all <chuckles> Right, Jiro?! 

-Peering behind him, Jiro was nowhere to be found...he must've been taken...-


-Trying to turn around, he could hear the growls of Mabeasts in the woods...risking the poor girl in his arms, even Jiro wouldn't dare fight while protecting Meili...that's too much to handle...-

Subaru: Fuck....what should I do? Where are you, Jiro?!

-After, finding the villagers carrying torches, they seem to have found the children and are currently bringing them back...deciding to follow them, Subaru left Jiro behind to save the girl as planned- 


Being dragged off by the Mabeasts, two of them tore me from side to side...panicking for my miserable life, I swung Mokkinbãdo around, hoping that it would finally kill. Sadly, the curse would never be lifted...and would continue to act in a passive way...but luckily, it was able to help out in other things...slashing the eyes of my enemies, I blinded both of them...which caused them to become scared...stabbing one of them in the leg...the Mabeast began bleeding which allowed me to receive it's blood...for purposes...since it might come in handy to cover my scent...so I smeared it all over me, the two hounds whimpered and ran off unknowing where they are...

Jiro: YUCK! this dog blood fucking stinks....Ewww <gawking in disgust>

-I noticed the tear in my ankle, especially the right one...swollen and bruised...it appeared with purple colors...making me grunt in pain, I ripped my shirt sleeve to bandage my sore ankle...hoping that it would benefit my quest to rescue Rem...I went onward to return back-

Sensing that my condition might cause problems, this was the plan...unfortunately...because there is a slight chance Rem could turn back to normal from the pain I am receiving...seeking out the humanity in her, we all know how good of a person she is...meanwhile reflecting on the idea that it could be risky, I had to try...staying in this forest would mean death for us both...anyways, Lord Roswaal left a few days ago and won't be back from his trip in a day or so...which is bad...Beatrice can't help due to her contract of staying with a certain distance of the mansion. Once, I got back to Rem, she was too consumed with bloodlust...killing everything in her path, my legs began to shake in fear. I've never seen her like this before...

Rem: ARGH!!! DIE!! <stomping a hound to death>

-Appalled by this rare sight of savagery, I went forward carefully to get closer to her-

Jiro: (Gentle) Hey.... ahhh! 

-Swinging the chains around, I ducked to dodge her attacks...-

Jiro: If you can hear me Rem...please listen...

-Slowly calming herself down, the dogs weren't here anymore because she killed most of them. The others ran off in fear, but they'll be back...-

Rem: <cracking her neck, and weirdly staring at me as if I'm a stranger>

-Taking one step at a time, my actions meant to provoke her...I just wanted to talk.-

Jiro: After all that you've done for us, Subaru, Irlam, and---myself owe you...so please...end this madness now...we can go home <holding out my hand>

-I caught Rem grunting in a frenzy as if she was ready to kill me-

Jiro: You've already proven yourself a good friend to me, you don't have to continue fighting...

-Perceiving that she might hurt me, I held out my left wrist which was bruised-

Jiro: People often find what they've been searching quickly, but for someone like me...it takes a lot of time to finally realize that there's something missing...all I've ever wanted in life were...Friends...so I want to know, do you accept me as your friend...or as an enemy? 

-Taking her hand, Rem tried pulling away and growled at me-


Jiro: Because...whenever I was in darkest moment, You... were the one to pull me into the light...and make me see the world differently...the person you see now is far better than the shell that I was previously...so please...for me...just stop...fighting...

-Gently squeezing her hand, she tried raising the other hand to strike me down before I was able to grab it, and holding on...I brought the girl to my chest-

Rem: Jiro, what are you doing? <confused>

Jiro: (Smiling) What does it look like? You deserve a friend by your side, don't you? 

Rem: Just let me go....

Jiro: I will not...

Rem: Why?! What makes me special compared to everyone else?!

Jiro: ....................................

Rem: FINE! IF YOU WON'T TELL ME, I'M GOING! <fueled anger>

-Trying to escape the boy's embrace, he wasn't willing to release her yet-

Jiro: Huh?

Rem: WHAT? <annoyed>

Jiro: Isn't it obvious? I--- <freezing in place>

-Pausing in place, Rem shook Jiro to help him regain his conscious until she felt a cold feeling behind her...turning around we saw the evil bastard...the Shaman-

Jiro: OH SHIT! <afraid of the puppy, his hand begun shaking>


Jiro: No...I refuse to let you fight my battles for me! We're doing this together...

-Taking out the silver blade, I noticed the Shaman dog became even more angry, attracting his attention, he was controlling the other hounds and barked at them-

Jiro: This is not a pleasant time to chat, I guess...

Rem: Couldn't agree more...

-Seeing the pack run down the cliff and chase after us, we held our ground...coming to us, I started crippling them while Rem killed the nuisance flanking us...which allowed a big opening to the devil puppy-


Rem: Hai...but remain vigilant, Jiro...it might be a trap.

Jiro: I know...but we have no other choice. Subaru, I, & the children are cursed from that bite he gave us...I'm going to return the favor... 

-While watching the pup jump down, it held the other hounds back to face us alone...-

Jiro: Kinda cocky, isn't it?

Rem: Looks can be deceiving, Jiro...stay focused...

-Turning my head to see the pup, it started transforming...changing into a demonic hellhound, this one was definitely the leader and the largest of the puppy bunch-

Jiro: Damn....that is one big dog...

-Hearing the monster roar caused me to clasp my ears-


-As I saw Rem getting blocked off by the numerous mabeasts, there was just too many of them...and without my notice, the Shaman got closer to me...standing proudly, it was presumably mocking my size compared to him...trying to go back and help Rem, the other remaining dogs growled and forces me to fight the master...-

Jiro: Crap---what can I do? <submerged in deep thought> 

-There was no time to be logical, because the battle already started...incoming attacks from the "grown" puppy, his paws were super dense and strong enough to launch me back...luckily I was able to block and dodge his attacks...but unfortunately it didn't end well when I took one single misstep with my right foot...you see it came in contact with a rock which caused my ankle to snap...dislocating it- 


-Trying to cut down the Mabeasts, she attempted to leap over them but it wasn't possible since the girl was surrounded and that would to her death...and seeing as it was her only choice, Rem kept pushing through to kill the dogs.-

Jiro: (Groans in pain) Why now? Why would it dislocate? I should've listened to Subaru....and went back...I am completely useless after all...AHH! DAMMIT!! STOP!!

-Watching the evil mastermind crush your ankle even more, the bone converged and nearly snapped until I was able to stab it in the front leg...-

Shaman: GRRR! ARF! <clawing my chest>

-I gurgled blood as the "puppy" knocked me down to the ground, drooling over my face, the saliva covered me which bothered me...snarling at me in mockery, he lifted his head and prepared to kill me-

Jiro: (Closing my eyes) I'm sorry for not listening, Subaru. Please take care of Rem. <shedding a tear, I was ready to meet my fate>

-Sensing the end is near, the Shaman moves it's searing claws to kill me until I saw a miraculous blast come out of nowhere and hits the hound...which made me shift my head to see an familiar ally...there he flown Lord Roswaal? Flying? And-


Subaru: We're on our way, Jiro!

-Coughing up blood, I saw the demonized beast set in flames as it shrieks to death-


-Crumbling before me, the Shaman was no more and the rest of his feeble pack died by Lord Roswaal's spell...listening to the sound of someone rushing to me, Ram, Rem, and Subaru appeared in front of me...worried-

Ram: Truly astonishing that you were unwilling to wait for us...Jiro! You could've died...

Jiro: I know---I was a damn fool for going out alone, but your sister needed help...<smiling>

-I heard Subaru call out to me, while my mind became sidetracked-

Subaru: Don't you dare die on us now...

-Feeling as someone held me, I turn my head weakly to see Rem crying-

Jiro: (Smiles) I'll be alright, as long as your safe...Rem.

Rem: But, I'm the reason you got hurt...Jiro. If it weren't for me---you <cries>

Jiro: (Calm) Hey...it was my choice to return...and what can I say? I'm a prideful bastard who couldn't take a hint...

Rem: About earlier, Jiro...What were trying to tell me?

-Hesitant to answer, I confessed-

Jiro: I---I need a hero in my life, someone I could idolize and mutually respect. And you seem to be the one...<smiles>

Rem: The one what? 

Jiro: The one--- <passing out>

-I lost consciousness which caused everyone to become troubled, but fortunately Fate hasn't decided to bring me into the afterlife-


Hazily opening my sealed eyes, my thoughts began to pile upon as to wondering where I was...the room was white, the windows flowing air inside, the cold breeze chilling, and a soft hand holding onto me...convinced me to shift and to see the beauty lie in front of me...Rem...on a chair, asleep...which it brought a smile to my face...and checking out my  right side, there was Subaru...wide awake, staring out of the window...and probably watching the sunset...


-Listening to him mumble something, I couldn't clearly hear what he tried to say-

Subaru: Hey, you're finally awake!

-Shuffling the pillow behind me, I got up slightly to position myself-

Jiro: Gah! My back is numb...how long have I've been out for?!

Subaru: A night...

Jiro: Well then, I appreciate you and Ram for saving my life. I'm in your debt.

Subaru: Don't mention it, just helping my best bud! <smiling

-He peers out the window as the warm, bright light gleamed his face-

Subaru: I knew what you were going say last night to Rem...

Jiro: Oh...you do? What a surprise? <trying to remain cool>

Subaru: None at all, it's just very odd?

Jiro: Odd?! What do you mean?

Subaru: It's odd, to see you interested in someone...I've never seen you look so happy before. Do you have a c---

Jiro: Yes...but not a word <squeezing Rem's hand>

Subaru: Hmph, you're secret is safe with me...my friend.

-Allowing the wind to blow his hair away, I couldn't help but joke around- 

Jiro: Here comes the sun, dooo daaa dooo dooo!!! 

Subaru: How old do you have to be for using a Beatles reference, bud?!

Jiro: Bro...just Let it Be!

Subaru: (Eyes rolls) Whatever...I'm glad you're back, Jiro..

Jiro: Good to be back, Subaru!  <happily grins>

-As I felt the notion that she awakening from her nap, the beautiful maid rubs her eyes and peeks over to find me up...euphoric about the good news, she jumps onto the bed and hugs me....draining more life out of me, Rem got off to allow me some air...showing a loving smile, she said a single word-

Rem: Jiro...


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