The ride to number 4 Privet Drive was the most awkward ride of Ila's life. With her mother completely frustrated by The Dursley's behaviour and Harry's complete nonchalance regarding the same, the ride was full of rants succeeded by hums of acknowledgement and support.
" But how could they to a child! " She huffed in anger again.
" Mum, relax please, we'll just deal with them when we're there. You're making Harry awkward. " Ila lied, as Harry stared at her incredulously.
" Wha-" He was hushed by her glare.
For an eleven year old, Ila was scary when she wanted to be.
As they pulled into Privet Drive, Harry's worries were visible.
He knew that the Dursley's were idiots. But he was afraid, that their words against Mrs Sunita's advocation for him would push both of them away from him.
He didn't want Ila to go... Hagrid told him he was well known in the wizarding world.
From what he knows, people well known rarely have good and true friends.
As Mrs Sunita gently knocked, he heard his uncle's gruff voice call out to his wife,
" Open the door Petunia and make sure you have an umbrella! Who knows if that big oaf is back with the boy! "
Harry felt his blood go hot at Hagrid's insult, but Mrs Sunita's anger was greater than his.
When his aunt Petunia opened the door, she looked petrified, but it seemed, Mrs Sunita's glare shook her to the core.
" Who -who are you? Where's the boy? " She asked, her voice matched her quivering hands as she held the umbrella in front of her.
" I am Sunita , this is my daughter Ila. She and.. Harry here are friends. " She said, gently pushing herself in front of the kids.
" Well, come on in boy. We haven't got time to dawdle. " Aunt Petunia said, as she lowered her umbrella, though she kept an eye behind Mrs Sunita's shoulder.
" Hold on. " She said, pulling the boy back, " I've heard he lives under the staircase? Are you even a mother! How dare you let a child live this way! " Mrs Sunita finally snapped.
Ila had seen her mother angry. She'd often return from her lab mad at some or the other attendant she had.
" Vernon! " She screamed, " This woman here -"
" Aunt Petunia! " Harry interjected, " It's very late and I'm sure you wouldn't want the Marks to here a squabble at 10 at night would you? " He said then looked at Ila with pleading eyes, hoping she'd understand what he was saying.
She scrutinised him, staring into his worried green eyes before she nodded.
" Mum, come on. You promised to make me a parting gift for Hogwarts weren't you. Come along. " She said, using all her child strength to gently push her mother back to the car.
Once back in, Sunita slammed the door of the car then glared at her daughter. " Why did you do that! They need to -"
" - and Harry needs peace mum. He is about to leave there just in a few days. If he upsets them, they might not let him go. Whether we like it or not, he's the elders who give him permission for things. " She signed, resting her head on her mother's shoulder.
Sunita hummed, smiling at her daughter's wisdom.
" Well, let's just hope he can escape when he's eighteen. " Sunita mumbled and Ila shook her head, " No mum. At seventeen. Wizards and Witches are considered adults at seventeen. " She said,
" Levitating through the world of magic, one spell at a time. "
As the daughter and mother made peace with the fact that they must wait for Harry to come to Hogwarts and also turn seventeen, Ila ticked off all the things she bought and then.
" We didn't buy a trunk! " She huffed as she stared at the list in her hand.
" You don't need to. " Sunita puffed as she hauled the heavy iron trunk into their drawing room, the heat from the fireplace making it warm enough to battle the slight chill.
" What in the -"
" - this stores all our summer clothes. You can take this. " Sunita said as she carefully removed the clothes from the trunk.
" Sleep up champ. We need to leave for school tomorrow. You'll need to get your transfer certificate. "
" But won't they know -"
" - well, I am assuming the principals of the school either know, or they just think it's a regular boarding school. Let's sleep." Sunita yawned, pulling her tired daughter up the stairs.
As she rose from her bed, Ila caught hold of her mother's hand. " Will you sleep here? " The little girl mumbled and Sunita smiled warmly, but shook her head.
" We won't fit here bacha. You come to mine. "
The way the days rushed part still astounded Ila, just as she pushed the heavy trunk with books and clothes to King's Cross Station, platform 9and ¾.
" Where exactly will we find 9¾ . Won't it be invisible? " Ila asked her mother who shook her head.
" I'm just as new to this as you are - oof! " Sunita shuddered, as she knocked into a cart, quite alike her daughter's.
It was a young boys, flamimg red hair. He had a gangly build even at this age, slightly taller than all the boys she'd seen of Ila's age.
" Oh Ron! Keep a better eye out. I hope you're alright darling, forgive my son. " A melodius voice called out as she chastised her son.
" But mum -" But he shut up under one glare from the afformentioned woman. Ila giggled.
" Ickle Ronniekins can't even control his own cart. What would he do with his broom? " Two boys roared with laughter, pulling Ila's eyes to the two.
They were twins, both tall, same flaming red hair and freckles all over their face, which on closer inspection, she saw 'Ron' bore too.
" It's okay, you are - "
"- Ron Weasley, well Ronald Billius Weasly. " He said, offering a hand over.
Ila saw the hand, it was covered in dust. But still, she lightly shook his hand, discretely wiping away the dust on her dress.
" Oh is that your daughter? Are you a first year darling-"
"- Ila ma'am and yes. It's my first year as well. Could you, well, could you guide me to -"
"- oh please, call me Molly. Or even Mrs Weasley works. I'm Molly Weasley and these are my kids. There's Percy, " Another gangly boy stood by, though he looked, well, more mature to Ila. " You already met Ron, my youngest son, That's Fred and George Weasley, they're twins. And this, " She said, caressing a small girl's hair. " This is Ginny, our youngest and only daughter. " She smiled and Sunita looked at all of them with awe.
" So, 9¾? " Sunita continued and Mrs Weasley looked up and smiled, oh yes it's just -"
" - HARRY! " Ila yelled, rushing through the crowd, despite her mother's protests as she hurried over to the bespectacled boy, whose green eyes instantly warmed at the thought of his friend.
" Ila, hi. " He said, smiling as he pushed his own cart ahead.
" Mum, Mrs Weasley, this is Harry. Harry, that's Mrs Weasley, those are her kids, that's Ron, a fellow first year, Fred and George, Percy and the little sweetie Ginny." Ila rushed out in a breath, a wild gleeful smile on her face.
" Well, I am happy to meet you all. " Harry said, a bit awkward but satisfied nonetheless.
" Well the trick is to go between both the platforms 9 and 10. " Mrs Weasley guided them.
" But... But won't they get hurt? " Sunita asked, pulling the question on both the kids minds.
" Well, best do it in a run if you're nervous." Molly said to her and she held Ginny, " Fred, go first. " She instructed, pointing at the brother.
" He's not Fred I am! " The other said, indignant, though a subtle smile played on his lips.
" Honestly woman you call yourself out mother. " 'George' said, rushing past, then he smirked, " Just kidding, I am Fred. " He zoomed past his mother's rebuking slap as he ran in, followed by the brothers.
As Harry and Ron both went in, followed by Mrs Weasley and her daughter, Sunita held Ila's cart.
" Ready? " She whispered and Ila looked at her mother. In a moment of vulnerability, she realized, this was the first time she'd be away from her mother for so long.
" As I'll ever be. " Ila whispered back, blinking back tears as the pair ran into the wall. Ila braced for impact, even after she'd seen the boys go in.
And the world beyond was what she could never have thought of, even in her wildest of fantasies....
Soo... Does it count if it's at 12:23 at night? 💀
Anways, tell me how it was.
Much love.
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