
Dead Pulse?

Shivers ran down his spine as he for a moment thought. 

His mind raced as he wondered who could possibly own that name. 'Dead Pulse.' Pulse... Why did the name somehow feel familiar to him? It gave him a sense of familiarity for some unknown reason he couldn't figure out. Why did it just feel... like he actually knew who he was referencing. They were a villain! He didn't associate himself with villains, who could it be? Why did it feel like he knew them? He didn't know any villains, or any potential villains at all. Why did it feel like he was once so close to him. 

Pulse... Dead Pulse..? Then it settled in. 'Obscurity' was 'Dead Pulse.' And that meant-

He shifted his attention behind him, narrowly avoiding death as he just barely dodged the blade heading for his face. It flew past him as his hair was the only thing damaged, and he jumped back into the air as he erased the figure behind him's quirk, and shot his capture weapon at the second villain. It curved at an angle to try and enwrap the female in his bandages. She jumped out of the way, rushing in a crouched, running position towards him. He deactivated his quirk before, going in with a low kick, which she dodged to the left, and he spun around to use his other leg to kick her, this time with a high roundhouse kick. His moving limbs flew just by her, almost seeming like she phased through them. A flurry of punches was sent his way, in which he flinched back his torso, and did a front kick, before evading away from anymore attacks with a back flip.

He heard cackling from behind him, and he turned around to erase the raventte's quirk before any azure flames could burst from his palms. Wrapping his scarf around him, he attempted to throw him at the other villain, but she used him as a springboard as she pounced on him. Her other blade lunged at him, in which he ducked, using an uppercut to disarm her from her weapon, once again spinning on his heel to land a jab by her ribs. She crouched and used her forearm to block, twirling her body and sending a foot at his direction. His capture weapon grabbed her leg, pulling her in, causing her to tumble onto the floor. Before he could immobilize her, flames were quick to surround him and he jumped off of her before they could trap him. 

Searching for the purple-scared male, his hair raised, defying gravity while his eyes shone red, activating his quirk and erasing his, the flames evaporating. He was about to lunge at him once more when he felt a tug on his shoulder. Whipping around to attack, he lashed out a punch, in which the smaller figure shuffled to the right, before ducking, and effectively, nailing him in the jaw. He fumbled backwards, allowing himself to fall, before rolling over into a ball, pushing himself off of the ground with his arms above his head, managing to land a hit in her gut. Manueving on his feet, he crouched down to whip her off of her foot, accomplishing making her topple.

Hearing shuffling from behind, he was able to leap out of turquoise eyed villain's attack. Flipping in midair above him, his leg bended as he turned to drive a knee in his foe's face activating his quirk at the same time. A hand had managed to block it, but his other leg spun around the lanky male's neck to form a headlock. Quickly dragging said man to the floor, he strangled the male with a goal to incapacitate, while his focus shifted off of the struggling villain and on to the female villain. Looking around to see that she had disappeared, he spotted a flicker of blue, and he sprung off of the male that he had in his hold, a tornado of blue flames surrounding the body. 

He knew now was not a time to catch his breath, but for a split second he let his guard down to relax as his muscles started to ache from overworking and his mind raced to search for a way to beat these two opponents. They were difficult, and their teamwork was outstanding. He can neither be able to defeat or injure them enough for them to surrender without the other coming in to save him. As an underground hero, he was used to being able to take out villains by sneaking up on them, and defeating them swiftly. He was good at dealing with one villain alone, and though he had the skills to, he usually didn't fight more than one villain at the time. The USJ had taught him to cover up that vulnerability more, but he was still struggling with it. 

His heart was racing quickly, as he knew he had to protect those kids with everything he had, he couldn't have any close quarters anymore. Not like how the USJ incident ended. He needed to protect those students with his life no matter the cost because they were the future and they would also be the reason he would have a future at all when he can't work as a hero anymore. His brows furrowed as he tried to think of a plan in a second. He needed to somehow defeat both of these two. Really, the only thing he could do was either turn the male's quirk against the female, or take both out at the same time. 

For a single moment, he allowed himself to relax as he stared at the wall of blue flames. 

That was his mistake as a blade flew through the flames, cutting him across his cheek and skin, as he just barely evaded out of it. If it had managed to hit it's target accurately, he probably wouldn't be alive for very long. He saw a silhouette rushing through the wall of towering fire, immediately launching one end of his scarf at the nearing figure, only to snag back a black jacket that had been worn from one of villains from inside the fire. The fire dispersed abruptly, shrinking into a smaller and smaller fire in a matter of seconds until there was nothing there, and there was no one behind that wall of flames. He recognized it as a diversion, and he felt his heart freeze when by impulse he turned around. 

For a brief moment, he freezed in utter fear at the overwhelming presence. His breath was sucked out of him, leaving him no oxygen to take into his lungs. His eyes widening, shock and horror ran across his face, as his eyebrows lifted in a surprised manner. His muscles all tensed at that one moment while he turned his head around to glance at what was behind him. He didn't know of it- what it was- only it made every end of his nerves inside of him stop. There was no way he could describe it at that moment, only that everything inside of him screamed of 'death' and 'escape.' That it was lethal whatever was behind him, and had intent to kill. But wasn't that how all villains were? So... what was this? A monster?

Shaking that fear out, he acted instinctively, his scarf already flying towards the thing behind him, as his body shifted on his heel, twirling his form to face whoever villain he was facing. A blur of black and yellow once again flashed in his eyes and he wasn't fast enough to process how it maneuvered through his scarf, and then past him.

Pain erupted in his gut as an unnaturally brute and overpowering force collided into his lower torso, and he choked back a groan and a mouthful of spit spouted from his dry lips as he was knocked onto the ground. A more intensive pain formed at his palms as it was pinned down into the ground by a small, sharp object, this time, unable to hold back his grunt of agony as his sight became foggy from the sudden unforeseen quantity ache as it throbbed within his entire being. An entire heavy object splayed along on top of him, keeping him pinned down onto the ground. He groaned as he used his quirk, only to receive a sharp jab in the jaw, which had caused his vision to dimmed and smudged his view. Spots of black and blue with tints of yellow, his eyes tried to adjust, and suddenly he was just seeing gray as the ruffling of his own scarf alerted him that it was being placed over his eyes. 

He let in a gasp and struggled, lunging forward with as much strength as he could to throw the figure off of him and free himself, gritting in pain as something in his left palm was constricting him to do so, and the weight placed on top of him remained. Noticing that something had penetrated through his palm and into the earth, he could feel the liquid texture of what he can only assume was blood flow down his injured hand. Fuck, she had stabbed him in the palms. He tried to lift his legs, but noticed that they had placed their knees onto his upper legs, making him unable to him, and one arm was firmly keeping his other arm pinned. He tried to lift his left arm, his uninjured arm, but wasn't able to. He groaned as options were starting to limit themselves and he was becoming helpless under this villain's grasp.

Was he dying today? What about the students? The students! He needed to protect them! No matter the cost! He had to! He had to try-

"So are you gonna do it or not. I heard from the league you're like a puppet. They have high expectations for you, Pulse. Although grabbing that kid is their only goal, they have one goal for you in mind really. You do remember what that was right?" the ravennette villain's voice rang through his ears, making the Erasure hero know that it was the female that was pinning him down. Not only she was agile, and nimb, she was no doubt, strong. Damn it. 

They were going to grab a student, just as he thought, making him struggle harder with his newfound adrenaline. He could tell that she was struggling to hold him down which internally made him grin satisfyingly, but that didn't help him get out of his situation. What was her goal? To kill him? Probably so, after all their target was Class 1-A, and he was their teacher, their protector, their shield. He had to protect them no matter what, but removing him from the board would help them achieve whatever goal they planned on having. Weren't they trying to attack society though? Who were they most likely to kidnap? The powerful ones? Which one were they? The winners of the Sports Festival? Most likely. Tokoyami, Bakugou, Todoroki? 

Todoroki would most likely not be it, as personally, they would get on Endeavor's bad side, the top hero in Japan after All Might. No villain would be dumb enough to take Todoroki, that would just be asking for their death. Although as much as a douchebag he was, he didn't kill, but he had been close to doing that with some. He was sure if someone had kidnapped Todoroki, his child, they would be incinerated to ashes though. They didn't want to have a target on their backs by Endeavor. Although, it still was a possibility. 

He skipped over Tokoyami because something told him it was Bakugo they were going after. Why? What made them so interested in him enough that they would break into a summer camp just to kidnap him? What purpose was it for? What reasons? Yes, Bakugo was an experienced fighter even at the age he is at, but why him? His quirk maybe, Explosion was powerful, with a matching personality... were they trying to convince him to be a hero? Or did this play a part in attacking the superhero society? How so?

A student that attended UA getting kidnapped? Now he knew. If any of those students were kidnapped, how would that look on their part, the school's part. UA was the top hero school in Japan, so having a student get kidnapped under the authority of a UA staff would surely make them look bad, and the civilians would turn and doubt them and the superhero society. They wanted to break today's society. That's what they were aiming and gaining from this. But what would they do once they have broken that society? Create a new one? 

Even the League of Villains were just some cliche villains from a shonen anime. 

"You know what to do. I'll leave you to him then. Crusty says you haven't killed someone yet, and wants to make sure you learn. You're going to be having a lot of blood on your hands in the future, he says. Anyways, from what I've seen, I'm sure you can do it. Hurry it up." 

Aizawa expected to hear footsteps be carried away towards the forest, or perhaps even inside the building. He felt a liquid like sound drip, goop as drip by drip it landed on what he could only assume was the ground? Had one of them turned into liquid? Or was it someone else? He couldn't tell, but the fluid kept dripping, making the sounds echo in his ears like water running from a tap and falling into a puddle of more of its content. 

His blurry vision returned to the mix of blue and black, along with the small dots of yellow as he squinted to adjust his vision. He felt the weight on his neck disappear, as he saw an outline of a hand holding up his scarf. He tried to struggle against her, but his strength and energy was depleting. Attempting to rip himself off of the ground, he made a few last minute fruitless escape efforts, thrashing around under the villain on top of him's hold, trying to get her off of her. Black eyes scanned his surroundings as he glanced at his injured hand and the blade that stuck out of it. His head turned as he bit onto the handle of the katana that was embedded onto his palm. Gritting his teeth over it, he tried to pull it out, before a heavy blow was dealt to his head, making his head spin, as his mouth let go of the sword. 

The burden that laid on top of him was lifted off of him, and for a moment he believed in freedom, the blade lodged into his right hand was pulled out, until he was wrapped in the familiar contents of his own capture weapon. His limbs binded against his sides and his legs put together like glue, the scarf was made so it was hard to wriggle out of its grasp. He felt his body being dragged across the floor, and he couldn't help but look back at the building that inhibited his students. 

His students. 

He needed to protect them. He couldn't be giving up now, not when his student's lives were at risk. How could he be so helpless? So useless, so worthless, incompetent, weak. How could he let himself be defeated by this villain over and over again? What was it that he didn't have that allowed her to be able to overpower him? How could he, a teacher of UA, be allowed to be defeated by a villain and allow other villains do whatever they wish to his students. He was a teacher for fuck's sake, and a hero, he had to protect them with everything he had, that was how all heroes should be.

But everything was slowly depleting from him as he was dragged deeper into the woods. He didn't even know what to do or say that would distract her. Once they reached a dense part of the forest, she stopped dragging him and paused. They had finally reached their destination. 

He gazed at his soon-to-be-killer. The hooded figure with a black mask with piercing, yellow eyes that flashed on his face, the matching midnight cloak over her suit and boots. Downed in jet inkinesss, with only the vibrant, gold light seeping from her eye holes in her mask. The mix of amber and ebony specks he wouldn't forget as he stared in his murderer's eyes. He couldn't see them through the mask holes, the bright lights shining like headlights at him blinded his blurry vision. 

A fingerless gloved hand raised to the villain's face, gripping onto it, and lifting it up, revealing her lips. 

"Your last words," she spoke with such a quiet, but emotionless voice, it made him wonder. How from those three words made chills go down his spine, not because of the actual context of the words, but the numbness and emptiness he felt in her voice. He knew because he had that same tone in his every day, he pondered on what made her like this. What made her like a villain, what made her seem so cold and just an empty husk through all of his interactions with her. Because she had never fought like her life depended on it. He didn't remember her reacting all that much to pain either. 

His last words? What was his last words? Why was she giving him time to say her last words? She had a blade in hand, he was immobilized, she could get the job down quickly right here and now. Why would she even let him have his last words before he died? Was she pitying him? Was that it? Was she killing time? Bored? Becoming merciful? Stalling? After all, she's never killed, it could mean she's hesitating. This could be his chance. But what should he say? 

His obsidian gems locked onto hers, as he didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed the gap again when no words came out from his mouth.

In a swift motion, he felt the cold metallic blade at his throat, cutting a thin line over his skin, causing red to trickle out of it. His breath hitched in fear as he held in his breath. He was afraid, very afraid to take in his last breath without seeing this class graduate. Without saying something to Hizashi or Nemuri, or even... visiting.... Y/N... He was afraid for his life, but who wouldn't be? He wasn't sure what he had in mind for the future, only that he still hoped he had one, but he wasn't sure. 

There was no hesitation in the villain when she brought down the blade on his neck, so that crossed that option out. She didn't seem the type to play around, her words told him so. They didn't urge him to say something or tease him, she only bluntly stated them. She also didn't seem like someone to be pitiful, her actions didn't show him that she was pitying him and deliberately lowering her guard to just play with him. She was merciful? What for? What mercy was she giving him? It didn't make sense, she confused him. 

She blankly stared at him, and words that he's been to say for years suddenly escaped out of his throat. He didn't know why he said them there and now, maybe because he had to make his final moments count, but these words... he should have said a long time ago, yet he hadn't found the courage or strength to do so until now apparently. Because those words, no matter how much it hurted him, didn't hurt him enough to withhold it just before his death. He's been scared to say it, but with nothing to lose because he was going to lose everything anyways, he was able to say this one without fear. 

As the blade pressed against his neck even more, making more blood poor from the cut, for once he was grateful to be at the doorstep at death. It gave him the courage to say something he thought he would never be able to say. Even though he was at his death, something shined within his eyes, something that enlightened a fire within his soul as he thought back to Y/N. Because no matter what he thought, she had shaped his life the way it is, no matter how harsh or rough he found life to be. 

Someone like that only deserved to hear his next words.

"I-... I'm sorry for failing you," his raspy voice spoke. "From..." he gulped down a a breathe of fear to say the next thing. "From Aizawa Shota." 

And then, the villain just tensed. Shallow breaths escaped her as she continued to breathe, but he could hear it increasingly fasten in pace, her breathing was much more desperate. Her mouth was unhinged in what seemed to be shock and fear. Then the blade in her hand started wobbling. Why? Then he saw something he didn't think he'd ever see from the villain. Her form was trembling like a leaf in the wind but her face seems to still expressed an emotionless facade, but then some kind of liquid dripped down onto her jaw from under the mask. At first, he thought it was blood, but as a blue light flickered over her form, it wasn't blood at all.

It was tears.

For minutes she stood like that, unmoving that made him question her, until suddenly-

She collapsed. 

A/N: You can check out my Aizawa oneshots book "Soft Boi" if you guys want! There's a few chapters there already. Most likely smuts may be published there. 

Thank you for those who are voting/commenting. It means the world to mean whenever I see someone do either of those, and to those already doing it, thank you so much. Thanks for the support you guys!

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