I lay on my bed as the tiredness took over me. The punishment this time was light. There was no other visible bruises than the ones on my neck and wrist which was nothing compared to what i used to get before.
Black jumbed on to the bed as he cuddled with me. I hugged him, rubbing her furry head. But my hand stopped in the middle as i saw no sign of Moon. sensing my sudden change of mood, black moved away from my embrace and meowed at me to follow him.
He took me to the bathroom and what i saw there softened my eyes.
Moon was sitting on the water tap above my bathtub, she was filling the tub with cold water. I have a habit of bathing in cold water after getting wounded or tired cuz it makes me more energetic and fresh. Its better than the feeling of comfort and doziness after bathing in warm water.
And about how she got to know about me being wounded, she was not called the spy of the group for nothing.
"Moon.", i called. She snapped her head towards me a she closed the tap with her claws and flapped her wings, flying towards me, sitting on my shoulder.
Moon was special. She is a crepuscular owl, a rare species that is active at day and night equally. She is the one who spies on our enemies. Jennie had created a mini camera for her.
I pet her head as she leaned more into my neck for comfort. But i hissed as she accidently leaned into my bruise.
She quickly flew up and urged me to the bath. I stripped off of my clothes as i stepped into the cold chilly water which sent shiver down my spine. But the after effects were great.
I changed into a outfit that could hide both my bruises as i also put some makeup on it. Its better to be carefull than regret later.
I was tying my hair into a ponytail when my phone vibrated with notification. I checked it to see grandfather's message.
'I will be there in two weeks, inform your mother about it as well'
I sighed at the thought of having to talk to her. A knock interupted me, I walked forward, opening the door only to be shoved inside by the maid who childishly threatened me on my first night here.
"What do you want?", i asked, annoyed by her presence. A stupid unnecessary argument would be the last thing I want now.
"I already warned you 'little' miss. Stay away from my seojun oppa!", She shouted at my face. Oppa? Is she calling him brother?
My face cringed, I scoffed,"Girl, Im not interested in him. You can have him for all i care",
I shoved past her and went downstairs.
Its dinner time right now and when i reached there, everyone was already waiting.
I ignored the rising hair at the back of my neck and walked towards my mother.
But before i could reach her, Mr kim made me sit beside him and in a beat, the dinner was already served.
I was not here for dinner.
I looked at my mother who sat opposite to me. She was smiling. Not at me. I trailed to where her eyes were at, only to see jungkook eating his food like a hungry bear.
I thankfully controlled my anger. She was not with me when i needed her, and now when im with her-even tho i was forced to- she is not even looking at me.
"Mother.", i called, earning hers and the others attention. "I have something to tell you.... Privately.",
I said.
"No yn. You cant leave in the middle of dinner", Mr kim interfered. And i hate the fact that my mother also supported him.
''Okay then..", everyone's curious gazes fell on me, even his. I thought he couldnt feel emotions.
"I got a message from grandfather today.", i paused, waiting for her reaction as I slowly sipped on the wine prepared for me. And just as i expected, she stilled. Her body tense. "He told me to inform you that he is coming here in two weeks and will be here on the day of your wedding", Mr kim looked happy and Mother also smiled at him. But i also notice the cold sweat rolling down her forhead.
"Buona fortuna, madre. aspetterò con ansia il tuo matrimonio.", i smirked as i watch her hands slightly trembling under the table as she forced a smile.
(Good luck, mother. I will be looking forward to your wedding.)
She knew better than to be happy at that news. She was not clueless as Mr kim.
I stood up from my seat and looked at Mr kim. "Im sorry Mr kim, but im not hungry. I have some things to buy so im going out.", he nodded and i returned the gesture. I glanced at my mother for the last time and exited the house without looking back.
A hand wrapped around my bruised wrist, just as i exited the main gate. I hissed as i pulled my hand back and glared at that person.
Only to be met with a pair of eyes which were scanning my wrist. Thankfully i wore long sleeved outfit and also put makeup on it.
His eyes met with mine, ''You are quite a thing, wild cat'', amusement laced on his voice.
"What are you talking about", i frowned.
"Even though i dont know what you said to you mom in italian, i do know that she was quite shaken up by it.", he said.
"So..?", I trailed, annoyed by his appearance.
He scoffs, "Who are you?", he repeats the same question he'd asked me at the rooftop.
"I already told you before, im the daughter of jeon-", a sudden groan left me as he slammed me into the wall with his elbow on my neck.
"Dont play games with me, kitten. I dont have much patience.", he growls against my face.
I gripped his collar in my fist as i pulled him forward, closing the distance between us. Our lips inches apart, just like the time in the rooftop. His breath fanning my cheeks as mine brushed his lips.
He visibly tensed at the sensation and i smirked. I leaned forward to his ears just like how he did, "Dont call me that, love. I might get wild, just like you call me.", i said that in the most seductive way possible for me as his grip loosened. I shoved him away, purposively bumbing our shoulders with each others as i walked away.
I didnt lie when i said i wanted to buy some things. I did want to but the real reason of me going out is to have some alone time. I need to take a break.
I entered the convenient store as i greeted the cashier, strolling around to find what i need and soon enough, I got it.
I bought some gummies and some snacks together with iced latte, paying for it before exiting the store. I walked in the streets without any destination. I was not in a mood to go back to kim mansion. I want some fresh air.
I was just walking silently, enjoying the rare peace around me, when suddenly, out of no where, five men appeared, surrounding me in a circle. All having knive with them.
"Give us all your money, little girl.",One of them said as they raised their knives towards me, threatning me.
"I dont have anything with me.", i didnt lie. I used up all the money i had. I dont wanna fight at all, atleast not right now.
"Check her.", One of the bigger men said to the other. The guy smirked at me,"Oh, i will check her thoroughly", those eyes. Filled with an emotion i know very well. Lust.
I closed my eyes, trying to focus on what's happening right now than the past.
But i cant.
The memories were taking over me. I tried to back away as the men closed in, but both my upper arms were caught by the two men behind me.
The man infront of me slowly closed the distance between us as his hands raised towards my chest. I closed my eyes.
Focus. Just Fucking focus!
Taking a deep breath, i open my eyes, putting all my force on my leg as I kicked the approaching man hard on his crouch.
I Head butted one of the guys behind me, forcing him to loosen his grip on my hand with a groan. I snatched my hand back as i twisted my other one, throwing the other guy over my shoulders.
I pant. This is not good.
My past trauma has always been a trouble for me. Killing them wasn't a big deal, but I cannot take risk while this territory does not belong to me. I don't have any information on this route, the people here, the mafias here nor about where surveillance cameras are fixed.
There were two more left. One of them tightening his grip on his kife as he charged towards me.
I can dodge him if i move a littke faster.
But before i can do anything, the both guys behind me were already on their legs as they caught me in place.
The one who was charging towards me stopped and plastered a ugly smirk on his face.
The other two guys also came forward. The one i kicked earlier had his hands over his pants where his thing is.
The other two closed in on me as i struggled. "You shouldnt have tried to fight us sweetie, Now you are gonna get it hard.", his filthy lips coming closer as i struggled harder.
Focus vix, you have to. Fight.
I tried flapping my legs, trying to kick him down but cant. My body is starting to freeze. Its not moving according to my command. The trauma is getting the best of it.
No. I cant let it happen. I have to distract myself.
My eyes fell on the knife in the hands of the guy behind me. I have no other choice.
Just as that man's lips closed in i put my whole force into my hands, punching him on the face as i turned around taking the knife in my hands. But i didnt have to do it, cuz the other guy already did it.
An excruciating pain peirced through my abdomen as i looked down to see blood oozing out of me. The knife stabbed deeper than it should be.
I fell flat on my back, holding the knife pierced in my abdomen, my eyes trailing on the five men surrounding my injured body.
"What a pity. I would have loved to fuck you, but i dont think you will live for too long. And dead girls don't bring pleasure.bBe grateful that we are leaving you alone.", the guy tched as they went away.
I lay there frozen, staring at the dark sky with less stars. I cant die before i find 'them', but i think, its the end for me.
My phone suddenly vibrated against me, my hands are numb. I slowly tried to move them, after some struggles it finally moved. I took my phone out to see Lisa calling.
'Yn-ah, i forgot -'
I breathed out.
'OMO! What happened?'
I can hear her shouting in the background to track my number.
'Can you please come fast. Im loosing too much blood'
'Hey, listen to me carefully,okay? Dont close your eyes. Im gonna fucking kill you if you close them. Hold on a little more. We will be there soon.'
The call went silent. Just a little more, vix.
Narrator's POV
"Its been too long since she was gone.", Mr kim stated worriedly. The whole kim family were in the living room. They were going to watch a movie together, Taehyung even managed to drag seojun to the living room as well.
But something in them knew something was wrong.
"Yeo bin-ah, can you call her please. What if she is in some trouble.", Mr kim asked.
"Dont worry, honey. She knows how to take care of herself.", Ms jeon said.
"But there is no lose in calling.", Mr kim urged.
The kim brothers let out a groan of frustration as they glared at Ms jeon's phone which was now calling Yn.
The number you are dialing is currently unavailable. Please try again later.
This made everyone frown. "Do you have the number of her friends?", Seojun, for the first time after he was forced into the living room, spoked.
"Yeah.", Ms jeon dialled Jisoo's number.
The number you are dialing is currently unavailable, please try again later.
And that was the sign. Even the kim brothers were worried now.
"Try again", Once again seojun said. His frown hardening.
"They must be together, maybe having a girls night. We shouldnt be worrying", Ms jeon said.
"What do you mean by that!? We are still not sure that she is with them! What if somethings wrong!?", Namjoon snapped and Mr kim didnt stop him.
"Just call already!", jimin shouted.
Ms jeon flinched as she dialed lisa's number putting it on speaker
Ring ring... Ring -
'Can you call later, we are busy-'
Lisa paused for a moment, making everyone frown. There were sounds of vehicles in the background.
'Did you track her exact location?'
It was jisoo's voice
'She is close by, her phone is near here-'
Jennie said.
A pause
Rose's shout came next
'Shit shit shit! Yn, hey,listen to me, dont close your eyes, okay? Just hold on!
'FUCK! She lost a lot of blood!'
'Pick her up! QUICK!'
There were sounds of shuffling and the call went silent. There was a moment of silence before a shout break out.
Never in my entire life have i ever worried for someone so much. There was a unknown rage in me when i heard Ms jeon say not to worry about her daughter.
But it all changed into an strange emotion, which i dont recognise, when i heard the conversation between yn's friends.
I didnt even know why or what i was doing when i'd shouted..
Everyone was in a rush. Suga was trying to track their location while Ms jeon was comforting Mr kim.
I really want to kill that women.
But there's no time for it.
Yn's injured. and its not a small one. Her friend literally shouted that she'd lost a lot of blood.
''I GOT IT!", all of our head snapped towards where suga was. He'd finally tracked the number.
"Where's she!?", i asked, impatience visible in my voice.
"They are heading to 211 hospital. Its near a alley-", i didnt wait to hear more.
Swinging my coat on, I grabbed my key and left.
I swear to god, if something happens to her, they will all regret it.
I dont know this feeling. I feel something new. I dont even know that girl. She'd picked my interest, the first time i'd seen her, but we'd never even talked properly yet. But the thought of someone hurting her was unleashing a demon inside me. The first time i felt that was just hours ago, when i caught her wrist while she was leaving and she hissed. She was hurt. And now, once again that feeling came back, but this time, its hundred times more intense.
I stepped on the break, parking the car infront of the hospital as i ran inside. I was acting like a maniac, but i didnt care.
I went to the receptionist. "Jeon Yn", i said her name."she was brought here just some mins ago.", the receptionist typed something on the keyboard an said.
"Yeah, You cant meet her right now, her surgery just started. She was stabbed in the abdomen.", Rage and fear filled my heart. For the first time im feeling fear, fear of... Losing her.
I run towards where the receptionist told me she was kept. I know i was whipped for her the moment i saw her on the flight. The whole time she was sleeping with her head on my shoulders, i was admiring her. I tried to avoid it. I tried to ignore it all by being rude to her and trying to hate her. But everytime our eyes lock with eachother, the feling in my heart intensifies.
I came to a stop as i stared at her friends who were pacing back and fourth in the hallway.
I came towards the oldest,"What exactly happened to her?", i asked. She stared at me with a frown. I was losing patience now.
"We dont know. We found her in the alley nearby, she was stabbed. She lost a lot of blood and we just arranged blood for her.", she said. Her eyes were teary but she didnt cry.
I waited and waited for the doctor to come out. My friends and Mr kim and Ms jeon were already here at the time when the doctor came out.
I was the first one to ask him if she is okay. I could feel the brother's wide eyes at me but i couldnt care less about it.
"She is okay. Thankfully she was brought here on time. She will wake up in half an hour. And please make sure she doesnt move her body too much.", i nodded.
"Only one person can get in.", i didnt wait for others before i barged inside.
I stared at her fragile form, so peacefull Yet beautiful. She was dressed in patients uniform. She had a mechanical ventilator on her mouth.
I sat near her, taking her hand in mine. I frowned at the purple mark on her wrist. My eyes trailed to her neck where there was another bruise.
My jaw clenched. She had a lot to answer to.
Where am i? Its so dark.
My eyes slightly opened, but i had to quickly close it because of the pain left by the light.
My abdomen hurt like a bitch. I opened my eyes again, finally getting comfortable with the light. I tried to raise my hand but something was weighting it down.
I looked down only to see a hand bigger than mine on my hand. I looked up to see who this hand belongs to and was met with the pair of deep eyes which i was all too familiar with. I tried to pull my hand back but he gripped onto it. I glared at him.
"Good to see you again too, kitten.", he smirked.
"Where am i?", i croaked out. My voice rough and i swear to the fucking god that i saw his pants tightening at my voice.
"In the hospital.", he said, clearing him throat.
Memories came flashing back to me. I froze. My breathing getting harsher.
I didnt even know i was having a panic attack until i heard him whispering in my ears. His hand squeezing mine to comfort me.
"Its okay. You are safe now. Nothing gonna happen to you.", i blushed with embarrassment. I dont like people seeing me at my worst.
"Im okay, you can let go now.", but he didnt. He stared at me for a while before his eyes traveled down to my neck then abdomen and then to my wrist.
I frowned and looked down. My bruise was visible. I was not in my clothes and the makeup on my wrist was gone. I shut my eyes close cursing under my breath. Not willing to meet his.
"You have some questions to answer, wild cat", he said. His voice intensifying.
"What happened tonight?", He asks.
"Nothing.", i said even after knowing how stupid that answer was.
I heard the sound of his jaw clicking.
"Dont play with me, kitten. You wouldnt like the consequences.", he paused. "Eyes, i need eyes, wild cat.",
I didnt open it. He gripped my chin with his two fingers, forcing me to open my eyes.
"Good girl.", fuck him.
''Who did this to you?",
I stayed silent.
"Who Did This To You",
Yo! I finally did it😭😭
I stayed up yesterday night, trying to remember what i wrote in the chapter before cuz i literally forgot it.
Anyways, how was the chapter? And please be honest.
And any thought on Ms jeon?
I already hate her tbh.
What about the sudden change in seojun and yn's relationship?
Is it too fast?
Please tell me your opinions😊
The chapter is not edited, not even a little bit so forgive me for the mistakes here and there.
Love ya>
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