ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣 // 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘

(The scene opens to an outside view of the school.)

(Balloon letters arranged to form "PROM 3071" in a large room, lights are shut off one by one.)

(In the hallway, the lights continue flickering as the screen changes to show four "Missing" posters". A female Worker Drone pants, running down the hallway. She stops short to an unknown force that shatters her glasses. A nearby security camera is surrounded by a red glow and forcefully turns toward the wall.)

(Doll appears farther down the hall, the same red energy crackling through her fingertips. With one swipe, she yanks the Worker Drone's arm from her body. Slowly approaching the Worker, she reveals a cleaver knife that shifts to a quantity of three. She tosses the cleaver knife towards the camera and the screen goes black.)

(Scene shifts to Doll's room wherein two robotic bugs scutter across the floor. One attacks the other, but is soon squished by Doll as she enters the room.)

(Doll opens her book bag and places holographic books onto a nearby bookshelf. She crosses a name off of a list of prom queen candidates - presumably the name of the Worker Drone whom she had previously dismembered at the beginning of the episode.)

Doll: Мам, Пап, я вернулась.

(Screen fades to black again.)

(Flashback to Heartbeat)

Uzi: What... are you things? (Camera shows a quick shot of N in previous episode.)

(Back to present)

(Uzi's visor reads "SLEEP MODE [GUILT: ACTIVE]" and she wakes up on the floor with piles of papers and books surrounding her. Camera pans to a large wall with an assortment of numerous documents, specifically the card that N's apology card.)

(Uzi groans and transitions into a montage of her "guilt" being shown throughout the day.)

Rebecca: (Kicks Uzi as she opens her locker, causing her to drop a book.) Yeah, meeting Brad in an hour.

(Uzi throws a book towards the Worker Drone, which instead hits Braidon in the head by accident.)

Rebecca: Can you imagine going to prom alone?

Trevor: Ha! (models finger puppets) I'd be all like, "I don't deserve happiness."

Fiorella: Hey Uzi!

Uzi: O-oh hey Ella, oh I was gonna ask you something.

Fiorella: Me to! Wanna say it together?

Uzi: Okay in three.

Fiorella: 1!

Uzi: 2.

Uzi + Fiorella: 3, CAN I GO TO THE DANCE WITH YOU?

(The duo blushed and both laughed as A took a picture of them)

A: I gonna tell Khan, S and Z! (Runs off with the photo) See ya!




(Fiorella chases A, Uzi sighs and spots the aforementioned board of missing drones and, cackling, grabs them to add to her billboard of murder-related documents, only to find that the documents had been earlier removed by her father, Khan.)

(Khan shuffles through the papers and gently places them on a shelf, sighing.)

(A sign on the wall reads "NORI'S KOOKY INSANE STUFF".)

(Khan closes door and walks away, whistling.)

Uzi: (Crouched down, turns towards Khan.) MY crazed ramblings! Stay out of my FREAKING ROOM!

Khan: (Reaches for her shoulder. Uzi isn't in the mood.) Personal space for a very alarming coping mechanisms isn't covered under a... non-optional (reads from guide booklet) family support... structure!

Uzi: (swipes the booklet away) I'm sorry for being vulnerable for FIVE SECONDS, okay? You were never there for me. If you wanna help now, stay distant.

(Khan is let down by this statement.)

Uzi: (exhales) I'm going to talk to Ella. (nearly trips over a frozen human skeleton.) WwwhaAAt is this?

Khan: Prom dress! Child small! You're grounded from seeing those bad influencing murder drones and I was told by one for your friend that you also have a date!

Uzi: Oh yeah, A.

Khan: So I had an idea.

Uzi: Eeeaah?

Khan: But I talked to your teacher to find you CLASSMATES to help you get ready for your date!

Uzi: Huh?

(Door opens, revealing Lizzy and Doll.)

Lizzy: 'Sup, freak. (camera pans close to their faces.) Prepare to be popular.

Khan: (with a bowtie) I'm CHAPERONING!

(Uzi screams)

(Scene switches to V and N back at the pod as V presents N with two human skeletons, still sporting formal attire.)

N: Hmm. I do want to be dapper. (hesitates) But, NO! That's why you had me find these? (gestures towards skeletons) We can't interact with the workers anymore, V.

(A flashback to previous episode appears where N reaches for Uzi, but she shrinks away from him and then has a flashback and saw a white rose laying there with blood on it.)

N: We're too dangerous...

V: Uh, exactly. We show up fabulous. The sad purple one lets us in, 'cause she has no friends. We kill everyone and pop her little head off!

N: I'm not freeing you for PROM MURDER, V. J went holo-spooky snake crab and WE and A maybe grew up in a haunted mansion! Aren't you worried we have no idea what we even are?

V: (Pushes N away, turning towards the dashboard.) ... Promise me you and that purple thing will stop prying into that stuff. (Gazes at a shattered mirror. N is considering.) If you free me now, I promise we'll only kill what we need to survive. Just you and me, N.

(Both glance at a key laying on a nearby edge.)

(The lights turn on in Doll's residence as Doll, Lizzy, and Uzi enter the room.)

Lizzy: Ugh, Doll, do you ever clean? (Kicks one of the robotic bugs.)

Doll: Я повесила простынь. Они спят.

Uzi: (She refrains from stepping on one of the bugs and glances up to the ceiling where it appears as though tiny red dots are floating around.) Hey, so, thanks for having me, but now that my dad thinks I'm here, I'm actually gonna-

(Uzi starts walking towards the door, but it abruptly shuts.)

Lizzy: You're hilarious. She's hilarious. You should get ready! You're gonna look so cute - in a brave way with your girlfriend!

(Uzi rolls her eyes and jumps back as Doll appears right behind her. She then notices the trash bin full of the same missing posters.)

Doll: Ванная по коридору налево.

(Uzi grimaces, backing away with a thumbs-up gesture.)

(Scene switches back to the same key with V and N in the pod.)

N: Uhh, V, if you're hiding something, we can figure it out together. Even if we each only have pieces. Please, what do you know-

V: (Slices N's head off using her tail.) What's best for you. Even if you hate me for it... (Turns around and flies out of the pod.)

(Uzi is in Doll's bathroom getting ready for the prom in front of the mirror, then the door opened and Fiorella and A.) 

A prom dress:

Fiorella prom dress:

Uzi: Wow, you girls are amazing in the dresses!

Fiorella: Heh thanks! A's idea. Mama made the dresses!

A: Yeah who knew she is good at making them.

(The trio was looking at themself in the mirror when the Absolute Solver symbol appears on A face, but she quickly covers it.)

A: Easy, Robo shit. Not this mirror.

Uzi: I says Robo Satan if that happened to me.

Fiorella: For me it's Asshole.

(Uzi laughed and then A slowly removes her hand from her face. The symbol appears again and its force shatters the glass.)


Uzi + Fiorella: Shhhh!

Lizzy: (in the other room, muffled) Dude, no one will notice she's missing. Just do your thing, and I'll let in V. We'll see you there!

Uzi: (backs away) Whaat the f-

(The sound of liquid dripping causes the girls to turn around, beholding a sight of oil leaking out of the shower.)

Fiorella: WHAT THE FU-

(N has already regenerated back inside the pod.)

N: (Twitches, then wakes up screaming) Oh, no, oh-no-oh-NO! (Reaches for the ladder, but is indecisive as to whether he should take the outfit provided by V or not.) No! No time!

(N scrambles up the latter, but quickly appears again with a new decision in mind.)

N: Dapper N...

(Uzi, Fiorella and A is panting as they discovers the destroyed remains of numerous Worker Drones as well as shattered mirrors in Doll's bathroom. The trio hears footsteps from outside the door and frantically searches for a place to hide.)

(The camera cuts to Doll entering the bathroom only to find that Uzi, Fiorella and A escaped by climbing over a stack of mirrors.)

Doll: Как они по-русски любят говорить... 'Ой, я должна была предположить, что кто-то сможет убежать через вентиляцию, используя выброшенные зеркала как ступеньки.'

Uzi: (Outside in the blizzard, running, is quickly stopped by N as he lands.) N?!

Fiorella: N?!

A: N!

N: Uzi? Fiorella? A?

A: Why are-

N: You look-

Fiorella: How did-

N: I, uh-

Uzi: I... think something bad-

N: I could help. But you probably don't want me...

A: N-no! We could use the... help... of you... being there? (blushing) ...with me?

N: (hugs A from behind) Dapper buddies!

(A begins to smile while still blushing)

Uzi: Looks like you also got a date Asha.

A: Heck yeah!

(The scene cuts to the gym where prom is taking place. A worker attempts to pull off a funky little dance, but is judged by his partner. Thad does a one-armed push-up/hand stand and gestures towards Teacher on the other side of the room. He isn't having it. Khan, S and Z waits nervously as Khan glances around the party, and then at the clock. The stage lights flip on and Lizzy comes on the platform.)

Lizzy: Okay, listen up, nerds. We're doing this a little early, but since the entire prom court mysteriously disappeared, your queen by forfeit is, uh, this!

(V lands on the stage, causing a stir in the crowd.)

Male Worker Drone: Oh, we're gonna die!

(V laughs maniacally.)

Lizzy: Easy, judgey bots, V is my friend. (A large screen is lowered and proceeds to show a montage of selfies with V and Lizzy hanging out in various scenes.) She's done with the murder or whatever. We've been hanging!

V: Yess. Best friends. So easily manipulated... (stops cackling) ... Prom queen? (looks to Lizzy)

(Lizzy smiles shyly.)

V: (Glances at the crown) Eugh.

(Doll looks over her list of candidates, now having one empty space, she clutches it in her fists and cackles.)

Lizzy: (Looks back at V, presumably with pity.) So, forgive and forget, or I'll get my dad to DOCK YOUR FREAKIN' GRADES! And you can't sit with us, REBECCA!

Rebecca: Fine! I forgive her. Settle.

Male Worker Drone: She's kinda cute, though.

(The crowd starts applauding.)

Lizzy: Clap harder, losers!

(The crowd then start cheering.)

Female Worker Drone: (Approaches V with the crown in her hand.) Your dress is really cute. (Places the crown on V's head.)

Crowd: Speech! Speech! Speech!

V: I, uh...

Khan: (Pushes into the door, but he's held back as the Absolute Solver symbol appears before him.) Not... the doors!

S: Door really Mr. Doorman, the doors are locked by some solver thingy.

Z: Mi amor hey it's alright..

V: I'll kill everyone... after? It's not vain, it's extra sinister.

(Doll continues to laugh as the symbol appears on her face, as well. She spreads her fingers, preparing to launch an attack.)

(Lizzy looks back and forth between the two in reluctant anticipation. V approaches the mic slowly, giving it a few taps before speaking. Doll's plan is cut short when both A, Fiorella, Uzi and N land into the room.)

Uzi: Unhand them, you fieeeennd? 

Fiorella: ... I'm confused.

A: Same.

(Doll fixes her aim on V again.)

Lizzy: On second thought, you're way hotter than Doll. RUN, idiot!

Fiorella + A: GAY?!

(An explosion is launched at V, holding her in place. Other Worker Drones attempt to escape the room, but are met with similar deaths.)

Doll: Привет, Ви.

(Static fills the room and V is hit by a flashback of her killing a Worker Drone, with Doll as a nearby witness.)

Doll: Ладно, тебе всё понятно.

(Doll tilts her head, forcing a pole through V's midsection and V then breaks one hand free, firing at Doll.)

(With one swipe of her hand, Doll enforces a shield that protects her from V's blasts. She summons a cleaver knife and tosses it at V, removing her arm. Almost immediately, she removes the ceiling fan from its post.)

Uzi: Holy crap, what is she doing?

A: Trying to kill V.

Fiorella: So this is gonna be a epic anime battle for sure.

N: This isn't what I expected at all! I guess we should, uh-

(Uzi groans as Doll tosses the ceiling fan in V's direction, an attack that is blocked as A and N jumps in. Uzi and Fiorella follows quickly behind them with a knife to throw straight at Doll's face. The knife bounces right off. Doll releases the lock from the door, and all the surviving Worker Drones storm out except S, Z and, Khan, who is hesitant.)

Doll: Узи, Фиорелла, Аша, вы трое действительно встанете на сторону Дронов-убийц? Я не единственный, кто потерял из-за них семью.

Uzi: Bite me! Whoever started this wants us to fight! I'm not dealing with anything well, but I'm done dealing with everything alone. We move forward together, or not at all.

Doll: Как мило... Но мне твоя помощь не нужна.

(Doll summons another pole that goes straight through N's leg. Two unidentified objects fly straight towards them, but N pushes A, Fiorella, Uzi out of the way. Doll notices S, Z andKhan trying to reenter the room once they sees that A, Fiorella and Uzi is in danger, so she shuts the door from behind her. Another blade is thrown at A that goes straight through her hand. A pulls it out and arms herself.)

(Dolls point of view shows a red flashing screen that starts beeping as A approaches. She attempts to throw another blade, but A swipes it away.)

Fiorella: Epic anime battle!

(V's arm is pulling itself along the ground.)

N: (Picks it up) Is this...?

V: (Grabs it out of his hand using her mouth) Mine!

Lizzy: Ew. You look like garbage.

V: (muffled) You frickin' traitor.

Lizzy: (Swipes V's arm out of her mouth) As if you weren't using me to try and kill everyone, Ms. Petty. Where does this freaking go?

N: Thank you, Lizzy!

Lizzy + V: Shut up, loser.

(Doll and A continue their fight. A knife is thrown into the stereo, which Doll then takes to toss at Uzi and Fiorella but missed thm. A jumps and arms herself with the microphone stand, which she kicks towards Doll. Doll stops the stand in mid-air. A picks up the knife and starts advancing, but the stand is thrown back at her, causing her to fall to the ground. The knife slides away and is gained by Doll once again, who multiplies it and charges them towards A; another attack that is blocked by N.)

N: May I have this dance? (N offers A his hand.)

A: You readed my mind.

(N grabs her hand and twirls her around to avoid an attack from another unidentified object.)

(A catches the knife in her hand as it's thrown at her again. N pulls her in and she tosses it back to Doll. N shoots a missile in the same direction. The knife barely misses her face and instead slides through a single strand of hair. An explosion causes her to fall back.)

A: (Clutching on to N's waist, blushing.) Seriously, don't... do that again.

N: Asha... AH, OKAY, YOUR TURN! (Picks up A and throws her forward right before he's hit by an entire table.)

Fiorella: N justed yeeted my BFF?! IS HE CRAZY?!

Uzi: Hell yeah he is.

(Doll is lifting both the remaining tables and A into the air. A jumps from table to table in an attempt to get closer to Doll. Doll twirls more blades her way, but with a single kick A is able to counterattack and snap Doll's wristband. A jumps from the table and does a power kick straight to Doll's head. As Doll prepares to attack again, she's shot in the head from behind by V.)

Uzi: ... V what the fuck! We needed her for answers!

V: What? She's fine- uh eaahh.

(Doll is laying on the ground with oil spurting from the wound)

V: A little tuckered out.

N: V did that on purpose! She's hiding mystery stuff and being over dramatic about it!

V: N! You SUCK! (Punches N in the side.)

A: Hey don't do that bitch!

V: Oh yeah?

Uzi: YOU!

(A, Fiorella, V and N both point at each other.)

Uzi: (Picks up Doll's wristband from the ground.) Lucky for you, we're not done yet.

(A key dangles from Uzi's wristband.)

(They enter a dark room as the lights turn on, revealing it to be Doll's room again.)

Uzi: Uh, oh.

A + Fiorella: Holy shiiiittt.

V: Hehe. Nice.

(Worker Drone remains are scattered across the floor, ceiling, and counters.)

(V takes one of the arms in her mouth and sucks on it)

A: (removes the arm) Ugh. Self respect. Why would a worker drone... was she eating them? (Deposits the arm in a nearby pot; one that's already full of other arms.) Huh?

(N discovers a large sheet in the corner of the room that appears to be hiding something.)

(A notices the oil on her fingers, peering at it intently.)

N: (Removes the sheet, revealing her parents.) I... think we found her folks.

V: Literally didn't even taste that good.

N: V, you kind of suck.

Fiorella: You're a asshole V.

Uzi: Yeah I agree, an asshole.

V: (giggles) Yeah. I'm not doing okay. (chomps on a robotic bug)

(A removes her oil-covered fingers from her mouth and hides them as N looks back at her. She crawls over the counter and goes to inspect the corpses of Doll's parents.)

(An ID badge on one of them reads: YEVA - 048, along with a picture of a female Worker Drone.)

A: Oh Yeva...

(Doll teleports and regenerates behind them and, with a sickly smile, removes the bullet from her head, pointing it towards the three of them.)

Doll: Как раз к ужину...

(They all gasp as they see her and the screen fades black for a moment, along with the sound of a shot firing. The Absolute Solver symbol, appearing blue, now is within view and the camera pans out to find that A had blocked the bullet with similar abilities to Doll.)

Doll: Мне... мне тебя... жаль...

(The view focuses on a choker around A's neck. She discards the bullet.)

Doll: Если я найду то, что ищу, то и тебе помогу

A: What?

Doll: Извини.

(Doll starts backing away.)

Uzi: Wait! Oh, don't you dare!

(V jumps up and shoots Doll, causing an explosion.)

Uzi + Fiorella: Ugh, I HATE IT HEREE!

A: Well now we got Doll on the loose.

(Outside, the wind is blowing. A male worker drone digs through the snow and reveals a pair of glasses.)

Reid: Oh, that's where I left my excuse to be outside right now! (puts them on)

(A pod crashes down with a great blast. Other large objects come after it. A final explosion occurs, dropping a single teddy bear. The worker uncovers his head just in time to see another pod land. Tessa exits the pod and is quick to slice the worker's neck with her sword.)

Tessa: (puts the sword away) Righty-o. Work to do. Eh, J?

(Serial Designation J flies in from behind, handing her a key.)

Tessa: Maintenance work.

(Car beep)

(Credits roll)

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