ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕨𝕠 // ℙ𝕝𝕚𝕠𝕥



Uzi: We are Worker Drones: autonomous robots helping humans mine exoplanets for our interstellar parent company, JCJenson [sic], IN SPAAAAACEE....

Fiorella: Yeah, we were mistreated in the name of Windex but it's not like we revolted and killed all humans or anything. 

Uzi: Mostly because they handled that just fine all by themselves. With biological life wiped from the planet, we found it pretty easy to pick up where they left off. We finally had a future... all to ourselves.

Fiorella: Unfortunately... our parent company didn't exactly love the concept of runaway AI.

(The Disassembly Drones start to slaughter all the Worker Drones as Worker Drone limbs are blown around as the scene fades to a shot of a corpse spire and a symbol flashes for a split second right before the Murder Drones logo is shown and it fades to show that it was just a presentation by Uzi and Fiorella.)

Uzi: But what have our parents done for the past forever while those things build a spire of corpses?! Hide under the ice behind three stupid doors?! 

Fiorella: It's like we're waiting for an inciting incident. Anyway, that's why our project is... 

Uzi + Fiorella: This sick-as-hell railgun!

(Uzi pulls out her railgun and points it at the students as they gasp.)

Riley: That's so not the vibe!

Fiorella: Easy, morons. It doesn't work. YET.

Uzi: It doesn't work yet. Who said it doesn't work?! Maybe it does!

(Uzi flicks her railgun on as she and Fiorella cackles and points it back at the students again.)

Teacher: (Sighs) Uzi, Fiorella, the homework was a word problem about buying watermelons.

Uzi + Fiorella: Oh, and this magnetically amplified photon converger doesn't count?

Teacher: No. Plus, repressed emotional baggage was only worth two points on the rubric, (Electricity crackles off Uzi's railgun) And is it supposed to be that color?

Uzi: (Gasps in shock) Huh?

Fiorella: GUYS DUCK!

(The view cuts to outside the classroom as an explosion happens inside as coughing is heard.)

(Uzi and Fiorella in the nurse's office as Doll and Lizzy walk by and mock them.)

Lizzy: (Gasps) Oh, here. No, wait, hold on. Shh. Eww. (Scoffs.) It didn't kill her. Oh, my God, I'm so bad.

Fiorella: Fuck you brat bitch.

Uzi: Ugh. (Sighs) Plus dang Fiorella!

(Thad sees the duo in surprise as he was walking into the office.)

Thad: (Laughs) Classic toxic masculinity, Chad! That's never gonna end up problematic. Oh, wow- Uzi? Floraina I-I heard you, uh-

(Uzi throws her ice pack into the trash can.)

Uzi: I'm an angsty teen, Thad. Bite me. Also, how do you know my name? People willingly talk to you.

Thad: (Chuckles) Well, I'd say everyone knows Khan's daughter, but, uh... then you might blow the other half of your face off.

Uzi: Crippling daddy issues. Hilarious. 

Fiorella: What are you in for? Testosterone too hard?

Thad: That can happen?! Awesome. Hey, those bandages look pretty badass.

Uzi: Oh. (Blushing) E-Ew, gross. I hate that you said that.

(Fiorella got a little jealous an cross her arms)

Thad: So, what's the, uh...

(Uzi points her railgun at Thad and stands up on the chair.)

Uzi: Sick-as-hell railgun? (Chuckles) Sci-fi nonsense that super works. Me and Ella sneaking to the Murder Drone lair tonight to get the last spare part we need to save the world with it and earn my dad's respect and stuff- Uh, but mostly the world part.

Thad: Oh- but doesn't your dad make awesome doors so we don't have to, uh... do that scary-sounding emotionally repressed stuff you just said?

(Uzi points her railgun at Thad again but closer as she cocks the railgun.)

Uzi: No more feedback on my repression today!

Thad: Ow! I'm sorry. I-I-I didn't think-

(Uzi walks off and yells at Thad.)

Uzi: Bite me! (Uzi then comes back) I'm not mad you, by the way-- just generally hormonal!

(When Uzi left Thad looked a Fiorella with a smirk)

Thad: You like Zi don't you.

Fiorella: Oh fuck off.

(The scene cuts to a shot of the abandoned cityscape then cuts to a view of Uzi's visor making an alarm sound as she then slaps her face, silencing it.)

(Uzi then grabs her railgun, gives two thumbs up, and steals her dad's door keycard. The scene cuts to Uzi and Fiorella at the entrance of the bunker as they walks towards the door.)

Uzi: Tsk. Ugh.

(Uzi and Fiorella opens the first door only for Khan, S and Z to be standing there.)

Uzi + Fiorella: (Shocked) Oh, robo-Jesus!

S: Sweetheart what are you and Uzi doing in the middle of the night?

Z: I swear if you both are gonna sneak out at night you both are gonna get in trouble.

Khan: And where might you both be off to?

Uzi: Mm, sneaking out to make out with Fiorella?

Fiorella: W-what?! (She blushed)

(Khan, S and Z sees right past Uzi's lie.)

Khan: (Laughs) Seriously, though.

S: Plus somebody is blushing~

Fiorella: MAMA?!

Uzi: (Groans) Okay, okay. You three caught us. We need to... measure the exterior hydraulic mechanisms of Door 1, because that's... the project We're working on for school? A big old door! (Laughs awkwardly) (Goofy accent) Just like what my old man built. (Laughs

Fiorella: We wanna join the WDF and hide behind doors like cowards while playing cards and stuff.

Z: Wait does she even like cards?

S: (Shrugged)

Khan: (Chuckles) Well, we don't just play cards.

(Khan tries to get Uzi and Fiorella to think that they don't but the door opens behind him, showing that he lied.)

Makarov: Khan, can you grab a fresh pack? We literally only play cards so much that the numbers have faded. Oh! Hey, Uzi and Fiorella.

(Uzi and S chuckles and Khan shuts the door.)

Khan: Well... (Chuckles) When you build doors so good... (Hugging the door) Good door. Gooooood door. There's no need to fight. Uzi, this is great news! Here- the wrench I used to tighten bolts on my first door prototypes- and to put your mother out of her misery when the Murder Drones got to her with their nanite acid. I want you to have it.

(Khan hands Uzi the wrench.)

Uzi: Neat. Therapy's fun.

Fiorella: Why he loves doors so much?

Uzi: I have no idea.

(Khan opens the door again excitedly and grabs Uzi and Fiorella.)

Khan: Guys! My daughter and her friend is into doors!

(The people playing cards cheer right before the outer door opens, blowing their cards away as one of them say "Aww, come on!" and another says, "Not my flush!".)

Khan: Their's gonna be outside for a bit to examine the exterior of Door 1. Your both door-specific destiny awaits!

(Uzi and Fiorella walks to the open door.)

Uzi: Uh, wow. Okay. Just gonna leave then... 'cause this worked so weirdly well. 

Fiorella: Uh, go, doors! (Laughs awkwardly)

Khan: (Sighs and taking off his mustache) They grow up so fast.

Z: Oh geez his mustache is fake.

S: Oh my!

(The scene cuts to outside the outer door as Uzi and Fiorella inhales and exhales deeply and looks at the outside environment. They then walks to the spire until Uzi steps on a Worker Drone corpse and looks up at the spire and enters it.)

Uzi: (Exclaims softly) Ugh.

(Uzi threw the arm to the ground and picks up the power source for her railgun but she hears a sound and a Disassembly Drone lands on the landing pod and drinks oil from a Worker Drone head then crushes it.)

Fiorella: Oh shit, thats gross...

Uzi: Sssh!

Fiorella: Don't shush me!

(Uzi looks at the power source then back at the mirror noticing the Disassembly Drone looking at her as she gets up and tries to defend herself, but the Disassembly Drone lands right in front of her, causing her to lose balance as she does a backflip.)

Uzi: Ugh! (Grunts) Whoa- and they said pirating all that anime was useless. (Gasps)

(The Disassembly Drone lands in front of Uzi and stabs a hole in her hand with its Nanite Acid tail as she is thrown, seeing her hand burning and Fiorella was threw in a wall of dead worker's.)


(The Disassembly Drone goes to shoot at where it threw Fiorella but she isn't there, instead having her railgun.)


(Then she blows its head up and it falls to the ground.)

Uzi: (Gasps) Holy hell. Suck on that, Dad! Huh?

(Then out comes A holding a cup of oil)

Uzi + Fiorella: A?!

A: Hey girls- N?!

(Then the trio sees that its head is regenerating so Uzi goes and picks up a Worker Drone arm and slaps it.)

Uzi: Rrrrruuugh!



(The Disassembly Drone reboots and stares at her.)

Disassembly Drone: Did you just slap me with that arm?

Uzi: Holy crap, it talks.

Fiorella: I don't like him.

A: Aye!

Disassembly Drone: Yeah, sorry- it's just, my, uh, head kinda hurts. Oh hello A again. Oh are you both new to our squad? You're both a little, uh...

(The Disassembly Drone looks at Uzi and Fiorella, not knowing their isn't a Disassembly Drone.)

N: ...short for a Disassembly Drone. I'm Serial Designation N! Nice to meet you both. I'm kind of the leader of the squad in this city. (Whispers) That's not true. Everyone tells me I'm useless and terrible. Wait, I-I'm not supposed to tell you that part! Biscuits. (Sighs) Well, honesty is the best policy. (Chuckles) I also can't seem to remember the past three hours of my life. Ah, but I'm sure that'll sort itself out! (Chuckles)

(Uzi and Fiorella stares at N then goes to leave but her hand burns from the Nanite Acid.)

Uzi: Uh-huh. We, uh, have to... go. (Hisses through teeth) (Groaning)

Fiorella: Uzi! (She ran to her and took her hand an the duo blushed and chuckled)

A: 20 bucks if they kiss.

N: Deal.

Uzi + Fiorella: WE HEARD THAT!

N: Oof, stuck yourself? Just pop it in your mouth. Our saliva neutralizes the nanites. Otherwise, I'd be constantly disassembling myself. Heh!

Uzi: And by "our saliva," you mean...

N + Uzi + Fiorella: Disassembly Drone?

A: Wow, this is odd.

N: Agreed.

Uzi: Riiiight. Hey, let's go in that landing pod over there.

N: Sure! I love doing anything!

(The scene cuts to Uzi and N inside the landing pod with Uzi's hand his N's mouth as she then pulls it out as Fiorella and A tryed to not puke.)

N: Bleh. Sweet. Uh... (Chuckles) I'm open to new things, I guess.

Uzi: We are never talking about this.

N: Talking about what? (Laughs) Consider it, uh, repressed.

(A chuckled as Fiorella smirk)

Fiorella: S.I.M.P.


Uzi: Uh, you mentioned other members of your squad? Are they coming back soon?

N: Oh, yeah- two others. Uh, they're out hunting for a bit, but you'll love them. First, there's V.

(The scene cuts to a flashback of V slaughtering a Worker Drone.)

Grant: (Grunts) No, no! Please, don't feed me my own entrails in front of my family!

V: (Laughs) And yet, I still feel nothing. (Eye twitches)

(N tries to talk to V.)

N: So, V, uh... (Chuckles nervously) I heard this planet-wide toxic death storm is supposed to be especially inhospitable tonight.

V: Huh? Oh, God! Who are you?

(V notices N and gets shocked then quickly flies away.)

N: Uh, no worries! I'm N! But a-a whole letter is a lot to remember! (Chuckles lamely)

(The scene cuts back to A, Fiorella Uzi and N in the landing pod.)

N: So, obviously a lot of mutual respect there. But secretly, (Whispers) I actually kind of have a crush on her. You can't tell her, okay?! (Chuckles) Uh, then, there's J- our leader!

(The scene cuts to J pinning N to the ground scolding him.)

J: (Growls) N, you're worthless and terrible.

N: (Choking) Thank you.

J: And if the company allowed it, I would straight up kill you myself.

(The scene cuts back to A, Fiorella Uzi and N in the landing pod.)


A: Well I now hate J.

N: J's awesome. Hey, let me give you the tour- outside of the corpse... wall thingies. In here are the buttons! (Beeping as A chuckled and joined in.)

(Uzi and Fiorella looks at the panel N and A was pressing.)

Uzi: This isn't just a landing pod. This is a spaceship, this could get us off the planet.

Fiorella: Yeah.

N: Moooore of a one-use missile. They never taught us how to land.

A: I know how to land geez fucking christ.

Uzi: No, we- uh- uh, the Worker Drones- we could work with them to fix this! Instead of all the murder, which, uh- why are we doing that again?

N: Other than ingesting their (Deep, spooky voice) WARM, SWEET (Normal voice) oil to avoid overheating and dying? I guess I just want to be useful. I was given a job, and I always wanna try my best.

A: (Blushed) Damn. Thats kinda hot.

N: What?


Fiorella: Ooo~


(Uzi stands up on her chair.)

Uzi: And look at all the respect it's gotten you, N. You really think the company isn't going to dispose of you once all the workers are dead?

N: Oh, my! You sure are rebellious. It's kind of exciting. U-Uh, but not as fun as, uh, following the rules.

(J is heard banging on the landing pod.)

N: Hey, they're back! You'll- U-Uh...

J: (Muffled) Idiot, get out here!

(The scene cuts to Uzi, Fiorella and A running away from the landing pod as V saw her then cuts back to the corpse spire.)

V: (Laughs) Yo, we got a worker out there I kind of wanna practice balloon animal shapes with. What happened here?

J: Synergistic liability here must have tripped and knocked himself offline.

(J slaps N in the face, causing him to reboot.)

J: Moron bot. Hello?

(The scene cuts to a flashback of Uzi, Fiorella and A talking to N but this time N can see Uzi and Fiorella.)

Uzi: You really think the company isn't going to dispose of you once all the workers are dead? 



(The scene cuts back.)

N: Oh. Ohhhhh! You know, I-I-I left an e-extremely dangerous weapo- uh, an excuse o-outside.

(The scene cuts to Uzi, Fiorella and A running to the bunker then to the Worker Drones playing cards.)

Braxton: (Chuckles) I am out, boys.

Todd: Oh, gosh darn it.

Unnamed Worker Defense Force Member: Wait until my loving wife and kids hear about this.

(The outer door opens blowing the cards around as the trio enters.)

Uzi: Ugh, bite us. Close it, close it!

(Uzi tries to use the keycard to close the door but N managed to stop it.)

A + Fiorella: Oh shit.

N: Hey, fellas! Ooh, deal me in! I love Rummy! Wait, no. Tsk. I'm going to murder everyone. Brain check!

(N's tail breaks the keycard that Uzi was holding and the sensor causing the doors to open.)

Uzi: Gah!

Unknown: Oh, God!

Todd: (Chuckles) Um, actually? It's Gin Rummy, so...

(N pins Todd to the wall and proceeds to decapitate him and fires rockets at the people running and tackles the unnamed Worker Defense Force member, killing him.)

Braxton: Hey, Uzi, Fiorella and A! I just realized no one has, uh, said my name aloud so far. So I'm just letting you know, I'm R-

(N shoots a laser at Braxton, cutting him in half.)

Fiorella: OH SHIT!


(Uzi's railgun finishes recharging as she goes to try and stop N but he isn't there as Khan, S and Z sees what happened.)

Z: Oh my goodness. . .


Khan: Pretty nice hydraulics, huh? (Gasps) (Dark musical sting) Wha- What have you done?

(N lands in front of Uzi, Fiorella, A, S, Z and Khan causing them to be blown backwards and Uzi points her railgun at N.)

Uzi: This time, I won't miss.

N: (Chuckles) I'm sorry. I really enjoyed our time together. But I can't have you shooting V or Asha with that thing.

A: Uh oh.

Fiorella: WAIT WHAT?!

Uzi: Bite me. Dad, get down.

Khan: Uzi, you led a Murder Drone here?! (Tearfully) My beautiful doors!


Uzi: Now is so not the time! I messed up- in the same way I'm about to fix it. Move, Dad!

(N impales his wing into Uzi, pinning her to the wall as her railgun falls to Khan as Uzi tries to get him to shoot N.)

A + Fiorella: UZI!

Uzi: (Coughs) (Gasps) D-Dad! P-Point and shoot! Trust me!

(Khan walks backwards and then S took Fiorella hand.)

Uzi: Dad? Ella...

Fiorella: UZI-

(Khan then huts the doors as the alarms turn on, V and J appear and congratulate N as N throws Uzi to the side.)

J: Whoa, N.

Uzi: Whoa!

A: Uzi!

J: Am I dreaming, or did you do something not useless for once?

V: I've been trying to get past those doors for months. Nice work, N. Plus I like the new member here, plus her cute space bums.

A: Wait were you just flirting?

V: Nah I like to tease.

A: Oh.

N: (Shocked) You... me... name... remember?

V: These ventilation shafts can easily get us around this last door. Lowest body count eats a missile! (Laughs)

A: And she's gone.

(J pats N on the back.)

J: Way to go, stud. The company's gonna love this.

N: (Chuckles) Ow.

J: With this colony wiped, we'll make top team this quarter for sure. (Sing-song) You know what that means. Branded pe-ens!

N: Ooooh.

(N looks at the pen.)

N: Uh, you know, not that I can't wait to keep murdering all these, uh... maybe not-so-actually-different from us Worker Drones, but just outta curiosity, do we actually, uh... (Hisses through teeth) know what the company plans to do with us afterwards?

A: Huh??

J: Excuse me?

N: Okay, so, two Worker earlier might have suggested that they could fix up our landing pod to, uh, escape the planet and stuff. Which- Whoa, hey, that's against the rules! But it is kind of making me question why our pods were only-one way in the first place. 'Cause, y-you know, I get the feeling the company doesn't actually love robots, and, like, we might be robots? I've made a terrible mistake. It's cool how immediately I could tell.

(J walks over to N.)

J: Hmm. No way, buddy. Questioning the company? You just finally gave me the excuse I needed.

(J implants a virus into N making A gasp in shock.)

J: Worker Drones are corrupted, N. That's why the company sent us. I hate to see you corrupted as well.

N: (Stuttering, glitched speech) Thanks, J. Always looking out for me. You're awesome.

J: (Scoffs)

(Uzi stands up, grabs her railgun and tries to get to the others.)


N: (Glitchy) Ah, biscuits. I'm sorry. I ruined your card game, then made you have an awkward moment with your dad.

Uzi: And I made you rebel like an angsty teen, whiiich got you killed. Though, you also tried to kill me and Ella, so morality calls this a draw.

(Uzi pulls a box over to try to get to a vent but she can't reach it.)

Uzi: (Groans) For the record, that was the lamest heel-face turn in history. Was that supposed to be you switching sides?

A: I think it was.

N: (Coughs) Being rebellious is a lot harder than it looks. Thanks for showing me the ropes.

Uzi: Nuh-uh, no bonding thing. You just killed a bunch of people, idiot.

N: That's super fair. (Sighs) I screwed up.

Uzi: (Clicks tongue) Uuuuugh. In the same way you're about to fix it.

(Uzi pulls out the wrench Khan gave her.)

N: (Laughs) I love doing anything.

A: Okay lets find Ella, Z and S and get J and V down!

Uzi: Agreed.

(The scene cuts to Thad being thrown across the floor at the evacuation spot as J and V have found them.)

Thad: (Screams and grunts)

S: Oh dear!

Fiorella: Oh shit shit shit!

Z: Hey we talked about this!

(Lizzy and Doll go to help Thad but they see J.)

Khan: So, they found our evacuation spot. But if we build a quick door-

Thad: (Grunting) (Spits) Are you kidding me? You're the WDF, right? Defend!

(The other Worker Drones back away.)

Thad + Fiorella: For real?

V: (Laughing)

(V swoops down and grabs Thad, stabbing her wing into him and throwing him to the ground as A, Uzi and N arrive.)

Uzi: Hey!

V: Huh?

(The camera pans to A, Uzi and N and N is waving.)

Uzi: Put that conventionally attractive male down. (Bumps N)

N: Oof! Oh, uh, J? You're sometimes kind of mean to me, and I wish you weren't. Just some constructive criticism.

Uzi: Nice.

A: Nice one N, good job.

N: Heh. (Fistbumps)

J: Noted, traitor. We'll circle back after I rightsize your existence.

Uzi: Okay, which one do you want?

N: J, please.

Uzi: Too bad. Good luck.

(Uzi throws a pen at J, stabbing her in one of her eyes as N gives V thumbs up as A ran to the workers and S and Z and got them to safey as Fiorella smirked as she gotten a plan.)

(Uzi runs over and aims her railgun at J but J blind-fires at her, knocking her over as a symbol appears on her face for a split-second.)

J: (Grabs pen) Damn the well-made, quality-assured durability of JCJensen products! Huh?

(Uzi jumps onto J, impaling the pen into her again as Uzi dodges a laser from V and N tries to shoot V but hearts come out.)

A: HA!

N: Ah! My mind's in a weird place! A please don't read into this!

(A rocket lands next to N blowing him to the side.)

J: Ugh! (Cackling)

(J charges an EMP, causing Uzi to short-circuit as N is fighting V.)

V: Yah! (Laughs)

(N sees J approaching Uzi.)

N: Uzi! I'm so, so sorry. Have fun repressing this! Mleh...

V: Eww! What the hell?

J: (Chuckles) You've got a lot of guts for a barely sentient toaster. I've had prey fight back before, but your edgy spirit is just so... (Crunch) painful?

(Fiorella used J's tail to stab J.)

Fiorella: Hehe take that!

J: (Screams) Gah! Fourth quarter profits! Mother of company leadership retreats! (Falls)

Fiorella: One more buzzword, and I'll do it. (Railgun whirring)

J: Equity partnersh-

(Fiorella fires her railgun, eviscerating J into just arms and legs.)

Fiorella: (Sighs and spits) Fuck you J.

Uzi: Hehhe.

Thad: Holy hell, Uzi and Fiorella. That was insane! And you, too, uh...

N: Huh? Oh, uh, N. I'm an angsty, rebellious Disassembly Drone now.

A: Yep. Thats N!

Khan: (Clears throat)

S: Well thats was shocking and nice attack dear!

Fiorella: Thanks mama!

Z: Nice work.

Uzi: I brought the Murder Drones here accidentally. You chose to leave me for dead instead of just frickin' believing in me or Fiorella! And that's not even an edgy teen hyperbole like when I said it last week! (Sniffles and slaps herself) I'll save you the trouble, Dad. I, Fiorella and A banish ourself! Let's go, N. Everyone here can bite me.

N: Nice to meet you, Mr. Uzi.

Uzi: Shut it.

S: I'm coming aswell.

Z: Me to.

A: Yay!

(Khan takes a sip from his "#1 DAD" mug.)

(The scene cuts to Uzi and Fiorella sitting on a car with N in the corpse spire.)

N: I'd join you if the sun didn't kill me. Hope you both are having important character growth or something, though!

Uzi: Just can't wait to murder all humans. Classic robot stuff. I hope they're sitting pretty there on Earth. 'Cause we're coming for them. (Cackling)

Fiorella: And soon us drones will kill all humans!!!

(Meanwhile A was looking at herself in a mirror before an Absolute Solver symbol appered and her eyes widen an she sighed before she looked at Uzi and Fiorella doing their handshake and she looked at N and the duo laughed)

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