Chapter 5
12 months later, Vale, Beacon Academy.
Inside the office, Ozpin was sitting at his chair and drinking his coffee as he is inside his office.
He is reviewing a report about missing villagers from Mistral, Haven, including vale and missing Atlas soldiers, the activity from Bandits, and Grimms suddenly silent. He also heard the news about the" Unknown group" across the Kingdoms on the news.
Lisa: This is Lisa Lavender, reporting today on VNN live. Another SDC Mining facility and Atlas train have been raided. Also, the Bandits and Criminals activity got dropped and silent,
Lisa: All of the Atlas soldiers and White Fang members that were stationed somewhere far away at Haven there were killed once again by the 'Unknown group", but some of the villagers and soldiers are missing, live, or dead. It seems to be a massacre because the base was littered with White Fang bodies but that's not all. Councils of Atlas ordered General Ironwood to lockdown Atlas kingdom because of the issue of losing Soldiers so All remaining Atlas personals been pulled out to Atlas to defend their kingdom, SDC mining facilities have been also been also destroyed by the unknown group, and we also got reports From Mistral, Haven, and Vale have been getting more interesting in those groups. As for now, there are still no leads or evidence about the "Unknown group". This is Lisa Lavender, signing off.
Flashback ends
Ozpin (thought): Hhmm this is interesting. But the question is who are they working for?
As Ozpin keeps thinking and finding answers, his assistant, Glynda Goodwitch, arrives in his office by using the elevator and she walks toward him. She is holding a folder.
Glynda: *hands out another report* Here you go, sir.
Ozpin: Thank you, Glynda. *sip a coffee mug*
Glynda: Is something wrong, headmaster? (raise brown)
Ozpin: Nothing wrong. It's just I was shocked when I saw the news, is really something interesting.
Glynda: About the "Unknown group"? (raise brown)
Ozpin: Indeed. It seems they are talked about across the kingdom.
Glynda: Indeed, there is also a lot of report of missing Atlas Soldiers, villages, also Criminals, or Bandits activity suddenly silent, even the Atlas has been on lockdown because they keep losing their soldiers, and Mining SDC industries too.
Ozpin: I see. Whoever they are, they must be making the kingdoms a better place.
Glynda: Don't forget about James too.
Ozpin: Indeed.
Glynda: (sigh) He may or may not try to negotiate with them for their weapons and technology to use against our enemies.
Ozpin: Yes. Perhaps we can invite one of their leaders here and discuss things with them.
Glynda: But what if it gets to the wrong hands.
Ozpin: I believe they will not do any harm.
???(coms): Oh they will, they are nothing pathetic coward, and a scum.
Then a small droid appeared out of the darkness which surprised Glynda while Ozpin remain calm as the droid shoot out a holo projection of Grand Inquisitor Roxen in front of them.
Glynda: And you are *keep guard*?
Roxen: The name's Grand Inquisitor Roxen and you must be Ozpin, The headmaster of Beacon academy?
Ozpin: Yes that's correct. (nod)
Glynda: Are you the one who leads those unknown groups (keep guard)?
Roxen: Half of it and if you have time we would like to speak with you Ozpin, face to face.
Glynda: That would be not hap- *cut off*
Ozpin: Of course. I will get things ready for your arrival.
Roxen: That's good to hear. I'll be looking forward to it. (Ends the holo call)
Glynda: (eyes wide) Ozpin! Are you out of mind!? We don't know who they are and what they are capable of!
Ozpin: Then only one way to find out. Have things ready Miss Glynda, we wanna impress our guests.
Glynda: (sigh) very well headmaster, hope you are not wrong * leave the office*
Timeskip at the Beacon Academy.
In Morning, an imperial shuttle lands at the landing pad outside of the Beacon Academy, and once landed, Apollyon and Roxen exit out of the shuttle and look around.
Apollyon: reminded me of a Jedi temple...Sadly it's already been destroyed, Isn't that right Grand Inquisitor?
Roxen: Yeah but let's forget about it and head to the headmaster's office.
Apollyon: But which way?
Roxen:.....(realize it) Um good question.
Then Glynda walked toward them and made a fake couch for making this two attention.
Glynda: You both must be our guests if I'm correct?
Apollyon: Correct (nod), and you are? Miss?
Glynda: I'm Glynda, Glynda Goodwitch, and if you both follow me, I'll take you to the headmaster.
Roxen: (nod) Please lead the way.
The two followed her to the Headmaster officer, suddenly one girl rabbit Faunus got bumped into Apollyon and fall off.
Female Faunus student: Ouw (massage her butt) Sorry. * look up at Apollyon * (eyes wide)
Apollyon: Are you alright young girl?
Female Faunus student: Ye-Yes.
Apollyon: I suggest you be careful next time, Mrs...
Velvet: My-my name is Velvet Scarlatina, Mr...?
Apollyon: Apollyon, just Apollyon.
Velvet: Ok (smile)
Female student 2: BUN-BUN! COME ON!
Velvet: COCO! *turn to Apollyon* Sorry got to go see ya Apollyon (wave )
Apollyon: Indeed (nod)
Roxen: Apollyon let's go!
Apollyon: *turn around* I am on my way, Grand Inquisitor.
Soon they manage to get into the lift, we see the two sith are whisper each other behind Glynda.
Roxen: (whisper) Seems this school is interesting.
Apollyon: (whisper) Indeed, but they are too young for this huntsman. They need a teacher to show them realistic of being a huntsman. a real life...even they have to kill another human too.
Roxen: (whisper) Well guess the Jedi ain't the only ones that have young children to be a part of a violent battle or mission.
Glynda: Did you say something? (raise brown)
Apollyon: nothing
Roxen: Nothing, just talking that's all.
Then when the lift suddenly pings, the doors open to reveal open who standing near the window, waiting and holding a mug and a cane.
Ozpin: (smile) Hello, nice to see you two here, And you are Mr?
Apollyon: call me, Apollyon. Mr. Ozpin. *look around* You have ....a nice office...I see.
Ozpin: Thank you, Come and have a seated gentleman.
They sat down and once sit down Glynda pour some tea into two both Apollyon and Roxen's mugs as Ozpin starts by saying.
Ozpin: So tell me about yourselves and where did you come from?
Apollyon: *take off his mask* Where we from.....we from far far away from this system (take a sip of tea)
Roxen: We came to the planet in hopes to bring peace and we hoped we can make peace with you along with the other students as well.
Glynda: Are you the cause who make those villages disappear?
Roxen: We save them from Atlas that was harming them and even go as far as to kill them.
Apollyon: Do you all know that those scums do! *Get up from chair* They are trying to kidnap those people! Including murdering innocent children and people!? Including Faunus!
Roxen: Calm down Apollyon *He sighs and sits down*, We didn't kill all of them, we arrested some so they will be on trial for their crimes.
Ozpin: (nods) Hhhhmmmmm.
Glynda: (sigh) I- I see...
Ozpin: So your like the galactic police or galactic military?
Apollyon: (chuckle) half of them are correct, But we are kinda Military but we are a bit different from others.
Ozpin: I see.
Apollyon: which is We are sith lord except Rosen is a Grand Inquisitor...*Turn to Roxen*No offense.
Roxen: (smile) None taking
Ozpin: which is? (raise brown)
Roxen: Grand Inquisitors are like highly ranked leaders among the other sith Inquisitors and they make sure things are in order.
Apollyon: Like a hunter, and researcher.
Roxen: Indeed (nod)
Apollyon: As for the Sith lord is a highly ranked leader in every military including inquisitors and officers military. They also a title conferred upon individuals who followed the Sith tradition.
Ozpin: I see. ( take a sip of the mug)
Apollyon: Anything else? that you would like to ask?
Ozpin: One more. How many troops do you have?
The two look at each other, Apollyon who makes a smirk then he turns to look at Ozpin.
Roxen: We've gotten a lot of stormtroopers including droids within the New empire.
Apollyon: And don't forget we also have more recruitments who volunteer and Ally with Union Menagerie.
Roxen: And that as well.
Glyda: Union Menageria?
Apollyon: Oh right, Menagerie is been changed to Union Menagerie since we make allied with them including we offer them a new place, rebuilding, and training their people to become one of the most elite soldiers who will protect their leader including civilian, including we give them small security for protection. We will show around Remnant that we can make humans and Faunus can equality races without racism, slavery, discrimination, and labor mining.
The two a shocked at how powerful they are and the news about the Menageria. then Ozpin stands up from his sit.
Ozpin: (smile)I would like to offer you something if you are both interesting.
Roxen: We're all ears.
Ozpin: Would you both like to become our teachers?
Roxen: (surprised) Wait what?
Apollyon: Yeah......I may know someone who suits become a teacher (Pointed Roxen) he will (smirk)
Roxen: (shocked) HUH?!
Ozpin: Excellent!
Apollyon: I do have some good offers for you and your academy. on one condition.
Ozpin: I'm listening.
Apollyon: Would you mind if we build a small military base here, and we send something security for the safety of your students including civilians, a couple of instructors, and we would like to send two representative teams to your academy (smirk) but they will wear their uniform no school uniform.
Ozpin: (smile) Of course. I'm okay with it.
Apollyon: (smile) excellent, Also we don't want any Atlas to come here, because we don't like those scum, if they trying something funny we will use any lethal if they dare steal our tech.
Ozpin: Of course. Deal.
After they make a deal the two Sith make their way back to the landing pad, while they heading back to their shuttle they hear many students whisper.
Student 1 male: (whisper) Who's that?
Student 2 male: (whisper)are those guys a huntsman? they don't like a huntsman to me.
Student 1 female Faunus: (whisper)Are those guys from Atlas?
Student 2 male: (whisper)They don't like Atlas at all to me.
Apollyon: (sigh) Kids this day...They would be surprised if reveal ourselves.
Roxen: Agree. Still, why make me a teacher?
Apollyon: (raise brown) You do realize that you need more to know about the history of this world including more information. Why I choose you because (count finger) 1. You are good at Combat Instructor, 2. Therapist, 3. You also love to learn about this world too right?
Roxen: Yeah but as a teacher? You know, you could have been my teacher's assistant.
Apollyon: Well, I have no problem with it....also We gonna bring two teams with us including a security system, supplies, and shock troopers, Purge troopers, and Death troopers here.
Roxen: Isn't that a bit too much? (sweat drop)
Apollyon: Just for precaution, we don't know who we will deal with.
Roxen: (sigh) Guess do. Fine, I'll give it a try as a teacher.
Apollyon: (Chuckle) Relax, You also not going alone...I am also going to but as The Senator of the New Empire, and The head of security.
Apollyon: I mean what worse going to happen....(chuckle)
Roxen: Probably not say that.
Suddenly there was somewhat of an Earthquake that shake the ground as the students stumble a bit while the two sith stumble as well until the earthquake stopped.
Apollyon: (shocked) What is the force?!
Roxen: (shocked) What the heck was that?
Jason (coms): -static- lord -static- this is Grand Admiral Jason -static- do you read.
Roxen: *Pull out holo coms*Jason what's the situation?
Jason (coms): FINALLY! ok back to the topic, We been detected a ship Class-destroyer who had taken damage not long ago in the atmosphere when it suddenly appears from the warp that we enter and it crash near the outside Atlas territory. But that's more than that.....
Roxen: Go on? (raise brown)
Jason (coms): That ship has a symbol from below the deck *show it*
Roxen: (shocked) Is that?
Apollyon: That "The Chimera"... That ship star destroyer belonged to Grand Admiral Thrawn. (surprise)
Roxen: (shocked) What?!
Apollyon: Jason, deployed all squad snow troopers, and 5 AT-AT's near the outpost outside Atlas territory. We must not let them find this ship, also find any survivors our top Priority is Grand Admiral Thrawn. Is that understood Grand Admiral Jason.
Jason (coms): It will be done, My lord. (bow)
Roxen: (shocked) How the hell is he here?
Apollyon: I don't know, what matter is we go there before those Atlas found about it.
Roxen: Let's hope Atlas doesn't know where the ship went.
The two Siths go inside to shuttle and start heading their way to the location crash side before Atlas finds it. On the crash site, we can see Chimera's star destroyer crash landing full of snow.
On the hills with a view of the crashed Star destroyer, we see a few snow troopers climbing up the hill and looking at the view and see the crashed star destroyer in the distance.
Snowtrooper Commander: *contact the command* This is SN-7345 from Beta Squad, we found The Chimera Ship, it looks like the ship touch down hard and got deep inside of it.
Command (coms): Copy, continue the further investigation. Commander.
Snowtrooper Commander : Acknowledge (nod) *Turn around* Let's move out!! Secure perimeter!
All Snowtroopers: Yes, Sir!
A group of Snowtroopers walked toward the ship along with AT-AT and from in the sky is another Star destroyer who hover them.
Timeskip An hour later
Soon imperial gunships arrive and once landed Roxen came out along with Apollyon, when they look outside they see a landscape
Roxen: Report captain.
Snowtrooper Captain: (salute) Sir, we secure around the area from the Crash side.
Roxen: Have you located Thrawn?
Snowtrooper Captain: Negative, Sir. But Delta squad tries to cut open the shield door on the Command bridged, but it takes time to open it.
Roxen: Right. As soon they cut through locate and find Thrawn.
Snowtrooper Captain : It will be done, Grand Inquisitor. (bow)
Apollyon then walked toward the ship, along with a couple of the Snowtroopers heading to it as well while others are patrolling the area.
He then looks around the ship and checks for any damage caused by it, but then he scents something from the force.
Apollyon: Hmmmmm
Roxen: What is it?
Apollyon: I felt a force-sensitive on that ship.
Roxen: Another inquisitor?
Apollyon: No...something
Snowtrooper Captain: Sir! Delta team found 2 survivors on the command bridge, also is grand admiral Thrawn, and except unknown young boy...
Roxen: Bring them out.
Snowtrooper Captain: Should we bring them to medical attention? sir?
Roxen: Yeah now hurry.
Apollyon: Captain, Is everyone out of the crash zone.
Captain Snowtrooper:...Well yes, Sir. why?
Apollyon: (smirk) *contact Grand Admiral Jason* Jason, execute plan B on the location crash side.
Jason (Coms): It would be a pleasure, Gray (chuckle). Hope you and your men enjoy the fireworks.
Apollyon: *changing channels coms* All units fall back from the Crash side zone now!! Incoming bombardment!!
Roxen: Let's go people, go go go! (run)
Snowtrooper 1: Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! (run)
Snowtrooper 2: Come on! you don't want to get roasted by our Airstrike?! (run)
Snowtrooper 1: Oh shut the kriff up! just keep running!! (run)
With the Atlas fleet from inside, they just watch unknown soldiers are fallback, and they make laugh about it because they think they look scared about them.
Atlas Captain: Looks like they are leaving.
Atlas Soldier 2: That's right fear the power of Atlas!!
Atlas soldier 2: But Any idea why they are running away?
Altas Captain: Now that you mention it...
Atlas Captain: (Shocked) what! where?!
Atlas crew: They're....on top of us?
In space, we can see a group of Star destroyers in position for the bombardment on the surface where the crash side including the Atlas fleet. On the Executor-class Star Dreadnought ship on the bridge we see Jason cross hand behind his back waiting for the report.
Crewman Lieutenant: Sir, we are in range waiting for your orders.
Jason: (smirk) You may fire when you are ready.
Crewman Lieutenant : Very well Admiral. *patch all ships* Fire at will with medium cannons on those coordinates.
All of the Star destroyer-class start firing their medium cannon on the surface and start raining them down on every target and destroyed them all.
Meanwhile, on the surface, we see Atlas Captain try to find the ships, suddenly multiple beams that have been firing from Star destroyer-class heading towards them.
Atlas Captain: (Eyes wide) Oh shi-
Before the captain finished his word an explosive hit on the command bridge, and bombardment rained down and blows up everything around the area including ships as Atlas soldiers were sent flying while things around them were blowing up. A few try to escape but they were blown up as a lot of screams were heard after a while, the bombardment stopped and there was nothing but dead bodies of Atlas Soldiers everywhere, about 10 minutes later.
Jason: Cease fire.
Crewman Lieutenant : (patching all ships) All ships Cease Fire.
All the Star destroyers suddenly stop firing, Jason then contacts Lord Apollyon about the fireworks.
Jason: How's the show of the fireworks, Lord Apollyon (smirk).
Apollyon (coms): It.was.splendid!! good work Jason!
Jason: No problem (chuckle), call us again if you need some bombardment again.
Roxen: (coms) We will Jason. Over and out.
Meanwhile, on the surface, we see full destruction from the Bombardment that was requested by Apollyon, All the Snowtroopers are checking for any survivors from any Atlas vessels that have crashed to the ground.
Apollyon: Search every area! make sure no one is escaping!
Snowtrooper Captain(coms): Yes, Lord Apollyon.
Snowtrooper Commander(coms): It will be done.
Apollyon: *turn to Roxen* what do you think Roxen about the fireworks? (chuckle)
Roxen: (smile) It was pretty awesome. Anyways let's force on the mission.
Apollyon: very well. (nod)
Snowtrooper 1: Sir, we found a couple of survivor from the crash.
Roxen: Show us.
The Snowtrooper lead the two sith to the rest of the survivors from the crash that had been hit by bombardment. When they get there they see 10 Atlas soldiers line up some of them are injured, then the Commander walked toward them.
Commander Snowtrooper: Sir. your order's Sir.
Apollyon: Kill them all, and burn them to ash....remember no witnesses.
Snowtrooper Commander: (Bow) It will be done, Lord Apollyon. *make a signal*
The commander makes a signal to all Snowtroopers to surround the survivors, and take aim at them.
Commander Snowtrooper: On my command.
Atlas soldier 1: Wait wait we surrender (panic)
Altas soldier 2: Please I don't want to die (cries)
Snowtrooper Commander: tell that for those your kind who slaughter the villagers...Fire!
The two sith turn around and start to head back to the shuttle where the two survivors of chimera, but they still screaming dying, and a blast. Apollyon turns around looks at Roxen that he just winnest about this execution.
Apollyon:...Sorry, you have to see this Roxen...We cannot let them know about us, and our group.
Roxen: (sigh) Let's just go.
Apollyon: (nod) very well.
After that, the two head inside the gunship, and once inside the gunship take off and fly off back to the city of The New Empire with the two survivors from the Chimera ship.
Timeskip a week later
somewhere on a military base. Inside the medical room two of them are still unconscious, then the one with short hair, wearing an orange tunic, and blue eyes, slowly open his eyes when he trying to sit he looks around and saw a room with a medical droid.
???: where am I?
Medical Droid: Greetings, My name is Rox, R-03-37. You are now in the Medical room also you have been unconscious for a week.
???: (shocked) A-a week?
??? 2: Indeed, young man.
he then turned around and saw a person who had ears animal and a scientist coat.
???: Hmmm Who are you, sir?
Male Doctor: Just take a easy young man I am just a doctor from this Medical facility. Tell me, what's your name.
Ezra: I-I am Ezra, Ezra Bridged.
Male doctor: I see (nod). Take it easy and wait here, I gonna go call someone to pick you up both.
Ezra (Thought): Both?
Ezra: Emm ok?
When the doctors were away, he the look and noticed and was curious there is another bed that was covered by curtains when he tried to move it and reveal he was shocked from his beside of his Thrawn.
Ezra: (shocked) Thrawn?!
Thrawn: (groan) well well that's even surprising that we are still alive, isn't that right Ezra Bridged.
Ezra look Thrawn condition and had covered lots of cover of bandages on his left hand, including his forehead.
Thrawn: (sigh) So....what now.
Erza: *Sit at the bed* I don't know, I didn't think that would work this well.....
Ezra:'s your-
Suddenly the doors open reveal three Purge troopers show up, along with the Doctor. Thrawn was quite surprised by the soldier, while Ezra who amazing with their helmet.
Thrawn: A Purge troopers division? (Raise brown)
Ezra: * turn to Thrawn * You know these bucket heads?
Thrawn: They are from Purge Troopers were a variant of Stormtroopers that were tasked with hunting down Jedi Knights that had survived Order 66. Originally composed of Clone Troopers, they were eventually supplemented and replaced by non-clone human recruits drawn from the Stormtrooper Corps. Just remind you Ezra try not messing with those troopers.
Ezra: (eyes wide) Well Karrabast, then what are they doing here?
Purge trooper: Follow us.
Purge trooper 2: Lord Apollyon, and Grand Inquisitor Roxen. Have expectations for you two.
The two look at each other and turn to look at them, they agree to follow them.
Thrawn: Trooper, where are you taking us?
Purge trooper: We are taking you to his office, along with another officer.
Timeskip 10 minutes later,
At the outside Lord Apollyon Officer room, Thrawn and Ezra saw two Death troopers standing guard at the door.
Purgetrooper 1: Lord Apollyon, and Grand Inquisitor order us to bring these two guests to his office.
Deathtrooper Lieutenant: *Contact Grand Inquisitor* Lord Inquisitor, the two guests are here.
Roxen(coms): Sure, you may bring them in.
Deathtrooper: *Call off* You may pass (nod)
The two purge troopers and the two guests turn to the right and saw Grand Inquisitor and another officer with him without helmets, the two Purge troopers kneel to him.
Purge troopers 1 & 2: (Kneel) Grand Inquisitor.
Roxen: Thank you, you may leave.
Purge troopers 1 & 2: (nod) *leave the two guests and return to their post*
Eric: Grand Admiral Thrawn, (smile) Is nice to see you again.
Thrawn: If I remember correctly, You must be Eric (raise brown), Commander of the 22nd Battalion Marine corps?
Eric: Is Major now, Grand Admiral, And yes. (smile)
Roxen: So we would like to ask you two some questions if you like to answer them for us?
Thrawn: That would be much pleasure, Grand Inquisitor. * turn to Ezra * Do you think?
Erza: Yeah sure. What's your question?
Reznya: And you are? (raise brown)
Erza: If it's information then good luck getting out from me. There's no way the empire ain't going to get anything out from me.
The officer turns to Thrawn and he sighs then he tells them what happens from Lothal and Ezra is a padawan and force sensitive. This makes them surprised and turns to Ezra who smirks his face.
Roxen: Look you got to understand that we're not the same Empire your thinking of.
Erza: Yeah right.(scoff)
Eric: Also....we restart from a new government, now we won't any longer work with the Empire.
Erza: So what do you guys call yourself then?
Eric: Is kinda weird because we call ourselves The New Empire as a new Order, for more info you should ask Lord Apollyon and Lord Raven.
Erza:......You guys must be joking right? The new empire.
Roxen: Look it may sound similar but we're different. We follow our own way and make this world great again.
Reznya: (snap finger) Don't forget we need to deal with Corruption and Grimms, Sir.
Roxen: And that as well.
Erza: Corruption ane Grimm?
Erza: Look this is going to make things hard for you guys to tell me that you guys are "the good guys" so good luck trying to convince me.
Before they say something they heard a loud noise inside Apollyon Office.
Ghira (Inside the Office): Are you sure, Your men meet Blake, Gray?
Apollyon (inside the office): Indeed, Ghira. You have nothing to worry about your daughter we will find her and tell her about your situation and the next future.
Erza: Daughter? Wait who's this guy?
Eric: Ah that would be senator Ghira or should we say Chief Ghira from Menageria, former leader of White fang. Also his a wise person more like a pacifist.
Erza:.....Say what now?
Eric: You want a long story or a short story? (raise brown)
Erza: Short.
Eric: We make a deal for rebuilding their home more advanced for a better future between humans and Faunus. Including adding small security, and training their people too.
Reznya: Their kinds have always been discrimination, racism, slavery, and got kidnapping.
Eric: Don't forget about their military scum Atlas.
Thrawn: (raise brown) What about them?
Roxen: They are like this world's military but they are far more corrupt than Faunus and other people.
Thrawn: Which is?
Eric: (sigh) They kidnapped those people and work at labor mines including taking them to Slave traffic.
Erza:"Slave traffic?" I think they are just some bunch of rebels fighting for their freedom from someone like the empire.
Eric: There's more than that Mr. Ezra. They do kill the rest of all innocent life for not cooperating or joining them.....(stern) even children...
Erza: Hhmmm so kinda likes you guys.
Roxen: Look you may don't believe us but we're telling you the truth.
Death trooper Lieutenant: Lord Grand Inquisitor. (bow)
Roxen: What is it, Lieutenant.
Death trooper Lieutenant: Lord Apollyon, would like to meet you all in his office. He just finished talking with the Senator.
Roxen: Then let's head in.
They all go inside his office and saw Apollyon sitting on his chair and look at outside the window, watching the view of The New Empire City.
Apollyon: *turn around* Greetings, you both. How's the sleep?
Erza: Good. Look my friends will come to rescue me so be ready for your plan of taking control of the planet to be suddenly ruined.
Apollyon:(Sigh).....Let me ask you, Jedi. Do you know where are you at? and what system you are?
Erza: No idea, why do you care?
Apollyon: Because you on the outer rim...where the system never been founded.
Ezra: Right but I'll find my way to escape and stop your plan.
Apollyon: And how are you going to do that? I mean this system doesn't have a ship that can go to space. Also, think about it what happens if someone found you and uses you as a puppet. Like White fangs, they were once of the freedom fighter for equality between humans and Faunus now...They tear apart because those Atlas...they have become murder every innocent people...
Erza: I find that hard to believe.
Apollyon: Oh, I do have a piece of evidence. * Show him all records and secret files *
Erza looks through the recode and they looked to be horrible as Erza looks through them but he finds it slightly hard to believe so he places the datapad back on the table and said.
Erza: Looks that is horrible but you guys must have written lies about Atlas and their actions so, you gonna do better than that.
???: They are not lying....
He turn around and saw Commander Ada, she then takes off her helmet and show her horns, and that was his surprise.
Ada: I saw them...They use our kind work for the mining labor SDC, including discriminating against our kind and killing any who doesn't want to work with them. For the white fangs, (sad) They also kill and burn every village including us and humans.
Erza: So....the empire didn't do any of those things?
Apollyon: No, not all of them. But we do detect a dark force, Like Sith but different.
Everyone except Thrawn: Nope.
Ezra: now what?
Apollyon: How about Introduce? *Take off his mask* My name is Gray Chetra, Sith Lord, First Leader of the New Empire, The second Apprentice Lord Vader. (Bow)
Ezra: So basically an inquisitor?
Apollyon: More like Sith Knight...That's kind of like my title.
Ezra: Okay.
Roxen: And I'm Roxen and I'm the Grand inquisitor and advisor of the new empire.
Eric: Major Eric of the 22nd Battalion Marine corps.
Reznya: Captain Reznya, XO of the 22nd Battalion Marine corps, Company Commander of Nova Marine.
Gray: And you are, Padawan?
Ezra: Names Erza Bridger, member of the Rebellion and a Jedi padawan.
Gray: very well, then I'll give you two choices if you want to listen.
Erza: And that is?
Gray: One, You can go of your free will and start a new life making a new family. Second, Join a team as representative of the New Empire at Beacon Academy tomorrow.
Erza: So you guys just gonna let a Jedi go either way?
Gray: Well, I mean is your choice no one is going to hunt you. But you might be hunted by Dark forces called themselves Grimm, Bandits, White fangs, and Corruption or power hunger military.
Erza: I guess I'll choose the second option but don't you guys think I have laid my guard down just because you guys let me go. I'll always keep my guard up whenever you guys are around.
Gray: You have my word (nod), Would you like me to explain the second option?
Gray: very well, (turn to Shawn) Shawn if you may please.
Shawn: very well (nod). Tomorrow I and the headmaster will be going to meet the council of Vale, The Headmaster accept our proposal so we deployed two teams each team has 4 people including you Mr. Ezra. This academy is about to become a Huntress and Hunstman like Jedi Academy or Temple.
Erza: Sounds.....actually kinda cool.
Shawn: Yes...but some of these students are kinda looking for fame and glory, some of the students think they are superior I suggest keeping your emotion cool, and......we do send a couple of our instructors to join the Academy about teaching combat too.
Erza: Okay.
Gray: Don't forget we have been invited to become a teachers too, by the headmaster. (smirk)
Roxen: (groan) Alright...
Erza: What?
Roxen: Nothing important.
Erza: (Raise eyes brown) Alright then...
Gray: Any question?
Erza: Yeah one. Why is Atlas doing all these horrible things? What is their goal exactly?
Gray: (sigh) well They think they are more powerful and security soldiers around kingdoms, but we did interrogate one of their men. They say they working with this director of the SDC industry for money. As for the council, they want more power....including their General, also think about what happens if we trade our blaster to their military? Their security also sucks and always got raided by white fangs and bandits and stolen every supply, if they got a blaster from us....that would be more disaster.
Roxen: In short, they only care about their jobs, how much supplies they have, and how powerful they will get for total control.
Erza: Right and you guys are trying to stop them?
Gray: we can't not even without strong evidence to prove it.
Erza: Then what about using the captured Atlas troopers and recordings you've got to expose them?
Erza: (thought) I can't believe I'm giving the empire some ideas. But then again, they don't look as evil as I fought throughout my life.
Shawn: that would be.....hard because we still need to find their record files, and some of them need a trial from the White fang trial and The New Empire trial. But some of them may alive if they were not part of the murders.
Gray: I still waiting for a report from Senator Ghira Belladonna about Sienna Khan. * Facepalm *
Erza: Then what about sending in spies to act like Atlas troops and get into their main HQ. I mean they have no idea what's underneath the helmets of your troops or don't have any files that have their names or faces. So what about sending some stormtrooper to disguise as an Atlas trooper to sneak into their main HQ?
Roxen: That's........That's actually not a bad idea.
Gray:....I didn't think about it...(groan) damn paperwork...
Ada: calm down dear~ you didn't I tell you not to overwork yourself ~
Gray: (small Blushes) Y-yes Ma'am.
Roxen: Still Erza has a point. Atlas doesn't know who our stormtroopers really are or what they look like. We can send a few to disguise as Atlas troopers to sneak inside their base and grab more Intel.
Shawn: but who?
Reznya: What about The Omega squad?
Erza: Yeah those guys might work.
Erza: What's this?
Gray: is a kind of money from around this system, You might need it for your survival. And here the coms, only this can be connected to us if you need help, Lieutenant Lilly will Escort you to your new room. * Turn to reznya * Captain do you mind?
Reznya: Sure Gray (contact lily), Lilly report to the Lord Apollyon office, immediately.
Then the doors open and reveal Lt. Lilly, she then walks toward them and salutes them.
Lilly: You call me, Lord?
Gray: Yes, Please escorts Mr. Ezra to his new room if you please.
Lilly: very well then (nod), Come on kid.
Erza: Okay.
Gray: You all may be dismissed.
Erza: Um thanks.
Gray: You're welcome, Mr. Ezra. my enemies and your enemies is a friends of us.
Shawn:...well his not wrong I mean we are all stuck here forever on this system remnant.
Roxen: Yeah. I also don't blame him for not trusting us. I may not believe it myself if I was in his role.
Gray: (sigh) You all, not the only how are the two representative teams?
Shawn: * look at the datapad * one team is from the Purge troopers division and( eyes wide).....are you sure this team really a good idea for him?
Gray: well...what worse going to be? (Shrug) he will be fine.
Roxen: (smile) If he agrees, I agree.
To Be Continue
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