S1 E23: Fighting For Love
Rushing to Irlam Village, I could already see the torches a-blazed in the darkness. One of them shouting out to me in curiousness. He must've been one of the parents but unexpectedly it was a dear friend whom rescued me that day. Smiling upon his sweet recovery, I ran up to give him a warm hug. Laughing at each other in embrace, we've waited so long to do this. Our bond has surely developed over the cause of five days...
Boseman: My boy! What are you doing out here so late? It's past your bedtime!
Jiro: It's good to see you too, Boseman. I'm grateful to see you're doing well...and are ready to continue...may I ask something?
Boseman: Hmm?
Jiro: Could you please tell me where the children are? Have you seen any of them?
Boseman: (Reflective) No...sorry I have not. We've been looking for them all day. Sadly, the children were no where to be found. Unfortunately, the parents are starting to get tired and would need to rest. They just want their babies back.. <holding onto his pendant> and as parent, I would understand what it's like to be scared of those close to you. Can't imagine the pain a parent would go through for one's child...don't you agree, Jiro?!
-Recalling his past memories of the one's whom raised him, no he doesn't understand. But, he knows what it is like to lose something inside...a part of your own soul ripped from you-
Jiro: Sadly, I can't recall a peaceful or even a fond memory. But, I assure you...we will find the missing children in due time. That's a promise...
Boseman: (pats the boy's (side)shoulder) It's nice to have you back...Jiro. The villagers could use your support since they're too afraid to enter that demonic forest. Wait...you don't think---
Jiro: Yes, Boseman. I do think they lie inside that damn place.
Boseman: (Shocked) How? Why are those kids inside there? Did someone kidnap them?
Jiro: Kidnapping a group of kids would be too strenuous for one man...which leaves out a simple answer...the Mabeast.
Boseman: Really? I thought this settlement was warded off by the glowing crystals...
Jiro: Warded? <thinking>
Boseman: Yeah, the crystals react as a barrier against dark creatures lurking in the forest.
Jiro: That means... <eureka moment> of course! the crystal must've cracked or something... possibly meaning someone had the nerve to sabotage it. Maybe, the power vanished leaving a single spot defenseless from the Mabeasts...Dammit.
Boseman: That's quite a hypothesis, Mr. Ren...
Jiro: Thanks, but there's no time for compliments...it is time for action...
-As I held onto the handle of my sword, I ran off into the forest to search for the dim or faded crystal I've guessed-
Boseman: Jiro! Wait up!
-Looking back, I continue to ignore him and not drag him into another problem of mine. Arrogant as always, I ran faster so it could get ahead of him...finally being able to reach the broken barrier. This is where the demonic puppy must've led those missing children-
Boseman: Jiro <huffs in exhaustion> damn, you're fast!
Jiro: Go back, Boseman. You're in no condition to fight...please remain here.
Boseman: You idiot. If you enter that forest, the Mabeast will shred every last tissue in your body. You'll die...my friend.
-Turning around, I was going for the persuasive type, and earnestly asked him to return to the village-
Jiro: Please Boseman. I must do this...
Boseman: ALONE?!
Jiro: (shaking my head no) I'm not alone, you've been there for me every-time we encounter a true problem.
Boseman: This is suicide, Jiro. A fool's errand...you're gonna die if you step in there.
Jiro: Maybe...but I know a "Hero" will come to rescue this poor bastard. For once in my life, I want to do something honorable and for the sake of others...and not just myself. Pride has caused me to become so blind when it came to what was important right in front of me...
Boseman: And what exactly did it blind you from doing?
Jiro: From Showing Love...I've only thought about me...Ren Jiro...no one else mattered but me...but there are people in my life who've shown me that fighting for those you care about the most is greater than pride...and is worth dying for...I may have not known those kids enough but I won't allow them to die...because I made a promise to 'her'...to make the ultimate sacrifice...
Boseman: That sounds insane...
Jiro: Maybe...but I've always been the arrogant bastard...taking on any challenge no matter how tough or painful it is, the challenge has continued to push me further...I can't give up now, never.
Boseman: Well, my dear friend...good luck out there. <held out his hand>
Jiro: I'll be alright...don't worry about me, Boseman. I'm a true warrior like you...remember <shakes his hand>
Boseman: Those mutts don't stand a chance against a cocky son of a bitch like you <laughing>
Jiro: Hai...but I do have one favor to ask before I enter...
Boseman: What do you want me to do?
Jiro: If you come across a teenage boy around my age, and maybe a girl dressed in a maid's outfit, tell them where I was...tell them I'm heading to search for the missing kids. Okay?!
Boseman: Understood...be careful...Jiro...
Jiro: I'll try... <shooing him away> now, go...before a pup starts chewing you up.
Boseman: Whatever, kid...I'll see you soon...
Jiro: The same to you...goodbye...
-Running off to get help and search for allies, I took one deep breath before heading inside-
Jiro: Please, Felt?! Stay with me tonight... <holding onto mokkinbãdo>
-Heroically stepping in, I knew what I was doing was completely stupid but there was someone who needed to be saved. Failure isn't allowed...not for me...and shouldn't be for someone like you-
My choice was simple, to either frantically run through the woods like a psychopath or play it cool and perceptive so I wouldn't draw too much attention. Seeing as if the safer side was the best option, it actually didn't matter if I did this in a sneaky fashion. Those fucking dogs would track my scent in the matter of minutes, maybe not now since I'm a strange smell to them. But, I'm losing time...especially those kids. I must've known the evil pup was behind it all along, what can I say? Looks can be deceiving, definitely if it pretends to be gentle towards you. Jokingly imagining it to myself, Cain is so gonna get a hell of an outburst by me, after forcing me to rub that damn dog. Of course, everyone loves dogs...but that shouldn't excuse the fact that maybe... just maybe, it might bite. Regardless, of the misfortunes brought upon the entire village and children. Bolting to the children was the best choice due to lack of wasting time, killing anything from my goal is the focus...no silly mutt is preventing me from saving those kids. Not a single one.
Jiro: (Whispers) Cain?! Petra?! Meili?! Where are you guys?! Anyone?!
-Tracing the sound of bushes ruffling, it had to be one of the Mabeasts...otherwise, the children would've popped out like gophers.-
Jiro: Here, Clifford?! I got a nice, metallic looking treat...wanna taste?
-Appearing out of the bush, it wasn't something I would imagine it to be. The dog looked huge in comparison and I'm six foot!!!-
Mabeast: GRRRR!!!
Jiro: Yes, Poochie...come here. I got something for ya?
-Dashes at me in ferocious behavior, I knew it would do something like this so I got ready-
Jiro: I know I've played too many samurai games and watched too many movies, but i faith this will work out just splendid...
-As I grip mokkinbãdo tightly, the mongrel was stupid enough to run straight ahead, thinking it can pounce on me with ease. But, it didn't work.-
Jiro: Got ya, son of a bitch! <slashing into the air, I was able to cripple the dog...>
Mabeast: (Whimpers in pain) mmmmweeeemmmm
Jiro: What the hell is wrong with this sword??? Why won't it let me kill anything?
-Trying my best to end the life of a creature, the will of mokkinbãdo resisted the temptation of killing as if it had the conscience to acknowledge I wanted to kill the beast-
Jiro: Why are you resisting me? <trying to force the blade to slice it's throat>
-I finally gave up, which begs the question...how am I gonna make it out alive if I'm unable to kill those in self-defense...how stupid is that?-
Jiro: Fine...you're lucky dog, next time it won't be so easy...
-Following the trail, I can see a glimpse of moonlight shining upon my eyes, the CHILDREN-
Jiro: (Astounded) I FOUND YOU GUYS!!! LETS GO HO---
-In a circle, all the children I've counted were there except for one...Meili. Trying to think where she might be...I can't just leave the kids here...can I? But, could I be falling into a trap if I run over to find her? Dammit, this is difficult for just one man-
Jiro: What am I supposed to do now? I can't leave you all here... <knelt down in defeat> I failed...and now everyone is dead...because of me...can't even tell who's there. A pack of them could come by any second and kill us all...I'm sorry, Meili. It looks like I'm too powerless to save anybody--- <looking head-down to the grass>
-I heard a friendly voice calling out to me, and with appraise. The man of the hour, Natsuki Freaking Subaru.-
Subaru: Hey! JIRO! Long time no see!
Jiro: (Tearful) S-SUBARU! <arising from the grass> I thought you would---
Subaru: Be sleeping, that's for the weak...right, Rem?!
Rem: Please, Subaru. Leave me out of your ridiculous conversations...
Subaru: Jeez...the nerve of this girl. Always calm but yet feisty at the same time...still, I'm glad she was able to come...
Rem: How are the kid, Jiro?!
Jiro: Not doing so well, I'm afraid. All of them are sick...with the curse, but mostly the insufferable wounds that were inflicted by the evil puppy.
Subaru: Damn, I knew something was wrong with that freaking mutt...I swear once I get my hands on it...wooo...
Rem: The Shaman is the least of our concerns right now, we should focus on retrieving the missing children. How many did you count, Jiro. Any missing?!
Jiro: I counted six...but one has gone missing...Meili!
Rem: Okay, so the plan is that I need to heal all six of them. Which should make them stable until we reach Beatrice...
Subaru: And I will go find the missing girl...
Rem: That sounds very bold for someone like you, Subaru. Are you sure you'll be alright?!
Subaru: Of course, I have my best friend right beside me <elbows my hip>
Rem: (Curious) But, is he prepared to kill anything standing in his way? Jiro?!
-Both of them staring at me in silence, I became overwhelmed and told them the truth-
Jiro: I'm---not---ready...
Subaru: Don't be so "glum"...you're ready, Jiro..
Jiro: You're wrong...I'm not...
Subaru: Why the sudden attitude, huh?! We got more beasts roaming these damn forests to worry about than your self-confidence...
Jiro: You still don't understand. I CAN'T...
Subaru: What do you mean? You can't?
-Staring at Rem in a petrified face, she was confused about what was going on with me?-
Jiro: The---the Sword...Mokkinbãdo refuses to kill any organism...it seems...
Subaru: That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard...
Jiro: I'm telling you the truth, Subaru...the blade is resisting me...
Subaru: How?!
Jiro: I don't know...but whenever I get the opportunity to end someone, Mokkinbãdo rattles in hesitation and forces to not strike it down. As if it had a mind of it's own...
Subaru: I have no clue what you're talking about, but this sounds bad...
Rem: Maybe it has something to do with the curse inside the blade itself...or even the very soul is unwilling to cooperate with the wielder.
Jiro: Maybe...but what should I do then? Await for them to kill me?
Rem: Hmm, that could work...but that would just be more of a problem for us since we're at a bigger disadvantage in numbers...
-Holding onto the handle, Subaru grabs my wrist tight and smacks me-
Subaru: It doesn't matter what you did back then, who cares if the sword isn't willing to listen. I don't even have a weapon and you see me go out there and fight till my dying breath. What says you, Ren Jiro? Are you going to hide behind the skirts of Rem like a coward, or stand up! Be a Man! And face the enemy! Because remember, every moment defines the person...we all go through challenges...this shouldn't be different...
-Acknowledging the fact he wants to help me, I agreed-
Jiro: I stand with you, Nat...till the bitter end. Even if hell is unleashed tonight, there is no one I would want by my side but you...
Subaru: Now, that's the old Jiro I know & love...let's go!
Jiro: Hey, Rem?!
Rem: Yes, Jiro?!
Jiro: Be careful, alright...I don't wanna see you get hurt...okay?
Rem: (Smirks) I'll be fine, Jiro. Worry about yourself...
Subaru: (Interrupts) Yeah, you heard the lady...you big turd blossom...
Jiro: (Rolled eyes) Shut up! Will you?!
Subaru: NEVER!....but seriously, are you ready?
Jiro: Yes...Lead on...Fearless One!
-Running alongside my friend, it felt like old times...as if we've been growing apart...But, I'm glad tonight he was able to save me...from...myself-
A few minutes have gone by, and we found the weaken Meili lain hidden near the fallen log. Picking up the girl, we began to run until we came across another Mabeast. Slightly bigger than the one I've encountered previously, this mongrel won't budge so easily...we have to outsmart it...but seeing the asleep girl in my arms, I trusted Subaru to fight it off...
Jiro: Subaru! Are you sure?!
Subaru: Yes...I can handle that monster...take care of her alright...
Jiro: But, what if you get---
Subaru: Hurt?! Well, first things first! Do you trust me, Jiro?!
Jiro: With my life, yes...
Subaru: Then, there's nothing to worry about...you just keep carrying her and let me handle him. Okay?
Jiro: Alright...
Subaru: Everything is going to be fine, trust me...please...Jiro.
-Nodding to him, I stood near the log and held onto the missing girl, seeing as the mutt approached us...it's main focus was on Subaru for some odd reason. Since, I'm defenseless...it didn't bother going after us...-
Subaru: Bring it on you worthless meatsack?!
Mabeast: GRRR----ARF <sprinting at him>
-I saw Subaru wrap the coat he wore for the mansion around his arm...having no clue of what he's trying to do, he got ready for the upcoming attack-
Subaru: Gotcha, bitch! XD
-While the bastard allowed the mongrel to bite him on his sleeve...the impact of the chomp had not effect...making the Mabeast stuck from it's own attack...-
Subaru: DIE!
-Swinging the dog into the air, he slams it straight into a wooden spike from the fallen log...killing the Mabeast be impaling it...which I must say is incredible-
Subaru: Huh, I'm actually surprised that worked...
Jiro: What can I say? You always find ways to amaze me...now let's get out of here!
Subaru: Hai <nods>
-Both of us decided to run but was cut off by a horde of Mabeasts...making our predicament worse, I notice behind them gushing blood entering into the atmosphere-
Jiro/Subaru: REM?!
-Seeing as the blue twin slicing the dogs apart, she wasn't able to all of them...so returning back to us...she was only left with one choice...the Horn....her final trump card-
Rem: I'm sorry...but this has to be done...
Jiro: Rem?!! Please...We can fight this together! Be reasonable!!!
Rem: <staring at me differently than anyone else> Hmph, don't you ever dare change...Because, that's what always made you so special?!
Jiro: What do you see in me, Rem??? What's so special about me??? <heart beating faster>
Rem: Optimism, Ren Jiro... <creating pink electricity>
Subaru: REM! WAIT!
Rem: Get her out of here.... <transforming> NOW!
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