Chapter 2
3rd POV
Somewhere in outer-rim space, suddenly full Empire ships of the 13th Hounds Fleet are finally out from the unknown black hole that has been pulling all entire vessels inside the black hole and making them disappear.
The scene change inside the bridge, all the crews are waking up, including the two Sith lords
Apollyon: *groans* What the kriff was that...*Hold his head*...Are you ok, brother?
Raven: *groans* I am fine, brother....What happens?
Apollyon: Admiral! Status report!
Jason: All vessels group of 13th hounds are accounted for, engines are online, and all crews and personals are green. But the bad news is the Hyperspace is not working and it won't work any longer, My lord.
Jason: Forgive me, My lord. But It seems that could be the cause from unknown Blackhole, that we-
Crewman: Sir! My lord You all should look outside from the window!
The two Sith Lords and the Grand admiral follow the crew and look at outside from the window of the bridge, the rest of the crew and other officers are shocked what they see is a moon that has been destroyed.
Raven: (Shocked) WHAT the Kriff?
Jason: (Shocked) By the force....
Crewman: (Shocked) What could cause that moon destroyed..
Apollyon:...*Look at Admiral* Admiral, do you know where are we at?
Jason: *Checking the holo map his datapad* Unknown, Sir. On my suggestion lord, we Should deploy the Propes droid to intercept the surface and scout around the area.
Raven: Do what you must, Admiral. This place might be useful for expansion.
Jason: Yes, My lord. (Bow)
He leaves the bridge and tells one of the crewmen to deploy the props droid to that surface. Raven look at Apollyon who focuses on that planet, he looks serious about it.
Apollyon: Raven... *Look on the planet*
Raven: *Turns to Apollyon* What is it, Apollyon?
Apollyon: Do you feel that...the force...
Raven:... For some reason. *Looks at the Planet* I do.
Apollyon: I sense this force....they are many other forces on this planet *Turn to Raven* A force-sensitive.
Raven: Hmm? *Look on the planet and scenting a force* Now that something. Should we inform Lord Vader of this discovery?
Apollyon: We could, but we need to wait if we manage to reach our communication to the rest Empire and our Emperor. If we don't manage it, We initiated Operation Reborn.
Raven: Hmph. *Looks down on the planet* I sense the Dark Side within this world, and it is very strong.
Apollyon: I feel it too brother....I felt...Hatred....Sadness....Rage....Scared.......
Suddenly Eric and the rest Officer including Leader investigator ISB Shawn and Grand Inquisitor Roxen show up to meet them both.
Eric: My apologies, My Lord (Salute) All officers are awaiting in the meeting room. They waiting for your orders...
Raven: Very well then. We'll be there shortly, Commander.
Apollyon: * Turn around and looks at the rest of his crew or friends * Thank you Commander (Nod)
Roxen: I'll gather the rest Inquisitors to the meeting room too If you excuse me.
They all nod and head to the meeting, now is just two lords who still look at the planet.
Apollyon: Is there something wrong matt?
Raven: I don't know if you know but The Force is telling me that there could be a worthy successor to me one day. Like some in the form of a talented young woman.
Apollyon:....Indeed do you know who she is?
Raven: ...No. But she is filled with hidden potential with the Force.
Apollyon: I see...I do feel too....this a female too but....
Raven: But what?
Apollyon: They are two of them, One girl who had white hair.....and another girl with red hair, she had a horn on her head.
Raven: (raises an eyebrow) Really? Because I'm sensing someone else.
Apollyon: (Sigh)....We should talk about girls later.....We have to meet others in the Meeting room.
Raven: ....Right.
The two Sith Lords are heading their way to the meeting room to meet other and discussed this.
Timeskip, in the meeting room.
We see every officer, including Eric Commander of 22nd, Sam Commander Of the Purge trooper, Grand Inquisitor Roxen, Lord Apollyon, Lord Raven, and Grand Admiral Jason Moff in this meeting room.
Jason: (Stand up) Greetings Gentleman, I would like to thank you for you all coming. In this report, we have encountered by unknown warp and after we manage out from the warp, we may several problems with the communication, and Hyperspace jump including we found an unknown system that we never found.
Raven: We're sending probe droids to Scout out the planet to see if this place is suitable enough to be a part of the Empire.
Apollyon: And here's the surface that we scanned on this planet. *shows the holo map of an unknown planet on Holo's table.*
Apollyon: We will set our shipyard"Fondor" near the moon that has been destroyed, Is a perfect place to hide for cover, we should be able to station our ship there.
Raven: And for our Base of Operations, we will be setting that up here *Points to the Dragon Continent*. It's a discreet place that'll keep the local's eyes away from us, for now.
Apollyon: Is there any question?
Then Commander Eric Rise his hand including Commander Sam.
Apollyon: What is it, Commander Eric, and Commander Sam?
Eric: May we deploy our 3 squads to patrol that area to make sure is secure for the construction of our base, we may be able to find to contact any village for asking about this system including more information about it.
Raven: It shall be granted (Nod). Now, what's your question, Sam?
Sam: What do we do if these people are a threat to us or try to kill us?
The Sith looked at each other then back at him.
Raven: They'll either submit and accept the Empire... or... be Destroyed.
Apollyon: Actually, I agreed with that part but may I add a suggestion for that part brother...also no, we won't destroy them or killed them, they may be useful.
Raven: (sighs) And what would that be exactly, Apollyon?
Apollyon: We maybe have more army, weapons, vehicles, and ships...But we need recruitment to join us, including workers for our factory to produce our vehicles. We will show them that we are not a threat to them only to those who try to attack us.
Jason: Hmmm (Holden's chin) That's...That sounds a good idea Lord Apollyon, What you say is that we are not to threaten them.....
Roxen: That's is wonderful suggestion Lord Apollyon, this might be a chance no more war against them.
Apollyon: Indeed, is there any else Grand Admiral?
Jason: Indeed, we might be able to capture an image of one of our Propes found a creature with black fur, red parts, and some kinda skull mask.
He then shows everyone an imagined holo, It was a creature who look like an animal.
Reznya: What are those Admiral? (Shocked)
Jason: That's an unknown creature from the cave that one of our probes spot it, but when the prop was killed that creature suddenly turn to ash.
Roxen (Thought): (Holden's chin) Interesting (Smirk)...
Raven: It appears to be a creature of the Dark Side that I sense. If you take a good look at it, Brother.
Apollyon: Hmmmm, Indeed...but is still weak..whoever created this creature is truly impressed.
Raven: Then let's try to make it our Top of the line Goal: To find this controller of these creatures.
Apollyon: Indeed- *Cut off when his talking*
Suddenly a ringing beep communication on the holo table, Grand admiral then push the button to answer the call.
Jason: What is it? (Stern) Don't you see we are in the middle of the meeting?
Crewman (Holo): Forgive me, Sir. But our prob has just found something.
Jason: *Turn look at Lord*) Your orders, lord raven?
Raven: (Sigh) Make it quick.
Jason: (nod) very well, *Turn look at crewman* Show us.
The crew nod and send in the screen it shows a village being burned by unknown soldiers with white armor. They watch in horror as those white armor soldiers kill all people in the village without mercy including shooting children.
Reznya: THOSE BASTARDS!!! *Slam her hand on the table* THEY KILL CHILDREN!!
Sam: Truly disgusting beyond comprehension! (Rage)
Eric: My lord, forgive me My rude, but this is out of control! this is a massacre! Please send us to go there!
Roxen: I must agree with him this is outrageous! and they have no shame! *Fist his hand*
Darth Raven was shaking in rage.
Sam: Yes, my lord! (Salute) *rushed out from the meeting room*.
Apollyon: Looks like we found another fake stormtrooper to deal with, right brother?
Raven: Right.
Apollyon: Commander Eric! Lieutenant Lily! Deployed 22nd Nova marine corps Battalion on the double! I will come with you to the battle.
Eric / Reznya / Lily: Yes, Sir! (Salute) *rushed out from the meeting room*.
Apollyon: *Turn to Admiral* Admiral, send us a Starship class- the destroyer and 2 Imperial Arquitens-class light cruisers to support us, and send Tie fighter to destroy their transport and that mech. And Grand Inquisitor You will be in charge of this ship, while we are deployed on the ground.
Jason: (Bow) It will be done, My lord.
Roxen: As you wish Lord Apollyon. (Bow)
Timeskip on the surface, Dragon Continent.
We can see Atlas Soldiers kill all the Faunus people without no remorse, people from the village run away and scream crying loud. A couple of Atlas Soldiers walk chase them and killed them, one by one.
AS 1 (Atlas soldier 1): That takes care of those animals.
AS 2: Yeah, no kidding these things don't even deserve to live in our society anyway.
AS 1: Well at least we- POW !!
AS2: *Turns around* Hey. Are you-
The AS2 gasps as he saw his comrade dead with a hole in his head.
AS 2: (Shocked) What the fu-POW !!
Music Action Start:
The second one drops dead, We can see Commander Sam of Purge trooper Battalion who holding his sniper blaster and shot those two Altas soldiers, behind him he had 2 death trooper squad (one squad is 10 soldiers on it) with him.
Suddenly 3 shuttles land on the ground, and the ramp is opened to reveal a full squad of Stormtroopers rushing and firing at Atlas Soldiers.
Sam:*Talk on his channel coms* Commence the attack! Kill those scums! Don't let them kill all the Survivors!
All troops (Coms): Yes, Sir!
We see more stormtroopers come out from the forest and start charging the Atlas Soldiers, Atlas Soldiers' forces are trying to push them back but they fail, their weapons are not matched with the Imperial Army and their armor management bounces off from their dust.
Before they said anything Eric shows up and blasted them to their head one by one, then he saw a girl being grabbed by another Atlas Soldier, He run toward him and blasted Atlas Soldier's arm, and the girl manage to escape from him. Then Eric run toward him and grab his helmet then slammed him to the ground really hard, he make that soldier knock out he then turn around and saw a girl with animal ears.
Faunus Young Girl: (Cry happy) Thank you!
Eric: (Nod) Your welcome Kid, Now go! find some cover! we will handle this scum!
The kid nodded and run away to find some cover, Then Eric look around he saw a couple more Fake soldiers coming toward him, but when he turned around behind him he saw the rest of the troopers of the 22nd Marine battalion with him,
and Reznya who cocking her blaster and smirking ready to kill those Atlas Soldiers.
All 22nd troopers and Reznya: *Rise their fist in the air* FOR THE EMPIRE!!! *Start charging them*.
Eric: *Using his sidearm DC-15s, rushed and blast every Atlas Soldier with his other brother and Reznya*
The Stormtroopers, 22nd Battalion, and Death troopers under Commander Sam and Commander Eric take out many Atlas soldiers while the Atlas soldiers were surprised by this and start to return fire but a few were taken out left and right. A few take some cover along with the Imperial Troopers as well.
Soon the Atlas soldiers started to fall back while the Stormtroopers keep firing at them until they stop they watch them running away and leaving the area as their bullhead flew off the Imperial troopers watched them leave.
Suddenly a green beam blasted through their Atlas transport and blow up to pieces when they look around try were they coming from suddenly a big shadow cover them up, they look up, and saw a Star ship class destroyer including 2 Imperial Arquitens-class light cruisers.
A fleet of star destroyers appears over the village while Atlas soldiers were shocked to see more fleets than their own, suddenly voice intercoms show up.
Jason: (intercom) Attention all enemy combatants, lay down your blasters and surrender to the Empire. Or there will be severe consequences.
Stormtroopers start to stunt the Atlas soldiers that were too late to get into the drop ships as they fell to the ground.
Music Action ends:
Some run away from their dropships while some that were too late lower their guns and surrender as Stormtroopers walk over and handcuff them and lined them up. One of the survivors approached Commander Sam.
Faunus Civilian: Thank you, stranger, for saving us. But aren't you people from Atlas?
Sam: Your welcome And No, sir. We don't know what Atlas is.
Faunus Civilian: Wait? You, not Atlas then where are you from?
Sam: We are from a place far far away, sir. And that's all that matters.
Faunus Civilian: (eyes wide) I- I see.
Eric (Coms): Commander Sam, We got an incoming shuttle inbound to our location, and is Lord Raven and Lord Apollyon.
Soon a shuttle came down and it lands right outside of the village. Soon the ramp doors open slowly and reveal both Raven and Apollyon, They both came out of the shuttle.
Sergeant Stormtrooper: My lord (Bow), we capture their leader, including the rest of his men in this area, before they start shooting at us. But some of them are trying to escape but they have already been killed by our squad.
AS Leader: So you're their leader, you don't seem like much- (Lieutenant Reznya Punched him with her stock blaster rifle)
Reznya: Quiet it, you scum! (Hiss)
Raven: *Step forward* You must be the one in charge of these pathetic men......Tell me (Stern), what are you and Your men doing here?
AS Leader: HUH! Like hell! I tell you that! FREAK!
Stormtrooper: (Whisper) He's gonna die...
22nd trooper: (Whisper) Tell me about it.
Raven: ....Oh yeah. If you won't tell me then don't. *Smile sinister*
AS Leader: Wha?-ARGHH!? (Lifted up and choke)
Raven: But your mind, tells a very different story. (Extends his hand to the Leader's face and looks into his memories).
A few minutes later, Raven drop Atlas Soldier's leader and he fell to the ground unconscious before he left Commander Sam walked toward Lord Raven and ask him.
Sam: Sir, what about the prisoners?
Raven then grabbed his saber he then ignite it, when the Atlas Soldier leader woke up. Raven swing his saber and slashed his head off then his body fell down to the ground and his head felt too...
Raven: And They will learn those who try mock us (Turn off his saber) Also no prisoners Commander... they will never show mercy to us better than we show them the same thing, Show each scum the door to hell. ( Smile sinister)
Sam: (Smirk) With pleasure, sir. (Nod)
The Atlas Soldiers begged as the Death troopers forward and make a firing line form.
Sam: On my command,
The Death Troopers are line up and taking aim with their rifles at every target.
Sam: Fire!
The blaster bolts fired at the rest prisoner Atlas Soldiers as they fell to the ground dead.
Sam: Have a clean-up crew deal with the bodies, and also burn their corpses.
Sergeant Stormtrooper: Right away, Sir. (Salute)
That day no Atlas Soldiers surrendered and they were all killed while the mysterious enemy didn't lose a single soldier. When the battle was over the Empire started piling dead Atlas Soldiers in a pile. The people were both grateful and scared of this mysterious group were they going to enslave them and they going to kill them as the Atlas Soldier did. A young girl Faunus run up to their leader and The Death troopers were about to be shot her but then when Eric stop them.
Eric: Don't fire at her, she is a civilian.
Death Trooper: [Copy, Commander Eric] (Nod)
Faunus young Girl: You save us, but why? (Curious)
Eric: Because this is the right thing, our duty, and our value.
Faunus young Girl: Our value? (Curious)
Eric: (Chuckle) Loyalty, Duty, Discipline. That's who we are *Head pat to the girl*
Sam: Everyone! please gather around!
Sam got on top of one of his vehicles transport to give a speech.
Sam: many of you here don't know us but we are a new faction, a new Government, and a new nation that has appeared here in this system or this planet we are the Galactic Empire. I am Commander Sam of the Purge trooper division, the reason we saved your lives here is that we believe that all races are equal, and we wanted to come here with a proposition for you all in exchange for information.
Then Lord Apollyon and Lord Raven jump on top of the vehicle transport with his side.
Faunus Mayor: you saved my village, is there anything we can do for you?
Lord Apollyon: My name is Lord Apollyon, Lord of the Sith, the second command of the Imperial Army, Also Indeed, we wish for you all to come live with us we have recently started building a new Base nearby and we wish all of you to live with us in safety, secure, and society.
Faunus Male: but this is our home. (Worried)
Lord Apollyon: Indeed (Nod) But think about it, What will happen if they return? They just keep coming and destroying your home again, That's why is not safe here.
Raven: as expected of someone your age you are wise yes, we wish for many of you to join us in the Empire to become Imperial Army to defend your home, protect your loved ones, serve The Empire, and defeated those scums who dare to destroyed our home.
Suddenly a young Faunus Young girl that eric save her steps forward, and then she said.
Faunus young Girl: I would like to join the Imperial *Raise hand*!!
Faunus male 1: Me too!!
Human male: Sign me up!!!
Human male 2: Those bastards will pay for what they have done to our home!!!
Faunus Male 2: Long live The Empire!! *Raise his fist in the air*
Faunus Female: You guys are better than Atlas!!
Apollyon (Thought): So those scum are called Atlas.. (Holden's chin) I should put them on our list of threats.
Apollyon: Alright! Make a second group aboard the transports, Firs transport is for the prisoners, and the second transport will take you all to your new home, and recruitment will be there too *Turn to Eric* Commander, I leave the rest to you.
Eric: Right away, Sir. (Salute)
Apollyon tries to call a coms to Grand Inquisitor Roxen for a status report about the base, While Raven does some interrogation and do torture part of them. When he calls, a holo shows Roxen standing with at-ease.
Apollyon: How's the Construction base doing, Grand Inquisitor?
Roxen (Holo): Pretty good Lord Apollyon, Our scout has reported that this island is perfect for our base and our new nation.
Apollyon: What about our factory for our production? also, we have a group of survivors from raiders that's left of it and Lord Raven is going to interrogate the prisoners for questioning.
Roxen(Holo): Working fine. We have our new tanks and walkers ready in no time.
Apollyon: Good....Now the day a newborn, The Empire is not longer, Now we call our self as
The New Empire.
Roxen (Holo): -_- The new empire? Really?
Apollyon: (Deadpan) Got any better Idea? Raven also found the stupid name an "Arknight Empire" and that is too much Kriff for it.
Roxen (Holo): I was thinking of something cool like "The Globe Imperial militia."
Apollyon:....How about "The First Imperial" ?
Roxen(Holo): Maybe it could work.
Apollyon & Roxen:.........(Sigh)Yeah screw it, The New Empire It is.
Raven: *from distance* Apollyon! Come on! It is time to head back!
Apollyon: I am on my way! *Call off*
After that the two head inside the shuttle and once inside the shuttles take off and fly off back to base now the New empire is now born on a mysterious and unknown planet.
To Be Continued.
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