Chapter VII
"Hey! Sis!" A child called over to Celestia, Shou also peered over to the caller from his place on Celestia's shoulder. A few children that they met before were waving over to them.
"What's up?" Celestia asked casually.
The kid grinned at her before grabbing her and pulling her into a house, Shou had also been taken by a couple of other kids.
"What the-?!" Celestia felt a comb running through her hair.
"I think a pony tail suits her." A childish, female voice said.
"No! No! Pigtails suits her better!" Another little girl yelled in protest.
"Hey," a third voice of a little boy said. "How about a braid like Shou's, I think it'll look good on her." The little boy, that looked like he was the youngest of the trio said nervously.
Both girls looked at him with stars in their eyes, "THAT'S IT!" They shouted in happiness, scaring the poor boy.
They then brushed Celestia's blonde hair and braid it.
The two little girls looked at Celestial from a shirt distance then nodded to themselves in approval.
"I love her hair! She looks so pretty!" One of the two girl exclaimed, they gave a small mirror to Celestia who saw her hair braided with nicely.
Celestia grinned, "Thank you guys!" She spoke happily before realizing something. "But where is Shou?"
"I'm here." Shou's voice echoed as he entered the room she was in. And his hair...
"Pffffft, ahahahahaha!" Celestia burst out laughing, Shou looked at her in annoyance.
Pigtails.. They styled his hair in two freaking pigtails!
Celestia clutched her stomach and laughed, rolling around on the floor. Shou rolled his eyes, irritated, while the other girls giggled at the duo.
"This is so hilarious I.. can't.." Celestia gasped, needing air. "Should I get him a dress too?"
Shou had enough of it all with the help of his staff he disappeared the hell out of that room.
"Wait! Come back Shou! I won't buy you a dress! I promise!" Celestia shouted, but got no response.
She giggled, the boy must be pissed.
Shou fumed as he returned to Sinbad's small house. Too angry to think straight.
How did that happen? One second he was sitting on Celestia's shoulder and the next, he felt people combing his hair. He hadn't even seen himself as he ran towards where he heard Celestia's voice.
But then she laughed at him and his pigtails. He had already ripped the stupid ribbons and tossed them away.
Sinbad was just returning home from work when he noticed Shou walking alone. He inched closer to him, "Isn't it dangerous for a four year old to walk outside alone? Come, I'll take you to my house."
Shou's brow twitched, "Shut up you barf-face."
Sinbad froze, "Did you just call me barf-face?"
Shou rolled his eyes, "I didn't know you were also deaf, my bad."
Without a warning, Sinbad grabbed Shou's hand and dragged him to his house.
"It's rude to say bad words to other person. Especially a person who's older than you!" Sinbad scolded the black haired magi who just rolled his eyes. He then just simply blocked out the rest of Sinbad's lecture.
"Okay okay, I got it!"
Sinbad's eyes light up. "You did?"
"Yeah, that I should never listen too your boring lecture, ha!" With that, Shou ran away from the indigo haired boy.
Sinbad was about to follow him when his mother started coughing furiously.
He immediately ran to help her.
The next day went by in a flash, the day Sinbad would go to the dungeon had come.
Celestia quickly began her search of the indigo haired boy so it would be easy for her to follow him.
He was nowhere to be found.
The angered female found out that Yunan was nowhere to be found either. "Shou!" Celestia woke the poor boy up furiously.
"What is it?" He groaned in annoyance. "I'm going to the dungeon, you want to tag along or stay here alone?"
"Yunan's not here?" He asked as he looked around, not finding the wandering magi anywhere.
"Nope," she said before grabbing his wrist. "Now lets go!"
She said as she marched out of the house and ran towards where she felt a strong concentration of magic. She figured out that was where the dungeon is. She summoned her staff before sitting on it, since Shou couldn't fly alone for more than eight minutes on his own he chose to sit behind her.
"How much time until we get there?" Shou asked.
"At this speed we need eight more minutes." Celestia grinned, "But if I speed up we might get there in two." She then turned to look at Shou in the eyes. "Hold on tight if you don't want to be thrown off, got it?" She asked sternly.
Shou bobbed his head up and down in a hurried manner.
Celestia beamed, "Great, now lets speed up."
"Is this everyone?" Dragul asked one of the soldiers.
"No, all but one person didn't answer their summons."
"Sinbad from Tucson village hasn't come." Another soldier commented.
"Sinbad? That rebellious brat, huh?" Dragul muttered. "Figures I should t have left him to his own devices.. Dammit that rat is causing us trouble."
"Brat? You're the brat!! I'm right here!" Sinbad shouted from his spot on a ground higher than the ground the soldiers were standing on.
"You're.. Sinbad?!" Dragul shouted.
"Listen well soldiers if Parthevia!" The indigo haired boy shouted with determination in his eyes. "I'm the one who will be getting this dungeon's power! I'm not about to hand it over to you! Not to you guys, who do nothing but make this country suffer.
"Hey! Stop it now! We're flying way too fast!"
"Can't you see I'm trying! That shout just now made me lose my concentration. But why did that shout sound like Sinbad's?"
The soldiers looked up to the source of the voices, they gaped when they saw two people flying on what appears to be a staff. Furthermore, they seemed just about to crush.
"Celestia do something! We'll die at this rate. I can't die, I'm just four, I've just lived a thousand and half days. This can't happen. Can you at least make the crush less painful?"
Celestia thought about it in panic. She then got an idea.
"Cadere Aqua!" A huge water bubble appeared just above the soldiers who panicked and started running away. Celestia and Shou collided with the floating water, the latter sighing in relief.
The water then fell and washed the soldiers away. "Whoa! Let's repeat this again!" Celestia exclaimed.
Shou just rolled his eyes at her.
"Celestia! Shou!" Sinbad called them from afar. "What are you doing here?"
Celestia grabbed her stuff from the ground and Shou took out his. They both floated towards the entrance of the magi, with Sinbad freezing when he realized that they were flying, with nothing holding them up.
"What are you?" The indigo haired boy asked.
Celestia smirked, "We're magicians."
Shou quickly turned to Celestia, "Magicians? Just normal magicians?! Aren't you going to tell him that we're ma- ahh!" Celestia kicked him towards the sacred gate of the dungeon.
"Stupid brat needs to know when to shut his mouth." Celestia muttered.
"You're not nice to him, are you?" Celestia turned to see Yunan.
"Yun!" She exclaimed in happiness.
"Take care of Shou, Tia. Alright?" He asked gently.
Celestia nodded, "Of course. I always take good care of him, you must know that."
Yunan laughed nervously, "Well, you just left him alone in a dungeon that a ten thousand men couldn't survive in. I wouldn't call that taking good care of him, would you?"
"Oh sh*t! I forgot! Goodbye Yun! See you later!" With that Celestia ran towards the entrance.
Celestia closed her eyes tightly as she felt weird. It was she was going through a portal of some sort.
When she came to it she was in a weird place with grand architecture. The place seemed more like an underground place to live, it was so big and could fit in a whole country.
She saw dragons hovering around lazily not far from where she was standing. But then she realized that she didn't know where Shou was.
"Shou!" She shouted, not knowing what Elise to do.
However, she got no response.
She walked alone towards the dragon, but for some reason a dragon came over her and lowered his head. Celestia blinked twice before ignoring the creature and tried to walk away.
However, it didn't work too well for her. The creature kept following her. She glared at the dragon, and the dragon glared back.
She sighed, what was she supposed to do now?
The dragon lowered his head again. Celestia sighed, was he asking her to ride him, it might be not too bad to ride a dragon, right?
'Ride him. Ride him.'
'He's harmless, harmless.'
The yellow birds were insisting that she ride him too.
The dragon roared loudly as if saying to get on already. Celestia sighed, praying to not be eaten or taken by this dragon to the other and be dinner. She got into the dragon just before he raised his wings.
Surprised at the gesture that came without a warning, Celestia quickly threw her arms around the dragon's neck to balance herself as the dragon launched forward. The female magi closed her eyes tightly, screameing at the dragon's ears who just groaned. As if annoyed by her shouts.
Celestia's eyes were closed as a magical circle appeared. She didn't witness that dragon she was on and her getting dispersing into the light of that circle. But she did feel overwhelmed, when she finally opened her eyes she realized in that she was in what appears to be a treasure room.
"Whoa!" Celestia gasped, but before she could say another would a loud 'puff' sound echoed. After the smoke dispersed, a huge, blue creature stood before her.
His appearance is similar to that of a dragon, with bat-like wings, scaly skin, and horns. He has dark, shaggy hair and a third eye in his forehead. He wears two necklaces and a belt.
"Greetings, Magi." He said sternly as his eyes searched for something in Celestia's, who blinked. He then sighed, clearly, he didn't find what he was searching for. "I see you haven't regained it yet." He mumbled doubtless, mostly to himself.
Celestia arched a brow at his strange choice of words but let it go. She was more interested in know who he- what he was.
It was then that she realized it, she was the only one in this dungeon. She didn't run into Shou anywhere.
He was the type who left the place in destruction of he ever fought in it. True that he was just four, but being a magi gave him extraordinary powers that even adult magicians couldn't compare to him as he is now.
Nevertheless, nothing of that destruction was seen. There were dragons everywhere and that boy tends to get himself into trouble.
But that just left her with two possibilities.
Either he had been given a ride by a dragon like she was given. But then he would already be here and she wouldn't be searching for him in the first place. So she excluded this possibility.
The other one is that he never came here in the first place. She knew that that is absurd, that there was no way that could happen. She pushed him in with her own hand, and saw him disappear into the gate.
Yet that was the only explanation she could think off. It is strange, yes. But impossible? Celestia didn't think so.
To be honest the dungeon from the outside couldn't have had this much space inside it. Which was rather strange.
Did the sacred gate take them into another space?
"Oh, more people enters this dungeon. Around a hundred."
Celestia's eyes widened before shouting to the blue being. "Did a four-year old boy with black hair enter your dungeon yet. He entered the sacred gate before me."
"No, no one with that description entered, yet."
"What?! How could that be?"
The blue being tapped his chin, "It must be related to us being in a different time and space from where you came from. Nobody could understand how complicated the time is in dungeons." He explained before he seemed to realize something. "Oh, I didn't introduce my self. I'm Baal, Djinn of Wrath and Heroes."
A djinn? Celestia found the name a bit too familiar. Perhaps Yunan mentioned it to her when he told her about dungeons but she was now too panicked to remember.
Celestia put her head in her hands, "A different time? You really expect me to believe that? Are you sure we're not in a different world right now?" She said the last sentence sarcastically, but with how tense the atmosphere got after that...
"WE ARE?!"
After being pushed through the portal by Celestia, Shou found himself in unfamiliar, quaint place.
Just when he stood up a flash of light appeared, Sinbad then appeared out of nowhere and landed on his butt. The indigo haired man cursed because of his luck before realizing that Shou looked at him with a scowl.
"Oh! Shou! I got so worried when Celestia pushed you inside the gate." The indigo haired man then turned his head left and right, in search for the eight-year old magi. But he couldn't spot the blonde anywhere around. "Have you seen Celestia, Shou?"
Shou crossed his arms over his chest in an angry manner. "She pushed me through he gate, she wanted to kill me!" The four-year old magi exclaimed in frustration.
Sinbad gave him a look, "But she rushed inside when she realized that you were in all alone. She was worried of you getting hurt."
"That's not true! She never cared about me you liar! If she came after me, then where is she now?"
Sinbad didn't reply to that, it was a good question actually. He saw Celestia enter the dungeon with his own eyes, but she wasn't anywhere near them. Where was she then?
[After a while]
"They're not far from here." Baal told the blonde that was laying lazily on his left shoulder.
"Already?" She asked, "I thought they'll take a little while longer."
The blue djinn chuckled before grabbing Celestia by her shirt and placing her on the ground. "I'll have to get ready to make my grand appearance."
Celestia rolled her eyes, "Grand appearance? Really?" She asked sarcastically. Though the djinn payed her no mind as he disappeared into nothingness.
Celestia heard footsteps approaching, but then smirked when a crazy idea came to her.
In the small amount of time she talked to Baal, it appeared they had a lot in common and talked like they had been best friends. She was sure he wouldn't mind if she did this...
That was her unsuccessful way of letting out an evil laugh.
When three figures entered the room, it was empty with no sign of life.
"This is he innermost part of the dungeon." Sinbad stated as he, and Dragul continued to pant heavily.
Shou, however, was busy looking around for a familiar female, blonde magi. He saw many rukh at the corner of the room and went there to investigate.
Strangely, he wasn't noticed by the two he came with. They weren't busy bickering with each other to notice, really.
They didn't even see him get pulled into a hiding place behind a table in the corner. Shou was about to shout when a familiar voice spoke.
"Missed me?" Celestia grinned, Shou just rolled his eyes and looked away from her.
"Never." He replayed right away, annoyed, though a bit concern slipped into his voice. When he met Sinbad and was told that she entered right after him, when she rushed in because she was worried about him, he could help the warm feeling that spread in his body.
Shou would never admit it, but Celestia was like a big sister to him.
Celestia pouted at his answer, "We both know that you love me, stop denying it!" She stated playfully.
"What are we doing hiding from them?" Shou asked, not in anxiety, but curiosity and a bit of excitement.
The smirk that appeared in her face told him that she was planning something.
"We're going to do something that was never done before!" Celestia whispered excitedly. Shou gave her a confused look, though before he could answer, a bright light flashed in the room.
All the stones in the room that Celestia deemed useless turned into jewels, silver, or gold.
A blue djinn, Baal appeared in front of the shocked duo.
"My name is Baal. Djinn of Wrath and Heroes." His voice boomed, he then looked at the indigo haired boy and the green haired one. "Who will become King?"
A yellow glimmer took the duo's attention, including the djinn that managed to mask his surprise. He mentally sighed, this was her after all. Two children stood on Baal's shoulder.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen, well, there's no ladies here other than me so I'll go with just gentlemen. It is unfortunate for you, but you can't face the trial of the djinn, yet." She muttered much to the surprise to both Sinbad and Dragul.
"Why is that?" Dragul asked sharply, glaring at the female magi. "Don't tell me that you want to take this trial alone" he accused.
"I never thought I would say that, but I must say I agree with Dragul in this one." Sinbad confessed, "Why can't we take the trial?"
Celestia was nodding her head, tapping her chin as if she was in deep thought. "You can't take the trial now."
"Then when?!"
Celestia raised her head as she looked at the duo with determination. "You see," she smirked, Shou grinned knowing what she would say.
"You must take my trial first."
"WHAT?!" The duo exclaimed in unison, Baal mentally face palmed.
She went and did it.
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