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Running through the hall, a boy with light brown hair and baby blue eyes panted heavily before finally coming to a stop.

Suddenly, a crowd of girls ran up behind him and squealed slightly.

'We love you, Laurence! We're your number one fans~'

Smiling hesitantly, the boy looked between the girl's and saw the excited looks on their faces.

'Oh, that's.. sweet',Laurence hesitated and cleared his throat,'So sweet of you all'

'We love you so much, we even did this'

Confused as to what they were doing, Laurence watched as the girl's pulled out shirts and put them on.

And a guy had appeared behind them.

They all wore shirts that had Laurence's face on them and said "Laurence fan club".

'Tada! We made an official Laurence fan club~'

With his eyes wide, Laurence looked between the group and it was at times like these, that he wished Rosemary would come from around the corner and save him from this misery.

'How did you guys— what the-! Did the school approve of this?!'

But each time he hoped, she barely appeared.

With a wide smile on her face, the girl with the maroon hair and deep oceanic eyes shook her head.

'Nope. It's not an OFFICIAL school club.. it's just one that we started on our own time'

'To celebrate how amazingly awesome you are!'

Laughing nervously, Laurence tried to think of a way out of this and gulped slightly.

Irene save him.

'Thanks guys, that's.. really nice of you all',Laurence hesitated.

Sparkles seemed to surround their bodies and their eyes sparkled as they looked at Laurence.

'Well.. alright.. see you guys!'

Trying to walk away as quickly as he could, Laurence froze and his eyes widened as they called out to him, asking for him to wait.

Slowly turning towards them, the boy plastered on a small smile on his face and shook his head.

'Ladies, ladies please!',Laurence exclaimed,'I just want to get to class..'

'You.. don't want us to be around you?',One of the girl questioned, faking a whiny voice and acted as if she were about to cry.

It was as if nothing would go his way today seeing that Rosemary wouldn't be showing up to save the day and chase them off.

'It's not that, it's just, sometimes.. I need some privacy'

Confused, the maroon haired girl furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head to the side.

'For what?'

Glancing to the side, Laurence caught sight of the boy's room and an idea suddenly appeared in his head.


Gesturing towards the bathroom, Laurence almost let out a sigh of relief once the girl's let out harmonious ooh's and slowly nodded.

'Right right, you need your privacy. See you later Laurence~!'

Watching as they walked off, Laurence hurriedly walked into the boy's bathroom and sighed in relief as he shut the door, his shoulders slumping.

He liked having fan girls but sometimes, it became way too much.


Walking down the stairs, Rosemary walked alongside Aphmau and watching as Ein walked towards them, the twins slowly came to a stop in front of him.

'How was class?',He questioned.

Ears of deep blue twitched atop of black hair with a dark blue streak running down that middle which was set to match his ears and tail; the innards of his ears were a deep magenta.

Letting out a small sigh, Aphmau shrugged slightly and looked towards him.

'I'm not amazing at Biology but, it's good to have a sister that lets you copy off of her',Aphmau stated.

Rolling her eyes, a small sigh left Rosemary's lips and she shook her head, a small smile twitching at her lips for a moment.

"That's only because you never stop bothering me about it",Rosemary sarcastically shot back and smirked slightly, her sharp canines showing through her lips.

Letting out a gentle laugh, Aphmau slowly nodded and shrugged slightly.

Just before Rosemary could open her mouth and speak up, Ein spoke up, cutting her off.

'Speaking of which, I had a question about humans',Ein stated.

Curious as to what he wanted to ask, Aphmau nodded and gave him the go ahead.

Since she was also curious, Rosemary narrowed her eyes at the omega and looked him up and down, a suspicious look in her eyes.

'How far do you guys hear?',Ein questioned.

Tilting her head to the side, Rosemary blinked slowly and then, turned her gaze towards Aphmau.

That was a good question and she was waiting patiently for her sisters answer.

'Probably not as far as werewolves..',Aphmau stated and looked between him and Rosemary,'Do you guys hear very far?'

Nodding slowly, Rosemary looked towards Ein and waited for his answer.

Most werewolves could hear a certain distance and some heard further than others.

'Sort of, I think',Ein stated,'We can focus on what we want to hear. So for example, I can hear what someone murmurs from here to a locker over there'

Looking towards Rosemary, the two began to wonder just how far she could hear and she looked between them.

"I can probably hear from here to the stairs over there, just past the lockers",Rosemary answered.

With her eyes glistening, Aphmau looked between the two and let out a small hum.

'So.. different ranks have certain hearing ranges or something like that?',Aphmau questioned.

Slowly shaking their heads, Ein and Rosemary looked towards one another, humming slightly.

They were trying to figure out how they could best explain it.

So, Rosemary explained that different werewolves could hear from different lengths due to how much longer they've practiced.

But in their werewolf forms, it's much more powerful and they could definitely hear a lot further.

One more than the other and that was for an obvious reason.

'I.. see',Aphmau said hesitantly,'Speaking of which, I noticed something interesting. Some werewolves can control their ears, but others can't.. right?'

'Yup, it usually depends on certain things though',Ein stated.

Furrowing her eyebrows together, Aphmau tilted her head to the side and asked the two how.

"There's two cases really; one, is that a human has been cursed by a werewolf",Rosemary explained,"Or two, you're the child of a werewolf and a human"

Humming slightly, Aphmau nodded in understanding and slowly, her eyes looked up towards Rosemary's ears.

'Does that mean that you can hide your ears and tail, then?',Aphmau questioned.

With her vermilion eyes widening for a moment, Rosemary stayed silent and her lips parted.

She had tried it once before; she had realized that her mother was a human and once she figured out that she could, Rosemary felt uncomfortable hiding them and decided to never do it.

"I can but, I just decide not to",Rosemary stated,"I don't like to hide my ears and tail. It makes me feel.. uncomfortable"

Letting out an hum of understanding, a small smile formed on Aphmau's face and she was glad that her sister wasn't afraid to show who she truly was.

But, remembering what else Rosemary had said, Aphmau furrowed her eyebrows.

'Cursed?',Aphmau questioned,'People can become cursed?'

Tensing up, Rosemary tried her best to not show her surprise and she kept her face blank.

'Yeah.. but that rarely ever happens',Ein stated,'In fact, it hasn't happened in sooo many years. But, it has been documented before'

Gulping quietly, Rosemary looked to the side and remembered seeing those documents before.

The Evolved Werewolf and The Ultima Werewolf.

Two peas in a pod.

They were described as monsters that always stuck by each other's side.

'Really.. how come that happens?',Aphmau questioned.

Before Ein could answer, a werewolf with orange hair, coal black eyes and maroon ears with lilac purple fur coating the inside ran up to them.

'Alpha, beta! We need your help on a matter that only the two of you can solve!'

Turning his gaze towards Ein, the werewolves eyes narrowed as he saw how close he was to the alpha and beta, a deep growl escaping his throat.

'Calm down, Ein is here with us',Aphmau stated.

With a shocked look on his face, the werewolf looked between the three and his eyes widened.

'B-But, he—'

It wasn't too odd for a beta to hang around the omega willingly, but for the alpha and omega to hang around one another, made him very uncomfortable and it was practically unheard of.

'Yeah, yeah, he's the omega',Aphmau said,'He's just my friend. Anyway, as the acting Alpha, I'm happy to help with any dispute'

Feeling a small smile twitch at her lips, Rosemary held back a pleased chuckle and her tail swayed a bit quicker than before as she noticeably perked up.

And seeing this reaction out of the corner of her eye caused Aphmau to smile slightly.

Perking up in shock, the werewolf's eyes widened for a moment and his right ear twitched in shock.

'Really? You'll actually come help?',The student questioned and blinked slightly with surprise shinning in his gaze,'Awesome! Follow me'

Immediately following after the boy as she rushed off, Rosemary didn't wait around and Aphmau turned towards Ein, a small smile on her lips.

'Come on, Ein!'

'Are you sure? I-.. I can't'

'Oh, come on! Remember, I may need Rosemary's help but I also need your help to learn more!'

'Oh.. heh.. okay'

As Ein slowly agreed, the two walked up the stairs and sped up to catch up with Rosemary and the other werewolf.


Helping a group of werewolves, Rosemary was talking to a student with deep maroon colored ears with deep grape purple fur on the inside.

The group was arguing over a frisbee that one of the three hadn't given back to the other, while the one Rosemary was standing in front of was just a bystander while his friends argued.

With a small sigh, Aphmau pulled a frisbee out of her pocket and handed it towards the werewolf who's ears and tail resembled Ein's; but they didn't have the piercings.

'Oh wow, that works'

'Wow, she gave you her frisbee!'

'I knew you could solve the problem, Alpha!'

Wondering as to why her presence had been requested, Rosemary's vermilion eyes looked between them and she realized that if a fight had broken out, she'd be the most capable of the three to break it up.

With a small chuckle, Aphmau brightly smiled as she looked towards her sister and it caused Rosemary to chuckle slightly.

Holding up their fists, the twins fist bumped each other and walked beside one another as they walked away from the small group.

'Hey, Rosemary, Ein.. is this problem common?',Aphmau questioned.

Huffing out a small laugh, Rosemary nodded her head and hummed in agreement, her left ear twitching momentarily.

'More than you'd think.. werewolves enjoy playing frisbee',Ein explained.

Staring off for a moment, Rosemary tilted her head in a shrug and frowned slightly.

She would've explained it a bit different than that, it's more like they're competitive and can become a bit aggressive in a friendly game of catch or frisbee.

'Okay, good',Aphmau stated,'Because ever since I've started taking on the role of Alpha, I've had, like, five frisbee incidents! This is crazy!'

Letting out a chuckle, Rosemary slowly shook her her and a small smirk tugged at the corner of her lips.

She didn't even know the half of it.

'Well, you might want to start resolving problems and not just getting everyone a new frisbee',Ein explained.

Muttering under her breath about how she'd want to get a frisbee, Rosemary looked between the two and understood where Ein was coming from.

Even if that was a minor solution to the problem, it was a bit more complicated than that and would have to be solved properly.

Not with a distraction.

'Hey, I'm trying!'

'Can I have a frisbee?'

Perking up at the word, Rosemary leaned towards Aphmau and pulled her ears back slightly so that they touched the tip of her hair, slightly tilting her head to the side.

Looking between the two werewolves, Aphmau chuckled and shook her head, walking away.

'Whaaat? Noo~'

Letting out a small groan, Rosemary growled under her breath and tried to catch up to her sister.

"Aw man.. I really wanted that frisbee"

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