Meanwhile, NO POVs
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away we see the imperial capital world of Coruscant as we see a fleet of star destroyers surrounding the planet as civilian ships fly by and enter the planet.
The planet of Coruscant used to be the capital of the Republic but after the Clone Wars and the destruction of the Jedi order, they were formed into the Galactic empire with Stormtroopers being trained by humans rather than clones, But some of them are still useful for Special forces Battalion.
We see the emperor's Palace which used to be a Jedi temple but after the fall of the order, the Emperor remade it as his Palace. We see the emperor himself sitting on his throne while royal red guards are with him standing there like status, ready for anyone to try and kill the Emperor. The Emperor was just facing the window of the Palace, he decide to check Darth Vader's Report about the rebels on Lothal System.
Darth Vader, Sith Lord, show up in holo and meet the Emperor and then bow to him.
Sidious: Lord Vader, Have you both dealt with the rebels in the Lothal System.
Vader (holo): Yes, master. They are Broken.
Sidious: Yet I sense something more to victory.
Vader (holo): I believe The Apprentice Anakin skywalker lives and is in a league of these rebels.
Sidious: Are you certain.
Vader (holo): It was her.
Sidious: This is an opportunity We cannot let pass Skywalker's apprentice could lead us to Other lose Jedi.
Vader (holo): Such as Kenobi.
Sidious: Perhaps, If he lives. Be patient my old friend for now dispatch another Inquisitor to hunt them down.
Vader(holo): As you wish, my master (bow).
Sidious: Hmmmmm, Lord Vader before you leave, I would like you to send me a message to Lord Apollyon and Lord Raven to come to Coruscant to meet me personally.
Vader (holo): It will be done, My master. (Bow)
When the holo is off, The Emperor turns around and faces the window of the Palace.
Sidious(Thought): I sense a disturbed of the force and it's stronger than I participate...Hmmm, I wonder how my favorite two apprentices are doing, hehe(Sinister smile)
Meanwhile, Somewhere in the Elom system
Third POVs
Jedi master Cere Junda and her Padawan Cal Kestsis have traveled to the Temple of Nul on Elom to retrieve a Jedi Holocron before the Empire closes in. Suddenly Cal feels something disturbing from the Force.
Cal: Cere, I sense great darkness.
Cere: I sense it too.
But before Cal could continue an Inquisitor jumped from the rafters as Cere parried the inquisitor's attack.
They were before a mysterious machine, in the temple of Nul. As Cere parried the attack Cal force pushed the inquisitor into a column that was holding up the temple.
(N/a: Imagine that man is Cere)
Cere: Destroy this machine and all records of it!
Cal:(nod) Yes master.
But before they could do anything the inquisitor emerged from the rubble, but only to be struck in the heart by another red blade.
The inquisitor fell as a figure in a dark Imperial uniform emerged, wearing a hood and a mask. He was the one who had stuck the inquisitor down, as he was wielding the red cross saber.
Cere said: Oh no, is him. Darth Apollyon.
The Inquisitor:
W-Wh-why *Death*
Apollyon: (muttered) Failure.
Before kicking the lifeless husk of the Inquisitor making it tumble into the depths of the temple. Cal jumped towards the device, but the Sith lord unleashed a barrage of red force lightening onto him. But Cal managed to dodge it before landing in front of the device.
Then the Sith Lord initiated a duel by striking Cere with a rock he was using with the force. Then they clashed with their sabers, blue versus red. The dark versus the light. The Sith Lord versus an extinct religion.
The Sith Lord, after taking a few swings at Cere, grabbed hold of Cere's neck. Only for her to break free and enter a saber lock with the heir of the Empire.
At the device, Cal was about to strike the device with his saber, until she heard someone. A feminine voice.
Meanwhile, the Sith Lord, using form II, was dueling Cere. Then he forces pushed the Jedi Master towards the device, but Cere used this to get behind the force shield that the device had emanated around itself.
As she landed Cere gloated at the Sith Lord, saying
Cere: It's too late Sith.
But her gloat was short-lived. The Sith Lord was using the force to pour into Cal's memory.
Apollyon: I sense your past Padawan. the pain, your fear.
This is how the Sith and Jedi maintain control. Revealing the ways of the force to some, and keeping it from others.
Cere: Cal! Don't listen to him!
Apollyon: How many were left behind, who saw that the Jedi, could play God.
Cal then saw in his vision, a little brother. His little brother was dragged away in chains by another Inquisitor
Cere: Cal!
Then she used the force to break away a part of the machine. And it started to come apart.
Apollyon: No!
The Sith Lord exclaimed before being bound to the wall by the debris.
After falling to the floor Cal retrieved the Holocron as his master approached him.
Cere: Well done Cal, now give it to me.
Cal: You could have saved my little brother (retorted).
Cere: What? *almost in disbelief.*
Cal: Was I 'chosen', or found by the force. Or by you.
Cere: Now's not the time,-
But they both heard the Sith Lord's laughter in the background. Then the Sith Lord broke his binds and said
Apollyon: (Chuckle)Do you know what is your master just destroyed?
Cere: Cal listens to me.
Apollyon: A machine built to find those the Jedi didn't deem worthy.
Cere: (Angry) Silence! Give it to me. Now Padawan!
She then used the force to grab the Holocron but Cal pulled back, the Holocron hovering between them.
Apollyon: It's not too late, give me the plans-
Cere: No!
Sere retorted, Cal and Cere then both clashed with their sabers. While both still grasping hold of the Holocron through the force.
Apollyon: -We can still find your little brother.
Cere: I only ever protected must trust me.
But then Cere was grappled by a certain another Sith Lord up in the rafters.
And was left hanging before the Sith Lord.
Cal: No! No!
Cal shouted, dropping the Holocron but could go no further. As the Sith Lord Battalion troopers rushed to his side and raised their DC-15LE blaster rifles.
Apollyon: Very well. (he activates his lightsaber)
Cere: Cal, I'm sorry. *Close eyes*
Then the Sith Lord raised his saber and struck Cere down.
Cal: No!
Cal bellowed as Cere's body fell and joined the Inquisitor's.
Before Apollyon move, a hand tap on his shoulder and look at the other Sith Lord.
???: My turn, Brother.
Apollyon: Very well then. *Off his saber*
The troopers and Apollyon stood back as Cal lunged at the Imperial and screamed. Their blades clashed, and the unknown Sith Lord wielded Cere's saber before Cal knocked it out of his hand, leaving his red saber against his blue one. Fighting back in form II, the sith lord's fighting style was elegant and refined. But Cal's was sloppy as to his rage.
Then the Sith Lord force pushed Cal into some rubble.
???: All the life you've been on the run, Padawan.
as he used the force to collapse the ceiling of the temple. Cal dropped the Holocron to shield himself from the rubble. the unknown Sith Lord used his force and retrieve the Holocron. Cal grunted in pain and failure.
???: If you survive, turn back and fight...I am Darth Raven...Remember that.
Before leading his brother and his company of Troopers out of the doomed temple, leaving with screams behind them. After they had made it out a Commander Stormtrooper came up to the Two Sith with an urgent communique.
Commander Stormtrooper: Lord Apollyon, Lord Raven, we've received a secured transmission from Lord Vader in the briefing room on the Bridge.
Both sith look at each other before nodding.
Timeskip in Star-destroyer.
A Star-destroyer flying around the orbit, We see two Siths enter the bridged, and all personal navy is getting attention to their Lord and giving them a respectful salute and bow.
Raven: clear the bridge.
All crewmen and a few officers leave the briefing room. They both kneel, when the holo shows up, and reveal Darth Vader.
Apollyon / Raven: What is the bidding my master.
Vader (holo): Lord Apollyon, Lord Raven. Have you both dealt with the Jedi and Padawan in the Olum System?
Apollyon / Raven: Yes, master. They are been eliminated.
Vader (holo): You both have done well on your mission. Raven, Apollyon, my apprentice. There is a great awakening in the Force. Have you felt it?
Apollyon: Yes, Master is really stronger than we participated.
Vader (holo): It has been a long time since I have felt this much. This means another great change is coming, most likely something that would be threatening to the empire.
Raven: But that's not why you have called us, Is it?
Vader (holo): No. I received a message from the Emperor that you are to cease operations on finding the missing Jedis and have your fleet return to Coruscant.
Raven: Master, with all due respect, I can't just abandon the hunt now. Not when we this close to-
Vader (holo): That is no longer required as the Jedi soon be captured or be eliminated, let the inquisitors find them including the rebel base.
Lord Raven: If they fail?
Vader (Holo): Then they are useless for the empire. There are many ways to defeat The Jedis and rebels. But until then both of you cease actions and return to Coruscant, am I understood. (Sternly)
Apollyon / Raven: Yes master. (Bow)
Apollyon: If I may Master, then what is our next mission.
Vader (holo): The Emperor will explain to you himself when you return. As a matter of fact, he has a gift for you both.
Apollyon / Raven: A gift? 0_0
Vader (holo) : Something that will help you in your mission. This task is far more important than you will know. Am I clear? (Stern tone)
Apollyon / Raven: As you wish, my master(bow).
His final words to his master as they bows before the transmission ends. Apollyon called Captain of the Star-Destroyer.
Apollyon: set course to coruscant, Captain.
Captain Imperial: Yes, My lord. (Bow)
After the captain Imperial left, Apollyon noticed Raven was still having thought about it.
Apollyon: Are you ok brother?
Raven:(Sigh) I am fine, just this is new to me...about to meet the emperor face to face.
Apollyon: I am sure everything going to be ok, speaking about the Jedi What are we gonna do with the Holocron?
Raven: Hmmmm, I think we should keep it safe. only us including our trusted friend.
Apollyon: Sounds like a good idea to me...Knowledge is power right brother?
Raven: You certainly right (Chuckle).
Before they left the briefing room, they decide to head back to their room and take a rest or meditation while The Star-Destroyer is preparing to jump to Hyperspace and set course to coruscant, then the scene change to blackout.
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