S1 E2: Styx Helix
Subaru's Viewpoint
Awakening to the sound of people shouting, I began to groan as my eyes opened...those three idiots were still here...why?
Bowl-cut Boy: Look who finally woke up! Heehee. Your friend isn't here anymore.
Subaru: (Groggy) Who?
Bowl-Cut Boy: (Screaming) Did you not listen? I said "Your friend isn't---<BANG>
-Going out to head-butt the lame kid with a terrible haircut, the other two ganged up on me and held me down. Seeing as if the boy was pissed off, my ass definitely was gonna take another beating until she came...MY WAIFU-
???: Have you guys seen a small blonde girl wearing a red scarf run here?
Bowl-Cut Boy: Yeah, but who cares? She ran off with that bastard...what's his face? I don't even care enough to tell you, heehee
???: That wasn't very nice...
Choker-chain weirdo: We don't care, you half-elf bit-----<BAM>
-There she goes, rocking that bitch with an ice ball...damn he was left unconscious-
???: Anyone else...
Bowl-cut Boy: Still 2 on 1. We got the upper-hand.
???: I wouldn't be so certain. Puck!
Puck: (Yawning) Ah-eee-uhh, what do you need daughter? Is someone bothering you?
???: Not really. They're just blocking my path....that's all.
Puck: Alright! Lemme get into my physical form!
-Appearing to be a small floating cat in the air, the spirit formed into a humanoid-
Bowl-cut Boy: I can't believe we're versing a spirit arts user. Ton! Let's get outta here!
Hot-headed halfwit: I ain't fighting this. No fucking way! Nope!
-Picking up their unconscious friend off the dirty pavement, the three muggers ran away like damn cowards...leaving me alone with her---the beautiful girl-
???: Hey, are you alright?
Subaru: (Distracted by her beauty) Huh?
Puck: She said "Are you alr---" and he passed out.
-Seeing as I closed my eyes, I'm exhausted. Too tied to stay awake....-
???: Oh, Puck! We gotta help him
Puck: But, we might not be able to catch her in time...Are you sure?
???: It seems we have no choice, can't just leave this guy here? He's beaten pretty badly.
Puck: Yes, Ma'am.
???: Oh, you're finally awake.
Subaru: Huh, who said that...
-Waken up to a harmonious sound of a pretty girl's voice...must've been an angel-
???: (Smiling) Me, silly?
-And she's cute too!!! EEEEE I LOVE THIS WORLD!!!-
Puck: Glad to see you awake, sir.
-Damn, what is this hairy thing I'm feeling on my head. Ain't my hair-
Subaru: (Shocked) What is that?!
Puck: Who? Me?
Subaru: Yes!
???: His name is Puck. My artificial spirit.
Subaru: Oh...um thank you.
Puck: No problem. But, don't thank me. Thank her.
Subaru: (Nodding) Did you save me?!
???: Hai! You were in a pretty bad shape and I had to heal you
Subaru: Thank you. I owe you, um beautiful
???: It's fine. You can help me by telling me where's the girl?
Subaru: Who?
???: The small girl running around. She stole something important from me. And I want it back.
Subaru: Oh! You mean that small blonde thief. She ran by here while I was mugged but she's gone now after---(at fault) healing a useless guy like me...
???: (Sympathetic) Don't worry about it, your life is in danger and I couldn't leave you behind.
Subaru: But, why?
???: (Confused) Why, what?
Subaru: Why save a stranger like me for? We never met, so why go all this way to heal me?
???: Because...that's what a good person would do for someone who needed help.
Subaru: Well, let me return the favor. I'll help you find her.
???: Hmm, what do you think Puck?
Puck: He seems reliable enough. The more eyes the better our chance of finding her.
???: Okay then. What's your name anyway?
-Heehee, I'm glad she asked (Pointing my finger in the air while arching the hip sideways)-
???: (Giggling) Well, Subaru. Nice to meet you. Let's go find my insignia. Shall we?
Subaru: Yup.
-Damn, she's so cute even when giggling-
As we asked around for some questions, the people decided to not help us...referring to the strange half-elf girl...I couldn't help but defend her "honor". She's being discriminated for her race and I wouldn't ignore such a hateful action. While, continuing our search for the stolen insignia, we had no idea where to look for the little thief. Feeling hopeless, we come across a little girl who was lost. The rest of society didn't seem to matter because no one dared finding her mother. Dammit, what is wrong with everyone nowadays, I could see why he---never mind that....anyways the beautiful silver-hair girl wanted to help find the girl's mother.
???: Are you gonna help or not?
Subaru: I-I
???: She's a scared little girl who lost her parents, why shouldn't we help?
Subaru: Well, don't you wanna find your insignia first?
???: Yes, but there is more important matters. If you don't wanna help, fine!
-As she began to walk away and comfort the crying girl, I couldn't stand it any longer-
Little Girl: (Crying) I-mmmawwweeeh-mommy!!!
???: Shh, shh...everything is gonna be alright, little one
Subaru: Hey, wanna see a magic trick?
???: Subaru? I thought you weren't gonna---
Subaru: Help? Of course, that's what friend are for. I owe you anyway...so little one wanna see something cool! Watch this!
-Showing the young girl a single penny, I performed many magic tricks which allowed me to appear the coin whenever I choose. This made her cheer up as she watched making me happy...damn I'm proud of myself. Bet "he" couldn't do it. A Magician never reveals his tricks-
Little Girl: (Giggling in excitement) SO COOL!!!
Subaru: Here you go, keep it
-Handing it over to her after reaching the penny behind the girl's ear, she took it without hesitation while smiling-
Subaru: So, do you know where your mommy is?
Little Girl: (Shaking her head No)
???: That's alright. We'll help you look for her. Together
-Presenting her gentle hand, the girl held onto the beauty and well, the courageous/handsome/awesome Subaru as we walked throughout the city finding the mother-
Subaru: Heehee
???: (Marveled) What's so funny, Subaru?!
Subaru: Oh, I just think that holding this girl's hand made me think we're a young married couple. Don't you agree?
???: (Nicely responding) Don't make such assumptions. I can't imagine myself with you. Sorry.
-Damn, my PRIDE. it. Hurts. So. Much.-
Subaru: I guess....but I'm not one to back down from a challenge
???: I suppose you're right about that.
Little Girl: Mommy! Mommy!
-Visualizing to see the mother in front of us. Our mission is accomplished! Success!-
Mother: Oh, my sweet baby. Thank you for finding her. Thought I lost you!
Little Girl: I'm fine, Mommy. They helped me. Look what the man gave me (Flashing out the penny I gave)
Mother: Oh wow! That looks nice. Never seen something like that. Thank you so much, both of you. If there is anything I could do to repay you.
???: That's quite alright. Just wanna do the right thing.
Subaru: What she said!
Little Girl: Here you go, Miss.
-Trying to hand the silver beauty a flower clip-
???: This looks very nice, I'll keep it. Now, run along!
Little Girl: Uh huh, thank you.
-While the mother/daughter left us alone, I couldn't stop seeing that joyful smile she brought...it was like a ray of sunshine-
Subaru: Let's go find that insignia now! I know who might give us answers
???: Alright.
Apple Salesman: Oh, it's the broke boy again. Finally here to buy something or stall with your "friend" ...where is he anyway?
Subaru: Don't know but you might. I actually need to ask you something.
Apple Salesman: If you don't wanna buy whatever it is I sell, get lost you two...especially you (glancing over to see the silver beauty harassed) might cause a ruckus near the shop----
???: Daddy! Daddy!
-Turning our heads to see the little girl and her mother again, we figured out that's the father. Damn, this might be easier than I thought.-
Mother: Woah, didn't expect you two here again.
Apple Salesman: You know these scoundrels?
Mother: Of course, Kadomon. They found our daughter when I lost her in the marketplace.
Kadomon: I owe you both an apology. Thank you for finding my daughter. Allow me to repay you.
Subaru: No...noo...We just want answers. Money isn't necessary.
???: Have you seen a little girl, blonde, short, wears a red scarf?
Kadomon: Actually, I have. You must be talking about Felt. She lives up in the slums section. Would be careful though, she's trouble. Damn pickpockets.
???: Hai. Thank you, sir.
-Walking away from the two of us-
Subaru: See you later, Kadomon!
Kadomon: Bye, kid. Come back whenever you wanna buy.
Subaru: Sure!
-As we walked along the street the sun began to fall and the light began to fade-
Subaru: We better hurry before we're too late.
???: Agreed.
Both of us are having a conversation about the insignia, the beauty wondered why I was going all this way to help her but replying with an easier answer...my true feelings hid because she deserved my support after what I put her through. On the brick balcony of a nearby tavern or something, we privately discussed over the edge her name! Being shy or unsatisfied with the question, she asked me questions like---
???: Don't you hate half-elves?
Subaru: Why would I?
???: Because maybe...maybe one has done something terribly wrong that would inflict others pain...probably towards your ancestors...
Subaru: I wouldn't say "me" for an example would be offended or bear hatred towards others for being born that way. But, Jiro sees things differently than I do.
???: Who is Jiro
Subaru: Oh, I haven't actually told you. Well, Jiro is a complicated fellow with a lot of hatred in his heart. He doesn't concern sharing his feelings with people, definitely on the past.
???: Do you know whom might've hurt him.
Subaru: If you're thinking of a half-elf, you're absolutely wrong. He doesn't like himself...overall. Seeing it in his eyes, there is something he regrets...
???: Why are you telling me this...
Subaru: Because, even if one person has done something bad doesn't mean the rest of his/her people deserve the same. Not everyone should bear the "sins" of just one being.
???: (Smiling) Hmm, so you don't think I'm a bad person.
Subaru: (Drooling) No...you're quite the opposite.
-Feeling as the best moment to share her name, she finally told me-
???: Satella...That's my name...
Subaru: Cute name, I like it.
Satella: (Confused) Huh, seriously? Aren't you afraid?
Subaru: Why? Should I be?
Satella: It's nothing...maybe another day...I'm just happy you accepted me.
Subaru: As a "friend"!
Satella: Yeah, as a friend I suppose.
Subaru: Alright, enough introductions. Let's find that stolen crest.
Satella: Hai.
While the the sun has nearly faded, we came across the slums, The place stinks so much, I felt bad for the people whom lived here...asking around for questions...we passed by a dude that might know where to find the little thief.
Subaru: Hey, bro. Can you tell me where I could find a little girl wearing a red scarf?
Guy: Sure, she probably lives up in that warehouse now...with Old Man Rom.
Subaru: (Appreciative) Thank you, Dude.
Guy: No problem. Hope you have a safe night,
Subaru: Will do.
-While the man ran off, we came across the stone bridge leading to the warehouse before stopping-
Satella: Oh Puck, I must've forgotten...
Subaru: Forgotten what?
Puck: (Yawns) Artificial spirits have to get some rest, 9-5 is when we like to work. After, that...the spirits loses energy and can't hold out anymore.
Subaru: I understand...(Thinking) Damn, so he's basically working office hours.
Puck: (Yawn) Sorry, I gotta go nap nap now.
Satella: That's alright, Puck. Thank you. Rest easy.
Puck: See ya, goodbye Subaru. Nice meeting you today.
Subaru: (Smiling) Same...bye
Puck: Yup
-Disappearing into Satella's necklace---I guess that's where he goes too after-
Subaru: Geez, it's already night. Aren't there muggers out here? Don't wanna deal with that again?
Satella: Oh, if you're afraid. I can generate some mana to protect us and call extra spirits.
Subaru: Ooh, you could do that!
Satella: Uh huh, I'm a spirits user....
Subaru: (Childish) I wanna see, I wanna see
Satella: (Giggles) Okay, stand back a little.
-Why does she look so amazing...this has to be the best moment of my life-
Satella: All done!
Subaru: Good, are you ready to get your insignia back?
Satella: (Nodding) Yup.
We finally get to the warehouse during nightfall but something doesn't feel right. While I knocked on the door, no one answered. Figuring Jiro would be there because apparently his little sister was supposed to be here, I have no clue where he could be. Fearful. Is something I've always had, so telling Satella to stay behind...was fine. Until...
Subaru: Alright, since no one is at the door. I believe I should go in first.
Satella: (Worried) Are you sure? What if someone's inside, an intruder?
Subaru: I just gotta fight them I guess...
Satella: But, I never seen you fight.
Subaru: And hopefully, I never have to..grabbing the insignia back is the main goal in all of this. We gotta make sure it's inside. So while I'm in, stay outside and cover me in case someone comes.
Satella: (Doubtful) Okay, Subaru. Be careful.
Subaru: "Careful" is my middle name...I'll be right back, Satella.
-Grabbing ahold of the doorknob, I noticed it was open...strange. Entering inside I needed some light. Can't see shit in here. Here it is, a lantern. Faint but good enough-
Subaru: Damn, where could it be----shit, Old Man...your neck is--who did this to you?
-Notices the blood dripping down his neck. Something sharp must've cut it wide open, slitting the throat.-
???: (Whispers) Turn around, Subaru?
Subaru: (Thinking) Jiro!
???: Turn around! Before she kills you too! Run! Get out! Now!
Subaru: What are you talking about?
-Hearing a sadistic laughter, I figured out...this was a trap. Dammit. Should've listened to my conscience-
Subaru: (Terrified) Show yourself, coward.
-Hearing a woman standing right behind him, its over-
???: My...my...wasn't expecting you but no witnesses---<SLICE>
-Gurgling out blood from my mouth, Am I bleeding? (Seeing blood soak his whitish jacket)-
Subaru: CUGH-FUCK!!!
-Dammit, at this point I hope she doesn't come in. I'm too weak to say anything to-
Satella: Subaru! Are you alright in there? Subaru? I'm coming inside
Subaru: (Trying to yell) Run, Satella! Get out!
-Hearing the door creak open, I fear the worst yet. As Satella walks inside, the trap has been set and there is no escape. In the end, she found me...me...the most useless man who couldn't take a hint he was in trouble. Getting closer to me, the silver beauty has became the fallen beauty after being gashed open instantly once finding out what happened. This is all my fault...-
Satella: <Slice> S-S-Subaru?
-Falling down onto the floor, she was quickly bleeding out alongside me while I held onto her dying hand-
Subaru: (Croaking with blood) Stay with me, Satella!
-Sadly, she did not make it...the girl I fell in love with died-
Subaru: No! I'll save you! I promise! I won't let you die----Because----------
OMGOSH! Rie Takahashi is the voice actress for this character! She's so awesome and very talented...couldn't imagine anyone else singing it better than her. Thank you!
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