Chapter 4
3rd POV
2 months later after rescuing many survivors from bandits, rogue hunters, white fangs, Slavery, Grimms, and Atlas scums. lots of people from other villages and from Vacuo, and Mistral secretly join enlisted Imperial Army and Imperial Navy to serve The New Empire to Protect, Secure, Discipline, Society, and exterminated the threat against them.
Since Ada join she has got more improve from her training and her skills, including The force that Lord Apollyon has taught, They have already gotten started making connections or relationships, and Then She was ranked as Captain of the 4th command of the 22nd Battalion and Purge trooper battalion Under his command. She also tells more about the planet it was called Remnant, its history, and Atlas's military power, The New Empire will be able to defeat them and those who try to against them will put consequences and be destroyed. She also becomes an instructor of Combat for Purge trooper training, then she finally has personal Purge troopers under her command.
Lot workers are working at the factory and the production of Fighters, Tanks, Walkers, and Ship vessels is getting more lots faster than they think. For Money is not issued anymore because the Empire money can exchange it Credits to Lien, and they are valuable and they are able to share it for the workers for payment.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the middle of the ocean.
We can see a building constructor of Inquisitor base that has already built it. From inside it, we can see Ada and Apollyon (without his mask) doing a training exercise with Training Lightsaber for combat skills in the Private training area.
Apollyon: Focus on your right, Ada! *Swing a Training Lightsaber coming to her right*
Ada: Right! *Dodges the Training Lightsaber then parring from his attack*.
Apollyon: And...Dodge!
She dodges it quickly which increased them.
Apollyon: *Jump back* That's enough for today, Ada. *deactivate training lightsaber* you have done well. (smile)
Ada: *deactivate training lightsaber* (sigh) Damn you guys have some hard training for new people like me.
Apollyon: (Chuckle) You get used to it, but it works right?
Ada: Guess so. So now what?
Apollyon: (Holden's chin) Hmmm Well, we may have a plan today to visit a leader former white fang to make allies, *Turn look at Ada* what was her name again?
Ada: Her name is Sienna Khan and that is hard to convince her to be allied with the new empire.
Apollyon: and what about the other one from Menagerie? Ghira was it?
Ada: The second leader of the White Fang but try to convince them, but they won't listen.
Apollyon: Well we gonna give them an offer an exterminated Grimm on their sector and new security that has been recruited from around the kingdom except for Atlas Scum. I mean worth trying it. (Shrug)
Ada: All I'm saying is that those guys are stubborn. They will not accept anything if they allow being treated fair by the world.
Apollyon: If that's what they want, I granted. (Nod) They have my word, I mean our people do treat them like humans, not a slave. Remember what happen if we saw traffic slavery? and what happened to him the dealer?
Ada: Yeah but still, they are stubborn, and besides, how would they listen to an empire from a galaxy? No offense but if you go to their main camps wearing all that while having an army behind you, they might see this as an act of war.
Apollyon: None taken, actually is you and me and a couple 2 friends of mine. (smirk) that we going.
Ada: You got a plan? (Raise brown)
Apollyon: Indeed (nod), if Ghira accepts our offer, we will exterminate the Grimm for 2 weeks on their island, set up a military base, modernize their home and make them a new life. They will have our 2 Squad of shock troopers, and 1 squad of Purge troopers as protection guards for their home. If not we will leave and give him a communication just in case they have been under attack by Atlas scum or Grimms, but we will return.
Ada: (smirk) Sounds like a plan.
Apollyon: also you should bring 2 Purge troopers with you just in case, and be prepared my dear~
Ada: (smirk) What? Afraid I might get hurt?
Apollyon: Maybe or maybe not, that's we gonna find out (smirk), Meet me at the Hangar, Dear~ (wave)
Ada: (smirk) Guess we see. Later Apolly~!
Apollyon: (groan) You do know, you can call me my real name right?
Ada: (Smirk) Maybe or maybe not~, Apolly~ *Leave training room*
Timeskip in the hangar.
We see Lord Apollyon (already wearing a mask), Lord Raven with Commander Eric, and Lieutenant Lily waiting for Ada and her trooper to come to her arrival.
Lilly: Where's Ada? she should be here by now (groan)
Eric: Be patient, Lieutenant. She will be here right about-
Ada: Sorry for the later, everyone. I just need to check more with my equipment. (Smirk)
The two turn around and saw Ada wearing some kind of new red guard armor including her helmet while carrying a Katana. She had 2 personal Purge troopers behind her.
(Ada's Armor)
(Ada's Personal Purge troopers)
Eric: (whistle) Nice armor, Commander Ada. (smirk)
Lilly: I like it~ (smirk)
Ada: Thanks (Smile)
Raven: A new type of Red guard armor? (Raise brown) Not bad.
Apollyon: Well then, It suits you Ada (Nod) * Turn to others * Now then, let's aboard our shuttle.
All: Yes, Lord Apollyon (Bow)
Apollyon: *look at Ada* Shall we Commander~ (smirk)
Ada: (giggled) As you wish, Lord Apollyon~.
Once everyone is inside, the Shuttle takes off and flies off to the Menagerie to meet Ghira for negotiation about allies.
Timeskip on Menageria.
Menagerie is a landmass in the southeast of Remnant where most of the Faunus population resides. Kuo Kuana is the largest settlement and the home of the chieftain, Ghira Belladonna. We can see him in his office doing the paperwork, suddenly the doors open and reveal one of the Menagerie Guard who looks serious.
M. Guard Male: Chief! We got a problem! (Serious)
Ghira: What is it?
M. Guard Male: We got incoming bullhead toward our home, but is different and not Atlas.
Ghira: Show me.
???: Honey, is there something wrong?
They turn around and saw Kali Belladonna, Ghira's wife at the door.
Ghira: No idea but stay close.
Ghira and Kali go outside along with 4 Menagerie Guards with them, and heading toward the commotion and saw some kind of bullhead but bigger than Atlas, Suddenly the unknown bullhead lands near the port.
Ghira: What the hell is this?
M. Guard Male 2: Unknown, Chief. But they say would like to meet you.
Ghira: Stay sharp. We don't know if this is a trap or not.
M. Guard Male 2: Understood (Bow)
When Ghira and the guards walked toward them, suddenly the ramp shuttle doors open and reveal 8 figures walking toward them, then Apollyon steps forward.
Apollyon: Greeting's people of Menagerie, we come here in peace and we would to see your chief (Bow). We believe his name is...Ghira Belladonna
Ghira: I'm the chief and I'm Ghira Belladonna. What business have you come here for? Sir?
Apollyon: My name is Lord Apollyon, this is Lord Raven, Commander Eric, Lieutenant Lily, and my apprentice, How about we talk somewhere *look around to many crowds*....private Mr. Ghira. (Smile)
Ghira:.....(sigh) Fine. you may enter.
Apollyon: Very well. (nod)
After they arrive at the Belladonna household, Apollyon, Raven, and others are impressed by how peaceful this place is, and they sit on the couch.
Raven: I have to admit, You have a nice place here.
Eric: I agree with you lord Raven (nod), this place is really peaceful. (Smile)
Ghira: Thank you. Tell me, why are you all coming here, Mr. Apollyon?
Apollyon: Let's just say some of your friends told us about your home and island having a bit of problem with those creatures "Grimms", and including those Atlas scum. Am I right Mr. Belladonna?
Ghira: Indeed. Why are you here to ruin us just like the Grimm and Atlas? (twitch eyes)
Apollyon: (Chuckle) Of course not, We come here to give you an offer better than theirs. If you interesting?
Ghira: What kind of offer? (interesting)
Apollyon: A protection from Grimm, and Atlas Scum. alliance Between Humans and Faunus, * Take off his mask* You see we are able to save many villagers that have been slaughtered by those call's Best security Atlast and best protection but what I saw them, They are nothing a pathetic and monster. *hold a fist*
Ghira: I see....Well, I'm very thankful for that. But I must ask, why protect us?
Raven: We believe, that we as humans and Faunus can be peacefully and equal. no more war, no more discrimination, no more racism, and most of the part is no more slavery.
Apollyon: What my brother said is true (nod), We also save many slaves from Slave traffic including from SDC mining facilities.
Ghira: I see,(holden chin) Is there anything else?
Eric: *grab his datapad* Well, if you can see, we heard you have a connection with Sienna Khan leader of the Whitefang? is that correct, Mr. Belladonna?
Ghira: That's right, why?
Eric: *put a holo on the table and press to turn on* Here's what happens.
Eric explains about the white fangs activity while Ghira nodes while he listened. Soon there was silence and then he said.
Ghira: So you want to locate her and try to make peace with her is that right?
Apollyon: Indeed (nod), Can you help us? we don't want to see any innocent life Faunus and humans being killed, don't you Mr. Belladonna?
Ghira: I suppose so. Still, it is hard to try to gain peace with their leader.
Apollyon: (smirk) That's why I brought her.
Then Ada appears behind Apollyon and takes off her helmet as Ghira looks at her with shock and sees there is a small chance they will gain peace with the White Fang leader.
Ghira: (Eyes wide) A-Ada?! What are you-
Ada: I am joining The New Empire, because they give me a new life, and they are nothing like the rest from Atlas and others. Also (Smirk) *hugging Apollyon's hand* Me and Apollyon are together~ (smile), and his 4th command.
Ghira: (Small smile) I see... Congrats both of you.(chuckle) If you are sure about this, then we aid you whenever we can. Still, there is something you need to know of first.
Apollyon: I am listening (interest).
Ghira: It's not just the White Fangs leader you should be worrying about. There is this female human who has powers that is unbelievable to anyone. She's a part of this small group who is aiding the white fangs and if they learn about this, she might do whatever she can to hunt you guys done for sure.
Raven: (scoff) she has to deal with us first if she can.
Apollyon: Indeed (Nod) what she and her group don't know, is that we have more manpower, weapons, Inquisitors, and us. We The New Empire will never be defeated. You have nothing to worried about Mr. Belladonna. (chuckle)
Ghira: You need to understand that she is something more powerful than you may think she is. She's what you call "Fall Maiden." (Worried)
Apollyon: Interesting (holden chin)...a "Fall Maiden" You said.
Ada: *explained* They were powerful entities within this planet. They represent each season. Summer, fall, winter, and Spring. They control this planet throughout the years until they were gone.
Ghira: There is a chance that most humans were given one of the Maidens' powers and one of them is the one I'm talking about right now.
Apollyon:.....* look at Raven * Didn't you say that we capture the spring maiden during interrogating her? Lord Raven?
Raven: (nod) Indeed.
Ghira: (shocked) You all manage to catch the Spring maiden?!
Raven: Indeed, as you all know the spring maiden is the leader of Bandits, Raven Branwen.
Everyone except The New Empire: (Shocked) WWWWHHHHHAAAATTTTT!!?!!?
Ghira: (Eyes wide) That's....really surprising me, But still even if you did successfully capture the bandit's leader, and make peace with the white fangs, you will be a target of her and her group and once they find you....they will do whatever they can to kill you all.
Apollyon: How about we go get some fresh air, I have something to show you all. (Small smile)
Ghira: Um sure? (Raise brown)
when everyone is out with others, except Ada who standing there then Kali notices her.
Ada: It's good to see you, Lady Kali. (bow)
Kali: Indeed (nod) Is good to see you alright dear. (small smile)
Ada: So what do you think of the new empire?
Kali: They are....... really interesting, are you sure you can trust them and him? (Worried)
Ada: (smile) I'm sure of it, You have my word.
Kali: Then I trust them. (smile)
Ada: So.....How are things in Menagerie?
Kali: (look down)...I am still worried about my daughter, is she alright?
Ada: I think she's doing fine. Imagine sure of it. (smile)
Lilly: Mrs. Kali, Commander Ada- (notice) Am I interrupting something?
Ada: No it's alright Lieutenant Lily. Is everything okay?
Lilly: Everything is good (smile) Mr. Ghira and Lord Apollyon have agreed to see the test of his army. Also, you gonna join to lead them to exterminate the Grimm nests.
Ada: That's something I wanna see (smirk). Comings Lady Kali?
Kali: very well, I am quite interested in how many armies does he have? (curious)
Ada: Let's just say a lot. (smirk)
Music start:
When they came out and saw The New Empire ship two-star destroyer arrive on Menagerie and they deployed Shore Troopers, Purge Troopers, and some walkers on the ground. A ship of Gazanti-class cruisers transported two AT-AT and deployed them on the ground and then they watch Shore troopers marching making forming up.
Then one of the troopers walked toward Ada, and it was a Captain shore trooper with white armor and an orange pauldron.
Shore trooper Captain : Ma'am! *Staring at Ada* are you Commander Ada, that lord Apollyon speaking to?
Ada: Yes, And you are?
Captain Anna: (Salute) Captain Anna, TK-1452, second command 3rd battalion of the Shoretrooper, Ma'am! I have 3 squad units awaiting your orders.
Ada: Sure thing Captain. Get your troopers ready and let's show Chief Ghira, and the rest what we can do. (smirk)
Captain Anna: Yes, Ma'am! * turn around to other squads * You heard the Commander! Move it!
All Shoretrooper: Yes, Ma'am! (Salute)
Ghira: They're Quite interesting, Mr-
Apollyon: You may call me Apollyon, Lord Apollyon. Mr. Belladonna, when this is over I hope you agree to our offer about security things.
Ghira: indeed (nod).
then we can see a few explosives firing from AT-AT can be heard and Grimm screaming dying
Timeskip 2 weeks later,
In the middle of the jungle, massive explosives come from AT-AT firing and some of the troopers are burning all the Grimms, We see three Shoretroopers kill the rest of the Grimms near the nest.
Shoretrooper 1: * Blast the last Grimm* Damn, this job is easier than I thought. (chuckle)
Shoretrooper 2: No kidding! (smirk) * found another Grimm* DIE!! FILTHY!! BLACK FUR!
Shoretrooper 1: (raise brown) really?
Shoretrooper 2: You got a better name for those things?
Shoretrooper 3: Why not call them wild devils?
Shoretrooper 1 & 2: * look at him * Sounds fair enough (nod)
Shoretrooper Sergeant : * checking the cave * Ok! this is the last cave! we check, bring the Incinerator trooper here! time for burning them out. (smirk)
Incinerator trooper: * shout * coming!
Shoretrooper 3: Good thing we're not facing against small teddy bears with sticks as weapons.
Shoretrooper 1: No kidding! I also still remember they shot an arrow to my ass!
All Shoretrooper: (Laugh) HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Incinerator trooper: Get clear!! * aim to the cave and start burning inside the cave *
The Shoretroopers just want the Incinerator to burn inside the cave, they are still able to hear the roar of Grimms dying burn to ash.
Shoretrooper 3: (surprised) Wow look at it go!
Captain Anna (coms): Delta-5 Squad, report. Have you and your squad finished the job?
Shoretrooper Sergeant: Nearly done ma'am. One last cave and it be done.
Captain Anna: Calsuties?
Shoretrooper Sergeant: (nod) Bravo-4 Squad has lost 10 of them. They got ambushed by Nuckelavee Grimm if that's what they called.
Captain Anna (coms): (sigh) Very well, after this head back, to rally point awaits any orders from lord Apollyon, and their body's well-taken care off with the cleaning team is that understood?
Shore trooper Sergeant: Yes ma'am. (nod)
Incinerator trooper: * turn off the ignite light * All done! sergeant.
Shore trooper Sergeant: Good. Let's head to the rally point and wait for more instructions.
All Shoretrooper: Yes, Sergeant! (salute)
Music End:
Meanwhile, in the Belladonna household, We see others enjoy talking or conversation, Apollyon or Gray and Ghira start making a bit friendly chat, Eric still checking the report, The girls are having a talk about girl's thing, for Raven.......enjoyed the view of peace. Suddenly a ringing beep from Ada holoprojection.
Ada: *holo's on* Yes? what is it, captain?
Captain Anna (Holo): Ma'am, we have done exterminate all Grimm nests, but we may be lost 10 Shoretrooper from being ambushed by Nuckelavee Grimm.
Ada: I see. Get the Shoretrooper to leave the area and wait for any orders.
Captain Anna (Holo): Yes, Commander. (Salute)
Ada makes her way to Apollyon and Ghira, once there she Says.
Ada: Looks like the job is done. No more Grimm hives.
Kali: Is there something wrong? Ada? (worried)
Ada: Well, we lost 10 Shoretroopers during the exterminate Grimm nest mission, Lady Kali.
Kali: (sad) I see...Sorry to hear that...I am sure they are good men for your service.
Ada: That's alright. Still, the mission is done and they didn't die for anything.
Lilly: Indeed (nod), Should we tell others?
Ada: Yeah I'm going to see Apollyon and Ghira right now.
They head to see Apollyon and Ghira. Soon they see the two standing on the balcony with two Purge troopers between them as Ada steps onto the balcony and tells them.
Ada: The Grimms nest has been destroyed. We lost 10 stormtroopers during the mission.
Ghira: (surprised) Impressive. Your soldiers are very trained.
Apollyon: Indeed (nod), but for those who have died on the field. Their service is never to be forgotten, So then (clap) Should we go to the business?
Ghira: Indeed (nod), So tell me, how many Shoretrooper do you have as your army?
Apollyon: Actually this Shoretrooper is a Marine division also more like 2.500 troopers, our normal soldier is called a stormtrooper they are a regular soldier and more like 5 Million soldiers, but there's more than stormtrooper than Shoretrooper they are many kinds division they in, and more extremely expert and Elite battalion, there is Death troopers Phase 1 and Phase 2, Purge troopers, Scout Commando, Dark troopers GEN 1 and 3, and lastly 22nd Marine Battalion.
Ghira: I see. If you want I would allow you to train my people to be stormtroopers if you like? We needed someone to teach some of our people to defend themselves when worse things came.
Apollyon: I was thinking about giving them the training to be part of a Purge trooper like two personal Commander Ada brought. I can see your guards have the same skills, in exchange, she will train them to become part of Purge troopers, including shock troopers for security, If you agree.
Ghira: Hhhmmm that's not a bad idea. Very then, I'll accept it.
Apollyon: And we can help you modern your home including your all citizen home more than like Atlas (smirk), also may we have permission if we build a small base on your island to protect and secure for your all kinds home, including second Imperial Academy. If you accept it, we are now allied and we can support each other.
Ghira: I see. Have you got any ideas about what our new home will look like?
Apollyon: Of course (nod) * Brought a holo pad and showed him a city *This city will be the next future of Menagerie.
Ghira: (surprised) Holy summers of the world!
Apollyon: It will take a month to finish if we co-operated, together....with The Union Menagerie and The New Empire. What do you say Chief Ghira Belladonna....or should I say...Senator Ghira Belladonna? (smirk)
Kali: (surprised) This is amazing!
Ghira: (surprised) Agree. Of course. I'll accept this!
Apollyon: (smile happy) Welcome to the Empire Alliance, senator Belladonna.
Lord Apollyon and Ghira Belladonna Shake hands in agreement for The Empire alliance to support each other, everyone around the room is glad and happy for a new ally.
Ada: (small smile) Should we make an announcement?
Ghira: Tonight we will make the announcement (smile). Thank you Apollyon, thank you very much.
Apollyon: (wave) Please, Apollyon is just a name of Sith Title. My real name is Gray Che'tra. (chuckle) and No formalities, we are now friends.
Ghira: Thank you (nod), Gray. *turn around and look at his people* Citizen of the Menagerie, today is a new day. For our new future, I insure you all there is nothing to worried about any threat from Atlas, Bandits, and Grimms. These people from behind we make an agreement for making an alliance, between humans and Faunus as equality of race or The New Empire and The Union Menagerie.
Late at night, we see the people celebrating and cheering while the Shoretroopers also celebrate with the other citizens as well, sharing drinks, having some talk, and dancing in the middle of the street. The Shoretroopers had never had this kind of fun in their lives and they were enjoying it for the first time ever.
Shoretrooper 1: (surprised) Wow! I never had tasted this food! is really delicious.
Shoretrooper 2: Yeah! Say what is this stuff?
Faunus male 1: You guys never tried banana smoothies before?
Shoretrooper 2: Let's just say there are thousands or millions of drinks that we have tasted throughout our lives.
Faunus male 1: (surprised) really?
Shoretrooper 3: Yeah. There are many planets that serve different drinks and even drinks that are impossible to exist.
Faunus female 1: Hello gentleman, would like to try our traditional dessert? (small smile)
Shoretrooper 2: Sure thing!
Shoretrooper 3: Heck Yeah!
The troopers enjoyed the food that has been served and is really wonderful.
Everyone was having a great time when the speakers around town turns on which everyone stopped what they were doing and hear Roxen holding a mic at the other end tell everybody at the party.
Roxen: Greetings Citizens of Menagerie and People of New Empire, Ever since we came to this planet we have no clue about the creatures of this planet or the wildlife we encounter. But with all of your help and working together, we're going to make this planet great again and soon we will bring peace to this planet and protect the innocents of life that is on this planet. No longer all of you will be scared any longer because *grab a cup* The New empire is here to help and protect you all! *grab a cup* (cheers)
Roxen then gives the mic to Apollyon, and he raises up for his sit.
Lord Apollyon: (small smile) As you all know The New Empire is not your enemy, we promise to treat all kinds of Faunus with equality, family, and as the citizen of The Union Menagerie and Citizen of The New Empire. A mandatory curfew will be put into effect for your protection from Atlas, Bandits, rouge Huntress, Slavery, and Grimms such measures were approved by your esteemed by Senator Ghira Belladonna.
Ghira: Thank you, Lord Gray (nod) *turn look his people* People of the menagerie, today is a new day. For our new future, I insure you all there is nothing to worried about any threat from Atlas, Bandits, and Grimms. These people from behind we make an agreement for making an alliance, between Human and Faunus or The New Empire and The Union Menagerie. A tost *rises his cup in the air * For our new friend! (smile)
The people cheered while they raised their drinks into the air. Then we cut to Ghira's new office as Apollyon, Ghira, and Roxen cheered while they tap their drinks together and take a drink.
Apollyon: Hmmm? *Look around * Hey, Roxen where's Ada?
Roxen: She's just checking things up. She'll join us soon.
Apollyon: Alright (nod)...any report that we miss for 2 weeks?
Roxen: Nothing much. Seems things have been quiet in the past 2 weeks.
Apollyon: (Holden's chins) Hmmm, how about we add a stealth mission?
Roxen: What do you mean?
Apollyon: (Sigh) We need to gather more information from Atlas about their network, and criminal records, including their secret files. We also need to find out what are they planning to.
Roxen: You may have a point. If anything we should start by locating their nearby outpost or base so we can gather Intel.
???: Did I miss something brother? (smirk)
The two turn around and saw Raven holding a cup glass of wine.
Roxen: Thinking gathers some intel on the atlas and other important stuff that we can gather.
Raven: Oh that would be no problem for the location, we could send Commander Sam, and Omega Squad *take a sip of wine * Kriff this is a good wine. (smirk)
Apollyon: That would be excellent (nod), You may join them if you want brother.
Raven: Very well * put a cup glass of wine on the table* I'll take my leave then, also send regard to Senator Belladonna, thanks for the party and it was great (smile)
Roxen: Alright then. Take care Raven don't try anything stupid.
Rave: (rolled eyes) I will.
Apollyon: Speaking about friends...Where's Eric and Lily?
Roxen: No idea. I think they are on a scouting mission.
Apollyon: (Raise brown) I...didn't give them a mission. Didn't we give to 2nd battalion Shoretroopers for a patrol around the area?
Suddenly they heard a loud thud and moan from another Guest's bedroom.
Roxen: The hell-?
Apollyon:....(eyes wide) Damn...couple....Looks like they having fun this time. (small blush)
Roxen: What do you mean?
Apollyon: Let's give them a nice night for those two, anyway (Yawn) Let's go back to our guest bedroom, I am really tired because of the party...
Roxen: Agree. See you guys tomorrow.
Apollyon: Night Roxen (wave).
Apollyon or Gray returns to his guest bedroom then he takes off his armor, switches his clothes to pajamas then got to bed. But suddenly a woman sneaks into his room she sneaks him under a blanket.
Gray: Hmmm? Who- *peek under his blanket * Ada? What are you doing here?
Ada: (smirk) Thinking I'll sleep with you. You are warm and nice.
Gray:(Raise brown) you like cuddling on top of me?
Ada: (smirk) Yep~!
Gray: Come here (small smile) * hug her *
Ada was surprised and blushed a bit but hugs him back with a nice smile.
Ada: (Small smile) good night Apolly~
Gray: (smile) Good night my dear Ada~ * kiss her forehead *
Timeskip 2 days later on Military Imperial Garrison.
We see Raven standing in the Command room, then the door opens revealing the Omega squad.
Omega squads: Lord Raven, Sir. (salute)
Raven: At ease, Omega squad. Commander, you may start the briefing.
Sam: Yes sir. We have located a few more Atlas outposts in some locations and we've managed to get some Intel from those outposts.
Fenrir: Location?
Sam: Somewhere in the mountains not far from this base. The outpost seems to be connecting to many other outposts across this planet. Atlas really wants those outposts to stay as connected as possible.
Pegasus: Same like old times (Chuckle).
Ghost: Indeed brother (smirk).
Fenrir: copy, it will be done. Commander Sam.
Raven: We also would like to keep company with y'all.
Fenrir: (nod) Very well Lord Raven, let's get some action shall we (cocking his DC-15A Grenade Launcher)
Timeskip 3 hours later.
Somewhere in Forest of Forever Fall, we see a train pass from the forest and a girl with a black bow standing at the end of the cargo.
After making the decision to stop following Adam, she says goodbye and decides to leave him, cutting the line connecting the two train cars. Suddenly her ears twitched and heard a loud sound from in the sky, two shuttles fly past her.
Blake (thoughts): (eyes wide) Who and what are they, Are those people are not from Atlas.
she then follow and try to sneak out, and saw 4 unknowns drop from the Shuttle with different color armor they were wearing, and heard they were talking with the coms.
Fenrir: *Contact Lord Raven* This is Fenrir to Alpha lead, we are in position.
Raven (Coms): Copy that, wait on my mark.
Fenrir: 10-4, Alpha Leader. Signing out.
Ghost: Uhhh..(Confuse) did he tell us about the signal?
Six : Let's just wait, and we will see what kind of signal did he give us. (Look Pegasus) Omega-three place a charger on that door.
Pegasus:(Nod) Copy that, Omega-one.
He places a breacher charger, and the four soldiers are cocking their blasters.
Fenrir: Prepare for breach! *Contact Bravo team* Bravo team, are you in a position?
Sam (Coms): -static -This is Bravo-one stand by for scanning.....Ok.....Also, we got a little problem.-static -
Fenrir: What kind of little problem?
Sam (Coms): I got 5 heat signatures on your location.
The four of them were confused and look their behind, but saw nothing, Fenrir give a signal sign and the three nod their head and armed their blaster, and start to investigate.
Ghost: Come out! come out! where you are! You cannot hide forever!
Before they could react, she then starts tackling Ghost, then she try to slash him but her Gambol Shroud was deflected by Fenrir his vibro knife.
Music action start:
Fenrir: * contact commander Sam * Alpha leader, we found another intruder, a female Faunus.
Blake (thought): (eyes wide) how does he know that I am a Faunus?! (panic)
Sam (coms): We read you.
Fenrir: I send the rest Omega team to assist with your help. I will handle this intruder personally. * take out two Vibro blades *
Sam (Coms): 10-4, be safe there Lieutenant. over out.
Fenrir: GO! I got this! * he saw his team nod and left him then turn around to look at her and make stance combat with two knives*......Alright then, Let's see what you got.
Blake: Who are you!? (demand)
Fenrir: less talk, and more fucking fight!
Meanwhile, with the Raven and sam, we see the two having fought with the AK-130 android.
Sam: Never know those droids will still be online.
Raven: (Chuckle) Is like we fighting The separatist again.
Sam: Agree sir.
Suddenly we see explosives from the door cargo and reveal The three Commandos from Omega Squad.
Ghost: COME GET SOME!! YOU CLANKERS!!! * suppressing fire *
Sam: It happens whenever he fights something. Takes things a bit extreme.
Raven (sweatdrop) I see.
Sam: But he's pretty good giving us cover and suppressive fire.
Six(shout from another hallway): Missiles! * active his gadget missiles on his shoulder *
Sam: (eyes wide) Take cover!
Everyone takes cover before Six fires missiles at the AK-130 group and then blows up. It makes one hole in cargo walls.
Pegasus (coms): Six! How many times have I been told not to use damn explosives!!!!
Sam: Are you trying to destroy the cargo?!
Six: Blame those clankers who try to kill us all! including this droid are nothing from Commando units!
Sam: (sigh) Whatever....just keep the cargo safe.
Raven: Have you guys found the intel?
Ghost (coms): Already download all the data files, sir. This file has a lot more than anything like a Name list, Name company list, and Military project.
Sam: Military project?
Ghost: Is kinda like an android...sir
Sam: Still what does this military project do?
Raven: We will figure that out later, let's go back to the base.
Ghost: * Contact Fenrir * Omega one, do you read. We have to go we got the package.
Timeskip with Fenrir fight against blake.
We see Blake got beaten up by a Commando trooper when this is going to end, Her Gambol Shroud was been kicked away and she been tackled down by him then Fenrir tries to finish quickly her, and then she rolls to right and dodges it, Suddenly his radio started saying something
Ghost (coms) Omega lead, do you read. We have to go we got the package.
Fenrir just chuckle, he look around and grab one of her Gambol ShroudI, then he return it to her, she was confused about it, and why?
Fenrir: Not bad, also Good fighting style you got there, I suggest you keep practicing Until we will meet again....My rival. * stop * For your question, We are the Omega squad.
He then jumps up the top of the cargo roof and saw Imperial transport, and the ramp still open. He then runs toward the transport before its fly
End action music:
Meanwhile on The New Empire military base.
we see Lord Apollyon, And Grand Inquisitor Roxen having conversations with each other about the next future of The New Empire, and then the doors open it revealing the Omega squad and others.
Sam: The mission was a success, sir. We've managed to secure the cargo and gather enough intel.
Fenrir: We have been compromised by one female Faunus, Cat type.
Sam: Indeed sir. She is very skilled and a good fighter.
Apollyon: Do you have what she looks like?
Sam: She was wearing a black outfit with a black bow on her head. She also wielded two SMGs as well.
Fenrir: *put a holoprojector * Here is her looks like, Sir.
Apollyon:....(raise brown) Hmmm, Do you mind bringing Commander Ada to my office for minutes. Sam: Yes sir.
Then Ada enters the room and asks Apollyon.
Ada: (smile) Hey, what's the situation?
Apollyon: Do you know this girl? *shows her holo projectors *
Ada: Yeah I do actually. Her name is Blake, and she uses to work for the White fangs before they became terrorists.
Fenrir: Well....we got encounter her from our mission at Forever fall forest, then I and her got...a little small spar..and she got away.
Apollyon: What is her last name?
Ada: Bake Belladonna. (smirk)
Apollyon: (Sigh) Looks like we have to tell Her family about this.
Raven: That's really.....surprising. (little shock) But Why did she join the white fang?
Ada: Back then she was just a little girl but after the white fangs chance their peaceful ways and turn to violence... (sad tone)
Sam: So, that's why she left.
Apollyon: Very well then, well hope there is nothing worse than a Grimm.
Roxen: I suggest don't jinx.
Ada: Agree.
Apollyon: (sigh) very well then, Ada do you mind returning to Union Menagerie to report the good news? also you all my dismiss.
Everyone and Ada: Very well, Lord Apollyon/, of course, Apolly~
They agreed to stop the conversation about this report, they all left Apollyon's office, then Apollyon turn around and look out the window, thinking about the next plan for the sake of The New Empire. Those people around Remnants except Menagerie don't know who they are or what group they are, If they tried to steal or attack The New Empire.....They will start a new War.
To Be Continue
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