▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 • • • • • • • • • •
With E Class, the exam papers were being passed to everyone, mentally preparing themselves. These are exams each of us takes separately, yet we still like we're in the same boat with all these others.'
'Those we fight beside,'
Those we fight against,'
'The cheers and jeers from the onlookers.'
'This is almost like...'
He looks in front of him and found himself standing in front of a metal gate, loud cheers and screams around him. The heavy gate was the lifted, releasing him from the dark room.
We are assassins.
He stood there inside a huge battle arena.
And right now we're gladiators, too.
Just then a huge monster crawled out under the ground.
Another day.
Nagisa held his Warhammer tightly in his hands, staring at the monster before him as he gets ready.
...another fight bell rings!
Let the battle between A Class and E Class: Commence!
"Tests are a good thing." Koro-sensei said particularly to no one, as he was standing outside in front of the entrance of the old building while enjoying the breeze. "The knowledge gained from a night of cramming will be all but forgotten once you hit adulthood. And that's fine. The experience you gain through competition, having sharpened your skills and broadened your minds all under the same set of rules? That's the real treasure."
The battle had finally started and each students were facing a beast of the question they have to answer. For Nagisa he was still racking his mind, trying to remember the words he needed.
The monster came forward and tried to attack the small bluenette with its huge weapon, but thankfully, Nagisa had dodge its hug hammer.
'So fast!'
The monsters were everywhere attacking every students it sees.
'Much faster than midterms... At a combined junior-senior high Pre school,'
Nagisa ran towards the beast just as the beast released a beaming attack at him.
'It's not unusual for junior-high students to start learning at a high-school level in year 3.'
The boy dodged and avoid the incoming attacks.
'The fastest-paced subjects at our school are English, math, and science. But the same conditions apply to us all.'
"So this is the last problem?" Seo smirked, staring at the gigantic beast in front of him, holding his own weapon. Listening to the anguish screams that came from the other students who were being beaten by their own opponent. 'Those scrubs! I spent a year in Los Angeles when my folks worked there.' The male thought, wearing a smug expression. 'There's no way any junior-high level stuff will trip up now!'
He smacked his Warhammer right at the beast's chest, making monster groaned at the attack. But his attack didn't affect his opponent, indicating he had the wrong answer.
The beast lowered his head growling at Seo. 'It's not going down? What's the-? You could use this as the answer key!'
Nakamura came running towards the beast that Seo didn't defeat and jumped to its head, using the end point of the handle of the Warhammer she pierce through it within the middle of its head as the spot she had hit showed her the correct answer.
"Why so serious?" The blonde winked. "Lighten up a little, Mr. Top Scholar!"
The monster disappeared into a fist of explosion as Nakamura had defeated the last problem. Standing straight, she flipped her hair back showing off her great work.
What a queen.
'A perfect score? From the E Class?!'
The girl turned to his direction, showing him her big innocent mocking smile. "I'm guessing you never read Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye."
Back with Koro-sensei, the humanoid octopus teacher held the test questionnaires in his tentacle. "Leave it to a fine school to come up with some fine questions. The questions cite literature." Standing beside him was Bitch-sensei, who as well was examining the questions. "They'll want the scoring standard to include how much a student reads and how adaptable she can be. They'll probably lose points if they don't answer in the same tought and concise cooquial style as the source text."
Nagisa ran towards to the beast, who had its back facing him. Using this to his advantage, the boy jumped towards to its skull head and used the same method that Nakamura had done, hitting the middle spot of its head, and for most definitely Nagisa had successfully defeat the monster.
'I did it!'
'Damn! Our English teacher only mentioned that novel in passing in the middle of class!' Seo hissed in annoyance, dodging the swinging attacks of the enemy.
"I guess you didn't have many friends overseas, eh, Seo-kun?" Nakamura grinned cockily. "Like an octopus who practically pushed books onto you?"
Nagisa let out a short nervous laugh off, remebering how Koro-sensei obsessing over those books and recommended his students to read the specific books; "I've always admired this kind of subtle rebellion. You simply must read it in both languages. It ought to strike a real chord with you at your age."
'Dammit!' Seo inwardly cursed.
"Ha! Science is about memorization!" Koyama claimed, pointing his staff to a knight, blasting its magic at it as he tried to destroy the armor it was wearing. But then, his attack was dismissed as the attack he had given didn't cracked nor destroyed the armor. Making the enemy charge towards him. "Huh? I can't get its armor off!"
The knight slammed its sword his way but the male student jumped away from the attack. "But I know I memorized this!" It was then he noticed Okuda, she was sitting on the knight's shoulder, it wasn't attacking her. The helmet that the other knight's wore wasn't there anymore.
"Well, you see..." Okuda softly began as the knight cooed. "Real science isn't any fun if it's just memorization. Science absolutely loves when you tell it-" She lightly tapped the head with her own staff as the correct answer appeared. "in words, mind you- that you know what it is." The knight then slipped his armor off of himself as if it was nothing and started skipping happily and giggling with Okuda away from Koyama, like a simple minded child.
'Even in science, you need language skills to reach your opponent. I understand that know, Koro-sensei!'
[Social Studies]
'Now I've done it...' Araki panicked, trying to get out of the crater, the sword that was used for this battle was broken as he had failed to answer the question correctly. 'How am I supposed to know how many times the Tokyo International Conference on African Development has met?!' The boy inwardly exclaimed, watching the ongoing fight.
Taking down an enemy, Isogai huffed a sigh of relief for defeating the opponent. "That was close. Good thing I studied that."
"Isogai, you little..."
"Just a fluke." The dark brunette interrupted him. "See, my family's pretty poor, and when I looked it up out of sympathy for Africa's poverty issues.." He specifically remembered the time Koro-sensei had came to his own home and took Isogai to Africa. "Being taken to the actual location only made that much more interested!"
' "Spring has gone away and summer come, it would seem- from those white help robes laid to dry in the sunlight on Kagu's Heavenly Hill." ' Kanzaki completed her answer defeating the samurai with the essence of magic.
Ren lightly chuckled, swiping his hair from his face. "Your words are as lovely as your face!" The boy tried to flirt, using his naginata trying to defeat the samurai before him. "But a mere silver of satisfactory answer does not an aced exam make!"
And so, the final subject. A battle between the student council president and the redhead sadist. One battle to show who will beat the other with the highest score, to show which one is truly the smart one between the two.
'Math, eh?' Asano thought passing the test papers to the person behind him. 'Akabane's in the E Class? He came in second on the midterms, after me. Quite a showing for an E-Calss student. However... I have no blind spots- not in math, not in any subject.'
And so, the exam for math shall begin.
'Aw.' Karma cooed in his mind, watching his classmates working hard in answering the problems in a fast pace. 'Everyone's in such a tizzy. That's not what winning is all about.' He twirled his pencil between his fingers, before it was replaced by a gun. Asano and Karma stood beside each other waiting for the gate to be fully opened, neither didn't noticed a dark shadow-y figure looming behind them. 'Total victory is scoring an east win by doing what you always do.'
The crowd continued to scream and cheer, growing louder as Asano and Karma step forward, walking out and into the arena. 'Hell be my sacrifice to the proper way of winning. That'll shown 'em.'
Two days of exams. Assassination, our wager- everything was riding on how many circles we got.
Thre days later and the day had finally came. The results of their exams. Just there, being held by Koro-sensei waiting to be announced on who got a higher or perfect score from their test.
"Well, class, your scores in all subjects have arrived." Koro-sensei announced. As the students where tense. All kept quiet waiting for the results. Fuwa holding a marker to tally the scores.
"Here goes, starting with English:" He declared, opening the small brown envelope taking the paper reading the score and the owner of the test. "First in the E Class and first in the grade..." The sudden announced of a student being first place in the whole grade surprised the whole class. "Nakamura Rio!"
The whole class all turned to the blonde as the students cheered in victory for their classmate's success of beating the Big five in the subject.
Nakamura Rio
100 in English
1st in Year 3
"Take that!" Nakamura said, grinning for her victory. As Seo was 5 points away from perfecting the test.
"Oh, looks like we have two top scorers in English. Congratulations for scoring the exam, Miyazaki Hanako!" The other students gasped in amazement at the announcement, congratulating her and Nakamura for a job well done.
Miyazaki Hanako
100 in English
Also 1st in Year 3
"Perfect." Koro-sensei complimented his students for their great work. Returning her test to Nakamura. "Through your motivation had a whimsical side that worried me."
The blonde female then cooed. "Well, there was ten billion yen on the line! Don't forget about that tentacle, now, Koro-sensei." She winked, reminding him of the deal they had made.
"I wouldn't pass this opportunity." Hanako simply responded as she and her blonde classmate congratulated one another.
"Of course and I won't." He said before handing out the rest of the papers to the students.
As he also have a small feedback to Nagisa. "Nagisa-kun, you put a good fight, but you haven't kicked your habit of making spelling mistakes when it really counts."
Shiota Nagisa
91 in English
6th in Year 3
"Still, top marks in a subject means that's one tentacle down." He told them, placing a small flag in his two tentacles saying 'To be destroyed'. "Let's wait until I've read all the scores to see if we have something to celebrate."
Next subject was Japanese, Koro-sensei taking the paper from the envelope, announcing the first place. "Next up is Japanese: First in the E Class... Kanzaki Yukiko!"
The class once again cheered for their classmate's victory, but Koro-sensei had cut them short.
"However! First in the grade goes to Asano Gakushuu of the A Class!"
Kanzaki Yukiko
96 in Japanese
2nd in Year 3
"Kanzaki-san, you did an excellent job. And that's enough." He cheered her, handing the test to her.
"Asano can really snag those points." Maehara said, feeling irritated.
"He's crazy tough. Nakamura and Miyazaki only beat him in English by a single point." Mimura said, agreeing with Maehara.
"He isn't top of the nation for nothing." Isogai added to the comment. "No weakness- not in any subject."
"They're collectively known as the Big Five... but it really comes to Asano. You've got to take him down or you'll never get to the top." Mimura finished, looking at his result.
"Let's move on." Koro-sensei said, taking another test paper. "In social studies, first in the E Class goes to Isogai Yuuma-kun." He announced, the said boy waited for Koro-sensei to say if he had made it to being first in the whole grade. "And as for the first in the year level..." Koro-sensei momentarily paused. "Congratulations! You beat out Asano-kun to take the top spot!"
Isogai cheered, standing up from his seat in glee for beating Asano and his goons. "Yes!"
Isogai Yuuma
97 in Social Studies
1st in Year 3
"An excellent job, especially considering the fiendish questions you have to deal with!" He praised Isogai.
"We're 2 to 1!" Fuwa happily informed.
"Next up is Science..." Sugaya said, turning to the shy girl. "Is it Okuda?"
"First in the E Class for science is Okuda Manami! And..." Okuda stared at his teacher, waiting for him to finish. "Marvelous! First in the year is also Okuda Manami!"
Okuda Manami
98 in Science
1st in Year 3
Everyone cheered once again for another win as Fuwa added another tally.
"That's 3 to 1!"
"We don't even have to hear how math turned out! We've already won!"
Maehara shouted in glee.
"Great work, Okuda!"
The class cheered and praised their Science loving girl, who was sheepishly smiling while she walks back to her seat.
"That tentacle is yours!"
"A Job well done for your victory Okuda-chan." Hanako smiled to the braided female, congratulating the girl's achievement.
Red tinted the cheeks of the purple haired female as she was taken aback of Hanako sudden compliment. "T-Thank you, Miyazaki-chan!"
"And so's what we're asking for in this little deal!" Kimura added.
"I can't wait!" Kurahashi respond excitedly.
"So that just leaves math." Takebayashi adjusted his glasses.
Asano Gakushuu
100 in Math
1st in Year 3
"We're 3 to 1 over all five subjects." Koyama groaned, annoyed that the E Class has beaten them. "We lost to the E Class. What could be more humiliating?"
"But it still worked out, Koyama." Seo tried to lighten up the mood of his friend. "I mean, we beat them on total scores."
"Hmph." The male huffed, fixing his glasses. "That Miyazaki got second for the total scores but who cares about that bitch when I got my own back against the guy who stole fourth place from me. But that guy..." He gave a short chuckle. "He dug his own grave!"
"Didn't even bother to compete, the scrub."
Akabane Karma
85 in Math
10 in Year 3
Total Score: 469
13th in Year 3
Karma was outside, standing under a tree and away from everyone. Clutching his own test results as he stared at the ground with wide eyes. Angry that he didn't beat Asano as he had planned. Angry that he fell deeper and failed to ranked number 1.
"The A Class is mighty indeed." The voice of Koro-sensei interrupted his thoughts. "They monopolize the top six ranks in overall scores for five subjects." The octopus explained to him. "The best overall scores in the E Class were Kataoka-san's and Takebayashi-kun's, both tied for 7th place, especially Miyazaki-san. That's to be expected. Everyone in the A Class studied like mad, too. The test's difficulty levels had been greatly increased. No lazy student could be expected to keep up. Take Miyazaki-san for example, I knew that she would pass the exams with flying colors but she still studied to sharpen her blade. And look happened, she tied with Asano-kun in math, as well as Nakamura-san, and placed second on the total Score, only few points she would've tied with Asano-kun."
Miyazaki Hanako
100 in Math
Also 1st place in Year 3
Total Score: 489
2nd in Year 3
Just then a memory of the conversation between him and the aforementioned girl flashed in his mind.
"That cockiness and pride of yours will be your down fall if you keep this up, Akabane-san."
"Don't worry Akabane-san that pride and cocky behavior will soon shatter and you will experience the feeling of losing."
"It's not an opinion Akabane."
"It's a statement."
That monotous voice of hers echoed his ears, even if she wasn't there the universe had found a way for her to mock him and it infuriated the boy.
Karma for a moment didn't uttered a word. "What are you trying to say?" Karma questioned.
Koro-sensei slowly revealed himself from behind the tree wearing a wide grin, calling Karma out, his tone lacing full of mockery. "You thought, 'I'm so cool I'll ace these exams, no sweat'? How mortifying!"
Karma's face suddenly flared red from embarrassment. The infamous Akabane Karma was blushing, a rare moment to see and such a shame that no one was there to witness this fine phenomenal moment...
"Four students have the right to destroy one of my tentacles: Nakamura-san, Isogai-kun, Okuda-san, and Miyazaki-san." Koro-sensei clarified, listing the names of the students who were gonna destroy his tentacles. "You contributed nothing- not to this assassination and not to this wager. Is that understood?" Koro-sensei asked, now standing in front of the redhead sadist, green stripes on his face indicating of mocking Karma as he began to tease the boy by poking his face. "Those who can't do what they have to when the time for action comes will find presence fading in our classroom." He repeatedly poked Karma in different certain places of his face as the boy still red as his hair. "An assassin who neglects to sharpen his blade is no assassin at all. He's just a boastful brat swinging around a rusty sword."
Having enough of his lecture, teasing, and mockery, Karma shoved away his tentacles pushing himself off the tree and walk away from him with a red, angery, and embarrassment face. Koro-sensei watched his figure grow smaller as Karasuma stood behind his colleague.
"Wasn't that a little much?" Karasuma said, feeling a tad sympathy for Karma.
"Don't worry." The alien assured him. "I only cut him down beacuse hell spring back up. He has been gifted with much talent. But those so talented often lack experience. There's no danger of training him up without knowing real competition, since he can keep on winning without ever really trying. If great talent knows the frustration of defeat early on, it can become even greater." Koro-sensei continued his little speech as he leaves the scene. "Exams are an opportunity to correctly teach the meaning of winning and losing and of strength weakness. Soak up stacked servings of successes and setbacks, may students! Take in now what it means to win and what it means to lose!"
He stood under the shining light of the sun, letting the breeze passed him. "It's just so important... and I didn't realize it until the very end."
Karma entered the the old school building still with a burning red face. The words of Koro-sensei really got to him, he was abashed from failing to beat Asano,to take first place, and Koro-sensei derisive comments.
A white flash suddenly blinded his sight for a moment, hearing the sound of a camera go off indicating someone had taken a photo of him while he was in this agitated state. Karma rubbed his eyes trying to get rid of blindness, and lo and behold the person who had taken a photo of him was no other than Miyazaki Hanako.
The girl held her phone in her one hand while other was place on her waist, putting her weight on one foot. She was grinning from ear to ear obviously mocking him for his failure.
"Oi, delete that right now Miyazaki." Karma demanded the girl and tread over to her trying to take her phone.
"Oh~ And why should I? How could I erased this beautiful moment of you having humiliation and embrassment written all over that pretty little face yours~?" She taunted the boy, the grin not vanishing.
"I swear to god Miyazaki delete or—" He tried speak but Hanako didn't give him a chance.
"Isn't it thrilling how the great Akabane Karma, the one that declared he will top the exams with ease has fallen in defeat? Oh I know I am!" She exclaimed enjoying that embarrasse and annoyed face on Karma. The latter so badly wanted to rip that smug expression off her face.
"How does defeat taste like? Must be awful!" She added more salt in the wound. "I can see this broke that big pride of yours, how delightful."
"Shut up." Karma mumbled under his breath, not understanding Hanako's sudden change of attitude. Yes, they like to tease and make of each other, mostly him, but honestly he didn't expect this kind of treatment.
"I have told you before that huge pride would bring you down. You ought to this just because you have a high IQ doesn't mean that you can proudly answer every solution without any studying. It's like telling a homeless person to buy a house. You skipped the process and went straight to the results without learning the difficulties." She stared down at him. Won't you look at that, the silverette girl has the guts to look down at the Akabane Karma.
'Why are you acting like this?' Karma wanted to blurt out that question and refrained himself.
Hanako brought up her hand grabbed Karma by his chin forcing him to look at the girl in front. "Clearly you still have naivety left in you. To believe yourself of such thing without another thought, quite pathetic, I daresay."
Karma with no ounce was enjoying her provoking and ridiculing him. His hand were curled into a fist slightly shaking from the anger that was boiling inside his system. He was already angry at the fact that he lost and the octopus' taunts but fuel was added even more when Hanako stared to spat insults and he had enough of this.
He hated losing to Asano.
He hated Koro-sensei for mocking.
He hated how he felt humiliated.
He hated that sardonic expression of Hanako's.
Where was the sweet, caring, cheery, sarcastic, bookworm Miyazaki Hanako he grew fond of went?
The one that was standing in front was like a while new different Hanako.
"How piteous for you—" Karma cut off her sentence grabbing her by the black necktie then slammed her back against the the wall and his hand was right beside her head, trapping her.
He had enough.
"Fucking shut up, Miyazaki." Karma snarled with a deep threatening voice, mercury eyes glaring deadly at her unaffected face. He had enough of her humiliating and making fun of him.
Hanako directly stared at the now infuriated boy for a minute not really minding the close proximity, before she laughed. She was enjoying this too much.
And Karma didn't find this action funny as there was nothing amusing. "You think this is funny?"
"Very hilarious." The young teen agreed without a doubt. "Honestly do you really think you can scare me Akabane? How weak. They may be intimidated and terrified of you but you cannot frighten me, nor threaten to kill me," She grasped onto his wrist to pulled his hand away as a twisted, horrifying, insane face presented in her face. "As death bows down to me."
If looks could kill he'd already be buried in the cemetery. He wouldn't admit it out loud but it was utterly petrifying, he can't believed that Hanako can be this terrifying. How does Nagisa handle all this?
The green eyed teen dropped his hand then took the collar of his white shirt, bringing her lips close to his ear. "That pride shall be your ending. And I would love to see that finale." And blew hot air to his ear, he felt shivers run down his spine. Next Hanako pushed Karma away from her, the boy stumbled a bit trying to regain his balance while Hanako return to the classroom.
Akabane stared at her retreating figure, rubbing the ear she whispered into, heart beating fast from the events that just happened.
During that moment, Karma felt intimidated by her.
"All right, class, you had a fine showing in finals," Koro-sensei congratulated his students for doing their best. "taking the top spot in four out of five subjects."
Nagisa took a brief glance at Karma, who wasn't even listening to Koro-sensei much.
"Shall we get started with the assassination?" He showed four of his tentacles, all landed to be destroyed. "The top four can choose any tentacle they like." Then his skin turned to green stripes. 'I can lose four, no problem.' He thought, reassuring himself. 'Six? Now that would have been rough.'
"Whoa there, octopus!" Terasaka suddenly exclaimed, interrupting Koro-sensei's train of thought. As Terasaka's goons stood at the front. "We got more than four in the top!" The two toned claimed.
The sudden claim of Terasaka easier questions for Koro-sensei. "No, there are four, Terasaka-kun." He corrected him. "Out of Japanese, English, social studies, science, and math-" He counted with his tentacles but Terasaka shoved a tentacle out of his face, objecting to his teacher's claim.
"Huh? Quit playin' dumb! It's six subjects: that's Japanese, English, social studies, science, math, and home ec!" He lightly threw the four papers on his desk to show a perfect 100 score for home ec.
"H-home ec?!" The yellow octopus shrieked.
Terasaka Ryouma
Yoshida Taisei
Muramatsu Takuya
Hazama Kirara
100 in Home ec
1st in Year 3
"Nobody said what subjects we had to ace!"
The four student all wore a victorious grins.
Hazama snickered. "Good thing we all had a hand in this scheme."
'Actually, I hate to admit it, they're kinda right.' Hanako, to her dismay, admitted to herself.
Chiba having an idea spoke his thought to Karma, pointing at Koro-sensei.
"W-wait a second! Home ec is just-" The panicking teacher tried to protest.
Allowing Chiba's idea, Karma smirked, cutting off their teacher. "Just what? Isn't that a little rude, Koro-sensei? Why, home ec is the toughest subject of them all." The boy gave a simple reason.
Making the rest of the class broke into shouts, telling him to allow them, convincing him that he should allow them to the deal. By this, it created an uproar within the classroom.
"Yeah! Don't break your promise!"
"Four of us scored highest in the most important subject: home ec!"
"That's eight tentacles in all!" Kurahashi elated.
"Eight?! Eek!" Koro-sensei squeaked in fright.
The class started to chant.
Isogai raised his hand making everyone stop chanting as he spoke. "Oh, and Koro-sensei, we've been talking... We'll use our prize from the A Class wager to help with this assassination." She brought it the school pamphlet.
"What?" Koro-sensei spoke in english, still processing.
The day of another assembly came and the E Class were waiting for the Big Five to make their appearance.
The end-of-term ceremony came hot on the heels of our final exams. But there was one thing left for us to do.
By the entrance door, Terasaka's group all stood there, waiting for the Big five. When spotted, the Yoshida quickly announced their arrival. "Aw, yeah, here he comes."
"Our oh-so-great student council president." Terasaka taunted, as him and the rest of his group all wore a smug smile.
"What do you want?" Asano asked, continuing to walk inside with the rest of the members following like a bunch of dogs, obviously not wanting to deal with them. "I'm too busy with the ceremony to deal with the likes of the E Class."
But Terasaka wasn't done with him as he place a hand at the strawberry blonde's shoulder stopping him from getting further away. "Not so fast! Aren't you forgettin' something?"
Asano hid a small gasp when he averted his eyes to see the whole E Class, all waiting in the gym for him.
"We had a bet, Asano." Isogai reminded him. "Where tge winner could make any one demand. We sent out demand via email. I trust no complaints?" The boy asked for clarification, making sure they weren't being tricked or played.
"Don't even try pretendin' it was all just a joke!" Terasaka smirked, giving them a warning. "We could always throw home ec into those five subjects. 'Course, we'd still win!" He brags, as Nagisa and the others watched comically with sweatdrops.
"You sure got the wool pulled over your eyes." Bitch-sensei stated. Both her and Koro-sensei staring in front of the window from the faculty room, watching the small scenery. "By those punks, no less."
"Yes, though their argument was rather tenuous." He nodded, half agreeing to her statement. "But I'm glad. Since home ec isn't on any of the entrance exams, it's not considered important, so there's a tendency for home ec teachers to put whatever questions they like on the exam. That put the E Class at an overwhelming disadvantage, since in their only teacher. They must have done some serious research into past testing trends- all to get the better of me. With their creative thinking in finding a loophole and the power to focus on attacking it, I'd say they fit perfectly in my classroom." Koro-sensei finished, as he was proud of his students for really trying their best.
The way how Koro-sensei worded how he's happy for his students and proud about them being in his class made Bitch-sensei smiled softly. "By the way..." She said, but her questioned had ruined the small quiet moment. "Why did we have to say behind?"
"Karasuma-sensei told us not to come to the closing ceremony." Koro-sensei pouted.
"Because you're an octopus!"
"Because you're a bitch!"
At the gym, the main campus students were all scattered inside meanwhile the E Class were all lined up properly. Waiting for the assembly to start.
"Karma!" Isogai called, surprised to see the redhead boy attending the ceremony. "Since when do you attend all-school assemblies?"
The boy huffed. "If I skip now, it'll look like I'm running away." Karma admitted. Accepting his defeat that he had lost for this term. "No thanks."
His confession even made Isogai more suprise.
"At least you know when to accept your defeat and learn from your mistakes." Hanako muttered, not really intended for him to hear but for some reason he did. Karma clicked his tongue in annoyance, removing his right hand from his pant pocket then pinched the girl's side, trying to see if she would react, only for his hand to be smacked away when Hanako felt his fingers on her waist. She quickly gave him a bored playful warning glare and as for Karma, he just grinned at her and stuck his tongue out playfully. But, he was still wary of what occurred between them earlier, he just tried to push that memory behind his mind. He asked about it but then the girl gave him a dumbfounded look objecting that she didn't remember doing that but still apologize for her rudeness.
He didn't know if that was just a fluke or if that was the true face of Miyazaki Hanako.
"Storehouse Beach!" Nakamura spoke in English, helping Kurahashi with her English vocabulary.
"Storehouse-huh?" But didn't get to finish the words when someone stood between the two girls. Which was the Ritsu proxy.
"Karasuma-sensei!" Sugaya shrilled, walking towards his teacher, as he pointed at Ritsu proxy. He's actually quite weirded out by her. "The fake Ritsu is too distracting! I can't concentrate!" He complained.
"Suck it up. This is to keep Ritsu from being exposed as a machine." The man told him, shuting down his complain. "She's my immediate supervisor's daughter- tight-lipped and know better than to pry." If anyone looked closely to Ritsu proxy, you could actually see the phone that was placed in her chest pocket where the real Ritsu was present. "And my supervisor's glad that Ritsu's tutoring for her grades up."
"She's been next to me ever since exams." Sugaya grumbled. "My concentration took such a hit I wound up last in class!"
Sugaya Sousuke
Total Score: 338
95th of 186 in Year 3
'Last in class? That's still around the middle of the year level. He's come a long way from the very very bottom.' Karasuma thought, a proud smile made way to his lips.
As the assembly started, the rest of the students all formed a line as the old man in front began to speak. "Now, it may be summer vacation, but don't slack off. Er, uh..." He paused as he couldn't think anything to say insulting to them other than; "You don't want to wind up like the E Class, you know..."
Even his usual E Class insus are bombing. All beacuse the End Class vied for the top stop.
Kataoka gave an encouraging pat on Okuda's shoulder, letting her released all her nervousness.
Koro-sensei may not have been with us today, but we stood with our heads held high.
From principal Gakuhou's office he watched the assembly through this laptop. 'The final exams made all the students more aware of their performance. Feeling humiliated and threatened by the E Class, they'll be driven to strive even harder. Even at this unusual time, when the Earth's existence hangs in the balance, my educational principles are functioning flawlessly. But that will only be possible as long as we have a true End Class.' The man suddenly raised his hand. 'Measures must be taken while school is out for the summer.' Then closed it into a fist.
Once the assembly had ended, the class had returned to the mountain and was greeted by a bunch of huge blue books.
"One for each of you."
"Again with the ridiculous guidesbooks!" Maehara grumbled, trying to balance the heavy book in his arms while he walked back to his sit. Annoyed that their teacher had made another bunch of those huge ass guidebooks.
"It's like an accordion!" Okajima sweatdrops, skimming through the book, while behind him, Chiba held it above his head as if it was a real accordion.
"And even this isn't enough." Koro-sensei said, giving this last copy to Hayami. "The temptations of summer are simply too many to mention. Now, then... We're about to head into summer vacation, but you have a certain main event coming up." He announced.
"Yeah, the hard-won fruits of wager!" Nakamura replied, holding the pamphlet.
"It's a privilege normally reserved for the class with the best grades- that's it, the A Class." Koro-sensei explained to his students. "Bit this time, both the A Class and E Class dominated the top fifty. You more than qualify."
Nagisa and Kayano opened the pamphlet and the two beamed in delight, eyes sparkling just by reading what they will be having.
"The Kunugigaoka Junior High Special Summer Course: three days and two nights at an Okinawa resort!"
"Yahoo!" The class cheered, learning that this will be prize they had got.
"Is that what you'd like to do, then?" Koro-sensei asked, making sure that his students decision was finally and that everyone agreed.
"Yes. We'll cash in our tentacle-destrying rights during summer camp." Isogai confirmed.
"Eight tentacles is a big handicap. But don't stop there! Come after me with raw hunger on this island," He encouraged the teens. "surrounded in all sides by water- my weakness! Let me be honest: you've become formidable students indeed." Koro-sensei lightly scratched his head. "I've already given your report card to show your parents." He thrn brought out a pen and a stack of papers and wrote down each and every paper in Mach 20. "These are my report cards for you." Before he threw the papers up in the air, the young teens all let out a joyful hum.
A classroom of double circles: we've earned high marks from our target over these past three months.
By now each students held a double circled marked paper, happy to know that they really did well.
"As you make full use of the basics you learned in the first term, this summer vacation will be time for plenty of fun, plenty of studying- and, of course, plenty of killing." With speed he stood on the rooftop of the school building, as for everyone quickly pack their belongings and went outside, finding Koro-sensei holding a butterfly net, a floatie, and a watermelon.
"Class 3-E, Kunugigaoka Junior High: the assassination classroom!" Koro-sensei yelled. "Our first term, the fundamentals, hereby over!" He declared, watching his students all step out the building, letting the sun shine above them as joyful smiles and laughters surrounds them. As Koro-sensei was proud to be called their teacher.
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Fun Fact:
Hanako can actually beat all of her classmates (Yes including Karma) and the Big Five in the exams, but she had chosen to make a few mistakes, not wanting to take all the spotlight.
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